family life education learning about refusal skills lesson 4

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Family Life Education

Learning About

Refusal Skills

Lesson 4


Sometimes your friends may pressure you to do things you don’t want to do; or, things you know that are wrong.

Today, you will learn skills that will help you resist pressure and keep your friends.

During the lesson, think about topics that will be covered during this unit: puberty; anatomy; STDs and harassment, and how you can use these skills in your own life.

Introduce Refusal Skills

“What is the hardest word to say to a friend?” “Why is it hard to say NO?”

Want to keep a friend The refusal skills in this lesson will help you:

Say NO! Stick to your limits and follow family rules Keep your friends

Video: You Can Refuse

After viewing the five vignettes, we will practice using the refusal skills as a class.

Refusal Skills Worksheet

Ask questions “Who, what , where, why…”

Name the trouble “That’s stealing, lying, against the law…”

State the consequences “If I do that…grounded, suspended, arrested…

Suggest an alternative Move it, sell it and leave the door open

Walk away!

Practice Refusal Skills

With a partner, choose a scenario from the “Role Play Options” worksheet.

Practice using all of the steps without pressure.

Each of you should take a turn as the skill user.

I will be asking for volunteers to demonstrate their role play.

Practice Under Pressure

Please practice your scenario again with pressure.

Each of you are to take a turn as skill user.

I will be asking for volunteers to demonstrate their role play


Please remember: The skills will only work if you don’t want

to participate in the behavior/ activity It is easier to say NO! to someone you

don’t like The role-plays allow you to practice the

skills before you are faced with a real challenge

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