expert mobile app designers - helping your business succeed

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Help ing Your Bus iness Succeed

Mobile App designs have become one of themost important factor to be decide the fate ofApp success or failure.

4 Key Stats On i t

1. Design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P

Index by 219% over 10 years

2. Companies that foster creativity enjoy 1.5x greater

market share

3. 71% of companies report creating 10x the number of

assets today than just a few years ago

4. About 125 companies have executive-level positions or

CEO support for design

4 “Must Have” Sk i l l s

1. Proficient in Latest Tools and Design Techniques

2. Knowledge of Material design and App store rules

3. Visual Ideation/Creativity

4. Design Software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)

5. Web Design/Basic HTML & CSS

Few Example . . .

• Center-aligning text - It’s best to use left- or right-

alignment. Save the centered text for headlines and short

lines of text only.

• Too much text in one line - Reading multiple long lines of

text can cause eye fatigue. Content is much easier to

read if you keep the measure, or the length of a line of

type, short. Research shows that optimal readability is

between 45-75 characters per measure, including spaces.

• Poor kerning - Kerning simply refers to the individual

spacing between two letters. It sounds minor, but it can

make a huge difference. If two letters are too close

together, it can make words look messy, unclear, and

difficult to read. If kerning is done right, it creates a neat,

visually organized piece of text.

• Font and color overkill - Contrast is an important, powerful

design rule. We’re wired to notice differences, and

contrast adds focal points and prevents things from

looking boring. You can use different colors, typefaces,

textures, size, and shapes, especially if you want to

emphasize an idea, but don’t overdo it.

Descr ipt ion . . .

Proficient in Latest Tools and Design Techniques

• Sometimes your clients will want more than images. They’ll want

simple animations, programming language integration, documents

with interface elements, and interactive infographics. You’ll need to

learn a program different design techniques and tools if you want to

develop these more complex and multimedia-rich projects.

Knowledge of Material design and App store rules

• Material design principles that define Android's visual language to

your apps. You need to know how to apply this knowledge to

transform design elements of sample apps. And, use material design

elements, surfaces, transitions and graphics in your app, across

multiple form factors.

Visual Ideation/Creativity

• Great graphic designers do more than play around with stock

images and other things that already exist. Great graphic designers

create! They make original sketches based on ideas from their

clients and then use those sketches as the foundation for what will

ultimately appear on the web or in print. This means you might

actually need to be good at drawing even though your product will

ultimately appear on a screen.

Design Software (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)

• Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are just a few of the many

applications used for graphic design. We won’t list all of them since

it would consume the article and since new software is always being


• However, graphic designers should always be proficient in at least a

few of these platforms and be aware of the rise and fall in their use.

Graphic designers should also be up to snuff on new applications so

they don’t fall behind the times.

Web Design/Basic HTML & CSS

• Since HTML & CSS are the programming languages of

function/structure and style, graphic designers should know them so

they can go behind the hood of the site or CMS they may be

working on.

• They will then be able to use their skills to manipulate the page and

the destination of the image. They might need to change other

elements of the site too so that everything meshes. Either way, this

skill will broaden your array of opportunities.









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