exercises for lessons 3 thru end unit 1 of henle fyl

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Exercises 30 - 83 of Henle FYL


Nomen: _____________________________ Hodie est: _____________________

Declining 3rd Declension Latin Nouns

1. Decline these 3rd Declension Nouns:

lex, legis Gender:___Fem____ Gender Rule: SOX _____ Decl.: 3rd __ Meaning: law ________

Singular Plural

rex, regis Gender: _________ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

Singular Plural

dux, ducis Gender: _________ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

Singular Plural

lux, lucis Gender: __________ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

Nominative lex leges

Genitive legis legum

Dative legi legibus

Accusative legem leges

Ablative lege legibus
















homo, hominis Gender: _______ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

imperator, imperatoris Gender: _____ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

veritas, veritatis Gender: ________ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

salus, salutis Gender: ___________ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

vox, vocis Gender: ______________ Gender Rule: _________ Decl.: _____ Meaning: ______________

Caesar is declined in the singular only: Caesar, Caesaris, Caesari, Caesarem, Caesare


























In-class Practice. Nomen: _______________________

Practice with 3rd declension nouns:

Exercise 31

Identify the cases & meanings of these nouns:

1. legibus ___________________ 8. homo __________________ 15. lucem ___________________

2. regum ___________________ 9. imperatorum ____________ 16. hominibus _______________

3. imperatori ________________ 10. ducibus ________________ 17. duce ____________________

4. ducum ___________________ 11. hominum _______________ 18. veritate__________________

5. luce _____________________ 12. veritatem _______________ 19. homine__________________

6. duces ____________________ 13. regem _________________ 20. regibus __________________

7. veritati ___________________ 14. imperatorem ____________ 21. legi_____________________

Exercise 32

Translate these phrases into English:

1. lux veritatis _________________________ 5. rex Christianorum ___________________________

2. rex regum __________________________ 6. propter legem Dei ___________________________

3. rex hominum ________________________ 7. cum rege __________________________________

4. lex Dei _____________________________ 8. propter veritatem ______________________________

Exercise 33

Translate these phrases into Latin:

1. behind the king _____________________________________________________________________

2. for men (I.O.) ______________________________________________________________________

3. the light of truth ____________________________________________________________________

4. for the commander in chief (I.O.) _______________________________________________________

5. on account of the law of Christ _________________________________________________________

6. with the leader of the Gauls ___________________________________________________________

Exercise 34 – practice with 3rd declension. Nómen: _______________________

Translate into good English.

1. Chrístus est Réx Régum. _________________________________________________________________

2. Hominés lúcem vident. __________________________________________________________________

3. Nautae sunt hominés. (Why ís hominés in the Nominative case?) _________________________________


4. Chrístiání véritátem Christi laudant. ________________________________________________________


5. Lúx in silvís nón est. ____________________________________________________________________

6. Rómání légem et véritátem Chrístí nón laudant. _______________________________________________


7. Imperátórés Rómánórum Gallós vicerunt. ____________________________________________________


8. Gallórum ducés légem et imperium Rómánórum nón laudant. ____________________________________


9. Chrístus est Réx hominum quod Deus est. ___________________________________________________


10. Dux Rómánórum in Galliá est quod bellum est in Galliá. ________________________________________


11. Rómání imperátóri et ducibus praemia dedérunt quod Gallós vicerunt. _____________________________


12. Rómání ducés et réges Gallórum vicerunt. ___________________________________________________


3rd declension endings

Nom - -es

Gen. -is -um

Dat -i -ibus

Acc -em -es

Abl -e -ibus

Exercise 35 – Practice with 3rd declension nouns. Nómen: _____________________________

Translate into Latin. Underlined phrases are one word in Latin. Hodie est: ___________________________

1. The commander in chief does not praise the leaders of the Gauls. ______________________________


2. Christ is the Light of men because He gave men truth. ___________________________________________


3. The Gauls do not praise the laws of the Romans. __________________________________________________


4. Christ is the King of kings. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. The leaders of the Romans are in Gaul. ______________________________________________________________


5a. And so, the kings of the Gauls are servants of the Romans. ______________________________________


6. The general sees the dangers of the war. ____________________________________________________________


Exercise 36 – practice with Appositives Nómen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

1. Gallí Caesarí, imperátóri Rómánórum, praemia nón dedérunt. ____________________________________


2. Servus vocem Caesaris imperátóris audívit. __________________________________________________


3. Deus, Réx Caelí et terrae, salútem hominibus dedit. ____________________________________________


4. Caesar, dux Rómánórum, vócés Gallorum in silvís audívit. ______________________________________


5. Propter salútem hominum Chrístus est homo. _________________________________________________


6. Chrístus, Fílius Deí, est Fílius Maríae. ______________________________________________________


7. Gallí, servi Rómánórum, Rómánós nón laudant. _______________________________________________


8. Chrístiání Chrístum, Fílium Maríae, laudant. _________________________________________________


3rd declension endings

Nom - -es

Gen. -is -um

Dat -i -ibus

Acc -em -es

Abl -e -ibus

Exercise 37 Nómen: _____________________________

Add the correct ending to the incomplete noun & translate. Hodie est: ___________________________

1. Christus, Re____ hominum, in Caelo est. __________________________________________________


2. Salus hominum in Christo, Fili___ Dei, est. ________________________________________________


3. Caesar, imperat____ Romanorum, in Gallia est. _____________________________________________


4. Vox Christi, Fili____ Dei, est vox Dei. ____________________________________________________


5. Romani Caesarem imperat_________ laudant. ______________________________________________


Exercise 38 – practice with Appositives Nómen: _____________________________

An appositive agrees with its noun in case (and gender Hodie est: ___________________________

& number, if possible).

1. Christ, the Son of God, is man (on account of the salvation of men). _____________________________


2. He heard the voice of Christ, the Son of Mary. _______________________________________________


3. Christ, the Son of God, is the King of kings. _________________________________________________


4. God gave a kingdom to Christ, the friend of men. _____________________________________________


5. Christians praise Christ, the King and Friend of men. ___________________________________________


6. Caesar, the general of the Romans, heard the cries of the Gauls. __________________________________


7. (On account of the safety of the province) Caesar, the commander in chief, is in Gaul. ______________


3rd declension endings

Nom - -es

Gen. -is -um

Dat -i -ibus

Acc -em -es

Abl -e -ibus

Exercise 41 – practice with there/sunt Nómen: _____________________________

You don’t need to use parentheses in your translations;

they are there to help you quickly identify the SN & V. Hodie est: ___________________________

1. Sunt perícula (in silvís Galliae).____________________________________________________________


2. Nón est páx (in Galliá) quod Caesar (cum mílitibus) (in Galliá) est. ______________________________


3. Sunt viae (in provinciá). __________________________________________________________________

4. Populus ducem mílitum (propter virtútem) laudat. _____________________________________________


5. Rómání viás (in próvinciá) múnívérunt. _____________________________________________________


6. Est páx (in Caeló). ______________________________________________________________________

7. Sunt Chrístiání (in Caeló). ________________________________________________________________

8. (In páce) et (in belló) Chrístiání órant._______________________________________________________


9. Sunt mílités (in viá). _____________________________________________________________________

10. Caesar mílitibus (praemia virtutis) dedit quod Gallós vicerunt. __________________________________


11. Ducés Gallórum oppida múnívérunt. ________________________________________________________


3rd declension endings

Nom - -es

Gen. -is -um

Dat -i -ibus

Acc -em -es

Abl -e -ibus

Exercise 42 – practice with sunt/there Nómen: _____________________________

Keep in mind verb placement as you translate.

Hodie est: ___________________________

1. There are roads (in Gaul). ________________________________________________________________

2. There is a war (in the province). ___________________________________________________________

3. There are soldiers (in the forest). ___________________________________________________________

4. The Romans constructed roads. ____________________________________________________________

5. There is not peace (in Gaul) because Caesar and the soldiers are (in Gaul). ________________________


6. (On account of the courage of the soldiers) there is peace (in the province). _________________________


7. They fortified the towns (on account of the people’s danger). careful here – which word ís the object of

the preposition? _______________________________________________________________________


8. Christ is the Way and the Truth. ___________________________________________________________

9. They praise the virtue of the nation. ________________________________________________________

3rd declension endings

Nom - -es

Gen. -is -um

Dat -i -ibus

Acc -em -es

Abl -e -ibus

Nomen: _____________________________ Exercise 43 Hodie est: _____________________

Declining Latin Nouns

pars, partis Gender: ______ i-stem? _______ Meaning: __________________ stem: ___________

M, F, N Y or N

Singular Plural

collis, collis Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: ___________

Singular Plural

collis, collis is an exception to what gender rule: ________

hostis, hostis Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: ___________

Singular Plural

In Latin, hostis, hostis is almost always used in the ___________________ to mean the

singular English enemy.
















gens, gentis Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: _____________

caedes, caedis Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: _____________











Exercise 46 – practice with 3rd Declension i-stems Name: __________________

Hodie est: _______________ Words that go together are in parentheses (most of these are prep. phrases, some are nouns with “of” modifiers).

Remember, –orum is an “of” word (pl.) in the 2nd declension and –um can be an “of” word plural in the 3rd


Once you locate your Subject Noun (and any modifiers) go to the VERB, then the Direct Object or Prep. Phrase.

1. (Ducés Rómánórum) hostés (in colle) vicerunt. ________________________________________________


2. (Propter caedem militum) bellum (in Galliá) est. _____________________________________________


3. Sunt perícula (in Galliá) quod Gallí hostés Rómánórum sunt. _________________________________


4. Chrístus est (Réx populórum) et (salús hominum) quod Deus est._______________________________


5. (Pars hostium) (in silvís) est, sed pars est (in colle). ________________________________________


6. (In Galliá) sunt collés et silvae et oppida et viae. ______________________________________________


7. Rómáni (régés et gentés Galliae) vícérunt. _________________________________________________


8. (Propter salútem populí) et (pácem próvinciárum) Rómaní viás múnívérunt. ________________________



9. Hominés (virtútem et véritátem) laudant. ____________________________________________________


10. (Post caedem hostium) Caesar mílités (propter virtútem) laudat. __________________________________


Exercise 47 – practice with 3rd Declension i-stems Nomen: __________________

Hodie est: ________________

Subject Case=Nominative “of” Case=Genitive Preposition ‘in’ governs ablative case

Being Verbs: There are=Sunt There is=est Preposition ‘propter’ governs accusative case

Direct Object case=Accusative Predicative Nominatives=Nominative Case

1. Part (of the enemy) is (in the towns) but part is (on the hill). __________________________________


2. (On account of the slaughter) (of the leaders) (of the tribe) the Gauls do not praise Caesar. ____________


3. Christ is the King (of tribes and nations). ____________________________________________________


4. There are hills (behind the town). __________________________________________________________

5. (After a victory) there is a slaughter (of part) (of the leaders) (of the tribe). _________________________


6. Part (of the enemy) is (in the hills and forests). _______________________________________________


Exercise 48 – Short Review Nomen: __________________

Hodie est: ________________

1. How can you tell the difference between the Nominative singular and the Ablative singular of the first

declension? ________________________________________________________________


2. Give the gender and the proper gender rule for:

nauta _________________________________________________________________________________

praemium _____________________________________________________________________________

lex ___________________________________________________________________________________

homo ________________________________________________________________________________

Christus ______________________________________________________________________________

veritas ____________________________________________________________________

3. Translate, and give the rule for the case of the underlined words:

Christus, Filius Dei, gloriam et praemium amicis Dei dedit.

Translation: _________________________________________________________________


Filius: _________________________________________________________________________________

praemium: _____________________________________________________________________________

amicis: ________________________________________________________________________________

Nomen: _____________________________ Lesson 3.7 Hodie est: _______________

Declining Latin Nouns

frater, fratris Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: ________

pater, patris Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: ________

mater, matris Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: ________
















mons, montis Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: ________

mons, montis is an exception to what gender rule? _______________

clamor, clamoris

Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: _______

princeps, principis

Gender: _____ i-stem? ________Meaning: ______________________stem: _______
















Exercise 51 – review of 3rd Declension Nouns Nomen: _______________________

Hodie est: ____________________

Translate. Tell what case the nouns are. If a noun is underlined, give the Genitive plural of that noun.

1. propter virtutem militum __________________________________________________________


2. pax populorum et gentium _________________________________________________________


3. propter clamorem hostium _________________________________________________________


4. post caedem patrum et matrum _____________________________________________________


5. propter lucem et veritatem Christi ___________________________________________________


6. cum imperatore Romanorum _______________________________________________________


7. propter salutem fratrum ___________________________________________________________


8. in colle ________________________________________________________________________


9. in montibus _____________________________________________________________________


10. post ducem _____________________________________________________________________


11. cum regem _____________________________________________________________________


12. voces hominum__________________________________________________________________


13. cum parte militum _______________________________________________________________


14. cum Caesare ____________________________________________________________________


Exercise 52 – Practice Reading Latin

Read the following Latin narratives. Break the sentences down into sizeable chunks, taking the Latin in the

order it is written. I’ve divided the first two narratives into manageable segments. These divisions may not be

exactly the same as ones you would make, so practice dividing the final two yourself. Read through them

several times or until you feel you are understanding the Latin, in its order, without having to turn it over into

English every time through.

Fratres Estis

Christus est Rex hominum / sed est frater hominum, / et Deus est Rex hominum / sed

est pater hominum. / Itaque, homines sunt fratres. / Itaque, / bellum est / caedes fratrum. /

Itaque, Deus et Christus / bellum non laudant.

Caedes Gallorum

Romani / partem principum Gallorum / occiderunt. / Itaque, Deus / clamorem matrum

et patrum et fratrum / in silvis et montibus Galliae / audivit.

In Galliá

In Galliá sunt silvae et montes et colles. Sunt oppida in collibus, sed pars gentium

Gallorum montes et silvas incolunt.

Christus, Dux Hominum

Christus est dux hominum quod veritatem et legem et lucem hominibus dedit. Christus est

“Via” et “Veritas.”

Exercise 53 – review of 3rd Declension Nouns Nomen: _________________

Hodie est: _______________

1. He heard the shouting of the leading men.


2. They killed the chiefs of the tribe.


3. There are dangers in the mountains.


4. The general praises the mothers and fathers of the soldiers.


5. The brothers are with Caesar in Gaul.


6. They fortified the hills on account of the war.


7. The Romans constructed roads in the mountains.


Nomen: _____________________________ Lesson 3.8 Hodie est: _____________________

Declining Latin Nouns

2. Decline these 3rd Declension Nouns:

flumen, fluminis Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________

Singular Plural

iter, itineris Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________

Singular Plural

corpus, corporis Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________

Singular Plural
















vulnus, vulneris Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________

agmen, agminis Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________

nomen, nominis Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________

mundus, mundi Gender: _______ Meaning: _______________ Stem: __________________





















Exercise 56 – practice with 3rd Declension Neuter Nouns Nomen: _______________________

Words in parentheses go together. Hodie est: _____________________

1. (Propter vulnera) miles (in agmine) nón est. __________________________________________________


2. Imperátor vulnera militum videt. _________________________________________________________


3. Sunt corpora (in flumine). ______________________________________________________________


4. (In Galliá) sunt flúmina et silvae. ________________________________________________________


5. Rómání (in itinere) sunt. _______________________________________________________________


6. Sunt hostés (in silvís) et (in montibus). ____________________________________________________


6a. Itaque, (in perículó) sumus. _____________________________________________________________


7. Caesar (agmen hostium) videt. __________________________________________________________


8. Christiani nomen Mariae laudant. ________________________________________________________


9. Agmen hostium (in flumine) est. _________________________________________________________


10. Rómání Chrístiánós occiderunt quod Chrístiání (nomen Chrístí) laudant. _______________________


Exercise 57 – practice with 3rd Declension Neuter Nouns Nomen: _______________________

Hodie est: _____________________

Caution: There are several Predicate Nouns, Expletive there constructions, and various other Latin grammar

constructions we have recently learned. Be sure to watch for an Appositive, also! Always be aware of your

singular/plurals. Remember ~ every preposition governs a particular case: either Accusative or Ablative.

Strive for perfection.

1. There are bodies and swords (in the river).


2. The column is (in the mountains).


3. Christians pray (in the name of Christ, the Son of God).


4. There are brothers and fathers (in the army).


5. There are dangers (on the journey) because the enemy is (in the hills).


6. (After the march), they fortified the hill.


7. The route is (in the mountains).


8. The sailors see the land and the sky.


9. The king prays (on account of the welfare of the kingdom.)


Exercise 59 – review of all 3rd Declension Forms Nomen: _______________________

Hodie est: _____________________

WATCH for SINGULARS and PLURALS; especially in Prepositional Phrases.

1. “Estis lúx mundí.” ______________________________________________________________________

2. (Propter salútem hominum) Christus erat (in mundó). __________________________________________


3. Christus (lúcem et legem et salutem et veritatem) hominibus dedit. ________________________________


4. Caesar, imperátor Rómánórum, (cum militibus) (in Galliá) erat. __________________________________


5. Chrístus est salus mundi. ________________________________________________________________

6. Serví (nómen régis) laudant. ______________________________________________________________

7. (Agmen hostium) (in montibus) erat._______________________________________________________


8. (Propter caedem principum) nón erat páx. ___________________________________________________


9. (Propter vulnera) mílités (in itinere) nón erant. _______________________________________________


10. Deus, pater hominum, virtútem laudat, sed (bella et caedem) nón laudat. _________________________


11. Dux (vócés servórum) et (clámórem militum) audívit. __________________________________________


12. (Post bellum) corpora erant (in collibus) et (in flúminibus), et imperátor (clámórem mátrum) audivit.



13. Chrístiání (frátres Chrístí) et (milités Chrístí) sunt. ____________________________________________


14. Rómání (partem príncipum Gallórum) occídérunt. _____________________________________________


15. Gentés et populí Galliae (imperium Rómánórum) nón laudant. ___________________________________


Exercise 60 – review of all 3rd Declension forms Nomen: _______________________

Translate these phrases and sentences into Latin. Hodie est: _____________________

1. (In the name) of the king. _______________________________________________________________

2. (On account of the salvation) of men. _____________________________________________________

3. On the journey._______________________________________________________________________

4. In the mountains and hills. ______________________________________________________________

5. With the leading men of the tribes. _______________________________________________________

6. They see the light of the world. __________________________________________________________

7. (After the slaughter) of the leaders. _______________________________________________________

8. There were bodies (in the road). _________________________________________________________

9. (On account of the courage) of the soldier. _________________________________________________

10. He praises the virtues of Christians. ______________________________________________________

11. (In peace) and (in war). ________________________________________________________________

12. He heard the voice of the general. ________________________________________________________

13. They killed part of the enemy. ___________________________________________________________

14. They praise the laws of the tribe. _________________________________________________________

15. Caesar gave rewards (to the soldiers). _____________________________________________________

16. (On account of the wounds) of the chiefs. __________________________________________________

17. The commander in chief heard the shouts of the fathers. ______________________________________


18. The column was (in the river). ___________________________________________________________

19. The mothers see the army. ______________________________________________________________

20. (On account of the welfare) of the nation. __________________________________________________

21. He heard the cries of the brothers. ________________________________________________________

22. God gave truth (to men). _______________________________________________________________

23. (On account of the safety) of the column. __________________________________________________

24. On the march. ________________________________________________________________________

25. There was a route (in the mountains). _____________________________________________________

26. Caesar did not give swords (to the chief). __________________________________________________ one word


27. The Gauls gave (to) the commander in chief a reward. ________________________________________


Exercise 61 Nomen: _________________

Write a Latin sentence for each of the following pictures.

A. _________________ B. _____________________

___________________ _______________________

___________________ _______________________

C. ________________________




D. ________________________




E. _________________________



__________________________ F. _________________________




Nomen: _____________________________ Exercise 62 Hodie est: _____________________

Declining Latin Nouns

3. Decline these 4th Declension Nouns:

adventus, adventús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

Singular Plural

equitatus, equitatús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

Singular Plural

exercitus, exercitús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

Singular Plural

impetus, impetús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

metus, metús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

spiritus, spiritús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

portus, portús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________

senatus, senatús Gender: _________ Meaning: ________________





















Exercise 65 – practice with 4th Declension and in w/Accusative Nómen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

Translate into good English.

1. Nunc sunt portús in Galliá. (Galliá ís in the Ablative here; why?) _________________________________


2. Post adventum Rómánórum bellum erat in Galliá. _____________________________________________


3. Caesar cum equitatú in próvinciam vénit. (próvinciam ís in the Accusative here; why?)________________


4. Caesar autem cum exercitú nón erat. ________________________________________________________


5. Propter metum Rómánórum Gallí in silvás venerunt. ___________________________________________


6. Nautae portum vident. ___________________________________________________________________

Reminder: Words on the left side of the conjunction will form a complete sentence with its own subject and verb, and

words to the right side of the conjunction will do the same. Do not try to use words from one side in the phrase on the

other side. When in takes the Accusative, be sure to show the motion with your choice of words for the translation.

7. Senátus Caesarem laudat quod Rómání hostés vicerunt. ________________________________________


8. Impetum in hostés fécérunt. _______________________________________________________________


9. Post adventum equitatús mílités impetum in Gallós fécérunt. _____________________________________


10. a. Gallí in colle erant. ____________________________________________________________________

b. In Gallós autem Caesaris mílités impetum fécérunt. __________________________________________


c. Ducés et príncipés Gallórum occiderunt et Gallós vicerunt. ____________________________________


d. Post bellum, propter metum Caesaris, hostés impetum in Rómánós nón fécérunt. ___________________



11. Gallí senátum occiderunt. ________________________________________________________________


Exercise 67 Nómen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

Read, several times, Caedés Christiánórum on the next page. Then answer the following questions in complete

English sentences.

1. What things were in the world after the coming of Christ? _______________________________________



2. Were there many Christians in the Roman Empire? ____________________________________________


3. Where were Christians to be found in the Empire? _____________________________________________



5. Who were these Christians? _______________________________________________________________




6. What was the Romans’ response to Christianity and why? _______________________________________




Caedes Christianorum

Post Christi adventum lux veritatis in mundo erat, sed Romani amici Christi et veritatis non

erant. Christiani autem amici Christi erant. Erant multi1 Christiani in imperio Romanorum.

Erant in portibus et in oppidis provinciarum et in silvis et in montibus. Erant in exercitu et in

equitatu et in senatu. Erant servi et milites; erant matres et patres, Galli et Romani. Propter

metum autem Christi, Regis, et propter nomen Dei Christianorum Romani Christianos

occiderunt. Post caedem Christianorum, Romani non erant amici et servi Dei. Christiani

autem, quod Romani Christianos propter legem Christi occiderunt, nunc in Caelo sunt cum

Mariá et Christo et gloriam Dei Patris vident.

1. many

Exercise 68 – practice with the 4th Declension. Nomen: _____________________

Hodie est: ___________________

Watch for Postpositives and Conjunctions that divide sentences into 2 clauses, and multiple objects of a

preposition. Underlined phrases are one word in Latin.

The Conquest of Gaul

1. The Gauls were not friends of Caesar and (of) the Senate. _____________________________________


2. Therefore, Caesar came into Gaul with the cavalry and the soldiers. _____________________________


3. The Gauls, however, on account of fear of Caesar, came into the forests and mountains.



4. Caesar’s army was in the forests of the enemy, and there were dangers.


5. The Romans, however, made an attack upon the enemy.


6. They killed the leaders and the leading men of the Gauls.


7. They conquered the cavalry and the army of the Gauls, and fortified the harbors and towns and hills of

Gaul. _______________________________________________________________________________


8. And so, the Senate now praises Caesar on account of the fame and the courage of the soldiers.



9. On account of fear of the soldiers, the Gauls are now friends and servants of the Senate.



Exercise 69 – practice with the 4th Declension. Nomen: _____________________

Translate the following passage on the lines below. Hodie est: ___________________

God is Everywhere

“Deus Spiritus est.” In Caelo et in terrá est. Mundum videt. Homines videt. Milites et

nautas et servos videt. Matres et patres et fratres et filios videt. Homines propter virtutem

laudat sed propter caedem non laudat.










Nomen: _____________________________ Exercise 70 Hodie est: _____________________

Declining Latin Nouns

rés, rei Gender: ______Meaning: _______________ stem: ______________

Singular Plural

fidés, fidei Gender: ______Meaning: _______________ stem: ______________

Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

acies, aciei Gender: ______Meaning: _______________ Stem: ______________

Singular Plural

spés, spei Gender: ______Meaning: _______________ Stem: ______________

Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Exercise 72 – practice with 5th Declension Nouns. Nómen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

1. Milites (in acie) erant. __________________________________________________________

2. Romani Christianos (propter fidem) occiderunt. _____________________________________


3. Milites spem (victoriae in virtute) posuerunt. _______________________________________


4. Romani (in aciem hostium) impetum fecerunt. ______________________________________


5. Galli (aciem Rómánórum) (in colle) vident. ________________________________________


6. (In Chrístó) est (spes mundi). ____________________________________________________


7. Deus Christianos (propter fidem et virtútem) laudat. ________________________________


8. Milites rem vident. ____________________________________________________________

Exercise 73 – practice with 5th Declension Nouns Hodie est: _____________________

Recall: of case is Genitive. Prepositions precede their object. Prepositions govern one of two cases: the

Accusative or the Ablative case. Watch for singulars and plurals. Strive for perfection!

1. Caesar was in the battle line.________________________________________________________

2. They praise the reliability of the soldier. ______________________________________________


3. The Senate does not praise the affair. _________________________________________________


4. The Gauls made an attack on the battle line of the Romans. _______________________________


5. They placed hope in God. __________________________________________________________


Exercise 74 – Review Name _______________________

Give the genitive plural for:

hostis ________________ virtus ________________ homo ______________ gens _____________

Give the gender and rule for:

homo _____________________________________ nauta __________________________________

res _______________________________________ mater _________________________________

filius _____________________________________ veritas _________________________________

pax _______________________________________ gens __________________________________

servus ____________________________________ equitatus _______________________________

praemium _________________________________ Romanus ______________________________

Nomen: _____________________________ Lesson 6 Hodie est: _____________________

Declining Latin Nouns

castra, castrorum Gender: ______ PL-ONLY NOUN Meaning: ________________

Singular Plural

impedimenta, impedimentorum Gender: _______ PL-ONLY NOUN Meaning: ________________

Singular Plural

gratia, gratiae Gender: ______ Meaning: S:__________Pl:_____________

Write the meanings next to the nouns as you decline: (see my examples)

Singular Plural

copia, copiae Gender: ______ Meaning: S:__________Pl:_____________

Write the meanings next to the nouns as you decline: (see my examples)

Singular Plural

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative gratia — favor/influence/grace gratiae — thanks Genitive gratiae — of influence gratiarum — of thanks Dative Accusative Ablative

Nominative copia — supply/abundace Genitive copiae — of abundance copiarum — of troops/forces Dative copiis — to/for troops/forces Accusative Ablative

Exercise 75 – practice with Nouns w/Special Meanings in the Plural Nomen: _________________

Underlined words are one word in Latin. Hodie est: _______________

If it will help you, parse your words first.

1. Christians give thanks to God (on account of the abundance of the grace of Christ). _______________


2. (On account of the fear of Caesar), the tribes did not make an attack (on the camp). _________________


3. There was a supply of swords (in the camp). ________________________________________________


4. The commander in chief was in favor (with the king) (on account of the victory). __________________


5. They made an attack (on the camp). _______________________________________________________


6. The forces of the enemy were not (in the province). __________________________________________


7. They put hope (in the grace) of Christ. _____________________________________________________


8a. There was war (in Gaul) (on account of the slaughter) of the leading men.________________________


8b. Caesar came (into Gaul) (with troops and cavalry and a baggage train). __________________________


8c. The Romans, however, pitched camp (behind the hill). _______________________________________



8d. The Gauls, (on account of the fear) of Caesar, did not make an attack (upon the camp). ______________


8e. The Romans, however, made an attack (on the Gauls). ________________________________________


8f. The Gauls placed hope (in the cavalry), but the Romans killed the cavalry of the Gauls and captured* the

hill. ________________________________________________________________________________


8g. They captured1 the leaders and the camp and the baggage of the Gauls. ___________________________


8h. (After the war), there was peace (in Gaul) and the Romans came (into the province). ________________


1. ceperunt: they captured

Exercise 76 Nomen: __________________

Translate the Latin following this paragraph. Date: ____________________

A Roman army never spent a single night outside a fortified camp. Towards the end of the day’s march,

a detachment was sent ahead to mark out the site for the night’s encampment. The plots assigned to the various

divisions of the forces were indicated by colored flags. A rampart was always erected and a ditch dug. The

camp was generally square and had four gates. The Roman legionnaire was as much a builder and a laborer as a

fighting man. It was no doubt partly to continuous training that he owed his remarkable steadiness and

endurance in the field. The camp depicted on page 67 of your text is rather more elaborate and permanent, yet

the nightly encampments were constructed in the same general way.

Castra Romanorum


Videtis exercitum Romanorum in castris. Videtis milites et duces et imperatorem. Videtis



gladios militum. Impedimenta non videtis, sed impedimenta sunt in castris. In castris est



copia omnium rerum. Milites castra in colle posuerunt sed non in silvis. In castra agmen



cum impedimentis venit. Hostes autem impetum in castra fecerunt, sed copiae Romanorum



hostes vicerunt. Nunc imperator milites et duces propter virtutem laudat, et duces propter



victoriam gratias militibus agunt. Propter victoriam imperator in gratiam cum senatu venit.



Exercise 77. Practice with Nouns that have Special Meanings in the Plural. Nomen: _________________

Hodie est: ________________

1. Galli erant hostes Romanorum._________________________________________________________

2. Itaque Romani (cum copiis) (in Galliam) venerunt et castra posuerunt. _________________________


3. (In castris) erant milites et equitatus et servi et militum impedimenta. __________________________


4. Copia gladiorum (in castris) erat. _______________________________________________________

5. Erant acies (in collibus et montibus et silvis). _____________________________________________


6. Galli (in Romanos) impetum fecerunt; Romani, autem, (in Gallos) impetum fecerunt. _____________



7. Romani spem victoriae (in virtute) posuerunt; Galli spem salutis (in virtute) posuerunt. ____________



8. Romani, autem, Gallos vicerunt; partem principum et ducum Gallorum occiderunt; portus et oppida

Gallorum ceperunt1. _________________________________________________________________



9. Itaque, Galli copiam gladiorum et servorum Romanis dederunt. _______________________________


10. (Post bellum) erat pax (in Gallia), sed erant castra Romanorum (in Gallia) et Galli servi Romanorum erant.



11. Imperator Romanorum erat Caesar. _____________________________________________________

12. Senatus (propter victoriam et militum virtutem) Caesarem et exercitum laudat, et Romani Caesari gratias

agunt. _____________________________________________________________________________


1. ceperunt

Exercise 79 – Name in Latin the objects pictured here. Nómen: _______________________

Give the Nominative & Genitive forms of the nouns.

a. ____________________________ b. ____________________________

c. _____________ d. __________________ e. __________________________





j. ____________________________ k. __________________________________

l. ____________________________ m. _________________________________

n. ____________________________

Exercise 80 Nómen: _____________________________

Hodie est: ___________________________

Translate the numbered sentences on their lines below.

Who is Christ?

1Christus, Fílius Deí, est fílius Maríae. 2Itaque homo et Deus est. 3Christus Réx hominum

est quod Deus est. 4In Chrístó est salus hominum, quod, propter salútem hominum, in mundum

vénit. 5Est, “Lúx Mundi” quod hominibus véritátem dedit. 6Itaque Chrístiání grátiás Deó et

Chrístó agunt, et Chrístum, Régem et Imperatorem, laudant.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________


5. ________________________________________________________________________________________


6. ________________________________________________________________________________________



Review of Unit One Exercises 81 & 82

Give the Genitive singular; the meaning; the gender and gender rule; the Accusative singular; Genitive plural and its meaning. Noun Gen. Sing. Meaning Gender/Rule Accusative Sing. Gen.Pl. & Meaning

vulnus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ Christianus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ res ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ pars ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ provincia ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ nomen ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ frater ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ copia ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ periculum ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ porta ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ corpus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ bellum ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ hostis ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ agmen ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ Gallus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ mater ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ flumen ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ regnum ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ Romanus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ pater ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ iter ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ dux ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ terra ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ gens ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ rex ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ filius ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ silva ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ collis ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ amicus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________

Noun Gen. Sing. Meaning Gender/Rule Accusative Sing. Gen.Pl. & Meaning

mons ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ victoria ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ homo ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ servus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ miles ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ populus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ praemium ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ virtus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ vox ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ nauta ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ via ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ imperator ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ gladius ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ lex ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ portus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ Noun Gen. Sing. Meaning Gender/Rule Accusative Sing. ABLATIVE SINGULAR

lux ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ Caesar ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ fides ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ mundus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ Deus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ adventus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ impetus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ gloria ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ exercitus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ caedes ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ spes ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ metus ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ veritas ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ gens ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ acies ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________ clamor ___________ _____________ ___________ _______________ ___________________

Exercise 83 – Essential Review of Unit One Nomen: _____________________

Hodie est: ___________________

Strive for perfection ~ Review your Grammar Rules prior to doing this exercise. Choose from multiple defini-

tions carefully. This exercise is worth double points!

1. Deus, Pater hominum, (in Caeló) est. _____________________________________________________

2. Deus légem hominibus dedit. ____________________________________________________________

3. (Propter salútem hominum) Chrístus homó in terrá erat. ______________________________________


4. Chrístus est lúx mundi. ________________________________________________________________

5. Chrístus, Fílius Deí, est Réx gentium et populórum. __________________________________________


6. (Post adventum Chrístí) véritás erat (in mundo). _____________________________________________


7. Spiritus Deí in Chrístó erat. _____________________________________________________________

8. Régnum Chrístí est régnum Caelí. ________________________________________________________

9. Chrístiání (in nomine Chrístí) órant. ______________________________________________________

10. María (in régnó Caeli) (cum Chrístó) glóriam Deí nunc videt. __________________________________


11. Jésús, Fílius Deí, est Via et Véritás._______________________________________________________

12. Caelum est praemium Christianorum. _____________________________________________________

13. Deus fidem Christiánórum laudat. ________________________________________________________

14. Frátrés estis. _________________________________________________________________________

15. Amícus est amici servus. _______________________________________________________________

16. Mílités pacem laudant. _________________________________________________________________

17. Róma nón est in Galliá, sed próvinciá Rómánórum est in Galliá. _____________________________


18. Gallí Galliam incolunt._________________________________________________________________

19. Nautae portús vident. __________________________________________________________________

20. Rómání vias in provinciís muniverunt. ____________________________________________________

21. Chrístiání caedem principum hostium nón laudant. __________________________________________

22. Caesar imperium Galliae Gallís nón dedit. _________________________________________________


23. Imperátor clamorem et voces hostium audivit. ______________________________________________



24. (Propter vulnera) mílités iter nón fécérunt. _________________________________________________


25. (Propter metum) dux régem laudat. _______________________________________________________

26. (Propter bellum) erant mílités et copia gladiórum (in oppidó). __________________________________


27. Hostés (in montibus et collibus) erant. ____________________________________________________

28. Corpora militum (in silvís) erant._________________________________________________________

29. Partem equitatus (in flumine) occiderunt. __________________________________________________


30. Senátus et principes exercitui (propter victóriam) grátiás agunt. ________________________________


31. Rómání spem in virtute posuérunt. _______________________________________________________

32. Caesar (cum copiis et impedimentis) (in castra) venit. ________________________________________


33. (Propter gratiam Caesaris) principes Gallórum servós Rómánís dedérunt. _________________________


34. Hostés erant (post aciem Rómánórum). Equitatus, autem, (in aciem) venit. Itaque, Rómání hostés

vicerunt et occiderunt. _________________________________________________________________


35. (In silvás Galliae) Caesar venit. Principes Gallórum, autem, rem viderunt*. Itaque, impetum (in agmen

Caesaris) fécérunt. ____________________________________________________________________


36. Mílités (in acie) órant quod (in perículó) sunt. ___________________________________________


* viderunt: they saw.

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