extention program lspu- spcc 2013- 2014

Post on 24-May-2015






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Extention Program LSPU- SPCC 2013- 2014




“Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen.” 

― Willa Cather

“A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.” ― Lemony Snicket, Horseradish: Bitter Truths You

Can't Avoid

“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it,

because of your words. That is your role, your gift.” ― Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus

“There are books full of great writing that don't have very good stories. Read sometimes for the story...

don't be like the book-snobs who won't do that. Read sometimes for the words--the language. Don't be like

the play-it-safers who won't do that. But when you find a book that has both a good story and good

words, treasure that book.” ― Stephen King

InsightsJIVANEE S. ABRIL Role: Narrator

Teaching a child how to read is hard but making the child continue reading on his or her own is harder. Yes, I kept on thinking why we were doing this story sharing activity and I remembered what our mission was. It was to make them read again. Not understanding and checking their comprehension alone but for them to continue on reading. But how could we make them read again if they do not have the material to read. If you are to tell me that there are book sales, well what about those that even a peso matters, that the money to be spent on a book would mean that they’ll starve? Don’t tell me about the school libraries for most schools now do have a library but only as a decoration and students are prohibited to use the books. Those are the things I thought after our story sharing. After leaving them and saying that we’ll come back. With this story sharing they’ll enjoy stories, a way wherein the gap I mentioned above is to be filled.

MARICAR DE ROXAS Role: Step-Mother

It really felt good that the Grade four pupils appreciated what we have done for them, they are asking for another story and they are asking us to do it every day for them. It is really a great experience that those pupils respected us. And when the time has come that we have to leave them, they keep on waving their hands as if they really knew us and keep on telling us to take care.



I see myself as water to flowers. Flower buds in which to grow sooner with the help of sun light and water. I want to contribute to that flower to bloom with the colourful petals. So I need to filtrate myself like an educator I must know what to bring and what to left for my future learners.


I can say that before we had conducted the story telling activity, I felt a bit of nervous because I have never done it before with other children, aside from my brother. And I don’t have any idea on how the students would understand and appreciate our work. But when the time of presentation had come, the nervousness that I feel at that time had gone because of the warm welcome of the students.

When we arrived, they were smiling at us and I felt that they’re really hungry to see new teaching strategy. The children were noisy and very restless but when we started our story telling activity, all of them started to behave and lend their ears on us. They said that they love the presentation, and it felt great that the students had appreciated our efforts.At the moment our tiredness had all gone and been replace by fulfilment and happiness. And now I know why most of the teachers really love their profession.


When I entered here in Laguna State Polytechnic University I did not expect that I will be student extensionist or part of the extension service. I am glad when I heard that we will conduct a story sharing activity at Santa Filomena Elementary school. An hour before we conduct our story sharing activity I am already exhausted but it’s okay for me and when I saw the cute faces of the fourth grader, my feeling of being tired was removed because of their reaction that they are really happy to watch us and to listen to us. The benefactor of this activity is not only the students who witnessed our activity but also ourselves. I learned many things in this STORYSHARING Activity like how to be patient when the pupils are noisy it will serve as a guide for me when I am already a teacher. My confidence will also increase because I am already exposed to the crowd like them (pupils of fourth grader). I think this is the things that I learned from our activity that we did. This activity is impossible without the presence of GOD, the teachers who supported this activity, the person behind this activity none other than Mr. Mauro D. Lucido Jr. and of course the support and help of each everyone the BSEd 3-S English Major.

InsightsNIZETH B. SUAREZ Role: Fairy

It was a wonderful experience that I did not expect that it would be a well done activity. I was fascinated when we met those 4th grade pupils because I can see through their eyes the eagerness to learn and to listen to our story. They inspire me a lot from then on, which the teaching career was not about the money I’ll earn someday but it’s about the students that I’ll teach. This activity would be a better experience for me to have because I know it is how I’ll learn, through experiences and application.


I learned many things in this STORYSHARING Activity like how to be patient when the pupils are noisy it will serve as a guide for me when I am already a teacher. My confidence will also increase because I am already exposed to the crowd like them (pupils of fourth grader).

KATHLEEN JOY DIMAYUGA Role: M.C.The children were noisy and very restless but

when we started our story telling activity, all of them started to behave and lend their ears on us. They said that they love the presentation, and it felt great that the students had appreciated our efforts.At the moment our tiredness had all gone and been replace by fulfilment and happiness.


The children were noisy and very restless but when we started our story telling activity, all of them started to behave and lend their ears on us. They said that they love the presentation, and it felt great that the students had appreciated our efforts.At the moment our tiredness had all gone and been replace by fulfilment and happiness.

What Do You Want To Improve In Your Presentation?

JIVANEE S. ABRIL Role: Narrator

After the story sharing activity I realized we were prepared at the beginning but towards the end we were on an impromptu stage. Then we need to have a pre- test at the beginning of the lesson and so a post- test after so. I think we also need to for them to make a creative output but we forgot. Then there are corrections on the questionnaire but because of time constraints and other activities at school we did not realize this until the very last minute of our story sharing activity.

MARICAR DE ROXAS Role: Step-Mother

What I want to improve in our presentation is the way how we acted as the characters in the story. I want to make it better on the next storytelling, I want our group to be the best, I want it to be perfect for the pupils to really understand the story and also for them to enjoy and be entertained by our group.


After our presentations I’ve realized that we should introduced the major characters in story before we start our story telling so that they will not be confuse and follow the story comprehensively. We should prepare more activities so that when we finish our story telling and major activities we will use the remaining time fruitfully.I am thinking activities that will encourage them to read or activities that will improve their reading and comprehension skills

What Do You Want To Improve In Your Presentation?


On my own observation, I can say that we have done the story telling very well. Because even though some of our props were just improvised due to shortage of budget, the students still appreciated it. But there are still need many things to improve.

I think we still need to improve our acting abilities so that we could gain more attention from the students. We should also improve our abilities in managing the classroom because I noticed that when the students started to get really noise we can’t easily make them silent.

Even though we still have many flaws, it’s still a good experience because at least, on the actual teaching, we will be ready for the different behaviours of the students and know how to make them behave well.


I think the mastery of the story so we were able to deliver the story to the students then the prizes should be given in a way that it must be enough for them.

What Do You Want To Improve In Your Presentation?


In our first STORYSHARING we used Story Telling to share our story entitled The Thirsty Fairy. While doing our activity I feel aflutter at the same time I am happy to present our work to the pupils of Sta. Filomena Elementary School. I observed that we did a great job but we have little problem in terms of the procedure of what we going to do next. I think this is the thing that I want to improve in our group.


We should also improve our abilities in managing the classroom because I noticed that when the students started to get really noise we can’t easily make them silent.


Because even though some of our props were just improvised due to shortage of budget, the students still appreciated it.

How Did It Affect Your Views As A Future Educator?

JIVANEE S. ABRIL Role: Narrator

As a future educator I see that this story sharing activity as a huge help in developing the young to read more to be once again be interested with books. As to what Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quoted that what is not started today is never finished tomorrow. That is why I can say that we’re on the right track because if what the quotation implies to say is correct then making child read more this early would mean to him or her in the future a lot. That if you are not to try and read this early you’d forget and lose interest in the future so, as early as today we must all read, as long as there are good books to read we must read. Because as to what Dr. Seuss in I Can Read with My Eyes Shut says, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you'll go.”

MARICAR DE ROXAS Role: Step-Mother

For me, this experience motivated me more to be a good educator someday, because as I encountered the Grade four pupils, they respected us even though we are just also a student’s like them what more if we are already a true educator. Besides I was motivated to learn more to gain more knowledge so that I will have more knowledge to share to my students, because it really good knowing that my students appreciate what I have done for them.

How Did It Affect Your Views As A Future Educator?


I admit that when I am still 1styear College, I am not sure if I will like this profession or either to continue taking this course, but as time goes on, I’ve learned to embrace it. Almost all the teachers that I met are telling that this profession is really hard; you have to be patient and dedicated on your work, but the brighter side is that they’re really enjoying and love their work. But I said to myself, how come that they’re enjoying it? They‘re working hard yet, they are only getting a low salary. But as I experienced this story telling activity, I realized what the things that make the teachers love their profession. It is the laughs of the students, their healthy noises (the noise that the topic is the teacher’s discussion), their willingness to learn new information and their appreciation of your works. Now I know why teachers love their work and I also know now what are the things that make me love this profession. And I can say that, “Money isn’t everything, but happiness is.”


It affects a lot, because I did not thought that it’ll going to be well done experiences. Pupils like them should be given a very sufficient attention in terms of teaching and inspiring them to read well with comprehension, because i know how important reading is and at their early age they could able to develop this reading skill and maybe will use it in the future.

How Did It Affect Your Views As A Future Educator?


In relation with my views as a future educator I can say that when I am about to teach in an intellectual arena it will guide me to be always prepared and I know what I will do or the procedure of my class discussion.


It urges me more to continue my course and give more commitment to my studies because I now witness my learners in the future. I want to give them quality education and be more effective to them.

It made me think that even if a teacher sacrifices time but when it flourish and your learners learned you will feel great achievement that no one could give in exchange.


But I said to myself, how come that they’re enjoying it? They‘re working hard yet, they are only getting a low salary. But as I experienced this story telling activity, I realized what the things that make the teachers love their profession. It is the laughs of the students, their healthy noises (the noise that the topic is the teacher’s discussion), their willingness to learn new information and their appreciation of your works.

How Did It Affect Your Views As A Future Educator?


I encountered the Grade four pupils, they respected us even though we are just also a student’s like them what more if we are already a true educator. Besides I was motivated to learn more to gain more knowledge so that I will have more knowledge to share to my students, because it really good knowing that my students appreciate what I have done for them.



“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.” 

― George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” 

― C.S. Lewis

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You

live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron, Conversations with William Styron

“Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested

thoroughly.” ― Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

“You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” 

― Ray Bradbury

“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather

how many can get through to you.” ― Mortimer J. Adler



“It had been startling and disappointing to me to find out that story books had been written by people, that

books were not natural wonders, coming up of themselves like grass. Yet regardless of where they come from, I cannot remember a time when I was

not in love with them -- with the books themselves, cover and binding and the paper they were printed on, with their smell and their weight and with their possession in my arms, captured and carried off to

myself. Still illiterate, I was ready for them, committed to all the reading I could give them ...” 

― Eudora Welty, One Writer's Beginnings

“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.” 

― Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

“Thus I rediscovered what writers have always known (and have told us again and again): books

always speak of other books, and every story tells a story that has already been told.” 

― Umberto Eco, PostScript to the Name of the Rose

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