fabulae faciles · 2016. 11. 26. · slightly less frequent words in fabulae faciles as they...

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Fabulae Faciles:

Hercules & JASON



Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary First Edition © 2012 by Geoffrey D. Steadman revised April 2013, March 2014 All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publisher. The author has made an online version of this work available (via email) under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The terms of the license can be accessed at creativecommons.org. Accordingly, you are free to copy, alter, and distribute this work freely under the following conditions: (1) You must attribute the work to the author (but not in any way that suggests that the author endorses your alterations to the work). (2) You may not use this work for commercial purposes. (3) If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license as this one. ISBN-13: 978-0-9843065-5-8 ISBN-10: 0-9843065-5-2 Published by Geoffrey Steadman Cover Design: David Steadman Fonts: Times New Roman geoffreysteadman@gmail.com


How to Use this Commentary Research shows that, as we learn how to read in a second language, a combination of reading and direct vocabulary instruction is statistically superior to reading alone. One of the purposes of this book is to encourage active acquisition of vocabulary.

1. Master the core vocabulary list as soon as possible.

Develop a daily regimen for memorizing vocabulary and forms before you begin reading. Start with an intensive review of the running core list on the next page. Although a substantial number of core vocabulary words come within the first few lessons of the commentary, readers have encountered most of these words in first-year Latin and should be able to master the list quickly. Once readers have reviewed these words, I recommend that they consult and memorize slightly less frequent words in Fabulae Faciles as they encounter them.

2. Read actively.

Read in Latin word order. Initially, readers have a tendency both (a) to scan through the entire Latin sentence quickly to order to attain a sense of the constructions and (b) to treat the sentence as a puzzle and jump around the passage from subject to verb to object and so on. As you acquire more vocabulary and your comfort with the Latin increases, make reading in Latin word order your primary method. It is a lot of fun and with persistence very satisfying as well. Develop the habit of making educated guesses as you read. The purpose of the graded reader to provide you with an opportunity to encounter difficult constructions, particularly subjunctive clauses and indirect discourse, so frequently that you cannot help but to develop proficiency identifying and translating them. Make educated guests as you read. If you guess correctly, the commentary will reaffirm your knowledge of the Latin. If you answer incorrectly, you will become more aware of your weaknesses and therefore more capable of correcting them.

3. Reread a passage immediately after you have completed it.

Repeated readings not only help you commit Latin to memory but also increase your ability to read the Latin as Latin. Always read the words out loud (or at least whisper them to yourself). While you may be inclined to translate the text into English as you reread, develop the habit of reading Latin as Latin.

4. Reread the most recent passage immediately before you begin a new one.

This additional repetition will strengthen your ability to recognize vocabulary, forms, and syntax quickly, bolster your confidence, and most importantly provide you with much-needed context as you begin the next selection in the text.



abs. absolute acc. accusative act. active adj. adjective adv. adverb app. appositive comp. comparative dat. dative dep. deponent d.o. direct object f. feminine fut. future gen. genitive imp. imperative

impf. imperfect imper. impersonal indic. indicative i.o. indirect object ind. indirect inf. infinitive inter. interrogative m. masculine n. neuter nom. nominative obj. object pple. participle pass passive pf. perfect

pl. plural plpf. pluperfect pred. predicate prep. preposition pres. present pron. pronoun quest. question reflex. reflexive rel. relative seq. sequence sg. singular subj. subject superl. superlative voc. vocative

Heracles 12


�phicls, frter Herculis, magn v�ce exclmvit; sed Herculs ipse, fortissimus puer, haudququam territus est. Parv�s manibus serpents statim prehendit, et colla erum magn v� compressit. Tl� mod� serpents puer� interfectae sunt. Alcmna autem, mter puer�rum, clam�rem aud�verat, et mar�tum suum somn� excitverat. Ille l�men accendit et gladium suum rapuit; tum ad puer�s properbat, sed ubi ad locum vnit, rem m�ram v�dit, Herculs enim r�dbat et serpents mortus m�nstrbat. 14. THE MUSIC-LESSON

Herculs puer� corpus suum d�ligenter exercbat; magnam partem di� in palaestr cons�mbat; didicit etiam arcum intendere et tla conicere. H�s exercitti�nibus v�rs eius c�nfirmtae sunt. In music etiam Lin� centaur� rudibatur (centaur� autem equ� erant sed caput hominis habbant); huic tamen art� minus d�ligenter studbat. Hic Linus Herculem �lim obiurgbat, quod n�n studi�sus erat; tum puer �rtus citharam subit� rapuit, et omnibus v�ribus caput magistr� �nfl�cis percussit. Ille ict� pr�strtus est, et paul� post v�t excessit, neque quisquam poste id officium suscipere voluit. 15. HERCULES ESCAPES SACRIFICE

D Hercule haec etiam inter alia nrrantur. lim dum iter facit, in f�ns Aegypti�rum vnit. Ibi rx qu�dam, n�mine B�s�ris, ill� tempore rgnbat; hic autem vir cr�dlissimus homins immolre c�nsuverat. Herculem igitur corripuit et in vincula conicit. Tum


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Heracles 13

accend�, -ere, -nd�, -nsum: kindle, light, 2 Aegypti�, -�rum m.: Egyptians, 1 Alcmena, -ae f.: Alcmena, 4 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 arcus, - s m.; bow, 4 ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 B s�ris, -idis m.: Busiris, 1 centaurus, -� m.: centaur, 12 cithara, -ae f.: cithera, lyre, 1 cl�mor, -�ris m.: shout, roar, applause, 4 collum, -� n.; neck, 6 comprim�, -ere, -press�: press together, 2 confirm� (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 consuesc�, -ere, -v�, -sutum: to accustom, 3 cons m�, -ere, -mps�, -mptum: take, spend 9 corripi�, -ere, -u�, -reptus: snatch (up), 6 cr dlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 diligenter: carefully, diligently, 3 disc�, -ere, didic�: to learn, come to know, 1 equus, -� m.: horse, 7 rudi�, -�re, -�v�, -�tum: instruct, 1 excd�, -ere, -cess�, -cessum: go out, depart, 2 excit� (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 excl�m� (1): cry out, 3 exerce�, -re, -u�, -ercitum: train, exercise. 1 exercit�ti�, -ti�nis f.: training, exercise, 1 f�nis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 fr�ter, -tris m.: brother, 5 gladius, -� m.: sword, 10 haudqu�quam: not at all, in no way, 2 ictus, - s m.: strike, blow, 4 immol�, -�re, -�v�, -�tum: sacrifice, 1 Infl�x, -fl�cis: unhappy, unfortunate, 2 intend�, -ere, -nd�, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 phicls, -is m.: Iphicles, 1

�r�tus, -a, -um: angry, 5 Linus, -� m.: Linus, 2 l men, l minis n.: light, 3 magister, magistr� m.: teacher, 1 maritus, -� m.: husband, 3 minus: less, 1 m�rus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7 monstr� (1): to show, demonstrate, 3 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7 m sica, -ae f.: music, 1 n�rr� (1): to narrate, relate, 7 n�men, n�minis, n.: name, 12 obiurg� (1): child, scold, reproach, 2 officium, -i�, n.: duty, 2 �lim: once, formerly, 10 palaestra, -ae f.: wrestling-court, 1 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3 percuti�, -ere, -cuss�, -cussum: strike, 2 poste�: after this, afterwards, 7 prehend�, -ere, -hend�, -hnsum: seize, 5 proper� (1): to hasten, 1 prostern�, -ere, -str�v�, -�tum: to lay out, 3 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4 rapi�, -ere, rapu�, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5 rgn� (1): to rule, reign, 3 ride�, -re, r�s�, -r�sum: to laugh, 1 serpns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6 somnus, -� m.: sleep, 14 stude�, -re, -u�: be eager, be enthusiastic, 1 studi�sus, -a, -um: eager, diligent, studious, 1 suscipi�, -ere, -cp�, -ceptum: undertake, 14 t�lis, -e: such, 6 tlum, -� n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3 terre�, -re, -u�, territum: to terrify, scare, 5 vinculum, -� n.: bond, chain, 4 v�ta, -ae, f.: life, 9 v�x, v�cis, f.: voice, 9

1 magn� v�ce: in a loud…; abl. of manner, loses prep. ‘cum’ when there is an adj. 3 magn� v�: with great force; abl. of manner; irreg. abl. sg. v�s 4 t�l� mod�: in such a way; abl. of manner, abl. sg. 3rd decl. i-stem adj. t�lis, -e 12 � puer�: from boyhood 13 di�: partitive gen. sg. 5th decl. di�s didicit: pf. disc 14 v�rs: strength; fem. pl. of v�s, which translates as ‘force’ in the sg. eius: gen. sg., is, ea, id 16 huic…art�: dat. sg. ars, artis f.; obj. of

stude, ‘be eager or enthusiastic for (dat.)’ 16 minus: comp. adv. modifies d�ligenter 18 v�ribus: cf. line 14, abl. of means, note that this word is 3rd decl. while vir, vir� ‘man’ is 2nd decl. 19 paul�: (by) a little; abl. of degree of difference modifies adverbial post, ‘later’ 20 v�t� excessit: euphemism for dying id officium: this duty; demon. adj. 24 D: about… haec: these (things); neuter acc. pl. 25 n�mine: by name; abl. of respect ill� tempore: at…; abl. of time when



n�ntis dmsit et diem sacrifici �dxit. Mox ea di�s appet�bat, et omnia rt� par�ta sunt. Man�s Herculis cat�ns ferres vinctae sunt, et mola salsa in caput eius inspersa est. Ms enim erat apud antqus salem et far capitibus victim�rum impnere. Iam victima ad �ram st�bat; iam sacerds cultrum s�mpserat. Subit tamen Hercul�s magn cn�t� vincula perr�pit; tum ict� sacerdtem prstr�vit; alter r�gem ipsum occdit. 16. A CRUEL DEED

Hercul�s iam adul�sc�ns Th�bs habit�bat. R�x Th�b�rum, vir ign�vus, Cren appell�b�tur. Minyae, g�ns bellicsissima, Th�b�ns fnitim erant. L�g�t autem � Minys ad Th�b�ns quotanns mitt�bantur; h Th�b�s veni�bant et centum bov�s postul�bant. Th�b�n enim lim � Minys super�t erant; trib�ta igitur r�g Miny�rum quotanns pend�bant. At Hercul�s cv�s sus hc stipendi lber�re cnstituit; l�g�ts igitur comprehendit, atque aur�s erum abscdit. L�g�t autem apud omn�s gent�s s�nct habentur. 17. THE DEFEAT OF THE MINYAE

Ergnus, r�x Miny�rum, ob haec vehementer r�tus statim cum omnibus cpis in fn�s Th�b�nrum contendit. Cren adventum eius per explor�tr�s cognvit. Ipse tamen pugn�re nluit, nam magn timre affectus erat; Th�b�n igitur Herculem imper�torem cre�v�runt. Ille nuntis in omn�s part�s dmisit, et cpi�s co�git; tum proxim di� cum magn exercit� profectus est. Locum idneum d�l�git et aciem nstr�xit. Tum Th�b�n � superire loc

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Heracles 15

abscd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut away or off, 5 aci�s, -� f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 adul�sc�ns, -entis: young (man), youth(ful), 3 adventus, -�s m.: arrival, approach, 3 affici, -ere, -f�c, fectum: influence, treat, 13 alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 antquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 �ra, -ae f.: altar, 2 auris, -is f.: ear, 1 bellicsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 cat�na, -ae f.: chain, 2 centum: hundred, 3 cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 cg, cgere, -�g, -�ctum: collect, compel, 5 comprehend, -ere, -d, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 con�tus, -�s m.: attempt, effort, 7 contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 cpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 cre (1): to create, 2 Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 culter, cultr m.: knife, 1 d�lig, -ere, -l�g, -lectum: choose, select, 6 d�mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: to drop, 3 �mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send out, 2 Ergnus, - m.: Erginus, 1 exercitus, -�s m.: army, 2 explr�tor, -ris m.: scout, spy, 1 f�r, farris n.: spelt (wheat), sacrifical meal, 1 ferreus, -a, -um: of iron, iron, 1 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 fnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring, bordering, 2 g�ns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 ictus, -�s m.: strike, blow, 4 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 ignavus, -a, -um: lazy, cowardly, 2 imper�tor, -ris m.: commander, 1 impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7

insperg, -ere, -ers, -ersum: sprinkle upon, 1 instru, -ere, -�x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 r�tus, -a, -um: angry, 5 l�g�tus, - m.: ambassador, legate, 3 lber (1): to set free, release, 6 Minyae, -�rum f.: Minyae, 5 mola, -ae f.: meal, 1 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 nam: for, 6 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 lim: once, formerly, 10 pend, -ere, , pepend, pensum: pay, hang, 1 perrump, -ere, -r�p, -ruptum: break through, 2 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 prostern, -ere, -str�v, -�tum: to lay out, 3 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5 pugn (1): to fight, 4 quotanns: every year, yearly, 2 rt�: duly, fitly, 1 sacerds, -dtis m. f.: priest(ess), 2 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5 s�l, salis m.: salt, 1 salsus, -a, -um: salted, salty, 1 sanctus, -a, -um: sacred, holy, 1 stpendium, - n.: tax, tribute, 1 st (1): to stand, 8 sum, sumere, sumps, sumptum: to take, 3 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 3 super (1): to overcome, defeat, 3 Th�bae, -�rum f.: Thebes, 4 Th�b�n, -rum m.: Theban, 7 trib�tum, -� n.: tribute, tax, contribution, 1 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11 victima, -ae f.: victim, 2 vinci, -re, vnx, vnctus: bind, tie, 4 vinculum, - n.: bond, chain, 4

1 sacrifici: for sacrifice; dat. of purpose �dxit: appointed, proclaimed ea di�s: this day; a demonstrative adj. 3 Ms erat: it was the custom to; impersonal 4 capitibus: on…; dat. of compound verb magn cn�t�: with…; abl. of manner 7 alter (ict�): with another blow; abl. means 10 Th�bs: in Thebes; locative (place where) 11 Cren: nom. predicate bellicsissima: superlative adj.

12 Th�b�ns: to Thebans; dat. with a special adj. f�nitim� 13 h: these; i.e. the l�g�t�, envoys Th�b�s: to Thebes; place to which, towns and cities do no require ‘ad’ 15 pend�bant: used to pay; iterative impf 16 hc stipendi: from…; abl. separation 18 habentur: are held (to be); + nom. pred. 22 cpis: troops; as often in Caesar 26 profectus est: set out; pf. dep. proficiscor



n�ntis dmsit et diem sacrifici �dxit. Mox ea di�s appet�bat, et omnia rt� par�ta sunt. Man�s Herculis cat�ns ferres vinctae sunt, et mola salsa in caput eius inspersa est. Ms enim erat apud antqus salem et far capitibus victim�rum impnere. Iam victima ad �ram st�bat; iam sacerds cultrum s�mpserat. Subit tamen Hercul�s magn cn�t� vincula perr�pit; tum ict� sacerdtem prstr�vit; alter r�gem ipsum occdit. 16. A CRUEL DEED

Hercul�s iam adul�sc�ns Th�bs habit�bat. R�x Th�b�rum, vir ign�vus, Cren appell�b�tur. Minyae, g�ns bellicsissima, Th�b�ns fnitim erant. L�g�t autem � Minys ad Th�b�ns quotanns mitt�bantur; h Th�b�s veni�bant et centum bov�s postul�bant. Th�b�n enim lim � Minys super�t erant; trib�ta igitur r�g Miny�rum quotanns pend�bant. At Hercul�s cv�s sus hc stipendi lber�re cnstituit; l�g�ts igitur comprehendit, atque aur�s erum abscdit. L�g�t autem apud omn�s gent�s s�nct habentur. 17. THE DEFEAT OF THE MINYAE

Ergnus, r�x Miny�rum, ob haec vehementer r�tus statim cum omnibus cpis in fn�s Th�b�nrum contendit. Cren adventum eius per explor�tr�s cognvit. Ipse tamen pugn�re nluit, nam magn timre affectus erat; Th�b�n igitur Herculem imper�torem cre�v�runt. Ille nuntis in omn�s part�s dmisit, et cpi�s co�git; tum proxim di� cum magn exercit� profectus est. Locum idneum d�l�git et aciem nstr�xit. Tum Th�b�n � superire loc

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impetum in host�s f�c�runt. Ill autem impetum sustin�re nn potu�runt; itaque aci�s hostium pulsa est atque in fugam conversa. 18. MADNESS AND MURDER

Post hoc proelium Hercul�s cpi�s su�s ad urbem red�xit. Omn�s Th�b�n propter victriam maxim� gaud�bant; Cren autem magns honoribus Herculem decor�vit, atque fliam suam e in m�trimnium dedit. Hercul�s cum uxre su� be�tam vtam ag�bat; sed post paucs anns subit in furrem incidit, atque lbers sus ipse su� man� occdit. Post breve tempus ad s�nit�tem reductus est, et propter hoc facinus magn dolre affectus est; mox ex urbe eff�git et in silv�s s� rec�pit. Nol�bant enim cv�s sermnem cum e hab�re. 19. HERCULES CONSULTS THE ORACLE

Hercul�s tantum scelus expi�re magnopere cupi�bat. Constituit igitur ad r�culum Delphicum re; hoc enim r�culum erat omnium celeberrimum. Ibi templum erat Apollinis pl�rims dns orn�tum. Hc in templ sed�bat f�mina quaedam, nmine Pythia, et cnsilium dabat es qu ad r�culum veni�bant. Haec autem f�mina ab ips Apolline doc�b�tur, et volunt�tem de hominibus �nunti�bat. Hercul�s igitur, qu Apollinem praecipu� col�bat, h�c v�nit. Tum rem ttam exposuit, neque scelus c�l�vit. 20. THE ORACLE'S REPLY

Ubi Hercules fnem f�cit, Pythia prm tac�bat; tandem tamen iussit eum ad urbem Tryntha re, et Eurysthe r�gis omnia imper�ta facere. Hercul�s ubi haec audvit, ad urbem illam contendit, et Eurysthe r�g s� in servit�tem tr�didit. Duodecim


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Heracles 17

acis, - f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 affici�, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 ag�, agere, g, �ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 Apollo, -inis m.: Apollo, 7 beatus, -a, -um: blessed, happy, 3 celeber, -bris, -bre: frequented, celebrated, 2 cl� (1): hide, conceal, 5 cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 col�, -ere, colu, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 contend�, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 convert�, -ere, -, -rsus: turn (around), 6 c�pia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 cupi�, -ere, -v, -tum: desire, long for, 4 decor� (1): to adorn, distinguish, 2 Delphicus, -a, -um: Delphic, 1 doce�, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 d�num, - n.: gift, 6 duodecim: twelve, 6 effugi�, -ere, -f�g: flee away, escape, 1 nunti� (1): speak out, 1 expi� (1): expiate, 2 exp�n�, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 facinus, facinoris n.: bad deed, crime, 1 fmina, -ae f.: woman, 3 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 furor, -�ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 gaude�, -re, g�vsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 honor, -�ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 h�c: to this place, hither, 2 imper� (1): order, command, 12 incid�, -ere, -cid: fall into, fall upon, 3

ire itaque: and so, 8 lber, -�rum m.: children, 1 matrim�nium, -i n.: marriage, 6 maxim: especially, very greatly, 5 n�l�, n�lle, n�lu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 n�men, n�minis, n.: name, 12 occid�, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 �r�culum, - n.: oracle, 11 �rn� (1): to equip, adorn, 1 pl�rimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3 praecipu; especially, 2 proelium, -i n.: battle, 4 propter: on account of, because of, 6 pulsa P thia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4 recipi�, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take back, 8 red�c�, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 s�nit�s, -t�tis f.: soundness, sanity, 1 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4 sede�, -re, sd, sessum: to sit, 6 serm�, serm�nis m.: conversation, talk, 2 servit�s, servit�tis, f.: servitude, 2 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7 sustine�, -re, u, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7 tace�, -re, -u, -itum: be silent, 2 templum, - n.: temple, 3 Thb�n, -�rum m.: Theban, 7 Tryns, Tirynthis f.: Tiryns, 1 uxor, �x�ris f.: wife, spouse, 10 vict�ria, -ae f.: victory, 1 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9 volunt�s, -t�tis f.: will, wish, permission, 1

1 in hosts: against…; as often in battle 2 in fugam: to flight 5 c�pi�s: troops 7 e: to him; dat. sg. ind. obj. is, ea, id 8 agbat: lived; idiom with v�tam 10 ipse: he himself; supply a subject 11 affectus est: was afflicted 12 s recpit: retreated; s� recipiere is a common idiom for “retreat” 16 tantum scelus: neuter acc. sg. 17 re: to go; inf. e omnium: partitive gen. with superlative 18 celeberrimum: predicate, superlative adj.

erat…orn�tum: orn�tum erat, plpf. pass. 20 es: dat. pl. ind. obj. with dabat 21 hominibus: dat. pl. ind. obj. 22 colbat: used to worship; iterative h�c: to here; place to which of h�c scelus: neuter acc. sg. 26 prm�: at first; adverb re: to go; inf. e 27 Eurysthe rgis: gen. sg. 28 imper�ta: commands; ‘things having been commanded’ neuter acc. pl. PPP (pf. pass. pple) of imper 29 Eurysthe� rg: dat. ind. obj.



anns cr�d�lissim Eurysthe servi�bat, et duodecim l�br�s, qus ille imper�verat, cnf�cit; hc enim �n mod tantum scelus expi�r potuit. D� hs l�bribus pl�rima � po�ts scrpta sunt. Multa tamen quae po�tae n�rrant vix cr�dibilia sunt. 21. 1st LABOR: THE NEMEAN LION

Prmum ab Eurysthe iussus est Hercul�s lenem occdere qu ill tempore vallem Nemeaeam redd�bat nfestam. In silv�s igitur in quibus le habit�bat statim s� contulit. Mox feram vdit, et arcum, quem s�cum attulerat, intendit; eius tamen pellem, quae d�nsissima erat, tr�icere non potuit. Tum cl�v� magn� quam semper ger�bat lenem percussit, fr�str� tamen; neque enim hc mod eum occdere potuit. Tum d�mum collum mnstr bracchis sus complexus est et fauc�s eius omnibus vribus compressit. Hc mod le brev tempore exanim�tus est; n�lla enim resprand facult�s e dab�tur. Tum Hercul�s cad�ver ad oppidum in umers rettulit; et pellem, quam d�tr�xerat, poste� pr veste ger�bat. Omn�s autem qu eam reginem incol�bant, ubi f�mam d� morte lenis acc�p�runt, vehementer gaud�bant et Herculem magn honre hab�bant. 22. 2nd LABOR: THE LERNEAN HYDRA

Paul post iussus est ab Eurysthe Hydram nec�re. Hoc autem mnstrum erat cui novem erant capita. Hercul�s igitur cum amc Iola profectus est ad pal�dem Lernaeam, in qu� Hydra habit�bat. Mox mnstrum inv�nit, et quamquam r�s erat magn percul,

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Heracles 19

affer, -ferre, attul, all�tum: carry to bring 5 amcus, - m.: friend, 6 arcus, -�s m.; bow, 4 bracchium, - n.: arm, 2 cad�ver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 cl�va, -ae f.: club, 1 collum, - n.; neck, 6 complector, -plect, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 comprim, -ere, -press: press together, 2 credibilis, -e: credible, 2 cr�d�lis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 d�mum: at length, finally, 3 densus, -a, -um: thick, 2 d�trah, -ere, -ax, -actum: draw away/off, 2 duodecim: twelve, 6 exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 expi (1): expiate, 2 facult�s, -t�tis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 f�ma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 fauc�s, -ium f.: throat, 2 fera, -ae f.: wild animal, beast, 1 frustr�: in vain, for nothing, 13 gaude, -�re, g�vsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 honor, -ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra, 5 imper (1): order, command, 12 incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4 inf�stus, -a, -um: unsafe, dangerous, 1 intend, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 inveni, -re, -v�n, -ventum: find, discover 8 Iol�us, - m.: Iolaus, 1

le, lenis m.: lion, 5 Lernaeus, -a, -um: of Lerna, 1 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9 n�rr (1): to narrate, relate, 7 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9 Nemeaeus, -a, -um: of Nemea, 1 novem: nine, 3 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 oppidum, - n.: town, 4 pal�s, pal�dis f.: swamp, marsh, 3 pellis, -is f.: hide, skin, pelt, 2 percuti, -ere, -cuss, -cussum: strike, 2 pl�rimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3 po�ta, -ae m.: poet, 4 poste�: after this, afterwards, 7 pr: before, in front of, for, 9 quamquam: although, 4 redd, -ere, did, dditum: give back, return 4 respr (1): to breathe back, breathe out, 2 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4 scrb, -ere, scrps, scrptum: write, 2 semper: always, ever, forever, 2 servi, -re, -v, -tum: to be slave to, serve, 1 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7 tr�ici, -ere, -i�c, -iectum: pierce, throw across, 1 umerus, - m.: shoulder, 3 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 anns: for…; acc. of duration servi�bat: served; governs a dative object 2 hc…�n mod: in this one way; manner scelus: nom. subj., neuter sg. 3 expi�r: passive inf. expi, expi�re pl�rima: very many (things); neuter pl. subject, superlative of multus multa: many things; subject 7 prmum: first (of all); adverbial acc. ill tempore: at…; abl. time when 9 s� contulit: carried himself; i.e. he went, pf. cnfer 10 s�cum: cum s� attulerat: plpf. affer 11 ger�bat: he was carrying 12 frustr�: in vain; adverb hc mod: in this way; abl. of manner 14 vribus: with strength; abl. of means, pl. of v�s, ‘force;’ 3rd declension endings

distinguish it from vir, vir� complexus est: a deponent verb; translate as a perfect active verb 15 brev tempore: at…; abl. time when, 3rd decl. i-stem abl. sg. resprand: gen. sg. of the gerund (-ing) modifying nom. sg. facult�s 16 e: dat. sg. indirect object of is, ea, id 17 rettulit: pf. refer 19 magn honre: in great honor 23 paul: a little; dat. of degree of difference 24 cui…erant: (the one) to whom there were; i.e. ‘who had’ or ‘whose…were’ dat. of possession is common with a form of sum 25 profectus est: pf. dep. profic�scor, translate as pf. active 26 magn percul: of great danger; genitive of description in the predicative position



collum eius sinistr� prehendit. Tum dextr� capita novem abscdere coepit; quotins tamen hoc fcerat, nova capita exoribantur. Di fr str� l�b�r�bat; tandem h�c c�n�t dstitit. Deinde arbors succdere et ignem accendere c�nstituit. Hoc celeriter fcit, et postquam ligna ignem comprehendrunt, face �rdente colla ad ssit, unde capita exoribantur. Nec tamen sine magn� l�b�re haec fcit; vnit enim auxili� Hydrae cancer ingns, qu, dum Herculs capita abscdit, cr ra eius mordbat. Postquam m�nstrum t�l mod� interfcit, sagitt�s su�s sanguine eius imbuit, itaque mortifer�s reddidit. 23. 3rd LABOR: THE CERYNEAN STAG

Postquam Eurysthe� caeds Hydrae nunti�ta est, magnus timor animum eius occup�vit. Iussit igitur Herculem cervum quendam ad s referre; n�luit enim virum tantae aud�ciae in urbe retinre. Hic autem cervus, cuius cornua aurea fuisse tr�duntur, incrdibil fuit celerit�te. Herculs igitur prm� vestgis eum in silv� persequbatur; deinde ubi cervum ipsum vdit, omnibus vribus currere coepit. �sque ad vesperum currbat, neque nocturnum tempus sibi ad quitem relinqubat, fr str� tamen; n ll� enim mod� cervum c�nsequ poterat. Tandem postquam t�tum annum cucurrerat (ita tr�ditur), cervum curs exanim�tum cpit, et vvum ad Eurystheum rettulit. 24. 4th LABOR: THE ERYMANTHIAN BOAR

Tum vr� iussus est Herculs aprum quendam capere qu ill� tempore agr�s Erymanthi�s v�st�bat et incol�s huius regi�nis magnopere terrbat. Herculs rem suscpit et in Arcadiam

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Heracles 21

abscd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut away or off, 5 accend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: kindle, light, 2 ad�r, -�rere, -�ss, �stum: set fire to, burn 1 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 aper, arp m.: wild boar, 3 arbor, -is f.: tree, 5 Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia, 2 arde, -�re, ars, arsum: be on fire, burn, 3 aud�cia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 2 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 caed�s, -is f.: slaughter, killing, 1 cancer, -cancr m.: crab, 1 celerit�s, -t�tis f.: speed, quickness, 7 celeriter: swiftly, quickly, 1 cervus, - m.: stag, 5 collum, - n.; neck, 6 comprehend, -ere, -d, -sum: grasp, seize, 3 con�tus, -�s m.: attempt, effort, 7 consequor, -, sec�tus: follow after; pursue, 3 corn�, -�s n.: horn, 2 cr�s, cr�ris n.: leg, 1 curr, -ere, cucurr, cursus: run, rush, fly, 4 cursus, -�s m.: course, running, haste, 10 deinde: then, thereupon, 8 d�sist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 dexter, -tra, -trum: right (hand); favorable, 1 di�: a long time, long, 13 Erymanthius, -a, -um: of Erymanthus, 1 exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 exorior, -orr, -ortus sum: arise from, rise, 2 fax, facis f.: torch, firebrand, 2 frustr�: in vain, for nothing, 13 Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra, 5 ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 imbu, -uere, -bu, -b�tum: wet, soak, 2 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7

incr�dibilis, -e: incredible, 2 Itaque: and so, 8 labr (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2 lgnum, - n.: wood, 4 morde, -ere, momord, morsum: bite, 1 mortifer, -fera, -ferum: death-bearing, 2 nec: and not, nor, 10 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 novem: nine, 3 novus, -a, -um: new, 4 nunti (1): announce, 3 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8 persequor, -sequ, -sec�tus: follow up, 1 prehend, -ere, -hend, -h�nsum: seize, 5 qui�s, qui�tis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5 quoti�ns: as often as, 2 redd, ere, did, -dditum: give back, return, 4 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9 retine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7 sinistra, -ae f.: left hand, 1 succd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut down or off, 1 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 t�lis, -e: such, 6 terre, -�re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5 unde: whence, from which source, 6 usque: all the way to, up to, continuously, 2 vast (1): lay waste, 2 v�r: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5 vesper, vesper m.: evening, 4 vestgium, -i n.: track, foot-print, 4 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

1 sinistr� (man�): with is left hand; abl. means; as often supply ‘man�’ dextr� (man�): again, abl. of mean exori�bantur: impf. deponent 3 frustr�: in vain; adverb hc cn�t�: from…; abl. of separation 5 ligna: nom. subject, neuter plural face �rdente: abl. abs.; pres. pple �rde� 7 auxili Hydrae: as help for the Hydra; ‘for help,’ double dative (dat. purpose and dat. of interest) 8 eius: gen. sg. is, ea, id; i.e. Heracles’ tal mod: in such a way; abl. of manner, 3rd decl. i-stem abl.

9 mortifer�s reddidit: rendered (the arrows) deadly; mortifer�s is acc. pred. 15 referre: irreg. inf. of re-fer� tantae aud�ciae: of…; gen. of description 16 fuisse: pf. inf. sum tr�duntur: are reported incr�dibil celerit�te: of…; abl. of quality 17 prm: adverb 18 persequ�b�tur: impf. dep., translate act. 20 sibi: for him; dat. of interest 21 cnsequ: to catch up with; dep. inf. 22 ita tr�ditur: thus it is reported 23 rettulit: pf. refer� 25 ill tempore: in…; abl. of time when

Heracles 22

profectus est. Postquam in silvam paulum prgressus est, apr occurrit. Ille autem simul atque Herculem vdit, statim ref�git; et timre perterritus in altam fossam s� proi�cit. Hercul�s igitur laqueum quem attulerat ini�cit, et summ� cum difficult�te aprum � foss� extr�xit. Ille ets fortiter repugn�bat, n�ll mod s� lber�re potuit; et ab Hercule ad Eurystheum vvus rel�tus est. 25. HERCULES AT THE CENTAUR'S CAVE

D� quart l�bre, quem supr� n�rr�vimus, haec etiam tr�duntur. Hercul�s dum iter in Arcadiam facit, ad eam reginem v�nit quam centaur incol�bant. Cum nox iam appeteret, ad sp�luncam d�vertit in qu� centaurus qudam, nmine Pholus, habit�bat. Ille Herculem benign� exc�pit et c�nam par�vit. At Hercul�s postquam c�n�vit, vnum � Phol postul�vit. Erat autem in sp�lunc� magna amphora vn optim repl�ta, quam centaur ibi d�posuerant. Pholus igitur hoc vnum dare nol�bat, quod reliqus centaurs tim�bat; n�llum tamen vnum praeter hoc in sp�lunc� hab�bat. "Hoc vnum," inquit, "mihi commissum est. S igitur hoc dab, centaur m� interficient." Hercul�s tamen eum irrsit, et ipse pculum vn d� amphor� hausit. 26. THE FIGHT WITH THE CENTAURS

Simul atque amphora aperta est, odor i�cundissimus undique diff�sus est; vnum enim su�vissimum erat. Centaur ntum odrem s�ns�runt et omn�s ad locum conv�n�runt. Ubi ad sp�luncam perv�n�runt, magnopere r�t erant quod Herculem

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Heracles 23

affer, -ferre, attul, all�tum: carry to bring 5 altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2 amphora, -ae f.: amphora, jar, 3 aper, arp m.: wild boar, 3 aperi, -re, -u, -ertus: open, disclose, 3 appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 Arcadia, -ae f.: Arcadia, 2 benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 c�na, -ae f.: dinner, 5 c�n (1): to dine, eat dinner, 2 committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 conveni, -re, v�n, ventum: come together 8 d�pon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 d�vert, -ere, -vert: turn away, turn aside, 1 difficult�s, -t�tis f.: difficulty, 7 diffund, -ere, -f�d, -f�sum: pour out, 1 ets: even if, although, though, 13 excipi, ere, c�p, ceptum: receive, welcome9 extrah, -ere, -trax, -tractum: draw out, 2 fortiter: bravely, 2 fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 3 hauri, haurre, haus, -stum: drink, draw, 1 incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4 inici, -ere, -i�c, -iectum: throw in or upon, 2 inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6 inrde, -�re, -rs, -rsum: laugh at, mock, 1 r�tus, -a, -um: angry, 5 i�cundus, -a, -um: pleasant, sweet, 1

laqueus, - m.: noose, 1 lber (1): to set free, release, 6 n�rr (1): to narrate, relate, 7 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12 ntus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7 occurr, -ere: run into, meet, attack, 2 odor, odris m.: smell, odor, 2 optimus, -a, -um: best, noblest, finest, 1 perterre, -�re: frighten, terrify, 5 Pholus, - m.: Pholus, 6 pculum, - n.: cup, 7 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 praeter: except, besides, 2 prici, -icere, -i�c, -iectum: throw forth, 4 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3 refugi, -ere, -f�g: flee back, 5 reple, -�re, -pl�v, -pl�tum: fill again, fill, 4 repugn (1): fight against, oppose, resist, 2 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10 su�vis, -e: sweet, pleasant, 1 supr�: above, before, 6 time, -�re, -u: fear, dread, 6 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

1 profectus est: pf. dep. proficiscor, translate in the pf. active paulum: adverbial acc. progressus est: pf. dep. progredior apr: dat. obj. of a compound verb 2 simul atque: as soon as; ‘the same time as’ 3 altam: deep 4 attulerat: pf. affer� 5 ets: although n�ll mod: in no way; abl. of manner 6 rel�tus est: pf. pass. re-fer� 9 d�: about 9 supr�: above; i.e. earlier in the story haec: neut. pl. nom. subject tr�duntur: are reported

10 eam: that; demonstrative adj. 12 nmine: by name; abl. of respect 13 benign�: -� ending forms an adverb 14 Erat: there was 15 repl�ta: PPP (pf. pass. pple) reple� 18 mihi: dat. ind. object commissum est: was entrusted S…dab, interficient: If I give…will kill; fut. more vivid condition (s�, fut. ind., fut. ind.), the protasis (dab�) in English translation is pres. in form but fut. in sense 23 Simul atque: as soon as; ‘at the same time as’ r�t: angered; predicate nominative



bibentem v�drunt. Tum arma rapurunt et Pholum interficere volbant. Herculs tamen in adit spluncae c�nstitit et impetum e�rum fortissim sustinbat. Facs �rdents in e�s conicit; mult�s etiam sagitt�s su�s vulner�vit. Hae autem sagittae eaedem erant quae sanguine Hydrae �lim imb tae erant. Omns igitur qu�s ille sagitt�s vulner�verat venn� statim abs mpt� sunt; reliqu� autem ubi hoc v�drunt, terga vertrunt et fug� sal tem petirunt. 27. THE FATE OF PHOLUS

Postquam reliqu� f grunt, Pholus ex splunc� gressus est, et corpora spect�bat e�rum qu� sagitt�s interfect� erant. Magnopere autem mir�tus est quod tam lev� vulnere exanim�t� erant, et causam eius re� quaerbat. Adiit igitur locum ubi cad�ver cuiusdam centaur� iacbat, et sagittam vulnere tr�xit. Haec tamen s�ve c�s s�ve c�nsili� de�rum manibus eius lapsa est, et pedem leviter vulner�vit. Ille extempl� dol�rem gravem per omnia membra snsit, et post breve tempus v� venn� exanim�tus est. Mox Herculs, qu� reliqu�s centaur�s sec tus erat, ad spluncam rediit, et magn� cum dol�re Pholum mortuum v�dit. Mult�s cum lacrim�s corpus amic� ad sepult ram dedit; tum, postquam alterum p�culum v�n� exhausit, somn� s dedit. 28. 5th LABOR: THE AUGEAN STABLES

Deinde Eurystheus Hercul� hunc l�b�rem gravi�rem imp�suit. Aug�s qu�dam, qui ill� tempore rgnum in lide obtinbat, tria m�lia boüm habbat. H� in stabul� ingentis magnit dinis

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Heracles 25

absum�, -ere, -mps�, -mptum: take away, 1 ade�, -�re, -i(v)�: go to, approach, 4 aditus, - s m.: approach, access, entrance, 2 alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 am�cus, -� m.: friend, 6 arde�, -re, ars�, arsum: be on fire, burn, 3 arma, -�rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 Aug�s, -ae m.: Augeas, 1 bib�, -ere, bib�: drink, 4 cad�ver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 c�sus, - s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 const�, -st�re, -stit�, -stitum: stand together, it is agreed, 6 deinde: then, thereupon, 8 lis, -idis f.: Elis, 1 exanim� (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 exhauri�, -�re, -aus�, -austum: drink up, 1 extempl�: immediately, straightaway, 1 fax, facis f.: torch, firebrand, 2 fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 fugi�, fugere, f g�, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 Hydra, -ae f.: Hydra, 5 iace�, -re, -u�: to lie, lie low, 3 imbu�, -uere, -bu�, -b tum: wet, soak, 2 impetus, - s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 impon�, -ere, -posu�, -positus: place on, 7 l�bor, l�b�, l�psum sum: to slip, glide, 1 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 levis, leve: light, slight, 2 leviter

m�gnit d�, -t dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 membrum, -� n.: limb, member, 10 m�lle (pl. m�lia): thousand, 7 m�ror, -�r�, -�tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7 obtine�, -re, -u�, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 �lim: once, formerly, 10 ps, pedis m.: foot, 8 pet�, petere, pet�v�, pet�tum: seek, aim at, 10 Pholus, -� m.: Pholus, 6 p�culum, -� n.: cup, 7 rapi�, -ere, rapu�, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6 sepeli�, -�re, -�v�, sepultum: to bury, 1 sequor, -�, sec tus: follow, pursue, attend, 4 s�ve: or if, whether if, 6 somnus, -� m.: sleep, 14 spect� (1): to watch, look at, 1 stabulum, -� n.: stable, inclosure, 5 sustine�, -re, u�, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8 tergum, -� n.: back, 8 trah�, -ere, tr�x�, tractum: to draw, drag, 6 trs, tria: three, 9 vennum, -� n.: poison, 7 vert�, -ere, vert�, versum: to turn, 4 vol� (1): to fly, 3 vulner� (1): wound, injure, 7 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6

1 bibentem: pres. pple bib 3 fortissim: very…; superlative adverb sustinbat: was holding off Facs: acc. pl. fax �rdents: pres. pple �rde in: ‘at’ or ‘against’ in context of fighting 4 eaedem: the same; the suffix -dem does not decline, but eae- modifies sagittae 6 reliqu�: the remaining (centaurs) 7 fug�: in flight; abl. of mean peti(v)runt: syncopated pf. pet 10 reliqu�: the remaining (centaurs) gressus est: pf. dep. �gredior 11 e�rum: of those; demonstrative in sense 12 lev� vulnere: abl. of means; i-stem 3rd decl. adj. 13 eius re�: of this matter; gen. sg. Adiit: pf. ad-e cuiusdam: gen. sg. qu�dam

14 iacbat: from iace, iac�re, ‘to lie down’ not iaci, iacere, ‘to throw’ s�ve…s�ve: whether…or 14 c�s : by chance; abl. of cause, elsewhere c�sus means ‘misfortune’ 15 c�nsil�: by the plan; abl. of cause l�psa est: pf. deponent eius: gen. sg., i.e. Pholus 16 extempl�: adverb 17 v�: abl. of means, v�s venn�: gen. sg. 18 sec tus est: pf. dep. sequor, translate act. rediit: pf. red-e 19 magn� cum dol�re, mult�s cum lacrim�s: abl. of manner, adj. is emphasized 21 somn�: to sleep; dat. ind. obj. 24 graviorem: comparative adjective 26 bo(v)üm: of cattle; gen. pl. bs 26 ingentis magnit dinis: gen. of description



incl�d�bantur. Stabulum autem inluvi� ac squ�lre erat obsitum, neque enim ad hoc tempus umquam purg�tum erat. Hoc Hercules intr� spatium �nus di� purg�re iussus est. Ille, ets r�s erat multae operae, negtium susc�pit. Prmum magn l�bre fossam duod�vgint pedum d�xit, per quam fl�minis aquam d� montibus ad murum stabul perd�xit. Tum postquam m�rum perr�pit, aquam in stabulum immsit et t�l mod contr� opninem omnium opus cnf�cit. 29. 6th LABOR: THE STYMPHALIAN BIRDS

Post paucs di�s Hercul�s ad oppidum Stymph�lum iter f�cit; imper�verat enim e Eurystheus ut av�s Stymphalid�s nec�ret. Hae av�s rostra a�nea hab�bant et carne hominum v�sc�bantur. Ille postquam ad locum perv�nit, lacum vdit; in hc autem lac�, qu non procul erat ab oppid, av�s habit�bant. N�lla tamen dab�tur appropinquand facult�s; lacus enim nn ex aqu� sed � lm cnstitit. Hercul�s igitur neque pedibus neque lintre prgred potuit. Ille cum magnam partem di� fr�str� cnsumpsisset, hc cn�t� d�stitit et ad Volc�num s� contulit, ut auxilium ab e peteret. Volc�nus (qu ab fabrs maxim� col�b�tur) crepundia quae ipse ex aere fabric�tus erat Hercul dedit. Hs Hercul�s tam acrem crepitum f�cit ut av�s perterritae �vol�rent. Ille autem, dum �volant, magnum numerum e�rum sagitts tr�nsfxit.

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Heracles 27

ac: and, and also, 14 acer, acris, acre: sharp; fierce, keen, 1 a�neus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 aes, aeris n.: bronze, 2 appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 avis, avis f.: bird, 4 �vol (1): to fly away, 2 car, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 col, -ere, colu, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 con�tus, -�s m.: attempt, effort, 7 const, -st�re, -stit, -stitum: stand together, it is agreed, 6 cons�m, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 contr�: against (+ acc.), 7 crepitus, -�s m.: rattle, clatter, 1 crepundia, -rum n.: rattle, 1 d�sist, -ere, -stit, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 duc, -ere, d�x, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 duo-de-viginti: eighteen, 1 ets: even if, although, though, 13 faber, fabr m.: smith, engineer, 2 fabricor, -�r, -�tus sum: make, fashion, 1 facult�s, -t�tis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 3 frustr�: in vain, for nothing, 13 immitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send, et in, 2 imper (1): order, command, 12 incl�d, -ere, -�s, -�sum: close in, shut in, 7 inluvi�s, -� f.: dirt, filth, 1 intr�: within, among (+ acc.), 4 lacus, -�s m.: lake, 3 lmus, - m.: mud, 1

linter, lintris f.: boat, skiff, 3 maxim�: especially, very greatly, 5 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5 m�rus, - m.: (city) wall, rampart, 4 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7 obsitus, -a, -um: overgrown or covered with 1 opera, -ae f.: effort, work, 1 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6 oppidum, - n.: town, 4 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 perd�c, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4 perrump, -ere, -r�p, -ruptum: break through, 2 perterre, -�re: frighten, terrify, 5 p�s, pedis m.: foot, 8 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5 purg (1): to cleanse, make clean, 2 rostrum, - n.: beak, 1 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6 squ�lor, -ris m.: dirt, filth, 1 stabulum, - n.: stable, inclosure, 5 Stymphalis, -idis: of Stymphalus, 1 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 t�lis, -e: such, 6 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8 tr�nsfg, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4 umquam: ever, 5 vescor, vesc: to feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3 Volc�nus, - m.: Vulcan, 13

2 ad hoc tempus: up to…., until… 3 �nus di�: of one day; gen. sg., nus has -�us in the gen. sg. and -� in dat. sg. multae operae: of…; gen. description as predicate; gen. of 1st decl. opera, -ae f. 4 prmum: adverb 5 pedum: gen. pl. of measure after fossam d�xit: drew up a ditch; i.e. ‘dig’ or ‘build’ 7 t�l mod: in such a way; abl. of manner opninem: expectation; with contr� opus: neuter acc. sg. direct object 12 imper�verat: had ordered (dat) that e: dat. ind. obj. is, ea, id ut…nec�ret: that…; ind. command, impf. subj. in secondary seq. (main verb is in the past); you may translate this construction ‘that he kill’ or often as an inf. ‘to kill…’

13 v�sc�bantur: governs an abl. obj. 16 appropinquand: of approaching; a gen. sg. gerund modifying facult�s 17 neque…neque: neither…nor prgred: dep. inf. pr�gredior, translate as an active inf. 19 cum…cnsumpsisset: when…had spent; cum + plpf. subjunctive, translate in plpf. tense hc cn�t�: from…; abl. of separation s� contulit: carried himself; pf. c�nfer� 20 ut…peteret: so that…he might seek; purpose clause, impf. subjunctive 22 hs: for these (birds); dat. of interest 23 ut…�vol�rent: that..flew away; result clause, impf. subj. in secondary seq.




Tum Eurystheus Hercul imper�vit ut taurum quendam fercissimum ex nsul� Cr�t� vvum referret. Ille igitur n�vem cnscendit, et cum ventus idneus esset, statim solvit. Cum tamen nsulae iam appropinqu�ret, tanta tempest�s subit coörta est ut n�vis cursum ten�re non posset. Tantus autem timor anims naut�rum occup�vit ut paene omnem spem sal�tis d�pnerent. Hercul�s tamen, ets navigand impertus erat, haudqu�quam territus est. Post breve tempus summa tranquillit�s cnsec�ta est, et nautae, qu s� ex timre iam rec�perant, n�vem incolumem ad terram appul�runt. Hercul�s � n�v �gressus est, et cum ad r�gem Cr�tae v�nisset, causam veniend docuit. Deinde, postquam omnia par�ta sunt, ad eam reginem contendit quam taurus v�st�bat. Mox taurum vdit, et quamquam r�s erat magn percul, cornua eius prehendit. Tum, cum ingent l�bre mnstrum ad n�vem tr�xisset, cum praed� in Graeciam rediit. 31. 8th LABOR: MAN-EATING HORSES OF DIOMEDE

Postquam ex nsul� Cr�t� rediit, Hercul�s ab Eurysthe in Thr�ciam missus est, ut equs Diom�dis red�ceret. H equ carne hominum v�sc�bantur; Diom�d�s autem, vir cr�d�lissimus, ills obici�bat peregrns omn�s qu in eam reginem v�nerant. Hercul�s igitur magn� celerit�te in Thr�ciam contendit et ab Diom�de postul�vit ut equ sibi tr�derentur. Cum tamen ille hoc facere nllet, Hercul�s r� commtus r�gem interf�cit et cad�ver eius equs obic iussit.


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appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 cad�ver, -eris n.: corpse, dead body, 3 car, carnis f.: flesh, meat, 4 celerit�s, -t�tis f.: speed, quickness, 7 conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 consequor, -, sec�tus: follow after; pursue, 3 contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 coörior, -orr, -ortus sum: to arise, 4 corn�, -�s n.: horn, 2 Cr�ta, -ae f.: Crete, 3 cr�d�lis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 cursus, -�s m.: course, running, haste, 10 deinde: then, thereupon, 8 d�pon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 Dim�d�s, -is m.: Diomedes, 3 doce, -�re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 equus, - m.: horse, 7 ets: even if, although, though, 13 ferx, -cis: fierce, savage, 1 Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 haudqu�quam: not at all, in no way, 2 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 impertus, -a, -um: inexperienced, 1 imper (1): order, command, 12

incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 ra, rae f.: anger, 12 nauta, -ae f.: sailor, 3 n�vig (1): to sail, 5 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 obici, -ere, -i�c, -iectum: throw or cast at, 3 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8 paene: almost, nearly, 8 peregrnus, - m.: stranger, foreigner, 1 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, spoils, 2 prehend, -ere, -hend, -h�nsum: seize, 5 quamquam: although, 4 recipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: take back, 8 red�c, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 taurus, - m.: bull, 7 tene, ten�re, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13 terre, -�re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5 Thr�cia, -ae f.: Thrace, 3 trah, -ere, tr�x, tractum: to draw, drag, 6 tranquillit�s, -t�tis f.: calm, tranquility, 2 vast (1): lay waste, 2 ventus, - m.: wind, 10 vescor, vesc: to feed on, eat (+ abl.) 3 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4

2 Hercul: Hercules; dat. obj. of imper�vit ut…referret: that…; ind. command with impf. subj. refer� (secondary seq.) may be translated as ‘that…carry back’ or often as inf. ‘to carry back…’ 4 cum…esset: when…; impf. subj. of sum, translate just as impf. indicative 5 appropinqu�ret: impf. subj., see line 4 ut…posset: that..was able; result clause, impf. subj. possum (secondary seq.) 7 ut…d�pneret: that…carried off; result clause, impf. subj. (secondary seq) 8 navigand: of sailing; gen. sg. gerund modifies imper�tus s�…rec�perant: had retreated; idiom 13 cum…v�nisset: when…; plpf. subj. of veni�, translate as plpf. indicative veniend: for coming; gen. sg. gerund here a objective genitive 16 magn percul: of great danger; gen.

of description as predicate 17 ingent labre: with…; abl. of means or manner; i-stem 3rd decl. adj. tr�xisset: plpf. subj. trah�, see line 13 18 rediit: pf. red-e� 22 ut…red�ceret: in order that…might; purpose clause, impf. subj. can be translated “in order that” or “so that” or as infinitives expressing purpose 23 v�sc�bantur: dep. governs abl. object ills: at them; dat. of compound verb 25 magn� celerit�te: with…; abl. of manner 26 ut…tr�derentur: that..be handed over…; ind. command, impf. subj. 27 cum…nllet: when…; impf. subj. n�l� (inf. n�lle) 27 cad�ver: neuter acc. direct object 28 equs: to…; dat. of compound verb obic: pres. pass. inf. ob-ici�

With the exception of purpose clauses (may, might) and if-then clauses, almost all the subjunctives that readers will encounter do not require a special translation. Simply identify the tense of the verb and translate as one would an indicative.



Ita mra rerum comm�t�ti facta est; is enim qu ante� mults cum cruci�t� nec�verat ipse edem supplici nec�tus est. Cum haec nunti�ta essent, omn�s qu eam reginem incol�bant maxim� laetiti� affect sunt et Hercul meritam gr�tiam refer�bant. Nn modo maxims honribus et praemis eum decor�v�runt sed or�bant etiam ut r�gnum ipse susciperet. Ille tamen hoc facere nl�bat, et cum ad mare rediisset, n�vem occup�vit. Ubi omnia ad navigandum par�ta sunt, equs in n�v colloc�vit; deinde, cum idneam tempest�tem nactus esset, sine mor� � port� solvit, et paul post equs in ltus Argolicum exposuit. 32. 9th LABOR: THE GIRDLE OF HIPPOLYTE

G�ns Am�zonum dicitur omnn ex mulieribus cnstitisse. Hae summam scientiam re mlit�ris hab�bant, et tantam virt�tem adhib�bant ut cum virs proelium committere aud�rent. Hippolyt�, Am�zonum r�gna, balteum habuit celeberrimum quem Mars e dederat. Adm�t� autem, Eurysthe flia, f�mam d� hc balte acc�perat et eum possid�re vehementer cupi�bat. Eurystheus igitur Hercul mand�vit ut cpi�s cgeret et bellum Am�zonibus nferret. Ille nuntis in omn�s part�s dmsit, et cum magna multitud conv�nisset, es d�l�git qu maximum �sum in r� mlit�r hab�bant. 33. THE GIRDLE IS REFUSED

Hs virs Hercul�s persu�sit, postquam causam itineris exposuit, ut s�cum iter facerent. Tum cum es quibus persu�serat n�vem

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adhibe, -�re, -u, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 Adm�ta, -ae f.: Admeta, 1 Am�zon�s, -um f.: Amazon, 7 antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 Argolicus, -a, -um: of Argolis, 1 aude, -�re, ausus sum: to dare, 1 balteus, -e m.: belt, girdle, 5 bellum, -, n.: war, 6 celeber, -bris, -bre: frequented, celebrated, 2 cg, cgere, -�g, -�ctum: collect, compel, 5 committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 comm�t�tio, -tinis f.: change, 2 conloc (1): place together, 1 const, -st�re, -stit, -stitum: stand together, it is agreed, 6 conveni, -re, v�n, ventum: come together 8 cpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 cruci�tus, -�s m.: torture, 2 cupi, -ere, -v, -tum: desire, long for, 4 decor (1): to adorn, distinguish, 2 deinde: then, thereupon, 8 d�lig, -ere, -l�g, -lectum: choose, select, 6 equus, - m.: horse, 7 expn, -ere, -su, -situm: set out, explain 7 f�ma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 g�ns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 gr�tia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 Hippolyt�, -�s f.: Hippolyte, 4 honor, -ris m.: honor, glory; offering, 4 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, 4

infer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tus: bring on, wage, 3 laetitia, -ae f.: joy, happiness, 3 mand (1): to entrust, give, commit, 2 Mars, Martis m.: Mars, 1 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4 mlit�ris, -e: military, warlike, 3 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3 multit�d, -t�dinis f.: multitude, 2 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7 n�vig (1): to sail, 5 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 nunti (1): announce, 3 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5 persu�de, -�re, -su�s, -su�sum: persuade, 9 portus, -�s m.: harbort, port, 3 posside, -�re, poss�d, possessum: possess 1 praemium, i n.: reward, 5 r�gna, -ae f.: queen, 2 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6 supplicium, -i n.; punishment, supplication, 5 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 �sus, �s�s m.: use, employment, 3 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11 virt�s, -�tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10

1 is…qu: for he who… cum cruci�t�: abl. of manner 3 nunti�ta essent: when…; plpf. pass. subj. in a cum-clause, translate as as you would a plpf. pass. indicative eam: this; demonstrative adj. 4 Hercul: to Hercules; dat. ind. object Nn modo…sed…etiam: not only… but also; modo is an adverb 5 honribus, praemis: abl. of means 6 ut…susciperet: that…undertake; impf. subj. in ind. command can alternatively be translated as an inf. ‘to undertake’ 7 cum…rediisset: plpf. subj. red-e�, translate as plpf. indicative ad…: for…; ad + acc. gerund (-ing) expresses purpose 8 in n�v: 3rd decl. i-stem abl. 9 nactus esset: plpf. deponent subj., translate

as a plpf. active indicative solvit: set sail; ‘ 10 paul: little; abl. of degree of difference 13 cnstitisse: to have consisted; pf. inf. 14 re mlit�ris: of military affairs; gen. sg. 15 ut…aud�ret: so that…; impf. subj. of aude�, aud�re in a result clause proelium committere: begin battle; idiom 16 celeberrimum: superlative with balteum e: dat. ind. obj. is, ea, id 19 Hercul: dat. ind. obj. ut..cgeret…nferret: that…force; impf. subj. ind. command Am�zonibus: on…; dat. of compound verb 20 part�s: directions 21 r� mlit�r: military affairs 25 persu�sit: governs dat + ind. command 26 quibus…: whom he had persuaded…



cnscendit, et cum ventus idneus esset, post paucs di�s ad stium fl�minis Thermdontis appulit. Postquam in fn�s Am�zonum v�nit, n�ntium ad Hippolytam msit, qu causam veniend doc�ret et balteum posceret. Ipsa Hippolyt� balteum tr�dere vol�bat, quod d� Herculis virt�te f�mam acc�perat; reliquae tamen Am�zon�s e persu�s�runt ut neg�ret. At Hercul�s, cum haec nunti�ta essent, bell fort�nam tempt�re cnstituit. Proxim igitur di� cum cpi�s �d�xisset, locum idneum d�l�git et host�s ad pugnam �voc�vit. Am�zon�s quoque cpi�s su�s ex castrs �d�x�runt et nn magn interv�ll ab Hercule aciem nstr�x�runt. 34. THE BATTLE

Pal�s erat nn magna inter dus exercit�s; neutr tamen initium tr�nseund facere vol�bant. Tandem Hercul�s signum dedit, et ubi pal�dem tr�nsiit, proelium commsit. Am�zon�s impetum virrum fortissim� sustinu�runt, et contr� opninem omnium tantam virt�tem praestit�runt ut mults erum occderint, mults etiam in fugam coni�cerint. Vir enim nov genere pugnae perturb�bantur nec magnam virt�tem praest�bant. Hercul�s autem cum haec vid�ret, de sus fort�ns d�sp�r�re coepit. Mlit�s igitur vehementer cohort�tus est ut prstinae virt�tis memoriam retin�rent neu tantum d�decus admitterent, hostiumque impetum fortiter sustin�rent; quibus verbs anims omnium ita �r�xit ut mult etiam qu vulneribus confect essent proelium sine mor� redintegr�rent.

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aci�s, -� f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 3 admitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: admit, allow, 1 Am�zon�s, -um f.: Amazon, 7 appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 balteus, -e m.: belt, girdle, 5 bellum, -, n.: war, 6 castra, -rum n.: camp, 1 cohortor, -hort�r, -hort�tus: encourage, 2 committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 contr�: against (+ acc.), 7 cpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 d�decus, d�decoris n.: dishonor, disgrace, 1 d�lig, -ere, -l�g, -lectum: choose, select, 6 d�sp�r (1): to despair, give up, 4 doce, -�re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 duo, duae, duo: two, 10 �d�c, -ere, -d�x, -ductum: lead out, draw, 3 �rig, -ere, -r�x, -rectum: raise up, lift, 1 �voc (1): call out, challenge, 1 exercitus, -�s m.: army, 2 f�ma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 5 fortiter: bravely, 2 fort�na, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 3 fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 genus, -eris n.: birth, race; kind, family, 2 Hippolyt�, -�s f.: Hippolyte, 4 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 impetus, -�s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 initium, - n.: beginning, entrance, 1 instru, -ere, -�x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 intervallum, - n.: interval, distance, 2

memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4 ml�s, mlitis m.: soldier, 2 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 nec: and not, nor, 10 neg (1): to deny, say that…not, 3 neu: nor, and not, 1 neuter, neutra, neutrum: neither, 1 novus, -a, -um: new, 4 nunti (1): announce, 3 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 opni, -inis f.: opinion, reputation, 6 stium, -i n.: mouth, entrance, 3 pal�s, pal�dis f.: swamp, marsh, 3 persu�de, -�re, -su�s, -su�sum: persuade, 9 perturb (1): to trouble, greatly disturb, 2 posc, -ere, popsc: ask, demand, 1 praest, -st�re, -stit: stand in front, show, 6 prstinus, -a, -um: former, 1 proelium, -i n.: battle, 4 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5 pugna, -ae f.: fight, 2 que: and, 14 quoque: also, 1 redintegr (1): make whole again, renew, 1 retine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold/keep back, 3 signum, - n.: sign, signal, 2 sustine, -�re, u, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7 tempt (1): to attempt; attack; test, probe, 1 Thermdn, -dontis m.: Thermodon, 1 tr�nse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11 verbum, - n.: word, speech, 4 virt�s, -�tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10 vol (1): to fly, 3 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6

1 esset: impf. subj. sum, translate impf. 3 qu…doceret…posceret: who would... and would; relative clause of purpose; impf. subj. 4 veniend: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) Hippolyt�: fem. nom. sg. 6 persu�s�runt: persuaded (dat) that…; governs ind. command (ut); impf. subj. 7 nunti�ta essent: plpf. subj. translate just as plpf. pass. indicative 8 Proxim di�: on…; abl. of time when �d�xisset: plpf. subj. �dc� 10 magn interv�ll: at a great interval 14 neutr: neither; nom. pl. subj. neuter

15 tr�nseund: gen. sg. gerund (-ing), tr�ns-e� 16 tr�nsiit: pf. tr�ns-e� 17 fortissim�: superlative adv. sustin�runt: held off 18 ut…occderint: that…; pf. subj. in a result clause, translate as pf. indicative nov genere: by the new type 24 ut…sustin�rent: ind. command quibus verbs: with these words; ‘which’ 25 ut…redintegr�rent: that…; result clause, impf. subj. confect essent: plpf. pass. subj. in a rel. clause of characteristic




Di� et �criter pugn�tum est; tandem tamen ad slis occ�sum tanta comm�t�ti r�rum facta est ut mulier�s terga verterent et fug� sal�tem peterent. Multae autem vulneribus d�f�ssae dum fugiunt captae sunt, in qu numer ipsa erat Hippolyt�. Hercul�s summam cl�mentiam praestitit, et postquam balteum acc�pit, lbert�tem omnibus captvs dedit. Tum v�r socis ad mare red�xit, et quod nn multum aest�tis supererat, in Graeciam proficsc m�t�r�vit. N�vem igitur cnscendit, et tempest�tem idneam nactus statim solvit; antequam tamen in Graeciam perv�nit, ad urbem Triam n�vem appellere cnstituit, fr�mentum enim quod s�cum hab�bat iam d�ficere coeperat. 36. LAOMEDON AND THE SEA-MONSTER

Lamedn qudam ill tempore r�gnum Triae obtin�bat. Ad hunc Nept�nus et Apoll ann superire v�nerant, et cum Tria nndum moenia hab�ret, ad hoc opus auxilium obtulerant. Postquam tamen hrum auxili moenia cnfecta sunt, nl�bat L�omedn praemium quod prposuerat persolvere. Nept�nus igitur et Apoll ob hanc causam r�t mnstrum quoddam ms�runt speci� horribil, quod cotdie � mar veni�bat et homin�s pecud�sque vor�bat. Tri�n autem timre perterrit in urbe contin�bantur, et pecora omnia ex agrs intr� m�rs compulerant. L�omedn hs r�bus commtus r�culum cnsuluit, ac deus e praec�pit ut fliam H�sinen mnstr obiceret.


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Heracles 35

ac: and, and also, 14 �criter: sharply, fiercely, 2 aest�s, aest�tis f.: summer, 1 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 antequam: before, 9 Apollo, -inis m.: Apollo, 7 appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 balteus, -e m.: belt, girdle, 5 captvus, -a, -um: prisoner, 2 clementia, -ae f.: mercy, kindness, 1 comm�t�ti, -tinis f.: change, 2 compell, -ere, -pul: drive together, 3 conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 consul, consulere, -lu, -ltum: to consult, 3 contine, -�re, -nu: hold or keep together, 4 cottdi�: daily, 2 d�fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 1 d�fici, -ere, -f�c, -fectum: fail, 3 di�: a long time, long, 13 fr�mentum, - n.: grain, 4 fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 fugi, fugere, f�g, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 H�sion�, -�s f.: Hesione, 1 Hippolyt�, -�s f.: Hippolyte, 4 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 intr�: within, among (+ acc.), 4 r�tus, -a, -um: angry, 5 Lamedon, -ontis m.: Laomedon, 5 lbert�s, -t�tis f.: freedom, liberty, 1 m�t�r (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 moenia, -rum n.: walls, 2 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3 m�rus, - m.: (city) wall, rampart, 4

nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7 Nept�nus, - m.: Neptune, 4 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 nondum: not yet, 4 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 obici, -ere, -i�c, -iectum: throw or cast at, 3 obtine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 occ�sus, -�s m.: fall, destruction, 4 offer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tum: offer, present 5 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 r�culum, - n.: oracle, 11 pecus, pecoris n.: herd, flock, 4 pecus, pecudis f.: herd of cattle, 1 persolv, -ere, -solv, -sol�tum: to pay up, 1 perterre, -�re: frighten, terrify, 5 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10 praecipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: order, take, 6 praemium, i n.: reward, 5 praest, -st�re, -stit: stand in front, show, 6 propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4 pugn (1): to fight, 4 que: and, 14 red�c, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 sl, slis m.: sun, 10 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 3 super (1): to overcome, defeat, 3 tergum, - n.: back, 8 Tria, -ae f.: Troy, 9 Tri�n, -rum m.: Trojans, 1 v�r: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5 vert, -ere, vert, versum: to turn, 4 vor (1): to devour, 1 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6

2 pugn�tum est: they fought; ‘it was fought,’ an impersonal passive is often translated in the active in English, supply a subject ad: near… 3 ut…peterent: that…; result, impf. subj. fug�: in flight; abl. means 4 Multae: many (Amazons) vulneribus: abl. means 5 Hippolyt�: Greek 1st decl. nominative sg. 7 v�r: in fact; adverb 8 multum aest�tis: much of the summer; partitive gen. supererat: remained; impf. supersum

proficisc: dep. inf. proficiscor 9 nactus: having obtained; dep. nanc�scor 10 solvit: set sail 15 ill tempore: at…; abl. time when 16 ann superire: in the previous year cum…hab�ret: since…; causal in sense 17 ad…: for…; expressing purpose 21 speci� horribil: of…; abl. of quality, 3rd decl. i-stem abl. adjective 24 commtus: upset; ‘troubled,’ PPP, as often, to move emotionally, not physically 25 e praec�pit: instructed him; ‘ordered’ ut…obiceret: ind. command, impf.




Lamedn, cum hoc respnsum ren�nti�tum esset, magnum dolrem perc�pit; sed tamen, ut cv�s sus tant percul lber�ret, r�cul par�re constituit et diem sacrifici dxit. Sed sve c�s� sve cnsili derum Hercul�s tempore opport�nissim Triam attigit; ips enim temporis p�nct qu puella cat�ns vncta ad ltus d�d�c�b�tur ille n�vem appulit. Hercul�s � n�v �gressus d� r�bus quae ger�bantur certior factus est; tum r� commtus ad r�gem s� contulit et auxilium suum obtulit. Cum r�x libenter e concessisset ut, s posset, puellam lber�ret, Hercul�s mnstrum interf�cit; et puellam, quae iam omnem spem sal�tis d�posuerat, incolumem ad patrem red�xit. L�omedn magn cum gaudi fliam suam acc�pit, et Hercul pr tant benefici meritam gr�tiam rettulit. 38. 10th LABOR: THE OXEN OF GERYON

Tum v�r missus est Hercul�s ad nsulam Eryth�am, ut bov�s G�rynis arcesseret. R�s erat summae difficult�tis, quod bov�s � qudam Eurytine et � cane bicipite custdi�bantur. Ipse autem G�ryon speciem horribilem praeb�bat; tria enim corpora inter s� coni�ncta hab�bat. Hercul�s tamen ets intelleg�bat quantum perculum esset, negtium susc�pit; ac postquam per mult�s terr�s iter f�cit, ad eam partem Libyae perv�nit quae Eurpae proxima est. Ibi in utrque ltore fret quod Eurpam � Liby� dvidit column�s cnstituit, quae poste� Herculis Columnae appell�bantur.


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Heracles 37

ac: and, and also, 14 appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 arcess, -ere, -v, -itum: summon, invite, 2 atting, -ere, -tig, -t�ctum: touch at, reach, 3 beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 biceps, bicipitis: two-headed, 1 canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 c�sus, -�s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 cat�na, -ae f.: chain, 2 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 columna, -ae f.: column, pillar, 2 conc�d, -ere; go away, withdraw, yield, 1 coniung, -ere, -nx, -nctum: join together, 2 custodi, -re, -v, -tum: to guard, 4 d�d�c, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 d�pon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 difficult�s, -t�tis f.: difficulty, 7 dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsum: divide, separate, 3 Erytha, -ae f.: Erythia, 1 ets: even if, although, though, 13 Europa, -ae f.: Europe, 2 Eurytin, -nis m.: Eurytion, 2 fretum, n.: strait, 1 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 G�ryon, -nis m.: Geryon, 4 gr�tia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10

ra, rae f.: anger, 12 Lamedon, -ontis m.: Laomedon, 5 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 lber (1): to set free, release, 6 Libya, -ae f.: Libya, 3 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 offer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tum: offer, present 5 opport�nus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient, 2 r�culum, - n.: oracle, 11 pare, -�re, paru: obey, 3 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 percipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: feel perceive 5 poste�: after this, afterwards, 7 praebe, -�re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7 pr: before, in front of, for, 9 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5 puella, -ae f.: girl, 8 punctum, - n.: point, instant, moment, 1 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4 red�c, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 renunti, (1): report, announce, 2 responde, -�re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5 sve: or if, whether if, 6 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 tr�s, tria: three, 9 Tria, -ae f.: Troy, 9 uterque, utraque, utrumque: each (of two) 1 v�r: in truth, in fact, certainly, 5 vinci, -re, vnx, vnctus: bind, tie, 4

2 cum…ren�nit�tum esset: plpf. pass. subj., translates as a plpf. indicative 3 ut…lber�ret: so that…; purpose tant percul: from…; abl. of separation with impf. subj. of l�ber 4 par�re: to obey; governs a dat. object diem…dxit: appointed the day sacrifici: for…; dat. of purpose sve…sve: whether…or c�s�: by chance; abl. of cause; elsewhere c�sus means ‘misfortune’ 5 cnsil: by the plan; abl. of cause opport�nissim: most opportune; i.e. most timely, abl. time when 6 ips p�nct: at that very point; ‘at the point itself,’ abl. of time when qu: at which (time); abl. time when vncta: PPP (pf. pass. pple) vinci 7 �gressus: having stepped out; i.e. ‘having

disembarked’ dep. pf. 8 quae ger�bantur: which were being carried out; the antecedent is r�bus certior factus est: were made more certain; i.e. ‘were informed;’ commom idiom in Caesar; certior is a pred. adj. in the comparative degree s� contulit: carried himself; pf. confer 9 concessisset: had yielded to him 10 ut…lber�ret: so that he might free…; purpose s posset: if he should be able; impf. subj. possum; fut. less vivid condition in secondary sequence 13 pr: (in return) for… rettulit: pf. re-fer 17 arcesseret: so that…might; purpose 21 esset: was; ind. question, impf. subj. sum 22 Eurpae: to…; dat. with special adj.




Dum hc mor�tur, Hercul�s magnum incommodum ex calre slis accipi�bat; tandem igitur r� commtus arcum suum intendit et slem sagitts petiit. Sl tamen aud�ciam vir tantum admr�tus est ut lintrem auream e dederit. Hercul�s hoc dnum libentissim� acc�pit, n�llam enim n�vem in hs reginibus invenre potuerat. Tum lintrem d�d�xit, et ventum nactus idneum post breve tempus ad nsulam perv�nit. Ubi ex incols cognvit qu in loc bov�s essent, in eam partem statim profectus est et � r�ge G�ryne postul�vit ut bov�s sibi tr�derentur. Cum tamen ille hoc facere nllet, Hercul�s et r�gem ipsum et Eurytinem, qu erat ingent magnit�dine corporis, interf�cit. 40. A MIRACULOUS HAIL-STORM

Tum Hercul�s bov�s per Hisp�niam et Liguriam compellere cnstituit; postquam igitur omnia par�ta sunt, bov�s ex nsul� ad continentem transport�vit. Ligur�s autem, g�ns bellicsissima, dum ille per fn�s erum iter facit, magn�s cpi�s co�g�runt atque eum longius prgred prohib�bant. Hercul�s magnam difficult�tem hab�bat, barbar enim in locs superiribus cnstiterant et saxa t�laque in eum conici�bant. Ille quidem paene omnem spem sal�tis d�posuerat, sed tempore opport�nissim Iuppiter imbrem lapidum ingentium � cael d�msit. H tant� v cecid�runt ut magnum numerum Ligurum occderint; ipse tamen Hercul�s (ut in t�libus r�bus accidere cnsu�vit) nihil incommod c�pit.


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Heracles 39

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 admror, -�r, �tus sum: admire, wonder at, 1 arcus, -�s m.; bow, 4 aud�cia, -ae f.: boldness, audacity, 2 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 barbarus, -a, -um: foreign, savage, 1 bellicsus, -a, -um: warlike, 2 cad, -ere, cecid, c�sum: to fall, 1 caelum, - n.: sky, 4 calor, -ris m.: heat, 1 cg, cgere, -�g, -�ctum: collect, compel, 5 compell, -ere, -pul: drive together, 3 const, -st�re, -stit, -stitum: stand together, it is agreed, 6 consuesc, -ere, -�v, -su�tum: to accustom, 3 contine, -�re, -nu: hold or keep together, 4 cpia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 d�d�c, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 d�mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: to drop, 3 d�pon, -ere, -su, -situm: put down or aside9 difficult�s, -t�tis f.: difficulty, 7 dnum, - n.: gift, 6 Eurytin, -nis m.: Eurytion, 2 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 g�ns, gentis f.: clan, race, nation, herd, 4 G�ryon, -nis m.: Geryon, 4 Hisp�nia, -ae f.: Spain, 1 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 imber, imbris m.: rain, 1 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 incommodum, - n.: inconvenience, 2

intend, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 inveni, -re, -v�n, -ventum: find, discover 8 ra, rae f.: anger, 12 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 lapis, -idis m.: stone, 1 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 Ligur�s, -um m.: Ligurians, 3 Liguria, -ae f.: Liguria, 1 linter, lintris f.: boat, skiff, 3 long�: far, far and wide, 6 m�gnit�d, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 moror, -�r, -�tus sum: delay, linger, 3 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7 nihil: nothing, 14 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 opport�nus, -a, -um: suitable, convenient, 2 paene: almost, nearly, 8 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 prhibe, -�re, -hibu: hold back, hinder, 2 que: and, 14 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10 sl, slis m.: sun, 10 superior, -ius: higher, upper, 3 t�lis, -e: such, 6 t�lum, - n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3 transport (1): carry over or across, 2 ventus, - m.: wind, 10

2 mor�tur: is lingering; pres. deponent 4 petiit: attacked; i.e. ‘chased’ syncopated pf. peti(v)it Sl: the god Sun; here personified 5 ut…dederit: pf. subj. in a result clause, translate as a pf. indicative; d�, dare 5 e: dat. sg. ind. obj. is, ea, id libentissim�: superlative adverb 7 nactus: having attained; pple nanc�scor 8 qu in loc: in which place; in qu� loc� 9 profectus est: pf. dep. proficiscor 10 tr�derentur: that…be handed over; impf. pass. in an ind. command 11 nllet: impf. subj. of n�l� (inf. n�lle) in a cum-clause ingent magnit�dine: of…; abl. of quality as the predicate of erat 17 continentem: the continent 18 fn�s: borders; or ‘territory’

cpi�s: troops co�g�runt: pf. c�g� (co-ag�) means ‘drive, compel’ or, as here, ‘gather’ 19 longius: farther, comparative adv. progred: dep. inf. progredior 22 d�poserat: had put aside; i.e. lost tempore: at…; abl. of time when lapidum ingentium: gen. pl. 3rd decl. 23 H: these (rocks); supply lapid�s v: irregular abl. sg. v�s cecid�runt: pf. cad� 24 ut…occiderint: that…; pf. subj. in a result clause, translate as a pf. indicative ut: as…; ut + ind., translate as ‘as’ or ‘when’ 25 nihil incommod: no harm; ‘nothing of inconvenience,’ partitive gen.




Dum hc mor�tur, Hercul�s magnum incommodum ex calre slis accipi�bat; tandem igitur r� commtus arcum suum intendit et slem sagitts petiit. Sl tamen aud�ciam vir tantum admr�tus est ut lintrem auream e dederit. Hercul�s hoc dnum libentissim� acc�pit, n�llam enim n�vem in hs reginibus invenre potuerat. Tum lintrem d�d�xit, et ventum nactus idneum post breve tempus ad nsulam perv�nit. Ubi ex incols cognvit qu in loc bov�s essent, in eam partem statim profectus est et � r�ge G�ryne postul�vit ut bov�s sibi tr�derentur. Cum tamen ille hoc facere nllet, Hercul�s et r�gem ipsum et Eurytinem, qu erat ingent magnit�dine corporis, interf�cit. 40. A MIRACULOUS HAIL-STORM

Tum Hercul�s bov�s per Hisp�niam et Liguriam compellere cnstituit; postquam igitur omnia par�ta sunt, bov�s ex nsul� ad continentem transport�vit. Ligur�s autem, g�ns bellicsissima, dum ille per fn�s erum iter facit, magn�s cpi�s co�g�runt atque eum longius prgred prohib�bant. Hercul�s magnam difficult�tem hab�bat, barbar enim in locs superiribus cnstiterant et saxa t�laque in eum conici�bant. Ille quidem paene omnem spem sal�tis d�posuerat, sed tempore opport�nissim Iuppiter imbrem lapidum ingentium � cael d�msit. H tant� v cecid�runt ut magnum numerum Ligurum occderint; ipse tamen Hercul�s (ut in t�libus r�bus accidere cnsu�vit) nihil incommod c�pit.


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Postquam Ligurs h�c mod� super�t� sunt, Herculs quam celerrim pr�gressus est et post pauc�s dis ad Alps pervnit. Necesse erat h�s trans�re, ut in taliam bovs ageret; rs tamen summae erat difficult�tis. H� enim monts, qu� ulteri�rem � citeri�re Galliam d�vidunt, nive perenn� sunt tect�; quam ob causam neque fr mentum neque p�bulum in h�s regi�nibus inven�r� potest. Herculs igitur antequam ascendere coepit, magnam c�piam fr ment� et p�bul� compar�vit et h�c comme�t bovs oner�vit. Postquam in h�s rbus trs dis c�ns mpserat, quart� di profectus est, et contr� omnium op�ni�nem bovs incolums in taliam tr�d xit. 42. CACUS STEALS THE OXEN

Brev� tempore ad fl men Tiberim vnit. Tum tamen n lla erat urbs in e� loc�, R�ma enim n�ndum condita erat. Herculs itinere fessus c�nstituit ibi pauc�s dis mor�r�, ut s ex lab�ribus recre�ret. Haud procul � valle ubi bovs pascbantur splunca erat, in qu� C�cus, horribile m�nstrum, tum habit�bat. Hic speciem terribilem praebbat, n�n modo quod ingent� magnit dine corporis erat, sed quod ignem ex �re exsp�r�bat. C�cus autem d advent Herculis f�mam accperat; noct igitur vnit, et dum Herculs dormit, quattuor pulcherrim�rum boüm abripuit. H�s caud�s in spluncam tr�xit, n Herculs vest�gi�s cogn�scere posset qu� in loc� cl�t� essent.


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Heracles 41

abripi�, -ere, -ripu�, -reptum: snatch away 2 adventus, - s m.: arrival, approach, 3 ag�, agere, g�, �ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 Alps, -ium f.: Alps, 1 antequam: before, 9 ascend�, -ere, -�, -nsus: ascend, mount, 3 C�cus, -� m.: Cacus, 4 cauda, -ae f.: tail, 2 celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 cl� (1): hide, conceal, 5 citerior, -ius: on this side, on the near side, 1 comme�tus, - s m.: supplies, provisions, 1 compar� (1): prepare, collect, 4 cond�, -ere, condid�, -ditum: found, store away, hide, 2 consum�, -ere, -mps�, -mptum: take, spend 9 contr�: against (+ acc.), 7 c�pia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 difficult�s, -t�tis f.: difficulty, 7 d�vid�, -ere, -v�s�, -v�sum: divide, separate, 3 dormi�, -�re, -�v�: to sleep, 8 exsp�r� (1): breathe out, 1 f�ma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 fessus, -a, -um: wearied, exhausted, 2 fr mentum, -� n.: grain, 4 Gallia, -ae f.: Gaul, 1 haud: by no means, not at all, 4 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 inveni�, -�re, -vn�, -ventum: find, discover 8 talia, -ae f.: Italy, 2 Ligurs, -um m.: Ligurians, 3

m�gnit d�, -t dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5 moror, -�r�, -�tus sum: delay, linger, 3 necesse: necessary, 2 nix, nivis f.: snow, 1 noct : at night, by night, 2 nondum: not yet, 4 nulla ob: on account of (acc.), 13 oner� (1): to load, burden, 2 op�ni�, -i�nis f.: opinion, reputation, 6 �s, �ris n.: face, mouth 3 pabulum, -� n.: food, fodder, pasture, 2 pascor, -�, p�stum: feed, 1 perennis, -e: perennial, perpetual, 1 praebe�, -re, -u�, -itum: to present, give, 7 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5 pulcher, -chra, -chrum: beautiful, pretty, 2 quartus, -a, -um: one-fourth, 3 quattuor: four, 1 recre� (1): to make anew, renew, 1 Roma, -ae f.: Rome, 1 super� (1): to overcome, defeat, 3 tectum, -� n.: roof, house, 1 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5 Tiberis, is m.: Tiber, 1 tr�d c�, -ere, -x�, -ctum: lead or bring over, 1 trah�, -ere, tr�x�, tractum: to draw, drag, 6 tr�nse�, -�re, -i� (�v�), itus: pass (by), 10 trs, tria: three, 9 lterior, -ius: farther, 3 vallis, -is f.: valley, vale, 2 vest�gium, -i� n.: track, foot-print, 4

2 h�c mod�: in…; abl. manner quam celerrim: quam + superlative: ‘as X as possible,’ here with a superlative adverb 4 Necesse erat: it was necessary h�s: i.e. the Alps, Alp�s is fem. pl. ageret: purpose clause, impf. subj. ag 5 summae difficult�tis: of…; gen. of description as predicate of erat ulteri�rem…Galliam: farther-side Gaul from nearer-side (Gaul); the Alps divided nearer-side Gaul (northern Italy) from farther-side Gaul (France) 6 nive perenn�: abl. sg. of nix, nivis sunt tect�: tect� sunt, pf. pass. teg quam ob causam: for which reason 7 neque…neque: neither…nor inven�r�: pass. inf. inveni

10 quart� di: on…; abl. time when 11 omnium: gen. pl. i-stem adj. op�ni�nem: expectation; obj. of contr� 15 Brev� tempore: abl. time when; 3rd decl. i-stem adj. 16 condita erat: had been established itinere: abl. of means, iter 17 pauc�s dis: for…; acc. duration of time mor�r�: to linger; dep. inf. ut…recre�ret: so that…might; purpose 20 n�n modo…sed: not only…but ingent� magnit dine: of…; abl. of quality 23 boüm: of the cattle; partitive gen. n…posset: neg. purpose clause, impf. subj. possum 25 quo in loc�…cl�t� essent: in qu loc; plpf. subj. in ind. question




Poster di� simul atque � somn excit�tus est, Hercul�s furtum animadvertit et bov�s �misss omnibus locs quaer�bat. Hs tamen n�squam reperre poterat, nn modo quod loc n�t�ram ignor�bat, sed quod vestgis falss deceptus est. Tandem cum magnam partem di� fr�str� cns�mpsisset, cum reliqus bbus prgred cnstituit. At dum proficsc parat, �nus � bbus qus s�cum habuit m�gre coepit. Subit e qu in sp�lunc� inclus erant mugtum reddid�runt, et hc mod Herculem certirem f�cerunt qu in loc c�l�t essent. Ille vehementer r�tus ad sp�luncam quam celerrim� s� contulit, ut praedam reciperet. At C�cus saxum ing�ns ita d�i�cerat ut aditus sp�luncae omnn obstruer�tur. 44. HERCULES AND CACUS

Hercul�s cum n�llum alium introitum reperre posset, hoc saxum �mv�re cn�tus est, sed propter eius magnit�dinem r�s erat difficillima. Di� fr�str� l�br�bat neque quicquam efficere poterat; tandem tamen magn cn�t� saxum �mvit et sp�luncam patef�cit. Ibi �misss bov�s magn cum gaudi cnspexit; sed C�cum ipsum vix cernere potuit, quod sp�lunca repl�ta erat f�m quem ille mre su �vom�bat. Hercul�s in�sit�t� speci� turb�tus breve tempus haesit�bat; mox tamen in sp�luncam irr�pit et collum mnstr bracchis complexus est. Ille ets multum repugn�vit, n�ll mod s� lber�re potuit, et cum n�lla facult�s resprand dar�tur, mox exanim�tus est.


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aditus, -�s m.: approach, access, entrance, 2 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 �mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 �move, -�re, -mv, -mtum: move away, 5 animadvert, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 bracchium, - n.: arm, 2 C�cus, - m.: Cacus, 4 celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 c�l (1): hide, conceal, 5 cern, -ere, cr�v, cr�tus: discern, decide, 1 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 collum, - n.; neck, 6 complector, -plect, -plexus sum: embrace, 3 con�tus, -�s m.: attempt, effort, 7 conspici, -ere, -�x, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 decipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: catch, deceive 1 d�ici, -ere, -i�c, -iectum: throw/cast down 2 difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 di�: a long time, long, 13 effici, -ere, -f�c, -fectus: make, form, 3 ets: even if, although, though, 13 �vom, -ere, -u, -vomitum: vomit forth, 1 exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 facult�s, -t�tis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 fall, -ere, fefell, falsum: deceive, 3 frustr�: in vain, for nothing, 13 f�mus, - m.: smoke, 2 furtum, - n.: theft, 1 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 haesitabat ignarus, -a, -um: ignorant, 1

incl�d, -ere, -�s, -�sum: close in, shut in, 7 inrump, -ere, -r�p, -ruptum: burst in, 2 introitus, -�s m.: entrance, 6 in�sit�tus, -a, -um: unusual, 1 r�tus, -a, -um: angry, 5 labr (1): work, toil, labor, strive, 2 lber (1): to set free, release, 6 m�gnit�d, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 m�gi, -re, -v: moo, bellow, 2 nat�ra, -ae. f.: nature, 9 n�squam: nowhere, 1 obstru, -ere, -�x, -�ctum: block, close off 4 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11 patefaci, -ere, -f�c, -factum: to lay open, 2 posterus, -a, -um: following, next, 2 praeda, -ae f.: plunder, spoils, 2 propter: on account of, because of, 6 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4 recipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: accept, take back, 8 redd, -ere, did, dditum: give back, return, 4 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9 reple, -�re, -pl�v, -pl�tum: fill again, fill, 4 repugn (1): fight against, oppose, resist, 2 respr (1): to breathe back, breathe out, 2 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14 turb (1): to confuse, disturb, 2 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11 vestgium, -i n.: track, foot-print, 4 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

2 poster di�: on…; abl. time when simul atque: as soon as; “as the same time as” 3 �misss: lost; PPP (pf. pass. pple) �mitt� locs: in…; abl. place where 4 nn modo…sed: not only…but quod: because 6 di�: of the day; partitive gen., 5th decl. bbus: irreg. abl. pl. b�s, bovis prgred: dep. inf. pr�gredior 7 proficsc: dep. inf. profic�scor bbus: irreg. abl. pl. b�s, bovis 8 e qu: those who…; nom. pl. demonstrative 9 hc mod: in…; abl. of manner certirem f�c�runt: made…more certain; i.e. ‘informed,’ a double acc., comparative adj. is is an acc. predicate

qu in loc c�l�t essent: in qu� loc�; plpf. pass. subj., ind. question 10 quam celerrim�: quam + superlative: ‘as X as possible,’ here a superlative adverb 11 s� contulit: carried himself; pf confer� ut…reciperet: so that…might; purpose 12 ut…obstruer�tur: purpose posset: impf. subj. possum (inf. posse) 16 cn�tus est: pf. deponent, translate in act. 17 difficillima: superlative, stems ending in r and l duplicate instead of -issimus quicquam: quidquam, acc. direct obj. 18 magn cn�t�: with…; abl. manner 19 �misss: see line 3 20 mre su: by his custom 23 multum: much; adverbial acc. 24 resprand: gen. gerund (-ing)




Eurystheus postquam bov�s G�ry�nis acc�pit, lb�rem �ndecimum Hercul� imposuit, gravi�rem quam qu�s supr nrrvimus. Mandvit enim e� ut aurea p�ma ex hort� Hesperidum auferret. Hesperid�s autem nymphae erant quaedam f�rm praestantissim, quae in terr longinqu habitbant, et quibus aurea quaedam p�ma I�n�ne commissa erant. Mult� homin�s, aur� cupiditte induct�, haec p�ma auferre iam ante c�nt� erant. R�s tamen difficillima erat, namque hortus in qu� p�ma erant m�r� ingent� undique circumdatus erat; praetere drac� qu�dam cui centum erant capita portam hort� d�ligenter cust�di�bat. Opus igitur quod Eurystheus Hercul� imperverat erat summae difficulttis, n�n modo ob causs qus memorvimus, sed etiam quod Hercul�s omn�n� ignorbat qu� in loc� hortus ille situs esset. 46. HERCULES ASKS AID OF ATLAS

Hercul�s, quamquam qui�tem vehementer cupi�bat, tamen Eurysthe� par�re c�nstituit, et simul ac iussa eius acc�pit, profic�sc� mt�rvit. mult�s merct�ribus quaes�verat qu� in loc� Hesperid�s habitrent, nihil tamen certum reper�re potuerat. Fr�str per mults terrs iter f�cit et multa per�cula subiit; tandem, cum in h�s itineribus t�tum annum c�ns�mpsisset, ad extr�mam partem orbis terrrum, quae proxima est cean�, perv�nit. H�c stbat vir qu�dam, n�mine tls, ingent� magnit�dine corporis, qu� caelum (ita trditum est) umer�s su�s sustin�bat, n� in terram d�cideret.


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ac: and, and also, 14 antea: before, earlier, formerly, previously, 7 tls, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 aufer�, -ferre, abstul�, -ltum: carry away 11 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 aurum, -� n.: gold, 3 caelum, -� n.: sky, 4 centum: hundred, 3 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 circumd�, -are, -ded�, -datus: to surround, 1 committ�, -mittere, -m�s�: commit, entrust, 6 c�nor, c�nr�, c�ntus sum: to try, attempt, 7 consum�, -ere, -mps�, -mptum: take, spend 9 cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, passion, 5 cupi�, -ere, -�v�, -�tum: desire, long for, 4 custodi�, -�re, -�v�, -�tum: to guard, 4 d�cid�, -ere, -cid�: to fall down, 1 difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 difficults, -ttis f.: difficulty, 7 diligenter: carefully, diligently, 3 drac�, -�nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 extr�mus, -a, -um: outermost, farthest, last, 2 f�rma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 frustr: in vain, for nothing, 13 G�ryon, -�nis m.: Geryon, 4 Hesperid�s, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 hortus, -� m.: garden, 7 ign�r� (1): not know, be ignorant, 5 imper� (1): order, command, 12 impon�, -ere, -posu�, -positus: place on, 7 ind�c�, -ere, -x�, -ctum: induce, lead in, 2 I�n�, -�nis m.: Juno, 3 longinquus, -a, -um: distant, remote, far off, 1 mgnit�d�, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13

mand� (1): to entrust, give, commit, 2 mt�r� (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 memor� (1): to recall, mention, 1 merctor, -�ris m.: trader, merchant, 3 m�rus, -� m.: wall, rampart, 4 namque: for, 2 nrr� (1): to narrate, relate, 7 nihil: nothing, 14 n�men, n�minis, n.: name, 12 nympha, -ae f.: nymph, 2 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 ceanus, -� m.: Oceanus, 1 omn�n�: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 orbis, -is m.: sphere; + terr�rum, world, 1 pare�, -�re, paru�: obey, 3 p�mum, -� n.: fruit, apple, 9 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7 praest�, -stre, -stit�: stand in front, show, 6 praetere: besides, moreover, 3 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5 quamquam: although, 4 qui�s, qui�tis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5 reperi�, -�re, repper�, repertum: find out, 9 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10 situs, -a, -um: situated, place, 2 st� (1): to stand, 8 sube�, -�re, -i�: to undergo, go up (to), 5 supr: above, before, 6 sustine�, -�re, u�, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7 umerus, -� m.: shoulder, 3 undecimum: eleven, 1 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11

3 gravi�rem: comparative adj. quam (lb�r�s) qu�s: than (the labors) which…; supply lab�r�s 4 supr: above; i.e. in previous discussion mandvit: ordered; else “entrusted” e�: dat. ind. object ut…auferret: that…; impf. subj. au-fer� (irreg. inf. ferre), ind. command 5 f�rm praestantissim: of…; abl. of quality as the predicate of erant praestantissim: most outstandiing 6 quibus: to whom; dat. ind. object 7 aur�: for gold; object genitive induct�: drawn; PPP indc� 8 auferre: inf. aufer� 9 ingent�: i-stem 3rd decl. abl. with mur�

10 cui…erant: to whom there were; i.e. ‘who had,’ or ‘whose…were,’ dat. of possession 12 summae difficulttis: of…; gen. of description as a predicate of erant n�n modo…sed etiam: not only…but also 14 qu� in loc�: in qu� loc� esset: impf. subj., ind. question 18 par�re to obey; governs a dat. obj. simul ac: as soon as 23 orbis terrrum: of the world; ‘sphere of lands’ a very common phrase for ‘earth’ 24 n�mine: by name; abl. of respect ingent� magnit�dine: of…; abl. of quality 25 ita trditum est: so it has been reported n�…d�cideret: neg. purpose clause



Herculs tants v�rs magnopere mirtus statim in colloquium cum Atlante vnit, et cum causam itineris docuisset, auxilium ab e� petiit. 47. HERCULES BEARS UP THE HEAVENS

Atls autem Hercul� maxim pr�desse potuit; ille enim cum ipse esset pater Hesperidum, cert� sc�vit qu� in loc� esset hortus. Postquam igitur aud�vit quam ob causam Herculs vnisset, "Ipse," inquit, "ad hortum �b� et f�libus me�s persudb� ut p�ma su sponte trdant." Herculs cum haec aud�ret, magnopere gv�sus est; vim enim adhibre n�luit, s� rs aliter fier� posset. C�nstituit igitur obltum auxilium accipere. Atls tamen postulvit ut, dum ipse abesset, Herculs caelum umer�s sustinret. Hoc autem neg�tium Hercules libenter suscpit, et quamquam rs erat summ� lb�ris, totum pondus cael� continu�s compl rs dis s�lus sustinbat. 48. THE RETURN OF ATLAS

�tls intere abierat et ad hortum Hesperidum, qu� pauca m�lia passuum aberat, s quam celerrim contulerat. E� cum vnisset, causam veniend� exposuit et f�lis sus vehementer horttus est ut p�ma trderent. Illae di haerbant; n�lbant enim hoc facere, quod ab ips I n�ne (ita ut ante dictum est) hoc m nus accpissent. �tls tamen aliquando e�s persusit ut sibi parrent, et p�ma ad Herculem rettulit. Herculs intere cum pl rs dis exspectvisset neque llam fmam d redit �tlantis accpisset, hc mor graviter

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abe�, -�re, -i�, -itus: go away, go off, depart, 6 absum, -esse, fu�: to be away, be absent, 7 adhibe�, -re, -u�, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 aliquand�: sometimes, at some time, 1 aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 �tls, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 caelum, -� n.: sky, 4 celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 12 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 compl rs, -pl ra: several, many, 1 conloquium, -i� n.: conversation, 1 continuus, -a, -um: continuous, successive, 2 di : a long time, long, 13 doce�, -re, -u�, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 e�, �re, i� (�v�), it�rus: go, 3 exp�n�, -ere, -su�, -situm: set out, explain 7 fma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 fi�, fier�, factus: become, be made, 9 gaude�, -re, gv�sus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 haere�, -re, haes�, haes rum: stick, cling, 3 Hesperids, -um f.: Hesperides, 5 hortus, -� m.: garden, 7 hortor, -r�, -tus sum: to encourage, urge, 4 inquam, inquis, inquit: to say, 6 intere: meanwhile, 7 I n�, -�nis m.: Juno, 3 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 maxim: especially, very greatly, 5

meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 2 m�lle (pl. m�lia): thousand, 7 m�ror, -r�, -tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 m nus, m neris n.: service, gift, duty, 1 neg�tium, i� n.: task, business, occupation, 13 n�l�, n�lle, n�lu�: not…wish, be unwilling 12 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 offer�, -ferre, -tul�, -ltum: offer, present 5 pare�, -re, paru�: obey, 3 passus, - s: pace, 7 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 persude�, -re, -sus�, -susum: persuade, 9 pet�, petere, pet�v�, pet�tum: seek, aim at, 10 pl s, pl ris: more, many, 1 p�mum, -� n.: fruit, apple, 9 pondus, ponderis n.: weight, 2 postul� (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 pr�sum, pr�desse, pr�fu�: profit, benefit, 6 quamquam: although, 4 reditus, - s m.: return, 5 sci�, -�re, -�v� (i�), -�tus: know, understand, 9 s�lus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6 sponte: of one’s own will, voluntarily, 2 suscipi�, -ere, -cp�, -ceptum: undertake, 14 sustine�, -re, u�, -tentum: hold up, endure, 7 llus, -a, -um: any, 3 umerus, -� m.: shoulder, 3 vehementer: strongly, violently, ardently, 11

1 v�rs: acc. pl. v�s mirtus: having marveled at; dep. PPP 2 docuisset: plpf. subj. cum-clause 6 pr�desse: inf. prsum, governs a dat. obj. cum…esset: since…; causal in sense, impf. subj. 7 cert�: for sure, in fact; adverb qu� in loc�: in qu loc esset: impf. subj. sum, ind. question 8 quam ob causam: for what reason vnisset: plpf. subj., ind. question 9 �b�: 1st sg. fut. e, �re f�libus: irreg. dat. pl. obj. ind. obj. ut…trdant: ind. command governed by persuad�b; pres. subj tr�d su sponte: by their own will 10 gv�sus est: rejoiced; pf. dep.; gaude is semi-deponent (deponent in pf. tenses) 11 vim: acc. sg. v�s fier�: to be done; inf. fi which can be employed as the passive of faci

12 obltum: offered; PPP of-fer ut...sustinret: ind. command 13 abesset: impf. subj. ab-sum 14 summ� lab�ris: of…; gen. of desciption 15 continu�s…dis: for…; acc. of duration 18 abierat: impf. ab-e milia passum: miles; ‘thousands of paces;’ acc. of extent of space 19 s contulerat: had carried himself; i.e. ‘had gone’ quam celerrim: quam + superlative often is translated “as X as possible,” E�: to there; ibi is ‘there;’ inde (ibi + de) is ‘from there;’ and e ‘to there’ 20 veniend�: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) ut: that..; ind. command after dep. hortor 22 quod…accpissent: because…had received; plpf. subj. of alleged cause ita ut: thus as...; ut + indicative is ‘as’ 24 rettulit: pf. re-fer pl rs dis: for…; acc. duration of time



commtus est. Tandem qunt di� Atlantem vdit redeuntem, et mox magn cum gaudi pma acc�pit; tum, postquam gr�ti�s pr tant benefici �git, ad Graeciam proficsc m�t�r�vit. 49. 12th LABOR: CERBERUS THE THREE-HEADED DOG

Postquam aurea pma ad Eurystheum rel�ta sunt, �nus mod relinqu�b�tur � duodecim l�bribus qus Pythia Hercul praec�perat. Eurystheus autem cum Herculem magnopere tim�ret, eum in aliquem locum mittere vol�bat unde numquam redre posset. Negtium igitur e dedit ut canem Cerberum ex Orc in l�cem traheret. Hoc opus omnium difficillimum erat, n�m enim umquam ex Orc redierat. Praetere� Cerberus iste mnstrum erat horribil speci�, cui tria erant capita serpentibus saevs cncta. Antequam tamen d� hc l�bre n�rr�mus, non ali�num vid�tur, quoniam d� Orc mentinem f�cimus, pauca d� e� regine prpnere. 50. CHARON'S FERRY

D� Orc, qu dem H�d�s appell�b�tur, haec tr�duntur. Ut quisque d� vt� d�cesserat, m�n�s eius ad Orcum, s�dem morturum, � de Mercuri d�d�c�bantur. Huius reginis, quae sub terr� fuisse dcitur, r�x erat Pl�t, cui uxor erat Prserpina, Iovis et Cereris flia. M�n�s igitur � Mercuri d�duct prmum ad rpam veni�bant Stygis fl�minis, qu r�gnum Pl�tnis contin�tur. Hoc tr�nsre necesse erat antequam in Orcum venre possent. Cum tamen in hc fl�mine n�llus pns factus esset, m�n�s tr�nsveh�bantur �

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ag , agere, �g�, ctum: drive, lead, spend, 13 alienus, -a, -um: of another, foreign, 1 aliqu�, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 antequam: before, 9 appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 tls, -antis m.: Atlas, 8 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 beneficium, -� n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 Cerberus, -� m.: Cerberus, 6 Cer�s, Cereris f.: Ceres, 1 cing , -ere, cinx�, cinctum: surround, gird, 1. contine , -�re, -nu�: hold or keep together, 4 d�c�d , -ere, -cess�, -cessum: depart; die, 2 d�d�c , -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 duodecim: twelve, 6 gaudium, -i� n.: gladness, joy, 9 Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 grtia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 Hd�s, -ae m.: Hades, 1 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 l�x, l�cis m.: light, 6 mn�s, -ium m.: spirit, shade, 4 mt�r (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 menti , -ti nis f.: mention, 2 Mercurius, -� m.: Mercury, 8 morior, mor�, mortuus sum: to die, 4 nrr (1): to narrate, relate, 7 necesse: necessary, 2 neg tium, i� n.: task, business, occupation, 13

n�m , n�ll�us, n�min�, n�minem, n�ll /n�ll: no one, 6 numquam: never, at no time, 4 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 Orcus, -� m.: Orcus, underworld, 11 Pl�t , Pl�t nis m.: Pluto, 6 p mum, -� n.: fruit, apple, 9 p ns, pontis m.: bridge, 2 praecipi , -ere, -c�p�, -ceptum: order, take, 6 praetere: besides, moreover, 3 pr : before, in front of, for, 9 prop n , -ere, -su�, -situm: put or set forth, 4 Proserpina, -ae f.: Proserpina, 2 P�thia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4 quintus, -a, -um: fifth, 1 quisque, quidque: each one, each person, 3 quoniam: since now, seeing that, 1 relinqu , -ere, -l�qu�, -lictum: leave behind, 9 r�pa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7 saevus, -a, -um: savage, fierce, 3 s�des, s�dis f.: seat; abode, home, 5 serp�ns, serpentis f.: serpent, 6 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6 sub: under, 4 time , -�re, -u�: fear, dread, 6 trah , -ere, trx�, tractum: to draw, drag, 6 trnse , -�re, -i� (�v�), itus: pass (by), 10 trnsveh , -ere, -vex�: to carry across, 2 tr�s, tria: three, 9 umquam: ever, 5 unde: whence, from which source, 6 uxor, �x ris f.: wife, spouse, 10 v�ta, -ae, f.: life, 9

1 quint di�: on…; abl. time when redeuntem: acc. pred. pple. red-e 2 grtis…�git: gave thanks; common idiom, gr�ti�s ag in the pf. pr : (in return) for 3 proficisc�: pres. dep. inf. 6 modo: just; or ‘only;’ an adverb which is often confused with the noun modus, -� 7 Hercul�: dat. ind. obj. cum: since…; causal in sense + impf. subj. 10 unde…posset: from where…; impf. subj. in a rel. clause of characteristic neg tium…ut: task, (namely) that…; an indirect command in apposition 11 omnium: partitive gen. i-stem adj. with the following superlative difficilimum redierat: plpf. red-e

12 iste: that; commonly ‘that…of yours,’ is an alternative for ille that often expresses contempt 13 horribil� speci�: of…; abl. quality cui…erant: to whom there were…; ‘who had,’ dat. of possession 14 vid�tur: it seems; ‘is seen,’ the subject is the inf. prpnere below; ali�num is a predicate nominative 19 trduntur: are reported; pres. pass. Ut: when…; as often with indicative 20 Huius regi nis: gen. sg. with rex 22 cui: whose; dat. of possession 24 qu : by which; abl. of means 25 necesse erat: it was necessary; impersonal possent: were able; subj. of ideal limit



Charonte qudam, qu cum parv� scaph� ad rpam exspect�bat. Charn pr hc offici merc�dem postul�bat, neque quemquam, nisi hoc praemium prius dedisset, tr�nsvehere vol�bat. Quam ob causam ms erat apud antiqus n�mmum in re mortu pnere e cnsili, ut, cum ad Stygem v�nisset, pretium tr�i�ctus solvere posset. E autem qu post mortem in terr� nn sepult erant Stygem tr�nsre nn potu�runt, sed in rp� per centum anns err�re co�ct sunt; tum d�mum Orcum intr�re lic�bat. 51. THE REALM OF PLUTO

Ut autem m�n�s Stygem hc mod tr�nsierant, ad alterum veni�bant fl�men, quod L�th� appell�b�tur. Ex hc fl�mine aquam bibere cg�bantur; quod cum f�cissent, r�s omn�s in vt� gest�s � memori� d�pon�bant. D�nque ad s�dem ipsus Pl�tnis veni�bant, cuius introitus � cane Cerber custdi�b�tur. Ibi Pl�t nigr vestt� ind�tus cum uxre Prserpin� in soli s�d�bat. St�bant etiam nn procul ab e loc tria alia solia, in quibus s�d�bant Mns, Rhadamanthus, Aeacusque, i�dic�s apud nfers. H mortus i�s dc�bant et praemia poen�sque cnstitu�bant. Bon enim in Camps Elysis, s�dem be�trum, veni�bant; improb autem in Tartarum mitt�bantur ac mults et varis supplicis ibi excruci�bantur.

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ac: and, and also, 14 Aeacus, -� m.: Aeacus, 1 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 ant�quus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 appell� (1): call (by name), name, 12 apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 beatus, -a, -um: blessed, happy, 3 bib�, -ere, bib�: drink, 4 bonus, -a, -um: good, kind(ly), useful 1 campus, -� m.: plain, field, 1 canis, -is m. f.: dog, 3 centum: hundred, 3 Cerberus, -� m.: Cerberus, 6 Char�n, -ontis m.: Charon, 5 c�g�, c�gere, -g�, -�ctum: collect, compel, 5 custodi�, -�re, -�v�, -�tum: to guard, 4 dmum: at length, finally, 3 denique: lastly, finally, 1 dpon�, -ere, -su�, -situm: put down or aside9 lysius, -a, -um: Elysian, 1 err� (1): wander, 3 excruci� (1): torture, 1 improbus, -a, -um: wicked, 1 indu�, -ere, indu�, ind tum: put on, 8 infer�, -�rum m.: the dead, the shades, 1 intr� (1): go into, enter, 7 introitus, - s m.: entrance, 6 i dex, i dicis m.: judge, 1 i s, i ris n.: justice, law, right, 4 Lth, -s f.: Lethe (river), 1 licet, -re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 m�ns, -ium m.: spirit, shade, 4 memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4 mercs, mercdis f.: pay, wages, 1 M�n�s, M�n��s m.: Minos, 1 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7 m�s, m�ris m.: custom, manner, law, 6

niger, nigra, nigrum: black, 1 nisi: if not, unless, 2 nummus, -� m.: coin; cash, 1 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 officium, -i�, n.: duty, 2 Orcus, -� m.: Orcus, underworld, 11 �s, �ris n.: face, mouth 3 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3 Pl t�, Pl t�nis m.: Pluto, 6 poena, poenae, f.: punishment, 3 pon�, ponere, posu�, positum: to place, put, 5 postul� (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 praemium, i� n.: reward, 5 pretium, i� n.: price, charge, 1 prius: before, 3 pr�: before, in front of, for, 9 procul: from afar, from a distance, 5 Proserpina, -ae f.: Proserpina, 2 que: and, 14 quisquam, quidquam: anyone, anything, 4 Rhadamanthus, -� m.: Rhadamanthus, 1 r�pa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7 scapha, -ae f.: boat, skiff, 4 sede�, -re, sd�, sessum: to sit, 6 sdes, sdis f.: seat; abode, home, 5 sepeli�, -�re, -�v�, sepultum: to bury, 1 solium, -� n.: throne, seat, 2 st� (1): to stand, 8 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6 supplicium, -i� n.; punishment, supplication, 5 Tartarus, -� m.: Tartarus, 1 tr�iectus, - s m.: passage (across), 1 tr�nse�, -�re, -i� (�v�), itus: pass (by), 10 tr�nsveh�, -ere, -vex�: to carry across, 2 trs, tria: three, 9 uxor, x�ris f.: wife, spouse, 10 varius, -a, -um: various, 2 vest�tus, - s m.: clothing, 1 v�ta, -ae, f.: life, 9

1 ad: near, at 2 pr�: (in return) for 3 nisi…dedisset: if he had not given; protasis in a simple past condition, originally pf. ind., made plpf. subj. volbat: was (Charon) willing… quam ob causam: for which reason 4 m�s erat: it was the custom…to e� c�nsili�, ut…: with this purpose (namely) that…; purpose clause

tr�iect s: gen. sg., 4th decl. tr�iectus 7 Hercul�: dat. ind. obj. 8 licbat: it would be allowed; iterative or customary impf. 11 Ut: When…; ut + indicative, transe� 13 rs…gest�s: all matters carried out… 15 cuius: of which; gen. qu�, quae, quod 16 st�bant: subj. is neuter pl. tria s�lia 18 i s d�cbant: dispensed justice 20 Camp�s Elysi�s: Elysian Fields




Hercul�s postquam imperia Eurysthe acc�pit, in Lacniam ad Taenarum statim s� contulit; ibi enim sp�lunca erat ingent magnit�dine, per quam, ut tr�d�b�tur, homin�s ad Orcum d�scend�bant. E cum v�nisset, ex incols quaesvit qu in loc sp�lunca illa sita esset; quod cum cognvisset, sine mor� d�scendere cnstituit. Nec tamen slus hoc iter faci�bat, Mercurius enim et Minerva s� e socis adi�nxerant. Ubi ad rpam Stygis v�nit, Hercul�s scapham Charontis cnscendit, ut ad ulterirem rpam tr�nsret. Cum tamen Hercul�s vir esset ingent magnit�dine corporis, Charn solvere nl�bat; magnopere enim ver�b�tur n� scapha sua tant pondere oner�ta in medi fl�mine merger�tur. Tandem tamen, mins Herculis territus, Charn scapham solvit, et eum incolumem ad ulterirem rpam perd�xit. 53. THE LAST LABOR IS ACCOMPLISHED

Postquam fl�men Stygem hc mod tr�nsiit, Hercul�s in s�dem ipsus Pl�tnis v�nit; et postquam causam veniend docuit, ab e petvit ut Cerberum auferre sibi lic�ret. Pl�t, qu d� Hercule f�mam acc�perat, eum benign� exc�pit, et facult�tem quam ille pet�bat libenter dedit. Postul�vit tamen ut Hercul�s ipse, cum imper�ta Eurysthe f�cisset, Cerberum in Orcum r�rsus red�ceret. Hercul�s hoc pollicitus est, et Cerberum, quem nn sine magn percul manibus prehenderat, summ cum l�bre ex Orc in


5 10 15


Heracles 53

adiung, -ere, -iunx, -iunctum: join to, 2 aufer, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 benignus, -a, -um: kind, 4 Cerberus, - m.: Cerberus, 6 Charn, -ontis m.: Charon, 5 conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 d�scend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: descend, 4 doce, -�re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 excipi, ere, c�p, ceptum: take out, receive 9 facult�s, -t�tis f.: ability, opportunity, 5 f�ma, -ae f.: fame, reputation, report, rumor 7 imperium, -i n.: power to command, rule, 2 imper (1): order, command, 12 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 Lacnia, -ae f.: Laconia, Sparta, 1 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 licet, -�re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 m�gnit�d, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 Mercurius, - m.: Mercury, 8 merg, mergere, mers, mersum: to sink, 3 minae, -�rum f.: threads, 1 Minerva, -ae f.: Minerva, 4 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14

nec: and not, nor, 10 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 oner (1): to load, burden, 2 Orcus, - m.: Orcus, underworld, 11 perd�c, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10 Pl�t, Pl�tnis m.: Pluto, 6 polliceor, -c�r, -citus: promise, proffer, 2 pondus, ponderis n.: weight, 2 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 prehend, -ere, -hend, -h�nsum: seize, 5 red�c, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 rpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7 rursus: again, backward, back, 7 scapha, -ae f.: boat, skiff, 4 s�des, s�dis f.: seat; abode, home, 5 situs, -a, -um: situated, place, 2 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6 Styx, Stygis f.: Styx, 6 Taenarus, - m.: Taenarus, 1 terre, -�re, -u, territum: to terrify, scare, 5 tr�nse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10 �lterior, -ius: farther, 3 vereor, -�r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5

3 s� contulit: carried themselves; i.e. “betook himself,” pf. confer� ingent magnit�dine: of…; abl. of quality; 3rd decl. i-stem abl. 4 ut: as…; ut + indicative 5 E: to there; ibi is ‘there;’ inde is ‘from there;’ and e� ‘to there’ qu in loc: in qu� loc� 6 esset: impf. subj. sum, ind. question quod cum: which when…; relative clause 8 e: to him; dat. of compound verb socis: as comrades; predicative 10 ut…tr�nsret: so that…might; impf. subj. tr�nse� in a purpose clause

solvere: to set sail 11 ver�b�tur: impf. dep. vereor n�…merger�tur: that…might sink; clause of fearing, translate positively 17 hc mod: in this way; abl. manner tr�nsiit: pf. tr�nse� 18 veniend: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) 19 petvit ut: asked that…; introduces an ind. command lic�ret: it be allowed; impersonal impf. 20 exc�pit: welcomed 21 ut…red�ceret: that…lead back; ind. command; impf. subjunctive 22 pollicitus est: promised; pf. dep.



l�cem et ad urbem Eurysthe tr�xit. E cum v�nisset, tantus timor animum Eurysthe occup�vit ut ex �tri statim ref�gerit; cum autem paulum s� ex timre rec�pisset, mults cum lacrims obsecr�vit Herculem ut mnstrum sine mor� in Orcum red�ceret. Sc contr� omnium opninem duodecim ill l�br�s qus Pythia praec�perat intr� duodecim anns confect sunt; quae cum ita essent, Hercul�s servit�te tandem lber�tus magn cum gaudi Th�b�s rediit. 54. THE CENTAUR NESSUS

Poste� Hercul�s multa alia praecl�ra perf�cit, quae nunc perscrbere longum est. Tandem iam aet�te prvectus D�ianram, Oene fliam, in m�trimnium d�xit; post tamen tr�s anns accidit ut puerum quendam, cui nmen erat Eunomus, c�s� occderit. Cum autem ms esset, ut s quis hominem c�s� occdisset, in exsilium ret, Hercul�s cum uxre sua � fnibus eius cvit�tis exre m�t�r�vit. Dum tamen iter faciunt, ad fl�men quoddam perv�n�runt in qu n�llus pns erat; et dum quaerunt qunam mod fl�men tr�nseant, accurrit centaurus Nessus, qu vi�tribus auxilium obtulit. Hercul�s igitur uxrem suam in tergum Ness imposuit; tum ipse fl�men tr�n�vit. Nessus autem paulum in aquam prgressus ad rpam subit revert�b�tur et Deanram auferre cn�b�tur. Quod cum animadvertisset Hercul�s, r� graviter commtus arcum intendit et pectus Ness sagitt� tr�nsfxit.

1 5 10

15 20

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accid�, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 accurr�, -ere, -cucurr, -cursum: to run to, 2 aet�s, aet�tis f.: age, lifetime, time, 4 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 animadvert�, -ere: turn mind to, notice, 6 aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 arcus, -�s m.; bow, 4 atrium, atri n.: atrium, 3 aufer�, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 c�sus, -�s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 cvit�s. cvit�tis f.: citizenship, state, 1 c�nor, c�n�r, c�n�tus sum: to try, attempt, 7 contr�: against (+ acc.), 7 Dianra, -ae f.: Deianira, 5 duc�, -ere, d�x, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 duodecim: twelve, 6 e�, �re, i� (�v�), it�rus: go, 3 Eunomus, - m.: Eunomus, 1 exe�, -re, -i, -itus: go out, 5 exsilium, -i n.: exile, 2 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 impon�, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 intend�, -ere, -nd, -ntum: stretch out, aim, 4 intr�: within, among (+ acc.), 4 ra, rae f.: anger, 12 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 lber� (1): to set free, release, 6 longus, -a, -um: long, 4 l�x, l�cis m.: light, 6 matrim�nium, -i n.: marriage, 6 m�t�r� (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 m�s, m�ris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 Nessus, - m.: Nessus, 7 n�men, n�minis, n.: name, 12 nunc: now, at present, 4

obsecr� (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5 occid�, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 occup� (1): occupy, seize, 8 Oeneus, - m.: Oeneus, 1 offer�, -ferre, -tul, -l�tum: offer, present 5 opni�, -i�nis f.: opinion, reputation, 6 Orcus, - m.: Orcus, underworld, 11 pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3 perfici�, -ere, -fc, -fectum: accomplish, 3 perscrb�, -ere, -scrps, scrptum: write through, 3 p�ns, pontis m.: bridge, 2 poste�: after this, afterwards, 7 praecipi�, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: order, take, 6 praecl�rus, -a, -um: bright, very famous, 2 proveh�, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry forth, 3 P thia, -ae f.: Pythia, 4 quonam recipi�, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: accept, take back, 8 red�c�, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 refugi�, -ere, -f�g: flee back, 5 revert�, -ere, revers: turn back, return, 2 rpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 7 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10 servi�, -re, -v, -tum: to be slave to, serve, 1 sc: thus, in this way, 2 tergum, - n.: back, 8 Thbae, -�rum f.: Thebes, 4 trah�, -ere, tr�x, tractum: to draw, drag, 6 tr�n� (1): to swim across,1 tr�nse�, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10 tr�nsfg�, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4 trs, tria: three, 9 uxor, �x�ris f.: wife, spouse, 10 vi�tor, -t�ris m.: traveler, 1

1 E�: to there 2 ut…ref�gerit: that…; result; unusual with pf. subj., translate in the perfect tense 3 paulum: a little; adverbial acc. s recpisset: had retreated; idiom 4 ut…red�ceret: ind. command 6 praecperat: had instructed quae cum...essent: Since these things were so; i.e. ‘as a result,’ common in Cicero 7 servit�te: from…; abl. of separation 8 Thb�s: to Thebes; place to which, ‘ad’ is not included for towns and cities rediit: pf. red-e�

11 praecl�ra: famous (things); neuter pl. 12 aet�te pr�vectus: having advanced in age; abl. of respect; PPP pr�vehor trs ann�s: for…; acc. of duration of time 13 accidit ut: it happened that; noun result clause with pf. subjunctive 14 cui: to whom was; ‘who had,’ or ‘whose… was,’ dat. of possession 15 s quis: if anyone had killed, he would go 18 qu�nam…tr�nseant: in what way...; abl. manner; ind. question, pres. subj. tr�ns-e� 22 Quod: this; ‘which,’ English prefers a demonstrative in transitions

Heracles 56


Nessus igitur sagitt� Herculis tr�nsfxus mori�ns hum iac�bat; at n� occ�sinem su ulcscend dmitteret, ita loc�tus est: “T�, D�ianra, verba morientis aud. S amrem mart tu cnserv�re vs, hunc sanguinem, qu nunc � pectore me effunditur, sume ac repne; tum, s umquam in suspicinem tibi v�nerit, vestem mart hc sanguine infici�s.” Haec loc�tus, Nessus animam effl�vit; D�ianra autem nihil mal suspic�ta imper�ta f�cit. Paul post Hercul�s bellum contr� Eurytum, r�gem Oechaliae, susc�pit; et cum r�gem ipsum cum flis interf�cisset, Iol�n eius fliam captvam s�cum red�xit. Antequam tamen domum v�nit, n�vem ad C�naeum promunt�rium appulit, et in terram �gressus �ram cnstituit, ut Iov sacrific�ret. Dum tamen sacrificium parat, Licham comitem suum domum msit, qu vestem albam referret; ms enim erat apud antqus, dum sacrificia facerent, albam vestem gerere. At D�ianra verita n� Hercul�s amrem erg� Iol�n hab�ret, vestem priusquam Lichae dedit, sanguine Ness inf�cit. 56. THE DEATH OF HERCULES

Hercul�s nihil mal suspic�ns vestem quam Lich�s attulerat statim induit; paul post tamen dolrem per omnia membra s�nsit, et quae causa esset eius re magnopere mr�b�tur. Dolre paene exanim�tus, vestem d�trahere cn�tus est; illa tamen in corpore haesit, neque �ll mod abscind potuit. Tum d�mum Hercul�s, quasi furre impulsus, in montem Octam s� contulit, et in rogum,


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20 25

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abscind, -ere, -scid, -scissum: tear off, 1 ac: and, and also, 14 affer, -ferre, attul, all�tum: carry to bring 5 albus, -a, -um: white, 2 amor, -ris m.: love, desire, passion, 3 anima, -ae f.: breath, soul, life, 1 antequam: before, 9 antquus, -a, -um: ancient, 3 appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 �ra, -ae f.: altar, 2 bellum, -, n.: war, 6 captvus, -a, -um: prisoner, 2 C�naeum, - n.: Cenaeum ( n Euboea), 1 comes, -it is m. f.: companion, 3 cnor, cn�r, cn�tus sum: to try, attempt, 7 conserv (1): preserve, keep, 1 contr�: against (+ acc.), 7 D�ianra, -ae f.: Deianira, 5 d�mum: at length, finally, 3 d�trah, -ere, -ax, -actum: draw away/off, 2 domus, -�s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 effl (1): breath out, 1 effund, -ere, -f�d, -f�sum: pour out, 1 erg�: toward, for (+ acc.), 1 Eurytus, - m.: Eurytus, 1 exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 furor, -ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 haere, -�re, haes, haes�rum: stick, cling, 3 hum: on the ground, 2 iace, -�re, -u: to lie, lie low, 3 impell, ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive on, incite3 imper (1): order, command, 12 indu, -ere, indu, ind�tum: put on, 8 nfici, -ere, -f�c, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 Iol�, -�s f.: Iole, 2 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 Lich�s, -ae m.: Lichas, 3 loquor, loqu, loc�tus sum: speak, address, 9

malus, -a, -um: bad, 3 maritus, - m.: husband, 3 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10 meus, -a, -um: my, mine, 2 mror, -�r, -�tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 Nessus, - m.: Nessus, 7 nihil: nothing, 14 numquam: never, at no time, 4 nunc: now, at present, 4 occ�si, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6 Octam Oechalia, -ae f.: Oechalia, 1 paene: almost, nearly, 8 pectus, pectoris n.: breast, chest, heart, 3 priusquam: before than, sooner than, 2 promunturium, -i n.: promontory, 1 quasi: as if, 4 red�c, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 repon, -ere, -posu, -positum: put back, 2 rogus, - m.: pyre, 2 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5 sacrific (1): to sacrifice, 1 sagitta, -ae f.: arrow, 10 sanguis, sanguinis m.: blood, 6 sum, sumere, sumps, sumptum: to take, 3 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 suspici, -inis f.: suspicion, look askance, 1 suspic, -�re, -�v, -�tum: suspect, mistrust, 7 tr�nsfg, -fgere, -fx, -fxum: pierce, 4 tu: you, 10 tuus, -a, -um: your, yours, 3 ulcscor, ulcsc, ultus sum: to avenge, 2 �llus, -a, -um: any, 3 verbum, - n.: word, speech, 4 vereor, -�r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12

2 mori�ns: dying; pres. pple. morior hum: on the ground; locative 3 n�…dmitteret: so that…not; neg. purpose clause su ulcscend: of avenging themselves; noun + gerundive: employ a gerundive- gerund flip and translate as gerund + obj. 4 aud: sg. imperative, audi� 5 vs: 2nd sg. pres. vol�, velle sume, repne: sg. imperatives 6 v�nerit, infici�s: if…comes, you will

infect; a future-more-vivid condition (fut. pf., fut.); in English, the protasis is present but future in sense 8 nihil mal: nothing (of) bad; partitive paul: little later; abl. degree of difference 11 s�cum: cum s� 13 ut…sacrific�ret: so that…; purpose Iov: to Jupiter; dat. of interest 14 domum: to home; place to which referret: would bring; rel. of purpose 16 verita n�: fearing lest; fearing clause

Argonauts 58

quem summ� celerit�te exstr�xit, s� imposuit. Hoc cum f�cisset, es qu circumst�bant r�vit ut rogum quam celerrim� succenderent. Omn�s di� rec�s�bant; tandem tamen p�stor qudam, ad misericordiam inductus, ignem subdidit. Tum, dum omnia f�m obscurantur, Hercul�s, d�ns� n�be vel�tus � Iove, in Olympum abreptus est. 57. THE WICKED UNCLE

Erant lim in Thessali� duo fr�tr�s, qurum alter Aesn, Peli�s alter appell�b�tur. Aesn prm r�gnum obtinuerat; at post paucs anns Peli�s, r�gn cupidit�te adductus, nn modo fr�trem suum expulit, sed etiam in anim hab�bat I�sonem, Aesnis flium, interficere. Qudam tamen ex amcs Aesnis, ubi sententiam Peliae cognv�runt, puerum � tant percul �ripere cnstituerunt. Noct� igitur I�sonem ex urbe abstul�runt, et cum poster di� ad r�gem rediissent, e renunti�v�runt puerum mortuum esse. Peli�s cum hoc audvisset, ets r� v�r� magnum gaudium percipi�bat, speciem tamen dolris praebuit et quae causa esset mortis quaesvit. Ill autem cum bene intellegerent dolrem eius falsum esse, nesci quam f�bulam d� morte puer fnx�runt. 58. A FATEFUL ACCIDENT

Post breve tempus Peli�s, veritus n� r�gnum suum tant� v et fraude occup�tum �mitteret, amcum quendam Delphs msit, qu r�culum cnsuleret. Ille igitur quam celerrim� Delphs s� contulit et quam ob causam v�nisset d�mnstr�vit. Respondit r�culum

1 5

10 15 20


Argonauts 59

abripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum: snatch away 2 add�c, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 Aesn, -nis m.: Aeson, father of Jason, 4 alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), second, 7 amcus, - m.: friend, 6 �mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 aufer, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 bene: well, 5 celerit�s, -t�tis f.: speed, quickness, 7 circumst, -�re, -stet: stand around, 1 consul, consulere, -lu, -ltum: to consult, 3 cupidit�s, -t�tis f.: desire, passion, 5 Delph, -rum m.: Delphi, oracle of Apollo, 2 d�monstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 densus, -a, -um: thick, 2 di�: a long time, long, 13 duo, duae, duo: two, 10 �ripi, -ere, -u, reptus: tear from, rescue, 2 ets: even if, although, though, 13 expell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum: drive out, 3 exstru, -ere, -ux, -�ctum: build, heap up, 1 fabula, -ae f.: story, 1 fall, -ere, fefell, falsum: deceive, 3 flius, -i m.: son, 10 fing, -ere, finx, fictum: make up, imagine, 1 fr�ter, -tris m.: brother, 5 fraus, fraudis f.: fraud, deception, 2 f�mus, - m.: smoke, 2 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7

ind�c, -ere, -x, -ctum: induce, lead in, 2 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 misericordia, -ae f.: pity, compassion, 1 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9 nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4 noct�: at night, by night, 2 n�b�s, -is f.: cloud, 1 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 obsc�r (1): hide, conceal, 1 obtine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 occup (1): occupy, seize, 8 lim: once, formerly, 10 Olympus, - m.: Olympus, 1 r�culum, - n.: oracle, 11 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5 pastor, pastoris m.: shepherd, 2 Peli�s, -ae f.: Pelias, 14 percipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: feel perceive 5 posterus, -a, -um: following, next, 2 praebe, -�re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7 rec�s (1): refuse, give a reason against, 1 renunti, (1): report, announce, 2 responde, -�re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13 rogus, - m.: pyre, 2 sententia, -ae f.: thought, feeling, opinion, 2 subd, -ere, -did, -ditum: put under, apply, 1 succend, -ere, -cend, -censum: kindle, 1 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4 vel (1): to veil, cover, 1 vereor, -�r, -itus: be afraid, fear; revere, 5 verus, -a, -um: true, real, 2

1 summ� celerit�te: with…; abl. manner 2 es qu: those who; demonstrative ut..succenderent: that..; ind. command quam celerrim�: as fast as possible 9 Erant: there were alter…alter: one…the other; apply the verb appell�b�tur to both nom. subjects 10 prm: first; adverb 11 regn: for the kingdom; objective gen. adductus: attracted; “drawn” PPP nn modo…etiam: not only…but also 12 in anim hab�bat: had in mind; common way in Latin to express ‘I intended’ 14 �ripere: commonly means ‘to rescue’ 15 abstul�runt: pf. au-fer (�/ab + fer) cum…rediissent: when…; plpf. subj. rede as often translate in the correct tense poster di�: on…;abl. of time when

16 e: nom. pl. or dat. sg. for is, ea, id puerum…esse: that…; ind. discourse, translate pres. inf. of sum as imperfect 17 cum…audvisset: plpf. subj. audi, translate as you would plpf. indicative r� v�r�: in true fact; abl. of respect 18 quae causa esset mortis: what was…; indirect question with impf. subj. sum 19 dolrem…esse: that…; see 16 above 20 nesci quam: some; “I-do-not-know- what,” indefinite modifying f�bulam 23 veritus n�: having feared that…would; PPP, fearing clause (n� + impf. subj.) v: with force; irreg. abl. of means, v�s 24 Delphs: to Delph�; place to which 25 cnsuleret: would consult; purpose 26 quam ob causam: for what reason v�nisset: plpf. subj., ind. question

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n�llum esse in praesenti� perculum; monuit tamen Peliam ut s quis �num calceum ger�ns venret, eum cav�ret. Post paucs anns accidit ut Peli�s magnum sacrificium fact�rus esset; nuntis in omn�s part�s dmserat et certam diem conveniend dxerat. Di� cnstit�t� magnus hominum numerus undique ex agrs conv�nit; in hs autem v�nit etiam I�son, qu � pueriti� apud centaurum quendam habit�verat. Dum tamen iter facit, �num � calces in tr�nseund nesci qu fl�mine �msit. 59. THE GOLDEN FLEECE

I�son igitur cum calceum �missum n�ll mod recipere posset, �n pede n�d in r�giam perv�nit. Quem cum Peli�s vdisset, subit timre affectus est; intell�xit enim hunc esse hominem quem r�culum d�mnstr�visset. Hoc igitur cnsilium iniit. R�x erat qudam Ae�t�s, qu r�gnum Colchidis ill tempore obtin�bat. Huic commissum erat illud vellus aureum quod Phrixus lim ibi relquerat. Cnstituit igitur Peli�s I�son negtium dare ut hc vellere potr�tur; cum enim r�s esset magn percul, eum in itinere pert�rum esse sp�r�bat. I�sonem igitur ad s� arcessvit, et eum cohort�tus quid fier vellet docuit. Ille ets intelleg�bat rem esse difficillimam, negtium libenter susc�pit. 60. THE BUILDING OF THE GOOD SHIP ARGO

Cum tamen Colchis multrum di�rum iter ab e loc abesset, slus I�son proficsc nluit. Dmsit igitur nuntis in omn�s part�s, qu causam itineris doc�rent et diem certam conveniend dcerent.

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absum, -esse, �fu: to be away, be absent, 7 accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 Ae�t�s: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 affici, -ere, -f�c, fectum: influence, treat, 13 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 �mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 apud: among, in the presence of (+ acc.), 9 arcess, -ere, -v, -itum: summon, invite, 2 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 calceus, - m.: shoe, 3 cave, -�re, c�v, cautum: be on guard, 1 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 cohortor, -hort�r, -hort�tus: encourage, 2 Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 committ, -mittere, -ms: commit, entrust, 6 conveni, -re, v�n, ventum: come together 8 d�monstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 doce, -�re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 ets: even if, although, though, 13 fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 ine, -re, -, -itum: go into, enter, 4 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 mone, -�re, -u, monitum: to warn, 1 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13

nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4 nl, nlle, nlu: not…wish, be unwilling 12 n�dus, -a, -um: naked, bare, 1 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 obtine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 lim: once, formerly, 10 r�culum, - n.: oracle, 11 Peli�s, -ae f.: Pelias, 14 pere, -perre, peri, perit�rum: to perish, 1 p�s, pedis m.: foot, 8 Phrixus – m.: Phrixus, 1 potior, -r, pottus sum: get possession of, 1 praesentia, -ae f.: the present, 1 pueritia, -ae, f.: childhood, 1 recipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: take back, 8 r�gia, -ae f.: palace, 4 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9 sacrificium, -i n.: sacrifice, 5 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6 sp�r (1): hope (for), expect, 5 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 tr�nse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 10 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12

1 n�llum…perculum: that…; ind. disc.; main verb pf. so translate inf. as impf. ut…cav�ret: that he beware of; ind. command, impf. subj. in secondary seq. s quis: if anyone…; quis is indefinite before s, nisi, num, and n� 2 Post paucs anns: a few years later; ‘later by a few years,’ abl. of degree of difference 3 accidit ut: it happened that; as often, accidit introduces a noun result clause fact�rus esset: was going to make; fut. periphrastic (fut. pple + sum), impf. subj. 4 part�s: directions dxerat: had appointed conveniend: of convening; gen. gerund Di� constit��: on…; abl. of time when 5 hominum: partitive genitive 8 tr�nseund: in crossing some river; this gerundive of tr�nse modifies fl�mine; employ a gerund-gerundive flip: translate as

a gerund (-ing) with fl�mine as direct obj. nesci qu: some; ‘I-do-not-know-what’ 11 cum…posset: when…; impf. subj. possum, translate as impf. indicative

n�ll mod: in no way; abl. manner �n…n�d: abl. absolute, add ‘being,’ since there is no pple for sum, the subject and pred. form the absolute without a pple 12 quem cum: whom when…; the pronoun is part of the cum-clause but often precedes the conjunction ‘cum’ in transitions 13 hunc esse: that…; acc. subject in ind. disc. 14 d�mnstr�visset: plpf. subj. in a relative clause of characteristic 15 ill tempore: at…; abl. of time when Huic: dat. ind. obj. of comissum erat 16 commissum erat: had been entrusted 17 n�gtium ut: task, (namely) that… 18 potr�tur: that he possess; ind. command, impf. subj. deponent potior governs an abl. magn percul: of…; gen. description 19 pert�rum esse: fut. inf. in ind. disc. 20 cohort�tus: having urged; deponent PPP quid fer vellet: what he wanted to be done; ind. question, impf. subj. vol 21 difficillimam: superlative, acc. pred. 24 iter: a journey of many days; acc. extent 26 dcerent: who would appoint; relative clause of purpose, see line 4

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Intere�, postquam omnia quae sunt �su ad armand�s n�v�s comport�r iussit, negtium dedit Arg cuidam, qu summam scientiam nautic�rum r�rum hab�bat, ut n�vem aedific�ret. In hs r�bus circiter decem di�s cnsumpt sunt; Argus enim, qu oper praeerat, tantam dligentiam adhib�bat ut n� nocturnum quidem tempus ad l�brem intermitteret. Ad multit�dinem hominum tr�nsportandam n�vis paul erat l�tior quam quibus in nostr mar �t cnsu�vimus, et ad vim tempest�tum perferendam tta � rbore facta est. 61. THE ANCHOR IS WEIGHED

Intere� is di�s appet�bat quem I�son per nuntis �dxerat, et ex omnibus reginibus Graeciae mult, qus aut re novit�s aut sp�s glriae mov�bat, undique conveni�bant. Tr�ditum est autem in hc numer fuisse Herculem, de qu supr� multa perscrpsimus, Orpheum, citharoedum praecl�rissimum, Th�seum, Castorem, multsque alis qurum nmina sunt ntissima. Ex hs I�son qus arbitr�tus est ad omnia percula subeunda par�tissims esse, es ad numerum qunqu�gint� d�l�git et socis sibi adi�nxit; tum paucs di�s commor�tus, ut ad omn�s c�s�s subsidia compar�ret, n�vem d�d�xit, et tempest�tem ad n�vigandum idneam nactus magn cum plaus� omnium solvit. 62. A FATAL MISTAKE

Haud mult post Argonautae (ita enim appell�bantur qu in ist� n�v veh�bantur) nsulam quandam, nmine Cyzicum, attig�runt; et � n�v �gress � r�ge illus reginis hospiti except sunt. Pauc�s

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adhibe, -�re, -u, -itum: to apply, hold to, 4 adiung, -ere, -iunx, -iunctum: join to, 2 aedific (1): make a building, build, 2 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 appell (1): call (by name), name, 12 appet, -ere, -v, -pettum: draw near, 3 arbitror, -�r, -�tus sum: to judge, think, 11 Arg, -�s f.: Argo, 2 Argus, - m.: Argus, builder of the Argo, 1 arm (1): arm, equip, 4 atting, -ere, -tig, -t�ctum: touch at, reach, 3 aut: or (aut...aut – either…or), 2 Castor, -oris m.: Castor, 1 c�sus, -�s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 circiter: about, around, 1 citharoedus, - m.: cithara-player, 1 commoror, -�r, -�tum: delay, linger, tarry, 3 compar (1): prepare, collect, 4 comport (1): carry together, collect, 1 consuesc, -ere, -�v, -su�tum: to accustom, 3 consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 conveni, -re, v�n, ventum: come together 8 Cyzicus, - f.: Cyzicus, 1 decem: ten, 4 d�lig, -ere, -l�g, -lectum: choose, select, 6 diligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 duc, -ere, d�x, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 �dc, -ere, -dx, dictum: declare, proclaim, 4 excipi, ere, c�p, ceptum: receive, welcome9 glria, -ae f.: glory, 1 Graecia, -ae f.: Greece, 7 haud: by no means, not at all, 4 hospitium, n.: hospitality, 5 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 intere�: meanwhile, 7 intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7

l�tus, -a, -um: wide, broad, 1 move, -�re, mv, mtum: move, arouse, 3 multit�d, -t�dinis f.: multitude, 2 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7 nauticus, -a, -um: naval, nautical, 1 n�vig (1): to sail, 5 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 nocturnus, -a, -um: nocturnal, 2 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12 noster, nostra, nostrum: our, 1 ntus, -a, -um: known, familiar, 3 novit�s, -t�tis f.: newness, novelty, 3 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 Orpheus, - m.: Orpheus, 1 perfer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tus: bear, betake, 2 perscrb, -ere, -scrps, scrptum: write through, 3 plausus, -�s m.: applause, 1 praecl�rus, -a, -um: bright, very famous, 2 praesum, -esse, -fu: be before, preside over 2 que: and, 14 quidem: indeed, in fact, assuredly, certainly, 8 qunqu�gint�: fifty, 1 rbor, rbris n.: oak; strength, 1 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5 subsidium, -i n.: support, relief, protection 1 supr�: above, before, 6 Th�seus, - m.: Theseus, 1 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 14 transport (1): carry over or across, 2 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7 �sus, �s�s m.: use, employment, 3 �tor, �t, �sum sum: use, employ, enjoy 2 veh, -ere, v�x, vectum: to convey, carry, 5

1 sunt �su: are of use; ‘for a use’ dat. sg. of purpose, 4th decl. noun sus ad…n�v�s: for arming…; ‘for ships to be armed’ use a gerundive-gerund flip and translate as gerund + acc. direct object ut…aedific�ret: that…; purpose 5 praeerat: was (in charge) over + dat. n� nocturnum quidem: not even night…; n�, quidem emphasize an intervening word ut…intermitterent: that; result clause 6 ad l�brem: for; ‘ad’ expresses purpose ad…: for transporting…; ad + gerundive 7 paul: a little; abl. of degree of difference

quam: than; follows a comparative adj. quibus: (those) which; abl. obj. of t� 8 �t: deponent inf. tor, governs an abl. obj. ad…perferendam: ad + gerundive; ll. 1, 6 vim: irreg. feminine acc. sg. of v�s 14 Tr�ditum est: it was reported that… 18 ad…subeunda: for undergoing…; sube� 21 ad n�vigandum: for sailing; a gerund nactus: having attained; dep., nanc�scor 22 solvit: set sail 25 mult: much; abl. of degree of difference 27 �gress: having stepped out; PPP, �gredior except sunt: were welcomed

Argonauts 64

h�rs ibi commort� ad s�lis occsum r rsus solvrunt; sed postquam pauca m�lia passuum pr�gress� sunt, tanta tempests subit� coörta est ut cursum tenre n�n possent, et in eandem partem �nsulae unde nuper profect� erant magn� cum per�cul� dicerentur. Incolae tamen, cum nox esset obsc ra, Argonauts n�n agn�scbant, et nvem inim�cam vnisse arbitrt� arma rapurunt et e�s gred� prohibbant. �criter in l�tore pugntum est, et rx ipse, qu� cum ali�s dcucurrerat, ab Argonaut�s occ�sus est. Mox tamen, cum iam d�l csceret, snsrunt incolae s errre et arma abicrunt; Argonautae autem cum rgem occ�sum esse v�drent, magnum dol�rem percprunt. 63. THE LOSS OF HYLAS

Postr�di eius di� Ison tempesttem satis id�neam esse arbitrtus (summa enim tranquillits iam c�nsec ta erat), ancors sustulit, et pauca m�lia passuum pr�gressus ante noctem Mysiam attigit. Ibi paucs h�rs in ancor�s exspectvit; naut�s enim cogn�verat aquae c�piam quam scum habrent iam dficere, quam ob causam qu�dam ex Argonaut�s in terram gress� aquam quaerbant. H�rum in numer� erat Hyls qu�dam, puer form praestantissim. Qu� dum fontem quaerit, comitibus paulum scesserat. Nymphae autem quae fontem colbant, cum iuvenem v�dissent, e� persudre c�ntae sunt ut scum manret; et cum ille negret s hoc fact rum esse, puerum v� abstulrunt.

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abici�, -icere, -i, -it�rum: throw away, 1 �criter: sharply, fiercely, 2 agnosc�, -ere, -n�v, -n�tum: to recognize, 4 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 9 ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 arbitror, -�r, -�tus sum: to judge, think, 11 arma, -�rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 atting�, -ere, -tig, -t�ctum: touch at, reach, 3 aufer�, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 col�, -ere, colu, cultum: cultivate, cherish, 3 comes, -it is m. f.: companion, 3 commoror, -�r, -�tum: delay, linger, tarry, 3 c�nor, c�n�r, c�n�tus sum: to try, attempt, 7 consequor, -, sec�tus: follow after; pursue, 3 coörior, -orr, -ortus sum: to arise, 4 c�pia, -ae f.: abundance, supply; troops, 10 curr�, -ere, cucurr, cursus: run, rush, fly, 4 dcurr�, -ere, -cururr: to run down, 1 dfici�, -ere, -fc, -fectum: fail, 3 dici�, -ere, -ic, -iectum: throw/cast down 2 dil�csc�, -ere, -l�x: grow light, 1 err� (1): wander, 3 fons, fontis m.: origin, fount, source, 3 f�rma, -ae, f.: beauty, shape, form, 3 hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 Hyl�s, -ae m.: Hylas, 2 id�neus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 inimcus, -a, -um: unfriendly, hostile, 2

iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4 mane�, -re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9 mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7 M sia, -ae f.: Mysia, 1 nauta, -ae f.: sailor, 3 neg� (1): to deny, say that…not, 3 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7 numerus, - m.: number, multitude, 7 n�per: recently, lately, not long ago, 2 nympha, -ae f.: nymph, 2 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 obsc�rus, -a, -um: dark, 1 occ�sus, -�s m.: fall, destruction, 4 occid�, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 passus, -�s: pace, 7 percipi�, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: feel perceive 5 persu�de�, -re, -su�s, -su�sum: persuade, 9 postrdi: the day after, the next day, 4 praest�, -st�re, -stit: stand in front, show, 6 pr�hibe�, -re, -hibu: hold back, hinder, 2 pugn� (1): to fight, 4 rapi�, -ere, rapu, raptum: to seize, snatch, 5 rursus: again, backward, back, 7 satis: enough, sufficient, 6 scd�, -ere, scess, scessum: to withdraw 1 s�l, s�lis m.: sun, 10 tene�, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13 toll�, tolle, sustul, subl�tum: raise, lift up 10 tranquillit�s, -t�tis f.: calm, tranquility, 2 unde: whence, from which source, 6

1 h�r�s: for…; acc. duration of time commor�t: having…; PPP deponent solvrunt: they set sail; ‘set loose’ 2 mlia passuum: for…miles; acc. extent progress sunt: pf. deponent progredior, translate in the active 3 coörta est: pf. deponent coörior ut…: that…; result, impf. possum 5 cum…esset: since…; causal, impf. subj. 6 n�vem…vnisse: that…; ind. disc. with pf. inf. veni, n�vem is acc. subj. arbitr�t: having…; dep. PPP 7 gred: from stepping out; dep. inf. �gredior pugn�tum est: they fought; “it was fought,” impersonal pass., translate active 9 incolae: nom. subject of s�ns�runt s err�re: that…; reflexive, ind. disc. 10 occsum esse: pf. pass. inf. occ�d in ind. discourse; acc. subject is r�gem

14 postrdi eius di: the day after that day; abl. time when; gen. tempest�tem…esse: ind. disc. arbitr�tus: having thought; dep. PPP 15 sustulit: pf. suf-fer 16 mlia passuum: see note line 2 progressus: dep. PPP progredior 17 pauc�s h�ras: for…; acc. duration 18 c�piam…dficere: that…; ind. disc. habrent: subordinate verbs often are made subjunctive in ind. discourse quam ob causam: for which reason 19 H�rum: of these; partitive gen. 20 form�: of…beauty; abl. of quality Qu dum: while he…; ‘who while…’ 22 e: him; dat. sg. (is, ea, id) of persuade 23 ut..manret: to remain; ind command s…fact�rum esse: that…; fut. inf. 24 abstulrunt: pf. au-fer (�/ab + fer)

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Post haec Argonautae ad Thr�ciam cursum tenu�runt, et postquam ad oppidum Salmydessum n�vem appul�runt, in terram �gress sunt. Ibi cum ab incols quaesissent quis r�gnum eius reginis obtin�ret, certir�s fact sunt Phneum quendam tum r�gem esse. Cognv�runt etiam hunc caecum esse et dr qudam supplici affic, quod lim s� cr�d�lissimum in flis sus praebuisset. Cuius supplic hoc erat genus: missa erant � Iove mnstra quaedam speci� horribil, quae capita virginum, corpora volucrum hab�bant. Hae volucr�s, quae Harpyiae appell�bantur, Phne summam molestiam adfer�bant; quoti�ns enim ille accubuerat, veni�bant et cibum appositum statim aufer�bant. Qu factum est ut haud multum abesset qun Phneus fame morer�tur. 65. THE DELIVERANCE OF PHINEUS

R�s igitur male s� hab�bat cum Argonautae n�vem appul�runt. Phneus autem simul atque audvit es in sus fn�s �gresss esse, magnopere g�vsus est. Sci�bat enim quantam opninem virt�tis Argonautae hab�rent, nec dubit�bat qun sibi auxilium ferrent. N�ntium igitur ad n�vem msit, qu I�sonem socisque ad r�giam voc�ret. E cum v�nissent, Phneus d�mnstr�vit quant in percul suae r�s essent, et prmsit s� magna praemia dat�rum esse, s ill remedium repperissent. Argonautae negtium libenter susc�p�runt, et ubi hra v�nit, cum r�ge accubu�runt; at simul ac


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absum, -esse, �fu: to be away, be absent, 7 ac: and, and also, 14 accumb�, -ere, accubu,: lie (at dinner), 4 affer�, -ferre, attul, all�tum: carry to bring 5 affici�, -ere, -fc, fectum: influence, treat, 13 appell� (1): call (by name), name, 12 appell�, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 app�n�, -ere, -posu, -positum: set before, 3 aufer�, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 caecus, -a, -um: blind, 2 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 cibus, - m.: food, 5 cr�dlis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 cursus, -�s m.: course, running, haste, 10 dmonstr� (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 drus, -a, -um: dreadful, 1 dubit� (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 fams, -is f.: hunger, 3 fer�, ferre, tul, l�tus: carry, bear, endure, 10 flius, -i m.: son, 10 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 gaude�, -re, g�vsus sum: enjoy, rejoice, 4 genus, -eris n.: birth, race; kind, family, 2 Harp iae, -�rum f.: Harpies, 3 haud: by no means, not at all, 4 hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 incola, -ae m.: inhabitant, 7 Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 male: badly, 1

molestia, -ae f.: trouble, annoyance, 1 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4 nec: and not, nor, 10 neg�tium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 obtine�, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 �lim: once, formerly, 10 opni�, -i�nis f.: opinion, reputation, 6 oppidum, - n.: town, 4 Phneus, - m.: Phineus, 7 praebe�, -re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7 praemium, i n.: reward, 5 promitt�, -ere, -ms, -missum: send forth, 3 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12 quotins: as often as, 2 rgia, -ae f.: palace, 4 remedium, i n.: remedy, cure, 1 reperi�, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9 Salmydessus, - m.: Salmydessus, 1 sci�, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9 simul: at the same time; at once, together, 10 supplicium, -i n.; punishment, supplication, 5 suscipi�, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, 14 tene�, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13 Thr�cia, -ae f.: Thrace, 3 virg�, virginis f.: maiden, 2 virt�s, -�tis f.: valor, manhood, excellence, 10 voc� (1): call, summon, invoke, 2 volucris, -is f.: bird, 3

2 Post haec: after these (things); neuter acc. 3 ab incols: from…; abl. of source 4 quis…obtinret: who…; ind. question 5 certi�rs fact sunt: were made more certain; ‘were informed’ a common phrase in Caesar, often followed by ind. discourse 6 hunc caecum esse…affic: that this one…; ind. discourse with 2 verbs: pres. pass. inf. 7 quod: because… in…: against praebuisset: had shown; governs a double acc.; relative clause of characteristic, praebe� (prae-habe�) cuius supplic: gen. modifies genus 8 speci horribil: of…; abl. quality; the adj. is 3rd decl. i-stem (horribile � horribil�) 9 (et) corpora: and bodies; ellipsis, add ‘et’ 10 Phine�: to…; dat. of compound verb 11 quotins enim: for…; enim is postpositive

12 appositum: having been served; ‘having been set before,’ PPP app�n� Qu� factum…morertur: (because of) which it happened that it was by no means very far away that Phineus would die from famine; abl. of cause, noun result clause 16 male s habbat: was faring poorly; idiom ‘held itself poorly’ 17 simul atque: as soon as; ‘same time as’ gress�s esse: pf. dep., e�s is acc. subj 18 g�vsus est: pf. of semi-deponent gaude� quantam opni�nem: how great a reputation…; introduces ind. question 19 nec dubit�bat qun: he did not doubt that; qu�n often follows “n�n dubit�” 20 qu…: to call…; relative clause of purpose 21 E�: there; frequenctly an adverb, ‘to there’ 22 s…dat�rum esse: that he…; fut. inf. 24 simul ac: as soon as; ‘same time as’ l. 17

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Post haec Argonautae ad Thr�ciam cursum tenu�runt, et postquam ad oppidum Salmydessum n�vem appul�runt, in terram �gress sunt. Ibi cum ab incols quaesissent quis r�gnum eius reginis obtin�ret, certir�s fact sunt Phneum quendam tum r�gem esse. Cognv�runt etiam hunc caecum esse et dr qudam supplici affic, quod lim s� cr�d�lissimum in flis sus praebuisset. Cuius supplic hoc erat genus: missa erant � Iove mnstra quaedam speci� horribil, quae capita virginum, corpora volucrum hab�bant. Hae volucr�s, quae Harpyiae appell�bantur, Phne summam molestiam adfer�bant; quoti�ns enim ille accubuerat, veni�bant et cibum appositum statim aufer�bant. Qu factum est ut haud multum abesset qun Phneus fame morer�tur. 65. THE DELIVERANCE OF PHINEUS

R�s igitur male s� hab�bat cum Argonautae n�vem appul�runt. Phneus autem simul atque audvit es in sus fn�s �gresss esse, magnopere g�vsus est. Sci�bat enim quantam opninem virt�tis Argonautae hab�rent, nec dubit�bat qun sibi auxilium ferrent. N�ntium igitur ad n�vem msit, qu I�sonem socisque ad r�giam voc�ret. E cum v�nissent, Phneus d�mnstr�vit quant in percul suae r�s essent, et prmsit s� magna praemia dat�rum esse, s ill remedium repperissent. Argonautae negtium libenter susc�p�runt, et ubi hra v�nit, cum r�ge accubu�runt; at simul ac


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c�na apposita est, Harpyiae c�n�culum intr�v�runt et cibum auferre cn�bantur. Argonautae prmum gladis volucr�s peti�runt; cum tamen vid�rent hoc nihil prdesse, Z�t�s et Calais, qu �ls erant instruct, in �ëra s� sublev�v�runt, ut d�super impetum facerent. Quod cum s�nsissent Harpyiae, re novit�te perterritae statim auf�g�runt, neque poste� umquam redi�runt. 66. THE SYMPLEGADES

Hc fact Phneus, ut pr tant benefici meritam gr�tiam referret, I�son d�mnstr�vit qu� ratine Sympl�gad�s vt�re posset. Sympl�gad�s autem duae erant r�p�s ingent magnit�dine, quae � Iove positae erant e cnsili, n� quis ad Colchida pervenret. Hae parv intervall in mar nat�bant, et s quid in medium spatium v�nerat, incredibil celerit�te concurr�bant. Postquam igitur � Phne doctus est quid faciendum esset, I�son subl�ts ancors n�vem solvit, et l�n vent provectus mox ad Sympl�gad�s appropinqu�vit. Tum in prr� st�ns columbam quam in man� ten�bat �msit. Illa recta via per medium spatium vol�vit, et priusquam r�p�s cnflx�runt, incolumis �v�sit caud� tantum �miss�. Tum r�p�s utrimque discess�runt; antequam tamen rursus concurrerent, Argonautae, bene intellegent�s, omnem spem sal�tis in celerit�te positam esse, summ� v r�ms contend�runt et n�vem incolumem perd�x�runt. Hc fact ds gr�ti�s maxim�s �g�runt, qurum auxili � tant percul �rept essent; omn�s enim sci�bant nn sine auxili derum rem tam f�lciter �v�nisse.

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ar, aris n.: air, 6 �la, -ae f.: wing, 2 �mitt�, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 antequam: before, 9 app�n�, -ere, -posu, -positum: set before, 3 appropinqu� (1): come near, approach, 8 aufer�, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 aufugi�, -ere, -f�g: flee, run away, 1 bene: well, 5 beneficium, - n.: benefit, favor; kindness, 8 Calais, is m.: Calais, 1 cauda, -ae f.: tail, 2 celerit�s, -t�tis f.: speed, quickness, 7 cna, -ae f.: dinner, 5 cen�culum, - n.: dining-room, 1 cibus, - m.: food, 5 Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 columba, -ae f.: pigeon, dove, 1 concurr�, -ere, -curr, -cursus: run together 4 conflg�, -ere, -flx, -flctum: dash together 1 c�nor, c�n�r, c�n�tus sum: to try, attempt, 7 contend�, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 dmonstr� (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 dsuper: from above, 2 discd�, -ere, -ss, -ssum: go away, depart, 4 doce�, -re, -u, -ctus: teach, tell, 9 duo, duae, duo: two, 10 mitt�, -ere, -ms, -missum: send out, 2 ripi�, -ere, -u, reptus: tear from, rescue, 2 vad�, -ere, v�s, v�sum: go out, escape, 9 veni�, -re: turn out, happen, 8 fliciter: happily, fortunately, 3 gladius, - m.: sword, 10 gr�tia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 Harp iae, -�rum f.: Harpies, 3 impetus, -�s m.: attack, onset, assault, 9 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 incrdibilis, -e: incredible, 2 instru�, -ere, -�x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 intervallum, - n.: interval, distance, 2 intr� (1): go into, enter, 7

Iuppiter, Iovis m.: Jupiter, 8 lnis, lne: gentle, 1 m�gnit�d�, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 4 nat� (1): to swim, float, 1 nihil: nothing, 14 novit�s, -t�tis f.: newness, novelty, 3 parvus, -a, -um: small, 3 perd�c�, -ere, -x, -ctum: lead through, 4 perterre�, -re: frighten, terrify, 5 Phneus, - m.: Phineus, 7 pon�, ponere, posu, positum: to place, put, 5 poste�: after this, afterwards, 7 priusquam: before than, sooner than, 2 pr�: before, in front of, for, 9 pr�ra, -ae f.: prow, bow, 1 pr�sum, pr�desse, pr�fu: profit, benefit, 6 proveh�, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry forth, 3 rati�, -�nis f.: plan, method, means, reason, 2 rectus, -a, -um: direct, straight, 2 rmus, - m.: oar, 4 r�ps, r�pis f.: rock, cliff, 6 rursus: again, backward, back, 7 sci�, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6 st� (1): to stand, 8 sublev� (1): life up, raise, 1 Symplgads, -um f.: Symplegades, 3 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8 tene�, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13 toll�, tolle, sustul, subl�tum: raise, lift up 10 umquam: ever, 5 utrimque: on both sides, from both sides, 1 ventus, - m.: wind, 10 via, -ae, f.: way, road, 4 vt� (1): to avoid, 2 vol� (1): to fly, 3 volucris, -is f.: bird, 3 Zts, -ae m.: Zetes, 1

3 hoc...pr�desse: that this was not beneficial erant instruct: had been equipped 4 ut…: so that…; purpose 5 re novit�te: by the novelty of the situation 6 redirunt: pf. red-e� 9 H�c fact�: ablative abs., common transition 8 speci horribil: of…; abl. quality 10 qu� rati�ne: by what means; ind. question

11 ingent magnit�dine: of…; abl. quality 12 e� c�nsili�, n: with this purpose, so that 13 intervall�: at a small interval; manner 15 faciendum esset: had to be done; passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) subl�ts ancors: abl. abs., PPP of toll� 19 caud�: with only the tail lost; abl. abs. 23 grunt: gave thanks; idiom, gr�ti�s ag�

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Brev intermiss spati Argonautae ad fl�men Phasim v�n�runt, quod in fnibus Colchrum erat. Ibi cum n�vem appulissent et in terram �gress essent, statim ad r�gem Aeëtem s� contul�runt et ab e postul�v�runt ut vellus aureum sibi tr�der�tur. Ille cum audvisset quam ob causam Argonautae v�nissent, r� commtus est et di� neg�bat s� vellus tr�dt�rum esse. Tandem tamen, quod sci�bat I�sonem nn sine auxili derum hoc negtium susc�pisse, mut�t� sententi� promsit s� vellus tr�dit�rum, s I�son l�br�s dus difficillims prius perf�cisset; et cum I�son dxisset s� ad omnia percula subeunda par�tum esse, quid fier vellet ostendit. Prmum iungend erant duo taur speci� horribil, qu flamm�s ex re �d�bant; tum hs i�ncts ager qudam arandus erat et dent�s dracnis serend. Hs audts I�son ets rem esse summ percul intelleg�bat, tamen, n� hanc occ�sinem re bene gerendae �mitteret, negtium susc�pit. 68. THE MAGIC OINTMENT

M�d�a, r�gis flia, I�sonem adam�vit, et ubi audvit eum tantum perculum subit�rum esse, rem aegr� fer�bat. Intelleg�bat enim patrem suum hunc l�brem prposuisse e ips consili, ut I�son morer�tur. Quae cum ita essent, M�d�a, quae summam scientiam medicnae hab�bat, hoc cnsilium iniit. Medi� nocte, nsciente patre, ex urbe �v�sit, et postquam in mont�s fnitims v�nit, herb�s


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adam, -�re, -�v, -�tum: fall in love, love, 1 Ae�t�s: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 aegr�: with difficulty, wearily, 4 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 �mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: lose, let go, 8 appell, -ere, -pul, -puls: drive to, 14 ar, ar�re, -�v: plow, 4 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 bene: well, 5 Colch, -rum m.: Colchians, 3 d�ns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 difficilis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome, 6 di�: a long time, long, 13 drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 duo, duae, duo: two, 10 �d, -ere, �did, �ditum: give out, emit, 3 ets: even if, although, though, 13 �vad, -ere, �v�s, �v�sum: go out, escape, 9 fer, ferre, tul, l�tus: carry, bear, endure, 10 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 fnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring, bordering, 2 fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 flamma, -ae f.: flame, fire, torch, love, 1 herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 horribilis, -e: horrible, dreadful, 11 ine, -re, -, -itum: go into, enter, 4 insci�ns, -scientis: unknowing, 2 intermitt, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 ra, rae f.: anger, 12

iung, -ere, iunx, -iunctum: to join, 3 medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 5 morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 4 m�t (1): to change, 1 neg (1): to deny, say that…not, 3 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7 ob: on account of (acc.), 13 occ�si, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6 s, ris n.: face, mouth 3 ostend (1): show, display, 6 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 perfici, -ere, -f�c, -fectum: accomplish, 3 Ph�sis, Ph�sidis m.: Phasis, 1 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 prius: before, 3 promitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send forth, 3 propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9 sententia, -ae f.: thought, feeling, opinion, 2 ser, serere, s�v, satum: to sow, plant, 1 spatium, -i n.: space, span, extent, 6 sube, -re, -i: to undergo, go up (to), 5 suscipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: undertake, 14 taurus, - m.: bull, 7 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12

2 Brev…spati: abl. absolute 4 �gress essent: plpf. subj. cum-clause s� contul�runt: carried themselves; pf. 5 ut…tr�der�tur: that…; ind. command 6 quam ob causam: for what reason v�nissent: plpf. subj., ind. question 8 tr�dit�rum esse: fut. inf., s� is acc. subject 9 mut�t� sententi�: having changed his opinion; “opinion changed,” abl. abs. tr�dit�rum (esse): s� is acc. subject 10 difficillims: superlative, difficilis prius: comparative adverb perf�cisset: plpf. subj. perfici� ad…subeunda: for undergoing…; ad + gerundive, employ gerund-gerundive flip: translate as gerund and direct object; sube� 11 par�tum esse: pf. pass. inf., ind. disc. quid…vellet: what he wished to be done; impf. subj. vol�, ind. question 12 Prmum: first; adverb iungend erant: had to be joined; ‘were

(going) to be joined,’ passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) expresses obligation or necessity speci� horribil: of…; abl. of quality 13 hs i�ncts: ablative abs. arandus erat: see line 12 serend (erant): see line 12 14 hs audts: ablative abs. rem esse: that…; ind. discourse summ percul: of…; gen. description 15 n�…�mitteret: neg. purpose clause gerendae: of carrying out…; gerundive, employ a gerundive-gerund flip 20 subit�rum esse: fut. inf. sub-e� aegr� fer�bat: bore poorly… 21 e…consili, ut: with…purpose, so that… 22 morer�tur: impf. of deponent morior quae cum: since these things were so; i.e. ‘as a result,’ common phrase in Cicero 23 insciente p�tre: abl. absolute, pres. pple

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qu�sdam carpsit; tum s�c express unguentum par�vit quod v su� corpus aleret nervsque cnfirm�ret. Hc fact I�son unguentum dedit; praec�pit autem ut e di� qu ist l�br�s cnficiend essent corpus suum et arma m�ne oblineret. Iason ets paene omnibus hominibus magnit�dine et vribus corporis antecell�bat (vta enim omnis in v�n�tinibus atque in studi re mlit�ris cns�m�batur), tamen hoc cnsilium nn neglegendum esse c�ns�bat. 69. THE SOWING OF THE DRAGON'S TEETH

Ubi is di�s v�nit quem r�x ad arandum agrum �dxerat, I�son ort� l�ce cum socis ad locum cnstit�tum s� contulit. Ibi stabulum ing�ns repperit, in qu taur erant incl�s; tum ports aperts taurs in l�cem tr�xit, et summ� cum difficult�te iugum imposuit. At Aeëtes cum vid�ret taurs nihil contr� I�sonem val�re, magnopere mr�tus est; nesci�bat enim fliam suam auxilium e dedisse. Tum I�son omnibus aspicientibus agrum ar�re coepit, qu� in r� tantam dligentiam praebuit ut ante merdiem ttum opus cnf�cerit. Hc fact ad locum ubi r�x sed�bat adiit et dent�s dracnis postul�vit; qu ubi acc�pit, in agrum quem ar�verat magn� cum dligenti� sparsit. Hrum autem dentium n�t�ra erat t�lis ut in e loc ubi s�ment�s factae essent vir arm�t mr qudam mod gignerentur.

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ade, -re, -i(v): go to, approach, 4 Ae�t�s: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 al, -ere, alu, alitus: support, feed, nourish, 1 ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 antecell, -ere: surpass, excel, 1 aperi, -re, -u, -ertus: open, disclose, 3 arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 6 arm (1): arm, equip, 4 ar, ar�re, -�v: plow, 4 aspici, -ere, -sp�x, -spectum: look at, 1 carp, -ere, -s, -tum: pluck, seize, 1 cense, -�re: to think, 2 confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, spend 9 contr�: against (+ acc.), 7 d�ns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 difficult�s, -t�tis f.: difficulty, 7 diligentia, -ae f.: diligence, attentiveness, 5 drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 �dc, -ere, -dx, dictum: declare, proclaim, 4 ets: even if, although, though, 13 exprim, -ere, -press, -pressum: press out, 1 gign, -ere, genu, genitum: bear, produce, 3 impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 incl�d, -ere, -�s, -�sum: close in, shut in, 7 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 iugum, - n.: yoke, 1 l�x, l�cis m.: light, 6 m�gnit�d, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 m�n�: in the morning, 1 merd�s, -� m.: midday, noon; south, 2

mlit�ris, -e: military, warlike, 3 mror, -�r, -�tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7 nat�ra, -ae. f.: nature, 9 negleg, ere, -l�x, negl�ctum: to neglect, 1 nervus, - m.: sinew, muscle, 1 nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4 nihil: nothing, 14 oblin, -ere, -l�v, -litum: daub over, smear, 1 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5 paene: almost, nearly, 8 porta, -ae f.: gate, 7 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 praebe, -�re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7 praecipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: order, take, 6 que: and, 14 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find out, 9 sede, -�re, s�d, sessum: to sit, 6 s�mentis, -is f.: seeding, sowing, 1 sparg, -ere, spars, sparsum: to sprinkle, 3 stabulum, - n.: stable, inclosure, 5 studium, - n.: zeal, desire, pursuit, 1 s�cus, - m.: juice, sap, moisture, 1 t�lis, -e: such, 6 taurus, - m.: bull, 7 trah, -ere, tr�x, tractum: to draw, drag, 6 unguentum, - m.: ointment, 3 vale, -�re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5 ven�ti, -tinis f.: hunting, 1 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9

1 s�c express: abl. absolute quod…aleret…confirm�ret: which…; impf. subj., relative clause of characteristic v su�: by its own power; abl. means 2 Hc fact: abl. absolute 3 praec�pit: governs an ind. command qu (di�)…: on which; the second of two abl. of time when constructions cnficiend essent: had to be…; ‘were (going) to be completed’ a passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) suggests obligation or necessity; here impf. subj. 4 hominibus: dat. of compound verb 5 magnit�dine et vribus: in…; abl of respect 6 re mlit�ris: of military affairs 7 neglegendum esse: see line 3: passive periphrastic in ind. disc.; cnsilium is

acc. subject, all governed by c�ns�bat 10 ad arandum agrum: for…; employ a gerundive-gerund flip and translate this gerundive (adj.) as a gerund (noun) �dxerat: had appointed ort� l�ce: abl. abs.; deponent PPP 12 ports aperts: abl. absolute; aperi 14 nihil: not at all; adverbial acc. serves as a strong negative 15 fliam…dedisse: that…had given; e� is dat. sg. (is, ea, id) ind. obj 16 omnibus aspicientibus: abl. abs. qu� in r�: in qu� r�; relative adj. 17 ut…conf�cerit: that…; result, pf subj. Hoc fact: abl. abs. 20 Hrum dentium: nature of these teeth t�lis ut: such that…; result, impf subj. 21 mr mod: in a certain amazing way

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Nndum tamen I�son ttum opus cnf�cerat; imper�verat enim e Aeëtes ut arm�ts virs qu � dentibus gignerentur slus interficeret. Postquam igitur omn�s dent�s in agrum sparsit, I�son lassit�dine exanim�tus qui�t s� tr�didit, dum vir ist gignerentur. Pauc�s hr�s dormi�bat, sub vesperum tamen � somn subit excit�tus rem ita �v�nisse ut praedictum esset cognvit; nam in omnibus agr partibus vir ingent magnit�dine corporis gladis galesque arm�t mrum in modum � terr� ori�bantur. Hc cognit I�son cnsilium quod dedisset M�d�a nn mittendum esse put�bat. Saxum igitur ing�ns (ita enim M�d�a praec�perat) in medis virs coni�cit. Ill undique ad locum concurr�runt, et cum quisque sibi id saxum hab�re vellet, magna contrversia orta est. Mox stricts gladis inter s� pugn�re coep�runt, et cum hc modo pl�rim occs essent, reliqu vulneribus cnfect � I�sone n�ll negti interfect sunt. 71. THE FLIGHT OF MEDEA

R�x Aeët�s ubi I�sonem l�brem prpositum cnf�cisse cognvit, r� graviter commtus est; id enim per dolum factum esse intelleg�bat; nec dubit�bat qun M�d�a e auxilium tulisset. M�d�a autem cum intellegeret s� in magn fore percul s in r�gi� man�ret, fug� sal�tem petere cnstituit. Omnibus r�bus igitur ad fugam par�ts medi� nocte, nsciente patre, cum fr�tre Absyrt �v�sit, et quam celerrim� ad locum ubi Arg subducta erat s�


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Absyrtus, - m.: Absyrtus, Medea’s brother, 2 Ae�t�s: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 Arg, -�s f.: Argo, 2 arm (1): arm, equip, 4 concurr, -ere, -curr, -cursus: run together 4 contrversia, -ae f.: dispute, controversy, 2 c�r: why, 1 d�ns, dentis m.: tooth, 5 dolus, - m.: trick, deceit, 4 dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 �vad, -ere, �v�s, �v�sum: go out, escape, 9 �veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 exanim (1): to kill, exhaust, 9 excit (1): excite, rouse, incite, 8 fer, ferre, tul, l�tus: carry, bear, endure, 10 fr�ter, -tris m.: brother, 5 fuga, -ae f.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 6 galea, -ae f.: helmet, 3 gign, -ere, genu, genitum: bear, produce, 3 gladius, - m.: sword, 10 hora, -ae f.: hour, 5 imper (1): order, command, 12 insci�ns, -scientis: unknowing, 2 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 10 ra, rae f.: anger, 12 iste, ista, istud: that or those (of yours), 7 lassit�d, -inis f.: weariness, 2 m�gnit�d, -t�dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 mane, -�re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9 medius, -a, -um: middle of, 10 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7

nam: for, 6 nec: and not, nor, 10 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 nesci, -re, -scv, -sctum: not know, 4 nondum: not yet, 4 nox, noctis, f.: night, 7 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6 opus, -eris n.: work, deed, toil, 9 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 10 pl�rimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 3 praecipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: order, take, 6 praedc, -ere, -dx, -dictum: sto predict, 1 propn, -ere, -su, -situm: put or set forth, 4 pugn (1): to fight, 4 put (1): to think, consider, 2 que: and, 14 qui�s, qui�tis f.: rest, repose, sleep, 5 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12 quisque, quidque: each one, each person, 3 r�gia, -ae f.: palace, 4 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 6 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14 sparg, -ere, spars, sparsum: to sprinkle, 3 string, -ere, strinx, strictum: to draw out, 3 sub: under, 4 subd�c, -ere, -d�x, -ductum: draw up, 2 undique: from everywhere, from all sides, 7 vesper, vesper m.: evening, 4 vulnus, -eris n.: wound, blow, 6

2 e: (for) him; dat. obj. if imper�verat 3 ut…interficeret: ind. command 5 qui�t s� tr�didit: gave himself to rest; i.e. he rested 6 pauc�s hr�s: for…; acc.of duration sub: near 7 �v�nisse: had turned out; pf. inf. �veni ita…ut…esset: thus as it had been predicted; otherwise indicative, subordinate verbs in ind. disc. become subjunctive 8 ingent magnit�dine: of…; abl. quality 9 mrum in modum: in an amazing way; ‘according to an amazing manner’ Hc cognit: abl. abs. 10 quod dedisset: which…; relative clause of characteristic, plpf. subj 10 mittendum esse: had to be…: ‘was

(going) to be omitted’ pass. periphrastic in ind. disc. in secondary sequence; cnsilium is acc. subject 13 id saxum: this rock; demonstrative adj. vellet: impf. subj. vol, (inf. velle) 14 stricts gladis: abl. abs. hc mod: in…; abl. manner, cum is the adverbial conjunction ‘when’ 15 pl�rim: very many (men); nom. subj. n�ll negti: with no effort; manner 21 nec dubit�bat qun: he did not doubt that; qun often follows ‘nn dubit’ tulisset: plpf. subj. fer 22 fore: would be; ~fut�rum esse, fut. inf. 23 omnibus…par�ts: abl. abs. 24 nsciente p�tre: abl. abs., pres. pple 25 quam celerrim�: as quickly as possible

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contulit. E cum v�nisset, ad ped�s I�sonis s� pri�cit, et mults cum lacrims eum obsecr�vit n� in tant discrmine mulierem d�sereret quae e tantum prfuisset. Ille quod memori� ten�bat s� per eius auxilium � magn percul �v�sisse, libenter eam exc�pit, et postquam causam veniend audvit, hort�tus est n� patris ram tim�ret. Prmsit autem s� quam prmum eam in n�v su� �vect�rum. 72. THE SEIZURE OF THE FLEECE

Postrdi� eius di� I�son cum socis sus ort� l�ce n�vem d�d�xit, et tempest�tem idneam nact ad eum locum r�ms contend�runt, qu in loc M�d�a vellus c�l�tum esse d�mnstr�bat. Cum e v�nissent, I�son in terram �gressus est, et socis ad mare relicts, qu praesidi n�v essent, ipse cum M�d�� in silv�s s� contulit. Pauca mlia passuum per silvam prgressus, vellus quod quaer�bat ex arbore susp�nsum vdit. Id tamen auferre erat summae difficult�tis; nn modo enim locus ipse �gregi� et n�t�r� et arte erat muntus, sed etiam drac qudam speci� terribil arborem custdi�bat. Tum M�d�a, quae, ut supr� d�mnstr�vimus, medicnae summam scientiam habuit, r�mum quem de arbore proxim� d�ripuerat ven�no nf�cit. Hc fact ad locum appropinqu�vit, et dracnem, qu, faucibus aperts, eius adventum exspect�bat, ven�n sparsit; deinde, dum drac somn oppressus dormit, I�son vellus aureum d� arbore d�ripuit et cum M�d�� quam celerrim� pedem rettulit.

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adveni, -re, -v�n, -ventum: approach, 1 aperi, -re, -u, -ertus: open, disclose, 3 appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 arbor, -is f.: tree, 5 ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 aufer, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 �veh, -ere, -vex, -vectum: carry away, 1 c�l (1): hide, conceal, 5 contend, -ere, -, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 custodi, -re, -v, -tum: to guard, 4 d�d�c, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 deinde: then, thereupon, 8 d�monstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 d�ripi, -ere, d�ripu, -reptum: tear away, 2 d�ser, -ere, -u, -sertum: to desert, 2 difficult�s, -t�tis f.: difficulty, 7 discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 �gregi�: excellently, 1 �vad, -ere, �v�s, �v�sum: go out, escape, 9 excipi, ere, c�p, ceptum: receive, welcome9 fauc�s, -ium f.: throat, 2 hortor, -�r, -�tus sum: to encourage, urge, 4 idneus, -a, -um: suitable, appropriate, 12 nfici, -ere, -f�c, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 ra, rae f.: anger, 12 lacrima, -ae f.: tear, 10 libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 l�x, l�cis m.: light, 6 medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4 memoria, -ae f.: memory, 4

mlle (pl. mlia): thousand, 7 mulier, mulieris f.: woman, 3 muni, -re, -v, -tum: to fortify, build, 2 nanciscor, nancisc, nactus: attain, meet, 7 nat�ra, -ae. f.: nature, 9 obsecr (1): beseech, implore, entreat, 5 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower 5 orior, orr, ortus sum: arise, spring up, 5 passus, -�s: pace, 7 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 p�s, pedis m.: foot, 8 postrdi�: the day after, the next day, 4 praesidium, -i n.: protection, guard, 3 prici, -icere, -i�c, -iectum: throw forth, 4 prmitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: send forth, 3 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, next, 5 r�mus, - m.: branch, 1 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9 r�mus, - m.: oar, 4 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7 somnus, - m.: sleep, 14 sparg, -ere, spars, sparsum: to sprinkle, 3 supr�: above, before, 6 suspend, -ere, -pend, -pensum: hang up, 1 tene, ten�re, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep 13 terribilis, -e: terrible, dreadful, 5 time, -�re, -u: fear, dread, 6 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12 ven�num, - n.: poison, 7

1 s� contulit: carried himself; pf. confer� E: (to) there; adverb 2 n�…d�sereret: neg. ind. command 3 e tantum prfuisset: had been so good to him; ‘had been so much profit to him,’ dat. interest and inner acc. “so great a benefit’; plpf. subj. pr�sum, relative of characteristic memori� ten�bat: i.e. remembered; ‘in memory’ is in fact an abl. of means s�…�v�sisse: that he…; follows ten�bat 4 exc�pit: welcomed; as often, ‘received’ 5 veniend: gen. sg. gerund hort�tus est: pf. dep. hortor n�…tim�ret: negative ind. command 6 s�…�vect�rum (esse): that…would carry away; fut. inf. (add esse to the pple.) quam prmum: as soon as possible 10 postrdi� eius di�: the day after that

day; abl. time when; gen. sg. ort� l�ce: abl. abs., deponent PPP 11 nact: having attained; pple nanc�scor contend�runt: hastened; ‘strove’ 12 e: to there; see line 1 13 socis…relicts: abl. abs. 14 praesidi n�v essent: served as guard for the ship; ‘for guard for the ship,’ double dat. (purpose and interest) 16 id…auferre: to carry it off; subject inf. summae difficult�tis: of…; gen. of description is a predicate 17 nn modo…sed etiam: not only…but also et…et: both…and erat muntus: mun�tus erat; plpf. pass. 21 nf�cit: infected a branch with poison 24 quam celerrim�: as quickly as possible 25 pedem rettulit: i.e. “returned” refer�

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Dum autem ea geruntur, Argonautae, qu ad mare relict erant, anxi anim reditum I�sonis exspect�bant; id enim negtium summ esse percul intelleg�bant. Postquam igitur ad occ�sum slis fr�str� exspect�v�runt, d� eius sal�te d�sp�r�re coep�runt, nec dubit�bant qun aliqu c�sus accidisset. Quae cum ita essent, m�t�randum sibi c�nsu�runt, ut d�c auxilium ferrent; sed dum proficsc parant, l�men quoddam subit cnspiciunt mrum in modum intr� silv�s refulg�ns, et magnopere mr�t quae causa esset eius re ad locum concurrunt. Qu cum v�nissent, I�son et M�d�ae advenientibus occurr�runt, et vellus aureum l�minis eius causam esse cognv�runt. Omn timre subl�t magn cum gaudi d�cem suum exc�p�runt, et ds gr�ti�s maxim�s �g�runt quod r�s tam f�lciter �v�nisset. 74. THE PURSUIT

Hs r�bus gests omn�s sine mor� n�vem r�rsus cnscend�runt, et subl�ts ancors prm� vigili� solv�runt; neque enim satis t�tum esse arbitr�t sunt in e loc man�re. At r�x Aeët�s, qu iam ante inimc in es fuerat anim, ubi cognvit fliam suam nn modo ad Argonaut�s s� rec�pisse sed etiam ad vellus auferendum auxilium tulisse, hc dolre gravius ex�rsit. N�vem longam quam celerrim� d�d�c iussit, et mlitibus imposits fugient�s nsec�tus est. Argonautae, qu rem in discrmine esse bene sci�bant, omnibus


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accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 adveni, -re, -v�n, -ventum: approach, 1 Ae�t�s: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 aliqu, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 3 ancora, ancorae f.: anchor, 7 ante: before, in front of (acc.); adv. before, 5 anxius, -a, -um: anxious, 3 arbitror, -�r, -�tus sum: to judge, think, 11 aufer, -ferre, abstul, -l�tum: carry away 11 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 bene: well, 5 c�sus, -�s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 cense, -�re: to think, 2 concurr, -ere, -curr, -cursus: run together 4 conscend, -ere, -nd, -nsum: climb aboard, 6 conspici, -ere, -�x, -ectum: catch sight of, 3 d�d�c, -ere: lead or bring down, launch, 10 d�sp�r (1): to despair, give up, 4 discrmen, -crminis n.: crisis, peril, 5 dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 dux, ducis m/f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 5 �veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 ex�rd�sc, -ere, -�rs, -�rsum: catch fire, 2 excipi, ere, c�p, ceptum: receive, welcome9 f�liciter: happily, fortunately, 3 fer, ferre, tul, l�tus: carry, bear, endure, 10 frustr�: in vain, for nothing, 13 fugi, fugere, f�g, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 gaudium, -i n.: gladness, joy, 9 gr�tia, -ae f.: graditude, favor, thanks, 10 impon, -ere, -posu, -positus: place on, 7 inimcus, -a, -um: unfriendly, hostile, 2

insequor, -sequ, -sec�tum: follow upon, 1 intr�: within, among (+ acc.), 4 longus, -a, -um: long, 4 l�men, l�minis n.: light, 3 mane, -�re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9 m�t�r (1): to hasten, ripen, 7 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, 9 ml�s, mlitis m.: soldier, 2 mror, -�r, -�tus: to wonder, be amazed at, 7 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7 mora, -ae f.: delay, hesitation, hindrance, 14 nec: and not, nor, 10 negtium, i n.: task, business, occupation, 13 occ�sus, -�s m.: fall, destruction, 4 occurr, -ere: run into, meet, attack, 2 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12 recipi, -ere, -c�p, -ceptum: accept, take back, 8 reditus, -�s m.: return, 5 refulge, -�re, -fuls: flash back, shine, 1 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: leave behind, 9 rursus: again, backward, back, 7 satis: enough, sufficient, 6 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9 silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 7 sl, slis m.: sun, 10 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 8 toll, tolle, sustul, subl�tum: raise, lift up 10 tutus, -a, -um: safe, secure, 3 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12 vigilia, -ae f.: watch, night-watch, 1

2 ea: these (things); neuter pl. demonstrative ad: near, at 3 anxi anim: with anxious heart; manner id negtium: this task; acc. subj. 4 summ percul: of…; gen. description 5 nec dubit�bat qun: he did not doubt that; qu�n often follows “n�n dubit�” 6 aliqu: some; nom. sg. adj. modifies c�sus quae cum...: Since these things were so; i.e. ‘as a result,’ common in Cicero 7 m�t�randum (esse) sibi: that he had to hurry; ‘(it is) (going) to be hurried by him’ passive periphrastic (gerundive + sum) with dat. of agent: translate in active duc: to the leader; dat. ind. obj. dux 8 mrum in modum: in an amazing way 9 refulg�ns: pres. pple, modifies neut. lmen mr�t: having wondered; dep. PPP

quae…esset: ind. question, impf. subj. sum 10 Qu: to where; ‘to which place’ I�son, M�d�ae: dat. of compound verb advenientibus: dat. pl. pres. pple 12 omn…subl�t: abl. abs., PPP toll� ‘remove,’ in other instances ‘lifted up’ 13 exc�p�runt: welcomed gr�ti�s �g�runt: gave thanks; idiom, ag� quod…�v�nisset: because it had turned out; plpf. subj. of alleged cause 17 Hs…gests: abl. abs., PPP ger� 18 subl�ts ancors: abl. abs., toll� ‘lifted up’ 19 man�re: subject of esse, ttum is the pred. 20 inimc anim: of…; abl. quality 21 s� rec�pisse: had retreated; idiom ad auferendum: for carrying off… 22 gravius: more strongly; comp. adv. 23 mlitibus imposits: abl. abs.

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vribus r�ms contend�bant; cum tamen n�vis qu� veh�bantur ingent esset magnit�dine, nn e�dem celerit�te qu� Colch prgred poterant. Qu factum est ut minimum abesset qun � Colchs sequentibus caperentur, neque enim longius intererat quam qu t�lum adic posset. At M�d�a cum vdisset qu in loc r�s essent, paene omn sp� d�posit�, infandum hoc cnsilium c�pit. 75. A FEARFUL EXPEDIENT

Erat in n�v Argonaut�rum flius qudam r�gis Aeëtae, nmine Absyrtus, quem, ut supr� d�mnstr�vimus, M�d�a ex urbe fugi�ns s�cum abd�xerat. Hunc puerum M�d�a interficere cnstituit e cnsili, ut membrs eius in mare coni�cts cursum Colchrum impedret; cert enim sci�bat Aeëtem, cum membra fl vdisset, nn longius prsec�t�rum esse. Neque opni M�d�am fefellit, omnia enim ita �v�n�runt ut sp�r�verat. Aeët�s ubi prmum membra vdit, ad ea colligenda n�vem ten�r iussit. Dum tamen ea geruntur, Argonautae nn intermiss remigand l�bre mox � cnspect� hostium aufer�bantur, neque prius fugere d�stit�runt quam ad fl�men Erid�num perv�n�runt. Aeëtes nihil sibi prfut�rum esse arbitr�tus s longius prgressus esset, anim d�miss domum revertit, ut fl corpus ad sepult�ram daret. 76. THE BARGAIN WITH PELIAS

Tandem post multa percula I�son in eundem locum perv�nit unde profectus erat. Tum � n�v �gressus ad r�gem Peliam, qu r�gnum adhuc obtin�bat, statim s� contulit, et vellere aure mnstr�t ab e

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abduc�, -ere, d x�, ductum: to lead away, 1 absum�, -ere, -mps�, -mptum: take away, 1 Absyrtus, -� m.: Absyrtus, Medea’s brother, 2 adhuc: still, 5 adici�, -ere, -ic�, -iectum: throw at, hurl, 1 Aets: Aeetes, king of Cochis, 10 arbitror, -�r�, -�tus sum: to judge, think, 11 aufer�, -ferre, abstul�, -l�tum: carry away 11 aureus, -a, -um: golden, 13 celerit�s, -t�tis f.: speed, quickness, 7 certus, -a, -um: fixed, sure, 11 Colch�, -�rum m.: Colchians, 3 Colchis, -idis f.: Colchis, 4 conlig�, -ere: gather, tie together, 1 conspectus, - s m.: sight, view, 6 contend�, -ere, -�, -tus: strive; hasten; fight 11 cursus, - s m.: course, running, haste, 10 dmitt�, -ere, -m�s�, -missum: to drop, 3 dmonstr� (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 dpon�, -ere, -su�, -situm: put down, deposit9 dsist�, -ere, -stit�, -stitum: desist, stop, 5 domus, - s f.: house, home, dwelling, 11 ridanus, -� m.: Eridanus, 1 veni�, -�re: turn out, happen, 8 fall�, -ere, fefell�, falsum: deceive, fail, 3 f�lius, -i� m.: son, 10 fugi�, fugere, f g�, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 hostis, -is m./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 5 impedi�, -�re, -�v�, -�tum: hinder, impede, 1 infandus, -a, -um: unspeakable, 1

intermitt�, -ere: interrupt, break off, 5 intersum, interesse, -fu�: be between, 1 long: far, far and wide, 6 m�gnit d�, -t dinis f.: size, greatness, 13 membrum, -� n.: limb, member, 10 minimus, -a, -um: very little, 1 monstr� (1): to show, demonstrate, 3 nihil: nothing, 14 n�men, n�minis, n.: name, 12 obtine�, -re, -u�, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 op�ni�, -i�nis f.: opinion, reputation, 6 paene: almost, nearly, 8 Peli�s, -ae f.: Pelias, 14 prius: before, 3 prosequor, sequ�, -sec tum: follow, pursue 1 pr�sum, pr�desse, pr�fu�: profit, benefit, 6 qu�n: nay (even), (but) that, 12 rmig� (1): row, 1 rmus, -� m.: oar, 4 revert�, -ere, revers�: turn back, return, 2 sci�, -�re, -�v� (i�), -�tus: know, understand, 9 sepult ra, -ae f.: burial, 2 sequor, -�, sec tus: follow, pursue, attend, 4 spr� (1): hope (for), expect, 5 supr�: above, before, 6 tlum, -� n.: weapon, arrow, spear, 3 tene�, tenre, tenu�, tentum: to hold, keep 13 unde: whence, from which source, 6 veh�, -ere, vx�, vectum: to convey, carry, 5 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12

1 v�ribus: with all their strength; manner contendbant: hastened cum: since qu�: relative pronoun, abl. means 2 ingent� magnit dine: of…; abl. quality, pred. of esset; 3rd decl. i-stem ablative celerit�te: with…; abl. manner qu�: with which; abl. manner pr�gred�: pres. deponent inf. 3 Qu� factum…morertur: because of which it happened that it was not at all far from being captured by the pursuing Colchians; ‘were least away that they…’ abl. of cause; the ut-clause is a noun result clause; minimum is adv. acc. Longius intererat quam: for it was no farther between than…; comparative 5 qu� tlum: (that) in which, (that) to which posset: impf. subj. possum + pass. inf. 6 paene omn�…dposit�: abl. abs.

c�nsilium cpit: adopted a plan; ‘took up’ 9 n�mine: by name; abl. respect 10 ut: as; ut + indicative fugins: pres. pple fugi�, -ere 11 e� c�nsili�: with this purpose, (namely) so that; precedes purpose cl. 12 membris…conict�s: abl. abs. 14 longius: farther; comparative adv. op�ni�: expectation 15 ita…ut: just as; ut + indicative pr�mum: first; adverb 16 ad ea colligenda: for gathering them; employ a gerund-gerundive flip 17 remigand�: gen. gerund 18 prius…quam: earlier than, before fugere: from fleeing; English idiom 19 nihil: that it would be no profit for him;

inner acc. or adv. acc. (not at all), cf. p. 77 20 anim� dmiss�: with dejected heart 26 s contulit: carried himself; confer�



postul�vit ut r�gnum sibi tr�der�tur; Peli�s enim pollicitus erat, s I�son vellus rettulisset, s� r�gnum e tr�dit�rum. Postquam I�son quid fier vellet ostendit, Peli�s prm nihil respondit, sed di� in e�dem trstiti� tacitus permansit; tandem ita loc�tus est: “Vid�s m� aet�te iam esse cnfectum, neque dubium est qun di�s supr�mus mihi appropinquet. Liceat igitur mihi, dum vvam, hoc r�gnum obtin�re; cum autem tandem d�cesser, tu mihi succ�d�s.” H�c r�tine adductus I�son respondit s� id fact�rum quod ille rog�sset. 77. MAGIC ARTS

Hs r�bus cognits M�d�a rem aegr� tulit, et r�gn cupidit�te adducta mortem r�g per dolum nferre cnstituit. Hc cnstit�t ad fli�s r�gis v�nit atque ita loc�ta est: “Vid�tis patrem vestrum aet�te iam esse cnfectum neque ad l�brem r�gnand perferendum satis val�re. Vultisne eum r�rsus iuvenem fier?” Tum fliae r�gis ita respond�runt: “Num hoc fier potest? Quis enim umquam � sene iuvenis factus est?” At M�d�a respondit: “M� medicnae summam hab�re scientiam sctis. Nunc igitur vbs d�mnstr�b qu mod haec r�s fier possit.” Postquam fnem loquend f�cit, arietem aet�te iam confectum interf�cit et membra eius in v�se a�ne posuit, atque ign supposit in aquam herb�s qu�sdam inf�dit. Tum, dum aqua efferv�sceret, carmen magicum cant�bat. Mox aries � v�se exsiluit et, vribus refects, per agrs curr�bat.

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15 20

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add�c, -ere, -x, -ctum: to lead to, bring, 8 aegr�: with difficulty, wearily, 4 a�neus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 aet�s, aet�tis f.: age, lifetime, time, 4 ager, -gr m.: land, field, territory, 11 appropinqu (1): come near, approach, 8 aqua, -ae f.: water, 11 ari�s, -ietis m.: ram, battering-ram, 2 cant (1): sing, 1 carmen, carminis n.: song, 2 cupidit�s, -t�tis f.: desire, passion, 5 curr, -ere, cucurr, cursus: run, rush, fly, 4 d�c�d, -ere, -cess, -cessum: depart; die, 2 d�monstr (1): to show, demonstrate, 13 di�: a long time, long, 13 dolus, - m.: trick, deceit, 4 dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, uncertain, 3 efferv�sc, -ere, -ferbu: to boil up or over, 1 exsili, -re, -silu: leap out or forth, 1 fer, ferre, tul, l�tus: carry, bear, endure, 10 fnis, -is m./f.: end, limit, border, boundary, 12 fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 9 herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 infer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tus: bring on, wage, 3 infund, -ere, -f�d, f�sum: pour into, 1 iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man, 4 licet, -�re, -uit: is allowed, permitted, 5 loquor, loqu, loc�tus sum: speak, address, 9 magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5 medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10 mors, mortis, f.: death, 9 ne: introduces a yes/no question, 1 nihil: nothing, 14

num: question expecting negative answer, 2 nunc: now, at present, 4 obtine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 r�tio, -ionis f.: speaking, speech, language, 2 ostend (1): show, display, 6 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 Peli�s, -ae f.: Pelias, 14 perfer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tus: bear, betake, 2 permane, -�re, -mans: to remain, 1 polliceor, -c�r, -citus: promise, proffer, 2 pon, ponere, posu, positum: to place, put, 5 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 11 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12 refici, -ere, f�c, fectum: renew, make new 2 r�gn (1): to rule, reign, 3 responde, -�re, -d, -nsus: to answer, 13 rog (1): to ask, 1 rursus: again, backward, back, 7 satis: enough, sufficient, 6 scientia, -ae f.: knowledge, wisdom, 6 sci, -re, -v (i), -tus: know, understand, 9 senex, senis m.: old man, 1 succ�d, -ere, -cess: to come up, succeed, 1 suppon, -ere, -su, -situm; set beneath, 1 supr�mus, -a, -um: highest, last, 1 tace, -�re, -u, -itum: be silent, 2 tristitia, -ae f.: sadness, 1 tu: you, 10 umquam: ever, 5 vale, -�re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5 v�s, v�sis n.: vessel, 5 vellus, velleris n.: fleece, 12 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, 2 vvus, -a, -um: living, alive, 4 vs: you, you all, 3

1 ut: that…; ind. command 2 rettulisset: if…had brought back; fut. pf. indicate in future-more-vivid condition made plpf subj in ind. disc. e: dat. sg. indirect object tradit�rum (esse): fut. inf.; add esse 3 quid…vellet: what he wished to be done; impf. subj. vol�, ind. question 5 cnfectum (esse): have been exhausted; neque…qun: there is not doubt that… 6 mihi: to me; dat. of compound verb liceat: let it be allowed; jussive pres. subj. vvam: 1st sg. pres. subjunctive 7 d�cesser: I depart (from life); fut. pf. mihi: me; dat with compound verb

8 id…quod: that which… fact�rum (esse): fut. inf. in indirect disc. rog�(vi)sset: syncopated plpf subj. 10 Hs…cognits: abl. abs. 11 tulit: bore poorly; pf. fer� 12 r�g: upon the king; dat. of compound verb 14 cnfectum (esse): see note, line 5 ad…perferendum: for accomplishing… r�gnand: gen. sg. gerund (-ing) 15 satis val�re: is not strong enough Vultis: 2nd pl. present vol� fier: to be made/done; inf. fi� 16 Num: surely….not?; expects a ‘no’ answer 18 qu mod: in what way; indirect question 23 vribus refects: strength recovered; abs.




Dum fliae r�gis hoc mr�culum stupent�s intuentur, M�d�a ita loc�ta est: “Vid�tis quantum valeat medicna. Vs igitur, s vultis patrem vestrum in adul�scentiam red�cere, id quod f�c ipsae faci�tis. Vs patris membra in v�s conicite; ego herb�s magic�s praeb�b.” Quod ubi audtum est, fliae r�gis cnsilium quod dedisset M�d�a nn mittendum put�v�runt. Patrem igitur Peliam nec�v�runt et membra eius in v�s a�neum coni�c�runt; nihil autem dubit�bant qun hoc maxim� e prfut�rum esset. At r�s omnn aliter �v�nit ac sp�r�verant, M�d�a enim nn e�sdem herb�s dedit quibus ipsa �sa erat. Itaque postquam di� fr�str� exspect�v�runt, patrem suum r� v�r� mortuum esse intell�x�runt. Hs r�bus gests M�d�a s� cum coniuge su r�gnum accept�ram esse sp�r�bat; sed cv�s cum intellegerent qu mod Pelias periisset, tantum scelus aegr� tul�runt. Itaque I�sone et M�d�� � r�gn expulss, Acastum r�gem cre�v�runt. 79. A FATAL GIFT

I�son et M�d�a � Thessali� expuls ad urbem Corinthum v�n�runt, cuius urbis Cren qudam r�gnum tum obtin�bat. Erat autem Creont flia �na, nmine Glauc�. Quam cum vdisset, Iason cnstituit M�d�ae uxr suae n�ntium mittere e cnsili, ut Glauc�n in m�trimnium d�ceret. At M�d�a ubi intell�xit quae ille in anim hab�ret, r� graviter commta i�re iurand cnfirm�vit s� tantam ini�riam ult�ram. Hoc igitur cnsilium c�pit. Vestem


5 10 15

20 25

Argonauts 85

Acastus, - m.: Acastus, 1 adulescentia, -ae f.: youth, 1 aegr�: with difficulty, wearily, 4 a�neus, -a, -um: of bronze, 3 aliter: otherwise, in another way, 3 cvis, -is m/f: citizen, fellow citizen, 5 confirm (1): make strong, strengthen, 5 coni�nx, -iugis m/f: husband, wife, spouse, 1 Corinthus, - m.: Corinth, 1 cre (1): to create, 2 Creon, -ontis m.: Creon, 5 di�: a long time, long, 13 dubit (1): to hestitate, doubt, 5 duc, -ere, d�x, ductus: lead, draw, bring, 5 ego: I, 9 �veni, -re: turn out, happen, 8 expell, -ere, pul, pulsum: drive out, expel 3 fer, ferre, tul, l�tus: carry, bear, endure, 10 frustr�: in vain, for nothing, 13 Glauc�, -�s f.: Glauce, 4 herba, -ae f.: plant, grass, 6 ini�ria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 2 intueor, -tu�r, -tuitus sum: look upon, 1 ra, rae f.: anger, 12 Itaque: and so, 8 iur (1): to swear, 2 i�s, i�ris n.: justice, law, right, 4 loquor, loqu, loc�tus sum: speak, address, 9 magicus, -a, -um: magic, 5 matrimnium, -i n.: marriage, 6 maxim�: especially, very greatly, 5 medicna, -ae f.: medicine, art of healing, 4

membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10 mr�culum, - n.: wonder, marvel, miracle, 1 mortuus, -a, -um: dead, 7 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9 nihil: nothing, 14 nmen, nminis, n.: name, 12 nuntius, -i m.: messenger, 12 obtine, -�re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 9 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 11 pater, patris, m.: father, 12 Peli�s, -ae f.: Pelias, 14 pere, -perre, peri, perit�rum: to perish, 1 praebe, -�re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7 prsum, prdesse, prfu: profit, benefit, 6 put (1): to think, consider, 2 quantus, -a, -um: how much, how great, 4 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 12 red�c, -ere, -x, -ctus: lead or bring back, 11 scelus, sceleris n.: wickedness, crime, 4 sp�r (1): hope (for), expect, 5 stupe, -�re, -u: be stunned, be astounded, 1 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4 ulcscor, ulcsc, ultus sum: to avenge, 2 �tor, �t, �sum sum:use, employ, enjoy 2 uxor, �xris f.: wife, spouse, 10 vale, -�re, u: be strong, fare well, be able, 5 v�s, v�sis n.: vessel, 5 verus, -a, -um: true, real, 2 vester, vestra, vestrum: your, 2 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12 vs: you, you all, 3

3 quantum valeat medicna: how strong is…; inner acc. ind. question, pres. subj. vultis: 2nd pl. vol 4 id quod: that which…; demonstrative 5 conicite: plural imperative, -ici from iaci 6 quod: this; ‘which,’ nom. subject quod…M�d�a: plpf. subj., relative clause of characteristic 7 mittendum (esse): must be…: ‘was (going) to be omitted,’ pass. periphrastic in ind. disc.; cnsilium is acc. subject, 9 dubit�bant qun: they did not at all doubt that; nihil is an adv. acc. or inner acc. (had no doubt); qun often follows dubit�re prfut�rum esset: would be profitable; ‘was going to be profitable,’ periphrastic fut. (fut pple + sum); impf subj 11 quibus: which; abl. obj. of �sa est

ipsa: (she) herself �sa est: pf. dep. �tor, governs abl. 12 r� v�r�: in true fact; i.e. actually hs…gests: abl. abs., PPP ger 13 accept�ram esse: would receive; s� is acc. subj.; fut. inf. 14 qu mod: in what way; abl. manner periisset: plpf. subj. per-e, ind. quest 15 tul�runt: pf. fer, again to bear poorly I�sone…expulss: abl. abs. 20 cuius urbis: of which city; + regnum 21 Crent: there was to Creon; ‘Creon had,’ dat. of possession 24 i�re iurand: by sworn oath; ‘by oath (going) to be worn,’ abl. means 25 ult�rum (esse): fut. inf. ulcscor c�pit: adopted; ‘took up’

Argonauts 86

par�vit summ� arte textam et varis colribus nfectam; hanc mortifer qudam ven�n tnxit, cuius vs t�lis erat ut s quis eam vestem induisset, corpus eius quasi ign �rer�tur. Hc fact vestem ad Glauc�n msit; illa autem nihil mal suspic�ns dnum libenter acc�pit, et vestem nvam mre f�min�rum statim induit. 80. MEDEA KILLS HER SONS

Vix vestem induerat Glauc� cum dolrem gravem per omnia membra s�nsit, et paul post cr�d�l cruci�t� affecta � vt� excessit. Hs r�bus gests M�d�a furre atque �menti� impulsa flis sus nec�vit; tum magnum sibi fore perculum arbitr�ta s in Thessali� man�ret, ex e� regine fugere cnstituit. Hc cnstit�t Slem or�vit ut in tant percul auxilium sibi praeb�ret. Sl autem hs precibus commtus currum msit cui erant i�nct dracn�s �ls nstruct. M�d�a nn omittendam tantam occ�sinem arbitr�ta currum ascendit, itaque per �ëra vecta incolumis ad urbem Ath�n�s perv�nit. I�son ipse brev tempore mr mod occsus est. Accidit sve c�s� sve cnsili derum ut sub umbr� n�vis suae, quae in ltus subducta erat, dormret. Mox n�vis, quae adhuc �r�cta steterat, in eam partem ubi I�son iac�bat subit d�l�psa virum nf�lcem oppressit.

1 5

10 15 20

Argonauts 87

accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall (on)to, 8 adhuc: still, 5 ��r, a�ris n.: air, 6 affici, -ere, -f�c, fectum: influence, treat, 13 �la, -ae f.: wing, 2 �mentia, -ae f.: madness, 2 arbitror, -�r, -�tus sum: to judge, think, 11 ars, artis f.: skill, craft, art, 5 ascend, -ere, -, -�nsus: ascend, mount, 3 Athenae, -�rum f.: Athens, 1 c�sus, -�s m.: misfortune, accident, event, 8 color, colris m.: color, 1 cruci�tus, -�s m.: torture, 2 cr�d�lis, -e: cruel, bitter, bloody, 6 currus, -�s m.: chariot, cart, 2 d�l�bor, -l�b, -lapsum: slip or fall down, 1 dnum, - n.: gift, 6 dormi, -re, -v: to sleep, 8 drac, -nis m.: dragon, serpent, 7 �rig, -ere, -r�x, -rectum: raise up, lift, 1 exc�d, -ere, -cess, -cessum: go out, depart, 2 f�mina, -ae f.: woman, 3 flius, -i m.: son, 10 fugi, fugere, f�g, --: to flee, hurry away, 9 furor, -ris m.: rage, fury, madness, 4 Glauc�, -�s f.: Glauce, 4 iace, -�re, -u: to lie, lie low, 3 ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 9 impell, -ere, pul, pulsum: drive on incite 3 incolumis, -e: inscathed, uninjured, safe, 7 indu, -ere, indu, ind�tum: put on, 8 Inf�lx, -f�lcis: unhappy, unfortunate, 2 nfici, -ere, -f�c, -fectum: stain, dye, 4 instru, -ere, -�x, -uctum: equip, draw up, 6 Itaque: and so, 8 iung, -ere, iunx, -iunctum: to join, 3

libenter: gladly, willingly, 12 malus, -a, -um: bad, 3 mane, -�re, mans, --: to stay, wait, 9 membrum, - n.: limb, member, 10 mrus, -a, -um: wonderful, amazing, 7 mortifer, -fera, -ferum: death-bearing, 2 ms, mris m.: custom, manner, law, 6 nec (1): to kill, slay, put to death, 9 nihil: nothing, 14 novus, -a, -um: new, 4 occ�si, -inis f.: chance, opportunity, 6 occid, -ere, -cid, -csus: kill, cut down, 14 omitt, -ere, -ms, -missum: neglect, omit, 6 opprim, -ere, -press: to overpower 5 r (1): pray (for), entreat, beseech, 5 praebe, -�re, -u, -itum: to present, give, 7 prec�s, -um: prayer, entreaty, 3 quasi: as if, 4 sve: or if, whether if, 6 sl, slis m.: sun, 10 st (1): to stand, 8 sub: under, 4 subd�c, -ere, -d�x, -ductum: draw up, 2 suspic, -�re, -�v, -�tum: suspect, mistrust, 7 t�lis, -e: such, 6 tex, -ere, -u, textum: to weave, 1 Thessalia, -ae f.: Thessaly, 4 ting, -ere, tinx, tinctum: wet, soak; dye, 1 umbra, -ae f.: shade, shadow, 1 �r, �rere, uss, ustum: to burn, 1 varius, -a, -um: various, 2 veh, -ere, v�x, vectum: to convey, carry, 5 ven�num, - n.: poison, 7 vestis, -is f.: clothing, 12 vta, -ae, f.: life, 9 vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 5

1 summ� arte: with…; abl. manner textam, nfectam: PPP tex, nfici 2 t�lis: such; nom. predicate of erat ut…�rer�tur: that…burned; result s quis: if anyone…; quis is indefinite before s, nisi, num, and n� 3 induisset: plpf. subj. ign: abl. of means, i-stem 3rd decl. noun hc fact: abl. abs. 4 nihil mal: nothing (of) evil; partitive 5 mre: by custom; ‘from the custom’ 8 Glauc�: nom. subject; Greek 1st decl. 9 paul post: a little later; abl. of degree of difference

cr�d�l: abl. i-stem modifies cruci�t� 10 Hs…gests: abl. abs. 11 magnum…fore …perculum: that… would be; ~fut�rum esse, ind. disc

governed by arbitr�ta (PPP arbitror) sibi: reflexive, dat. of interest s…man�ret: fut. pf. ind. subordinate verb made subjunctive in ind. disc. 13 ut…praeb�ret: that…; ind. command 14 cui: to which…had been joined 15 mittendam (esse): must not be omitted 17 Accidit…ut…dormret: it happened that…; noun result clause 18 sve…sve: whether by….or by…


Alphabetized Core Vocabulary List (Words 15 or More Times)

This is an alphabetized list of the running core vocabulary found at the beginning of this commentary. To use this book properly, readers should review and memorize the running core vocabulary as they read the stories. If they encounter a word in the text that is not found in the facing vocabulary, it is most likely in the running vocabulary and the list below. The number of occurrences of each word i was tabulated with the help by the author. �, ab, abs: (away) from, out of, 72 accipi: to receive, get, accept, 26 ad: to, toward; near, 188 animus, - m.: soul, spirit, breath, courage, pride, 18 annus, - m.: year, 18 Argonautae, -�rum m.: Argonauts, 18 at: but; mind you; but, you say, 27 atque: and, and also, and even, 21 audi, audre, audv, audtum: to hear, listen to, 22 autem: however, moreover, 81 auxilium, - n.: help, aid, assistance, 19

bs, bovis m. f.: cow, ox, bull (bobus-dat. abl.), 18 brevis, -e: short, brief, 15

capi, capere, c�p, captum: to take, capture, seize, 14 caput, capitis, n.: head; life, 20 causa, -ae f.: reason, cause; case, 31 Circ�, -�s f.: Circe, 15 coep, coepisse, coeptum: begin, 16 cognsc, -ere, -nv, -nitum: to learn, perf. know, 22 confer, -ferre: bring together, collect, carry, 18 confici, -ere: to exhaust, finish, accomplish, 16 conici, -ere, -i�c: throw together, throw, take oneself, 13 cnsilium, -i n.: plan, advice; council, assembly, 23 constitu, -ere, -u, -�tus: decide, establish, resolve, 36 corpus, corporis, n.: body, 19 cum: with (+ abl.); when, since, although, 196

d�: down from, from, about, concerning (+ abl.), 29 deus, - m.: god, divinity, deity, 19 dc, -ere, dx, dictus: say, speak, tell, call, name, 17 di�s, -� m./f.: day, time, season, 46 dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missus: send away, let go, 8 d, dare, ded, datum: give, put, make; grant, allow, 42 dolor, -ris m.: pain, grief, anger, passion, 17 dum: while, as long as, until, 35

�, ex: out from, from, out of (+ abl.), 108 �gredior, -, -gressus: go out, disembark, 18

Alphabetized Core Vocabulary 126

enim: for, indeed, in truth, 77 et: and, also, even, 287 etiam: besides, also, even, 17 Eurystheus, - m.: Eurystheus, 23 exspect (1): look out for, wait for, await, 15

faci�, -ere, f�c�, fectum: make, do, 89 flia, -iae f.: daughter, 20 fl�men, -inis n.: river, stream, 15 ger, -ere, gess, gestus: carry (on), wage, 18 gravis, -e: heavy, serious, severe; venerable, 16

habe, -�re, habu, -itus: have, hold; consider, 34 habit (1): to inhabit, live, 18 Hercules, -is m.: Hercules 121 hic, haec, hoc: this, that; he, she, it, 222 hom, -inis m./f.: man, mortal, human, 21

iam: now, already, soon, 29 I�son, -onis m.: Jason, 45 ibi: there, in that place, 21 dem, eadem, idem: the same, 15 igitur: therefore, then, accordingly, 71 ille, illa, illud: that (famous); he, she, it, 84 in: in (+ abl.) , into (+ acc.), 272 ing�ns (ingentis): huge, immense, vast, huge, 21 insula, -ae f.: island, 20 intelleg, -ere, -l�x, -l�ctum: to realize, understand, 24 interfici, -ere, -f�c, -fectum: kill, slay, destroy, 15 ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 50 is, ea, id: this, that; he, she, it, 230 ita: so, thus, 25 iter, itineris n.: way, road, journey, 19 iube, iub�re, iuss, iussum: to order, command, 17

labor, -ris m.: labor, hardship, task, 22 ltus, ltoris n.: shore, beach, 19 locus, - m.: place, region, situation; opportunity, 51

m�gnopere: greatly, very much, 15 magnus, -a, -um: great, large, tall; mighty, important, 79 manus, -�s f.: hand, 16 mare, maris n.: sea, 15 M�d�a, -ae f.: Medea, 27 mitt, -ere, -ms, missum: to send, let go, 18 modus, - m.: way, manner; modo (adv.) only 38 monstrum, - n.: monster, 26 mox: soon, 19 multus, -a, -um: much, many, abundant, 36

Alphabetized Core Vocabulary 127

n�vis, n�vis, f.: ship, boat, 63 n�: lest, that not, no, not, 22 neque: and not (neque…neque = neither…nor), 27 nn: not, by no means, not at all, 40 n�llus, -a, -um: none, no, no one, 24

omnis, omne: every, all, 96

par (1): prepare, make (ready), 21 pars, partis, f.: part, share, 23 pauc, -ae, -a: little, few, scanty, 22 paulus, -a, -um: little, small, 16 per: through, over, across, 23 perculum, - n.: risk, danger, peril, 31 Perseus, - m.: Perseus, 26 perveni, -re, -v�n, -ventum: to come through, arrive 19 Polyph�mus, - m.: Polyphemus, 19 possum, posse, potu: be able, can, avail, 46 post: after, behind (+ acc.); afterward, next, 32 postquam: after, when, 58 prmus -a -um: first, 16 proficscor, -, -fectus: set out, depart, 19 progredior, -gred, progressus sum: advance, 17 puer, puer, m.: boy, 17

quaer, -ere, quaesv, quaestum: to seek, ask, inquire, 21 qu, quae, quod (quis? quid?): who, which, that, 307 qu�dam, quaedam, quiddam: certain, a certain, 50 rede, -re, -v: go back, return, come back, 19 refer, -ferre, -tul, -l�tum: report, bring back, 18 regi, -nis f.: region, district, 18 regnum, - n.: (royal) power, kingdom, realm, 19 reliquus, -a, um: remaining, left (over), 15 r�s, re, f.: thing, matter, affair, business, 83 r�x, r�gis m.: king; adj. ruling, royal, 44

sal�s, -�tis f.: safety, security, health, 15 saxum, sax n.: rock, 15 s�: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 115 sed: but, moreover, however, 31 senti, sentre, s�ns, s�nsum: to feel, perceive, 16 s: if (only), whether, in case that, 20 sine: without (abl.), 19 socius, - m.: ally, companion, comrade, 33 solv, -ere, solv, sol�tum: to loosen, release, 20 species, -�i f.: sight, look, appearance, aspect, 15 spelunca, -ae f.: cave, 30 statim: immediately, on the spot, at once, 28 subit: immediately, straightaway, 19

Alphabetized Core Vocabulary 128

sum, esse, fu, fut�rum: to be, 422 summus, -a, -um: highest, greatest, top of, 29 suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their (own), 84

tamen: nevertheless, however, 99 tandem: finally, at last, at length, in the end, 28 tantus, -a, -um: so great, so much, so large, 55 tempest�s, -t�tis f.: weather; storm, 17 tempus, -poris n.: time, 31 terra, -ae f.: land, earth, 22 timor, -oris m.: fear, dread, anxiety, 15 tr�d, -dere, -did, -ditum: to give over, hand down, 20 tum: then, at that time, 73

ubi: where, when, 56 Ulix�s, -is m.: Ulysses, 43 �nus, -a, -um: one, 14 urbs, urbis, f.: city, 19 ut: as, just as, when (+ ind.); (so) that, in order that, 112

veni, -re, v�n, ventus: come, go, 72 vide, vid�re, vd, vsum: to see, 50 vinum, vin n.: wine, 16 vir, vir m.: man, male, 23 vs, (vs), f.: force, power, violence; pl. vr�s, strength, 23 vol, velle, volu: will, wish, be willing, 22

top related