facilitative glucose transporters in livestock species

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Facilitative glucose transporters in livestock speciesJean-François Hocquette, Hiroyuki Abe

To cite this version:Jean-François Hocquette, Hiroyuki Abe. Facilitative glucose transporters in livestock species. Repro-duction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 2000, 40 (6), pp.517-533. <10.1051/rnd:2000134>.<hal-00900408>

Review article

Facilitative glucose transporters in livestock species

Jean-François HOCQUETTEa*, Hiroyuki ABEb

a Unité de Recherches sur les Herbivores, INRA, Centre de Recherches de Clermont-Ferrand/Theix,63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France

b National Institute of Animal Industry, Tsukuba Norin-Danchi, PO Box 5, 305-0901, Japan

(Received 24 March 2000; accepted 19 September 2000)

Abstract — The study of facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT) requires carefully done immuno-logical experiments and sensitive molecular biology approaches to identify the various mechanismswhich control GLUT expression at the RNA and protein levels. The cloning of species-specificGLUT cDNAs showed that GLUT4 and GLUT1 diverge less among species than other GLUT iso-forms. The key role of GLUT in glucose homeostasis has been demonstrated in livestock species. Invitro studies have suggested specific roles of GLUT1 and GLUT3 in avian cells. In vivo studieshave demonstrated a regulation of GLUTs (especially of GLUT4) by nutritional and hormonalfactors in pigs and cattle, in lactating cows and goats and throughout the foetal life in the placenta andtissues of lambs and calves. All these results suggest that any changes in GLUT expressionand activity (such as GLUT4 in muscles) could modify nutrient partitioning and tissue metabolism,and hence, the qualities of animal products (milk, meat).

glucose transporter / pig / ruminant / poultry

Résumé — Les transporteurs du glucose à diffusion facilitée chez les animaux de ferme. L’étudedes transporteurs du glucose à diffusion facilitée (GLUT) nécessite des techniques en immunologieou en biologie moléculaire précises et sensibles pour étudier la régulation de leur expression auniveau ARNm ou protéique. Le clonage d’ADNc des différents GLUT a montré que GLUT4 etGLUT1 divergent moins entre espèces que les autres isoformes de GLUT. Le rôle important desGLUT dans le contrôle de l’homéostasie du glucose a été démontré chez les animaux de ferme. Desétudes in vitro ont suggéré un rôle spécifique de GLUT1 et de GLUT3 dans les cellules aviaires.Des études in vivo ont mis en évidence une régulation des GLUT (notamment GLUT4) par des fac-teurs nutritionnels ou hormonaux chez le porc et le bovin, chez la vache ou la chèvre en lactation, ettout au long de la vie fœtale dans le placenta et les tissus de l’agneau ou du veau. L’ensemble de cesrésultats suggère que tout changement dans l’expression et l’activité des GLUT (tel que de GLUT4dans les muscles) peut modifier la répartition des nutriments et le métabolisme tissulaire, et affecterainsi la qualité des produits animaux (lait, viande).

transporteur du glucose / porc / ruminant / volaille

Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 40 (2000) 517–533 517© INRA, EDP Sciences

* Correspondence and reprintsE-mail: hocquet@clermont.inra.fr

J.-F. Hocquette, H. Abe518


A major objective of research in AnimalScience is to improve the production of meator milk and to optimise the qualities of theseanimal products by the control of their bio-chemical characteristics. The major energy-yielding nutrients for tissues are carbohy-drates and long-chain fatty acids inmonogastric species, but, in ruminants, theyare volatile fatty acids and ketone bodies.In all species, however, glucose is used byvarious tissues and organs for free energy(i.e. ATP) production. In addition, glucosemay be converted either into glycogen ortriacylglycerols which are subsequentlystored within tissues (liver, adipose tissues,muscles) or into lactose which is subse-quently incorporated into milk in the caseof lactating females. Therefore, the basicbiological mechanisms which control thepartitioning of glucose between tissues andorgans need to be better studied in order toimprove the production and the qualities ofmeat and milk.

Among the biological mechanisms whichcontrol the fate of glucose, is glucose uptakeby tissues, a process which is achieved byfacilitative glucose transporters. These trans-porters can be divided into two families:insulin-sensitive (GLUT4) and non insulin-sensitive (GLUTs 1, 2, 3 and 5) glucosetransporters in both monogastric (for review,see [34, 40]) and ruminant mammals (forreview, see [2, 46]). These GLUT proteinsexhibit sequence similarity but are encodedby distinct genes. Whereas GLUT1 andGLUT3 have a more generalised tissue dis-tribution, GLUTs 2, 4 and 5 appear to havespecialised physiological functions due totheir specific tissue expression (for review,see [40]). The GLUT4 isoform is the subjectof active investigation in laboratory rodentsand humans because this transporter maybe involved in the pathology of diabetes,body composition and obesity. By contrast,much less is known about glucose trans-porters in livestock species. This paper goes

beyond the academic interest of increasingbasic knowledge about glucose transportersin many species and aims at demonstratingthat it can be important to assess the abil-ity of tissues to take up glucose in meat ormilk producing farm animals.

Thus, the present review focuses onrecent data, demonstrating the key role offacilitative glucose transporters (especiallyGLUT4) in glucose homeostasis in livestockspecies with regards to energy metabolismand production of meat and milk. In the firstpart of this review, the general features ofglucose metabolism will be described andcompared among animal species. In the sec-ond part, the recent advances in GLUT char-acterization in livestock species will bedescribed. In the two last parts, knowledgeabout the regulation of GLUT expressionin animal models or in producing farm ani-mals will be detailed.


2.1. Origin of glucose

Tissues rely on fuels (carbohydrates,lipids), which are transported within plasmato be taken up by tissues and organs accord-ing to their needs. In contrast to other nutri-ents [for instance, non-esterified fatty acids(NEFA) and triacylglycerols (TG)], bloodglucose is maintained within tight limits inhealthy animals. Glucose originates eitherfrom food, from hepatic neoglucogenesisor from mobilization of glycogen storedwithin the body.

The major end-products of digestion areglucose and fats (NEFA, TG) in adult mono-gastric species and also in milk-fed younganimals (piglets, calves, lambs). By con-trast, in weaned ruminants, microorganismspresent in the rumen are capable of digest-ing fibrous material. This enables ruminantsto eat and partly digest plant cellulose andhemicellulose. The principal products of

Glucose transporters in livestock species

2.2. Fate of glucose

Uptake of individual nutrients by tissuesdepends on arterial nutrient supply (bloodflow × nutrient plasma concentration) and onthe fractional extraction rate of each nutrient,the latter being increased following insulinstimulation in the case of glucose.

Ruminants are characterized by higherplasma concentrations of volatile fatty acidsand ketone bodies and by lower plasma con-centrations of long-chain fatty acids thanmonogastrics due to the characteristic fea-tures of digestion in ruminants, but glucosearterial concentration remains high (3 to7 mM) whatever the mammalian species([54] and for review, see [14, 73, 75]). Birds,however, have a very high glycemia andlactatemia [87]. Consequently, in manyspecies, potential energy supply from glu-cose is high. In other words, glucose is amajor contributor in terms of blood energysupply to tissues.

The brain accounts for more than 10–15%of whole-glucose utilization in sheep. Glu-cose is the energy source for the brain, andthe transport of this nutrient from blood tothe brain is limited by the blood-brain bar-rier glucose transport system, which is thesubject of active investigation in cattle (forreview, see [46]).

Erythrocytes are known to consume asignificant part of circulating glucose. How-ever, bovine erythrocytes were previouslyknown to lack sugar transport systems andsugar transport-related cytochalasin B bind-ing sites (for review, see [46]). In fact, glu-cose transport into erythrocytes of sheep,cattle and horses is low, about one-third ofthat in dogs, humans and rats [8] and about70% of that in pigs [9]. The minimal capac-ity of bovine erythrocytes to take up glu-cose may be explained by a very low expres-sion of GLUT1 (at least 1/1000 of that inhuman red blood cells) [55]. These resultsare in concordance with a lower rate of gly-colysis in ruminant red blood cells than inred cells of humans and dogs [9]. Glucose

fermentation of dietary carbohydrates areshort-chain fatty acids, mainly acetate,propionate and butyrate (for review, see[44]). As a consequence of the low dietaryabsorption of glucose, blood glucose level isslightly lower in weaned ruminants than inmonogastric species, and ruminants havesomewhat adapted the regulation of theirglucose metabolism (for review, see [18]):for example, the major part of circulatingglucose originates from hepatic neogluco-genesis from propionate, lactate, glyceroland amino acids, rather than food absorp-tion.

In the intestine, the vectorial transport ofhexoses from the lumen to the interstitialspace is a two-step process: (i) uptake ofglucose and galactose through the apicalbrush border is catalyzed by a Na+/D-glucose co-transporter (SGLT1), whereasuptake of fructose is catalysed by theGLUT5-fructose carrier, (ii) diffusion ofglucose, galactose and fructose in the intesti-nal tissue in close proximity to blood capil-laries is catalysed by GLUT2 and, inhumans, also, by GLUT5 (for review, see[92]). Carbohydrates regulate the activityof SGLT1. This regulation occurs bychanges in the expression of SGLT1 inresponse to the sugar content of the diet asshown in sheep (for review, see [86]). Thekey role of GLUT2 in intestinal glucosetransport and metabolism was demonstratedin different species including the newbornpig [21].

Energy sources stored within the bodyare mainly glycogen and fats. The formeris stored within hepatocytes or within mus-cle fibers. The latter is stored in the form oftriacylglycerols within adipocytes locatedin various fatty tissues, for instance perire-nal, omental, subcutaneous and also inter-muscular and intramuscular adipose tissues.Glycogen is converted into glucose and tri-acylglycerols into fatty acids when energy isneeded, for instance, upon physical activ-ity, undernutrition, and high production ofmilk by dairy cows.


J.-F. Hocquette, H. Abe

transport is also very low in avian red cells,which is due to a loss of GLUT3 duringearly development of these cells [57].

Skeletal muscle is also a major consumerof glucose in the body [75]. Glucose maybe either oxidized or stored as glycogen.However, most of the glucose taken up bymuscles is destined to be stored as glyco-gen (80% in sheep) [75]. The proportion ofglucose which is potentially oxidized eitherdirectly or indirectly via glycogen con-tributes to 31–57% of muscle oxidation insheep, 31–41% in humans and probablymore in swine. This may be surprising sinceglucose extraction rates by muscles are con-sistently low compared to those of othernutrients. Indeed, glucose extraction ratesby hindlimbs in the basal state (i.e. withoutany insulin stimulation) average 4% in rumi-nants and 9% in growing pigs whereasextraction rates for ketone bodies, volatileand long-chain fatty acids range from 10 to45% (for review, see [52]).

In vivo adipose tissue accounts for appro-ximately 25–40% of the glucose cleared inthe pig [31]. On the contrary, adipose tis-sue in the ruminant represents only a minorfate of glucose disposal accounting for some1% of total glucose utilization (for review,see [75]). As with muscles (as reflected bythe hindlimb), sheep adipose tissue (asreflected by the tail fat pad) extracts aboutonly 10% of the glucose presented to it (forreview, see [18])

The low extraction rate of glucose bymuscles and adipose tissues (4 to 10%) sug-gests a strong rate-limiting step for glucoseuptake in vivo. Glucose transport rate wasmeasured in incubated fibre strips of bovinemuscle as previously described in humans[29]. This technique enabled us to concludethat, as in the rat muscle, hexokinase activ-ity was higher than the glucose transportrate providing evidence that glucose trans-port is a rate-limiting step for glucose uti-lization by the bovine muscle in physiolog-ical conditions [45]. The rate-limiting role ofglucose transport in glucose homeostasis

and glycogen deposition within muscle cellshas also been demonstrated by several invivo or in vitro approaches (for review, see[46]) including transgenesis or knock-outexperiments in laboratory rodents (forreview, see [20]). However, some experi-ments in transgenic mice overexpressingglycogen synthase have indicated that glu-cose transport is not strictly rate-limitingfor glycogen synthesis [62].

2.3. Regulation of glucose fateby insulin

Glucose is taken up into insulin sensitivetissues (muscle and adipose tissues) throughfacilitated diffusion by transmembrane glu-cose transporters, mainly the GLUT4 iso-form [40]. The majority of GLUT4 is foundinside the cell in the basal state, from whereit can rapidly be translocated to the plasmamembranes following stimulation either byinsulin or exercise. This explains why theextraction rate of glucose increases from2.6 to 9.6% following infusion of insulin inthe hindlimb of growing cattle [78]. In addi-tion, insulin stimulates not only glucoseuptake, but also glucose oxidation and stor-age in muscles (synthesis of glycogen) andconversion of glucose into fats (lipogene-sis) in the adipose tissue by increasing theactivity of the key enzymes involved in thesemetabolic pathways. Consequently, insulinappears as the major regulator of glucosemetabolism (for review, see [52]).

Studies in vivo on the whole body levelhave revealed that maximally insulin-stim-ulated glucose utilization rates are in thedecreasing order: rats (20–35 mg.min–1per kgbody weight), humans and pigs (10 mg.min–1.kg–1), rabbits (7–8 mg.min–1.kg–1),and ruminants (2–5 mg.min–1.kg–1), lead-ing to the idea that ruminants are less sen-sitive to insulin than other mammalianspecies, especially rats (for review, see [52]).This was confirmed by other in vivo studieswith perfused muscles: insulin increasesglucose uptake by the muscle tissue more


Glucose transporters in livestock species

cattle that adipose tissue, heart and skeletalmuscle GLUT4 proteins are subjected todifferential glycosylation, leading to aslightly higher molecular weight of thebovine GLUT4 protein in adipose tissuethan in skeletal muscles [50].

The GLUT1 and GLUT3 proteins weredetected by Western blot in the placenta andbrain [26, 32, 61] of sheep and the GLUT1protein in the mammary gland [102] andbrain [32] of cattle. The intestinal fructosetransporter (GLUT5) was characterized atthe protein level in rabbits [70]. The GLUT2protein was detected in the sheep liver [38],and was studied at the mRNA levels inbovine [101] and chicken liver [97].

A great deal of efforts have been madein studying the insulin-sensitive glucosetransporter, GLUT4, which is thought toplay a key role in glucose homestasis dueto the regulation of its activity by insulin.A GLUT4-like protein was first detected ingoat adipose tissue [94], bovine skeletalmuscle [66] and ovine skeletal muscle [82]by Western blot analysis with an antibodyagainst rat GLUT4. The GLUT4 proteinwas detected in all insulin-responsive tis-sues (heart, skeletal muscles, adipose tis-sues) from cattle and goats but not in othertissues (liver, intestine, brain, erythrocytes)[1, 45]. Thus, GLUT4 is the major glucosetransporter in insulin-sensitive tissues as inother species. However, in ruminants,GLUT4 content seems to be higher in gly-colytic than in oxidative muscles in contrastto the situation observed in rats [45]. In addi-tion, GLUT4 content is higher in perirenaland omental adipose tissues than in subcu-taneous adipose tissues in growing calves[47, 50]. This may be related to the lowermetabolic activity of this latter tissue [51].

3.2. Cloning of GLUT cDNAsin livestock species

Besides cloning in laboratory rodents(rats, mice, guinea-pigs) and humans, partialor complete sequences of GLUT1 and

than 10-fold in rats [16] but less than 2-foldin sheep [24].

Moreover, in vitro studies using incu-bated muscle fiber strips showed that insulinstimulates glucose transport rate into mus-cles to a higher extent in humans (+123%)[29] and rats (+258%) than in calves (+82%)[45]. The ability of insulin to stimulate invitro glucose transport rate in isolatedadipocytes is also lower in pigs (+80%) [65],and sheep (+120–170%) [81] than inhumans (+300%) [37] or in rats (+ approx-imately 500%) [80]. However, the effectsof insulin on glucose uptake is age/bodyweight related, making comparison amongspecies difficult. Nevertheless, it is clearthat large differences exist between farmanimals and rats relative to tissue responseto insulin. Therefore, it is not unreasonableto speculate differences in the insulin-glu-cose transporter system among species.


3.1. Immunological studies

A direct approach to study glucose trans-porters is to detect the GLUT protein byWestern blot analysis using available anti-bodies. However, many authors have con-siderable difficulties with this technique,whatever the animal species due to severalpractical problems. Firstly, some non-spe-cific bands may be detected either with anon-immune serum [96], or even with poly-clonal antibodies specifically raised againstGLUTs [41, 49, 85]. Secondly, a confidentdetection of the GLUT proteins is made dif-ficult because of the inconsistency of theirelectrophoretic behavior due to the hetero-geneity of the protein glycosylation, as forGLUT1 [32, 61], GLUT3 [32] and GLUT4[50, 96]. A protein doublet is even observedfor GLUT1 [102] and GLUT4 in some cir-cumstances [11] (for review, see [72]).Finally, it has been clearly demonstrated in


J.-F. Hocquette, H. Abe

GLUT3 cDNAs were cloned in sheep [25]and chicken [96, 99]. GLUT1 cDNAs werealso cloned from pigs, rabbits and cattle(Fig. 1). To our knowledge, when consid-ering farm animals, GLUT2 cDNA was onlycloned from chickens [97] and GLUT5cDNA only from rabbits [70].

The recent cloning of GLUT4 probes inpigs [22, 58], sheep [15], and cattle [3, 49]will allow scientists to further understand

the regulation of glucose transport in insulin-sensitive tissues of livestock animals. Onlythe bovine GLUT4 was completelysequenced. The full bovine GLUT4 cDNAis composed of 2 676 base pairs and encodesfor a 509 amino acid protein. The deducedamino acid identities between bovine androdent GLUT4 are greater than 90% whilethe amino acid identity between bovineGLUT1 and GLUT4 are rather lower (64%).


Figure 1.Unrooted phylogenic analysis of the 26 known vertebrate GLUT proteins using the pilupprogram. Each protein is designed by the common name of the animal followed by its isoform num-ber (for instance, cattleG4 means cattle GLUT4). The sequences were extracted from GenBank115.0 in December 1999. The accession numbers are as follows for full length sequences: X66031,Z22932, J03810, J03145, X15684, M37785, M20681, L39214, L35267, U17978, M75135, L07300,M60448, M13979, M22998, M21747, K03195, M20747, J045524, M23383, D26482, D13871,M55531, D63150. Partial sequences of pig GLUT1 (pigG1 p, X17058, 451 amino acids), and ofsheep GLUT1 (sheepG1 p, U89029, 390 amino acids) were also added.

Glucose transporters in livestock species

Most expression studies have been con-ducted so far by Northern blot analysis toachieve the following objectives: identifyingthe size of the GLUT transcripts, determin-ing the tissue distribution of the GLUTexpression and quantifying the levels of theirmRNA in relationship with the GLUT pro-tein levels in order to precise the major levelor mechanism of regulation.

Northern blot hybridization was used todemonstrate the presence of a major tran-script for GLUT4 at 2.7–2.8 kb in cattle [3,49], pigs [30], rats and mice tissues. Thelarger size of the GLUT4 message in humantissues (3.5 kb) is thought to be due to dif-ferences in size of the 3’ UTR (for review,see [72]). Unlike in sheep [25], the chickenGLUT3 isoform is expressed as twomRNAs of 1.7 and 3.2 kb [99], which mayarise by alternative polyadenylation as isthe case for the two GLUT3 mRNAs pro-duced in human cells [60]. The message ofthe chicken GLUT1 is characterized by alarger size than that of mammalian GLUT1(3.2 kb vs. 2.7 kb), which is probably due toa longer 3’-UTR [96].

As in other species, GLUT4 mRNA wasdetected in the heart, muscles and adiposetissue but not in non insulin-responsive tis-sues from cattle using either human [100]or bovine cDNA probes [3, 49]. Unlikehuman organs, the liver and kidney of lac-tating cows express a high GLUT5 mRNAlevel [100], the physiological role of thistransporter still being a matter of conjoncture[70]. It is thought that GLUT5 participatesin the uptake of glucose from the lumen ofthe small intestine and in the reabsorption ofglucose in the kidney. Its physiological func-tion, however, may differ among species[70] and remains unclear in the bovine liver.

Many authors have considerable diffi-culty in accurately measuring mRNA abun-dance by Northern blot using total RNA [30,49], especially from adipose tissue [50]. Toovercome this problem, some authors havedeveloped a Northern blot procedure withpoly A+ RNA [30], and also a nuclease

A unique amino acid conversion (Asn 508 toHis) was found within the C-terminal region[4] which is considered to be important forGLUT4 translocation [23]. The GLUT4C-terminal regions were also sequenced inother ruminants (sheep and goat) and pigs[4]. However, unlike in cattle, the uniqueconversion of Asn into His in position 508was not found in these animals. Some otherdifferences in the ruminants’ GLUT4 proteinitself or in insulin-related regulatory mech-anisms are considered to explain the rumi-nants’ relative insulin resistance.

The phylogenetic relationship of the26 vertebrate GLUT proteins present in Gen-Bank 115.0 in December 1999 shows thatthe first divergence separates the fructosetransporter (GLUT5) from the others. Thenext divergence is the liver isoforms(GLUT2 and GLUT7) from the non-liverisoforms. GLUT4 is the next to diverge. Thefinal divergence is GLUT1 from GLUT3.For GLUT2, GLUT1 and GLUT3, thechicken isoforms diverge before the mam-malian GLUTs protein [96]. It is also note-worthy that GLUT4 and GLUT1 from thevarious species diverge less than other glu-cose transporter isoforms (Fig. 1).

3.3. Expression of GLUT genesin livestock species

A typical mRNA can be convenientlythought of as being divided into functionalregions (5’ or 3’ untranslated regions (UTR),the coding region and the polyA tail). The3’-UTR is thought to make a major contri-bution to the message stability (for review,see [68]). For instance, a 10 nucleotidecis-acting element of the bovine GLUT13’-UTR was shown to increase the GLUT1mRNA half life by 228% [17]. Other resultssuggest differential GLUT1 mRNA bind-ing to cytosolic and polysome proteins inthe brain and peripheral tissues, which isconsistent with the idea that GLUT1 geneexpression is subject to regulation at thepost-transcriptional level [95].


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protection assay that allows a more accu-rate quantification of low levels of GLUT4mRNA as in pig tissues [22, 58].

From studies in laboratory rodents, itappears that changes in GLUT4 mRNA lev-els in skeletal muscles are of smaller mag-nitude than those in the adipose tissue andheart. Furthermore, larger changes are typ-ically observed in red fibers compared towhite muscle fibers, at least in laboratoryrodents (for review, see [72]). Changes inmRNA levels result from both transcrip-tional regulation and post-transcriptionalcontrol. However, an appreciation of thecontribution of mRNA stability to the reg-ulation of gene expression is a rather morerecent development. For instance, studiesin cultured cells have demonstrated changesin GLUT1 mRNA half-life of 2–10 folddepending on the experimental models (forreview, see [68]). Similarly, it has beendemonstrated that chronic treatment of3T3-L1 adipocytes with arachidonic resultsin a 50% decrease in the transcription rate ofthe GLUT4 gene, as well as a reduction inhalf-life from 8.0 h to 4.6 h [91]. In rats, theaction of diabetes and benfluorex (ahypolipidemic and antihyperglycemic agent)clearly differs between red and white mus-cles [71]. Other studies in rats have alsoshown that the regulation of GLUT4 by thy-roid hormones lies at the transcriptional levelin red skeletal muscle, whereas in whitemuscles, it appears to operate via an alter-native posttranscriptional mechanism [93].Similar differences between muscle typeshave been suggested in bovine muscles [49].

To summarize, the GLUT protein expres-sion may be controlled by various mecha-nisms including RNA and protein turnoversand translation efficiency. For GLUT4, therelative importance of these control mech-anisms seems to differ between muscles(oxidative/glycolytic) [68, 93] or amongspecies (monogastrics/ruminants) [49].Therefore, a thorough investigation of therates of glucose transporter synthesis andhalf-life is necessary in cattle.


4.1. In vitro regulationof GLUT activity and expression

4.1.1. Oncogenic transformation

Most transformed cells, including tumorcells, display increased rates of glucosemetabolism compared to untransformedcells. This allowed the first cloning ofGLUT1 from the HepG2 human hepatomacell line, which was facilitated by its highlevel of expression. In rodents, the mecha-nisms whereby glucose transport is up-reg-ulated by cell transformation are well under-stood. Indeed, stimulation of glucosetransport involves an elevation in mRNAencoding the GLUT1 glucose transporterthat is controlled at the levels of both tran-scription and mRNA stability, whereasGLUT3 expression is relatively unaffected.In contrast, the oncogene v-src or variousmitogens were shown to increase GLUT3mRNA level and GLUT3 transcription inchicken embryo fibroblasts rather than thoseof GLUT1. Therefore, the roles of GLUT1and GLUT3 probably differ in avian andmammalian cells [96].

4.1.2. Cultured cells

Bovine cultured endothelial and smoothmuscle cells are good models for studyingthe regulation of glucose transporters(GLUT1 and GLUT3), especially by hyper-glycaemia, which is considered to be a com-mon risk factor for the development of vas-cular complications in diabetes mellitus (forreview, see [46]). For instance, it has beendemonstrated using bovine cultured cellsthat metformin, an antidiabetic drug widelyused to treat diabetic patients, affects glu-cose transport not only in insulin respon-sive tissues, but also in vascular cells [83].In addition, hypoxia in cultured bovine reti-nal endothelial cells upregulates glucose


Glucose transporters in livestock species

rather than total cell GLUT4 protein level[30].

In lactating cows, GH or GH-releasingfactor does not affect mRNA levels ofGLUT2, GLUT1 or GLUT5 in the liver orin the kidney [101]. In the mammary gland,GLUT1 protein level is unaffected by thesehormonal treatments. On the contrary,GLUT4 mRNA levels is decreased by 44%in skeletal muscle as a result of GH treat-ment. A similar tendency has been suggestedin omental fat. Providing consequences onGLUT4 protein levels, these results suggestthat GH may increase glucose availabilityto the mammary gland during lactation byregulating GLUT4 expression in musclesand fatty tissues [102].

4.2.3. Nutrients

Postnatal development of GLUT4 wasdetermined in the pig fed different energyintake levels [58]. RNase protection assayshave revealed selective upregulation ofporcine GLUT1 and GLUT4 by mild under-nutrition: mRNA levels are elevated inlongissimus thoracisand rhomboideus, butnot in diaphragmaor cardiac muscles in thegrowing pig. This demonstrates that GLUTexpression is, at least in part, dependent onenergy status.

Calves for veal production intensivelyfed with milk replacers develop insulin resis-tance, hyperglycemia and glycosuria [54].These metabolic abnormalities are associ-ated with inefficient glucose use as energysource, and low feed conversion and growthparameters (for review, see [14]). Theinsulin resistance of calves is exaggeratedafter milk consumption providing evidencefor the involvement of nutritional factors[54]. Recent data suggest that lactose contentin milk might be responsible for the devel-opment of the low insulin responsiveness[56]. The regulation of GLUT4 activity andexpression by lactose are still unknown.However, other mechanistic studies in lab-oratory rodents indicate that a high glucose

transport activity through an increase ofGLUT1 expression. This observation maybe important because retinal hypoxia oftenprecedes proliferative diabetic retinopathy[90].

4.2. In vivo hormonaland nutritional regulationof GLUT activity and expression

4.2.1. Insulin

Studies in laboratory rodents have shownthat hyperinsulinemia due to insulin infu-sion results in elevated GLUT4 protein lev-els in adipocytes, but the data in musclesare less clear (for review, see [68]). How-ever, a 24-h euglycemic hyperinsulinemicclamp was found to be necessary in orderto observe a significant increase in GLUT4protein level in rat adipose tissue [77]. Thus,in both rats [77] and goats [12], a 6-h eug-lycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp did notchange the level of GLUT4 protein in mus-cles and adipose tissues. Similarly, a 2-hclamp did not change GLUT4 expressionin sheep muscles [38].

4.2.2. Growth hormone

Daily administration of growth hormone(GH) to growing animals can reduce adi-pose tissue growth by as much as 80% (forreview, see [34]). The major underlying bio-logical mechanism is a marked decrease inglucose transport and lipogenesis in adiposetissue with relatively no change in lipoly-sis. However, the reduction in fatty acid syn-thetase (FAS) gene expression (FAS beinga key lipogenic enzyme) was of muchgreater magnitude than that of GLUT4 geneexpression in pig adipose tissue followinggrowth hormone treatment [30], although a40% decrease in the GLUT4 protein wasobserved in some experiments [34]. It hasthus been suggested that growth hormoneaffects the distribution of GLUT4 proteinbetween plasma and intracellular membranes


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entry rate induces an increase in the hex-osamine pathway, thereby increasing intra-cellular glucosamine content which inhibitsGLUT4 translocation following insulin stim-ulation [67].

Dietary γ-linolenic acid (GLA, 18:3(n-6))is known to reduce body fat content and toincrease fatty acid β-oxidation enzyme activ-ities in the liver [89]. Dietary GLA tends todecrease GLUT4 expression in skeletal mus-cles and adipose tissues compared to controlanimals [59]. The mechanisms might bethrough PPARγ expression by GLA butthese remain unknown.


5.1. Development

5.1.1. Gestation and foetal development

Before birth, glucose is the major fuelfor both foetal energy metabolism and accre-tion, yet the foetus lacks the capacity forgluconeogenesis until late gestation andmust thus rely on maternal glucose supplyfor growth and development. Glucose istransferred through the placenta by facili-tated diffusion, but 30–50% of the glucosetaken up by the placenta may be convertedinto lactate before being transferred to foetalcirculation (for review, see [35]). Total glu-cose transporter concentrations in the sheepplacenta increases 3.4-fold from mid- to lategestation [32]. Northern blot analysis in theplacentas of pregnant ewes have demon-strated that GLUT1 and GLUT3 genes arecharacterized by distinct patterns of tempo-ral expression during development: GLUT1gene expression increases especially duringthe third quarter of gestation and tends eitherto decrease [25] or remains stable [32]towards term, whereas GLUT3 gene expres-sion continues to increase throughout ges-tation [25, 32]. Consequently, in the sheep

placenta, GLUT1 accounts for 86% of thetotal glucose transporter level at day 75 ofgestation and 56% at day 140 [32]. Fur-thermore, placental GLUT1 concentrationsare regulated by glycemia in the same man-ner in both rats and sheep. These changesmay contribute to the regulation of mater-noplacentofetal transport of glucose, therebyregulating placental and foetal growth [26].

In all foetal tissues examined so far,GLUT1 is expressed in relatively high con-centrations compared with the adult in bothrats [80], bovines [5, 19, 53] and ovines[27]. However, immunolocalisation exper-iments have indicated that bovine sperma-tozoa express GLUT1, GLUT2, GLUT3,GLUT5 and also low levels of GLUT4 [6].GLUT1 expression was detected by RT-PCRin bovine oocytes and young embryos [63].During gestation, GLUT1 expression tendsto decline in the bovine heart [5] whereasit is the highest between 6 and 8 months offoetal development in bovine perirenal adi-pose tissue [53]. GLUT4 expression in thecalf increases in both tissues during the lastthird of gestation [5], but it declines nearterm in the adipose tissue [53]. In late-ges-tation of the ovine fetus, foetal hyper-glycemia or hypoglycemia causes time-dependent and tissue- and isoform-specificchanges in foetal glucose transporter lev-els. For instance, in a case of excessive glu-cose, a downregulation of glucose trans-porter proteins protects the cell from glucosetoxicity and prevents relative overgrowth.In contrast, limited glucose availabilitycauses no major changes in GLUT proteinlevels [27]. Whether these foetal changespersist postnatally and alter the adultresponses to changes in glycemia remainsto be investigated.

5.1.2. Postnatal developmentand weaning

Glucose tolerance was shown to decreasewith increasing age in calves (for review,see [14]) and lambs. This is not associatedwith any change in GLUT4 expression in


Glucose transporters in livestock species

measured in incubated rectus abdominismuscle fibre strips from normal calves anddouble-muscled calves, the latter being char-acterised by a muscle hypertrophy of geneticorigin. Basal and maximally insulin-stimu-lated glucose transport rates per g tissue wetweight are positively correlated with theweight of rectus abdominismuscle andgrowth parameters [76]. These results arein agreement with those in humans demon-strating that weight gain is positively cor-related with glucose disposal at submaxi-mally and maximally-stimulating insulinconcentrations [88].

5.2.2. Meat quality

A fall in intramuscular pH due toglycogenolysis occurs after slaughter dur-ing conversion of muscles into meat. Ulti-mate pH is an important criterion of meatquality since it reflects the extent of post-mortem biological changes. In addition, itdetermines to some extent several meat qual-ity traits such as colour, water-holdingcapacity, juiciness, and tenderness (forreview, see [52]). In mammals, ultimate pHdepends chiefly on muscle glycogen con-tent at slaughter, until a threshold fromwhich further increase in glycogen leveldoes not affect meat pH [79]. Therefore, theregulation of muscle glucose metabolism(and thus, of glucose transporters) in meat-producing animals before slaughter mightpotentially affect meat quality (for review,see [52]).

In cattle, glycogen deficiency at slaugh-ter results in dark-cutting because of a toohigh meat ultimate pH, thereby affectingmeat quality. This problem is of commer-cial importance in major beef-producingcountries [84]. Dark-cutting is consideredto result primarily from glycogen mobi-lization in muscles by exposure of the ani-mals to various forms of stress (mixed pen-ning, transport, waiting before slaughter).Therefore, there is no relationship betweenGLUT4 content and glycogen levels in mus-cles due [36] to the major effects of stressed

ovine muscles [38]. However, increasedGLUT2 expression in the liver with age, aswell as decreased GLUT2 expression withhyperinsulinemia in older lambs, is consis-tent with the development of insulin-resis-tance with age [38].

Extensive metabolic adaptations inducedby profound changes in nutrition occur atweaning. In rats and pigs, weaning inducesa shift from a fat-rich diet (milk) to a car-bohydrate-rich diet leading to higher insulinblood levels in the postprandial state. Bycontrast, as calves develop from the non-ruminating to the ruminating state, carbo-hydrate (present in milk replacers and wholemilk) provide 20–45% of the metabolizableenergy intake for the preruminant calf orthe veal calf and less than 5% for the weanedcalf. In rats (for review, see [39]) and pigs[48], the nutritional changes which occur atweaning induce an increase in GLUT4 con-tent in both skeletal muscles of the oxidativetype and adipose tissues. By contrast, in thecalf, GLUT4 content in the heart and skele-tal muscles of the carcass does not change atweaning [50] and GLUT4 content in bovineadipose tissues decreases slightly (–39%)when the results are expressed on a per cellbasis (i.e. per mg protein or per mg DNA)[50]. This difference in GLUT4 regulationbetween monogastric species and cattle maybe associated with the large difference inthe process of digestion and metabolism ofnutrients.

5.2. Meat production

5.2.1. Growth rate

The efficiency with which ingested pro-tein is used for growth in ruminants is lowerwith forage diets (high-fibre diets leadingto a high proportion of acetate) than withconcentrate diets (high-starch diets leadingto a high production of propionate which isa glucose precursor). Recent data confirmthe idea that glucose is efficient for musclegrowth. Indeed, glucose transport rate was


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factors. However, resynthesis of glycogen inthe muscle of ruminants after chronic stress[69, 98] was shown to be lower than afterpost endurance exercise [42]. Glycogenrepletion is linked, at least in part, to theactivity of the glucose transport system, therate-limiting step of glucose metabolism.From the available data in the literature, it isknown that GLUT4 activity is enhancedafter endurance exercise. In addition, glyco-gen repletion in monogastrics such as thepig is presumed to be much faster than inruminants, which are less sensitive to theaction of insulin through GLUT4 thanmonogastrics. The relationships betweenglycogen recovery and GLUT4 activityremain to be studied in farm animals.

5.3. Cold exposure and physical activity

Adaptative thermogenesis defined as amajor component of energy expenditure, isregulated by environmental stimuli such ascold exposure. This process has been impli-cated in the regulation of body temperature,body weight, and metabolism. Thus, formeat-producing animals, it may have con-sequences on growth performances andmuscle metabolic characteristics implicatedin meat quality (for review, see [52]). Infive-day-old piglets exposed to cold condi-tions, glucose uptake by skeletal muscles isincreased immediately, whereas musclemitochondria exhibit increased respiratory,oxidative and phosphorylative capacitiesafter 48 h in the cold (for review, see [52]).These observations are consistent with thosein rat skeletal muscle which demonstrated a2–3 fold increase in GLUT4 mRNA levelsbetween 6–24 h of cold exposure and then adecrease to 50% of the control value after6 days in the cold [64].

Training alters the balance of fuel useduring exercise: indeed, athletic or trainedanimals rely more on fat during exercise(for review, see [52]). Furthermore, in sheep,exercise training induces an increase inglycogen level in skeletal muscle, especially

in muscles already containing a high amountof glycogen [74]. A similar response wasfound in the pig [33] and in other species(for review, see [43]). This may be due to anincreased sensitivity of the muscle tissue toinsulin by physical training as demonstratedin rodents and humans (for review, see [43]).In cattle, insulin level is lower with graz-ing, which also suggests an increase ininsulin sensitivity with increased physicalactivity in the fields [7]. Furthermore, thedevelopment of solid food chewing inweaned calves concomitantly induces (i) avery high and almost constant contractileactivity level of the masseter muscle in thecheek, and (ii) an increase in oxidativeenzymes (e.g. ICDH) and in GLUT4 contentonly in this muscle [50]. All these observa-tions are consistent with the fact that chroniccontractile activity or exercise training likelyincreases GLUT4 protein content in themuscles, as it does in laboratory rodents (forreview, see [68]).

Conversely, overexpression of GLUT4in the muscle and fat of transgenic miceinduced a 1.5-fold higher muscle glycogenlevel at rest, and a greater consumption ofcarbohydrate (up to 64% more) and lessconsumption of lipid (up to 40% less) dur-ing 30 min acute treadmill exercise [13].All these observations underline the key roleof GLUT4 expression in muscle energymetabolism during physical activity. Glu-cose is taken up by muscles passing, at leastin part, through the glycogen pool beforebeing oxidised.

5.4. Lactation

In vivo studies have shown that lactationin goats is associated with an impairmentin the ability of insulin to maximally stim-ulate glucose utilisation [28]. This insulinresistance in goats originates from a post-receptor defect [10]. Indeed, lactation resultsin a 20 to 60% decrease in GLUT4 proteincontent in both crude membranes andhomogenates from goat muscles, which isconsistent with the 50% decrease in the


Glucose transporters in livestock species

Glucose transporters remain to be studiedin the ruminant liver which produces ratherthan uses glucose. Unlike other species, thebovine liver seems to express not onlyGLUT2 but also GLUT5. The physiologicalrole of these transporters in the ruminantliver is still unknown.

Some research is also needed to bettercharacterize some GLUT proteins in farmanimals and their respective roles in someimportant physiological functions (glyco-gen level in muscles with regards to meatquality, physical activity, cold exposure).

For obvious reasons (facilities, size ofsamples...), primary cultures of bovine andavian cells (endothelial, vascular, retinalcells, transformed cells) have been shownto be interesting models for the study of theregulation of facilitative glucose transportersin relation to human diseases (cancer, dia-betes-induced retinopathy and vascular com-plications). However, conclusions shouldbe generalized with caution since some dif-ferences in the regulation of glucose trans-porters have been demonstrated amongspecies. Farm animals are also good in vivomodels to describe, for instance, the onto-genesis of GLUT expression during thefoetal life.


[1] Abe H., Moritmatsu M., Aso M., Shimizu H.,Nikami Y., Kosaka H., Syuto K., Saito M.,Tissue distribution of major insulin-responsiveglucose transporter (GLUT4) protein in cattle,Proc. Soc. Nutr. Physiol. 3 (1994) 214.

[2] Abe H., Morimatsu M., Saito M., Glucosemetabolism and glucose transporter in cattle,Anim. Biochem. (Jpn.) 33 (1996) 1–10.

[3] Abe H., Morimatsu M., Nikami H., MiyashigeT., Saito M., Molecular cloning and mRNAexpression of the bovine insulin-responsive glu-cose transporter (GLUT4), J. Anim. Sci. 75(1997) 182–188.

[4] Abe H., Kawakita Y., Miyashige T., MorimatsuM., Saito M., Comparison of amino acidsequence of the C-terminal domain of insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT4) in live-stock mammals, J. Vet. Med. Sci. 60 (1998)769–771.

maximally stimulated-insulin response ofwhole body glucose utilisation [11]. Thisimpairment in glucose disposal in skeletalmuscles may spare glucose for the benefit ofthe mammary gland, a high-glucose con-suming organ in lactating animals. The ori-gin of the decrease in GLUT4 protein con-tent in skeletal muscles from lactating goatsis still unknown but could be related to adown-regulation of GLUT4 synthesis bygrowth hormone, the blood level of whichincreases in early-lactating animals.


Despite some technical difficulties inWestern blot and Northern blot approaches,the GLUT family has been studied in farmanimals as done some years before in labo-ratory rodents and humans. The general fea-tures of the GLUT protein are roughly thesame in farm animals as in humans and lab-oratory rodents. However, some species-specific differences have been identified,such as, for instance, the low insulinresponse of glucose metabolism in rumi-nants, the low expression of GLUT1 in ery-throcytes, the mechanisms of the regulationof GLUT expression (transcription, mRNAturnover or translation efficiency) and therespective roles of GLUT1 and GLUT3 inavian species.

The insulin-sensitive glucose transporter(GLUT4) appears to be a key-protein in thecontrol of glucose uptake and metabolismin ruminants as in monogastric mammals.In all species, this transporter is involved inthe control of glucose partitioning betweentissues (muscles, adipose tissues, and indi-rectly, the mammary gland in lactating ani-mals). Thus, it is thought to play an impor-tant role in the determination of bodycomposition, which is a key parameter forproducing animals. Indeed, meat producersare looking for an increased growth of mus-cles at the expense of adipose tissue,whereas, fat stores are of prime importancefor the production of milk by lactating cows.


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