explorace maths 24.3

Post on 17-Oct-2015






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Which number should come next in this series?25,24,22,19,15......... Answer

Which number should come next in this series?3,5,8,13,21............ Answer

All baseball players are athletes. Some citizens of city XYZ are athletes.Therefore, some citizens of city XYZ are baseball players TRUE / FALSE Answer

Determine what number should replace the question mark in the following series:

A B D H P 32 ?Answer

Seven hours ago it was five hours before the time when there would be 2/3 of the day still remaining. What time is it now? The day starts at 12:00 A.M.


What is the value of F?

A + B = ZZ + P = TT + A = FB + P + F = 100A = 8Answer

If one bag of dog food feeds 8 puppies or 6 dogs, then 8 bags of the same dog food will feed 40 puppies and how many dogs?Answer

Each symbol in the puzzle square below represents a whole number. The numbers outside the square are the sums of each respective row and column. Can you determine the value of a circle?


Which number follows this sequence?

18, 20, 24, 32, ?Answer

Which number follows this sequence?


Which number follows this sequence?

212, 179, 146, 113, ? Answer

Which number follows this sequence?

4, 5, 7, 11, 19, ?Answer

Which number follows this sequence?

64, 48, 40, 36, 34 ? Answer

Which number follows this sequence?


Which number follows this sequence?

11, 12, 14, ? ,26, 42,Answer

Which number follows this sequence?

172, 84, 40, 18, ?Answer

Which number follows this sequence?Answer

Which number follows this sequence?


Which number follows this sequence?


Which number follows this sequence? Answer

Which number follows this sequence?


Which number follows this sequence?

5, 41, 149, 329 ? Answer

Half of one tenth of three fourths of RM80 isAnswer

Debra is twice as old as I will be 4 years from now. If Debra is 40, I am


Four times five eighths of three fifths of 20 meters is


The castle was built 20 years after the fort was 2 times as old as the castle is now. If the castle is 100 years old, how old is the fort?Answer

Jack is twice as tall as Martha was when she was 2 inches shorter than she is now. If Jack is 72 inches tall, how tall is Martha?


3 circles are drawn on a piece of paper. If someone else looks at the paper, what is the minimum possible number of circles he or she will be able to see on the paper? Answer

Jake has half as much money as he had yesterday, and a third as much as he will have tomorrow. If he had RM12 yesterday, how much will he have tomorrow?


Fred has twice as much money as Jan did before she spent RM20. Jan had RM10 more than Mark before she spent the RM20. If Mark has RM15, Fred has


Cubes are to be stacked in perfectly square layers that can be 5x5 (25 cubes), 4x4 (16 cubes), 3x3 (9 cubes), 2x2 (4 cubes), and 1x1 (1 cube). Each layer above the bottom one must have fewer cubes in it than the layer below it. If you have 54 cubes, and all of them must be stacked, what is the smallest bottom layer you can possibly have?Answer

18 is 1/2 of 36. 36 is 1/4 of 144. 144 is 1/4 of 576. What is 144 divided by 1/2?Answer

Below is a grid with four symbols having four different whole number values. No number is greater than 6. Each line adds up to the number at its end, and the number 19 in the corner is the sum of the diagonal. What is the value of the triangle?


I'm thinking of three whole numbers that when multiplied together equal 105. 1 is not one of the numbers. Tell me one of the three numbers.Answer

2/17 of some number is 17/43 of 7/19. If the number is a fraction, what is the numerator (number on the top part of the fraction)?


A cube of butter is sitting on a flat wooden table at waist level. The cube is perfectly sliced 3 times, forming 8 identical smaller cubes. If the cubes are never separated or moved, how many faces of the 8 identical cubes are visible to you if you walk all the way around the table?Answer

A cube is made of a white material, but the exterior is painted black. If the cube is cut into 125 identical smaller cubes, how many of the cubes will have 3 of their sides painted black?


House is 10 feet long and 12 feet wide. How long would a house of exactly the same proportions (that is 18 feet wide) be in feet?Answer

A certain population of rabbits doubles in number every day in a cage. If you start out with 2 rabbits (1 male and 1 female), you will have 64 rabbits in 5 days. How many rabbits will you have in 5 days if you start out with 1 male rabbit?Answer

A group of people are standing in a perfect circle, with each person directly facing the centre of the circle. Going clockwise around the circle, each person wears a shirt with a number on it. Beginning with person 1, it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on until it goes around to person 1 again. If person 1 is exactly facing person 7, what is the total number of people in the circle?Answer

What number is being used in each step of this sequence?

3, 6, 8, 4, 2 Answer

Each contestant in a hugging contest must hug all other contestants exactly one time. If there are 8 contestants, how many hugs will take place?Answer

A stack of 8 identical cubes (2 x 2 x 2) has how many total edges visible? Assume you can see the stack from below, above, and all sides. Answer

Farmer Tom wants to put up a single row of fencing that is 36 feet in length. A fence post has to be placed for every 3 feet of fence. How many posts will he need?Answer

Juan drives in a straight line at 10 miles per hour for 30 minutes, 30 miles per hour for 10 minutes, and 60 miles per hour for 45 minutes. How many miles did Juan drive? Answer

I begin on the first step, go up to the 8th step, then back down to the third step, and then up to the 12th step. If I never skip a step, how many steps did I take in total? Answer

I am older than my sister. Fifteen years ago her age was 1/3 of what my age is now. Ten years ago my age was twice what her age was 15 years ago. What is my age today?Answer

If a stack of 27 identical cubes (3 x 3 x 3) is painted on all six sides, how many of the cubes have no paint on them?Answer

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