experimental emotions

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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The table of contents: The methodologies ......................................................................................................................................................

Ink & Wash Painting + Mono-Printing The process experimentations ......................................................................................................................................

{ e•mo•tion 1 } = FINAL 6 { an•ger }

{ e•mo•tion 2 } = FINAL 6 { dis•gust }

{ e•mo•tion 3 } = FINAL 6 { fear }

{ e•mo•tion 4 } = FINAL 6 { sad•ness }

{ e•mo•tion 5 } = FINAL 6 { hap•pi•ness }

{ e•mo•tion 6 } = FINAL 6 { sur•prise } The final presentation ....................................................................................................................................................

{ page 01 } to { page 02 } { page 03 } to { page 15 } { page 16 }

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{ page 01 }

The methodologies:

Ink & Wash Painting + Mono-Printing

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Ink & Wash Painting ( Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink_and_wash_painting ) Ink & wash painting is an East Asian type of brush painting also known as ink wash painting. Only black ink — the same as used in East Asian calligraphy — is used, in various concentrations. Shading in ink wash painting refers to the varying ink density produced by grinding an ink stick in water. Ink wash painting artists spend years practicing basic brush strokes to refine their brush movement & ink flow. Here are some of the scanned ink-&-wash-painting originals that I’ve done up during class:

In the hand of a master, a single stroke can produce astonishing variations in tonality, from deep black to silvery gray. Thus, in its original context, shading means more than just dark-light arrangement, it is the basis for the beautiful nuance in tonality unique to East Asian ink wash painting & brush-and-ink calligraphy.

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{ page 02 }

Mono-Printing ( Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoprinting )

Monoprinting is a form of printmaking that has images or lines that can only be made once, unlike most printmaking, where there are multiple originals. There are many techniques of monoprinting. Examples of standard printmaking techniques which can be used to make monoprints include lithography, woodcut, & etching. Here are some of the scanned monoprinting originals that I’ve done up during class:

Monoprints are known as the most painterly method among the printmaking techniques; it is essentially a printed painting. The characteristic of this method is that no two prints are alike. The beauty of this medium is also in its spontaneity & its combination of printmaking, painting & drawing media.

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The process experimentations:

The objective of this project is to explore expressive mark making through use of traditional & digital tools. All resulted drawings are to be categorized into 6 corresponding emotions:







The next few pages depict some of the documentation & process that has gone through for some of my best works for this project.

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{ page 04 }

{ e·mo·tion 1 } = FINAL 6 { an·ger }:

Agitate Annoyance Exasperate Ferocity Outrage Torment

Definition of ANGER: { an·ger } / ˈæŋgər / [ang-ger] noun

1. A strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire. 2. Chiefly British Dialect . pain or smart, as of a sore. 3. Obsolete . grief; trouble.

The next page depicts the documentation process for the 3 best ANGER emotion portrayals.

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{ page 05 }

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

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{ page 06 }

{ e·mo·tion 2 } = FINAL 6 { dis·gust }:

Antipathy Abhorrence Abominate Aversion Contempt Revulsion

Definition of DISGUST: { dis·gust } / dɪsˈgʌst / [dis-guhst] verb

1. To cause loathing or nausea in. 2. To offend the good taste, moral sense, etc., of; cause extreme dislike or revulsion in: Your vulgar remarks disgust me.

The next page depicts the documentation process for the 3 best DISGUST emotion portrayals.

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{ page 07 }

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

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{ page 08 }

{ e·mo·tion 3 } = FINAL 6 { fear }:

Anxiety Distress Hysteria Panic Suspense Terror

Definition of FEAR: { fear } / fɪər / [feer] noun

1. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

2. A specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of heights. Synonyms: phobia, aversion; bête noire, bogy, bogey, bugbear. Antonyms: liking, fondness, penchant, predilection.

3. Concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety. 4. Something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension; something a person is afraid of: Cancer is a common fear.

The next page depicts the documentation process for the 3 best FEAR emotion portrayals.

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{ page 09 }

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

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{ page 10 }

{ e·mo·tion 4 } = FINAL 6 { sad·ness }:

Agony Alienate Insecurity Isolation Neglect Sorrow

Definition of SADNESS: { sad } / sæd / [sad] adjective, sad·der, sad·dest

1. Affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad because a close friend has moved away. 2. Expressive of or characterized by sorrow: sad looks; a sad song. 3. Causing sorrow: a sad disappointment; sad news.

The next page depicts the documentation process for the 3 best SADNESS emotion portrayals.

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{ page 11 }

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

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{ page 12 }

{ e·mo·tion 5 } = FINAL 6 { hap·pi·ness }:

Optimism Merriment Jubilation Exhilarate Contentment Triumph

Definition of HAPPINESS: { hap·pi·ness } / ˈhæpinɪs / [hap-ee-nis] noun

1. The quality or state of being happy. 2. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

The next page depicts the documentation process for the 3 best HAPPINESS emotion portrayals.

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{ page 13 }

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

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{ page 14 }

{ e·mo·tion 6 } = FINAL 6 { sur·prise }:

Astonish Striking Shock Awe Stun Sudden

Definition of SURPRISE: { sur·prise } / sərˈpraɪz / [ser-prahyz] noun

1. To strike or occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, as through unexpectedness. 2. To come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly: We surprised the children raiding the cookie jar. 3. To make an unexpected assault on (an unprepared army, fort, person, etc.). 4. To elicit or bring out suddenly and without warning.

The next page depicts the documentation process for the 3 best SURPRISE emotion portrayals.

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{ page 15 }

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

Original Piece (Above) to Final Piece (Below)

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{ page 16 }

The final presentation:

The presentation was designed entirely to suit to the project & the grid-inspired direction. The type of paper used was a MATT ART-CARD that weighs around 260gsm & was printed on gray-scale mode at Image&Print, Sunshine Plaza for about SGD$ 7.00 for the entire printage. The images are aligned in such a way that it reflects the level or degree of hardness on expressing a certain emotion. ANGER was the most easiest emotion to portray while SURPRISE being at the bottom, was the most hardness emotion to portray. Truthfully speaking, about 75% of the images about weren’t really digitally analyzed while the other 25% of the images were really, very much digitally process. Overall, it was a fun experience that enables me to showcase my software skills & talents.

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