explain the importance of key issues and events that...

Post on 14-May-2018






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Explain the importance of key issues and

events that led to the Civil War; include

slavery, states’ rights, nullification, Missouri

Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the

Georgia Platform, Kansas-Nebraska Act,

Dred Scott case, election of 1860, the

debate over secession in Georgia, and the

role of Alexander Stephens.Concept:

Conflict and Change

Individuals and Groups

Rule of Law


ESSENTIAL QUESTIONHow did the following issues and

events cause the Civil War?- slavery - states’ rights

- Nullification - Missouri Compromise

- Compromise of 1850 - Kansas/Nebraska Act

- Dred Scott case - Election of 1860

- Debate over secession - Alexander Stephens

Western Expansion

After President Thomas Jefferson acquired the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States doubled in size. This purchase gave the United States control of the vast lands west of the Mississippi.

As Americans pushed west, the issue of slavery came to the forefront.

Would the new territories of the United States be slave or free?

Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin and the resulting cotton

boom led the South to focus on agriculture while the North

focused on industrial growth.


• Based on Industry & Manufacturing

• Other economic activities:

- Mining

- Banking

- Retail

- Railroad

- Steel & Iron


• Based on farming &

the slave trade

• Other economic


- Mills (Factories that

refine agricultural



People based their decisions,opinions, and views

on what was good for only their part of the country.

Who will control the new territory out



The United States Congress passed the tariff of 1828 in order to increase the price of foreign goods so that the same goods manufactured in the north would be cheaper in price.

This helped northern businesses, but people in the south were having to pay more for a product that was their second choice since their first choice (foreign product) is now more expensive because of the tariff (tax) added to the cost.


• The North favored

tariffs to persuade

people to buy

products made in

their own country.

• By placing protective

tariffs on imports,

Northern business

men prospered.

• Southerners felt this

unconstitutional and

that they should not

have to pay the tariff.

• South Carolina even

threatened to leave

the union if the tariffs

were not repealed.


The tariff of 1828 led to discussions in the South about nullification.

Nullification is the argument that a state has the right not to follow a federal law.

The state of South Carolina wanted to ignore the tariff.

By 1832, Congress slightly modified the Tariff of 1828 to appease the southern states.


This phrase refers to individual states being sovereign (or having the right to govern itself). According to the 10th amendment of the constitution…

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Basically, states wanted to follow their own laws, and they did not want the federal government (United States) to overrule state laws.


The main issue over states’ rights involved

the institution of slavery. Southern states

feared that Congress would pass laws

eventually outlawing the practice of slavery,

which would hurt the southern

agricultural economic way of

life involving the growing of

cotton on large plantations.


When the Georgia Trustees first envisioned their colonial experiment in the early 1730s, they sought to avoid the slave-based plantation economy that had developed in other colonies in the American South. The allure of profits from slavery, however, proved to be too powerful for white Georgia settlers to resist. By the era of the American Revolution (1775-83), African slaves constituted nearly half of Georgia's colonial population. Although the Revolution fostered the growth of an antislavery movement in the northern states, white Georgia landowners fiercely maintained their commitment to slavery even as the war disrupted the plantation economy. In subsequent decades slavery would play an ever-increasing role in Georgia's shifting plantation economy. - New Georgia Encyclopedia



• By the 1790s entrepreneurs were perfecting new mechanized cotton gins, the most famous of which was invented by Eli Whitney on a Savannah River plantation owned by Catharine Greene in 1793.

• This technological advance

presented Georgia planters

with a staple crop

that could be grown over

much of the state.


• Although slavery played a dominant economic and political role in Georgia, most white Georgians did not own slaves. In 1860 less than one-third of Georgia's adult white male population of 132,317 were slaveholders.

• Slaveholders controlled not only the best land and the vast majority of personal property in the state but also the state political system. In 1850 and 1860 more than two-thirds of all state legislators were slaveholders. More striking, almost a third of the state legislators were planters.

• Hence, even without the cooperation of non-slaveholding white male voters, Georgia slaveholders could dictate the state's political path.

- New Georgia Encyclopedia


In 1819, the United States was divided equally with 11 free states and 11 slave states. People living in the Missouri Territory applied for statehood as a slave state, but Congress did not approve because there would be an imbalance of power. Think back to the Senate where 2 senators represent each states.

If Missouri was allowed to be a slave

state then there would be 24 US senators

coming from slave states and 22 from

non-slave states. Slave states would

have an advantage when trying to pass

or keep from passing certain laws.


To keep a balance in the US Congress, a

compromise was made to allow Maine to

be admitted to the Union as a free state

while Missouri was added to the United

States as a slave state. Also part of the

compromise was that slavery would be

outlawed north of the 36th degree line of



• In 1850, California applied for admission as a

free state. Once again, the balance of power in

the Senate was threatened. The South did not

want to give the North a majority in the Senate.

• The Compromise of 1850 had four parts:

1) California entered as a free state. 2) The rest

of the Mexican cession was divided into New

Mexico and Utah. In each state, voters would

decide the issue of slavery. 3) Slave trade was

ended in Washington D.C. 4) A strict new

fugitive-slave law was passed.

Henry Clay Arguing in the Us Senate for the

Compromise of 1850 to Avert Civil War


In the South, The

Fugitive Slave Law of

1850 was seen as a

victory. It required

that all citizens were

obligated to return

runaway slaves.

Northerners who helped slaves escape would be jailed and fined. The law enraged Northerners because it made them feel a part of the slave system. Persons involved with the Underground Railroad worked to subvert the law. Some actively opposed slavery and they were called abolitionists, working to abolish or end slavery.


Georgians met at the state capital in Milledgeville to discuss the Compromise of 1850. Representative Alexander Stephens supported the Compromise of 1850 because he did not want Georgia to secede from the Union. He felt Georgia and the southern states had too much too lose if they seceded and lost a Civil War. Georgia helped prevent war and secession.

As part of the Compromise of 1850, Congress passed the

Fugitive Slave Act. This law said that slaves could

not become free once they entered into free

states. Instead, slaves were to be returned to the slave states and anyone

helping a slave to freedom faced fines and


This angered

northerners who disagreed with slavery. They were now a part

of the slavery issue like it or not.

The other part of the 1850 Compromise was that slave trading became illegal in Washington




In 1854, Stephen Douglas introduced a

bill to help solve the problem of slavery in the

new Nebraska territory. He proposed that

Nebraska be divided into two territories —

Kansas and Nebraska. The settlers of the new

territories would decide whether they would be

slave or free.

Popular Sovereignty

A broadside from 1854 advertises a mass meeting of anti-slavery settlers to discuss the impact of Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Notice the changes in


and views as

sectionalism grows

and the agruments


free or slave states

increases. These

compromises lead to

a shift in the power.


Dred Scott was a slave from the slave state of

Missouri who traveled with his master Dr. John

Emerson to the free state of Illinois. Dred Scott

eventually tried to sue for his freedom since he

believed that he could not be a slave in a free state.

The Supreme Court did not rule in his favor.

Instead, the Supreme Court decided that Dred Scott

could not sue in court because slaves were not

citizens, therefore, he had no rights. The Court also

allowed slaves to be taken to free states b/c they

were property of their masters.

The ruling was

a victory for

southern slave



Northerners were

outraged as


sentiments grew



For decades the arguments about slavery have

been growing louder between people who live in

the Northern states and people who live in the

Southern states. Northerners believe slavery

should be abolished for moral reasons.

Southerners feel the end of slavery will destroy

their region’s rural economy. Many in the South

think the election of Northerner Abraham Lincoln

to be president of the United States will be a

serious blow to their way of life.

• In the presidential election of 1860, the Republicans ran Abraham Lincoln from Illinois. Lincoln was known to oppose slavery on the basis of its being morally wrong.

• In the mid-1850s, people who opposed slavery were looking for a new voice and formed the Republican Party. Their main goal was to keep slavery out of the western territories, not to end slavery in the South.

• Because of the four candidates, Lincoln won the

election, but received no votes in the South and

was not even on the ballot.

• However, Lincoln was not willing to end slavery at the risk of tearing the Union apart. The Democratic Party had spilt, with Northern Democrats choosing Stephen Douglas and Southern Democrats choosing Vice-President John Breckinridge. A pro-Union party chose John Bell of Tennessee.


• Lincoln’s victory in the 1860 presidential

election caused southern states to hold

conventions on whether or not they should

secede from the Union in order to protect

the legalization of slavery in their states.

• South Carolina became the 1st state to

secede from the Union, while Georgia

became the 5th state to secede.





ALEXANDER STEPHENSAlexander Stephens was a U.S. Representative from Georgia who was PRO-slavery, but he was against Secession. When Georgia held a convention to decide on secession Alexander Stephens argued against it by saying the South should remain loyal to the Union. He believed that if the South seceded then a

Civil War would break out and if the South lost then they would lose their states’ rights, especially the right to keep slavery legal.

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Despite Alexander Stephens and his words of caution,

Georgia decided to secede anyway. Those states in the

south that seceded created the Confederate States of

America, a separate country. Alexander Stephens was

persuaded to become the vice-president of the C.S.A.,

most likely to appeal to

southerners that were just

like him – wanted to keep

slavery, but really didn’t

want to leave the union.

This would help keep the

southern states united.

APRIL 1861

After Lincoln took the oath of office in 1861, he announced that no state can lawfully leave the Union. He declared, however, there would be no war unless the South started it.

• The South started to take possession of all Federal buildings — forts and post offices. The South took control of the three forts in Florida and was ready to take control of Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

• In April 1861, the Confederates asked for the fort’s surrender. Major Robert Anderson of the Union refused to surrender. The Confederate troops proceeded to shell Fort Sumter. Anderson ran out of ammunition and was forced to surrender. The war had begun.

Despite all attempts at compromise, the Civil War breaks

out with the first shots fired at Fort Sumter April, 1861.


State the importance of key events of the

Civil War; include Antietam, the

Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg,

Chickamauga, the Union blockade of

Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s Atlanta

Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea,

and Andersonville.


Conflict and Change

Individuals and Groups

Rule of Law


ESSENTIAL QUESTIONWhat role did the following events

play in the Civil War?- Antietam - Emancipation Proclamation

- Gettysburg - Chickamauga

- Union blockade - Sherman’s Atlanta campaign

- Sherman’s March - Andersonville




to the Sea











What role did

the following

events play in

the Civil War?

Antietam (Sharpsburg)

• Location- Sharpsburg, Maryland

• Dates- September 17, 1862

• Commanders

1. Confederates- General Robert E. Lee

2. Federals (Union)- General George McClellan

• Notable Facts

1. McClellan and his troops stopped the Confederate army from advancing on Washington, D.C.

2. One of the bloodiest single days in the war

3. Confederate casualties were about 13,700

4. Union casualties were about 12,400

5. Although McClellan protected the capital from Confederate forces, he allowed Lee’s army to escape to Virginia




“This photograph shows

Abraham Lincoln on the

Battlefield of Antietam.

The battle of Antietam

was the bloodiest day in

American History. More

Americans lost their lives

in one day of fighting

than in all previous wars

combined. To the left of

Mr. Lincoln is Allan

Pinkerton, later famous

for creating the Pinkerton

detective agency. To the

right is Major General

John A. McClernand.”


Battle of Gettysburg

• Location- Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

• Dates- July 1-3, 1863

• Overall Commanders

1. Confederates- General Robert E. Lee

2. Federals (Union)- General George Meade

• Notable Facts

1. The battle of Gettysburg began as a “fight over shoes” (Southerners had heard that there was a cache of shoes at Gettysburg).

2. Battle was a result of Lee’s plan to invade the north for a second time.

Gettysburg Continued

1. Lee planned to attack the Union center at Cemetery Ridge on the third day of the battle. The General to lead the attack was the Virginian George Pickett.

2. Prior to Pickett’s charge the Confederates began the largest artillery barrage of the war.

3. Pickett’s charge was a miserable failure.

4. Gettysburg is considered the turning point of the American Civil War.

5. Gettysburg was by far the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War.

6. Lee was forced to retreat back into Virginia. His ambulance train was over seventeen miles long.

Gettysburg Outcome

• Losses

1. Confederates- 3,500 killed, 18,000

wounded, 6,500 captured/missing

2. Union- 3,155 killed, 14, 529 wounded,

5,365 captured/missing

• Outcome- Major Union Victory

Confederate soldiers: southwestern edge of the

Rosewoods – Gettysburg Pennsylvania


Battle of Chickamauga• Location – Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia

• Dates – September 18-20, 1863

• Commanders

1. Confederates- General Braxton Bragg, General James Longstreet

2. Federals (Union)- General William Rosecrans, General George Thomas

• Notable Facts

1. Chickamauga is the first major battle in the State of Georgia.

2. Chickamauga means “The River of Death” in Cherokee.

3. Control of the railroad in Chattanooga was at stake

4. Bloodiest battle fought in Georgia

5. Caused Union forces to retreat back to Chattanooga and they ended up capturing Chattanooga

Chickamauga Continued

• Losses

1. Confederates (Rebels)- 2,312 killed, 14,674 wounded, 1,468 captured/missing

2. Federals (Union)- 1,657 killed, 9,756 wounded, 4,757 captured/missing

• Outcome- Confederate Victory

Union Blockade of Georgia

• Many of Georgia’s ports were blocked

throughout the war – including Darien and


• Strong Confederate forts protected some

cities from falling under the blockade

• Fort Pulaski protected Savannah, but in

April of 1862, the Confederate forces


Union Blockade of Georgia

• As a result, the Union troops used Fort

Pulaski to block ships from entering


• The blockade made it difficult for farmers

and merchants to sell their wares

• Also made it hard for Confederate army to

receive supplies from overseas allies

Andersonville Prison

• February 1864, the Confederates opened

a prison camp to house Union soldiers

• Andersonville held the largest amount of

prisoners than any other camp at the time

• Tens of thousands of Union soldiers were

imprisoned there

• Conditions were awful – unhealthy

sanitation conditions, malnutrition, and


Andersonville Prison

• 13,000 out of 45,000 prisoners died at


• Today it is a memorial for all American

prisoners of war


If I could take


Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign

• Sherman and 100,000 men marched from

Chattanooga to Atlanta

• Sherman clashed with General Johnston

and the Confederates outside of Atlanta

(60,000 men)

• Because of shortages of ammunition and

men, Johnston retreated southward

• President Davis (CSA) fired Johnston and

replaced him with General Hood

• Hood lost the battle of Atlanta

Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign

• When General Sherman and the Union

Army arrived in Atlanta, he gave the

people of Atlanta five days to leave the city

• Five days later, Sherman had his troops

burn Atlanta to the ground on November

15, 1864

Sherman’s March to the Sea

• After burning Atlanta, Sherman and his

troops (60,000 by this point) marched

through Georgia to Savannah

• The plan was for the army to feed itself

with what it found

• The path was 60 miles wide and three

hundred miles long

• They took everything they could use and

destroyed what they could not use (total


Sherman’s March to the Sea

• Animals were slaughtered but not eaten

• Stored crops were emptied onto the


• Houses were looted and burned

• Railroads were destroyed

• The move took 2 months

• This march generated bad feelings

between the North and South even years

after the war was over

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