fact book 2001

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 The University of Wisconsin System

University Relations

1700 Van Hise Hall

1220 Linden Drive

Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Telephone: (608) 263-3961

November 2001

General Information Telephone Numbers, E-mail, Web Page Addresses


University Relations: (608) 263-3961; Fax: (608) 265-3260Board of Regents E-mail: board@uwsa.edu

UW System on the World Wide Web: http://www.wisconsin.edu




Call toll free 1-800-442-6461 or call (608) 263-3961.Fax: (608) 265-3260


Call toll-free from anywhere in the United States and ask for HELP,

the UW System Higher Education Location Program. Counselors will

provide up-to-date information on all UW System institutions, including

admission requirements, enrollment, degree programs, continuing

education opportunities, correspondence courses, fees and tuition,

student financial aid, etc. HELP counselors are available from 8 a.m. to6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday.

Call 1-800-442-6459. Nationwide toll-free TTY accessibility for the hearing

impaired is available by calling 1-800-442-4621. HELP Online, the

UW System’s electronic source for campus information, advising and

the undergraduate application can be found at: uwhelp.wisconsin.edu.

Design by Flying Pig Productions. Cover design by Distillery Design.

Cover photography provided by UW System campuses.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 1

 Table of Contents

General Information

History and Organization of the University of Wisconsin System ......................................................................5Presidents of the Board of Regents ..................................................................................................................7Presidents of the University of Wisconsin System .............................................................................................7Board of Regents.............................................................................................................................................8Regents’ Meeting Schedule (through December 2002) ...................................................................................9UW System Administration Officers ...............................................................................................................11Chancellors ...................................................................................................................................................12Colleges Deans .............................................................................................................................................13Campus Capsules: Brief Facts on Each UW System Institution ........................................................................142001-2002 Academic Year Calendar..............................................................................................................162002-2003 Academic Year Calendar..............................................................................................................18Physical Plant Statistics by Institution 2000-2001...........................................................................................20 All Owned Facilities by Year of Construction (chart).......................................................................................21

Academic Information

UW System Total Headcount Enrollments (graph) .........................................................................................25UW System Total FTE Enrollments (graph).....................................................................................................25Report of Headcount Enrollments, Fall Term 2000 .........................................................................................26UW System Student Headcount Enrollment, Fall 2000, By State of Origin......................................................28Undergraduate Enrollments, M/F and Full-Time/Part-Time Status, Fall 2000 ................................................29Fall FTE Enrollments Historical Table, 1972-2000 ...........................................................................................30Fall Headcount Enrollments Historical Table, 1862-2000................................................................................31Summer Session Headcount Enrollments, 2000 ............................................................................................34UW-Extension 1999-2000 Teaching Contacts, Enrollments and Audience Counts..........................................36Bachelor’s Degrees Conferred July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 ...............................................................37Graduate and Advanced Professional Degrees Conferred July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 .......................38Multicultural Student Headcount Enrollments, 10-Year History ......................................................................39Multicultural Undergraduate Student Enrollment, According to Sex, Fall 2000 .............................................39Total Headcount Enrollment Detail By Race ...................................................................................................40Degrees Conferred, 10-Year History of All Multicultural Groups, All Levels, By Year ........................................40

Financial Information

Undergraduate Student Costs for Academic Years 1996-97 to 2000-2001.....................................................42Overview of Financial Aid ..............................................................................................................................44Summary of Financial Aid Provided in 1999-00 to UW System Students ........................................................44 Average Student Costs, 2000-2001 (chart)....................................................................................................44Financial Aid Provided to UW System Students, 1990-91 to 1999-2000, by Type of Aid.................................45UW System Financial Aid Federal, State and Institutional Funding For Academic Year 1999-2000 ..................45Budget Allocations by Institution and Source of Funds, 2000-2001 ...............................................................46

Source of Funds Spent, 1999-2000 (chart) ....................................................................................................48State, Federal, Private and Other Funding for Instruction, Research and Public Service Functions, 1999-00 ...48How Funds Were Spent: A Functional Breakdown of 1999-00 Expenditures (chart)........................................49Total Educational Cost 2000-01 (chart) .........................................................................................................50Percentage of Total Cost of Instruction Paid by Resident Undergraduate Students .........................................50State Appropriations (GPR) as Percentage of Total UW System Annual Budgets, 10-Year History ....................51Board of Regents Policy on Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests............................................................52UW System Gifts, Grants and Contracts, 10-Year Summary............................................................................52

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2001 UW System Fact Book 2

Faculty and Staff 

Budgeted Faculty and Staff Positions, FTE, 2000-2001 ..................................................................................54Budgeted Faculty (Headcount) by Institution and Rank, 2000-2001 .............................................................55 Average Academic Year Salaries of Full-Time Faculty as of 2000-2001 ............................................................56 Women Faculty by Rank, 5-Year History.........................................................................................................57Multicultural Faculty by Gender as of October 2000......................................................................................58Multicultural Faculty by Ethnic Group, October 2000 (graph) .......................................................................58

Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 36

 Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 36 can be found on the Internetthrough the Board of Regents web link at www.wisconsin.edu

For Easy Reference

General Information Telephone Numbers/Regents e-mail, UW System Web Page Addresses....inside front cover Map of Campus Locations ......................................................................................................inside back cover 

UW System Administrators................................................................................................................back cover Index ............................................................................................................................................................59

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2001 UW System Fact Book 5

History and Organization of the University of Wisconsin System

Merger of Two Systems of Higher EducationThe University of Wisconsin System was created on October 11, 1971, by Chapter 100, Laws of 1971, which combined

the two public university systems of the state under a single board of regents. The 1971 legislature set July 1, 1973, as

the final date for completion of the merger, but the 1973 Assembly Bill 930, drafted with the help of a Merger Imple

mentation Study Committee to achieve that objective, did not pass in the assembly until the spring session of 1974 and

died for lack of senate action when the regular session ended. The bill passed both houses, as Senate Bill 2, in the specia

session in May 1974 and became law on July 9, 1974. The bill combined the former Chapter 36 (former University of

Wisconsin) and Chapter 37 (former Wisconsin State Universities) to create a new Chapter 36 (University of Wisconsin

System) of the Wisconsin Statutes.

Former University of WisconsinThe pre-merger University of Wisconsin was created by the state constitution and state law in 1848. At the time of merge

in 1971, it consisted of the original land-grant university at Madison (1849); the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

(merged in 1956); UW-Green Bay (1968) and UW-Parkside (1968)1 plus 10 freshman-sophomore centers (now colleges) and

statewide Extension. Total 1971 enrollment was 69,554. Governance was by The Regents of the University of Wisconsin

a board of 10 members, nine appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate for nine-year terms, the tenth being

the state superintendent of public instruction who served ex-officio on both the UW and WSU boards.

Former Wisconsin State UniversitiesThe Wisconsin State Universities system had its origins in an 1857 state law creating the Board of Regents o

Normal Schools. The first of nine such institutions was opened at Platteville in 1866 and the last at Eau Claire in 1916

In 1927, the normal schools received authority to grant baccalaureate degrees in education and were renamed State

Teachers Colleges. With the addition of liberal arts programs in 1951, they became Wisconsin State Colleges2 and in 1964

were designated Wisconsin State Universities. At the time of merger in 1971, the board had 14 members, including the

state superintendent of public instruction and 13 citizens appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate

for five-year terms. The WSU system, then governed by the board, consisted of the nine universities and four freshman

sophomore branch campuses (now colleges) and had a total enrollment of 64,148.

The University of Wisconsin SystemThe 1971 merger law was approved after long debate by a margin of one vote in the senate. It combined the two systems

under a single Board of Regents, creating a system with 13 universities, 14 (now 133) freshman-sophomore centers (now

colleges), and statewide extension with offices in all 72 counties. Each university is named “University of Wisconsin-”

followed by the location or name. Each two-year college is named “University of Wisconsin-” followed by the city and/o

county in which it is located.

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin SystemThe Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System consists of 17 members, 15 of whom are appointed by the

Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate. Of these 15 members, 14 serve staggered, seven-year terms. A curren

UW System student is appointed to the board for a two-year term. The two ex officio members are the state superintend

ent of public instruction and the president or a designee of the Wisconsin Technical College System Board.

1 Located between Racine and Kenosha.2 UW-Stout was founded as a private institution in 1893. It was governed by a separate Board of Trustees from 1911

(when it became a state institution) until 1955 when it was designated part of the Wisconsin State Colleges system.3 The center at Medford was closed in 1981 by state law.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 6

The board is responsible for establishing policies and rules for governing the system, planning to meet future state

needs for collegiate education, setting admission standards and policies, reviewing and approving university budgets and

establishing the regulatory framework within which the individual units are allowed to operate with as great a degree of 

autonomy as possible. The board is empowered to appoint the president of the university system; the chancellors of the

13 universities, UW-Extension and the UW Colleges; and the deans who head each of the 13 colleges. All serve at the

pleasure of the board. The board grants tenure appointments to faculty members.

The regents meet monthly and serve without pay. The board president, vice president and a full-time secretary are

elected in June for one-year terms. The president of the board appoints members of the regents’ education, business and

finance, physical planning and funding, and personnel matters review committees; student discipline and student gov-ernance appeals committees; special committees and external bodies. The regent executive committee consists of the pres-

ident, vice president, chairs of three standing committees, immediate past president and one other member appointed by

the president.

AdministrationThe president and chancellors of the University of Wisconsin System are charged with implementing regent policies and

with administration of the institutions. The system administration, located in Madison, is responsible to the president of 

the system and assists the Board of Regents in establishing policies, reviewing the administration of such policies and

planning the programmatic, financial and physical development of the system.

As executive heads of their respective faculties and institutions, the chancellors are responsible for the administration

of their units, including curriculum design; degree requirements; academic standards; grading systems; faculty appoint-ments, evaluation, promotion and recommendations for tenure; and auxiliary services and budget management.

Degree ProgramsAll 13 universities award bachelor’s and master’s degrees. UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee also confer doctoral degrees.

For adults unable to attend classes at a campus, extended degree programs are offered through UW-Green Bay,

UW-Platteville, UW-River Falls, UW-Stevens Point and UW-Superior.

Role of the Faculty in the UW SystemThe merger law specifically provides that the faculty of each institution, “subject to the responsibilities and powers of 

the board, the president and the chancellor of such institution, shall be vested with responsibility for the immediate gov-

ernance of such institution and shall actively participate in institutional policy development. As such, the faculty shallhave the primary responsibility for academic and educational activities and faculty personnel matters. The faculty of each

institution shall have the right to determine their own faculty organizational structure and to select representatives to

participate in institutional governance.”

Role of Academic Staff in the UW SystemStatutory provision for academic staff participation in governance was added in Act 29 of the Laws of 1985: “The academic

staff members of each institution, subject to the responsibilities and powers of the board, the president and the chancellor

and faculty of the institution, shall be active participants in the immediate governance of and policy development for the

institution. . . . [They] have primary responsibility for the formulation and review, and shall be represented in the devel-

opment, of all policies and procedures concerning academic staff members, including academic staff personnel matters.

The academic staff members of each institution shall have the right to organize themselves in a manner they determine

and to select their representatives to participate in institutional governance.”

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2001 UW System Fact Book 7

Role of Students in the UW SystemThe merger law provides that the students of each institution or campus “subject to the responsibilities and powers of the

board, the president, the chancellor and the faculty shall be active participants in the immediate governance of the pol

icy development for such institutions. As such, students shall have primary responsibility for the formulation and review

of policies concerning student life, services and interest. Students in consultation with the chancellor and subject to the

final confirmation of the board shall have the responsibility for the disposition of those student fees which constitute

substantial support for campus student activities. The students of each institution or campus shall have the right to organ

ize themselves in a manner they determine and to select their representatives to participate in institutional governance.”

Coordination with the Wisconsin Technical College System BoardCoordination of university and vocational-technical education programs is provided for by statute, making the presiden

or his/her designee of each governing board an ex-officio member of the other board. In addition, the two boards have

established three joint administrative committees on continuing education, academic programs and physical facilities

One of these committees, the Joint Administrative Committee on Academic Programs (JACAP), is charged with clari

fying and communicating transfer policies and options between the two systems. One major effort under developmen

is the Transfer Information System (TIS). TIS is a computerized course equivalency and degree requirement matrix designed

to provide students and staff with accurate, current and accessible information to assist students with decisions that

will enable them to transfer into and between the UW System institutions and complete their degree programs withou

unnecessary delay.

A second committee, the Joint Administrative Committee on Continuing Education (JACCE), focuses the responsibility of coordinating extension and continuing education programs at the local level.

City and County Relationships with the UW CollegesThe counties and/or cities in which the UW Colleges are situated own and maintain the campuses, buildings and facil

ities. Educational programs, equipment and services are provided by the UW System. The colleges are important not only

to the educational life of the communities they serve, but to their recreational and cultural life, as well.

Presidents of the Board of Regents

Presidents of the University of Wisconsin System John C. Weaver - 1971-77

H. Edwin Young - 1977-80

Robert M. O’Neil - 1980-85

Katharine C. Lyall (acting) - 1985-86Kenneth A. Shaw - 1986-1991

Katharine C. Lyall (acting) - 1991-92

Katharine C. Lyall - 1992-Present

W. Roy Kopp - 1971-73

Frank J. Pelisek - 1973-75

Bertram N. McNamara - 1975-77Edward E. Hales - 1977-79

Herbert J. Grover - 1979-80

 Joyce M. Erdman -1980-82

David E. Beckwith - 1982-84

Ben R. Lawton - 1984-86

Laurence A. Weinstein - 1986-88

Paul R. Schilling - 1988-90

Thomas L. Lyon - 1990-1992George K. Steil, Sr. - 1992-1994

Michael W. Grebe - 1994-1996

Sheldon B. Lubar - 1996-1998

San W. Orr, Jr. - 1998-2000

 Jay L. Smith - 2000-Present

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2001 UW System Fact Book 8

Board of Regents

Regent Phone Term Ends

Roger E. AxtellOne Parker Place, Suite 360, Janesville 53545 608-757-2666 5-1-2006

Jonathan B. Barry9286 Ness Road, Route 1, Mt. Horeb 53572 608-527-2026 President, WisconsinTechnical College

System Board

Patrick G. Boyle5021 Bayfield Terrace, Madison 53705 608-238-8876 5-1-2003

JoAnne BrandesP.O. Box 902, 8310 16th St., Sturtevant 53177-0902 262-631-4676 5-1-2003

Elizabeth Burmaster P.O. Box 7841, Madison 53707-7841 608-266-1771 State Superintendent

of Public Instruction

 Alfred S. De Simone7514 30th Ave., Kenosha 53142 262-694-7899 5-1-2002

Guy A. Gottschalk412 Daly Ave., Wisconsin Rapids 54494 715-422-1200 5-1-2005

Gregory L. Gracz5625 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee 53213 414-259-8000 5-1-2006

Tommie L. Jones, Jr.213 N. Fraternity, #205 Whitewater 53190 262-473-7619 5-1-2003

James R. Klauser 22 E. Mifflin St., Suite 850, Madison 53703 608-283-3002 5-1-2008

Phyllis M. KrutschRoute 3, Box 3100, Washburn 54891 715-373-2968 5-1-2007

Toby E. Marcovich1214 Belknap St., Superior 54880 715-394-6624 5-1-2004

Frederic E. Mohs

20 North Carroll St., Madison 53703 608-256-1978 5-1-2004

Jose A. Olivieri100 E. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 3300,Milwaukee 53202-4108 414-271-6560 5-1-2005

Gerard A. Randall, Jr.

101 W. Pleasant St., Suite 201, Milwaukee 53212 414-225-2360 5-1-2008

Lolita Schneiders W136 N8019 Eagle CourtMenomonee Falls 53051 262-251-3789 5-1-2007

Jay L. Smith

4101 County M, Middleton 53562 608-238-2855 5-1-2002

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2001 UW System Fact Book 9

Office of the Board of Regents

Judith A. Temby, Secretary1860 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr., Madison 53706 608-262-2324

Fax: (608) 262-5739e-mail: board@uwsa.edu


President Jay L. Smith Vice President Gerard Randall, Jr.Secretary Judith A. TembyTrust Officer Deborah Durcan Assistant Trust Officers Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker  

Douglas Hoerr 

Meeting Schedule

2001January 4 & 5 (cancelled, circumstances permitting)February 8 & 9March 8 & 9 April 5 & 6May 10 & 11 (UW-River Falls)

June 7 & 8 Annual Meeting (UW-Milwaukee)July 12 & 13 August 23 & 24 (cancelled, circumstances permitting)September 6 & 7October 4 & 5 (UW-Eau Claire)November 8 & 9December 6 & 7

2002January 10 & 11 (cancelled, circumstances permitting)February 7 & 8March 7 & 8 April 4 & 5May 9 & 10 (UW-Fox Valley and UW-Fond du Lac)

June 6 & 7 Annual Meeting (UW-Milwaukee)July 11 & 12 (cancelled, circumstances permitting) August 22 & 23September 12 & 13October 10 & 11 (UW-Whitewater)November 7 & 8December 5 & 6

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2001 UW System Fact Book 10

University of Wisconsin System

Mission Statement

The mission of the system is to develop human resources, to discover and

disseminate knowledge, to extend knowledge and its application beyond

the boundaries of its campuses and to serve and stimulate society

by developing in students heightened intellectual, cultural and humane

sensitivities, scientific, professional and technological expertise and a

sense of purpose. Inherent in this broad mission are methods of instruc-

tion, research, extended training and public service designed to educate

people and improve the human condition. Basic to every purpose of the

system is the search for truth.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 11

UW System Administration Officers

Office Phone Home PhoneName, Title Location* (Area 608) (Area 608) Secretary/Asst

Lyall, Katharine C. 1720 VH 262-2321 262-0690 Nancy WestrumPresident

Olien, David W. 1730 VH 262-4048 273-0161 Deborah KailSenior Vice President for Administration

Marrett, Cora B. 1624 VH 262-3826 827-5388 Zayda BackSenior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Durcan, Deborah A. 1752 VH 262-1311 833-0435 Jan Montgomery Vice President for Finance

Weimer, Linda L. 1708 VH 262-0766 824-9655 Kathy Dickerson Vice President for University Relations

Rindskopf Parker, Elizabeth 1856 VH 262-6166 232-1682 Jennifer Gray TayloGeneral Counsel

Sell, Kathleen 1520 VH 262-6423 (unlisted) Carey Chiesa Assoc. Vice President, Budget and Planning

Arenas, Andrea Teresa 780 RT 262-8636 (unlisted) Betty U’ren Asst. Vice President for Academic Affairs andSenior Advisor to the Presidentfor Multicultural Affairs

Boatright, Kevin 1746 VH 263-2227 274-1840 Vacant Asst. Vice President, University Relations

Brooks, George 1560 VH 263-4385 273-0385 Sandy Erdmann Assoc. Vice President for Human Resources

Goldberg, Frank  1532 VH 262-2022 833-1533 Kelly L. Campbell Assoc. Vice President, Policy Analysis & Research

Harris, Freda J. 1524 VH 263-5679 241-0031 Carey Chiesa Asst. Vice President, Budget and Planning

Hendrix, Doug 780 RT 262-1803 238-2958 Carla Olson Assoc. Vice President, Financial Administration

Ives, Nancy 780 RT 263-4404 241-6694 Nancy Spain Asst. Vice President,Division of Capital Planning & Budget

James, Ellen 780 RT 263-4379 655-3721 Susan Fenton Asst. Vice President, Division of Administrative Services

Lewis, Margaret 1760 VH 262-4464 831-3736 Vacant Assoc. Vice President, University Relations

McConnell, Charles 1564 VH 263-4384 249-1972 Sandy Erdmann Asst. Vice President for Human Resources

Meachen, Ed 1552 VH 263-2571 835-2880 Ginni Zuege Assoc.Vice President,Learning & Information Technology

Miller, David 1764 VH 262-4463 825-6188 Vacant Asst. Vice President, University Relations

Rubin, Larry J. 1604 VH 262-6717 221-1495 Sandra Jaeger   Asst. Vice President, Academic Affairs

Temby, Judith 1860 VH 262-2324 (unlisted) Cheryle GoplinSecretary of the Board of Regents Karen Ryan

Diane Blumer 

*RT = 780 Regent Street, 53715, or P.O. Box 8010, Madison 53708-8010 *VH = Van Hise Hall, 53706, or 1220 Linden Drive, Madison 53706-1559

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2001 UW System Fact Book 12


Institution Name Office Phone Home PhoneAddress Residence Address Fax Secretary/Asst. Year Appointed

UW Colleges William F. Messner (608) 262-7872 (608) 262-1783 (608) 833-2671P.O. Box 8680 4134 Redtail Pass Judy Howard 1997780 Regent St. Middleton 53562

Madison 53708-8680

UW-Eau Claire Donald J. Mash (715) 836-2902 (715) 836-2327 (715) 855-8285105 Garfield Ave. 223 Roosevelt Ave. Susie Johnson 1998P.O. Box 4004 Eau Claire 5470154702-4004

UW-Extension Kevin P. Reilly (608) 262-6572 (608) 262-3786 (608) 245-9941432 North Lake St. 5325 Comanche Way Rita Sears 2000Madison 53706 Madison 53704

UW-Green Bay Bruce Shepard (920) 465-2192 (920) 465-2207 (920) 469-110954311-7001 3015 Bay View Dr. Sharon Gutowski 2001

Green Bay 54311

UW-La Crosse Douglas N. Hastad (608) 785-6907 (608) 785-8004 (608) 787-58261725 State St. N2166 Valley Road Patricia Anderson 2001La Crosse 54601 La Crosse 54601

UW-Madison John D. Wiley (608) 262-8333 (608) 262-9947 (608) 263-3288161 Bascom Hall 130 N. Prospect Ave. Maria Justiliano 2001500 Lincoln Dr. Madison 53705-407353706-1380

UW-Milwaukee Nancy L. Zimpher (414) 229-2347 (414) 229-4331 (414) 229-5588P. O. Box 413, 53201 4430 N. Lake Drive Kathryn St. Clair 1998

Milwaukee 53211

UW-Oshkosh Richard H. Wells (920) 424-0010 (920) 424-0200 (920) 232-8413800 Algoma Blvd. 1335 Summit Ave. Mary Olson 2000Oshkosh 54901 Oshkosh 54901

UW-Parkside John P. Keating (262) 595-2630 (262) 595-2211 (262) 552-8512Kenosha 53141-2000 4116 12th St. Diane Donnelly 1998

Kenosha 53144

UW-Platteville David J. Markee (608) 342-1270 (608) 342-1234 (608) 348-71741 University Plaza 895 W. Main St. Joyce Burkholder 199653818-3099 Platteville 53818

UW-River Falls Ann Lydecker (715) 425-3304 (715) 425-3201 (715) 426-7756410 South Third St. 682 Meadowbrook Lane Dianne Monteith 200054022 River Falls 54022

UW-Stevens Point Thomas F. George (715) 346-2561 (715) 346-2123 (715) 343-584154481 440 Maple Bluff Road Maggie Kuhl 1996

Stevens Point 54481

UW-Stout Charles W. Sorensen (715) 232-1416 (715) 232-2441 (715) 235-8367Menomonie N8204 627th Kathy Strand 198854751-0790 Colfax 54730

UW-Superior Julius E. Erlenbach (715) 394-8588 (715) 394-8221 (715) 394-414254880-2898 49 Billings Drive Amy Sharp 1996

Superior 54880

UW-Whitewater John W. Miller (262) 472-1518 (262) 472-1918 (920) 563-924253190-1790 W7619 Koshkonong Lake Rd Debby Runyon 1999

Ft. Atkinson 53538

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2001 UW System Fact Book 13

Colleges Deans

College Name Office Phone Home PhoneAddress Residence Address Fax* Secretary Year Appointed

UW-Baraboo/Sauk Cty. Aural Umhoefer (608) 356-0752 (608) 356-8351 (608) 356-23181006 Connie Road 700 Effinger Rd. Jane Turner 1981Baraboo 53913-1098 Baraboo 53913

UW-Barron Cty. Paul Chase (715) 234-8024 (715) 234-8176 (715) 236-23221800 College Drive 1806 18th Ave. Sandy Uchytil 1997Rice Lake 54868-8176 Rice Lake 54868

UW-Fond du Lac Judy Goldsmith (920) 929-3626 (920) 929-3602 (920) 922-3258400 Campus Drive 173 21st St., #2G Kathie Self 1994Fond du Lac 54935-2998 Fond du Lac 54935

UW-Fox Valley James Perry (920) 832-2850 (920) 832-2610 (920) 836-99591478 Midway Road 5157 North Loop Road Juli McGuire 1993Menasha 54952-1297 Larsen 54947

UW-Manitowoc Roland Baldwin (920) 683-4776 (920) 683-4710 (920) 686-9290

705 Viebahn Street 502 Huron St. Donna Van Straten 1984Manitowoc 54220-6699 Manitowoc 54220

UW-Marathon Cty. James Veninga (715) 261-6331 (715) 261-6221 (715) 675-1144518 South 7th Ave. 1907 Lenard St. Charlene Schmidt 2000 Wausau 54401-5396 Wausau 54401

UW-Marinette Sidney Bremer (715) 735-4304 (715) 735-4339 (920) 465-6629750 W. Bay Shore St. 2023 Lakeside Place Elaine Jorgensen 1995Marinette 54143-4299 Green Bay 54302-1222

UW-Marshfield/Wood Cty. Carol McCart (715) 384-1718 (715) 389-6538 (715) 387-13842000 West Fifth St. 305 S. Lincoln Ave. Marcie Manthe 1991Marshfield 54449-0150 Marshfield 54449

UW-Richland Deborah Cureton (608) 647-2275 (608) 647-6186 (608) 647-33091200 Hwy. 14 West 620 Cedar St. #2 Lori Norman 2001Richland Center 53581-1399 Richland Center 53581

UW-Rock Cty. Janet Philipp (608) 758-6579 (608) 758-6566 (608) 758-05752909 Kellogg Ave. 3802 Brunswick Lane Vicky Brasel 2000Janesville 53546-5699 Janesville 53546

UW-Sheboygan Raymond Hernandez (920) 459-6662 (920) 459-6610 (920) 451-1729One University Drive 2028 Weeden Creek Road Carol Roscoe 2000Sheboygan 53081-4789 Sheboygan 53081

UW-Washington Cty. Joel Rodney (262) 335-5274 (262) 335-5203 (262) 338-8133400 University Dr. 229 Bittersweet Terry Seil 1990 West Bend 53095-3699 West Bend 53095

UW-Waukesha Brad Stewart (262) 521-5530 (262) 521-5435 (262) 513-03391500 N. University Dr. 2409 North University Debbra Boettcher 1981 Waukesha 53188-2799 Waukesha 53188

*The fax machines listed are in the Student Services Office except at UW-Manitowoc, where it is located in the administration office.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 14

Campus Capsules

UW COLLEGESCentral Office: 780 Regent Street

P.O. Box 8680

Madison, WI 53708-8680Tel.: (608) 262-1783

 Web: www.uwc.edu

Chancellor: William F. Messner Fall 2000 Enrollment: 11,429 at 13 campuses

Academic Programs: Freshman, sophomore, liberal arts and basic prepro-

fessional studies and associate degree programs; also continuing education

and community service programsStudent Newspapers: at 12 campuses

TV: Closed circuit systems at Baraboo, Fond du Lac, Fox Valley and Washing-

ton; cable broadcasting at Fox Valley; TV production studio at Sheboygan.2000-2001 Budget:$63,203,368

(For a listing of all Colleges, locations, telephone numbers and Deans, see page 13.)

UW-EAU CLAIREEau Claire, WI 54702-4004

Tel.: (715) 836-2637

 Web: www.uwec.edu

Founded: 1916Chancellor: Donald J. Mash

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 10,549Academic Programs: 48 undergraduate majors; 8 master’s degrees in

14 disciplines

Student Newspaper: The Spectator, twice weeklyRadio Station: WUEC-FM, 89.7 MHz., 5,000 watts

2000–2001 Budget: $129,485,081

UW-GREEN BAYGreen Bay, WI 54311-7001

Tel.: (920) 465-2000

 Web: www.uwgb.eduFounded: 1968

Chancellor: Bruce Shepard

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 5,505Academic Programs: 35 undergraduate majors,

3 master’s degrees and 4 cooperative master’s degrees

Student Newspaper: The Fourth Estate, weekly

TV: 3 Ch closed circuit system on campus2000-2001 Budget:$67,851,985

UW-LA CROSSELa Crosse, WI 54601

Tel.: (608) 785-8000

 Web: www.uwlax.edu

Founded: 1909

Chancellor: Douglas N. Hastad

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 9,133

Academic Programs: 44 undergraduate majors; 19 master’s degrees in

14 disciplinesStudent Newspaper: The Racquet, weekly

Radio Station: WLSU-FM, 88.9 Mhz, 8,300 watts, and WHLA-FM, 90.3 Mhz,1,000 watts, affiliated with Wisconsin Public Radio.

TV: Closed circuit system on campus – 5-channel CCTV system, cablecasting

to La Crosse community.2000-2001 Budget:$102,760,925

UW-MADISONMadison, WI 53706

Tel.: (608) 262-1234

 Web: www.wisc.eduFounded: 1848

Chancellor: John D. Wiley

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 41,219Academic Programs: 147 undergraduate majors; master’s degrees in 161

disciplines; Ph.D.s in 116 disciplines; M.D.; J.D.; L.L.M.; S.J.D.; D.V.M.;


Student Newspapers: Daily Cardinal (daily); Badger Herald (daily)

Radio Stations: WHA 970 KHz, 4,340 watts and WERN-FM* 88.7 MHz.,

25,000 watts

TV: WHA-TV Ch. 21, 60-mile radius2000-2001 Budget:$1,511,681,813

*Located on campus and operated by the Wisconsin Educational 

Communications Board 

UW-MILWAUKEEMilwaukee, WI 53201

Tel.: (414) 229-1122

 Web: www.uwm.eduFounded: 1885

Chancellor: Nancy L. Zimpher Fall 2000 Enrollment: 23,322

Academic Programs: 81 undergraduate majors; 48 master’s degrees and 17

doctoralStudent Newspapers: UWM Post,weekly; The Leader, bimonthly

Radio Station: WUWM-FM 89.7 Mhz; 15,000 watts

2000-2001 Budget:$351,608,800

UW-OSHKOSHOshkosh, WI 54901

Tel.: (920) 424-1234 Web: www.uwosh.edu

Founded: 1871

Chancellor: Richard H. WellsFall 2000 Enrollment: 10,777

Academic Programs: 53 undergraduate majors; master’s degrees in

14 disciplines, 3 graduate achievement programs

Student Newspaper: Advance-Titan, weekly

Radio Station: WRST-FM, 90.3 MHz; 960 watts

TV: closed-circuit on campus, cable casting on the Time Warner 

Cable System in Oshkosh.2000-2001 Budget:$119,092,270

UW-PARKSIDEKenosha, WI 53141-2000

Tel.: (262) 595-2345

 Web: www.uwp.edu

Founded: 1968

Chancellor: John P. KeatingFall 2000 Enrollment: 4,969

Academic Programs: 28 undergraduate majors; 3 master’s degrees:Business Administration (MBA), Applied Molecular Biology, Computer and

Information Systems (MSCIS)

Student Newspaper: The Ranger, weeklyRadio Station: WIPZ-FM, 25 watts, 101.7 MHz

2000–2001 Budget:$47,747,391

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2001 UW System Fact Book 15

UW-PLATTEVILLEPlatteville, WI 53818Tel.: (608) 342-1491

 Web: www.uwplatt.edu

Founded: 1866

Chancellor: David J. Markee

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 5,474Academic Programs: 43 undergraduate majors (1 web- based);

master’s programs: four print-based, three web-basedStudent Newspaper: The Exponent, weekly

Radio Station: WSUP-FM, 90.5 MHz., 1,000 watts

TV: Two campus originated cable channels: one on-campus entertainment,the other educational access to 12 communities. ITFS origination and

receive; Satellite downlinking; Compressed videoconferencing; Fiber optic

network - SRTNC.2000-2001 Budget:$69,895,939

UW-RIVER FALLSRiver Falls, WI 54022Tel.: (715) 425-3911

 Web: www.uwrf.edu

Founded: 1874Chancellor: Ann Lydecker 

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 5,835

Academic Programs: 47 undergraduate majors; master’s degrees in11 disciplines

Student Newspaper: The Student Voice, weekly

Radio Station: WRFW-FM, 88.7 MHz, 3,000 watts

TV: Four campus-originated channels including one automated bulletinboard, a closed-circuit student film channel, a channel for satellite downlinks

and channel 19, student organization lcoal access for campus and the com-

munities of Hudson and River Falls. Satellite downlinking, tape duplicationand format transfer, compressed and full motion video conferencing, and

video production.

2000–2001 Budget:$65,143,766

UW-STEVENS POINTStevens Point, WI 54481

Tel.: (715) 346-0123 Web: www.uwsp.edu

Founded: 1894

Chancellor: Thomas F. GeorgeFall 2000 Enrollment: 8,608

Academic Programs: 48 undergraduate majors;

master’s degrees in 16 programsStudent Newspaper: The Pointer, weekly

Radio Station: WWSP-FM, 89.9 MHz., 11,500 watts.

TV: 4-ch. closed system on campus; cable ch. 10

off-campus; satellite downlinking; compressed video conferencing;fiber optic network - WONDER

2000–2001 Budget:$110,437,934

UW-STOUTMenomonie, WI 54751

Tel.: (715) 232-1122 Web: www.uwstout.edu

Founded: 1891

Chancellor: Charles W. Sorensen

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 7,702Academic Programs: 27 undergraduate majors; 14 master’s degrees

and education specialist degrees in Counseling and

Psychological Services, Industrial and Vocational Education, andSchool Psychology

Student Newspaper: Stoutonia, weekly

Radio Station: Cable Radio Power 100

TV: 7 automated closed circuit channels and UW-Stout Learning TechnologyServices-Video Productions

2000-2001 Budget:$94,818,824


Superior, WI 54880Tel.: (715) 394-8101

 Web: www.uwsuper.eduFounded: 1893

Chancellor: Julius E. Erlenbach

Fall 2000 Enrollment: 2,823

Academic Programs: 30 undergraduate majors; master’s degrees in8 disciplines; specialist’s degree in educational administration

Student Newspaper: Promethean

Radio Station: KUWS-FM, 91.3 MHz, 83 kilowattsTV: Four-channel closed-circuit system on campus and local origination

site for cable channel 23.

2000–2001 Budget:$37,849,215


 Whitewater, WI 53190Tel.: (262) 472-1234 Web: www.uww.edu

Founded: 1868

Chancellor: John W. Miller Fall 2000 Enrollment: 10,540

Academic Programs: 43 undergraduate majors; master’s degrees in

16 disciplinesStudent Newspaper: The Royal Purple, weekly

Radio Station: WSUW-FM, 91.7 MHz., 1300 watts

TV: Closed circuit system on campus provides 65 channels of programmingincluding four local channels: one on campus film channel, one student

produced channel, and two academic channels for satellite downlinking.

2000–2001 Budget:$129,577,158

UW-EXTENSION Administrative Office: 432 N. Lake St.

Madison, WI 53706-1498Tel.: (608) 262-3786

FAX: (608) 262-6572

 Web: www.uwex.edu

Founded: 1891Chancellor: Kevin P. Reilly

Fall 2000 Enrollment by Type of Programs:

Continuing Education: 161,987*Credit Outreach: 23,931

Independent Learning: 5,846

Cooperative Extension Contacts: 1,277,019**Radio Station: WHA-AM, 970 Khz, 4,340 watts; Wisconsin Public Radio, a

partnership with ECB.

TV: WHA-TV Channel 21 (in Madison); WisconsinPublic Television, a partnership with ECB.

Area Served: Statewide. Extension faculty in every county Extension Office

and at all UW System institutions.

Facilities: Provided by the 72 Wisconsin counties, UWEX conference centersin Madison and Milwaukee, and UW System university/college facilities


2000–2001: $169,852,178

*Includes programs conducted by Extension faculty at the UW System universities and colleges.

**Includes program contacts by Extension faculty on UW System campuses and in72 county Extension offices.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 

University of Wisconsin System2001–2002 Academic Year Calendar 

Semester I (2001)

Faculty Regist. Classes Semester Commence-Contract Year Advising Begin Ends ment

Eau Claire 8/20 - 5/19 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/22

Green Bay 8/27 - 5/26 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/22

La Crosse 8/27 - 5/26 8/29 - 8/31 9/4 12/27 12/16

Madison 8/27 - 5/26 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/22 12/23

Milwaukee 8/20 - 5/19 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/22 12/16

Oshkosh Any 39 weeks 9/4 9/5 1/25 12/15



Parkside 8/26 - 5/25 8/27 - 9/3 9/4 12/22 12/16Platteville 8/22 - 5/21 8/22 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/15

River Falls 8/27 - 5/26 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/22

Stevens Point 8/26 - 5/25 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/15

Stout 8/27 - 5/26 8/30 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/15

Superior  8/27 - 5/26 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 None

 Whitewater  8/26 - 5/25 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/21 12/22

Colleges 8/27 - 5/26 8/27 - 8/31 9/4 12/22 N/A

N/A = Not applicable 


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2001 UW System Fact Book 17

Semester II (2002)

Regist. Classes Spring Semester Commence-Interim Advising Begin Recess Ends ment

Eau Claire 1/2 - 1/18 1/17 - 1/18 1/22 3/25 - 4/1 5/17 5/18

Green Bay N/A 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/16 - 3/24 5/22 5/25

La Crosse 1/7 - 1/25 1/22 - 1/25 1/28 3/15 - 3/24 5/24 5/18

Madison N/A 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/23 - 3/31 5/18 5/17 - 5/19

Milwaukee 1/2 - 1/18 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/17 - 3/24 5/18 5/12

Oshkosh 1/7 - 1/25 & 2/1 2/4 3/16 - 3/24 6/7 5/18

5/20 - 6/7

Parkside N/A 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/18 - 3/23 5/18 5/19Platteville 1/7 - 1/19 1/10 - 1/18 1/22 3/23 - 4/1 5/17 5/11

River Falls 1/2 - 1/18 1/15 - 1/18 1/22 3/25 - 3/29 5/24 5/25

Stevens Point 1/2 - 1/17 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/23 - 3/31 5/17 5/19

Stout 1/2 - 1/20 1/22 - 1/23 1/24 3/16 - 3/24 5/17 5/11

5/22 - 5/24

Superior  12/22 - 1/17 1/15 - 1/18 1/22 3/18 - 3/22 5/17 5/18

 Whitewater  1/2 - 1/18 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/22 - 3/31 5/22 5/18

Colleges N/A 1/14 - 1/18 1/22 3/25 - 3/29 5/18 Variable

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2001 UW System Fact Book 

University of Wisconsin System2002–2003 Academic Year Calendar 

Semester I (2002)

Faculty Regist. Classes Semester Commence-Contract Year Advising Begin Ends ment

Eau Claire 8/19–5/18 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/20 12/21

Green Bay 8/26–5/25 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/20 12/21

La Crosse 8/26–5/25 4/15–9/9 9/3 12/27 12/15

Madison 8/26–5/25 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/21 12/22

Milwaukee 8/19–5/18 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/21 12/22

Oshkosh Any 39 weeks 9/3 9/4 1/24 12/14



Parkside 8/18–5/24 8/19–8/31 9/3 12/23 12/22Platteville 8/21–5/20 8/21–8/30 9/3 12/20 12/14

River Falls 8/26–5/25 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/20 12/21

Stevens Point 8/21–5/20 8/21–8/30 9/3 12/20 12/14

Stout 8/26–5/25 8-26–8/30, 10/22 9/3 12/20 12/14

Superior 8/26–5/25 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/20 N/A

 Whitewater 8/25–5/24 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/23 12/21

Colleges 8/26–5/23 8/26–8/30 9/3 12/21 N/A

N/A = Not applicable 


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2001 UW System Fact Book 19

Semester II (2003)

Regist. Classes Spring Semester Commence-Interim Advising Begin Recess Ends ment

Eau Claire 1/2–1/17 1/16–1/17 1/21 3/17–3/21 5/16 5/17

Green Bay N/A 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/15–3/23 5/21 5/24

La Crosse 1/6–1/24 11/15–1/31 1/27 3/14–3/23 5/23 5/17

Madison N/A 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/15–3/23 5/17 5/16–5/18

Milwaukee 1/2–1/17 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/16–3/23 5/17 5/11

Oshkosh 1/6–1/24 & 1/31 2/3 3/15–3/23 6/6 5/17


Parkside 2/2-2/17 1/13–1/18 1/21 3/17–3/22 5/17 5/18Platteville 1/6–1/18 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/15–3/23 5/16 5/10

River Falls 1/2–1/18 1/16–1/17 1/21 3/15–3/23, 4/18 5/23 5/24

Stevens Point 1/2–1/17 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/15–3/23 5/16 5/18

Stout 1/2–1/22 3/27 1/23 3/15–3/23 5/16 5/10


Superior 12/23–1/15 1/14–1/17 1/21 3/17–3/21 5/16 5/17

 Whitewater 1/2–1/17 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/22–3/30 5/21 5/17

Colleges N/A 1/13–1/17 1/21 3/17–3/21 5/17 Variable

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2001 UW System Fact Book 20

Physical Plant Statistics by University/Unit2000-2001

Building ContentsNo. of Assignable Gross Replacement Replacement

Institution Acreage Bldgs. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Value ($) Value ($)

Eau Claire (w/Arboretum) 327 52 1,500,157 2,444,258 274,979,922 48,678,724

Green Bay (w/Arboretum) 1,474 60 769,512 1,358,295 160,738,764 48,402,049

La Crosse 118 49 1,418,001 2,318,179 242,896,991 47,406,595

Madison (w/Farms,

 Arboretum & Vet. Med.

Center/Health Sciences) 10,645 859 11,923,402 23,131,008 2,699,338,316 1,164,597,385

Milwaukee (w/Arboretum) 543 68 3,280,473 5,297,495 600,119,737 106,345,997

Oshkosh 163 44 1,761,226 2,731,785 294,405,632 58,363,103

Parkside (w/Arboretum) 1,208 34 667,688 1,237,947 151,565,885 49,178,776

Platteville (w/Farms) 826 83 1,168,670 1,833,393 202,584,485 52,848,284

River Falls (w/Farms) 731 137 1,154,167 1,773,626 193,909,193 41,386,204Stevens Point (w/Arboretum,

Treehaven & Central Wis.

Environmental Station) 539 79 1,518,253 2,483,162 260,293,674 70,365,722

Stout 109 53 1,333,624 2,230,775 234,910,607 65,136,215

Superior (w/Arboretum) 201 33 610,389 993,030 117,594,663 37,459,232

 Whitewater (w/Arboretum) 391 59 1,588,897 2,636,832 273,338,036 51,226,038

Subtotal 17,275 1,610 28,694,459 50,469,785 5,706,675,905 1,841,694,324

Colleges System 410 5 2,508 6,489 2,193,680 55,669,149

Extension 320 23 277,922 506,569 189,602,309 35,018,678

System Administration 7 8 11,768 18,361 43,420,013 3,802,546

Subtotal 737 36 292,198 531,419 235,216,002 94,490,373

UW System Total 18,012 1,646 28,986,657 51,001,204 $5,941,891,907 $1,936,184,697

Acreage from the 6/98 Land Holding Report Number of buildings and square footage from General Building Report Replacement Values from the 9/01 Facility Values and Insurance Premiums Report 

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2001 UW System Fact Book 21

Owned Facilities by Year of Construction

 All Owned Facilities By Year of Construction







  S   i  n  c

  e   1  9

  9  0

  1  9  8  0

 -  1  9  8


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 -  1  9   7


  1  9  6  0

 -  1  9  6


  1  9  5  0

 -  1  9  5


  1  9  4  0

 -  1  9  4


  1  9  3  0

 -  1  9  3


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 -  1  9  2


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 -  1  9  0


   P  r   i  o

  r   t  o   1

  9  0  0

 Year of Construction


  r  o  s  s   S  q  u  a  r  e   F  e  e   t

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2001 UW System Fact Book 25

UW System Total Headcount Enrollments

UW System Total FTE Enrollments








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       7        6   -       7       7

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        9        6

        9        6   -

        9       7

        9       7   -

        9        8

















159,420 156,873




152,129 150,574


        9        8   -

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        9        9   -

        0        0

        0        0   -

        0        1






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2001 UW System Fact Book 26

For additional enrollment information, contact the Office of Policy Analysis and Research, (608) 262-6441.

Report of Headcount Enrollment, Fall 2000Undergraduate and Specials

Institution Fresh. Soph. Junior Senior Special

Eau Claire 2,918 2,253 1,998 2,717 219Resident 2,187 1,672 1,492 2,066 211Non-Resident 731 581 506 651 8

Green Bay 1,256 1,197 1,110 1,585 159Resident 1,169 1,122 1,038 1,509 144Non-Resident 87 75 72 76 15

La Crosse 2,331 1,931 1,850 2,064 301Resident 1,914 1,643 1,521 1,692 216Non-Resident 417 288 329 372 85

Madison 5,923 6,238 7,255 8,763 1,464Resident 3,847 4,262 5,043 6,372 1,108Non-Resident 2,076 1,976 2,212 2,391 356

Milwaukee 4,513 5,092 3,257 4,917 1,324Resident 4,381 4,866 3,136 4,708 1,257Non-Resident 132 226 121 209 67

Oshkosh 2,589 1,900 1,835 2,524 288Resident 2,505 1,829 1,767 2,431 286Non-Resident 84 71 68 93 2

Parkside 1,477 917 771 1,095 556Resident 1,341 844 647 938 538Non-Resident 136 73 124 157 18

Platteville 1,766 1,076 912 1,396 108Resident 1,590 972 828 1,266 102Non-Resident 176 104 84 130 6

River Falls 1,599 1,114 1,151 1,450 132Resident 867 560 568 733 97Non-Resident 732 554 583 717 35

Stevens Point 2,288 1,656 1,707 2,429 182Resident 2,104 1,528 1,563 2,206 169Non-Resident 184 128 144 223 13

Stout 2,154 1,432 1,458 1,938 176Resident 1,518 1,032 1,009 1,426 150Non-Resident 636 400 449 512 26

Superior 734 457 472 779 47Resident 430 228 208 388 28Non-Resident 304 229 264 391 19

Whitewater 2,554 2,505 1,837 2,221 303Resident 2,379 2,352 1,706 2,102 279

Non-Resident 175 153 131 119 24

Universities 32,102 27,768 25,613 33,878 5,259Resident 26,232 22,910 20,526 27,837 4,585Non-Resident 5,870 4,858 5,087 6,041 674

UW Colleges 7,313 2,612 0 0 1,457Resident 7,094 2,522 0 0 1,364Non-Resident 219 90 0 0 93

Baraboo 430 138 184Barron 298 79 163Fond Du Lac 379 131 60Fox Valley 1,088 407 183Manitowoc 385 119 99Marathon 839 294 91Marinette 299 134 85Marshfield 373 137 51Richland 278 98 43

Rock 515 231 107Sheboygan 475 197 72 Washington 593 199 121 Waukesha 1,361 448 198

UW System Total 39,415 30,380 25,613 33,878 6,716Resident 33,326 25,432 20,526 27,837 5,949Non-Resident 6,089 4,948 5,087 6,041 767

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2001 UW System Fact Book 

Eau ClaireResiden


Green BayResiden


La CrosseResiden











River FallResiden


Stevens PoinResiden










UW CollegeResiden



Fond Du LacFox Valley



RockSheboygan Washington


UW System TotaResiden



Graduate and ProfessionalGrad

Grad. Special Law Med. Vet. Pharm. Men Women Total Institution

342 106 4,114 6,439 10,553291 102 3,214 4,807 8,021

51 4 900 1,632 2,532

113 59 1,917 3,562 5,47996 59 1,780 3,357 5,13717 137 205 342

584 72 3,847 5,286 9,133427 60 3,218 4,255 7,473157 12 629 1,031 1,660

8,447 0 881 708 319 472 19,394 21,076 40,4703,027 548 620 278 439 11,720 13,824 25,5445,420 333 88 41 33 7,674 7,252 14,926

3,546 552 10,318 12,883 23,2012,905 522 9,586 12,189 21,775

641 30 732 694 1,426

1,202 439 4,301 6,476 10,7771,170 431 4,137 6,282 10,419

32 8 164 194 358

98 51 2,034 2,931 4,96590 50 1,826 2,622 4,448

8 1 208 309 517

144 92 3,342 2,152 5,494119 66 3,003 1,940 4,943

25 26 339 212 551

344 45 2,211 3,624 5,835161 21 1,191 1,816 3,007183 24 1,020 1,808 2,828

261 85 3,681 4,927 8,608227 82 3,313 4,566 7,879

34 3 368 361 729

460 78 3,871 3,825 7,696330 69 2,856 2,678 5,534130 9 1,015 1,147 2,162

245 109 1,145 1,698 2,843152 68 573 929 1,502

93 41 572 769 1,341

969 151 4,843 5,697 10,540870 145 4,515 5,318 9,833

99 6 328 379 707

16,755 1,839 881 708 319 472 65,018 80,576 145,5949,865 1,675 548 620 278 439 50,932 64,583 115,5156,890 164 333 88 41 33 14,086 15,993 30,079

0 0 0 0 0 0 5,045 6,337 11,3820 0 0 0 0 0 4,814 6,166 10,9800 0 0 0 0 0 231 171 402

387 365 752209 331 540244 326 570764 914 1,678258 345 603552 672 1,224211 307 518221 340 561195 224 419

350 503 853328 416 744403 510 913923 1,084 2,007

16,755 1,839 881 708 319 472 70,063 86,913 156,9769,865 1,675 548 620 278 439 55,746 70,749 126,4956,890 164 333 88 41 33 14,317 16,164 30,481

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2001 UW System Fact Book 28

UW System Student Headcount Enrollment, Fall 2000By State of Origin

Bold type indicates total from each state.

Italic type indicates new freshmen from each state.



















68 IL4,404884


























TN 745


PA 26426

NY769137 NE




New Freshmen TotalTotal U.S. 27,057  152,366Foreign 272 4,108U.S. Territories 3 85Unknown 5 417Total 27,337  156,976

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2001 UW System Fact Book 29

Undergraduate Enrollments, Fall 2000Male/Female and Full-Time/Part-Time Status*

Female Male Total

Institution Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Total

Eau Claire 5,575 414 3,658 239 9,233 653 9,886

Green Bay 2,657 701 1,513 277 4,170 978 5,148

La Crosse 4,516 197 3,269 194 7,785 391 8,176

Madison 13,737 1,243 12,038 1,161 25,775 2,404 28,179

Milwaukee 7,166 2,478 6,051 2,084 13,217 4,562 17,779

Oshkosh 4,580 649 3,216 403 7,796 1,052 8,848

Parkside 1,879 637 1,345 399 3,224 1,036 4,260

Platteville 1,689 248 2,963 250 4,652 498 5,150

River Falls 2,965 299 1,824 226 4,789 525 5,314

Stevens Point 4,224 337 3,298 221 7,522 558 8,080

Stout 3,138 244 3,278 322 6,416 566 6,982

Superior 1,155 280 833 174 1,988 454 2,442

  Whitewater 4,398 378 3,980 361 8,378 739 9,

Colleges 3,889 1,559 3,473 1,004 7,362 2,563 9,925

Total 61,568 9,664 50,739 7,315 112,307 16,979 129,286

*Degree seeking students only. Special students are not included.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 30

FTE Enrollments Historical Table, Fall 1972–2000


2000 131,385 9,511 4,430 8,483 35,837 16,676 8,934 3,560 4,885 5,240 7,785 6,967 2,232 8,850 7,994

1999 129,961 9,318 4,365 8,576 35,199 16,369 9,038 3,529 4,847 5,193 7,749 6,911 2,176 8,990 7,700

1998 128,371 9,556 4,475 8,591 34,923 15,976 9,023 3,311 4,691 5,189 7,696 6,865 2,113 9,026 6,935

1997 125,393 9,358 4,333 8,431 34,763 15,553 8,788 3,221 4,561 4,925 7,694 6,697 2,046 8,892 6,131

1996 123,850 9,342 4,319 8,379 34,397 14,983 8,818 3,123 4,610 4,821 7,611 6,626 2,029 8,767 6,026

1995 123,584 9,238 4,183 8,121 34,250 15,038 8,964 3,262 4,640 4,691 7,630 6,559 1,988 8,631 6,389

1994 125,098 9,241 4,307 7,902 34,552 15,455 9,034 3,376 4,663 4,814 7,658 6,675 2,041 8,651 6,728

1993 127,056 9,175 4,189 7,957 35,156 16,069 9,094 3,404 4,620 4,683 7,794 6,648 2,072 8,727 7,468

1992 129,206 9,181 4,123 7,740 36,214 16,436 9,259 3,465 4,761 4,803 7,825 6,805 2,273 8,756 7,565

1991 132,106 9,307 4,342 8,103 37,040 17,306 9,264 3,508 4,930 4,827 7,889 7,055 2,356 8,684 7,495

1990 133,001 9,587 4,006 8,177 37,489 17,227 9,583 3,646 4,859 4,614 7,992 6,964 2,091 8,780 7,986

1989 134,135 9,852 4,003 8,564 37,686 16,845 9,332 3,554 5,107 4,872 8,208 6,993 2,078 9,120 7,921

1988 136,330 10,067 4,176 8,681 37,869 17,277 9,478 3,592 4,996 5,051 8,537 7,310 1,965 9,319 8,012

1987 136,084 10,038 3,986 8,696 37,979 17,349 9,557 3,397 5,025 5,043 8,504 7,305 1,944 9,698 7,563

1986 138,710 10,162 3,813 9,111 39,101 18,490 9,731 3,482 5,177 5,172 8,575 7,333 1,905 9,540 7,118

1985 139,138 10,111 3,814 8,816 39,647 18,615 9,860 3,473 5,281 4,950 8,433 7,461 1,823 9,773 7,0811984 137,651 10,042 3,691 8,609 38,907 18,808 9,691 3,724 5,199 5,061 8,205 7,248 1,779 9,508 7,179

1983 137,709 10,373 3,689 8,427 38,026 18,819 9,528 4,110 5,358 5,192 8,048 7,459 1,865 9,163 7,652

1982 135,559 10,243 3,638 8,160 37,312 18,532 9,392 3,891 5,222 5,261 8,166 7,548 1,878 9,005 7,311

1981 134,559 10,277 3,433 8,451 36,848 18,510 9,344 3,772 5,081 5,373 8,357 7,549 1,916 8,793 6,855

1980 131,513 10,387 3,205 8,298 36,690 17,971 8,745 3,575 4,792 5,220 8,276 7,345 1,962 8,438 6,609

1979 126,928 9,929 2,872 8,278 35,608 17,384 8,623 3,437 4,670 4,980 8,162 6,998 1,854 8,044 6,089

1978 125,040 9,835 2,775 7,963 35,089 17,427 8,480 3,343 4,517 4,834 8,114 6,805 1,930 7,897 6,031

1977 125,345 9,734 2,854 7,985 34,671 17,374 8,567 3,459 4,591 4,805 8,050 6,371 2,152 8,029 6,703

1976 123,596 9,166 2,944 7,453 34,057 18,097 8,827 3,407 4,376 4,696 7,819 5,995 2,171 7,913 6,675

1975 124,633 9,317 3,268 7,156 35,289 18,556 9,301 3,739 4,140 4,132 7,546 5,830 2,336 7,294 6,729

1974 120,822 8,930 3,305 6,967 34,062 18,922 8,741 3,562 3,850 3,898 7,324 5,833 2,454 6,837 6,137

1973 119,202 8,439 3,326 6,559 33,266 18,819 9,209 3,503 3,899 3,742 7,456 5,396 2,634 7,079 5,875

1972 119,221 8,345 3,357 6,510 32,361 17,304 10,112 3,452 4,399 3,840 8,217 5,299 2,750 7,696 5,579

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2001 UW System Fact Book 31

Headcount Enrollments Historical Table, Fall 1862–2000


2000 156,976 10,553 5,479 9,133 40,470 23,201 10,777 4,965 5,494 5,835 8,608 7,696 2,843 10,540 11,382

1999 155,298 10,402 5,442 9,295 40,045 22,964 10,783 4,951 5,340 5,711 8,544 7,517 2,741 10,653 10,910

1998 152,926 10,682 5,603 9,290 39,517 22,600 10,769 4,655 5,016 5,570 8,517 7,604 2,632 10,628 9,843

1997 150,574 10,480 5,436 9,076 39,700 22,251 10,620 4,696 5,035 5,396 8,455 7,411 2,573 10,564 8,881

1996 149,142 10,512 5,533 9,041 39,306 21,877 10,393 4,532 5,105 5,327 8,361 7,322 2,640 10,398 8,795

1995 149,805 10,315 5,438 8,787 39,535 22,342 10,481 4,851 5,056 5,233 8,412 7,072 2,584 10,432 9,267

1994 152,129 10,342 5,633 8,585 39,785 22,984 10,534 5,027 5,149 5,406 8,430 7,412 2,589 10,432 9,821

1993 154,620 10,342 5,525 8,657 40,412 23,794 10,742 5,009 5,134 5,243 8,615 7,175 2,578 10,549 10,845

1992 156,873 10,431 4,933 8,354 41,752 24,341 10,973 5,031 5,265 5,438 8,618 7,343 2,938 10,544 10,912

1991 161,346 10,495 5,551 8,787 42,997 25,456 11,116 5,088 5,445 5,564 8,752 7,598 3,107 10,482 10,908

1990 159,979 10,643 4,801 8,746 43,092 25,380 11,098 5,113 5,230 5,196 8,806 7,442 2,615 10,184 11,633

1989 159,420 10,773 4,776 8,977 43,282 24,856 10,828 5,221 5,442 5,236 8,878 7,320 2,563 10,270 10,998

1988 162,330 11,038 5,221 9,242 43,364 25,212 11,209 5,172 5,334 5,544 9,318 7,597 2,437 10,458 11,184

1987 161,887 10,946 5,056 9,417 43,113 25,210 11,608 4,912 5,299 5,418 9,388 7,543 2,321 10,843 10,813

1986 164,518 11,103 4,978 9,659 44,384 25,930 11,800 5,195 5,321 5,612 9,555 7,686 2,307 10,897 10,091

1985 164,546 10,932 5,061 9,317 44,860 26,212 11,720 5,157 5,423 5,284 9,497 7,727 2,179 11,027 10,1501984 161,936 10,757 4,906 9,109 44,055 26,464 11,256 5,544 5,293 5,287 9,008 7,383 2,095 10,737 10,042

1983 161,693 11,072 4,880 8,953 42,921 26,468 11,053 6,008 5,458 5,368 8,871 7,470 2,219 10,493 10,454

1982 159,354 10,883 4,681 8,659 42,090 26,119 10,920 5,850 5,335 5,334 9,016 7,595 2,171 10,321 10,380

1981 158,971 10,963 4,536 8,956 41,558 26,663 11,103 5,677 5,211 5,502 9,208 7,458 2,307 10,212 9,617

1980 155,499 11,054 4,164 9,016 41,242 25,933 10,200 5,368 4,955 5,339 9,183 7,411 2,323 10,006 9,305

1979 150,629 10,629 3,842 8,896 40,129 25,078 10,324 5,292 4,758 5,128 8,925 7,095 2,149 9,679 8,705

1978 147,934 10,494 3,715 8,431 39,348 24,789 10,020 5,241 4,630 5,002 8,966 7,026 2,282 9,601 8,389

1977 146,530 10,334 3,642 8,554 38,945 24,281 10,007 5,182 4,607 5,019 8,880 6,463 2,418 9,589 8,599

1976 143,440 9,974 3,641 7,756 37,857 24,686 10,225 4,984 4,447 4,873 8,522 6,066 2,450 9,388 8,571

1975 143,740 9,920 3,874 7,734 38,545 24,961 10,555 5,404 4,285 4,433 8,220 5,609 2,610 8,727 8,863

1974 139,891 9,434 3,943 7,573 36,915 25,421 10,666 5,260 3,941 4,213 8,042 5,459 2,613 8,354 8,057

1973 135,365 8,888 3,661 6,954 35,931 24,943 10,415 4,856 3,821 4,082 8,054 5,227 2,759 8,144 7,630

1972 133,303 8,701 3,625 6,785 34,866 23,293 11,312 4,366 4,345 3,933 8,701 5,245 2,836 8,410 6,885

19711 133,702 8,679 3,531 7,009 33,943 22,277 11,811 4,343 4,708 4,255 9,154 5,231 3,004 8,867 6,890

1970 132,088 8,288 2,950 7,248 34,388 20,822 11,549 4,102 4,813 4,156 8,734 5,080 3,053 9,721 7,184

1969 127,147 7,846 1,981 6,659 35,549 18,978 11,149 2,911 5,032 4,123 7,915 4,910 3,143 9,759 7,192

1968 118,239 7,248 1,425 6,001 34,670 16,768 11,096 1,796 5,024 4,052 6,830 4,330 3,318 9,402 6,279

1967 105,993 6,296 5,111 33,000 15,419 9,444 4,601 3,691 5,907 3,859 3,028 8,581 7,056

1966 95,251 5,326 4,514 31,120 14,176 8,267 4,190 3,544 5,123 3,251 2,709 7,004 6,027

1965 85,479 4,517 3,943 29,299 12,818 7,133 3,693 3,281 4,526 2,827 2,350 6,322 4,770

19642 71,097 3,573 2,987 26,293 11,302 5,375 3,011 2,592 3,465 2,330 1,830 4,901 3,438

1963 62,106 2,909 2,498 24,275 10,179 4,221 2,653 2,114 2,897 1,867 1,587 3,811 3,095

1962 54,562 2,480 2,159 21,733 9,354 3,324 2,200 1,813 2,407 1,682 1,477 3,009 2,9241961 50,002 2,217 2,042 20,118 8,713 2,842 2,018 1,680 2,104 1,652 1,436 2,586 2,594

1960 44,567 1,818 1,781 18,811 7,946 2,251 1,719 1,445 1,802 1,493 1,337 1,998 2,166

1959 41,343 1,708 1,821 17,433 7,616 2,048 1,668 1,233 1,609 1,293 1,266 1,692 1,956

1958 39,253 1,614 1,772 16,590 7,266 1,874 1,615 1,285 1,522 1,267 1,168 1,569 1,711

1957 36,171 1,417 1,573 15,929 6,715 1,552 1,428 1,130 1,371 1,163 1,031 1,407 1,455

19563 34,941 1,332 1,497 15,918 6,195 1,397 1,317 1,032 1,377 1,159 938 1,255 1,524

1 University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin State Universities merged to form the University of Wisconsin System.2 Wisconsin State Colleges renamed State Universities.3 Milwaukee State Teachers College and local Extension center merged to establish UW-Milwaukee.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 32

1955 31,682 1,209 1,334 15,134 5,105 1,148 1,140 913 1,188 1,054 895 1,066 1,496

1954 26,478 1,028 1,065 13,954 4,314 840 761 767 932 703 874 1,240

1953 23,162 820 945 13,346 2,891 733 603 662 759 650 733 1,020

1952 23,095 808 918 13,571 2,840 702 535 602 712 746 685 976


23,622 747 928 14,020 2,938 695 577 666 699 785 661 906

1950 26,652 892 1,056 15,766 3,228 792 685 732 808 866 736 1,091

1949 29,890 917 1,137 17,690 3,603 933 747 899 896 922 771 1,375

19485 30,720 741 1,102 18,623 3,929 855 684 831 840 844 743 1,528

1947 32,202 724 1,091 18,693 4,666 938 715 779 886 970 744 1,996

1946 31,944 787 959 18,598 4,362 900 584 673 856 878 667 2,680

1945 13,540 366 455 9,028 1,518 330 329 211 308 345 339 311

1944 10,556 359 411 6,615 1,348 251 318 231 283 245 339 156

1943 9,615 340 356 5,904 1,216 286 216 251 313 222 412 99

1942 14,474 407 583 9,026 1,626 330 365 402 424 456 612 243

1941 17,661 580 697 10,511 1,635 656 523 511 556 601 728 663

1940 20,277 687 797 11,376 2,165 964 506 640 768 769 876 7291939 21,057 735 806 11,286 2,326 954 649 750 839 940 997 775

1938 20,068 608 782 11,416 2,130 788 546 704 737 837 901 619

1937 18,326 509 694 10,905 1,880 719 508 563 615 688 793 452

1936 17,581 559 664 10,071 1,887 769 486 529 672 734 776 434

1935 16,021 626 644 9,065 1,874 734 477 481 698 759 663 509

1934 15,174 625 645 8,053 1,848 664 473 450 673 713 631 399

1933 14,623 643 709 7,374 1,901 679 477 531 704 734 686 185

1932 15,342 672 792 7,833 2,224 633 472 520 752 767 677

1931 15,975 580 818 8,765 2,099 679 447 566 621 783 617

1930 15,975 539 694 9,401 1,907 700 435 491 473 831 504

1929 15,028 450 650 9,468 1,604 555 351 405 359 753 433

1928 14,361 377 636 9,042 1,338 609 345 451 380 768 415

19276 13,977 346 590 8,942 1,215 640 316 443 351 720 414

1926 13,110 347 538 8,220 1,173 603 321 412 421 615 460

1925 12,881 432 522 7,760 1,125 592 360 364 479 703 544

1924 13,447 480 574 7,643 1,292 673 417 494 521 763 590

19237 13,801 488 634 7,632 1,461 617 454 489 600 853 573

1922 13,850 500 700 7,368 1,626 648 447 571 663 769 558

1921 12,962 422 600 7,344 1,403 618 346 517 584 559 569

1920 11,121 303 388 7,004 1,021 463 244 413 464 393 428

1919 10,645 200 382 6,872 965 405 237 443 413 385 343

1918 5,337 172 317 2,159 829 334 202 474 329 305 216

1917 7,986 198 405 4,043 1,036 395 288 472 461 428 2601916 9,439 184 484 5,020 1,100 406 325 582 601 526 211

1915 9,490 545 4,868 1,132 607 321 663 622 519 213

1914 9,063 492 4,874 992 571 372 563 481 483 235

1913 7,747 380 4,438 766 465 282 394 345 430 247

1912 7,184 349 4,014 801 443 289 341 311 385 251

1911 7,470 371 3,956 828 581 319 322 324 452 317

4 State Teachers Colleges renamed Wisconsin State Colleges.5 Part-time off-campus and extension enrollments excluded after 1947.6 State Normal Schools renamed State Teachers Colleges.7 UW-Extension day classes initiated in Milwaukee.

Headcount Enrollments Historical Table, Fall 1862–2000 continued


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2001 UW System Fact Book 33

1910 7,167 371 3,902 581 659 276 301 359 423 2951909 6,633 275 3,495 510 654 287 332 368 434 2781908 5,773 3,225 485 493 266 322 347 331 3041907 5,703 2,977 485 602 325 322 347 331 3141906 5,340 2,719 451 620 310 334 297 321 288

1905 5,276 2,745 408 620 280 305 308 329 2811904 5,110 2,657 406 552 308 300 296 322 2691903 4,797 2,379 424 565 322 277 287 267 2761902 4,564 2,122 406 562 283 294 313 296 2881901 4,567 1,971 447 588 295 311 368 307 280

1900 4,451 1,848 392 617 299 292 370 316 3171899 4,331 1,712 326 676 309 301 377 312 3181898 4,067 1,479 335 674 322 269 403 262 3231897 4,212 1,415 394 701 403 252 420 272 3551896 4,031 1,335 360 642 481 289 344 247 333

1895 3,464 1,294 267 632 437 286 261 287

1894 2,974 1,196 202 521 347 309 152 2471893 2,379 1,028 163 455 276 248 2091892 2,312 1,021 80 424 259 252 2761891 2,152 846 80 446 262 242 276

1890 2,043 800 84 393 284 217 2651889 1,905 725 73 360 267 154 32618888 1,769 654 53 364 262 144 2921887 1,754 612 53 363 273 167 2861886 1,622 505 47 363 266 161 280

1885 1,552 421 46 385 253 138 3091884 1,537 387 455 256 145 2941883 1,493 388 413 243 135 3141882 1,482 367 419 261 133 302

1881 1,515 401 388 243 180 303

1880 1,391 437 332 215 128 2791879 1,439 481 332 219 128 2791878 1,447 449 338 227 118 3151877 1,238 388 183 224 100 3431876 1,111 316 156 224 130 285

1875 1,234 345 323 204 130 2411874 1,173 409 289 213 2621873 1,157 408 268 195 2861872 1,102 435 261 182 2241871 1,078 517 173 198 190

1870 846 485 173 1881869 783 485 184 1141868 684 495 150 391867 537 394 1431866 403 304 99

1865 331 3311864 306 3061863 361 3611862 260 260

8 Year enrollments for UW prior to 1888.

Headcount Enrollments Historical Table, Fall 1862–2000 continued


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2001 UW System Fact Book 34

Report of Headcount Enrollment, Summer 2000Undergraduate and Specials

Institution Fresh. Soph. Junior Senior SpecialEau Claire 106 270 481 1,058 162

Resident 94 223 382 821 154Non-Resident 12 47 99 237 8

Green Bay 51 105 203 421 103Resident 48 99 194 406 101

Non-Resident 3 6 9 15 2La Crosse 90 216 490 913 273

Resident 75 174 408 760 200Non-Resident 15 42 82 153 73

Madison 128 623 1,904 3,748 1,793Resident 79 388 1,224 2,695 1,434Non-Resident 49 235 680 1,053 359

Milwaukee 200 988 984 2,539 1,576Resident 192 938 956 2,420 1,491Non-Resident 8 50 28 119 85

Oshkosh 76 73 164 622 120Resident 64 69 158 592 119Non-Resident 12 4 6 30 1

Parkside 132 199 258 434 298Resident 127 190 227 376 286Non-Resident 5 9 31 58 12

Platteville 60 125 260 552 165

Resident 57 123 246 505 159Non-Resident 3 2 14 47 6

River Falls 35 119 312 600 180Resident 24 70 175 294 112Non-Resident 11 49 137 306 68

Stevens Point 41 158 372 863 157Resident 35 139 337 786 149Non-Resident 6 19 35 77 8

Stout 69 153 386 1,053 156Resident 49 129 284 784 139Non-Resident 20 24 102 269 17

Superior 32 45 96 244 45Resident 18 23 46 110 30Non-Resident 14 22 50 134 15

Whitewater 84 317 440 736 283Resident 80 304 426 707 270Non-Resident 4 13 14 29 13

Universities 1,104 3,391 6,350 13,783 5,311Resident 942 2,869 5,063 11,256 4,644Non-Resident 162 522 1,287 2,527 667

UW Colleges 895 777 0 0 1,427Resident 880 756 0 0 1,373Non-Resident 15 21 0 0 54

Baraboo 39 40 71Barron 43 50 89Fond du Lac 24 27 51Fox Valley 158 96 159Manitowoc 117 110 221Marathon 75 74 105Marinette 37 46 40Marshfield 46 49 41Richland 95 96 114

Rock 86 80 105Sheboygan 122 105 185  Washington 49 38   Waukesha 238 185

UW System Total 1,999 4,168 6,350 13,783 6,738Resident 1,822 3,625 5,063 11,256 6,017Non-Resident 177 543 1,287 2,527 721

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2001 UW System Fact Book 35

Graduate and ProfessionalGrad

Grad. Special Law Med. Vet. Pharm. Men Women Total Institution266 146 845 1,644 2,489240 146 701 1,359 2,06026 144 285 429

32 17 260 672 93229 17 245 649 894

3 15 23 38415 37 895 1,539 2,434290 36 712 1,231 1,943125 1 183 308 491

3,766 222 96 83 111 5,728 6,746 12,4741,314 153 80 71 106 2,986 4,558 7,5442,452 69 16 12 5 2,742 2,188 4,930

1,475 244 3,175 4,831 8,0061,264 236 2,914 4,583 7,497

211 8 261 248 509

550 237 601 1,241 1,842544 234 572 1,208 1,780

6 3 29 33 62

36 27 504 880 1,38433 25 463 801 1,2643 2 41 79 120

95 64 669 652 1,321

91 64 621 624 1,2454 48 28 76

261 133 560 1,080 1,640132 104 336 575 911129 29 224 505 729

180 220 739 1,252 1,991170 220 664 1,172 1,83610 75 80 155

397 126 1,012 1,328 2,340328 118 818 1,013 1,83169 8 194 315 509

197 107 277 489 766125 86 156 282 43872 21 121 207 328

432 105 917 1,480 2,397405 104 852 1,444 2,29627 1 65 36 101

8,102 1,463 222 96 83 111 16,182 23,834 40,0164,965 1,390 153 80 71 106 12,040 19,499 31,5393,137 73 69 16 12 5 4,142 4,335 8,477

0 0 0 0 0 0 1,050 2,049 3,0990 0 0 0 0 0 996 2,013 3,0090 0 0 0 0 0 54 36 90

44 106 15051 131 18232 70 102

146 267 413136 312 44871 183 25441 82 12340 96 136

106 199 305

99 172 271139 170 30968 103 171

347 583 930

8,102 1,463 222 96 83 111 17,232 25,883 43,1154,965 1,390 153 80 71 106 13,036 21,512 34,5483,137 73 69 16 12 5 4,196 4,371 8,567

Eau ClaireResiden


Green BayResiden

Non-ResidenLa Crosse












River FallResiden


Stevens PoinResiden










UW CollegeResiden



Fond Du LaFox Valley



RocSheboygan Washington


UW System TotaResiden


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2001 UW System Fact Book 36

University of Wisconsin-Extension Teaching Contacts, Program Enrollments & Audience Counts, 1999-2000

Continuing Education Extension andBusiness & Manufacturing Extension EnrollmentsNumber of programs 5,802

Number of enrollments 161,987

Small Business Development CenterCounseling clients 2,295Hours of counseling 15,013  Wis Innovation Service Center clients (UW-Whitewater) 240

Credit Outreach1

Graduate enrollments 9,621Undergraduate enrollments 14,310Number of credits 66,064

Independent Learning EnrollmentsUniversity credit 3,693Continuing education 1,113High School credit 940  WTCS credit 100Total 5,846

Cooperative Education Extension Teaching Contacts2

  Agriculture/Agribusiness 408,137Community, Natural Resources and Economic Development 205,498Family Living Programs 346,7914-H/Youth Development 306,733Geological & Natural History Survey 9,860

Total Cooperative Extension contacts 1,277,019

Radio/Television Audience Counts3

  Wisconsin Public Radio (listeners per week) 344,300  Wisconsin Public Television (households per week) 601,000  WPT Telecourse enrollments 2,189

Distance Education Enrollments4

ETN sessions 873  WISLINE Teleconference programming hours 76,536Compressed Video sessions 2,205Satellite Videoconference programs 146

1 UW-Extension coordinates off-campus credit courses. Credit is offered by the UW degree-granting institutions.

2 The totals include direct group and individual teaching contacts as reported by county and campus-based faculty/staff, plus 133,472 paraprofessional contacts. In addition to these contacts, Cooperative Extension faculty/staff reach the public through publications, exhibits, mass media, satellite video-conferences, telephone contacts, letters, ETN, the World Wide Web and the WisPlan computer network. The contacts for the first four program areas in Cooperative Extension are for calendar year 1999.

3 Wisconsin Public Radio and Wisconsin Public Television are partnership services of UW-Extension and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.

4 Some enrollment figures included under Distance Education are also included in the other divisional/unit enrollments/contacts.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 37

Bachelor’s Degrees Conferred July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000

Institution Men Women Total

Eau Claire 630 1,036 1,666Green Bay 274 529 803

La Crosse 633 906 1,539Madison 2,515 3,035 5,550Milwaukee 1,131 1,401 2,532Oshkosh 524 844 1,368Parkside 211 316 527Platteville 441 301 742River Falls 354 541 895Stevens Point 613 820 1,433Stout 443 528 971Superior 119 204 323 Whitewater 744 908 1,652

UW System Total 8,632 11,369 20,001

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2001 UW System Fact Book 

Graduate and Advanced Professional Degrees Conferred July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000


Institution Men Women Total

Eau ClaireMasters 43 127 170

Green BayMasters 7 4 11

La CrosseMasters 111 216 327

MadisonMasters 867 877 1,744Law 140 112 252Medicine 77 66 143  Vet Medicine 19 55 74Pharmacy 11 30 41Doctoral 442 287 729

Sub-Total 1,556 1,427 2,983

MilwaukeeMasters 416 756 1,172Doctoral 42 36 78Sub-Total 458 792 1,250

OshkoshMasters 131 213 344

ParksideMasters 14 7 21

PlattevilleMasters 23 48 71

River FallsMasters 25 77 102

Stevens PointMasters 51 154 205

StoutMasters 47 88 135

Superior Masters 39 61 100

 Whitewater Masters 93 184 277

UW System TotalMasters 1,867 2,812 4,679Professional 247 263 510Doctoral 484 323 807

Total 2,598 3,398 5,996

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2001 UW System Fact Book 39

Multicultural Student Headcount Enrollments*10-Year History

Total Multicultural Multicultural StudentsFall Term Enrollment Enrollment as Percentage of Total

1990-91 159,979 9,198 5.7

1991-92 161,346 9,781 6.11992-93 156,873 10,411 6.6

1993-94 154,620 10,843 7.0

1994-95 152,129 11,330 7.4

1995-96 149,805 11,335 7.6

1996-97 149,142 11,376 7.6

1997-98 150,574 11,630 7.7

1998-99 152,926 11,891 7.8

1999-00 155,298 12,310 7.9

2000-01 156,976 12,435 7.9

* All multicultural student statistics on these two pages are based on optional self-identification at registration.

Note: Enrollments include undergraduate, graduate and professional students.

Multicultural Student Headcount Undergraduate Enrollment, Fall 2000According to Sex

African American American Indian Asian Hispanic/Latino MulticulturalMale Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Student Total

Eau Claire 39 33 31 37 100 119 38 57 454

Green Bay 20 15 32 78 41 65 11 22 284

La Crosse 54 33 23 34 95 82 50 47 418

Madison 294 315 68 71 598 626 300 346 2,618Milwaukee 565 1,083 61 99 397 391 341 433 3,370

Oshkosh 49 42 13 33 58 58 34 70 357

Parkside 135 271 11 15 46 63 113 189 843

Platteville 32 21 4 8 43 24 22 9 163

River Falls 20 17 12 13 44 71 27 36 240

Stevens Point 18 19 40 25 46 58 26 25 257

Stout 45 13 13 18 54 63 33 24 263

Superior 16 9 13 21 3 8 6 5 81

  Whitewater 161 179 17 18 74 72 79 82 682

Colleges 92 48 42 53 100 108 65 76 584

Total 1,540 2,098 380 523 1,699 1,808 1,145 1,421 10,614

Note: Undergraduate enrollments include freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and undergraduate specials.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 40

 Total Headcount Enrollment Detail by Race

Fall 1999 Fall 2000Number Percent Number Percent

  Asian 4,021 2.59 4,104 2.61

  African American 4,229 2.72 4,232 2.70

Hispanic/Latino 3,058 1.97 3,058 1.95  American Indian 1,002 0.65 1,041 0.66

Other/White* 142,988 92.07 144,541 92.08

Total 155,298 100.00 156,976 100.00

* Other/White enrollment includes Unknown and International students.

Degrees Conferred

10-Year History of All Multicultural Groups, All Levels, By Year 

Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorates Professional Total

1990-91 754 229 56 48 1,087

1991-92 812 248 41 53 1,154

1992-93 933 241 48 50 1,272

1993-94 1,043 233 55 62 1,393

1994-95 1,048 310 56 78 1,492

1995-96 1,128 311 69 81 1,589

1996-97 1,170 342 59 86 1,6571997-98 1,256 343 55 114 1,768

1998-99 1,193 348 49 108 1,698

1999-00 1,242 378 57 101 1,778

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2001 UW System Fact Book 



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2001 UW System Fact Book 42

Undergraduate Student Costsfor Academic Years 1996-97 through 2000-01*

MostTuition / Fees University Popular Total Academic Year

Institution Resident Nonres. Housing Meal Plan Resident Nonres.

Eau Claire1

1996-97 2,464 7,928 1,670 1,234 5,368 10,8321997-98 2,756 8,698 1,720 1,266 5,742 11,6841998-99 2,891 9,173 1,855 1,278 6,024 12,3061999-00 3,086 9,950 1,985 1,316 6,387 13,2512000-01 3,121 10,649 2,045 1,390 6,556 14,084

Green Bay4

1996-97 2,545 8,009 1,650 900 5,095 10,5591997-98 2,736 8,678 1,825 1,000 5,561 11,5031998-99 2,916 9,198 1,985 1,000 5,901 12,1831999-00 3,150 10,014 2,045 1,000 6,195 13,0592000–01 3,306 10,834 2,106 1,000 6,412 13,940

La Crosse1

1996-97 2,542 8,006 1,400 1,400 5,342 10,8061997-98 2,768 8,710 1,600 1,460 5,828 11,7701998-99 2,879 9,161 1,690 1,560 6,129 12,4111999-00 3,113 9,977 1,740 1,560 6,413 13,2772000-01 3,186 10,714 1,800 1,560 6,546 14,074

Madison1996-97 3,030 10,148 2,106 1,805 6,941 14,0591997-98 3,240 10,979 2,180 1,886 7,306 15,0451998-99 3,405 11,586 2,258 1,948 7,611 15,7921999-00 3,735 13,049 2,339 2,002 8,076 17,3902000-01 3,788 14,186 2,456 2,082 8,326 18,724


1996-97 3,100 9,963 1,998 1,100 6,198 13,0611997-98 3,326 10,789 2,273 1,200 6,799 14,2621998-99 3,479 11,370 2,314 1,270 7,063 14,9541999-00 3,741 12,361 1,990 1,310 7,041 15,6612000-01 3,761 13,209 2,064 1,355 7,180 16,628

Oshkosh1996-97 2,415 7,879 1,551 960 4,926 10,3901997-98 2,605 8,547 1,628 1,030 5,263 11,2051998-99 2,778 9,060 1,758 1,180 5,716 11,9981999-00 2,998 9,862 1,850 1,280 6,128 12,9922000-01 3,021 10,549 1,930 1,304 6,255 13,783


1996-97 2,521 7,985 2,330 1,050 5,901 11,3651997-98 2,704 8,646 2,530 1,280 6,514 12,4561998-99 2,838 9,120 2,620 1,110 6,568 12,8501999-00 3,042 9,906 2,756 1,170 6,968 13,8322000-01 3,090 10,618 2,900 1,430 7,420 14,948


1996-97 2,506 7,970 1,316 1,473 5,295 10,7591997-98 2,680 8,622 1,394 1,546 5,620 11,5621998-99 2,806 9,088 1,664 1,600 6,070 12,3521999-00 3,008 9,872 1,730 1,656 6,394 13,2582000-01 3,155 10,683 1,810 1,730 6,695 14,223

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2001 UW System Fact Book 43

MostTuition / Fees University Popular Total Academic Year

Institution Resident Nonres. Housing Meal Plan Resident Nonres.

River Falls1,5

1996-97 2,483 7,947 1,578 1,330 5,391 10,8551997-98 2,664 8,608 1,640 1,470 5,774 11,7181998-99 2,797 9,079 1,754 1,520 6,071 12,3531999-00 2,976 9,840 1,816 1,550 6,342 13,2062000-01 3,029 10,557 1,932 1,470 6,431 13,959

Stevens Point1

1996-97 2,522 7,986 1,826 1,280 5,628 11,0921997-98 2,707 8,649 1,886 1,302 5,895 11,8371998-99 2,842 9,124 1,958 1,334 6,134 12,4161999-00 3,047 9,911 2,076 1,380 6,503 13,3672000-01 3,061 10,589 2,136 1,480 6,677 14,205


1996-97 2,524 7,988 1,526 1,296 5,346 10,8101997-98 2,708 8,650 1,618 1,364 5,690 11,6321998-99 2,836 9,118 1,730 1,426 5,992 12,2741999-00 3,022 9,886 1,816 1,468 6,306 13,1702000-01 3,178 10,714 1,920 1,512 6,610 14,146

Superior 1996-97 2,461 7,925 1,506 1,576 5,543 11,0071997-98 2,650 8,592 1,590 1,612 5,852 11,7941998-99 2,768 9,050 1,670 1,628 6,066 12,3481999-00 2,971 9,835 1,730 1,686 6,387 13,2512000-01 3,001 10,529 1,974 1,710 6,685 14,213

 Whitewater 1

1996-97 2,502 7,966 1,556 1,112 5,170 10,6341997-98 2,686 8,628 1,620 1,156 5,462 11,4041998-99 2,831 9,113 1,710 1,190 5,731 12,0131999-00 3,016 9,880 1,810 1,354 6,180 13,0442000-01 3,054 10,582 1,890 1,394 6,338 13,866

Colleges1996-97 1,978 6,587 see #2 below see #2 below 1,978 6,5871997-98 2,158 7,225 2,158 7,2251998-99 2,416 7,890 2,416 7,8901999-00 2,483 8,487 2,483 8,4872000-01 2,492 9,076 2,492 9,076

* Tuition/fee costs shown include segregated student fees which differ from campus to campus and cover such items as health services, activities, student union

services, etc. Room costs are based on standard double occupancy average costs. Alternative room and meal plans are available at some campuses.1 There is an additional charge of between $92 and $130 for textbook rental on these campuses. Textbook rental is also available at UW-Barron County and 

UW-Richland. At all other institutions, students purchase their textbooks.

2 Highest tuition/fees are shown for the 13 UW Colleges. University housing is available at UW-Marathon County; room and board costs $3,076.Most Colleges’ students commute daily. Costs vary for food service and for private or county-operated housing available near most colleges.

3 Milwaukee’s room rate represents a large double room with five students.

4 Green Bay’s room rate represents a four student per apartment rate.

5 River Falls’ most popular meal plan is 10 meals.

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2001 UW System Fact Book 44

Overview of Financial Aid

In 1999-00, a total of 81,047 University of Wisconsin System students received $468.0 million in financial aid. Regulations

governing requirements for state and federal financial aid and a list of aid programs are provided in the current Introduc-

tion to the University of Wisconsin System. A summary of financial aid provided in 1999-00 to UW System students follows.

Summary of Financial Aid Provided in 1999-00to UW System Students

Type of Aid Provided

State Federal Institutional Other TotalGrants Grants Grants Grants Grants Work Loan Total

Number of Aid 21,736 26,114 14,336 9,382 45,651 9,375 65,014 81,0471


Total Amount of $34.6 $61.0 $23.9 $14.3 $133.8 $11.4 $322.8 $468.0

 Aid Provided


  Average Aid ($) $1,594 $2,335 $1,666 $1,520 $2,930 $1,216 $4,965 $5,774

1 This figure represents the total number of students receiving any type of financial aid. Students often receive more than one type of aid, so the cumulative totals for students aided through grant, work and loan programs will not equal the grand total.

2000-2001 Average Student Costs: 9-month TotalFor Undergraduate Resident Students

Living on Campus (Excluding UW Colleges)







Double Room$2,072

21% Tuition/Fees$3,35935%

Total Cost$9,741

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2001 UW System Fact Book 45

Financial Aid Provided to UW System Students,from 1990-91 to 1999-2000By Type of Aid

 The University of Wisconsin SystemFinancial Aid Federal, State and Institutional Funding For Academic Year 1999–00

Federal Funding State Funding Institutional Funding Other Funding Total Aid

Dollars Headcount Dollars Headcount Dollars Headcount Dollars Headcount Dollars Headcount(millions) (millions) (millions) (millions) (millions)

Total $386.2 71,186 $34.9 21,803 $25.6 14,673 $21.2 10,820 $468.0 81,047

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Loan Aid

Grant Aid

Work Aid











Aid in Millions

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2001 UW System Fact Book 

Budget Allocations by Institution and Source of Funds, 2000-01

State And Federal Appropriations Operational

2000-2001 Academic IndirectBudget Sub- Student Cost

Institution Total State Federal Total Fees Reimbursement


Madison $1,511,681,813 $399,324,792 $ 5,345,672 $ 404,670,464 $206,984,294 $65,000,000

Milwaukee 351,608,812 127,250,045 127,250,045 69,481,329 3,567,678

Subtotal 1,863,290,625 526,574,837 5,345,672 531,920,509 276,465,623 68,567,698


Eau Claire 129,485,081 48,896,024 48,896,024 27,017,929 226,000

Green Bay 67,851,985 25,142,475 25,142,475 12,107,755 204,733

La Crosse 102,760,925 41,052,859 41,052,859 25,353,508 250,000

Oshkosh 119,092,272 47,480,718 47,480,718 24,758,843 379,988Parkside 47,747,391 24,846,928 24,846,928 9,889,267 97,149

Platteville 69,895,939 29,315,093 29,315,093 14,545,472 125,000

River Falls 65,143,766 29,132,068 29,132,068 13,720,959 40,649

Stevens Point 110,437,934 43,734,518 43,734,518 23,025,939 175,925

Stout 94,818,824 39,764,123 39,764,123 20,748,585 375,443

Superior 37,849,215 16,390,095 16,390,095 6,540,935 54,965

  Whitewater 129,577,158 40,101,396 40,101,396 27,988,331 187,35

Subtotal 974,660,490 385,856,297 385,856,297 205,697,523 2,117,202

Colleges 63,203,368 32,724,296 32,724,296 17,334,234 98,685Extension 169,852,178 60,462,262 11,248,197 71,710,459 12,469,597 336,078

System Admin. 14,480,178 10,329,088 10,329,088 1,337,000

Systemwide 38,208,343 18,930,149 18,930,149 10,230,613 35,000

TOTAL $3,123,695,182 $1,034,876,929 $16,593,869 $1,051,470,798 $522,197,590 $72,491,663


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2001 UW System Fact Book 47

Receipts Gifts And Grants

Hospital FederalOperational Auxiliary Authority Sub- Grants & Gifts & Sub-

Receipts Enterprises Payments Total Contracts Trusts Total

$12,742,213 $219,941,305 $36,000,000 $ 540,667,812 $297,060,000 $269,283,537 $566,343,537

5,775,810 49,642,253 128,467,090 86,233,009 9,658,668 95,891,677

18,518,023 269,583,558 36,000,000 669,134,902 383,293,009 278,942,205 662,235,214

701,992 23,141,421 51,087,342 27,508,960 1,992,755 29,501,715

1,070,671 23,642,556 37,025,715 4,888,531 795,264 5,683,795

415,205 22,996,359 49,015,072 9,364,622 3,328,372 12,692,994

255,731 25,988,406 51,382,968 16,928,435 3,300,151 20,228,586492,035 7,645,584 18,124,035 4,152,978 623,450 4,776,428

297,244 19,466,395 34,434,111 5,307,543 839,192 6,146,735

1,094,068 13,294,123 28,149,799 7,284,990 576,909 7,861,899

516,599 29,440,057 53,158,520 11,198,868 2,346,028 13,544,896

568,508 19,385,860 41,078,396 12,394,983 1,581,322 13,976,305

105,856 5,917,646 12,619,402 8,520,735 318,983 8,839,718

2,141,204 24,567,667 54,884,552 32,583,485 2,007,725 34,591,210

7,659,113 215,486,074 430,959,912 140,134,130 17,710,151 157,844,281

1,048,291 4,799,727 23,280,937 6,182,322 1,015,813 7,198,13553,950,442 5,221,005 71,977,122 6,995,017 19,169,580 26,164,597

143,731 110,905 1,591,636 50,000 2,509,454 2,559,454

5,000 6,920,761 17,191,374 1,054,220 1,032,600 2,086,820

$81,324,600 $502,122,030 $36,000,000 $1,214,135,883 $537,708,698 $320,379,803 $858,088,501

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2001 UW System Fact Book 48

Source of Funds Spent, 1999-2000

$16,767,647 Federal Appropriations 0.58%

163,424,738 Fee Remissions and Compacts 5.65%

207,110,818 Auxiliary Enterprises 7.17%

304,793,120 Gifts, Donations, Endowment Income 10.54%

319,056,688 Educational and Other Sources 11.04%

434,298,458 Federal Grants and Contracts 15.02%

491,851,754 Student Fees 17.01%

953,860,999 State Appropriations 32.99%

$2,891,164,222 100.00%

1999–2000 Total PublicExpenditures Instruction Research Service

GPO and Other State $1,535,795,336 $653,238,258 $ 88,754,297 $ 97,949,188

Federal 410,955,143 16,965,758 260,410,601 33,923,644

Private** 304,566,599 44,067,681 143,042,307 29,538,374

Revolving*** 476,422,406 28,164,199 13,669,647 47,199,662

Fee Remissions and Compacts 163,424,738 23,205,390 25,211,207

Total $2,891,164,222 $765,641,286 $531,088,059 $208,610,868

State, Federal, Private and Other Funding for Instruction, Research and Public Service Functions, 1999–00(Cash Basis)

* Refers to institutional support, farm and physical plant operations, plant additions, auxiliary enterprises and mandatory transfers.

** Private sources include gifts, donations and endowment income.

*** Revolving funds include auxiliary enterprises, State Laboratory of Hygiene and other general operations receipts.

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2001 UW System Fact Book  49

How Funds Were Spent: A Functional Breakdownof 1999-2000 Expenditures

$ 10,827,823 Farm Operations 0.37%

65,536,760 Plant Additions 2.27%

112,713,835 Mandatory Transfers 3.90%

146,103,808 Institutional Support 5.05%

148,647,782 Physical Plant 5.14%

193,899,741 Auxiliary Enterprises 6.71%

208,610,868 Public Service 7.22%

214,518,283 Financial Aid 7.42%

223,341,901 Student Services 7.72%

270,234,076 Academic Support 9.35%

531,088,059 Research 18.37%

765,641,286 Instruction 26.48%

$2,891,164,222 100.00%

Academic Student FinancialSupport Services Aid Other*

$223,360,477 $ 89,852,920 $ 8,560,755 $374,079,441

4,956,495 12,492,632 66,690,884 15,515,129

9,568,358 4,019,709 21,006,994 53,323,176

32,348,746 116,976,640 3,251,509 234,812,003


$270,234,076 $223,341,901 $214,518,283 $677,729,749

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2001 UW System Fact Book 50

 Total Educational Cost 2000-2001

Wisconsin Resident Undergraduate, Dependent StudentLiving on Campus (Excluding UW Colleges)*

Based on weighted average of representative budgets at institutions (excluding UW Colleges).

* Actual costs vary from campus to campus.

** Based on 1999-00 final cost per student.

Percentage of Total Cost of Instruction Paid

By Resident Undergraduate Students









10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%













$5,031(63.7%)paid bystatefunds

$2,858(36.2%)paid bystudent

and family

Portion of total cost paid by student and family

$9,741 (66% of total cost)

Cost of Instruction*

$7,889 (53% of total cost)




State Funds $5,031

Student and Family

Tuition $2,858

Personal/Other $2,741

Meals $1,569

Room $2,072

Segregated Fees $501

Subtotal $9,741

Total Cost $14,772

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2001 UW System Fact Book 51

State Appropriations (GPR) as a Percentageof Total UW System Annual Budgets10-Year History

Fiscal Total UW State GPR-% of  Year System Budget GPR Total Budget

1991-92 2,175,109,432 759,536,700 34.92 %

1992-93 2,329,980,613 796,061,497 34.17 %

1993-94 2,426,861,934 823,004,342 33.91 %

1994-95 2,545,483,393 856,993,724 33.67 %

1995-96 2,659,989,949 850,208,619 31.96 %

1996-97 2,480,057,645 844,380,697 34.05 %

1997-98 2,606,993,359 879,818,127 33.75 %

1998-99 2,721,789,178 910,626,002 33.46%

1999–00 2,922,311,886 961,096,436 32.89 %

2000-01 3,123,695,182 1,034,876,929 33.13 %

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2001 UW System Fact Book 52

Board of Regents Policy on Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests(Revised February 5, 1982)

“As matters of law, policy and practice, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Institutions

of the System are committed to providing access to higher educational opportunity to persons of every race and ethnic

heritage, sex, age, religion and creed. To this end, the Regents have acted and continue to act to support policies and

measures designed to assure that no person shall be denied access to higher educational opportunity on the basis of raceor ethnic heritage, sex, age, religion or creed. For this reason, the Regents encourage gifts, grants, bequests and devises

which further and expand educational opportunities in the State of Wisconsin.

“Therefore, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System will accept gifts, grants, bequests and devises

and will administer them in lawful ways. If any proposed gifts, grants, bequests and devises are subject to a restriction

which renders administration of them wholly, or in part, unlawful, impracticable, impossible or inappropriate, then the

Board will withhold acceptance, while it attempts to have those terms modified by consent or by the courts.

“As a matter of policy, the Board directs the System and institutions not to accept future gifts, grants, bequests or devises

which include restrictions requiring differentiations on the basis of religion or creed, unless those restrictions are removed

by consent of the donors, if living, or by appropriate legal processes, initiated by the legal representatives of deceased


“The Business and Finance Committee of the Board should periodically examine terms of existing gifts, grants, bequests

or devises which were accepted in years past and recommend to the Board whether modification of any terms should besought.”

UW System Gifts, Grants & Contracts10-Year Summary

Federal Federal All SourcesAmount % of Total Total

1990-91 307,852,071 72% 430,107,275

1991-92 347,181,961 70% 493,139,670

1992-93 366,587,583 68% 540,646,858

1993-94 375,360,408 69% 541,098,102

1994-95 416,919,733 69% 607,795,190

1995-96 373,145,279 67% 558,144,138

1996-97 374,533,689 63% 594,427,021

1997-98 375,190,080 58% 647,904,478

1998-99 437,581,022 63% 691,438,801

1999-2000 471,533,591 61% 768,059,901

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2001 UW System Fact Book 


& Staff 

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2001 UW System Fact Book 54

Budgeted Faculty and Staff Positions, 2000-01*(Full-Time Equivalent)

Assoc.Assoc. Asst. Prof. Total Other Total Total

Institution Prof. Prof. Prof. Inst. Unranked Faculty Unclass. Unclass. Classif. UW Staff  

UniversitiesEau Claire 172 123 135 5 10 445 236 681 422 1,103

Green Bay 47 54 68 3 172 193 365 195 560

La Crosse 108 101 137 1 1 348 274 622 327 949

Madison 1,342 373 418 2,133 5,907 8,040 4,857 12,897

Milwaukee 267 275 218 1 761 960 1,721 1,067 2,788

Oshkosh 94 120 162 5 1 382 362 744 414 1,158

Parkside 47 51 33 2 134 160 294 190 484

Platteville 93 58 83 1 235 149 384 232 616

River Falls 119 59 71 3 251 140 391 211 602

Stevens Point 163 98 97 8 1 367 255 622 378 1,000

Stout 130 78 102 310 243 553 384 937

Superior 40 27 39 2 108 111 219 139 358  Whitewater 105 110 154 3 372 284 656 376 1,

Total 2,727 1,527 1,717 34 14 6,018 9,273 15,292 9,192 24,484

UW Colleges

Baraboo-Sauk 9 6 4 18 18 36 11 47

Barron 4 7 7 18 11 29 12 40

Fond du Lac 2 8 12 22 11 33 17 50

Fox Valley 6 13 15 34 30 64 19 83

Manitowoc 8 8 5 21 11 32 13 45

Marathon 15 12 14 41 23 64 24 88

Marinette 2 6 8 16 12 28 12 40Marshfield-Wood 1 8 8 17 14 31 11 42

Richland 4 6 6 16 10 26 9 35

Rock 4 12 12 28 15 43 15 58

Sheboygan 9 5 8 22 15 37 14 51

  Washington 5 12 11 28 13 41 14

  Waukesha 15 23 22 60 30 90 33

Other 0 42 42 19 62

Total 84 126 132 0 341 255 595 223 819

UW Extension 78 123 54 35 292 527 819 269 1,088

System Admin. 52 52 99 150

Systemwide 77 77 31 108


UW System 2,889 1,776 1,904 69 14 6,651 10,184 16,836 9,813 26,649

* Includes vacant positions. Does not include 2,595 student assistants in the UW System.

Source: UW Office of Budget Planning 

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2001 UW System Fact Book 55

Budgeted Faculty, 2000-01*(Appointment Count)

AssociateAssociate Assistant Professor Total

Institution Professors Professors Professors Instructors Unranked Faculty

UniversitiesEau Claire 175 125 137 7 10 454

Green Bay 49 55 69 3 176

La Crosse 108 101 137 1 1 348

Madison 1,388 385 431 2,204

Milwaukee 279 286 218 1 784

Oshkosh 97 121 163 5 1 387

Parkside 47 52 33 2 134

Platteville 94 59 84 - 1 238

River Falls 121 60 72 4 257

Stevens Point 165 102 101 8 1 377

Stout 132 80 111 - 323

Superior 40 29 41 2 112  Whitewater 108 112 159 3

Total 2,803 1,567 1,756 36 14 6,176

UW Colleges

Baraboo-Sauk 10 6 4 20

Barron 4 7 7 18

Fond du Lac 2 8 12 22

Fox Valley 6 13 16 35

Manitowoc 8 8 5 21

Marathon 15 12 15 42

Marinette 2 6 8 16Marshfield-Wood 1 8 8 17

Richland 4 6 6 16

Rock 4 12 12 28

Sheboygan 9 5 8 22

  Washington 5 12 11

  Waukesha 15 23 22

Systemwide Services 0

Total 85 126 134 0 345

UW Extension 86 136 59 39 320


Total UW System 2,974 1,829 1,949 75 14 6,841

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2001 UW System Fact Book 56

Average AAUP Salaries of Full-TimeFaculty as of 2000-01 (filled positions only)*

Institutions Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors

Eau Claire $61,876 $51,474 $43,941

Green Bay 60,329 51,145 43,739

La Crosse 65,940 53,718 46,227Madison ** 90,392 67,990 59,756

Milwaukee 78,062 60,468 51,976

Oshkosh 65,430 53,337 46,921

Parkside 66,420 55,727 43,609

Platteville 65,233 50,536 45,603

River Falls 60,053 49,046 46,277

Stevens Point 63,784 51,181 42,763

Stout 62,698 50,851 44,707

Superior 59,777 50,369 43,174

  Whitewater 67,353 53,480 45,93

Colleges 57,090 47,011 39,681

* The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) salary ranges are being used to be consistent with other reports. AAUP averages represent academic year salaries and annual salaries converted to 9-month appointments. AAUP does not report salary data for UW-Extension.

** AAUP salary averages for UW-Madison exclude salaries of staff members who hold appointments in the Medical School.

Source: 2000-01 AAUP/IPEDS Report 

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2001 UW System Fact Book 57

Women Faculty by Rank*5-Year HistoryPercent of Total Faculty

(Full-Time Equivalent Basis)*Faculty on leave included.

Source: Human Resources Information System (HRIS) database Prepared by the Office of Human Resources, UWSA (10/01)














16.8 %





Professor AssociateProfessor








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2001 UW System Fact Book 58

Multicultural Faculty by Gender as of October 2000*(Headcount)

African American American Indian Asian Hispanic/Latino MulticulturalMale Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Faculty Total

Colleges 4 1 1 10 5 2 2 25Eau Claire 4 4 3 2 12 5 3 1 34

Extension 1 1 1 1 4Green Bay 1 3 9 3 5 3 24La Crosse 6 2 1 15 4 8 2 38Madison 28 20 4 2 111 30 41 17 253Milwaukee 16 15 5 4 62 21 14 2 139Oshkosh 4 1 21 9 3 2 40Parkside 4 4 7 5 3 23Platteville 6 2 1 13 1 3 1 27River Falls 2 3 4 2 2 13Stevens Point 3 1 1 11 4 1 2 23Stout 5 1 1 10 3 3 23Superior 1 1 3 1 6  Whitewater 6 3 2 17 9 6 3 46

Total 91 53 21 17 301 104 94 37 718

Multicultural faculty members represent 11.6% of the total UW System faculty (6,182).

*Faculty on leave included.

Source: Human Resources Information System (HRIS) database, Oct. 2001.

Data does not include 47 faculty members whose gender/race/ethnicity are unknown.

Multicultural Faculty by Ethnic Group, October 2000

Multicultural faculty members represent 11.6% (headcount) of the total UW System faculty (6,182).







60  Asian

 African American


Native American




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UW-Barron County


UW-River Falls UW-Eau Claire

UW-Marshfield/Wood County

UW-Stevens Point

UW-Marathon County


UW-Green Bay



UW-Washington County




UW-WhitewaterUW-Rock County



UW-La Crosse


UW-Baraboo/Sauk CountyUniversities



UW-Extension Offices

in every county

UW-Fond du Lac

UW-Fox Valley

Institutions in theUniversity of Wisconsin System

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 Academic programscredit outreach UWEX, 36independent study UWEX, 36

 Academic staff appointments, 6role in UW System, 6statistics (other unclassified), 54

 Acreage, campus, 20 Appropriations, GPR as Percentage of Budget, 51Board of Regents

descriptions, 5meeting dates, 9members, 8office staff, 9officers, 9presidents 1971-present, 7

Budget10-year summary of GPR support, 512000-01 UW System, 46academic year (student), 44allocations by institution and source, 46how funds were spent, 49

source of funds, 48state, federal, private funding/expenditures, 48Buildings

owned facilities by year of construction, 21statistics by institution, systemwide, 20

Calendar, academic years 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 16-19Colleges, UW, 14

deans, 13Chancellors, 12Chapter 36, Wisconsin Statutes, see www.wisconsin.eduCosts, student

 four-year summary 1996-97 to 2000-01, 42-43percentage paid by resident undergraduates, 50representative student budget, 44total education cost, 50

Degrees conferredbachelors, 37graduate and professional, 38multicultural group, 40

Enrollments fall 2000 enrollment by institution, 26 fall enrollments, past 25 years, 25geographic origin of students, 28historical, 30-31multicultural student enrollment, 39-40summer sessions, 34-35

Ethnic Groupsdegrees awarded, 40enrollment, 39-40male/female enrollment, 39

multicultural faculty by ethnic group, 58Expenditures, UW System

by source of funds and function, 48how funds were spent, 49

Extension UW-

by ethnic group, 58headcount, 55role in UW System, 6salaries, 56women by rank, 57

Financial Aid10-year summary, 45

 federal and state programs, 45Gifts, Grants and Contracts

10-year summary, 52

regent policy on, 52GPR Support

10-year history, 51  financial expenditures of, 48

HELP (UW System Advising Service), inside front cover History, of UW System, 5Housing, Campus

cost of, 42-43Instruction, funding of, 48Map of Campus Locations, inside back cover Men

multicultural enrollment, 39multicultural faculty, 58undergraduate enrollment, 29

Mission Statement of UW System, 10

Multiculturaldegrees awarded, 40enrollment, 39-40

 faculty, by ethnic group, 58Officers, UW System Administration, 11Physical Plant, Statistics, 20Presidents

Board of Regents, 7UW System, 7

Public Serviceexpenditures by source of funding, 48

Regents(See Board of Regents)

Research, funding of, 48-49Salaries, Full-Time Faculty, 56Statutes, Wisconsin—Chapter 36, see www.wisconsin.eduStudent

costs, 42-44, 50enrollment, 25-36

  financial aid, 44-45gender, 29geographic origin, 28role in UW System, 7

Summer Session Enrollments, 34-35Telephone Numbers

business/industry information, inside front cover chancellors, 12, outside back cover Colleges deans, 13, outside back cover HELP (UW System Advising Service), inside front cover UW System Administration and

Board of Regents News, inside front cover UW System Administration officers, 11

Tuitionas part of educational cost, 50

top related