fat and fad diets

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Every individual person's goals look different. When it comes to weight loss diets, there are a few things one needs to keep in consideration in order to make a choice on weight loss programs or diets. Once the choice has been made on a diet or any one of the weight loss programs which best suits an individual’s needs, keeping focused and positive about it can help in attaining the desired outcome. Fad diets usually over-emphasize a particular food or type of food. By doing this, a faddy diet completely overrules the basic principle of good nutrition, which is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of different foods. No one type of food contains all the necessary nutrients (protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and so on) that help in maintaining good health. Source: http://www.writingjunction.com/essays/essay-topics



Fad diets usually over-emphasize a particular food or type of food. By doing this, a faddy diet completely overrules the basic principle of good nutrition, which is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of different foods.

Every individual person's goals look different. When it comes to weight loss diets, there are a few things one needs to keep in consideration in order to make a choice on weight loss programs or diets. Once the choice has been made on a diet or any one of the weight loss programs which best suits an individual’s needs, keeping focused and positive about it can help in attaining the desired outcome.

FAT & FAD DIETS No one type of food contains all the necessary nutrients (protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and so on) that help in maintaining good health.

Fad diets usually over-emphasize a particular food or type of food. By doing this, a faddy diet completely overrules the basic principle of good nutrition, which is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of different foods.

FAT & FAD DIETS • Fad diets can simply lead to disappointment - the weight one loses on one of these diets usually goes straight back on when one stops. This is because this type of diet tends to lose water - not fat.

• Another thing about fad diets is that most people simply don't enjoy them. They are usually hyper-prescriptive about what a person can and can't eat, and are often very, very boring indeed. Add your third bullet point here

LOW FAT DIET PROGRAMSLow-Fat diet programs replace foods high in fats with complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains. Some dieters find these types of fad diets particularly easy to follow because they involve counting grams of fat rather than calories. People on these types of fad diets usually fail because they over consume low fat products. Low fat foods are loaded with sugars and excess calories. A high calorie diet from any source will pack on the pounds.

DRAWBACKS: Reduced fat intake may lead to a deficiency in essential nutrients and vitamins such as vitamins A, E, folic acid, calcium, iron and zinc.

HIGH PROTEIN DIET PROGRAMSHigh-protein low-carbohydrate diets have become popular within the past decade. The most popular among these types of fad diets is the Atkins diet. These fad diets limit or restrict the intake of all types of carbohydrates including fruits and grains. High protein diet programs lead to quick weight loss. However most of it is water weight and lean muscle mass.

DRAWBACKS: High protein diet programs often put strain on the kidneys. Your kidneys have to work extra hard to flush out the excess protein in your body. High protein diet programs also consist of foods high in fat, which will raise your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and increase your chances of developing heart disease or cancer.

HOLLYWOOD 48-HOUR MIRACLE DIET PROGRAMSThe Hollywood 48-hour miracle diet programs have been advertised heavily on television, radio and print. These fad diets are some of the latest fads among diet product manufactures. They promise you'll lose up to 10 pounds in 48 hours by drinking a liquid derived from plant juices. These fad diets consists of mostly liquids and have very few calories.

DRAWBACKS: These fad diets lack in vital nutrients and vitamins and contain an insufficient amount of calories. Most of the weight loss is water weight and muscle. Once you start eating regularly again the weight usually comes back within one to two days.

GRAPEFRUIT DIET PROGRAMS There are several versions of grapefruit fad diets. All of them require that you eat half a grapefruit before every meal. The idea behind these types of fad diets is to induce natural fat burning enzymes that are supposedly found in grapefruits. However, there is no scientific proof that grapefruit contains fat-burning enzymes.

DRAWBACKS: Most of the weight lost on the plan comes from water weight.

SCARSDALE DIET PROGRAMS The Scarsdale diet program is similar to the popular low carbohydrate fad diets only they incorporate lots of grapefruit and sugar free products. These particular fad diets recommend that you take appetite suppressant pills. The idea is to lose up to one pound per day by following a low-carbohydrate plan based on chemical reactions rather than portion control. Snacking is not allowed and meals consist of limited amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables with unlimited amounts of protein.

DRAWBACKS: These fad diets are dangerously low in carbohydrates and lack many essential vitamins and minerals. In order for the plan to work a strict meal plan must be followed exactly.

CABBAGE SOUP DIET PROGRAMSCabbage soup fad diets are based on a fat-burning soup that contains reduced calories. According to the plan, the more soup you eat the more weight you will lose. This allows unlimited amounts of cabbage soup, and promises you will lose 10 to 15 pounds in one week.

DRAWBACKS: This diet gives only short-term results. This diet plan is not balanced and lacks certain nutrients.

PRITIKIN DIET PROGRAMThe Pritikin plan, developed by Nathan Pritikin, is more of a lifestyle modification program rather than a diet. It focuses more on eating habits instead of the amount of food you actually consume. The idea behind theses fad diets is to curve appetite cravings by eating foods that are high in fiber. There is no calorie counting, food weighing or measuring with this plan. Overall this is one of the least destructive fad diets to hit the scene.

DRAWBACKS: This diet program is fairly new. The success and results of the plan have not yet been evaluated. The biggest problem with these fad diets is that there is very little proof that people are able to maintain the weight loss they have experienced over time.

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