exhibit 88 - process design report

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Terry Burns

Paul Hickey

Process Design Report

2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Reference Nu·mber: CD_BOB-0006





:;~~;;~~ 42 Program ~--p, ('"sl~6:c.~~.~4 - ------- ·-_J__- - ---------'- t,,.- .. ~ ' i


Shared Service Solutions



Prepared By:

Approved By:


Name Role

Name Role

Name Role

Name Role

C D_BOB-0006 2.3. 1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

---- ···--··-·-·

- - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - ----- - - ---·-Date


· Date


Page 2 of 85

CD_ B08-0006 2.3. 1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0 ~~'t'l\<a!f~ ~·1 -" 2 .,_:_~~-~--~-n_::r _ _:_~-------------~--------------·---------------------------

Document Information

Document Source

Author: QHIC Process Team

Reference Number: CD-BOB-0006

Revision History .---- --- -~.------------------~---.----~------~

Version . Revision Pate No . . -··

0.1 07/03/2008 HRBS Sub-program Detailed Process Design Report rebadged for QHIC Project

I New sections titled QHIC Project Overview and QHIC Business Process Scope inserted

The following sections were removed:

111 Sub-process Business Requirements

lB Integration

~~ Risks

!I! Level 5 Assumptions; Pre-Requisite Business & Systems Inputs and Outputs; Roles & Responsibilities; Authorisation Considerations

_:_ Prima1y Aut~or

QHIC Process Team

I• Appendix - System Design J ~ Decisions

0.2 ______ -25i.03/2008 ---~ Document ~pdated following co~pletion of-Q-HIC P~ocess --·

Process Design and Integration Workshops Team with QHEST, SSP and HR Branch representatives

The following sections were updated:

• Section 1 - Definitions

• Section 4 - Level 3 and 4 Sub-


Processes and, in particular, Sub-Process Variants, Assumptions and

I Issues

, • Section 5 - Level 5 Sub-Processes,

I including Key Concepts, Business Process Diagrams and Business Process Tasks for in scope J; processes

r-;::-1 o.3-=t3--1-/0_3_/2_0_0_8__ __ ~~u~ent~pdat~d following int~rnal QHIC - OHICP~cess -----roject Review Team

L_ ________ - ----------- - ----- -- ----------- -- - - -----------

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CD 8 08-0006 2.:!1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0 ~Jlfr~t.r~~~p .. , !J 2 i!---~~~ -~:~ :.~ .. _:_ __ · - ·------------------------------------~--~--------

~0;----------- ---- - --- ----- -----, ----- ----- --

1 .0


Revision Date


Summary of Changes

Document finalised. The following sections were updated:

Iii Section 1 - Definitions

w Section 4 - Level 3 and 4 Sub Processes updated to reflect QHIC Project Scope

iJl! Section 5- Level 5 Sub-Processes ­Inclusion of supporting forms, reports and interfaces where applicable; Minor changes to text in Business Process Tasks for each Level 5 process; Description of the Time Evaluation process corrected in 2.3.1 .1.1.

2-.0-- --- r 18/04f2008 ___ _ Document up- d-a-te-d-in-corporating feedback

from SDA and QHEST review. The following sections were updated:

II! Section 1 - Definitions

1!1 Section 2.1 - Key Scope Decisions

1!!1 Section 4.1.1 -Activities and Outcomes

!l!! Section 4.1.3 - Assumptions

1!1 Section 5 - Level 5 Sub Processes

Added new process for Workbrain

Payroll Close-out


Updated Prepare Payrun, Run

Time (Final), Run Payroll (Final) ,

Generate Post Payrun Files (Final)

and Finalise Payrun processes to

include additional tasks relating to

SAP and Workbrain integration

including actioning errors/issues in

Workbrain, re-running the Work

Detail Interface following data

corrections in Workbrain and re-

running Time Evaluation I

Primary _Author

QHIC Process Team

QHIC Process Team

- Updated Ad-hoc Payment

~ -----------'-------------ll __________ ;;;::::s S_t~ay ~ocesses _ _ _t __ -------------~ .2:Q _______ _l 03~07/20~-~--- -~inal '!_e!_~~?~------------------j~__5?_ ____________ j

--- -- -- - - ------- - -- - - - --------------- - -Commercial-in-Confidence Page 4 of 85

CD_BOf3-0006 2.3. 1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0


L j________ -- j


~ Date J Distributed To

c~---------±-===-=~==-Related Documents

--···---.---,----···------------R~leas~ Date .



Tit)e of Document

QHIC Scope Definition

QHIC Process Design Report- 2.1.1 Create Employee Records



------- -----------------~


14/04/2008 QHIC Process Design Report- 2.1.2 Maintain Employee 1.0 ·


114to4/2oo8 --··-


QHIC Process Design Report- 2.2.1 Maintain Leave Entitlements - Roster

---- --QHIC Process Design Report- 2.2.2 Record Time & Attendance -- Roster



·--·--- - --- - - ----·-··- -·--·- ---------QHIC Process Design Report- 2.3.2 Process and Reconcile 1.0 Regulatory Information --- ----·--- ·--

QHIC Process Design Report- 4.1.4 Manage Fixed-Term Separations - --·--- ---

QHIC Process Design Report- 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 Administer Age Retirement & Resignation



- - - -·- -----·- --- ----- - ·---------- - - -- ·---+---- -14/04/2008 QHIC Process Design Report- 5.4.1 Administer Claim 1.0

·------·---------~-~lications _ ---- -·------ - --·-+-- - --

Payments . ·-- ·-

14/04/2008 QHIC Process Design Report- 8.2.1 Plan Roster

I l

14/04/2008 ~H· QHIC Process Design Report- 5.4.5 Reconcile Compensation 1.0

14t?4t2f~8 --===·~c Pro_i~~s £?_~ig~ R~port =-~2~2 Cr~ate Roste_r____ _ ~~~=~=~-==~

. ~:;~1;~~~: ~::~ :~:~::: 6-~:::~--::~~~~::~ : ~ ~::~:::~ ~::~----- -~ : ~ ----~ f1-4/04/20os - -~ ~:~~m:;;.osn Desi9n_R~~rt ~ill c9~duci~Job E~~luatio;;- ~ 0 _:::_::::___-:::-ji I 14/04/2008 QHIC Process Design Report- 8.3.3 Maintain Job Details 1.0 '-- _______ L....:________ __________ ------·- -- -----·------

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CD _8 08··0006 2.3.1 Process and l~econc ile Payroll

_ Version : 2.0 r.I!rt~~ra rrl 42 ·-~··--~·-·-·-----------··--·-----··---·----·----·----·-·-·-·-··-

Table of Contents

1. Definitions

2. QHIC Project Overview

2.1 Key Scope Decisions

3. Process Description and Scope

3.1 Whole of Government HR Hire-to-Retire Business Process Framework

3.2 QHIC HR Hire-to-Retire Process Framework Exclusions

4. Level 3 and 4 Sub-Processes

4.1 Level4 Sub-Process: 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

4.1.1 Activities and Outcomes 4.1.2 Sub-Process Variants Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-01 Manage Payroll Cycle Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-02 Manage Pay Period Cycle Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1 -02 Manage Pay Period Cycle Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-03 Process Off-Cycle Requests Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-·04 Return Third-Party/Pay Rejects

4.1.3 Assumptions 4.1.4 Issues

5. Level 5 Sub-Processes

5.1 LevelS Sub-Process: Workbrain Payroll Close-out

5.1 .1 Business Process Diagram of Workbrain Payroll Close-out 5.1.2 Business Process Tasks of 2.3.1 .18 Workbrain Payroll Close-out

5.2 Run Time

5.2.1 Key Concepts 5.2.2 Business Process Diagram of Run Time 5.2.3 Business Process Tasks of Run Time

5.3 LevelS Sub-Process: Run Payroll

5.3.1 Key Concepts 5.3.2 Business Process Diagram of Run Payroll 5.3.3 Business Process Tasks of Run Payroll

5.4 LevelS Sub-Process: Generate Post Payrun Files

5.4.1 Key Concepts 5.4 .2 Business Process Diagram of Generate Post Payrun Files 5.4.3 Business Process Tasks of 2.3. 1.3 Generate Post Payrun Files

5.5 Level 5 Sub-Process: Prepare Payrun

5.5.1 Business Process Diagram of Prepare Payrun 5.5.2 Business Process Tasks of Prepare Payrun

5.6 Level S Sub-Process: Run Time (Final)

5.6.1 Key Concepts 5.6.2 Business Process Diagram of Run Time (Final) 5.6.3 Business Process Tasks of Run Time (Final)

5.7 Level 5 Sub-Process: Run Payroll (Final)

-·- -·- ·-- - ----··--··---·- ------- ------·- --









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5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3

Key Concepts Business Process Diagram of 2.3. 1.6 Run Payroll (Fina!) Business Process Tasks of Run Payroll (Final)

CD _ 1:308-0006 2.3. 1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

5.3 LevelS Sub-Process: 2.3.1 .7 Generate Post Payrun Files (Final)

5.8.1 Key Concepts 5.8 .2 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1. 7 Generate Post Pay run Files (Final) 5.8.3 Business Process Tasks of Generate Post Payrun Files (Final)

5.9 l evelS Sub-Process: Finalise Payrun

5. 9.1 Key Concepts 5.9.2 Business Process Diagram Finalise Payrun 5.9.3 Business Process Tasks 2.3.1 .8 Finalise Payrun

5.10 LevelS Sub-Process: Request Ad-hoc Payment

5.1 0. 1 Key Concepts 5.1 0.2 Business Process Diagram of Request Ad-hoc Payment 5.10.3 Business Process Tasks Request Ad-hoc

S.11 LevelS Sub-Process: Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request

5.11.1 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 .1 0 Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request 5.11 .2 Business Process Tasks of 0 Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request

S.12 LevelS Sub-Process: Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

5.12.1 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 .11 Process Ad-hoc Payment Request 5.12.2 Business Process Tasks of Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

S.13 Level 5 Sub-Process: Run Off-Cycle Payroll

5.13. 1 Business Process Diagram of Run Off-Cycle Payroll 5.13.2 Business Process Tasks of 2. 3.1 .12 Run Off-Cycle Payroll

5.14 LevelS Sub-Process: Identify Third Party Returns

5.14.1 Business Process Diagram of Identify Third Party Returns 5. 14.2 Business Process Tasks of 2. 3.1.13 Identify Third Party Returns

5.1S LevelS Sub-Process: Remit Fixed Third Party Returns

5.15.1 Business Process Diagram of Remit Fixed Third Party Returns 5.15.2 Business Process Tasks of Remit Fixed Third Party Returns

- - ---------

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CD_fJ08--0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

--- -------------

1. Definitions

The following acronyms are used throughout the document.

.. --, --

Term Description

CATS I Cross Application Timeslleets

CBA_____ Emmonwealth Bank of Australia - ---

- ----- ----- ------ -------------- -CT CorpTech

. -~--------------------- -----·--------OPDR ==tletailed Process Design Report DRM Document Records Management

EBA______ E~terprise Bargaining Agreement --

EDC =1 Electronic Data Collection --

EFT 1 Electronic Funds Transfer

I ESS -- I Employe~ Self Service --

------- - - ------··-- --------- --- --I GDES ---------------t9o~ernm_::nt Direct E~try Servi~~------ --

HR Human Resources ~RBS__________ I H-uman Resources Bu~in;;s Solution -------------------~-----r- ------- - ----------·--

LSL ===ron9_service Leave ______ ____ _____________ _ MSS Manager Self Serv1ce ------- -- --QH Queensland Health

QHEST . -)oueensland Health Enterprise Solutions Transition --

QHIC ··-----------~eensland Health lmplement.;iio"n-;;i ContinuitY Project 1-------------------- - - - - - --- ------ ...

QHSSP Queensland Health Shared Service Provider 1------- ----------- --- - -------- ----- - ---·· ------

RIP A Rostering Improvement Program Approach 1--- -------------------------------------

RTP =--1turned Third Party r----- - -------- -- - ---- ----------·------------- - -·-SSP Shared Service Provider

-------~ -.------TOE Terms of Employment ,_________ __ _____ .

·- --I waG ~ole of Government ·------- -------- ·--

LYTD _ _ ____j_Year to date -------------

--- --------- -----------·-Commercial-in-Confidence Page 8 of 85

2. QHIC Project Overview

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2. 0

The QHIC Project will replace the existing Queensland Health LATTICE HR/Payroll and ESP systems

with SAP and Workbrain applications. This solution is only an interim HR/Payroll solution with the

complete woG solution scheduled to be rolled out in October 2009. The Interim Solution will provide the

minimal HR/Payroll functionality sufficient for QH to pay its staff.

The major benefits of implementing the Interim Solution include:

"' Accurate, consistent and timely award interpretation

Ill Supported payroll solution

., Reduced payroll risk

2.1 Key Scope Decisions

• Service delivery model will be based on the agreed QH RIP A, which provides Rostering and

HR/Payroll services through service delivery hubs operated by SSP.

• ESS and MSS functions will not be delivered as part of the QHIC project, and as a result

technical components that would be required to deliver these functions are not in scope (i.e.

SAP Enterprise Portal).

~~~ As the SAP Enterprise Portal will not be deployed as part of the interim solution ; SAP end

users will use the SAPGui to execute transactions.

111 The Work brain application will be accessed via the Workbrain web client.

• There will be separate log-ons for both SAP and Workbrain , and each application will have

their own user, role and authentication methods defined and implemented.

• Processes have been based on the recommended approach outlined in Policies, Directives

and industrial instruments.

• SAP Business Warehouse will not be deployed as part of the Interim Solution.

11 The manual forms in scope for the QHIC Project will be accessed via the QH intranet.

fl The DPDRs available on the CT Extranet are the current baseline for the process design and

associated system design.

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t~rog:rorn 4.~ ·--------·------·------ ------- ---

3. Process Description and Scope

CD_ BOB-0006 2.3 .1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

3.1 Whole of Government HR Hire-to-Retire Business Process Framework

The woG HR Hire-to-Retire business process framework outlines the common processes activities and

technologies that impact Government employees from the time they commence employment to the time

they retire.

The figure below depicts each of the Level 2 HR business processes comprising the framework , and

which of these business processes are within scope for the QHIC Project

. · .. ..

-~:-. ·~-~~-~~J??~-(~~~-q 'f;~~-:~~~:~:f~~~~~~~~:~:~-~?~_l.~?:?~:~f ·:·: ~; -_:::: .: ~ ·, · .. ';-.. -: :-:_ :. : .

High-level QHIC Business Process Scope

3.2 QHIC HR Hire-to-Retire Process Framework Exclusions

The following Level 2 processes are out of scope for the woG SO and consequently the QHIC Project:

Ill 1.0 Develop Workforce Strategy & Capability;

w 9.0 Prove Client Advice and Support; and

111 10.0 Report and Assess Business Outcomes.

Furthermore, as the QHIC Project will provide the minimal HR and Payroll functionality sufficient for QH

to pay its staff, the following Level 2 processes are out of scope for the Interim Solution. These business

processes will be rolled out to QH in October 2009 when the woG Solution is scheduled to be deployed.

• 3.0 Manage Recruitment Services;

• 6.0 Manage Capability; and

• 7.0 Manage Performance.

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CD_BOB-0006 2.3. 'i Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

4. Level 3 and 4 Sub-Processes

For the Level2 HR business process 'Manage HR and Payroll Services', the following Level 3 and 4 sub

processes are included in the QHIC Project

Level 3


~m1r~f tn aHrc scope

Not in QHIC Scope

4.1 Level 4 Sub-Process: 2.3. 1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

4. 1. 1 Activities and Outcomes

The sub-process 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll covered by this document contains the following

activities I outcomes:

IIi Closing out payroll in Workbrain to enable time and attendance data entered in Workbrain to

be exported to SAP.

• Generating and reconciling standard and off-cycle payments for employee entitlements and

liabilities in relation to their TOE.

• Disbursement of employee entitlements and information according to regulatory


• It includes payslips, banking, superannuation, taxations, deductions and financials.

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4.1.2 Sub-Process Variants

CD_BOB--0006 2.3. 1 Process and Reconcile P<~ vroll

Version:- 2.0

The level 4 sub-process 2. 3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll includes the following variants.

I'll 2.3.1-01 Manage Payroll Cycle

11 2.3.1-02 Manage Pay Period Cycle

111 2.3.1-03 Process Off-Cycle Payments

"' 2.3.1-04 Return Third-Party/Pay Rejects

Diagrams for those within the scope of the QHIC Project are presented on the following pages_

Note: The sub-process variants are presented in the context of the waG HR Hire-to-Retire process

framework, which includes items identified as out of scope for the QHIC Project. Consequently, the

inputs, outputs, controllers and mechanisms depicted are not an accurate reflection of the QHIC Project


Commercial-in -Confidence Page 12 of85

Progsafi1· 4.2 Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-01 Manage Payroll Cycle


Updated Elllployl)e Data Personal Data Leave Entftlements Data Bomking Oat~ Allowance Data Taxation Data Supera(lnuation Data Deduction D.o~ta Costing 031.; ?3yroll Data

Updated lime & Attendance data Updated Leavo Entitlements Separation Data (4.1 .1, 4.1.~ 4.1 .3, 4.2.1,

4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2) Request for Off-Cycle Pa;,·ment (Employee1

4.1.1 , J. U, 4.1.3, 4.<.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2) Request for Off-Cyclb Paym(lnt Cheque (4.3.2)

Legislative lnsuuments woG Governance. Committee Po/lcy and Guidelines

lnduscrlal fnstruments


A TO Legislation Delagations

woG Polley & Procedures woG Audir Polley

woG Security Policy

:t: ...

Run Time

2.3 .1.1 ...

Time Rest:lts

Controller Pay Run Reviewer Payroll ProcessorPO'jrol!


.. ..

Run Payroil

2 .3.1 .2 ... .....

Controll'lf Pay Run Reviewer Payroll Proce~>sor Payroll


PayroJ: Results

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0


"' Generate Post

... Payrun Files .1.

Controller Pay Run Reviewer Payroll Processor Payroll

Specialist iHRS

Payroll results {2.3.2} Output Flleo FIMocia! Postings {Finance; flo

Off-Cycle Payment Notlffcaticn {Employee:) Off-Cycle Poymen1 Cheque {4.3.2)

Page 13 of 85

. ~rogram~ 42 Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1 -02 Manage Pay Period Cycle

U;!illltK.!;:npi?JCIIDIIt:l ;>en.ono~l D4t~

~ a::o.Yt:EI\.!J:IUI'lt:nts~:~:a

8JrtidngD41l'l f\JI:)w~nc~ 0:.1\~

r:u:~uo., D.)t" ~up~nr.~ lro ~,;;~ OeductklnO.,:.:r. Co$!lna D;~t;~ P;r,troUOat•

IJpd;Jt~:iTtr.l~r&A"c~:l."ll: otd i'IIJ

l:p~~ted Luvll En tiuem~n~&

SCJ::Aiilll0110:lti1 (4.1.1. (. • .12.1 , ol.2.2, .t.l.1.J.l.2l

R~qUHI /g r Q1f.Cycla P~ymer.t fE:npl~yte.


1r.:G GoYttr..:lflt! Comnut:a• Pciicr ~na Gu{c'.,/irns klducUIIIII1!1tn.t11iirn.~

A70Lig/~/:Ati011 OllctiaiiMs

W<Jo3F:JJky&f'lbeltCl.'fe:; ~GA.JJdltPolic-;


'f ....

. Prepare ?ayrun ~


" \

PI'Qp:~~r~:~dS, II!!nt "~···· Run Time .... , 1, ". 1.2. 4.:t .~ . J...t~ , 4.1.1. •1 .:!.1. 4,l. :!;)

~eQIIU'J! lt'f CH·Cycl~ P:tj'mcnt CncqUi 14.3.1) ·..... .. ~· (i=inal)


ControU•r ?;,.1 Run IHP.S

2.3.1 .5 ' ''.{ ' .

Cl)r',trollc; ~~· Run


RevkwtrP:ayroll Proce~•orPay roll




T ...

Run Payrolf (Fir.alJ

2.:3.1 .6 •

Con! roll.: P~y R~n ApprcwttrP3yroll Revi;»Wfi P~yroiJ

Pro:c:aor fll.yroll IHRS

?.-y l ::~ll Ru:.~a ... ... Generate Post

. Payrctl Files • · (Final)

Co11tn:llct P~y Ru11 AIOPfD"''rPa:;rr-11 Fh:"'•wr.?:lyroll Pro~•uor i'ayroll



Po~: P~Y'"''~ File!

T .

~.. Finalise Payrun

Cotllrol i.rP;~ 1\un I HAS

i'o3)'!0IIrault:l(2.J.21 O~tJJ~.:tAIIIY

.. F~r.=i~l?ot:l.""~I {F:nai'V'..<~)

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Off-Cycle ~~·mtn\ Noti!icOJticn {Empi~::ao) orr-e1el•?a}ment~c (4.3..2l

Page 14 of 85

Pn:~gram·; 42 Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-03 Process Off-Cycle Requests

RtqUIISI r~r O!I.O,'CIIlPII.)'m-:0: (En ploy-.:, .. . ~. 1.1,4.12,4.1.3, <:.Z.1.4.2.~. (.J.1,4 . 3.~ .

R•qu• ,t for Ofi .Cy~ .. PJymont C11qq,.~ (4.J .:::l



WGG Govcm.IMi' Comn:ltlllf PoiJ'ei' :md GJJ/d~!ir.tr; !rldkn.~/imtromMt.l

AYOt~:Qi~.aOon Ot)l'cp;ra'on~

·.rcilPg/lcyJ:Pf'Deflduru W.lGI;uditPoll'y

;voG S~:t:rtt)' FOlley

•• Request Off-

.. .. f Cyde ' ........ .

En::oloye~ 1HOG

O!I".Cp;l" P.1ym~ nt Rcqu ~~~

·~ . . .

~ Approve Off· Cycle

Request : ... ........

:,.ble;I.\31Ui1tr IHRS

App:ovtdOfi'-Cyd~~t P;J~:nf:~: R1qUffi


Procass. Off­Cycl~


2 .3.1.11 j,'' '

Pr:c. .. uo:l':l}ro,1 IHRS



Run Otf.Cycie P2yrcll ··

2.3."'i .1:2 ~ ...

Co~t.rcile'r PJ'fJ\un II"!~


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconci le Payroll

Version : 2.0


. ON-OJe)• P~:Jmt~t NC1tlll tali-:n f:!mp:IOS"")" Cl't-Gycl.::P.y:TIIfii:Ctt~~rt( • . "::.2J

Page 15 of 85


4.1;2.4 Sub Process Variant: 2.3.1-04 Return Third-Party/Pay Rejects

Relum Third Party File

!.egi.:l~tJve Instruments waG Govllrnonc,z Commlttoo Policy and Guidc!inos

/ndusffi~l ln~trument:s

ATO Legistition Dofeg~lions

woG Policy & Procqdures woG Audit Policy

woG Sc::uriry Pofiey

r. ....

identify Third .. Party Return

2.3.1 .13 : '' "i..

.. -~ ..

R<!tum Third P:uty Oistllbutlon file

Contro/J~r- Pay Run


-··:;~\~~+~~;:S'\Jj •i Party Returns ,.

~---4'~-1.14 ,

HR Consulbnt- Payroll Processor . P:~y r o11


Upd.1ttd Return Third ?arty Oi5tribudon File

.. t .. Remit Fixed Third Party

Returns ..

Controller ~y Run HR Consulbnt. P01yroll

New Rt:Um Thi;d Party File


Ol.lt'Jf Scope ____ j

CD_808-0006 2.3. ·1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

------------------------ ------------------------------------Commercial-in-Confidence Page 16 of 85

CD_B08-0006 2.3. ·J Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

4.1 .3 Assumptions

The following assumptions have been made in the preparation of this document.

--- --- ---- - ·--- -- ·- - -"--------------· ·----Ref No. Description

1. Time and attendance data and Workbrain specific allowances are interfaced to SAP via the Work Detail Interface.

2. Workbrain is the system of truth for the time and attendance data and leave.

3. The Work Detail Interface will run three times during the fortnightly payroll period -Sunday of week one, Thursday of week two and Pay Monday.

4. I Where Hnancial errors have been identified in running the payroll, corrections by the financial role assigned to the process will be completed in a timely manner to ensure payroll is not unnecessarily delayed.

5. n select group of processors will have sufficient system privileges to correct errors SAP and Workbrain whilst the systems are in a locked state.

6. Where possible both critical and non-critical errors identified in the payrun will be addressed.

7. The management of technical errors resulting from the Work Detail Interface is out of scope.

8. Integration between HR/Payroll to Finance will occur via the Man series applications; there will be no direct integration to FAMMIS. L . i Given Assumption No. 8, a live posting document is not required and accordingly will

_l not be generated as part of the Finalise Payrun process.

4. 1.4 Issues

The following issues remain unresolved at the time of finalising this process design, and the resolution of

these issues has the potential to affect the design presented in this document.

,.....---- - .. ·---------------- - - --- ------ --------- -------, Ref No.



The management -of concurrent employment remains an open issue. SAP Concurrent Employment functionality is currently being investigated by the SAP Technology Team to confirm its applicability for the QHIC Project.

~------~---------- ----------------~

------ ---------- - -Commercial-in-Confidence Page 17 of 85


5. Level 5 Sub-Processes

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Level 5 presents business process flows of the Level 4 sub-process. The level 5 business process diagram names of this complete Sub-Process are:

• Workbrain Payroll Close-out

• 2.3 .1 .1 Run Time

• Run Payroll

11 2.3. 1.3 Generate Post Payrun Files

• Prepare Payrun

• Run Time (Final)

• Run Payroll (Final)

• Generate Post Payrun Files (Final)

• Finalise Payrun

• Request Ad-hoc Payment

• 0 Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request

• Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

• 2.3.1 .12 Run Off-Cycle Payroll

• 2.3.1. 13 Identify Third Party Returns

• Remit Fixed Third Party Returns

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 18 of 85

Progr<jm 42

5.1 Level5 Sub-Process: Workbrain Payroll Close-out

This process involves preparing the Workbrain system and stakeholders for the upcoming payrun process.


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Page 19 of 85

Program42 ·--- -------------··---------

5. 1. 1 Business Process Diagram of 2. 3. 1. 18 Workbrain Payroll Close-out

! i §

· l ~

!= · E

~ · I· ~ >:: c 0 . g


. " c

· " . ~

~ ~ .<t ·..,'5"

~~ "

. ! ~ [<


I!>WCS l de ntlfie~

N<". lso;u : s ld~ntifled

6 v P~yrc ll

C:os~·O LJ t


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

--@ i..i:-:ktC12.3.i 4


p~\' ?.:llr.

Page 20 of 85

. .


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile PayTOll

Version: 2.0

----------------- ------------

5.1.2 Business Process Tasks of Workbrain Payroll Close-out

r 1·· Task Number

!---· 2.3.1 .18.2

I I f-1 2.3.1 .18.3




Application and Task Description I Role i Module {If

Supporting l Reports, Forms

I I I applicable) and Interfaces I

Set the "Supervisor Date" Controller- Payrun Workbrain !

The Supervisor Date is used to lock timesheets to preserve the integrity of the Work Detail export.

The Controller- Payrun sets the supervisor date to the last day of the pay period to lock all records up to that date for all users, other than those with ' "Supervisor" access. I Users will still be able to update records for the dates after the supervisor date.

Processo'- Payroll Wockbcain iauth~'ised1 -Generate and Review Time and Attendance Reports

The Processor- Payroll generates time and attendance reports to assess if 1 Records Report

any records will require updates prior to the Work Detail Interface being run. b I I Approver- Time ----~--------~ Resolve Time and Attendance Issues

Any records that require correction prior to the running of the Work Detail and Attendance I Interface are brought to the Approver- Time and Attendance (Roster)'s (Roster) 1

attention. I I Finalise Employee Timesheets Processor- Payroll I Workbrain I

I The Processor- Payroll ensures all timesheets have been recorded correctly

I I and are authorised. ; I

. Advise Workbrain Users (Payroll Close-out) Controller- Payrun l Manu a! l I The Coniroller- Payrun advises users of the upcoming pay run process, and

I i I 1

unavailability of aspects of the system's functionality. I

j Set the " Hands-off Date" \ Controller- Payrun I Workbrain

1 The Controller - Payrun sets the Hands-Off Date to the last day of the pay \ period to lock all records up to that date.

Users will still be able to update records for the dates after the Hands-Off Date". =- I Commercial-in-Confidence Page 21 of 85

n~-,.•a-r-:. ,1,.,: 4 • .-. t"" ~ v~.~ a ~ .. ~ · ~""

---r i

! · Task Number 1

I I Run Work Detail Export

Task Description

I i The Work Detail Interface, Leave Balance Interface and Payslip Messaging

I Interface are run. Interface files are placed in a secure CT directory ready for retrieval by SAP.

! I



CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroi!

-~- Application and Ro~ Modu~(~

· applicable)

Version: 2.0

Supporti~g-] Reports, Forms .



and Interfaces

: Controller- Payrun


Workbrain Work Detail i I


I Interface

J i Leave Balance \ j lnterface 1


\ Payslip J Messaging \ Interface


I .J

Page 22 of85

Pmgrcam .. !f2

5.2 2.3. 1.1 Run Time

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconciie Payroll

\ fersion : 2.0

·- -- ---

The Run Time process encompasses the generation of "time" results and the subsequent review and correction of issues related to these results._

5.2. 1 J<ey Concepts

• This process is completed each time the Work Detail interface from Workbrain to SAP is run, and prior to the final pay run .

• Processing errors may need to be corrected in either SAP or Workbrain, depending on which system the error originated from.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 23 of 85

~ro~ram.: 42

5.2.2 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 .1 Run Time

15 rr

-I! : ~ e: :c



0 13 X >. 0 :.



il .· · E e

I ~

L ___ : ··'-··-· ..

., c. 8 "' 0


:1(-~-::1:':>. \~::::.:./

Schetlul'!td B<:~ lch Jpb

;:~)·· Ut~l(from2.3 . 1 .18 W<lri<brain Payroll

Cl o:;c: -cn(i

Technical l~ucs

·:; ............. ... .


TechniCMI lssu~!>

Rec:11flcation AdVice

Errors ; Identified

.. -·· ·-~---·· · ·

Wh~'ch system b:; thc sou<ee or the .


... ~o Error$_ !~ ~-~~~~~d



CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

. .. _.- . ' ...

--® Wnk tc2.3.1.2

Run P3'JI"Oil

--9 Unk to 2..3.1.2

P.un Payn:::ll

~ Link to

Run P<:~yro!f

.. e Unkto23.1.2

Rt.:n P3yroll

-··-··--·-··--=----.' -~-· _._· ,-: ~ ... ;::._::.

·---·----------------·-----------------------------------------------· Commercial-in-Confidence Page 24 of 85

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0 ~mg-rani42 ------------------------- ------------------------------ ------ --

5.2.3 Business Process Tasks of Run Time I - --,----------1 · 1 ! Application and 1 Supportin! m~-~

s I 1 Task Number I Task Description Role Module (If I Reports, For · . appiicable) , and lnterfac .1 I Run Time Evaluation Controller- Pay SAP- Payroil Work Deta!i.

l Time Evaluation is the process that records the accrual of increment hours and Run and Le~al Interface maps attendance and absence types into wage types for payroll processing. Reporttng

I Time and attendance data (including any Workbrain specific allowances) is I j

I interfaced from Workbrain via the Work Detail Interface twice per pay period

_ prior to the final payrun. _j i2..3.1 ~2 I Di~tribute -Time Results . Controller- Pay SAP - ~---------

1 Time Evaluation outputs a log that identifies any employee who was not Run \ I processed correctly and the reason for the incorrect processing. These will be



j manually distributed via e-mail by the Controller- Pay Run to the relevant "cell" I J who will analyse the results so that any errors can be corrected. ,

' -

I i

\ identifies any errors and outlines solutions to be passed to the Processor­I Payroll for action.

1 Conditions

l • No Errors Identified- If no errors are identified, the process continues on to Run Payroll.

1 Reviewer- Payroll Manual j


l I


- --1 I

- I

I l j

• Errors identified - If errors have been identified, the Reviewer- Payroll j I j . I advises the Processor- Payroll who assesses the source of the error

and updates data in the appropriate system to rectify this error.

--- ---t-A-c-ti-on Payrun Master Data Errors Processor- Payroll j SAP- Payroll I . 1


I [_

Any master data related errors will be corrected using the standard Master file 1 I and Le~al Maintenance transaction (PA30). Modification of an employee's payroll data I 1 Reportrng will automatically be processed in subsequent payruns. I The processes that should be used to update the master data are deta~·led in

; framework 2.1.2 Maintain Employee Records. l -~ ___j_

I ,, _ ___ ]

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 25 of85

Program. 42 r---

1 Task Number I Task Description I I

I I After updating the master data, a simulaied payrun pro;;;;;s .;;;n be run for an , employee or group of employees to ensure the data change has corrected the i , error in question.

J2.31 .1.5 --tfction Payrun Errors

i I Any errors will be corrected in the effected employee's timesheet, and will J · automatically be processed in subsequent pay runs. The processes that

1 I should be used to update records are detailed in frameworks 2.1.2 Maintain

· I Employee Records, 2.2.1 Maintain Leave Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2 I Record Time and Attendance- Roster.


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconci le Payroll

Version: 2.0

------ --------

1 ~--~ Application and I Role Module {if I applicable)

I Processor- Pay(,-Workbrain


!Supporting -l j Reports, Forms

and Interfaces \


_I ~--------I

i __ _j

Page 26 of35


5.3 Level 5 Sub-Process: Run Payroll

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

The Run Payroll process encompasses the generation of "payroll" results and the subsequent review and correction of issues related to these results.

5.3.1 Key Concepts

• This process is completed each time the Work Detail interface from Workbrain to SAP is run, and prior to the final pay run.

• Processing errors may need to be corrected in either SAP or Workbrain, depending on the system the error originated from.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 27 of 85


5.3.2 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 .2 Run Payroll


I I II II ~ 0

. ,: . g [u

I i

. I~ ~ .. ,;i 0 ~

ll l i=

H I ~


i : ... __ .. .:_!

~ I " . "' '0

" ' · - · ~-·-·

~-~-~)-·· ·.•. .~··

Link fmm Run Time


Technical : Tcchnk:allssue 1:;.:;~~ ~~- ·--~- Rec::ti~cat/on A~1o1ce

Payroll Errors Identified

CD 808-0006 2 .3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0



~~~ ~

eml•lhe roo of the error?/


No F".;Jyroll Err:'lrs lden:ified

~C?.~kbral.t:~ ..

~@ Unf<to2 .J .1 . ~

Generate P~t ?<::fn.Jil {-' lie::;

--e LU1Kio2.:U .::.

Gener~te ? os: Payru n Flies

.-@ Link IO 2.3. ": .3

G"entoa:e Post Pal/nm Files

~e LinK to2.::-.1 .J

G~nerCJI!'! Pos~ Pay;\Jn Flies

............ ... ,_ ... _, __ :. ... . · ... ;.::· ·

Page 28 of 85

Program t-t2

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payrol l

Version: 2.0

5.3.3 Business Process Tasks of 2.3.1 .2 Run Payroll r-·

Application and j Supporting! I i Task Number I

Module (If i Reports, Forms 1

applicable) I and lntertaces 1 ' '

Task Description Role

-1 ---- -------------------- ---------- -- ------ --]; ---- --- 1- -- -,- -- -1 \ Release Payroll Controller- Pay SAP- Payroll ~- ,

I Releasing the payroll will change the payroll control record's status from Run I and Le~al / J 'Unlocked' to 'Locked' so that payroll can ?e executed. ____ Report~g j _________ j 1 Start Payroll Controller- Pay SAP - Payroll I \ This task wi!l process the current period's payroll for employees and will save Run and Le~al I the calcuiated values in a 'Pay Results' table in the database.

1 Reportmg

I The payroll process will automatically retrospectively recalculate the payroll I i I values for any employee with a change in the past (i .e. previous pay period). I


I I Only employees who have had changes processed since the last payroll run l I ~-' will be included in this run . _ . ! _ Change Status - Corrections r Controller- Pay SAP - Payroll I I The Corrections option will change the payroll control record to a different I Run I and Legal 1

I status that will unlock all master data and allow updates of any record that


! Reporting 1

would effect the current period. _ j __

Distribute Payroll Results Controller- Pay 1 SAP I I I Payroll outputs a log that identifies any employee who was not processed I Run i I' !


I f3.1.2.2

I 1



correctiy and the reason for the incorrect processing. These will be I \ ~ automatically distributed via e-mail by the Controller- Pay Run to the relevant 1

----------~jt--"c_e_ll_", who will analyse the results so that any errors can be corr~cted . f-;;: 1 --t------------l Analyse Payroll Results I Reviewer - Pay~ Manual ' _

I I The Reviewer- Payroll analyses the results of the "Run Payroll" process, 1 i I identifies any errors and outlines solutions to be passed to the Processor- \ I

~~· Payroll for action . I 1 1


• No Payroll Errors Identified -If no errors are identified, the process proceeds to the task of Generate Post Pay Run Files.

_____ ...L_!_ Payroll Errors Identified -If errors have been identified , the reviewer


_____ __j

-- ---Page 29 of 85

ri~o· ~r~ ..ri .. 4·""' ~

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

-·--- -~· -- -- -·- ·---- --- ·- -- - -· ~:;:-------·-·- . -l I . . 1 I I Application and Supporting l \ Task Number Task Description I Role ! Module (If Reports, Forms 1\.

I I applicable) and Interfaces

1 advises the Processor- Payroll who assesses the source of the error I ~ 1 1 and updates master data to rectify this error. I I J 2.3.1 .1.3 i Action Payrun Master Data Errors ---- I Processor-- Payroll SAP- Payroll T ---·1

I, , Any master data related errors will be corrected using the standard Master file I ~d Le~al 1


Maintenance transaction (PA30). Modification of an employee's payroll data I eportmg

1 will be automatically processed in subsequent payruns. \ , I

li The processes that should be used to update the master data are detailed in , l I 1

framework 2.1.2 Maintain Employee Records. I i l

I After updating the master data, a simulated payrun process can be run for an , J I employee or group of employees to ensure the data change has corrected the I I i

I error in question. l ! Action Pay run Errors I Processor- Payroll I Workbr~in 1\ I Any errors will be corrected in the effected employee's timesheet and will

automatically be processed in subsequent pay runs. The processes that

I 1 should be used to update records are detailed in the frameworks 2.1 .2 Maintain i Employee Records, 2.2 .1 Maintain Leave Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2

1 _ j Record Time and Attendance- Roster.


I j

I ·----~

Page 30 of85


5.4 Level 5 Sub-Process: Generate Post Payrun Files

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

The Generate Post Payrun Files process encompasses the generation of post payrun files and reports and the subsequent review and correction of issues related

to these results .

5.4.1 Key Concepts

• This process is completed each time the Work Detail interface from Workbrain to SAP is run, and prior to the finai pay run.

• Processing errors may need to be corrected in either SAP or Workbrain, depending on the system the error originated from.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 31 of 85


5.4.2 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 .3 Generate Post Payrun Files


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroli

Version: 2.0

I · I

. ·l Unk:rom <~f 11tJI . I Run .C=:~yrc.!l


I I i2 : ~

t.l ,0.

:;: !j a

~ ~ r· f

I · I


·.1! I ~

. I ~

I~ . ~

1£ I

I i l

., c. 0

" tn 0

" 0


... ;.

T9chr,;cCJIISSUEl :

.... ~·"""'. ' ...... ·-·-·· . ...... . 6·--···





R<Jdif:ze~tlon Advlce


. No Er'o"" ~~~.ntif>ed .. ·D

Errors Due To HR Data

ld101n ti Med



' ~;~~~~ ""'-/ Worl.tb\~!n l , ..

Errors due to Finan cia ! O;,la

· .. <~;;:··· ' Costing Error fl.CfV{o;;o


1fl,l!l ·o

Fa,;n;,, Control R6po:t I~!!U e!':<


No Pay:·u:-. Canl!o! R~pr.rt I::OSLIC'S lds-ntift;;c!


/·Q /~yr.;~~~=~~

·· . .-( ;o~rce c/ihc '..::: errt~ r? ,,

'v' WcrKbrain

. ··--·-· ·--"···---····--··· ··--··· ··-·-.. .... .:.: . ....: .. · .,,;... ,_,_




Page 32 of 85


5.4.3 Business Process Tasks of Generate Post Payrun Files

Task Number Task Description Simulate FICO

r-· -12 .3.1 .3.3





CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0


' I ~

1 I Application and ·1 Supporting 1 \ Role Module (If 1 Reports, Forms / • · applicabie) J and Interfaces I

Controller - Pay .-. .Jn

Page 33 of 85


I Task NUmber

i I I 2.3.1 .1.5 I

I I t i I


I i




Task Description

l After updating the master data, a simulated payrun process can be run for an

I employee or group of employees to ensure the data change has corrected the error in question.


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reccnciie Payroii

Version: 2.0

\ Application and I Supporting -~

1 I Module {If I Reports, Forms I applicable) and Interfaces

I l I .

I Action Pay run Errors i Processor- Payroll I Workbrain

Any errors wili be corrected in the effected employee's timesheet, and will be \ "l I I I

I automatically processed in subsequent pay runs. The processes that should I be used to update records are detailed in frameworks 2.1.2 Maintain Employee

! Records, 2.2.1 Maintain Leave Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2 Record Time I I and Attendance - Roster. 1

1 Create Post Payrun Files j Contr;ller- Pay I SAP - Payroll

I . -----1 ! Once payroll has been successfully run and all employees have results, post I Run \ ~nd Le~al I payrun files wil! be generated. . r eportlng

II a QSuper Interface available to SSP for upload to EDC;

• EFT/Cemtex is disbursed to the CBA; I

Deduction Listing reports are disbursed to 3rd party deduction authority; and

Employee Tax Declaration Interface is made available for upload to I : 1 ATO software.

I Run Control Reports ..

I Control reports are run automatically after the simulation of the posting file to enable reconciliation o·f payroll results to be completed and exception

!I messages produced in the form of logs.

The control reports include the Audit Report, Payroll Exceptions Report and Payroli Reconciliation Report_

Distribute Payrun Control Reports

The payrun control reports are distributed automatically to the officer(s) responsible for analysing them and ascertaining any post payrun data

/ amendments required.

Controller - Pay Run

Controller- Pay Run


SAP - Payroll I Audit Re~ and Legal I Payroll I

1 Reportmg , Exceptions .

I 1 Report ·

I I I SAP - Payroll t Audit Report --

1 and Legal 1

1 Payroll I Report1ng Exceptions I I Report I ------~

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 34 of 85

~:t"'".r:•gr,:sm l • 2 ! iV ~~ -'-, · - {'

I ! ·.· Task Number I

Task Description Role

CD 608-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroil

Version: 2.0

·1 Application and ~,· Supportingl

I Module (If Reports, Forms I applicable) and interfaces !

i Analyse Payrun Control Reports Reviewer- Payroll \ Manual

I The Reviewer- Payroll analyses the payrun control reports, identifies any \ i I issues and outlines solutions to be passed hthe Processor- Payroll for action . I I • . I

1 Condtttons 1



· • No Payrun Control Report Issues Identified- If no issues are identified, no further activity is required. I

II • Payrun Control Report Issues Identified- If issues have been identified, 1


1 the Reviewer- Payroll advises the Processor- Payroll who assesses 1 'I ~ I the source of the error and updates the data to rectify this error. . 't

12. 3.1 . 3.1 0 - Action Pay run Contcol Report Issues . -----· Processor - Payroll I SAP - Pay roil -----·--·

,'[ I Any master dala related issues will be corrected using the standard Master fi le rl I and Le~al j'

I I Maintenance transaction (PA30). Modification of an employee's payroll data I Reporting

l I will be automatically processed in subsequent payruns_ ' i \

I : The processes that should be used to update the master data are detailed in \ I j II

1 i framework 2.1.2 Maintain Employee Records. I I_ __J_ __________ _

12.3.1 .3.12 !Action Payrun Control Report Issues Processor- Payroll I Workbrain I

I. I Any data related errors will be corrected in the effected employee's timesheet. I

i Modification of an employee's payroll data from the timesheet will be , automatically processed in subsequent payruns. l 1 ' l I i The processes that should be used to update the data are detailed in \ i


1 frar:'eworks 2.1.2 Maintain Employee Rec_ords, 2.2.1 Maintain Leave \ 1


1 J J Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2 Record T1me and Attendance- Roster. · , [

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 35 of85

Prqgrarri t42

5.5 Level 5 Sub-Process: Prepare Payrun

This process involves preparing the SAP system and stakeholders for the upcoming payrun process.


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payro!!

Version: 2.0

Page 36 of85


5.5.1 Business Process Diagram of Prepare Payrun

t.i :C 0

, ~ ~ ,...... --.... \

I ~ :· • : · ~ ' ...... ~' . 2

~ ~

!'ii . ·: : \g : ~

lirrkft~m 2 .3 .1.18

Close Cut W:Jrkb:ain


.. , ~

____ ...:: . .1

.. a. 8 "' ~ 0 :; 0


®., ... ,. Payroo

CommenCtlln t- n: Advice

ln:t'.rlace Con!irma.:Jon


.!! .. ·.:<1·

ln te.-f;u:u Connnnatlcr.

... · .. - --·· , _____ :

CD_SOS-0006 2.3 .1 Process and Reconcile Payroil

Version: 2.0

....... :: .... :.

--e L.i:~k 1(12.3.1 .5

Run Tlmt:

i ...

Page 37 of 85

Program42 ·-·----------·----------··

CD_ 808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Recor.ciie Payroll

Version: 2.0


5.5.2 Business Process Tasks of Prepare Payrun

r I !I Application and I ~pporting -~ I Task Number I Task Description Role Module (if Reports, Forms [ I applicable) and Interfaces ! 1l2.3.14.1 I Adv;se SAP HR Users (Pay'"" Commencement) Contcoller- Pay Manual ~

All SAP users are advised of the upcoming payrun process, and unavailability Run i of aspects of the system's functionality_ I - _________ __;

, 2.3 .1.4.2 J Confirm Incoming Interfaces I Controller- Pay I Manual I WorK DetaH j

1 [ Any interface from a system that may impact the payroll processing needs to be Run · .


1nterface I I 1 co-ord inated, including the following Workbrain interfaces: Leavfe Balance 1

I j • Work Detail Interface j lnter.ace 11 1 Payslip 1 1 • Leave Balance Interface : Messaa·1 . . I 1 • v ng 1\ I • Payslip Messaging Interface 1 . i Interface

1 I The status of interfaces is investigated and a risk assessment undertaken if a I ~11 I I

I !I significant volume of interface items or critical interface items have not 1 • 1 . completed or errored. \ I / I

I \ The pay run process may be delayed at this point whilst interface errors are I I 1 I 1 addressed. t- , !

1 Lock Out Interfaces Controller- Pay I SAP- Payroli . l I I I I After confirming the incoming interfaces, any interface process which may Run and Legal i I affect the running of the tasks is 'loc~ed out'. The job that imports the interface Reporting j I

------~ay be postponed. .. _ I 2.3.1 AA


1 Lock Out Users Controller- Pay . SAP- Payroll \

I Any users that have no relevant input to the payrun process will have their Run I and Le~al , J1

I access to the system modified so that any maintenance of employee master .


Reporting \ f.---- data cannot be performed. _ L___


I I Run CATS Transfer - · I Controller- Pay rsw~ayrol-1-+1---------· l j I SAP retrieves the files generated from the Interfaces from the secure CT . Run and Legal j ' 1 directory and processes them accordingly. Reportmg I

f ---fset "Adjust Date" ... Controller- Pay wo~~in ---:=-j __ -=-=--J

2.3.1 .4.3

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 38 of85

Program:~2 ·----------------------------------------------------·--------------·

Task Number Task Description Role

I 1 The Adjust Date is used to ensure that any edits made to timesheets after the Run

I 1 close of a payroll period result in a retrospective adjustment.

Following the successful upload of files into SAP the Workbrain adjust date is I set to the last day of the pay period. ! I ! Prepare Database for Pay run . Controller- Pay

I Any employee master file records that remained 'locked' are unlocked after all Run

I i users are out of the syste~ . -


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

I Application and I Supporting I I Module (If \ Reports, Forms 1

applicable) 1 and lnte_':!!,~!:J

I I I I I !

i l \ SAP - Payroll j --·--arid Legal

I Reporting I I . _L __________ ____

Page 39 of 85

nr~g ... -m· - ~ .... r -..r!· <d •• .: 't~

5.6 Level 5 Sub-Process: Run Time (Final)

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 P;ocess and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

The Run Time (Final) process encompasses the 'final ' generation of time results , correction of critical errors and the subsequent review and correction of issues

related to these results.

5. 6. 1 Key Concepts

• This process is completed on "pay Monday".

• The final payrun process includes the concept of "critical errors"; an error that precludes the payrun from continuing until it is addressed.

.. Processing errors may need to be corrected in either SAP or Workbrain, depending on the system the error originated from.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 40 of 85


5.6.2 Business Process Diagram of Run Time (Final)


. t ;:g

·i& rJ (Final)

c;; ,_J ., . .'

Uni.'TT1:>'1'2.J .1.6 ~un ?:oymll (Fin .. l) .. ~i -··--· ... .. ····--··

iL ~~~ :~

~ I :X: • a


I~ .. "' .·· -~

] ; ~

. ,0:

. ig ..

. ~~


' . ~'-~ ~ - .



·· 'r'ftcfnlc:.~l is'r.·~~- . l~:ch-Jo:.a l Fhu:iJ:"I.!::lll,n ~011

-~'{~c: .. ~' •• : ... : . •

} l __ !. ·--- : _____ , ·-·- -·- - ---· ,, ____ ;_~ ... .. . --- ·-. , _ __ _,,,.


No cr\~S'II Tllfou ~-~-. t:::i:::\ lir:kll:l 2 .3.1 (i . ... ~'C/ Run P•yrt,~~ V"l tVJ II

• Ct11b.I.:'01fi'O ErT::~g, .••

'h •. ~

l:i<:"l~ri .. d

W'licll "'1r.l<Jm l~t."'.a 'l'IOIV'CDoflh•



-~~,gr.~~ -- . ~ "''""' 0

SAP ... . .

.. o

· .. ......:. ...... ;..,__.

~9,~·'111 'SAP

Jlttllt ,-~-lrw,JIId




···--'--'- -··· ···--·-···· .. :._:__ .. · .. :.:.

. Va/1 :1 OJ~ Enoy

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0


Page 41 of85

,..,s-oa*'-m'" "'l rtt ·:,:, ~ 0 . •:>if-'

5. 6. 3 Business Process Tasks of 2. 3. 1. 5 Run Time (Final)

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

r I . Task Number

I Application and I · Supp~rting .. ,\ 1 Role Module (if Reports, Forms

1 1 applicable) / and Interfaces 1

Task Description

I Run Tlllle-Eval~atlo-n -- Controller- Pay SAP- Payroll Work Detail' '1 Time Evaluation is the process that records the accrual of increment hours and Run and Le~al interface l .1

1!' I maps attendance and absence types into wage types for payroll processing. Reporting j Time and attendance data (including any Workbrain specific allowances) is --f l

! interfaced from Workbrain via the Work Detail Interface twice per pay period 1

L prior to the final ~-ayrun. ---·-· -------~ I Identify Critical Time Errors Controller- Pay SAP- Payroll i

j The Time Evaluation process outputs a log that identifies any records that were Run and Le~al I I i 1 unsuccessful, including critical errors. I Reportmg

! i Conditions

I I • I I l '

I I I I • i I il

No Critical Time Errors - If no critical errors are identified, the process continues to the Run Payroll (Final) process.

No Critical Time Errors - If no critical errors are identified, the process continues to the task of distributing the results of this activity.

Critical Time Errors- if critical errors are identified, the process moves ' I

! 2.3.1 .5.3 i Action Critical Time Errors (Master Data)

to action these errors.

· Updater- Final 1 SAP- Payrol! I .j I

The Updater - Final Pay Run creates, changes or deletes the record thai is I Pay Run I and Legal I causing the critical time error.

1 Reportmg .

Amend "Hands off Date" I Controller- Payrun I Workbrain 1--------1 The Hands-Off Date designates the date prior to which no information can be 1 .

I edited.


I j The Controiler-Payrun returns the hands-off date to the system go-live date to I ! allow the Updater- Final Pay Run to correct errors in Workbrain. _ _ _ ____ ___ __j

! L_ __ _

Commercial-in-Confidence Page42 of 85


Program 42



l i 2.3.1 .5.9 I

! I


r I 2.3.1 .5.11


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

Task Description Role I Application and 'I Supporting ~-

Module (If Reports, Forms applicable) \ and Interfaces 1

, Action Critical Time Errors! 1- Updater- Final I Workbrain I J

I The ~pdater---: :ina!_ Pay Run creates, changes or deletes the record that is Pay Run *'' 1


j causmg the cnt1cal time error. _ 1

1 Generate Off-Cycle Payment -- - 1 Controller- Payrun Workbr~--- ~ -------j I The Work Detail Interface, Leave Balance Interface and Payslip Messaging I I , j 1 Interface are run via the Workbrain Off-Cycle Interface. Interface files are j I I j placed in a secur~ CT directory ready for retrieval by SAP. I' ! I -~ \ Confirm Incoming Interfaces . Controller- Payrun I SAP j

j The Controller_- Payrun confirms the incoming Workbrain Interfaces, in~luding l ]1

I the Work Detaallnterface, Leave Balance Interface and Payshp Messagang i Interface. \ j

I The status of interfaces is investigated and a risk assessment undertaken if a 1

,. -~ 1! significant volume of interface items or critical interface items have not [ completed or errored. j

1 The payrun process may be delayed at this point whilst interface errors are 1 I j addressed. ___ __,·~--------+----

! Run CATS Transfer Controller- Payrun SAP _L SAP retrieves the files generated from the Interfaces from the secure CT Li

[ directory and processes them accordingly. ________ ___,__ ____ _



Commercial-in-Confidence Page 43 of85

Prt)gram42 I


Task Number

i I i


I Task Description

~~ Audit Data Entry

All data entry transactions (create, update, delete) performed by the Processor I role are reported via a data entry audit report.

I The report includes both the old data and the newly updated data so the j Reviewer can determine accuracy of the transaction.

I The Audit Report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy

. and validity of the generated transactions. The report need not be printed and


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

fApplication ~~~- Supporting 1



! Module (If Reports, Forms J applicable) and Interfaces I

Reviewer- Payroll I SAP- Payroll Audit Report! and Legal 1

I Reporting j

1 I

I I I I !

j can be recailed at a future date if required (e.g. for a formal internal or external j audit procedure).

1 Conditions

I • Invalid Data Entry- If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the



I Processor of the errors in writing and corrections required. The source document is returned to the Processor to correct

L I • Valid Data Entry- If the data entry is correct, the process continues to

the task of Certify Audit Log.

1 L-;5.1_~----l Amend Time Error Fix Data Entry

! I I i

I and Legal I L---J I Reporting I I I

i I The Processor-_ Payroll corrects errors identified by the audit process.

\& I Audit Data Entry i Reviewer- Payroll Workbrain i Overrides

\ \ All data entry transactions {create, update, delete) performed by the Processor ) I Report 1 j role are reported. ' I \ I The audit report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy and I ! validity of the generated transactions. I I I i Conditions

11 -~

J I • Invalid Data Entry - If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the \

1 Processor of the errors in writing and with the corrections required. j j

I I I i • Valid Data Entry - If the data entry is correct, the process continues to · j l I the task of Certify Audit Log. ;

[ l Amend Time Error Fix Data Entry I Pr~essor_- Pay_roll I \1\fork~rain l Commercial-in-Confidence


I _ _j

I __j ----

Page 44 of85

Prograr.J.~-· ~~:2_· ________________ _

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reccncile Payroll

Version: 2.0

·-- ----·-----···-J I ----------·-------------------------------------~~-------------.1 -A_p_p_l ic--a-t-io_n_a_n_d~l,--s-u_p_p_o_rt_i_n __ g .l I Task Number I Task Description Role 1 Module (If ! Reports, Forms I I I I 1 applicable) I and Interfaces

Audit Repo1i Reviewer- Payroll I Manual 1

I The Processor- Payroll corrects errors identified by the audit process. ,.- ---,--: I S. I Certify Audit Report

! i Data entry Audit Report's certification page is printed and signed off as j j approved. I i ~ j Audit Report Certification is filed as per DRM requ~rements . , I ___j_ ______ .___ I

I 1 Distribute Time Results 1


Controller- Pay 1 Manual j l . II Time Evaluation outputs a log that identifies any employee who was not Run i l j j 1 processed correctly and the reason for the incorrect processing. These will be I I 1 1 manuaily distributed via e-mail by the Controller- Pay Run to the relevant "cell" I j I l that will analyse the results so that any errors can be corrected. j

i 2.3.1 .1.4 ----t Analyse Time Results Reviewer- Payroll j Manual - i ----l I · I 1 The Reviewer- Payroll analyses the results of the "Run Time" process, j '1

j identifies any errors and outlines solutions to be passed to the Processor- I . '! I Payroll for action. i , 1 Conditions 1 I

i I .. No Time Errors Identified- If no errors are identified, no further activity 'I i \I

I j is required. II

1 I • Time Errors Identified- If errors have been identified, the Reviewer- J j ! I Payroll advises the Processor- Payroll who assesses the source of the \ 1

I ! error and updates the data in the appropriate system to _rectify this error.


. ~---------J

13 ! Action Payrun Master Data Errors Processor- Payroll SAP- Payroll \ I I Any master data related errors will be corrected using the standard Master file and L~gal l I 1 Maintenance transaction (PA30). Modification of an employee's payroll data Reporting \

. ! will be automatically processed in subsequent payruns. I I \ The processes that should be used to update the master data are detailed in


i I I framework 2. i .2 Maintain Employee Records. I j \

i After updating the master data, a simulated payrun process can be run for an I \ i employee or group of employees to ensure the data change has corrected the \ I l error in question.

"---------------~----------._J_ ________ _ .. _


Commercial-in-Confidence Page 45 of35

fjro•:!J'ram~ A2 ·::JI , .. . "

Task Number Task Description Role

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroli

Version: 2.0

Application and Module (If applicable)

Supporting l Reports Forms I

I 1 Action Payrun Errors Processor- Payroll J Workbrain

j I Any errors will be corrected in the effected employee's timesheet, and will bU_ j



I automatically processed in subsequent pay runs. The processes that should I , j be used to update records are detailed in frameworks 2.1.2 Maintain Employee ! 1 Records, 2.2.1 Maintain Leave Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2 Record Time l_ ____ _ l_and Attendance- Roster.. ... , .

I I .L _______ _j

-------------·------· Commercial-in-Confidence Page 46 of 85

ProgTant42 -----------·-··-

5.7 Level 5 Sub-Process: Run Payroll (Final)

The Run Payroll (Final) process encompasses the generation of "pay results" and the correction of errors resulting from these results.

5. 7. 1 Key Concepts

• This process is completed on the first working day of a pay week, typically "pay Monday".

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconciie Payroll

Version : 2.0

• The final payrun process includes the concept of "critical errors"; an error that precludes the payrun from continuing until it is addressed.

• Processing errors may need to be corrected in either SAP or Workbrain, depending on the system the error originated from.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 47 ofo5


5. 7.2 Business Process Diagram of Run Payroll (Final)

<> · 'i: 0

. t!nkrrom:t'l.I .S 1 RunT~m:~jFif::.l]

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"' /("'"'~ /!.yr.:cet:•laLtlll •,~:.rt:r.:.~ ;:.. \. ,:ouroe ~flha: ·

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. ···-'··-···-..:.:...._ __ ._.

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

.. .. o

..@ l~\1.1;>2:1. 1 5

?.ur• T!mn {l"lc:~l)

Page 48 of 85


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

5.7.3 Business Process Tasks of Run Payroll (Final) r-··- ---r. -- -------l 1 I Application and · Supporting I Task Number j Task Description I Role \ Module (If Reports, Forms I I j applicable) 1 and Interfaces 1 ~elease Payroll Controller- Pay I sA:- Payroll I l

L Releasing the payroll will change the payroll control record's status from Run 1 ~~a Le~al l t

_ __ 'Unlocked' to 'Locked' so that payroll can be executed. __ ~port1ng ___ .J 1


2. 1

Start Payroll Controller- Pay 1 SAP - Payroll 1 I

I This task will process the current period's payroll for employees and will save Run I and Le~al I 1

\ the calculated values in a 'Pay Results' table in the database. Reportmg

I. The payroll process will automatically retrospectively recalculate the payroll I I

values for any employee with a change in the past (i.e. previous pay period). 1 .

1 As part of the selection criteria, the Controller- Pay Run will be able to select i J I \ \ 1 the employees that have only been hired or had changes since the last payroll ---h I \ ~ l run. 1

I ----t"id~ntify Critical Payroll Errors · ·--· . , Controller- Pay SAP --Payrol!/·--------~ .


. I The payroll process outputs a log which will identify any records that were I Run i and Le~al \ 1

• unsuccessful, and critical errors are identified. I Reportmg 1 1

1 I Conditions i I [ I I 1 • No Critical Payroll Errors -If no critical errors are identified, the process I i continues to the 2.31 . 7 Generate Post Pay run Files (Final) process.

1 I • No Critical Payroll Errors- If no critical errors are identified, the process i I continues to the task of distributing the results of this activity.

k s Critical Payroll Errors- If critical errors are identified, the process I ! ~-1 moves to action these errors. ___ _

1.2.4 1 Change Status -Corrections Controller- Pay SAP- Payroll l \ \ The Corrections option will change the payroll control record to a different Run and Le~al .

1 i I status which will unlock all master data and allow updates of any record that Reportmg \ L_ j would effect the current period. L____ j __ _j

Commercial-in-Confidence Page49 of85


I Task Number I



I r3.1.5.9

L 12.3.1 .5.10

Task Description

Amend "Hands off Date"

The Hands-Off Date designates the date prior to which no information can be ; edited.

I The Controller-Payrun returns the hands-off date to the system go-live date to I allow the Updater- Final Pay Run to correct errors in Workbrain .

Action Critical Payroll Errors

The Updater- Final Pay Run creates, changes or deletes the record that is

1 causing the critical payroll error. _______ _

CD_B08-0006 2.3. ·1 Process and Recor.ciie Payroll

Version: 2.0

r- I Application and I s'~pp~rting -l '1 Role , Module (If


. Reports, Forms

1 I applicable) , and J!::.~face=:, j Controller - Payrun i Workbrain I I I I I I i ' ' --1---~ , Pay Run j ' J

\ Controller- Pay~Workbrain 1 -- ---l The Work Detail Interface, Leave Balance Interface and Payslip Messaging ! : 1 I lntecface are run via the Workbrain Off-Cycle Interface. lntertace files are I I I

' Generate Off-Cycle Payment

placed in a secure CT directory ready for retrieval by SAP. I . ----~

Confirm Incoming Interfaces 1 Controller- Payrun SAP I i

The Controller- Payrun confirms the incoming Workbrain lnt~rfaces, including ! I 1 the Work Deta1llnterface, Leave Balance Interface and Payslip Messag1ng · :

!Interface. I The status of interfaces is investigated and a risk assessment undertaken if a \

\ significant volume of interface items or critical interface items have not J 1

1 completed or errored. )

addressed. . ---

I The payrun process may be delayed at this point whilst intertace errors are I I

1 ------ -- ----- ----- -- I Controller-Payrun \ SAP 2.3.1 fi 11 Run CATS Tr::am::fpr I ' .

~ I SAP retrieves the files generated from the Interfaces from the secure CT I I

-------+-_d_ir_e_ct?_ry and processes them accordingly. ___ I 1 ·------i---- I Action Critical Payroll Errors (Master Data) I Updater- Final I SAP- Payroll

1 The Updater- Final Pay Run creates, changes or deletes the record that is 1

Pay Run II and Legal causing the critical payroll error. _ _l__ , Report1ng


-'----J ---------- - ---·------------------- --------------

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 50 of 85


Task Number

I s.o.o.o.1

I I i

I I r I S.

Task Description

' Audit Data Entry

I All data entry transactions (create, update, delete) performed by the Processor 1 role are reported via a data entry audit report.

l The report includes both the old data and the newly updated data so the i Reviewer can determine accuracy of the transaction.

I The Audit Report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy 11 and validity of the generated transactions. The report need not be printed and

can be recalled at a future date if required (e.g. for a formal internal or external \ audit procedure). ·

1 Condit ions

! • Invalid Data Entry- If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the Processor in writing of the errors and corrections required. The source document is returned to the Processor to correct.

1! • Valid Data Entry - If the data entry is correct, the process continues to

1 the task of Certify Audit Log.

[ Audit Data Entry

I All data entry transactions (create, update, delete) performed by the Processor 1 role are reported.


CD _808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Application and I Module (If I applicable) ,

Supporting --l Reports, Forms


1 and Interfaces

Reviewer - Payroll i SAP - Payroll and Legal Reporting

Audit Report




I .

II Overrid~-;--··~ , Report I I .

Reviewer - Payroll

I I The audit report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy and

1 validity of the generated transactions.

1 Conditions

I • Invalid Data Entry- If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the i Processor in writing of the errors and the corrections required. I I • I

I I I i I

Valid Data Entry- If the data entry is correct, the process continues to · I i j' I '

the task of Certify Audit Log. . -----------------------~------------J_ __________ _L ______ ___

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 51 of85


Task Number


~ 12.3.1 .6.10

I S.


Task Description Role

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Application and Module (If applicable)


I Reports, Forms and Interfaces

1 Amend Payroll Error Fixes Data Entry I Processor- Payroll SAP - Payroll '! \

II Errors identified are corrected by the Processor- Payroll as required and return and Legal 1 i through the Audit Data Entry process. I Reportmg 1 \

1 Process repeats until all errors are corrected. / ~· I Amend Payroll Error Fixes D~ta Entry Process~r- P~yroll W~rkbrain -·

\ Errors identified are corrected by the Processor- Payroll as required and return 1


I : through the Audit Data Entry process. .

1 I

Cert1fy Audit Report Rev1ewer- Payroll Manual ~1t Report I Process repeats unt;J all errors are corrected. I I I ·-·- - I

Data entry Aud;t Reporfs cert;ficat;on page ;s pr;nted and s;gned off as ~ j -1 approved, and filed as per DRM requirements. I r1.2.3 Distribute Payroll Results

Payroll outputs a log that identifies any employee who was not processed , correctly and the reason for the incorrect processing. These will be manually


. Controller - Pay Run I SAP

I I I distributed via e-mail by the Controller- Pay Run to the relevant "cell" who will k---- j ana!yse the results so that any errors can be corrected. _

I I Analyse Payroll Results

I I The Reviewer- Payroll analyses the results of the "Run Payroll" process. I J identifies any errors and outlines solutions to be passed to the Processor-! j' Payroll for action. 1 CondR~ns

I • No Payroll Errors Identified - If no errors are identified, the process


1 proceeds to the Generate Post Pay Run Files process.

• Payroll Errors Identified- If errors have been identified, the Reviewer

1 advises the Processor- Payroll, who assesses the source of the error

1 and updates master data to rectify this error.

Reviewer - Payroll I ~ I ' I ! I I I I I I

I I I I I ' ' I I __ j


I L_, ___ _

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 52 of 85


CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

----,--------- ·-- - --l , . . · , Application and Supporting

li Task Number · Task Description J Role . . I Module (If I Reports, Fo,ms !

_ ___ . ____ ___j___ applicable) and Interfaces 1

1 .3 \ Action Pay run Master Data Errors I Processor- Payroll I SAP- Payroll J I .


. j Any master data related errors will be corrected using the standard Master file 11 I and Le~al j

Maintenance transaction (PA30). Modification of an employee's payroll data Reportmg I i will be automatically processed in subsequent payruns. , j i I

i \ The processes that should be used to update the master data are detailed in 11

• 1

1 l ! framework 2.1.2 Maintain Employee Records. i I I After updating the master data, a simulated payrun process can be run for an j J i \ I employee or group of employees to ensure the data change has corrected the j ! i I

I error in question. ' ' -L-----·--··-·-' 1 .5 Action Pay run Errors , Processor- Payroll Wcrkbrain j I

I Any errors will be corrected in the effected employee's timesheet, and will be j I I

1 automatically processed in subsequent pay runs. The processes that should I ' \ I

'\ be used to update records are detailed in frameworks 2.1.2 Maintain Employee \ j Records, 2.2.1 Maintain Leave Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2 Record Time 1 I I

L and Attendance- Roster. i ! _L_ __ ________ j

-- ------------------------------------·----- ·-Commercial-in-Confidence Page 53 of85

o •. ,..,.i'_ir,; , .... i: h'lili'j<~ , (l · ,q. ....

5.8 LevelS Sub-Process: Generate Post Payrun Files (Final)

CD _808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

The Generate Post Payrun Files (Final) process encompasses the production of Post Payrun Files and Control Reports, distribution and correction of associated


5. 8. 1 Key Concepts

• This process is completed on the first working day of a pay week, typically "pay Monday".

• The final payrun process includes the concept of "critical errors"; an error that precludes the payrun from continuing until it is addressed.

• Processing errors may need to be corrected in either SAP or Workbrain, depending on the system the error originated from.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 54 of 85

Pmgram42 ·---------------------------------------------------------------

5.8_2 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 . 7 Generate Post Payrun Files (FinaO

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CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payrofi

Version: 2.0


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Page 55 of 85


5.8.3 Business Process Tasks of 2.3.1. 7 Generate Post Payrun Files (Final)

I ------. \.. Task Number Task Description Role

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Vers ion: 2.0

l Application and

1 Module (If applicable)

Support;g-l Reports, Forms I

I and Interfaces j

2.3.1 .3.2 I Simulate FICO Controller- Pay I SAP- Payroll I ! 1 needs to be transferred to the Finance system. Reporting ....--------···-i ·~ This process generates the payroll and associated costing information that Run ~nd Le~al I \ 1 Create Post Payrun Files Controller- Pay SAP - Payroll ! I I

1 Once payroll has been successfully run and all employees have results, post Run I and Le~al j

! payrun files will be generated. J 1 Reporting 1 1

j • QSuper Interface available to SSP for upload to EDC; \1 / j \

I & EFT/Cemtex is disbursed to the CBA; I I I \

\ 11 Deduction Listing reports are disbursed to 3 rd party deduction authority; J I 1ll

I and I , 11: Employee Tax Declaration Interface is made available for upload to I I \

ATO software. . I I II Controller- Pay \ SAP - Pay~oll Identify Critical Post Payrun File Errors

The Post Payrun File process outputs logs that identify any records that were unsuccessful, including critical errors.



No Criticai Post Payrun File Errors - If no errors that will delay the payrun process are identified, the process continues to the Finalise Payrun process.

I . No Critical Post Payrun File Errors - If no errors that will delay the payrun process are identified, the process continues to the task of generating the payrun control reports. . I

I 1 • No Critical Post Payrun File Errors- If no errors that will delay the

payrun process are identified, the process continues to distribute the I results of this activity.

1 ! • Critical Post Payrun File Errors- If errors are identified that will delay


Run and Legal Reporting

I I 1 I I I . I I I I I I I

! I l I I I I !



J Page 56 of 85

i)ro~ninth :t.: li . .......... , ""9'

Task Number Task Description

CD 808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconci le Payroll

Version: 2.0

Application and Role I Module (If

applicable) ~-·---·--1

Supporting 1 , Reports, Forms \ J and Interfaces 1

I -- --- -- - -~ the payrun process, an assessment is conducted to determine if SAP or j !

!I ! Workbrain is the source of the error. The process moves to action !

j these errors in the appropriate system. \ I 1 I • Critical Finance Data Error- If errors are identified due to SAP Finance I j

I i data that will delay the payrun process are identified, advice is sent to a 1 •

1 I Finance role to action these errors. --------------------------------~--------------~-------------~--- 1 Change Status- Corrections Controller- Payrun SAP \

i The Corrections option will change the payroll control record to a different 1 I . \ status which will unlock all master data and allow updates of any record that ~- .

1 1- 1 would effect the current period. ,

\ 2.3.1 .7 .9 Action Critical Post Payrun File Errors Updater- Final SAP- Payroll

I Action is undertaken to rectify a critical error, including locking a particular P_ay Run II and Le~al

I transaction to exclude it from the payrun process through to updating master , Reporting , i data for an employee.

1 \

I I Conditions 'I I

I 1


1 111 All Errors Actioned, Time must be Rerun -When all critical errors have \


, . been actioned "Time" is run again to regenerate the results. ·~ 1

! 7 ! Amend "Hands-off Date" ... Controller- Payrun I Workbrain

I \ The Hands-Off Date designates the date prior to which no information can be 1 I \

1 edited. \ 1

I I The Controlier-Payrun returns the Hands-off Date to the system go-live date to ; I 1 allow the Updater- Finai Pay Run to correct errors in Workbrain. I r

r-1 -2-. 3-_ -1_-7-. 1-3-------~ Action Critical Post Payrun File Errors

\ 'I The Updater- Final Pay Run creates, changes or deletes the record that is !

1 causing the critical error.



Updater- Final Pay Run


Workbrain \ Generat; Off-Cycle Payment -- - ----- ] Controller - Payrun 1 Workbrain

1 The Work Detail Interface, Leave Balance Interface and Payslip Messaging ! Interface are run via the Workbrain Off-Cycle Interface. Interface files are

L _placed in a secure C! directory ready for retrieval by SAP. I _L_

______ __]


I -·- ···1

___ L ___ _ - - ------··- ··--

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 57 of 85

Prograf11. 42

Task Nuriiber -

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0


Task Description --r I Application and I Supporting ----,1

I Role 1 Module (If I Reports, Forms I ' applicable) and Interfaces j

I Confirm Incoming Interfaces

The Controller- Payrun confirms the incoming Workbrain Interfaces, including i the Work Detail Interface, Leave Balance Interface and Payslip Messaging [Interface.

I The status of interfaces is investigated and a risk assessment undertaken if a

I. significant volume of interface items or critical interface items have not , completed or errored.

I! The payrun process may be delayed at this point whilst interface errors are


1 Controller- Payrun I I SAP I I

I I I I I I I i I I 1


I ! 2. ! Run CATS Transfer ·- Controller- Payrun SAP I ··-- -~ : I


1 j SAP retrieves the files generated from the Interfaces from the secure CT j . directory and processes them accordingly.

I S. ! Audit Data Entry --------+-R-e-v-ie_w_e_r ___ P_a_y_r_o_ll 1\ SAP- Payroll

I ! All data entry transactions (create, update, delete) performed by the Processor , and Le~al i \ role are reported via a data entry audit report. 1 Reporting

i I The report includes both the old data and the newly updated data so the I'

j i Reviewer can determine accuracy of the transaction. J

\ The Audit Report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy '!

I and validity of the generated transactions. The report need not be printed and I can be recalled at a future date if required (e.g. for a formal internal or external \ I audit procedure). I I

I Conditions 1 I I .. Invalid Data Entry- If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the 1 )

1 Processor in writing of the errors and corrections required. The source '1

1 I'

1 j document is given back to the Processor to correct. ,

I . I ! a Valid Data Entry - If the data entry is correct, the process continues to 'I 1\

L I the task of Certify Audit Log. ;


2.3.1. 7.10 I Amend Pay run File Error Data Entry Processor- Payroll I SAP- Payroll I

, Errors identified are corrected b the Processor- Pa roll as required and return I and Legal J _ ----------·

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 58 of 85

Proo·r~·m·· 4"!1

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0 II Q ~~ ~:> ~ -------· ----------··--------- --- --···------

. ! Task Ntimber j Task Description Role I Application and Supp~rtingJ

Module (If Reports, Forms j I applicable) and Interfaces


! through the Audit Data Entry process. I 1 Reporting 1 --t Process repeats until ali errors are corrected. 1

i S .0-.0- .-0-.2---1.Audit Dat~ Entry -- Reviewer- Payroll Workbrain --+-0-v_e_r-rides ·-

!\ !I AI~ data entry transactions (create, update, delete) performed by the Processor Report r01e are reported. · j

I I The audit report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy and \1



1 I validity of the generated transactions. 1


1 Conditions \ 1

I • Invalid Data Entry - If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the I I I •

1 Processor in writing of the errors and the corrections required. 1 I

I I • Valid Data Entry- If the data entry is correct, the process continues to I _L the task of Certify Audit Log.

12.3.1 .7.14-- I Amend Payroll Error Fixes Data Entry

I 1 Errors identified are corrected by the Processor- Payroll as required and return j through the Audit Data Entry process. I 1 J. 1

Process repeats until all enrors are corrected. I ! . ------··---·- 1

I S.0.0.0 .3


Certify Audit Report Reviewer- Payroll \ Manual 1 Audit Report l Data entry Audit Report's certification page is printed and signed off as ! I I

j approved. I I 1

! Audit Report Certification is filed as per DRM requirements. . i 1

/ 2.3.1 .3.3


Distribute Post Pay run File Results Controller- Pay ! Manual ·--~·

1 I The post payrun file process outputs a number of logs that identify any Run I ·\'

II employee who was not processed correctly and the reason for the incorrect 1 ,

1 I I processing. These will be manually distributed via e-mail by the Controller- I I 1


1 Pay Run to the relevant "cell" that will analyse the results so that any errors can i I

I be corrected. . I 1 I I

1 I Analyse Post Payrun File Results Reviewer- Payroll 1 Manual 1 i . I The Reviewer analyses the results of the "Generate Post Payrun Files" I I I I

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 59 of 85

Proo-r~m. : ,, :2 .. ' 5:2 c:. ·. ~

I l Task Number Task Description Role

CD 608-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Application and Module (If applicable)

SAP- Payroll and Legal Reporting

~ - Supporti;;g--i\


Reports, Forms and Interfaces I

Prognm{42 ~-·-- --- '

I Task Number I I

Task Description

1 Report, Payroll Exceptions Report and Payroll Reconciliation Report.

lr-2-.3-. 1-_-7-.1-2·----+-~ -Distribute Payrun Control Reports -I I

I ~- The payrun control reports are distributed to the officer(s) responsible for j analysing them and ascertaining any post payrun data amendments required.

I 2.3.1 .3~9- I Analyse Pay run Control Reports

1 j The reviewer analyses the payrun control reports, identifies any issues and ' i outlines solutions to be passed to the Processor- Payroll for action.

i Conditions

J • No Payrun Control Report Issues- If no issues are identified, no further ! activity is required .


1 .. Payrun Control Report Issues- If issues have been identified, the

I reviewer advises the Processor- Payroll to update master data to

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Role ----,--~----1

I Application and Supporting

Module (If Reports, Forms applicable) I and Interfaces ,

Controller- Pay Run

Reviewer- Payroll

l SAP - Payroll


and Legal porting

----1-1 Manual


I -- ~


. I --1---- - -------j

Processor- Payroll \ SAP - Payroll I 'I

1 and Legal I

. I rectify this error. \ 2.3.1 .3.1 0 j Action-Payrun Control Report Issue~ ------t---------+------ -

! ~~~~ I I I

I I j Pmcesso'- Paymll I Wmkb,ain I I

I I I i

I I --·- _ ________ ]


I Any master data related issues will be corrected using the standard Master file

, Maintenance transaction (PA30) . Modification of an employee's payroll data I II will be automatically processed in subsequent payruns.

1 . The processes that should be used to update the master data are detailed in

f,-_-1--3--1-2 1' ~~:~:,~::::;;;~~:~=~~=~::c:m:e effected employee 5 timeshe:t Modification of an employee's payroll data from the timesheet will be automatically picked up in subsequent payruns. .

' I

The processes that should be used to update the master data are detailed in the Frameworks 2.1.2 Maintain Employee Records, 2.2.1 Maintain Leave Entitlements- Roster and 2.2.2 Record Time and Attendance- Roster. I


-Commercial-in-Confidence Page 61 of85

!")rngr·~ !-· ~ 2 fl <.~~ax ~nf ~

5.9 Level 5 Sub-Process: Finalise Payrun

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

· Version: 2.0

The Finalise Payrun process includes reconciling and closing the current pay period and opening the new period, posting to financials and communicating to


5. 9. 1 Key Concepts

• The bank disbursement list will be sent as a cemtex file to Treasury, who will subsequently send the file to the XI Facilitator where the files will be

made available for GDES (a section of the CBA) for collection. The funds will be disbursed on the nominated date.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 62 of 85

r.>w~a··arn : '-' 2 l "'"";ol .;, . '"1)'

5.9.2 Business Process Diagram Finalise Payrun

r i

· I I

. ·! · c: : 2

.... ,. ~ . :;;

_: e . :,g r

:::• >· Lin!-; trcm 2.3. 1 7 Generate- Pos1

Payrun F1les (Fioal)

u I :X: .. 0

II> Q. 0

" en 0 :; 0


·1 ~ ,., 0.. I

.; I ~ . u 0

• i!f.

.. i

I ~ :: · : o...


i ~ I ~

. . .

. . ······-·---····--···- -··· ..



Post Payrun Fiies

.. .'1 ..... .


-~~~fiJ!~~J .. -0 User NC"Jtication

_ _. _________ , ___ _ ;_--.:. .... . · .:: ..... ._.: ...

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0


Page 63 of85

Program 112

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2. 0

5.9.3 Business Process Tasks Finalise Payrun

Task Number Task Description \ I Applicati~n and ~~-pporting

Role I Module (If . Reports, Forms I I ::>nnlil':::ohl<>-\ I I Exit Payroll Controller- Pay SAP - Payroll l Once the payroll process is deemed to be finalised, the process is required to Run and Legal

I be "Exited" prior to any final documents being produced. Reporting

l _ _ Undertaking this process "locks" the data generated in the payrun process and __ j as such finalises the payrun process. .. i 2.3.1 .8.10 Post to Financials Controller - Pay SAP- Payroll

i ----~ I I Run I and Legal

I I The F!CO results are posted to Finance.

I I Reporting I

I I Distribute Post Payrun Files and Reports I Controller - Pay I Manual ' I

Run I \ The post payrun files are distributed to the appropriate recipient.

I I • QSuper Interface available to SSP for upload to EDC; I I •

I i i I EFT/Cemtex is disbursed to the CBA; I I


I :

Deduction Listing reports are disbursed to 3rd party deduction authority; . l and I I I I

i I Em ployee 1 ax uectaration Interface is made available for upload to I I I ~-

\ A TO software. \ I 1 111 Employee payslips file is sent to third party for disbursement via hard ~- 1 I ~-+-- copy. . r

1 1 Perfo;~ Pay run Reconciliation Processes I Processor.- Payroll I Manual \ ------------- ~ ! Processor- Payroll completes payrun associated reconciliations including the I I 1

1 1

I following: I .

I I ' . 1 • Payslip generation and disbursement; i ! I I 111 Bank disbursement; \ I

i ,. Superannuation contributions disbursement; I I i \

L. ~- Taxation disbursements; 1

. -·::--:--,.-:--Commercial-in-Confidence Page 64 of 85


,-- -- -!

i Task Number I !

Task Description Role

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

Application and Module (If applicable)

T-- - --- - - - ---~

j Supporting . i Reports, Forms I ! and Interfaces '

~-- --- - j • YTD taxable gross; I' '1 I I

j 2.3.1 .8.11 I Certify Pay run Reconciliation \ Approver- Payroll 1 Manual L_______ j ~ YTD taxation. j tl ------~

II ! The Approver- Payroll certifies reconciliation activities completed by the I j I Processor- Payroll are complete and correct. i , I


1· 2.3 .1~~- i Prepare System for Next Period Controller- Pay I SAP·- Payroll --~1 I i Once the payroll has been exited, the payroll processing is complete for the Run I and Legal i I period. ' Reportmg I

·,1 The system's control record status will now have to be changed , using a two I 1

step process, so that the period will 'roll over' to the next period. j

, j1. Selecting the "Release Payroll" will change the status, period number of the I I 1

I. , 'current period' and lock the payroll master files. I \'

I I 2. Setting the control record to the status of "Corrections" to deactivate the i I

, i locking on the employee master data allowing day to day access to these I j i records. i 'I Unlock Users Controller- Pay / SAP - Payroll ' -- - -- ---l

I i their "normal" system functionality. Reportmg . J As the payrun process has now completed all users are given full access to Run ~ ano Le~al J I Unlock Interfaces ..... Controlle-r- Pay SAP- PayiO:rl . --- i •



!' As the payrun process has now completed all interfaces are given full access to Run I and Legal II

their "normal" system access. Reporting ~------+---- ·--! Advise SAP HR Users (Payrun Completion} I I I An e-mail notification is sent to all users to advise that the payrun process has

I completed and that the system is now available for use.


Controller - Pay Run

! I



Page 65 of 85


Task Number ··

\ 2.3.1 .8.13 I !

r-Task Description

Adjust Payroll Related Dates

. The following payroll related dates are adjusted after a payrun. I \ 11 Roll forward payroll date- The payroll start and end dates determine ! the beginning and end of the current payroll period. These are adjusted I to reflect the next payroll period.

1 • Amend hands-off date- The Hands-Off Date designates the date prior

1 to which no information can be edited. If not done so previously in the 1 payrun (where a correction in Workbrain has been required) the hands-

L __ \ off date is returned to the system go-live date. __ __.


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroli

Version: 2.0

Application and Role I Module (If


Controller- Payrun I Workbrain


jSupporting I 1 Reports, Forms \ 1 and Interfaces 1

I I I . I I

! I I . I ___ _ _j

Page 66 of 85

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Program42 Version : 2.0

---------·------------- ·-----·----

5.10 Level 5 Sub-Process: Request Ad-hoc Payment

This process outlines the steps for requesting an ad-hoc payment

5. 10. 1 Key Concepts

11 An ad-hoc payment includes any payment due to an employee that has been missed in a previous payrun.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 67 of85

ProO.nim42 .:;:, . '

5.10.2 Business Process Diagram of Request Ad-hoc Payment r--~-.. ········-·---.. ·-----.. ----·---···--·- ---.... __________ ... ....... _ .. ______ .......... ------.. ····--·-·-·-----·· .. ··--·-.. --·-···· ...... ___ .. .. .. ......... - ...... .

1 .. ' Ql j t:n · <II


"' ' :E ' ~ ~

..... ·-. ..... ...J I 0 Q;


i% I ~ I

./ .....

Link to Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request

I .\ ---- .. -lJ ..... ------·------·---···----·-- ---·. _ .......... ________ ,,.,,, _________________ ....... _________ .. ..

CD_BOS-0006 2. 3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 68 of 85


5.10.3 Business Process Tasks Request Ad-hoc


Task Number Task Description I I L191 Complete Ad-hoc Payment Request

Where a payment has been missed, the employee will request an ad-hoc payment.


I I Role


CD 808-0006 2.3. 1 Process and Recon~ile Payroll

Version: 2.0


I Application and I Supportin~ Module {If I Reports, Fon sl

! applicable) 1 and lnterfac,



1 I I !

Page 69 of 85

Prograrn 42

5.11 Level 5 Sub-Process: Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request

This process covers checking and approving an ad-hoc payment request.


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

Page 70 of 85

Program.: 42

5. 11. 1 Business Process Diagram of 2. 3. 1. 10 Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request

"' "' .. c: "' ::;;; "' c: :::;

I ~ I ~ I . a. ~

.o! ~

e Q. c. <(

"' = :J ~ -"' "'"' 0 "' >-c: 0 ..

~:;: LU

.. 1------------------.....

Link from 2.3.1 .9 Request Ad-hoc Payment


' @ Request outcome

advice sent to initiator


_____ _j

Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Page 71 of 85


5.11.2 Business Process Tasks of Approve Ad-hoc Payment Request


1 Task Numb~r I I Task Description Role

I . .. . Validate Ad~hoc Payment Request Line Manager

Validate that the Ad-hoc Payment Request is correct and supporting documentation (if required) has been provided.

Validation includes sourcing of originating documentation to confirm accuracy of claim (e.g. sourcing a timesheet that shows approved overtime payment that has been missed). Approve Ad~hoc Payment Request 1 Approver- Payroll

i Approve the request if it is appropriate and meets business requirements and

I policies.

I Policies may require that an assessment is conducted against the hardship that I

I j may be caused by not approving the ad-hoc request. When the request has 1 been either approved or declined, the initiator is advised of the decision via e- I

rn!:lil I

I ! I

)Ved, the process ends. I ! I I

I i • Approv~d - If the request is approved, the process continues with j I 1 processmg the request. _l_ ___ _____.1_

-----------·------------------------------------------·------------- ------------Commercial-in-Confidence

CD_B08-0006 2.3 .1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Vers ion: 2.0

Application and Module and r S~pp~~ingl

I Reports. Forms I

<l t-' tJ tn ... caun; 1 I

Manual I I I l I




·----- --- - -Page 72 of 85


5.12 LevelS Sub-Process: Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

This process covers the processing of an ad-hoc payment request.


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

·-------Page 73 of 85

Prcgrarn.~· .. ~4L·2~----------------------

5.12.1 Business Process Diagram of 2.3.1 .1 1 Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

u :;: 0


I . -

· ! ~ (~.> ::_ LinK from2.3.1.1C . ~pprc'IIC Ad-hac P<~ymem Request II . ! ~

0 : ~ ~ ~


I ~ lj


System Process

l r.voi~:l DalE!

if I

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconci le Payroli

Vers ion: 2.0

Velid Dats --® Lint; to 2.:! .1 12

Run Cl'l'·cyck P ~y:~U

·r1&;ffp~:irt~ -o ·· !nv~Ra Data



Page 74 of 85

Cr"""OT:ll "~ · lJ "'Y 1 >v;:::;..~l!I · .'T ·-

5.12.2 Business Process Tasks of Process Ad-hoc Payment Request

I Task Numb~r Task Description

2.3.1. 11.7 Conf irm Ad-hoc Payment Approval

The Processor- Payroll confirms that approval to proceed with the ad-hoc request has been granted and all documentation is available.

l """ " A A A Art. -- - - - --A ....I.__ _ _ l"''o-- - ~-- -- L- - - . - ~

i j' The Processor- Payroll completes the Workbrain Off-Cycle Export On-l1ne

I Role

Processor - Payroll

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

j Applicat ion and SupportinD Module (If Reports, Forms applicable) , and Interfaces I


-- -Processor- Payroll I Workbrain ()ff_f:vriP FYn n rt i

I , Form and selects Off-cycle (Ad-hoc) from the drop down menu. ! .9 lsimu~hPayroU ~D~~~m-in-e~P-a_y_m_e_n_t_A~m-o-u~n-t~~~--~~~--~~~~~. -P-ro_c_e_s_s_o_r ___ P_a_y_r_o_ll ~l-s_A_P~~-

1 1 Once the Work Detail Interface has been run , the Processor- Payroll simulates

I payroll to determine the exact amount of the ad-hoc payment.

F. -... ,

- -·l . I I I

I' The resuits of a simulated payroll run are not saved to the database, however , 1 the results in the payroll log can be viewed and printed. 1

_ ___J_2he amount is then entered into SAP lnfotype 0015 Additional Payments.

1 .1 I Process Off-cycle Payment



• The Processor - Payroll adds a record in lnfotype 11 (External Bank Transfers) detailing the value of the payment to be made to the employee and the date the b payment is to be made.

1 2.3.1. 11.2 -~ Validate Off-cycle Data

i The system validates the new or changed data fields updated by the Processor ~~~ I - Payroll , including the Start Date of a record is before End Date, and ensuring

I all mandatory data fields are complete before the record can be 'saved'.

Condit ions i j I • Valid Data - If the data is valid, the process continues to the Run Off-l , cyc!e Payroll process.

I \ 1 111 Invalid Data -If the data is invalid, the Processor- Payroll is prompted

1 1 to amend the data to rectify any issues.

I : ! I I I


Processor- Payroll I SAP I l I l

. Processor- Payro~ I ---·-~ I I I !

I ' I I I

I , I , !


~--- l ·"

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 75 of 85

CD_808-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payrcli

Version: 2.0 Program.g.2 - ·---

~--_ .. -.. _----~ T. I Application and 1 Supporting ·1

I Task Number 1 Task Description Role I Module (If 1 Reports, Forms !

, .· 1 . I applicable) 1 and Interfaces;~d-off-~yci;D~ta-- -- - \ Processor- Payroll 1


SAP 1 1

i I ~f the data is invalid the Processor- Payroll amends the data to rectify any , I 1

1 I 1ssues. I , i . S. Audit Data Entry ··-------- l Revie~er- p-;;y;:~ SAP- 1 Audit Report I

All data entry transactions (create, update, delete) performed by the Processor I I ' 1

role are reported via a data entry audit report.

I The report includes both the old data and the newly updated data so the I I I I Reviewer can determine accuracy of the transaction. ,

i The Audit Report is validated against source documents to ensure accuracy j 1 and validity of the generated transactions. The report need not be printed and i ,


can be recalled at a future date if required (e.g. for a formal internal or external 1 J I I I . audit ~~ocedure). 1 I . 1 ! Conditions I i

I I • Invalid Data Entry- If errors are identified, the Reviewer advises the 1 i I 1 I Processor of the errors in writing and corrections required. The source ~- I I I

1 document is returned to the Processor to correct 1

1 :II • Valid Data Entry - If the data entry is correct, the process continues to j I i 1


~ the task of Certify Audit Log. ; ,

! Amend Ad-hoc Payment Data Entry . -trrocessor - Payroll 1 SAP 1 ·----~ ! Errors identified are corrected by the Processor- Payroll as required and return J I ! I

I J through the Audit Data Entry process. ' . I i

h ~cess repeats until all errors are corrected. ~ I I J I Certify Audit Report Reviewer- Payroll Manual 1

1 Audit R~port -~

'L J Data entry Audit Report's certification page is printed and signed off as , II

______ 1 approved, and is filed as per DRM requirements. . 1 _L_ _____ .. __ _

Commercial-in-Confidence --------·----=---=

Page 76 of 85


5.13 LevelS Sub-Process: Run Off-Cycle Payroll

This process includes the generation and creation of an off-cycle payrun EFT file and associated notifications.


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Page 77 of85


5. 13. 1 Business Process Diagram of 2. 3. 1. 12 Run Off-Cycle Payroll


i ··. I ~

. I

:f 2 . ' >. . \ ra () a..

- I I ::z:: , .... 0 ~

! Q I '" .. .. \' §

•' u

i I

. I ' I

.. . i

r;:~:-z--.:,.,, v::__-:::.:~)---- --- ------ ----~


(-- -~""';---····------ ·------···----- -\ ' " / -.. ___ /

Link from Process A d-hoc Payment Request

/ ......... __ \ I (_ .. )-----------------------' '· /

Link fro;:n- 4 .2 .2.4 (c) Finalise Separation

I "I

, ___ :J ·- ·-·-·-····----- ----------~-----------~----- - --- - -·-· - -- --- -·- ··--- --- - ··------


CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Page 78 of 85

Pr~grarri. 42

5.13.2 Business Process Tasks of Run Off-Cycle Payroll

ri ···• ·· .. ' . I ·· · iask;N~Ill~7~ _ _ 1

I .· .-· . .-: •.-.:- I : ·i . .-·::_..

Task Description

CD_BOB-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconciie Payroll

Version: 2.0


- Application and Role Module (If ...


Supporting ·~ Reports, Forms _j'

and Interfaces

I, 1 Generate Off-Cycle Payroll File and Report I Controller- Payrun I SAP- Payroll

I The Controller- Payrun generates the off-cycle payment EFT file and \ and Le~al L_ 1 notifications. i Reportmg



! ..J

------~~~~--------------------·------------------------· Commercial-in-Confidence ·----------- ---------

Page 79 of 85


5.14 LevelS Sub-Process: Identify Third Party Returns

CD_BOB-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

This process identifies employee payments that were unable to be processed by either the CBA or the employee's bank and have subsequently been returned to

the QHSSP's bank account.

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 80 of 85

Progr.am:.q:~2 ___ _

5. 14. 1 Business Process Diagram of 2. 3. 1. 13 Identify Third Party Returns

CD_B0&-0006 2 .3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version : 2.0

. a I

!,! ' ' . i':::;:·-"1 -, ___________ , ________ ,,_ ________ _ .,..1

J: I . ... 0 ~

Ill RTP Advice Received Link to

I; ~

: . e .· 0..


! · . \ I . · I

! . i - - ~--


Remrt Fixed Third Party Returns

-··---~ -- - - -· --- ------------ - ---- -~--~---- ·--- -~- ·--- -- ·- ------ --·- --- --- - - - ' · - - ... , ____ _____________ ...... , _ ______ _

-------- -----------Page 81 of 85


5. 14.2 Business Process Tasks of 2. 3. 1. 13 Identify Third Party Returns

I .· .. . .

I: Task N~mb~t'> ... ·Task Descr!ption_ Correct Employee Bank Details

The Processor- Payroll identifies employee's with returned payments from details provided from Bank Reconciliation Officer (returned payments are identified on QH's bank statement.}

The Processor- Payroll obtains the affected employee's correct bank account details or alternatively determines to pay the employee by cheque.

The Processor- Payroll updates the employee's bank account details via lnfotype 0009 (Refer to Update IHRS- Maintain Personal and Payroll Details).

- - - - -- -- ------ ----- -



.,_._ I I

Processor- Payroll

CD_B08-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconciie Payroll

Version: 2.0

···---·- , .. ... - ..... -· _, • - · ···- i

applicable) and Interfaces l '

SAP - Payroll and Legal Reporting


Page 82 of 85


5.15 Level5 Sub-Process: Remit Fixed Third Party Returns

This process describes the generation of an ad-hoc payment to the employee to replace a returned payment.


CD _608-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

Version: 2.0

Page 83 of 85


5. 15. 1 Business Process Diagram of 2. 3. 1. 15 Remit Fixed Third Party Returns

CD_BOS-0006 2.3. 1 Process and Reconciie Payroll

Version: 2.0

-----r-·------------.------------~----------~--------- --- - ----------····--··-------~---- ·--------·-· ·--·····---· · · · ·-·····-·· ·---- ·-· ···----······--· ···---·------ - -------------~----·-----·------------- - -···-····--------- ------·· -----·· - .. ---···--··:

0 >-<II . c..

0 I

i: 0 0 ~

Q) u e c..

.. :- ···--·-·- ·-·····--- ---.,...:

Lir.k from 2.3. 1.13 Identify Third Party Return

l-~~.::_j_ __ _____________ ___ ____ --- ----·- -··- ·--- ···-··- ···-·····--·····-···· -·····-···-·- ····-·····- ·····--······- -·····- ·····-··----····---·---------··- ··-------- -J

Commercial-in-Confidence Page 84 of85


5. 15.2 Business Process Tasks of 2. 3. 1. 15 Remit Fixed Third Party Returns

·: Task D~scription I ~ --_ .·· · . '!

1 ... Task N~rriiler · · .•.• .; ...

. ... Role

CD_BOS-0006 2.3.1 Process and Reconcile Payroll

· Version: 2.0

Application .· . and Module (If ·


Supporti~ · .· Reports, 1

Forms and i

Interfaces I 5.5 Update Ad~hoc Payment Details Processor- Payroll SAP- Payroll 1

The Processor- Payroll completes lnfotype 0011 (External Transfers) with and Le~al J appropriate payment information, including EFT/Cheque and, if applicable, Reportmg

. bank details.

F.15.6 I Gen~rate_A_d-~-ho-~ Payroll File and Report . Controller- Pay , SAP- Payroll ----- 1

I The Controller- Pay Run generates the off-cycle payment EFT file and I Run I' and Le~al I

~ _ notifications. _ Reportmg ______ __j

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