extra credit intelligence

Post on 13-May-2015






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Intelligence is defined in many different ways. We all have our own

version of a intelligent person. There was a research done by four

psychologists. The research was on the American people and what

the average believed intelligence is. The intelligence that were

discovered by Sternberg, Conway, Kerton, and Bernstein from this

research was the following:

Problem solving and practical skills which include seeing every

side to a problem, interested in all issues, and open minded.

Verbal ability which is when one has an open vocabulary,

speaks clearly, knowledgeable about the subjects, and reads

many things.

Social competence is when one is great with people,

understands another persons problems, and being able to

admit to mistakes made.

What is intelligence:

Jean Piaget, child psychologist, theory about intelligence is, intelligence is an adaptation. An adaptation is physical and symbolic. Physical deals with one psychomotor skills which

allows us to adapt to different environments. This can mean school, work, family, friends, and so forth. One must be able to adapt into the environment. Each one deals with different types of expectations and requirements. Symbolic deals with

ones ability to communicate. Communication deals with telling people what your wants and needs are. This is were

language comes in. A baby communicates by crying but each cry has a distinct noise to it, which is the way a baby

symbolizes what they want and need, until language comes into the picture. Communication deals with a sender and




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Work Environment

School Environment

Crying Communication

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES:There has been a theory proposed by Howard Gardner regarding intelligence. His theory says there are seven different types of intelligence. He states that each one is not connected to another. A person can be great in one intelligent department and be horrible in another. Multiple Intelligence test can be found all over the web so that one may discover themselves through finding out what they are intelligent at and what they should work on if they please.

The eight types of Multiple Intelligences :

1. Linguistic Intelligence- One that is good at verbal communication (word Smart).

2. Logical /Mathematical Intelligence- One that has the ability to solve problems with numbers and reasoning.

3. Visual/Spatial Intelligence- One that is good at seeing the whole picture of something.

4. Musical Intelligence- One that has the ability to create and perceive musical information.

5. Body-kinesthetic Intelligence- One that understands and can control the body.

6. Intrapersonal Intelligence-One that knows themselves.

7. Interpersonal Intelligence- One that understands people.

8. Naturalist Intelligence- One that is nature smart.

What is your strongest and weakest intelligent?• http://literacyworks.org/mi/assessment/findyourstrengths.html• http://www.lth3.k12.il.us/rhampton/mi/mi.html• http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/in


Linguistic enjoy word games,

writing, great at verbal arguments ,

and so forth.


Logical /MathematicalIs all about numbers and solving problems

Naturalist are one

with nature and

its creatures

Visual/Spatial are great with

art, diagrams, and reading


Musical people can

keep tunes, hum,

listen to music all

the time, and cant

imagine life without



One that has to do

things while

moving around.

Intrapersonal enjoys being with people, and knows themselves

Intrapersonal enjoys being independent and knows themselves

Problem solving Thinking Critically

Triarchic theory of intelligence tells us that there is three types of intelligence. Robert S. Sternberg, Yale University psychologist, came up with this theory of intelligence. The three types are the following:• Analytical Intelligence- knowledge of knowing how to critical think and problem solve through formal education.• Creative Intelligence- connects internal with external reality through insight, synthesis, and ability to react to novel stimuli and situations. • Practical Intelligence- “street smart” the ability to understand the external world and solve life problems.

Real life problem solving

Triarchic Theory of


Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence is about how one handles there emotions. One that understands one’s own feelings, and can identify with someone's problems and have a understanding and relate to them. We have three sections in our brain, the center section consist of our passion and emotions. EQ is not the opposite of IQ, someone can be great at both, better in one than the other, or poor in both. Researchers believe that 90% of emotional communication is not through verbal communication. There are many ways of understanding ones emotional intelligence. The following websites have test to find out your scale of emotional intelligence:




Understanding and relating

Measuring Intelligence:Is divided into test of aptitude and/or


Stanford- Binet test measures judgment, comprehension, and reasoning. This test is the most influenced and traditional way of intelligence testing.

Aptitude te

st is a

n SAT or / and ACT

test. It

measures what a

person ca


do in th

e future.

Sternberg Multidimensional Abilities Test measures Analytical, Creative, and Practical Intelligence.


Nature Nurture

Not born with the same capability

Limited to learning Environment plays

a limited role Testing helps get

ride of those that can not do the work.

Haves / Have-nots

All are born equal “Blank Tablet” Environment

affects all at the beginning of birth

Environment maximizes ones potential

Wasting limited societal resources


What is you emotional intelligence?

What is your highest to lowest score in multiple intelligence?

What do you agree with

Nature or Nurtu


Measure your intelligence!

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