fcg strategic plan

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Foresight Communications Group:

2014 Enterprise/Client and Long-Term Strategies

5 April, 2014

Created by: D’shaun Guillory



Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

About Foresight Communications Group…………………………………………………... (3)

Objectives and Needs………………………………………………………………………….. (4)

Long-term Goals…………………………………………………………………………………. (5)

Immediate Environment………………………………………………………………………... (6)

Immediate Environment Continued…………………………………………………………. (7)

Global Environment.…………………………………………………………………………….. (8)

Stakeholders, Clients, and Customers……………………………………………………….. (9)

Stakeholders, Clients, and Customers Continued………………………………………... (10)

Stakeholders, Clients, and Customers Continued………………………………………... (11)

Stakeholders, Clients, and Customers Continued………………………………………... (12)

Enterprise Strategies…………………………………………………………………………….. (13)

Enterprise Strategies Continued………………………………………………………………. (14)

Strategic Initiatives………………………………………………………………………………. (15)

Strategic Initiatives Continued………………………………………………………………… (16)


About Foresight Communications Group



Strategy Mission

The mission of Foresight Communications Group is to satisfy a diverse

group of cliental who want to expand internationally, reach out to

new markets, and integrate dissimilar media sources by providing

new media strategies, developing new press material and establish

a new English/Mandarin collaborative and to incorporate foresight

with that of PR, marketing, and advertising sectors.

The future looks promising for business expansion and access to new

markets are provided by a flourishing relationship between the

Foresight Communications Group, our clients, and other vested interest.

Success will be measured by the long-term viability of businesses and

services rendered through Foresight Communications Group. The future

presents us with an advantage due to our strong disposition to foresight

which provides the enterprise with many tools that other competitors

may not utilize when representing business or clients. Using foresight,

marketing, and in-depth market research, this enterprise will utilize best

practices, the rights tools, and expertise to the client or business.

Foresight Communications Group is an alliance of seasoned

and talented communications professionals with the talent

for helping clients increase marketplace awareness, engage

stakeholder audiences and solve public relations challenges.


Objectives & Need

1. Build some three scenarios on PR/Marketing and the field evolving in the next 15-20 years.

Initiative 1 – Forecasting or projection of long-term time-horizons of consumer behavior within

Marketing and PR Firms is expanded. These entities can sometimes rely too heavily on short-term

time horizons for decision making purposes.

Initiative 2 – The enterprise develops a more complex orientation to change in the market by

better anticipating change. This will allow the enterprise to be able to thrive in a fast changing,

more uncertain environment.

Initiative 3 – The marketing/PR firm will not only engage with their customers but also their

stakeholders by involving them the thinking and planning stages. Also doing research on the

demography of the stakeholders to better understand where they are coming from.

2. Six emerging skill sets that need to be enhanced as a PR Consultant and practitioner in the

future. On the part of the consultant, the skill sets most be;

Complex Systems Modelling (Futurists background)


Building of new media structures

Cross-Cultural Competency

Highly Adaptive to Change (Consumer-Behavior/Needs of the client)

Creative Writing Skills

3. Three skill sets that will not be needed in the future and/or will be phased out with technological

advances and other changes;

Linear thinking and business models will be obsolete

Some scenario planning tools will be automated by highly advanced technologies.

The status quo of producing and/or creating value

Strategic Business Need

Understand how the enterprise can evolve in the next 10 years pertaining to Public Relations and Marketing. Understand the future of the industry and clients’ needs with heavy emphasis placed on:

Skills sets

Client needs

Emerging factors/changes in the future


Long-term Goals

Measure of Success

As clients increased need for well-rounded practitioners

increases overtime, if the enterprise manages to cope with

these challenges without major disruption than the goal of

adaptation has been achieved.

If the enterprise develops a complex orientation by embracing

and thriving on chaos in the market than the entity has adapted

to the new environment.




Recognition &


Measure of Success

There is a major skills gap emerging at the moment and is only expected to

worsen overtime. The enterprise must stress to the client the importance of

training new hires to meet the needs of the market

With highly skilled baby-boomers retiring, it is crucial that businesses focus on

training new workers as many of them exit college without adequate skills.

Measure of Success

Aside from having a network of cliental, in order to grow this network, credibility

must be established. The enterprise has been around several years which means

it has gotten over the initial hump. However, this must be a long-term goal if the

enterprise is to maintain long-term viability. Credibility

Measures of Success

This is one of the most important components

as the practitioner consults with clients. In

order to effectively promote change, long-

term thinking, innovation, and adaptability to

the market; if the enterprise manages to

change the way these clients do business,

than the goal has been achieved.

Measures of Success

Aside from credibility, the enterprise must

be able to market itself in a way that

leads to long-term growth.

If the enterprise manages to be

recognized for all of the right reasons and

has built an overall positive perception,

than the goal may be reached in a

reasonable amount of time.


Immediate Environment


The Foresight Communications Group is involved with several American and recently

foreign based companies both large and small. The enterprises clients and/or customers

are projected to be involved in more mergers and acquisitions mostly between US and

foreign based companies. This is not to say that there is going to be a one-sided approach

in the acquiring of another business. However, there is going to be a high degree of push

and pull between the varying business interests which will result in potential uncertainty in

the future.


The Foresight Communications Group is involved with Graphic Designs, multiple paper

companies and those entities that offer a diverse background of experience that may not

be present from within the enterprise. In the future is likely to be more emphasis placed on

cost-effectiveness and which suppliers are more economical.


There are many competitors in the market, particularly other sole proprietors which are

growing in veracity. However, the most common competitors are likely to be other

Marketing and Public Relations agencies, especially those within the metropolitan region.

The enterprise competes with firms based in other parts of the country such as New York.

Recently, the enterprise has had to compete with an agency based out of New York for a

contract with a Milwaukie based company called Rockwall Automation. The project

pertained to PR and Energy. Aside from the competition, there is the potential for

collaboration in the future with agencies such as the one located in New York. Due to

greater interconnectedness in the global marketplace, an enterprise can find that they

can collaborate with those that were once seen as competitors or even rivals.

New Technologies

The Foresight Communications Group

relies on the declining cost of

computers and other technologies.

There is also reliance on the expansion

of greater access to high speed internet

through enhanced broadband and

fiber optics. In the future, there could be

advances in process management

software and more advanced fiber

optics as more people are online

making the exchanging of

communication, documents, etc more



Immediate Environment


Houston is in the middle of an energy boom and is one of top job

markets in the nation. The need in the Greater Houston region for

Public Relations and Marketing within these energy based companies

is at the moment in high demand. There are companies who sell

varying technologies to these energy companies who are in need

Public Relation and Marketing Firms.


Other businesses and sectors of the Houston economy are also

beneficiaries from the energy boom. In other words, a trickledown

effect on the market. The service sector, the medical industry, and

growing tech companies are all beneficiaries. Conversely, the energy

sector, though the regions primary economic growth engine, is helped

by positive growth from other sectors of the economy.


Demographically, there are many baby-boomers in the workforce who

are planning on or have already left to start their own businesses; many

of them as sole proprietors.




As an independent practitioner, it can be difficult to establish name ID.

It can be very noisy in a metropolitan region of over 6 million and full of

other similar enterprises who are also in the Marketing, Public Relations

and Communications market.

Small vs. Large

Currently, many of the Foresight Communications Group clients are

referrals from the previous company of the practitioner. However, there

is the issue of building a network overtime which can be onerous as

there is major competition from larger agencies and firms who

compete for the same clients. The limited amount of resources and

funding can affect how much a business can leverage for financial

gain and name recognition.

Other Responsibilities

When one owns and runs their own business, all the responsibilities fall

onto the practitioner. These responsibilities include income taxes,

invoicing, record keeping, and accounts payable. There are times

when you are isolated as a consultant, lacking those beneficial



Global Environment

Social—There are major demographic

changes on the horizon with up-and-coming

generations transforming the way we use

technologies and news content to one that

offers diversity.

Technology—Varying products such as PC’s,

Mac’s and smaller mobile technologies will

continue to merge which is an added benefit

for the business relating to cost and


Economic—The global marketplace is

expected to change, become more

complex and uncertain. The enterprise will be

affected be this and will have to stay ahead

of all the changes to remain viable in the


Environmental—Because of climate change

it is a big question mark as to the effect on

the business. Any kind of change in this area

will require PR and Marketing people to make

the right changes correlated with our clients


Political—Having clients in unstable parts of

the world could make doing business

seemingly risky, especially for the enterprise.

Social—Growing isolation due to a growing online

presence could have a reverse affect and lead

to young people seeking closer interaction. This

effectively could break the trend of young

people preferring an online presence.

Technology—There is a rise in technologies such

as 3D printing, nanotech, and so on which will

have a huge impact on business. Marketing and

PR will have to learn and adapt to these changes

to benefit clients and stay competitive.

Economic—Companies want to expand, people

want to sell, and they are excited to be in the

market. If the global economy destabilizes, the

enterprise and businesses similar to it will be the

first to go. When the economy is good, everyone


Environmental—With changes in the way we live

and potential accountability of companies who

pollute; PR people are going to have to learn how

to manage crisis communication in some of these


Political—If the environment is politically unstable

which is the situation in many parts of the devel-

oping world, it makes it very difficult and in some

cases high risk to do business these in places.

What could affect Foresight

Communications Group in

the next 5-10 years?

What future events could

change Foresight Communications

Group’s future?

Social . Technological . Economic

Environment . Political

A growing number of

clients want the ability to

plan for the long-term and

not always the short-term

Some clients require

their practitioners to be

a ‘Jack of all Trades.’


Stakeholders . Clients . Customers

Needs/interests The company needs to expand into other markets that do not have

adequate access to school unfirms or businesses who supply them.

The company wants to not change but enhance its marketing and

communication tools. With expanding a business into a new market,

there needs to be a concerted effort to grow and frame perception of

the business at hand to something that is most desirable, preferable,

and beneficial.

Issues/Constraints This company has its stakeholders such as media outlets. The company

must strengthen its communication and marketing tools .

Stakeholders/Customers (School Administrators) - This group wants to ensure that there is a

network of businesses and/or industries in the market that can provide

school uniforms.

(Trade Publications) - This group’s interests pertain to the targeted

outreach to schools, teachers, and administrators.



Ensuring the student body has access to school uniforms and local

businesses that distribute or sale them.

Practitioner services

rendered to the client

Helps business strengthen communication and marketing apparatus.

This business has to build a brand and communicate the changes or

expansion plans.

Benefit to all parties Parker’s Uniforms can place more emphasis on expanding and growing

the business, while not having to worry as much about the brand

aspect or lack thereof.

If the business experiences growth and the potential to acquire some

of their competitors in other markets by producing a better product, it

would cement a long-term partnership between the two entities. If the

business and/or client is successful the enterprise can directly and/or

indirectly benefit.

Parker School Uniforms is a growing supplier of

school uniforms in the Metro Houston region.

The company has been around for 40 years.


Stakeholders . Clients . Customers

Needs/interests Expand to new audience and or customer base and overcome a

difficult transition.

They have to make use many of these chemicals and products to

make much of the infrastructure we all use on a daily bases such as

cement and asphalt to make roads, sidewalks, etc.

Issues/Constraints This company was recently acquired by a Chinese company which

means heavy state involvement leading to more restrictions and


But as a benefit, this involvement by the Chinese government could

lead to the company being heavily subsidized and buffered from

instability or major disruptions in the market place.

Stakeholders/Customers (Other Manufacturers) - This group wants to have a sustainable business

producing the product or in this case chemical, that they need and

can use in their production process.



This companies development and production of copolymer is used in

some cement and asphalt blends to maintain roads, sidewalks, parking

lots, etc using this chemical.

Practitioner services

rendered to the client

Helps company develop press material for the media with heavy

emphasis on the new Chinese media market.

Benefit to all parties Establish international communication arm in a new marketplace

If the manufacturers continue not only to do business with Dexco but

also buy the copolymer product, there is financial gain for the client/

business. The enterprise also has the benefit of continued business with

the client.

If the customers or those who experience this product on a daily bases

are satisfied, it reflects positively on the enterprise and the client/


Dexco is a Houston based company , recently

acquired by Chinese company BPRC and is now

trading on the Chinese stock market. This company

is a major hydrochemical and manufacturer or

copolymer products.


Stakeholders . Clients . Customers

Other Clients - (Client C) Marketing Agency

Needs/interests With expansion into the Chinese Market, the need is to become

integrated into the new international media structure.

The ability to understand different sets of business outcomes.

Practitioner services

rendered to the client

Setup presentations for the business and develop talking points.

Benefit to all parties Establish new English/Mandarin collaborative.

Other Clients—(Client D) Divorce Attorney

Needs/interests Reach out to women in the Houston market

Practitioner services

rendered to the client

Setup Public Relations Seminars

Develop social media, advertising, and marketing material.

Benefit to all parties Established local presence and educate women on divorce law.

Foresight Communications Group wants to further the

success of clients’ businesses to sell more products, provide

better services, expand internationally, and to innovate.

Other Issues

(Prior) Disruptions/Challenges - The evolution of various technologies have

caused some problems due to inefficient networks affecting

communication with clients as well as the growing difficulty to manage


(Current Situation) - Some technologies have become more affordable and

efficient for new businesses and startups. For that reason, the enterprise is

able to feasibly handle more clients and projects.

By utilizing foresight, the enterprise can plan for these changes and put in

place the necessary infrastructure to deal with these changes.

This enterprise is small and just getting established. There is room to grow by

not having any long-term legacies that may hinder future growth potential .


Stakeholders . Clients . Customers



Stakeholders: To provide the company’s copolymer to customers

around the world, especially in the new Chinese

market at the right price point to sell.

The client or business is now building new

manufacturing plants in different locations such as

Taiwan as expansion continues.

Customers :

A cheaper yet high quality copolymer available in any

part of the world without having to incur the high

transportation cost of the material, product, or


The new merger is in closer proximity to the source or

the plant that is used to make the product which

makes the production costs cheaper.

Stakeholders: To have a high quality product at a reasonable price

for parents.

To make available the product in a timely manner so

that they have it in time for the school year which can

be a challenge.

It is doing well despite the fact that there have been

some challenges associated with the acquisition of

companies in other markets.

Customer: Would love to see the to the business being

represented by the enterprise be affordable and

widely available.

Parker is expanding into new marketplaces even with

all the new challenges and uncertainty that comes

with the acquisition of other companies.

Through the merger process, there can sometimes be uncertainty with those who work for the

entity being acquired. Being that Dexco an American company was acquired by a Chinese

company, there is a good degree of uncertainty because it is a new market, there are different

values, ethics, and norms. The enterprise was able to consult with the company prior to the

acquisition, changes were made new communication, marketing, and PR tactics were

established. The company can take these changes with them to the Chinese Company.

Conversely, the company can be proud of the fact that whatever changes they made, they

can now expand their product development and marketing campaign to an international

audience. They must also accept reality that with the acquisition, their ideas and/or business

model will be challenged and possibility done away with all together.

Challenges with

Mergers and



Enterprise Strategies

Strategy: Thriving on change Goals achieved: Adaptation and Foresight

Description: As part of the overall goal of adaptation, the enterprise will enhance the foresight and

futures-related strategy of developing long-term plans for all plausible future outcomes that could

potentially affect the enterprise and client. This strategy includes;

Pushing for client’s marketing strategy to one that emphasizes long-term horizons, instead of

short-term gains.

Staying current and aware of change technologies and social trends that are on the horizon.

The client will be expecting this from the practitioner.

Utilize these new technologies which could help with building strategies for the client.

Expect the unexpected and plan around these events. A future of uncertainty is all but

unexpected and the enterprise must be able to maintain stability through this process.

Strategy: Enhancing client/practitioner rapport Goals achieved : Training

Description: As the client may only be seeking particular advice on any given plan, the practitioner

must still be aware of the overall mechanics of the clients business. It is up to the practitioner to

inform the client on issues that are not only vital to the relationship between the parties but also

the viability of the business. As it stands today, there are many businesses that are suffering a skills

gap as the experienced baby-boomers retire and the younger less equipped millennial’s seek to

enter the workforce. This growing crisis could not only affect the business but the practitioner could

be out of work if the business can no longer support outside help due to instability from within. The

enterprise must;

Integrate the strategic training and skills development into the planning component if it is an

obvious and urgent issue for the client. If the client and business are growing and fiscally stable,

the enterprise benefits.

Strategy: Expansion and Mergers Goals achieved: Adaptation and Foresight

Description: As clients Parker School Uniforms and Dexco are both seeking to expand into new

markets via acquisition of other businesses or merging with another, this opens the door for a future

of grow opportunities for these entities. The enterprise benefits as well because the companies are

growing and are in need of advice as their implications change. Going forward with similar

companies, the enterprise must;

Inform the client of impending changes in the market that could have both positive and

negative implications on the business in the future as complexity becomes a greater factor. This

would be an obvious issue when a business expands or merges to become a larger entity. The

responsibilities can grow exponentially and the risks can become more burdensome on the


Marketing, communications, and PR strategies must be adaptive to change.


Enterprise Strategies

Strategy: Do not overpromise and under deliver Goals achieved: Credibility

Description: Though this should not be an issue of a well-established practitioner, as a sole

proprietor, there can sometimes be more risks involved in the decision making process. These

decisions affect the enterprises credibility as it relates to the client and potential clients. The

enterprise must in the long-run;

Ensure expectations are kept within ones delivery capacity. With all of the changes occurring in

the market and around the world, the practitioner should be sure to stay within the parameters

of what can be delivered.

Pertaining to integrating training and skills development into company strategy, this is one of

many where delivery could possibly exceed expectation. However, this may bring great joy to

the client as they now have a new strategy in which to ponder or the importance of the matter

is reiterated.

Include as a policy or ethical standard of the enterprise to never intentionally manipulate the

client, underperform and under delivery. The market is very interconnected and a major mishap

could potentially hinder the growth of cliental to the enterprise in the future.

Strategy: Reinvent the Enterprise Goals achieved : Adaptation

Description: Acknowledging that there is rapid change on the horizon, the enterprise should seek to

reevaluate the current situation to identify what changes if any need to be made pertaining to

business-practices, tools utilized, and what assignments/clients should not be accepted moving

forward. As the consultant becomes more successful, it should become routine for them to raise

fees and consider cutting out the bottom 15% of the market.

By not making any changes in practices or client network, the enterprise could potentially be

doomed to poor investments of time and resources.

Many practitioners can become complacent and look at short-term gains such as the latest

client check and nothing more. The enterprise should continue to utilize foresight or look at the

long-term when assessing potential future contracts even with uncertainty in the market.

The enterprise and/or practitioner must understand that continued success is not absolute, while

some failures are plausible and should be expected. The practitioner must be able to be resilient

and recreate themselves when failure happens to occur.

Strategy: Building a Brand Goals achieved: Recognition and Perception

Description: To reiterate many baby-boomers are retiring from the workforce and starting their own

businesses; many as sole proprietors. Many of them will likely be added competition in the market-

place which could affect the business activity of the enterprise. The enterprise must;

Enhance marketing and PR tool sets that will be effective in growing the brand of the enterprise

and/or services rendered.

Make sure not to exhaust all of the resources and funds on the client in case it is needed. The

enterprise must also market itself and seek out recognition wherever it can be found in this

growing market of competition.


Strategic Initiatives

Tasks Member/s

Responsible for


Timeline Resources

(Initiative #1) Thriving on change: Strategy to develop long-term marketing, foresight, and/or

adaptive plans for the future.

(Practitioner) Consult a tech representative

for new ideas on burgeoning technologies.

Entities such as the Tech Shop and Impact

Hub based in San Francisco.

Practitioner 3-5 years $175-$300 an

hour to meet

with consultant

(Practitioner) Expand skill and tool sets Practitioner 3-5 years Costs vary

(Client) Must consider hiring foresight

strategists to push for long-term decision

making within Marketing and PR strategies.

Client Depends on

the situation

and urgency

Full-time yearly


$75,000 per)

(Client) Implement changes to current

methods and some business practices to

complex oriented market-based changes.

Client Depends on

need and







(Initiative #2) Enhancing client and practitioner rapport

Enhancing the client and practitioner


Practitioner /Client Immediate


Few resources

other than

research tools

Integrate important components into the

client plan

Practitioner Situational Some Foresight


Develop training and skills development


Client/ (Parties)

Management and

strategy team

3-5 years 04’ numbers;


per trainee

(Initiative #3) Expansion and Mergers

Adapt Marketing, Communications and PR


Practitioner and Client Immediate


Have supple-

mentary funds

for short-term


(Client) Manage costs of mergers and


Client Immediate


Initial loss of

profit should is



Strategic Initiatives

Tasks Member/s

Responsible for


Timeline Resources

(Initiative #4) Do not overpromise and under deliver

Develop workable parameters Practitioner Immediate


New metrics

Over delivery when needed Practitioner Situational Increase

budget by 5%

Develop or build upon best business and

ethical practices.

Practitioner Immediate Few resources


(Initiative #5) Reinvent the Enterprise

Cut out the bottom 15% of the market when


Practitioner Every two


Frees up room

for upper-end

of the market

Eliminating short-term compliancy Practitioner Immediate


Few resources


Build-in resiliency and creativity Practitioner Immediate


Few resources


(Initiative #6) Building a Brand

Market the Enterprise Practitioner Consistent


Design & Print



Web tools &


Build a brand or overall positive perception Practitioner 3-5 years Could be

costly with


changes in the


Manage funds wisely between the

new leads and the current client.

Practitioner Immediate


70% of market-

ing budget to

new leads

top related