famous people

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Famous People. Regents Review. Martin Luther. Place: Germany Goal: to reform Roman Catholic Church Action: posted 95 Thesis , believed in faith alone for salvation Protestant Reformation shattered religious unity in Europe. John Locke. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Famous People

Regents Review

Martin Luther

Place: Germany Goal: to reform Roman Catholic Church Action: posted 95 Thesis, believed in faith

alone for salvation Protestant Reformation shattered

religious unity in Europe

John Locke

Enlightened thinker: government by the consent of the people.

Natural rights: humans have unalienable rights. If the government does not protect those rights you can rebel.

Influenced the writing of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence

Other enlightened philosophers: Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu: civil liberties

Louis XIV

Country: France Policies:

Absolute monarch ( divine right) Persecuted Huguenots (Protestants) Built Versailles Palace Pushed France to the verge of bankruptcy Fought many wars. French culture becomes the model for the rest of


Peter the Great Place: Russia Position: Czar Important Policies and events:

Desired to westernize and modernize Russia Successful in westernization Desired a warm water port Oppressive ruler Builds St. Petersburg

Catherine the Great

Country: Russia Position: Czarina Important Events and policies:

Westernization Defeats the Ottoman Empire and wins a warm

water port on the Black Sea Partitions Poland with Austria and Prussia

Napoleon Bonaparte

Country: France Policies:

Napoleonic Code: legal code that included many Enlightenment Ideas.

Legal equality and religious toleration University of France: established a government supervised

public school system. Supported new industry and built roads and canals. Nationalism: increased French nationalism. Nationalism

spread throughout Europe.

Karl Marx

Place: great Britain during the Industrial Revolution

Philosophy: Communism Class warfare rich abuse the poor Haves vs the have nots Peasants (proletariat) needs to overthrow the rich

factory owners ( bourgeoisie) Need to take the means of production Form a classless society

Adam Smith

Wrote the Wealth of Nations Advocated Laissez faire economics Capitalism: private property Government should leave businesses alone Natural laws of Economic: supply and

demand and competition would spread wealth to everyone.

Invisible hand controlled economy

Supporters of Westernization Russia: Catherine the Great, Peter the

Great Iran: Shah Rezi Pahlevi Turkey: Kemal Ataturk Japan: Emperor Meiji

Otto von Bismarck

Country: Prussia Position: Chancellor Policies and important events

Lead unification of Germany Blood and Iron: unite through warfare Real Politik Social Security Kulterkampf: fight for civilization against Catholic


Nelson Mandela

Country: South Africa Position: leader of the fight against

Apartheid and 1st President. Important Events: Apartheid: separation of

the races, pass laws, non violent approach to over throw apartheid

Bishop Tutu

Country: South Africa Position: leader against Apartheid Important Events: non violent approach. Demanded that other countries pass

economic sanctions against South Africa Successful Wins Noble Peace Prize

Totalitarian leaders: Communism: government control of economy(command), “classless” society Russia/Soviet Union, V.I. Lenin, Stalin: M. Gorbachev,

1917-1990 China, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping: 1949 Cuba, Fidel Castro:1959 Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh: 1975 Cambodia: Pol Pot North Korea: Kim Jong Il

Communist Dictators


Country: Russia/Soviet Union Position: communist revolutionary leader/

supreme leader of Russia Important events:

Russian Revolution: communists take over Russia Civil War NEP: New Economic Policy combined elements

of capitalism and communism

Joseph Stalin Place: Soviet Union Position: Supreme leader of Soviet Union Important Events:

5 year plans: wanted to boost industrial and agricultural production

Purges: eliminate opposition to Stalin Gulags: slave labor camps Ukrainian Genocide: 10 million killed or

starved to death World War II

Mikhail Gorbachev

Place: Soviet Union Position: Supreme leader of Soviet Union Important Policies and Events:

Glasnost: new openness: freedom of speech and religion

Perestroika: economy plan that combined capitalism and communism

Lead to the breakup of the Soviet Union and the downfall of communism in Eastern Europe.

Jomo Kenyatta

Country: Kenya Position: nationalist leader/ 1st President Important Events: uprising to overthrow

British colonialism in Kenya. Leader of the Mau Maus

Kwame Nkrumah

Country: Ghana Position: nationalist and independence

leader; 1st president Important Events: fought against British

control; first African nation to achieve independence from colonial rule

Mao Zedong Country: China Position: Communist revolutionary leader;

supreme leader of China Important Events:

Communist Revolution: wins it because of the support of the peasants and women.

Great Leap Forward: program in China in 1958 to increase agricultural production and industrial output. It was a failure. 20-30 million Chinese die

Cultural Revolution: program lunched in China to renew loyalty to communism and purge opponents of Mao. Hurt the Chinese economy

Deng Xiaoping Country: China Position: Supreme leader of China Important Events:

Reform of the economy; mixing elements of capitalism with communism.

The responsibility system, special economic zones

Tiananmen Square Massacre: 1989 students killed and jailed because they protested for democracy

Kemal Ataturk

Country: Turkey after WW I Important Policies

Overthrew government headed by a Sultan Westernized Turkey Secular (non religious) government industrializes

Mohandas Gandhi

Country: India Position: Nationalists leader Important events and policies:

Lead Indian National Congress against British Rule Salt March: nonviolent protest of tax on salt by British Homespun Movement: produce own clothes and boycott

British goods Civil disobedience, passive resistance Gained independence for India

Pol Pot

Country: Cambodia Position: Communist leader Important Events and policies:

Lead the Khmer Rouge Communist leader killed 2 million people Purged any enemies of communism and sent

them to the rural areas. Genocide

Slobadan Milosevic

Country: Serbia Position: President Important Events and Policies:

Ethnic cleansing: of Croatians and Muslims in Bosnia

Ethnic cleansing of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo On trial for war crimes

Ayatollah Khomeini

Place: Iran Goal: remove Shah Reza Pahlavi and western

influence and replace it with an Islamic Fundementalist state

Set up a Theocracy Impact: Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Government required strict adherence to Islamic law and enacted anti-western policies, held American hostages for over one year, women lost rights

Fidel Castro

Country: Cuba Leader: Communist leader Policies and events

Totalitarian Dictator Lead Communist Revolution Conflict with US Cuban Missile Crisis


World Leaders: Indira Gandhi (India), Benazar Bhutto (Pakistan), Golda Meir (Israel), Margaret Thatcher (Great Britain)

Humanitarian Concerns: Mother Tereasa (India), Aung Su (Myanmar), Rigoberta Menchu (Guatamala)

Enlightened thinker: Mary Wollstonecraft

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