factors for truancy in primary schools fully research

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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The issue of truancy in Tanzania is a critical problem now days.Most students they do not

complete their course of study becouse of truancy which lead them to drop out from

schooling.most students especially girls are ending up by geting married and those who are

not married are geting pregnancies.most boys who are truant are employed for liltle wages and

others using drugs and others engage in criminal issues.The study want to realise all social

economic factors contributing to this tendency in order to improve the education of the

children for the super development of the nation at large.

1.1 Background of the Problem

Truancy is a serious problem in Tanzania education system today which need highly attention

in schools administrators,and teachers in schools in order to prevent high rate of students drop

out from schooling(www.mkombozi.org.mkombozi centre for street children ) In school

truancy is a term used to describe any intentional unauthorized absence from compulsory

schooling. Children today lose over hundred days of their time to stay at school through

truancy. The young girls and boys of the schooling age are not at school in steady working in

entertainments areas eg, Clubs, (www.edu.org/susan Scheff, 2007 ).

Reducing truancy and exclusions levels are an important part of Government social inclusion

policy. Young people who attend school regularly are more likely to get the most they can out

of their time at school, and therefore more likely to achieve their potential, and less likely to

take part in anti-social or criminal behaviour(www.education.com/social exclusion unit,


There is some evidence showed that poor literacy is, in some cases, a causal factor. An early

survey by the Children's Society showed that the majority of those who are permanently

excluded are boys aged between 13 and 15, most having started secondary school with a

reading age behind that of their peers. This is backed up by Ofsted who reported that poor

attendance was within those students who are poor readers ( www.education.com//social

exclusion unit 1998).

Recommendations by the (www.edu.com/1998 Social Exclusion Unit) report include dealing

early with children's literacy and numeracy problems so that they catch up, and providing

extra-curricular activities and experiences to improve motivation among those at risk of

becoming disaffected. Teenage girls who are excluded from school should not be overlooked

either,otherwise they should be helped in order to achieve in their education.

( www.edu,com/Joseph Rowntree Foundation report 1998).

Children who play truant from school very often select the classes they want to miss. Usually

the subjects they skip are ones the student finds difficult or boring, possibly a clash with the

teacher is to blame. One common pattern is for truants to attend school for morning and

afternoon head counts, but somehow sneak out during most of the day. Missing lessons is bad

news for any young person and truancy is likely to have a negative impact on their overall

education and job prospects/progress. Children who constantly turn up late for lessons are

disruptive to other students and the school's learning environment, and truanting has a negative

effect on school morale. It should also be noted that children who are truanting could be in

physical danger or at risk from being drawn into criminal activity (www.edu.org/ Susan

Scheff 2007).

1.2 Statement of the problem

The studies shows that the causes of truancy in schools is such as shortage of teachers,poor

teaching methods,economic problems,political situation,personal matters and school setting

( www.edu.org/susan scheff,2007 ). The number of schools in Tanzania has increased to high

extent in such a way that every ward in a country is having a secondary school so that students

may not move a very long distance to go to school. The education opportunity is therefore to

all students in a nation.There is several programs for the goverment to train teachers who will

teach in these secondary schools in order to reduce the shortage of teachers and facilitate the

provision of education in a nation. Some more factors might be responsible for this problem of

truancy in our schools. The scope of this study is to find out those factors which might

associate to truancy in secondary schools in arumeru district in arusha region.

1.3 Purpose and the objectives of the study.

The purpose of this study is: To investigate social, economic factors that contributing to

truancy in secondary schools.

1.3.1 Specific objectives.

(1) The study was finding out the contribution of community to truancy in secondary


(2) The study was finding out the contribution of school setting to truancy. Research questions


To examine whether paying school fees contribute to truancy in Tanzania?.

To examin if the infrustructure are the factor for the truancy?


To find out if the school setting influance truancy?.

To find out if the social relation of teachers and students influance truancy?.

To find out if the mid-day meal influance truancy?.

To find out if the distance from home to school have relation with truancy?.

To find out if the teaching methods which are used in teaching are contributing to


To find out if the monthly salary received by teachers is influancing the behaviour of


To examine how school morale is related to truancy?.

1.4 Significance of the study.

It is the researcher’s hope that this study will help all educational stakeholders like the Ministry

of Education, parents and teachers to understand and rectify the existing problem of truancy in

secondary school students. The study will help in management of schools in order to facilitate

the provision of education in Tanzania and out of Tanzania.This study will be able to show

both teachers and students the causes of truancy and they will be able to handle the

situation.The parliament will be able to create laws which will guide the students at school and

fail to practise truancy. example those students who are not attending school becouse they are

employed or married.as it is observed that the number of schools has already increased and the

morale on the part of students is decreased due to truancy, and due to truancy most of students

are engaging in the criminal activities .This study might come up with the causes then the

suggestions will be given in order to improve this problematic phenomena in secondary


1.5 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theory:”Truancy has a negative effect on learning enviroment and school

morale”(www.edu.org/susan scheff,2007 ).The students who are always truanting are usually

perfoming poorly in class,disruptive and the situation lead them in to drop up from schooling.

Education is very important for the better development.Education received through regular

attending to school is a big/fundamental instrument for the development and help to seek

individual competence in the future career/professional progress/perfomance.

REASON:The researcher want to find the couses of the truancy and be able to suggest the

possible way/strategies to be used in order to abolish and help to get positive class room

climate and rise good school morale.The theory is linking to my study especially now days in

Tanzania schools many students are perfoming poorly and other drop from schooling.

1.7 Definition of the operational terms

Truancy: Traditionally, truancy is defined as an absence from school that is not excused by the

parent/guardian or the school. The specific number of absences required before a student is

labelled a truant.

Truant: Somebody absent from school: somebody who is absent without permission or good

reason, especially from school.

1.8 Limitations

Several limitations were encountered during the study. The limitations included the following













Language problem. Some pupils failed to understand the questions in questionnaires. For

example, the researcher had to translate the questions to Kiswahili for the most students of the

secondary schools to fill in the required information. However some students filled in the

information without understanding the question well.

Time. The time that was put for collecting data was little bit limited for most of schools

becouse the only time for collecting data was after class hours and the observation during class

hours. This affected the study because some schools had outside activities and sports after

class hours.

Postponements of the day of collecting data by the heads of the schools, some head masters

(for example of Nasholi and Kikatiti secondary schools) postponed the day of collecting data.

This was due to the reason that they had their own school-scheduled timetable and they did not

want it to be interrupted. This did cost the researcher more time and money as well.


2.0 Introduction

During study the researchers will look at any work of literature by paying special attention to

one of several aspects: its language and structure; its intended purpose; the information and

worldview it conveys; or its effect on the society. Because works of literature can be studied

long after their first publication, awareness of historical and theoretical context contributes to

our understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of them. Historical research relates a work to

the life and times of its author. Attention to the nature, functions, and categories of literature

provides a theoretical framework joining a past context to the experience of present readers.In

this study the researcher will pay attention/ look more on how the problem of truancy is viewed

by other studies so that the research gap can be fulfilled.

2.1 Review

Children today lose over hundred days of their education each year through truancy. Often

times they do this without the knowledge of their parents or school officials. In common usage

the term typically refers to absences caused by students of their own free will, and usually does

not refer to legitimate "excused" absences, such as ones related to a medical condition. It may

also refer to students who attend school but do not go to classes. Because of this confusion

many schools have their own definitions, and as such the exact meaning of the term itself will

differ from school to school and district to district. In order to avoid or diminish confusion,

many schools explicitly define the term and their particular usage in the school's handbook of

policies and procedures. In many instances truancy is the term referring to an absence

associated with the most brazen student irresponsibility and results in the greatest

consequences. Many educators view truancy as something much more far reaching than the

immediate consequence that missed schooling has on a student's education. Truancy may

indicate more deeply embeded problems with the student, the education they are receiving, or

both. Because of its traditional association with juvenile deliquency, truancy in some schools

may result in an ineligibility to graduate or to receive credit for class attended, until the time

lost to truancy is made up through a combination of detention, fines, or summer school. This

can be especially troubling for a child, as failing school can lead to social impairment if the

child is held back, economic impact if the child drops out or cannot continue his or her

education, and emotional impact as the cycle of failure diminishes the adolescent's self-esteem

(Susan scheff 2007).

Students with the highest truancy rates have the lowest academic achevement rates, and

because truants are the youth most likely to drop out of school, they have high drop out rates as

well (Dynarskion certain days and Heaviside et al., 1998). The study shows that some

students in Tanzania are truant becouse of poor relation with their teachers

(www.mkombozi.org/mkombozi centre for street children )

In Detroit, MI, for example, school attendance officials investigated 66,440 complaints of

chronic absenteeism during the1994–95 school year, and in Chicago, IL, the average 10th

grader missed 6 weeks of instructional time during the 1995–96 school year

(Garry, 1996; Roderick et al., 1997).

In most schools there is program for the students to get mid-day meal at school.The goverment

has increased the fund to buy teaching and learning materials in schools as well as rising the

teachers monthly salary, (www.moe.go.tz/ministry of education and vocational training

report 2009)

(Heaviside et al., 1998 ) A national review of discipline issues in schools conducted in 1996–

97 found that public school principals identified student absenteeism, class cutting, and

tardiness as the top discipline problems in their schools

In general, the proportion of truancy cases handled in juvenile court is relatively small.

However, the juvenile justice system is increasing serving as the final stop for truants and as a

mechanism for intervening with chronic truants. Recent statistics available on the extent of

truancy cases in juvenile court clearly demonstrate how important it is for schools and

communities to confront this issue. In 1998, truancy accounted for 26 percent of all formally

handled status offense cases, representing an 85-percent increase in truancy cases in juvenile

court since 1989 (from 22,200 cases in 1989 to 41,000 cases in 1998)

(Puzzanchera et al, 2007). A closer look reveals that the number of high truancy cases around

the country is about evenly divided between boys and girls and that whereas the majority of

petitioned truancy cases involve 15-yearolds, there have been petitioned cases involving boys

and girls as young as 10years old.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announced that the school district's truant officers are being

equipped with cell phones and software that will give them immediate access to any student's

date of birth, address, emergency phone numbers, and class schedule. Eventually, according to

the mayor, the phones also will be able to access outstanding arrest warrants. The cell phones

will help truant officers determine the validity of the excuses they encounter when they

approach students found off school grounds during school hours. "Our goal is to make sure

every student is in class and getting the education they deserve,'' Menino said. With his

announcement, Mayor Menino introduced the latest weapon in the city wide -- and nationwide

-- war against student truancy. Will it help? Certainly, the technology will make a truant

officer's job easier. Whether it also will decrease Boston's daily student absentee rate -- which

Superintendent Thomas W. Payzant told the Boston Globe is as high as 20 percent at some city

high schools -- remains to be seen”.Boston's truancy problem is not unique, of course. Every

day, hundreds of thousands of students across the United States are absent from school without

a legitimate excuse and even in Tanzania a student find some times that it’s not a big issue by

not attending school.(www.education.org)

According (ERIC, 1999) "Student Truancy, "absentee rates have reached as high as 30

percent in some cities." Every year, cities, states, and school districts across the country

announce new initiatives designed to entice, counsel, threaten, or coerce kids into attending


Many students will skip either a single class or even a full day of school at least once during

their academic career. They may want to attend a special event, prepare for prom night, or

simply take what is known in the world of work as a "mental health day." These isolated

incidents are quite typical and unlikely to create problems. However, when class-cutting or

full-day absences begin to occur routinely and in response to one or more problems in a

student's life, then there is great cause for concern (Sussan scheff 2007).

Truancy has become a very serious issue facing all of our schools, from elementary through

high school, and all of our communities, regardless of income and social class. The fact is,

truancy is an insidious problem for schools and communities because it stems from a such a

broad range of risk factors and leads to an equally varied set of negative -- and even dangerous

-- consequences."Truancy is not the problem -- it's an indicator of other problems. When

students aren't in school, we need to understand why they stay away before we can effect

solutions."( http://www.k12coordinator.org)

While truancy is frequently defined as an absence from school that is not excused by the

parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or the school, there are other important factors to consider when

trying to identify and address truant behaviour among youth. Even excused absences can be

problematic for students and schools if they are frequent. Truancy efforts are increasingly

focusing on school attendance -- regardless of whether an absence is excused or not – since

chronic truancy and problems such as chronic health issues both result in the same outcome:

numerous days out of school. When students miss extended periods of school, no matter the

reason, they are likely to fall behind in their schoolwork, decline in their academic

performance, and lose their attachment or positive attitudes toward school. It is also important

to look at two dimensions of absenteeism: missing full days of school and missing some

classes. While these two types of truant behaviour may stem from different causes and require

different types of intervention, they are both likely to create serious problems for young

people. for some brief illustrations of these different types of truant behaviour. Young people

who routinely skip school represent a diverse group. Some have personal issues that make

regular school "Truancy may (http://www.k12coordinator.org)

There are some reasons a student misses school will for different depending on the age and

circumstances of each student. Sometimes a student will skip school because they feel unsafe

at school or on their way to or from school. Other students may miss school because of family

issues, financial demands, substance abuse, or mental health problems. Factors contributing to

truancy commonly stem from three core areas: school, family and community. Innate student

characteristics and their experiences within all these areas will have a heavy impact on truancy

rates (www. World-education.com)

Bad Influences: One of the common causes of truancy and disruptive behavior in children is

the influence of friends and peers. Many times these peers are seen encouraging truancy as a

status-seeking activity or as a way of joining in or blending in. The child's natural instinct to

want to be a part of a larger crowd or group dynamic will take over, even if they are taught

better habits. Often times this same dynamic is prevalent in the face of any resistance the child

may put forth, prompting teasing or goading the child into truanting (www.edu.org)

School factors: What is classed as truancy can depend largely on the school's attitude to the

'truant' or their problems. Relationships with teachers, seen as lacking respect/fairness, play a

large factor in truancy rates among children. Often times this inability to get along with

teachers and/or students will result in disciplinary problems which may lead to suspension, or

exlusion. Of course, being away from the school either voluntarily or at the school's demand

can have an adverse affect on the student's academic performance, resulting in not being able

to keep up with school work, getting poor grades, or even failing. A school may also be remiss

in not notifying parents/guardians of absences. This feeds into the larger school category as a

whole, encompassing not only relationships with teachers and issues of fair treatment but also

the content and delivery of the curriculum, seen as lacking in relevance and stimulus. At this

point the factors coming together are often times consolidated into the “standard” excuse from

children regarding school and truancy, namely that they don't like school in general or that they

don't like the particular school they are attending. Compounding the problem is the ease with

which some pupils slip away unnoticed and how their school systems do not have in place a

method to determine them. For example inconsistent and ineffective school attendance

policies, in conjunction with poor record keeping, may cause a school to inadequately identify

a child's special education needs. Some schools are not safe so children can not attend school

regularly because they are not comfortable with the school, example may schools have no good

toilets which can support the population of all students, so many students leave the school

environment before school hours because they are not comfortable


Bullying: Closely related to the issue of a child's relationship with school.bullying. Bullying is

a prime component in the making of an unsafe school environment; if a child does not feel safe

at school, or on the way to/from school, they are much more likely to become truant. Bullying

occurs for many reasons and it goes beyond the one isolated instance of harassment either

because of teachers’ inability to control, or problems arising from the child’s own personality

or learning abilities. A parent might say they are keeping their child off school because they are

being bullied. The school might call it truancy. (www.truancyprevention.org)

Personal Matters :Individual (personal) factors related to child truancy include: lack of self-

esteem/social skills/confidence; poor peer relations; lack of academic ability; special needs;

and lack of concentration/self-management skills. Professionals have identified that many

chronically truant children had a job, had a family to support, or had trouble managing both

school and work, thus forcing them to make a choice between personal life and school. For

sure when a child gets married, gets pregnant and/or becomes a parent the risk of truancy

increases. Often times the risky behaviours are further investigated if the child develops or has

already developed an alcohol or drug problem.(www.edu.com)

Family factors :Family factors that contribute to truancy in students are innately personal in

nature. Parentally condoned absence is especially influential, as it reinforces the lack of

consequences for irresponsible/unwanted behaviour on the part of the child. Parental attitudes

to education are crucial to schools success in keeping children in school; often times a parent's

condemnation of truancy is considered as the parent's not valuing education. It is worth noting

that many parents indiscriminately sanction an absence by sending a note or making a call.

Schools should be able to enlist the support of parents when it comes to tackling truancy. When

a parent doesn't value education, wants their child to help them out at home or believes their

child has good reasons for staying away, the task is altogether more challenging. Many

educators point to the prevalence of so-called 'tourist truants': like children who stay two weeks

in the tourists area missing vital parts of their school curriculum. These kinds of trips give as

negative message to a child as a note for a fortnight off school. Many schools will only

exceptionally agree to a child missing more than 10 school days for a family holiday or other

reason during one year. Some schools may refuse to authorize any absence for holidays


Many students are missing proper parental supervision/guidance hence whenever they stay at

home, or staying, without going to school there is no one care about the situation because there

is no good clear guidance at home. No one to build the school morale, and academic potential

of the children. The study shows that if there is domestic violence the truancy will be very high

on part of children in a family.(www.truancyprevention.org)

School phobia/school refusal:At various times, some children may become anxious about

attending school. Often this is a passing phase, but in a very few cases, it can develop into a

more persistent problem, sometimes known as school phobia or school refusal. In some

instances, a child may want to go to school, but because of his/her anxiety, is unable to do so.

This anxiety may manifest itself in many ways such as stomach aches or headaches, feeling or

being sick, panic attacks or sleeping difficulties (www.edu.com)

Economic factors: Some students are employed in order to get income which help them to

overcome life difficulties. The students who are employed are not attending school and are

highly refuse to go to school because those school hours they are the best working hours for

them. Some students are working part time jobs in order to collect school fees which they can

not get from their families so they tend to leave school before recommended hours. Those

students with single parent house hold they find very difficult moment in attending school

because they do not get their fully basic needs and they are truant from schho because they are

not satisfied with the situation at home. Most of these children they drop up from schooling if

there is no enough advice and support to them.(www.edu.com). Parents with multiple jobs

have no enough chance to moniter their children attendance to school and their children are

high truants during class hours /in such a family there is poor guidance and supervision of the

children in a school (www.worldeducation.com).

Farrant (1980), explains drop out in education as pupils who despite having the ability to

complete an educational course, fail to do so. “The problem is most common in rural areas,

where children commonly form a recognized part of the family’s labor force. Unless parents

see the value of schooling, they tend to give their children works in the home or on the farm

that prevents them attending school .Dropouts may also occur because parents are unable to

pay the fees charged by schools. In town, dropouts are more commonly caused by the factors

that lead to chronic truancy such as academic failure, bulling or such as fear of certain

teachers.” Farrant(1980 pg 287.According to him he describes this problem to be mostly

commonly in rural areas where many parents disvalue schooling and tends to give their

children work at home or at the farm that leads them not attending school always hence

dropping out.

“Students who are poor, minority or attending school in cities are for more likely to dropout of

school. Also children are more likely to dropout if they are members of large families and if their

parents are poorly educated or working in low- paying jobs, factors related to poverty. Students

from low- income, low-skills, low education family backgrounds are several times more likely to

be truant and drop out of school than students from wealthy families.

Accordingly, this literature review above, it sets up a foundation for this study to see if there is

factors which contributing to truancy in secondary schools in Arumeru district in Arusha


2.2 Gap in the Literature

The review of previous studies shows that, there was social,economic and political factors

contributing to truancy in schools and even ways to reduce truancy in schools, many of these

studies were conducted mostly in america and other european countries which leaves a gap of

knowledge about Tanzania.Tanzania today is suffering from problems of lack of teaching

resources,lack of enough teachers,also many places of Tanzania suffer from femine and many

others problems.This it might be a recent study in this area which will help to fill this gap on

part of Tanzania.



3.0 Introduction

Various methods and approach was emloyed in this study in order to collect the relevant data

which can give a solution to the problem.It covers the research design, areas of the study,the

sample of the study population and the sampling techniques.it includes a description of the data

gathering instruments and the data analysis plan.

3.1 Research Design

The study was conducted by using the qualitative approach. A observation study design was

employed.This is becouse the nature of the study was to generate knowledge from a critical

investigation of social,economic factors contributing to truancy in a schools.Such approach

required a natural setting for clear observation and analysis of all possible factors as well as

assesment of collective outcomes.Also the study used some elements of quantitative analysis,

example when want to know how many students attend school regurally within a week ,then

the number were provided.The study was relied mostly on observation in the attendence

list.Also some information were obtained from structured questionnaires for targeted group

such as head of schools teachers and some students.Some more information from observation

3.2 Population

The target population which were used to get information were students,Head of schools and

teachers of arumeru district in arusha region. It was not possible to deal with the whole

population in the district therefore the sample of three schools were used to get

information.The sakila secondary school,kikatiti secondary school and Nasholi secondary

school.The two schools Kikatiti and Nasholi are located in the populated area(urbun like) while

sakila is located in rural area in arumeru district.

3.3 Sample and sampling procedures.

By using sampling techniques sample can be selected from a population and the selected

sample therefore represent the whole population (Cohen etal 2000).

In this study the selection of participants will be done through random sampling

techniques.The participants for the questionnaires will be selected by purposive

sampling,which include head of schools and some teachers. This sampling techniques will

enable the researcher to select the people who meet the requirements for the research.

The study was conducted in three secondary schools,sakila Secondary School kikatiti

secondary school and nasholi secondary school. Two are government schools and one private

school; co- education and day schools while kikatiti is bording and day school found in

arumeru district arusha region. These schools were selected randomly. The sample size used

was 69 people,60 students 6 normal teachers and 3 head of schools. from each school

mentioned above. The sample was obtained through simple random where by pieces of paper

written no and yes were put in small box and students were allowed to pick any paper, if it was

written yes, she was the respondent, if written no,they were not respondent. The purposive

sampling were employed to select respondents who are the head of schools and same of

teachers who were provided with the structured questions in order to provide the information

which can not be found in part of the students.

3.4 Research instruments

The study used two data gathering methods to collect information.These include ,observation

and questionnaires.The use of many methods of data collection help to collect the informations

with high validity.The information obtained will give strong facts than the information from

just one source which can be bias during researcher investigation(Cohen etal 2000)

3.4.1 Observation

Observation is a method which is used in all qualitative research in order to discover the

complex interactions in natural social settings (Marshall and Rossman, 1995). It enables a

researcher to have an opportunity to look at what is taking place in the situation radher than

second information (Patton,1990).In this study the observation of the schools enviroment

helped to reveal some of the possible factors that contributing to truancy.The observation were

considering the school infrustructure,social interaction of teachers and the students and even

the interaction of students them selves.further observation was made in the teaching situation

in the class room.attendence of teachers in the classroom by considering the class journals

list.All these helped to collect informations related to the factors which contributing to truancy

such as social-economic related factors.The researcher observed the attendence register

books in order to know to what extent do the students truant.

3.4.2 Questionnaires

Questions were administered/given to the head of school,teachers,and some students.The

questionnaires were seeking information of why most students are always truant at school.The

respondents were given questions which they were have to fill by them selves at their

enviromental setting in order to tell what real couse truancy at their school.The open questions

are probing questions which were trying to focus on the possible causes of truancy in

schools.the question were given and the respondents were supposed to read and tick yes if the

factor is true or and not if the factor is not true.

3.5 Data collection procedures

The questionnaires were administered on the school premises after class hours and other

times that the school administration thought will not affect the normal school programs. To

ensure maximum reliability and validity of the study the questions were clearly stated, variety

of wording of the sentences were employed and respondents were allowed to tick the response

which they fill that its appropriate yes or no for the factors provided.Respondents were also

assured that their responses would be confidential. Letter containing information about

research purpose and a copy of questionnaire were handled to all heads of schools I visited and

conducted the research,but also for the benefit of all respondents of my research questions i

attached a small copy of information which have the significance and the objective of the

study.The regular observation was made by the permission of the head of the school for a

researcher to get in the class and observe and record the information which are relevant while

the teacher is teaching.the information which were recorded were about teaching

situation,methods of teaching,teachers personality,percent of students missing and the lesson

interaction and also to know if there if some known reason for those students who are missing

the particular lesson.Further information were obtained from the class attendence register for

the each class and trying to see to what extent students are truant.

3.6. Data analysis procedure

Data analysis is a process that implies editing,coding,classification and tabulation of collected

data(Kothari,1990). Since the study is qualitative in nature,content analysis will be used where

by data need to be generalized that means the data from questionaire and observation will be

tabulated and computed in to graphs to show the variations of findings.Also some explanation

will be given for more analysis of the obtained findings.




4.0 Introduction

This chapter presents, interprets, explains, analyses and discusses the research findings obtained

from the research instruments used in the factors that contributing to truancy in secondary schools,

which results to dropping out of the secondary school students and couse most of them to engage in

criminal activities,poor perfomance,and lack of school morale. Schools in which I conducted this

research were Sakila secondary school,Nasholi secondary school and Kikatiti secondary school.



Data analysis is a process that implies editing,coding,classification and tabulation of collected

data (Kothari,1990). The responses obtained from questionnaires and observation were analyzed

qualitatively and qualitatively. Hence interpreted considerably. After collecting data, I have editing

them, coding, classifying them and put them in tables, then the collected data were summarized in

graphs to show the variation.

In my questionnaires, statements and questions were prepared. 60students, 3 head of schools

and 6 teachers filled the questionnaires with respect to the type of question given and to whom

is responsible to respond to it. They were required to fill in the blank space provided, to tick

yes or no according to the real situation they all know. The table bellow shows the questions

and the respective responses.



Questions asked to the students if the couses of truancy may be the following factors

Students responses in threeschoolsSAKILA KIKATITI NASHOLIAgreeBy %

DisagreeBy %

AgreeBy %

DisagreeBy %

AgreeBy %

DisagreeBy %

1 Defficiency of teachers 80 20 80 20 75 25

2defficiency of learning materials 90 10 50 5010 85 15

3 Lack of mid-day meal 0 100 80 20 100 0

4Lack of teacher's support in learning process 75 25 95 5 90 10

5 Lack of school fees 90 10 100 0 100 0

6Poor school infrustructures such as toilets 85 15 60 40 95 5

7 Lack of interest on school 90 10 60 40 100 0

8Family problems such as poor support at home 95 5 90 10 100 0

9Family lack interest on school progress 50 50 65 7 95 5

10poor economic status of the family 100 0 100 0 100 0

11 Heavy punishment at school 100 0 100 0 100 0


To be included in teachers aeconomic activities such as shamba 20 80 100 0 100 0

13Teaching and learning process 50 10 65 35 60 40

The table .1 above shows the number of 60 students who were provided with the research

questions and their responses to each question.Number of those agreed is YES and number

of those Disagreed is those responded NO about the factors contributing to truancy in their




Agree 71.15%

Disagree 28.85%


Agree 74.23%

Disagree 25.77%


Agree 89.23%

Disagree 10.77%

Average %=71.15+74.23+89.23

= 234.613=78.20%

From table. 2 above this means that the average of 78.20% of all students faced /respondents

replied that the presented factors as table .1 shows are contributing to truancy in their

secondary schools setting and 21.80 responded that its not true that those factors presented in

table one are contributing to truancy in their schools.
















The figure 1.above shows the responses of the students who agreed and those who disagreed to the

factors contributing to truancy.fig.1 is also more elaboration of table.2 above.where by the percent

of respondents who responded YES is high at Nasholi secondary,followed by kikatiti secondary

finally sakila secondary school.



Questions asked to the head of schools if the couses of truancy may be the following factors Head of schools responses in threeschools    SAKILA KIKATITI NASHOLI    Agree Dsagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

1Defficiency of teachers 1 0 1 0 1 0

2defficiency of learning materials 1 0 1 0 1 0

3Lack of mid-day meal 1 0 1 0 1 0

4Poor personality of the students 1 0 1 0 1 0

5Lack of school fees 1 0 1 0 1 0


Poor school infrustructures such as toilets 1 0 1 0 1 0


Family problems such as poor support at home 1 0 1 0 1 0


Family lack interest on school progress 1 0 1 0 1 0

10poor economic status of the 1 0 1 0 1 0


11 Poor salaries 1 0 1 0 1 0

13Teaching and learning process 1 0 1 0 1 0

From the table.3 above all head of schools by 100% responded that its true those social-

economic factors are contributing to truancy to students in their secondary schools.No head of

school responded negative it means that this is true for other schools too in the arumeru district.









Questions asked to teachers if the couses of truancy may be the following factors

Teachers responses in threeschoolsSAKILA KIKATITI NASHOLI

Agree Disagree agree Disagree Agree Disagree

1Defficiency of teachers 2 0 2 0 2 0

2defficiency of learning materials 2 0 2 0 2 0

3Lack of mid-day meal 0 2 2 0 2 0

4Poor personality of the students 2 0 2 0 2 0

5 Lack of school fees 2 0 2 0 2 0


Poor school infrustructures such as toilets 2 0 2 0 2 0


Poor administration of the head of school 2 0 2 0 2 0


Family problems such as poor support at home 2 0 2 0 2 0


Family lack interest on school progress 2 0 2 0 2 0

10poor economic status of the family 2 0 2 0 2 0

11 Poor salaries 2 0 2 0 2 0

13Teaching and learning process 2 0 2 0 2 0

economic factors are contributing to truancy except the mid- day meal at sakila secondary

school.It seem that many students are truant becouse of lack of mid-day meal but at this school

its becouse they are providing the quality meal hence the rate of truancy can be contributed by

the rest social economic factors.








SAKILA 10 12 8 7NASHOLI 18 13 10 8KIKATITI 7 9 14 12

Table.5 above is the information obtained from the head of schools at sakila,nasholi and

kikatiti secondary schools and the reasons obtained for why most students are not coming to

school in such a long period of time/which we term it as truancy was the following reasons.


Failing to pay the school fees and other contributions because of poor economic

situation of the families.Its true becouse according to (Farrant,1980) “Students who are poor,

minority or attending school in cities are for more likely to dropout of school. Also children are

more likely to dropout if they are members of large families and if their parents are poorly educated

or working in low- paying jobs, factors related to poverty. Students from low- income, low-skills,

low education family backgrounds are several times more likely to be truant and drop out of school

than students from wealthy families becouse of poor economic status.


The most of girls are geting pregnancies (www.edu.org) Most of the children/students are

influenced by bad groups eg.peer groups which influence them in one way or another which

lead them to bad behaviours which influece them not to like school and engage in bad sexual

habits which couse teenage pregnancies and droping out from studies.


Bullying in schools where most of them they find that school is not safe place this is

true According to (www.truancyprevention.org). Bullying: Closely related to the issue of a

child's relationship with school.bullying. Bullying is a prime component in the making of an

unsafe school environment; if a child does not feel safe at school, or on the way to/from school,

they are much more likely to become truant. Bullying occurs for many reasons and it goes

beyond the one isolated for instance of harassment either because of teachers’ inability to

control, or problems arising from the child’s own personality or learning abilities. A parent

might say they are keeping their child off school because they are being bullied.


The poor school infrustructure such as enough clasrooms to enough all students.and

according to my observation its true becouse in those schools i visited i found out that these

schools have no good toilets,attractive classrooms,and the classrooms which are availabe are

not enough and this is the factor influencing the truancy (This is new accordind to Tanzania

schools context)


Teaching resourses such as books and human resources eg.teachers. Students with the highest

truancy rates have the lowest academic achevement rates becouse of lack of teachers, and

because truants are the youth most likely to drop out of school, (Dynarskion certain days and

Heaviside et al., 1998). The study shows that some students in Tanzania are truant becouse of

poor relation with their teachers and teachig styles in schools. (www.mkombozi.org/mkombozi

centre for street children)Others are moving home and get employed some where in town

becouse of poorlivingcondition at home.


Heavy punishment from some teachers is the source of most of the students to be

truants.according to (www.edu.com) At various times, some children may become anxious

about attending school. Often this is a passing phase, but in a very few cases, it can develop

into a more persistent problem, sometimes known as school phobia or refusal. In some

instances, a child may want to go to school, but is affraid of the punishments which are

provided in school.


Poor comunication between teachers and parents in the whole process of handling students

attendency in schools. What is classed as truancy can depend largely on the school's attitude to

the 'truant' or their problems. Relationships with teachers, seen as lacking respect/fairness, play

a large factor in truancy rates among children (www.truancyprevention.org). Some students

are not coming to school and when coming they have a fear becouse of the poor relationship

with their teachers.Other students are not coming to school becouse of poor studing situation at

school they are going to find teachers at the tuition centers in order to get remedial classes to

cover the material content of the syllabus.Others are failing their examinations and discontinue

from studing.Some students are ophans hence they need to stay at home for most of time to

make sure that they work for other economic activities in order to get their basic needs and

then come to school.The misbehaviour of most of the students are the source of most of them

to be chased away from studies and we term them as truant (www.edu.com)




From Table 6.above findings shows that most of students are truant becouse of lack of fund to

support them.It observed that most of the children are not attending school and once they

attend without money they are returned home to collect money for the school fees and other

SCHOOL 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL

SAKILA - - 2 2 4

NASHOLI 3 1 2 - 6

KIKATITI 1 2 1 - 4

school contributions.Due to this the rate of truancy is being high and high in secondary schools

which lead to students drop out from studies.According to (www.edu.com). Some students are

employed in order to get income which help them to overcome life difficulties. The students

who are employed are not attending school and are highly refuse to go to school because those

school hours they are the best working hours for them. Some students are working part time

jobs in order to collect school fees which they can not get from their families so they tend to

leave school before recommended hours. Those students with single parent house hold they

find very difficult moment in attending school because they do not get their fully basic needs

and they are truant from school because they are not satisfied with the situation at home. Most

of these children they drop out from schooling if there is no enough advice and support to






















Fig. 2

From Fig.2 the findings shows that most of the families fail to send their children to school

because they earn little fund to fulfill their basic needs only. It has been shown that most of the

students their parents are farmers, few of them are able to send their daughters and sons to

secondary school education. Data show that 90%of the dropped out students parents employed

them selves where due to low technology they are not able to produce quality goods which lead

to low income hence fail to get requirements such as education facilities to their children.



STUDENTS DROP OUT GENDERWISE 2009-2010 38%Boys 62%girls


Fig. 3

Fig.3 Elaborate dropped out students gender wise due to truancy.Droped out student who were

seriously crying when she explains to me why she dropped out of school. “My father refuse to

pay school fees for me but he drink alcohol too much” reported by one dropped out student and

the school is recording her as a truant!

The research shows that 85% of dropped out student are ready to join school if they will get

sponsorship. As reported by some dropped out students where they explain their expectations

that if they will be educated they expect to become teachers, doctors where they will help their

parents and their young sisters and brothers.

Truancy in education is a real problem to students that results to dropping out of

secondary school students and engage in other bad behaviours such as alcoholism,drugs abuse

and criminal activities. From the data obtained in my research it shows that there are many

reasons why there is a high rate of truancy like this which lead to the students dropped out of

school. Costs in education, teenage pregnancy, poor grades, low motivation, low education

expectation by the students and parents,high punishments provided by teachers,poor

administration are the factors that cause the truancy of secondary school students and lead

them not to complete their studies.

However some students seems to have a morally of getting education but some

parents seems to prioritize leisure thing like drinking alcohol dressing nicely rather than putting

more emphasis on the education of their children.Parents are seem to show poor motivation

toward children education and hence they fail to help them to attend school regularly.They give

education low priority, their children tends to miss school for some day even month due to luck

of school fees.



This charter presents the summary findings and recommendations originating from the study made .

The suggestion which received, and the opinions from head schools will help to complete and give the

solutions to the problem under study. Also the given suggestions if well implemented by all people and

the government at large will lead to consequently improvement in the process of implementing

education to all children which will lead to reduce poverty, inequality and unemployment and help to

aleviate the problem of truancy in secondary schools which will then improve the education of the

children at secondary schools in order for them to have the better future life .The observation of the

researcher will help to give the solution to the problem of factors contributing to truancy and the

recomended suggestions on how to handle the situation in schools and improve the education of the

children so that the nation can have people who are helpful for the development of the nation

becouse through education is where all proffessionals are coming from.the nation will be abe to get

people who will be able to cope with this error of science and technology in the


The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of truancy among secondary schools

students in Arumeru district. The study was guided by one hypotheses which were used to

determine the truancy profile of the students as well as to determine what are the

determinants/factors contributing to that level of truancy. A total of 60 students,6 teachers and

3 head of schools were faced from three secondary schools in Arumeru district made the

sample of this study. Observation design was employed as it was considered to be appropriate

in making generalization of the findings. Analysis was done by the help of microsoft excel

version of 2007 for windows.According to the way data were analysed and interpreted Those

social economic factors are contributing to high truancy level.


The study results shows that there is a big problem in our secondary schools.Problem of

truancy in is coused by several social economic factors such as:-

-Lack of school fees due to the poor economic status of the family

-Bullying at school where students create critical social phobia toward school and

hence truancy.

-Heavy punishment at school and poor teaching and learning methods employed by


-Pregnancies for many girls are also very sad situation

-Lack of teaching and learning materials if there is some just few and not enough

-Poor social interaction of teachers and students

-Poor school infrustracture which act as a barrier towards succes.

-Children employement where most of the students create a negative attitude toward


- Lack of mid-day meal where most of the students leave the school before time

- Most of the students are included in teachers economic activities such as shamba and

this lowers the school morale and lead to truancy.


The researcher, I recommend the following to be enacted in order to enable all student join

secondary school to complete their studies without playing with truancy in schools and ending

with drop out from studies.

The reseacher advise all students at school to like learning and study hard. This will lead their

parents to be motivated to pay school fees and other costs in education for them even by

finding loans for paying school fees for them and they will encourage their parents to see the

importance of education in their life if they will see them succeeding becouse school fees seem

to be the big problem to most students in schools. Parents are

advised to prioritize education for their children first which will lead their children to good life

as they will get high chance of being employed by government and also in private sector,

through which they may also help them later in their life becouse it seem to be the factor

contributing to truancy if the parents are not aware and priority of the children education they

may not take any action to the children who are truant/who are not going to school.

Government is advised to engage in solving the problem of truancy and dropping out of

secondary school students by increase budget in education sector because the education system

of Tanzania is under funded. This will help to reduce unnecessary costs which raise the school

fees that result in high costs of education in Tanzania. It should ensure that knowledge on the

importance of secondary education to children in the society should be given more

consideration in order to eliminate the problems like negative attitudes, beliefs and values

towards education especially to girls. Also help to look for proper solutions for example to

provide education seminars to the community. The ministry of education and vocational

training and other bodies or institutions which are dealing with education should provide

incentives for many children to enter secondary education example by giving them

sponsorships, financial assistance to those children with financial problems. Also by raising the

salaries of the teachers will help to motivate teachers,since they are motivated they can

participate in effective teaching,and deal effective with students who are truant and support to

rise the education of the children in secondary schools.

The teachers are advised to use the appropriate teaching methods in order to foster learning in

schools.this will encourage students and rise interest in part of learninga and help to reduce the

problem of truancy in schools becouse more students will focus more in studying rather than

truanting from school since it seem to be a problem becouse most of the students are truant and

not interested of the lessons becouse of poor teaching methods. Head of schools are advised to

have good administration systems which will favour teachers and students to collaborate well

and help to rise the interest of the students in studying and help to reduce truancy in schools

becouse it seem that most of students are truant becouse of poor relationship with their

teachers.misunderstanding of techers and students is the factor contributing to truancy since

some students are not feeling safe to stay at school while they see a certain teacher. Students

are advised to stick in studing very buzzy and not to engage in bad behaviours and other

unnecessary things which will interapt their learning and truancy at large.they should respect

their teachers and respect themselves in order to build positive classroom climate which is

conducive for learning. Also there is a need for government, on government organizations and

other institutions to work hand to hand to sensitize and provide moral and material support to

education. By doing so, this will help to alleviate poverty and ignorance hence promotes social,

political and economic development of the whole nation.

These problems need to be tackled by the government not only through economics demand

incentives but also through a serious commitment to improve the quality and relevance of the

education available to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In order for these targeted

education programs to be effective they have to be aimed at preventing school failure earlier

starting in primary and pre-primary education. Also school environment is not child friendly as

most schools have shortage of classrooms, furniture inadequate latrines clean water and hostile

relationship between teachers and student. This leads to an increase of charges from students to

fulfill that missing items the process that cause an increase of costs in education to some school

hence dropped out of students who fail to pay for such additional costs which is a part from the

normal school fees.

Not only that but I also advise NGOs which have an ability to help poor students who dropped

out to join school so as to get education as other students as through my experience there are

some NGOs such as KIWAKUKI which help orphans children to get education so I would like

to encourage other NGOs to help poor children who need to be educated but they fail to get it

due to luck of fund to help them to get such education.

The more advise are adressed to the board which are dealing with the constructions of the

schools,to build the favourable infructure which support the number of the students at

schools.It seem that most students are truant becouse there insufficient infrutractures to support

the population.things like toilets in most schools are not good for the health of the students.The

more these improved the extent of truancy will be decreased and many students will stay at


Suggestions on how parents can alleviate poverty.

From the sample, 99% of the head masters propose that to avoid poverty the society in general

should be engaged in productive work and engage in business rather than just depend on

agriculture only as a source of income. They said that, other business would help them to pay

school fees for their children. Also they suggest that legal action should be taken for the

parents who violates the children rights of getting education. Legal actions to be taken to

parents was also suggested by 75% of the students at school which I have visited as to be

appropriate solution to this problem for their fellow whose parents refuse to pay school fees for

their children while they have money for doing so.

From my sample, 75% of the dropped out students said that they need to go to school to

continue with secondary education due to the following reasons:-“I could get good job after

complete secondary education I will help my parents and my young brother and sisters.


I would like to advice parents to give education high priority so as to ensure their children to be

educated, as education solve many problem within the family and the government at large.

Since Tanzania is one of the poorest country its people needs to be educated so as to be able to

utilize resources available within the country effectively instead of invite the outsiders to invest

in our country .Its the role of all parents,departiment of police,villege leaders,ward leaders and

district leaders to make sure that they collaborate in solving the problem of truancy by

considering the recomended aspects of the researcher.This will be possible if every one in

Tanzania agree that education is the key for life. As through education in our country will get

enough experts in different sectors such as agricultural, business, administration and other


Therefore it can be generally concluded that parents and government should promote equal

treatment in all needs of children and ensure the access of education to all children by

considering those social economic factors cousing truancy in schools and handle the situation

with care.every body is concern in this from teachers,school setting,goverment,parents and

students themselves.The attention should be payed to the existing problem of truancy and

handle the situation in order to provide best education to the children who are going to serve

the nation in the future.The researcher expained this situation in a real african life and

especially Tanzania.The literatures explained more about the problem but more of them was

not explaining the situation how it might be serious like here in Tanzania.Thanks you may God

bless Africa,God bless Tanzania.


What went well. The preparation of the proposal was going well. This is because the supervisor

was full available for directing me on what to do in preparing my proposal data presentation

analysis and interpretation.

What did not go well. Time was not enough in data collection because as I was suppose to go to

different schools. I was also suppose to pursue other duties like attending lectures on other subjects.

and doing other assignments. Fund was also a great problem in my research that leads to decrease a

sample size. Also I have got problems in meeting with head of schools which I have intended on

time as some make an appointment to meet with but they fail to do so due to other important duties

they were suppose to do during that time.

If this research done again the following should be done in order to make it different and give more

meaningful information for generalization.

It can be done in schools which are located at town compared to rural schools.

It can be done in different regions other than Arusha.

It can be done in boarding schools and compared to day schools.


This study was done in a small area of Arumeru district where I was only succeeded to visit few

schools as a representation of the whole region.

My advice to any who wish to make study in the same field is that, to study what happening in

other region of Tanzania for more generalization for factorscouses truancy among secondary

school students? As well as finding possible solution for this problem so as to help all children of

Tanzania to get education as or policy of the state.

Also future research can be done on “if education costs cause some candidates who have been

passed standard seven and selected to join government schools fail to do so”.


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(a) Lack of teachers suppor on learning process YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(b) Lack of school fees YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(c) Poor school infrustructures such as toilets.YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(d) Lack of interest on school YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(e) Family problems such as lack of support at home. YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(f) Family lack interest on school progress YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(g) Poor economic status of the family where by a students is participating on economic

activities such as Employment. YES [ ], NO[ ]

(h) Heavy punishment at the school YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(i) To be included in teachers economic activities such as shamba YES [ ], NO [ ]

(j) Methods used Lack of teachers. YES [ ], NO [ ]

(k) Lack of enough learning materials YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(l) Lack of mid-day meal YES [ ] , NO [ ]

(m)by teachers in adressing lessons YES [ ], NO [ ]

top related