fe deral state budgetary educational institution of higher education «omsk state agrarian...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

«Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin»

Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

Department of Foreign languages and applied linguistics

Authors:Zamuilova Evgenia Kondratova Christina Petrenko Julia 104gr. FVMSupervisor:Koroleva I.V.






• Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: ChordataClass: Mammalia Order: Perissodactyla Family: Equidae Genus: EquusSubgenus: HippotigrisSpecies: Equus grevyi Oustalet, 1882 — Зебра Греви Equus quagga Boddaert, 1785 — Бурчеллова зебра Equus zebra Linnaeus, 1758 — Горная зебра

There are three species of zebras.  Zebra Burčella inhabits  Southern and Eastern parts of Africa, Zebra Greve lives in the North-East region, while the Mountain Zebra, which is differed from the rest of the reddish nose, is found in mountainous areas of South Africa. Some zebras live in nature reserves, as well as in zoos

The height at the withers of adult zebras can reach from 1.2 to 1.4 m. The weight varies from 175 to 450 kg, tail length is more than 50 cm. Each zebra has unique pattern on the skin, therefore, any of them can be found even among hundreds of others. Zebra skin is very smooth, making strips seem to be drawn. The zebras mane is  hard and short, and quite different to the horsepower, although these animals belong to the same family. Zebras are very curious, and this weakness often exposes them to the danger.

• Long neck, long legs, movable ear allow  animals rapidly escape of an enemy,

• a small area of support in the form of a hoof to successfully escape from the Chase. The smaller area supports the higher speed of movement.

Zebras eat grass food. They have a rather simple structure of the stomach, so they do not jaw the food.

They are herbivorous.

• Zebras are kept in small family groups of four to seven goals, headed by males.

• Family alliances zebras have are for life. When the leader grows old, anyone from the "empty" males will chase away him and myself took prominence.

• Sometimes the head of the family leaves it to have some fun on the side. If it finds any "bachelor", he immediately took the vacant seat.

• Females did not immediately agree with the replacement therefore during  the first three or four days the pretender  is not allowed. If the old buck will return, the interim head of the family is leaving without a fight.

• The filly did not fight. Zebra is very playful and they gracefully jump  biting  each other although  the blood never comes.  But the males  can seriously wound during the rut and often die in the jaws of lions.

• Sometimes the herd of zebras crossing overtakes  and surrounds a dense wall of "King of beasts". The lion has dutifully ran in that direction, which is moving the herd. When a predator running out of power, the Zebra clog his hooves.

• During the dry season the mass migration to a watering place helps to survive.

• Zebras are friendly with each other. When the hyenas are trying to recapture some of  kids, the mother takes the foals in the center of the Group and all of the relatives are to protect it.  Zebra zlobny, desperately defending bite and hit  the enemy front hoof feet.

• Young males remain with the parents for up to a year, sometimes for up to three years, and then abandoned and are living apart, together with other "Stags" in a separate herd.


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