february 2019 - coastside lutheran churchclc february 2019 pg. book club on thursday, january 24 @...

Post on 05-Feb-2020






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It Takes A Village

I awoke to the phrase, “It takes a village….” It’s

a phrase most likely not uncommon to you that

has been used in a variety of ways throughout

time and place. It’s origin is a mystery, but its

meaning is shared throughout the rich continent

of Africa, among native peoples here in America

and for me, experienced personally in Native

Hawaiian culture and society. It’s a phrase that challenges the rugged

individualism and “I can” spirit of North American life we have valued for so long--a viewpoint that

often bleeds into our faith perspectives and congregational living. However, individualism is repeatedly challenged by Jesus and Christian scripture as we

currently are seeing in the gospel of Luke and Paul’s writings to the Corinthians about the Body of

Christ (or, the Church). Paul writes, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many

parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one

body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.”

(1 Cor. 12: 12-13, NIV) Too often we can keep our deepest struggles to ourselves and want to show only the ‘good

stuff’ or our happy face in public, including within our faith communities, bearing burdens alone.

It’s often only as we share our struggles that the load is lightened. It’s true too of our joy--when

shared and celebrated, it expands. What better place to experience this than the celebration of life

for a loved one who has died. The greater the love between people, the more it hurts to say goodbye;

but when the experience is shared, the stories can uplift and the support offered to one another

embodies the hope of resurrection, not only for the dead, but for the living--those who must go on

without the beloved one. Yahweh, the Beloved who speaks the Word of life, love, grace; who comes to us as the Word

made flesh, Jesus the Christ; who sustains us in holy wisdom and the very breath of Yahweh, the

Holy Spirit is a God who embodies relationship!! The God we worship is fully engaged within

and around every aspect of creation. It is this One who calls us into being as community, to walk

alongside each other, and grow in our faith and mission. It is in the knowing of another and being

known that makes it possible for us to truly be the Body of Christ. That’s what this season after

Epiphany is all about. It’s what this month will embody as we install Pastor Sue Holland as our new



What’s Inside

2. 2nd Mile Giving

3. December Treasurer’s


4. Congregational Meeting

5. Invitation to Installation

6. Strelo-Smith Concert

7. Book Club/ Movie Club

8. Looking towards Lent

9. February Calendar


Half Moon Bay

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Every month, through your generosity, CLC contributes to the “Second Mile

Giving” ministries of the ELCA, totaling $1800 over a 12 month period.

In January, our 2nd Mile giving went to our companion synods.

During the month of January our Second Mile offerings were divided among the Sierra Pacific Synod’s

Companion Synods: The Lutheran Church of Rwanda Lutheran Church of El Salvador Taiwan Lutheran Church Please

keep these sister synods around the world in your prayers and consider an additional offering toward their ministries. The

Sierra Pacific Synod is blessed to accompany these churches in mutual ministry as we proclaim God’s creative, redeeming

and sanctifying love in all the world.

In February, our 2nd Mile giving will go to Lutheran Social Services of Northern California.

LSS of Northern California’s mission is to promote stability and honor the dignity of those we serve by providing

supportive housing services that lead to self-sufficiency. LSS envisions that our communities have hope, stability, and a

path to self-sufficiency. LSS offers the hope of lives transformed to people of all faiths (or no faith) who are vulnerable

because of homelessness, mental illness, addiction or disaster. Our mission is to provide services to the public at large,

throughout a service area that encompasses Northern California, with offices and programs in Sacramento, San Francisco,

Contra Costa and San Joaquin counties.

Associate Pastor and clergy partner in ministry for Coastside Lutheran Church. There’s much to be excited about here. God is evident, present, and at work in our lives, our

congregation, and our community at large. If you are feeling down and out, or doubt your purpose,

your call, or if you are in transition, wondering what might be in store for you next, maybe it’s to

become part of something more, maybe something here. We’re excited about many opportunities.

Some are ongoing, like Sunday Worship at 8:30 and 10 am, Tuesday Centering Prayer, 6-6:45 pm,

Thursday Choir practice, 7:30-9 pm, our Community Breakfast Wednesday & Thursday, 7-9 am, or

the Daytime Women’s Bible study every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 2-3:30 pm. Others are new,

like our quarterly book study meeting next on Thursday, March 28 @ Caffe Mezzaluna, 12 noon-

1:30pm to discuss The Diaries of Adam and Eve by Mark Twain. We are starting a new group called

Living Grace--to discuss current movies, shows, stories that impacting our faith as Christians today,

expanding our understanding of self and others so we may live more fully into the grace of Jesus

Christ. Two gatherings are planned: one for Sunday March 10, noon at Hop Dogma Brewing

Company to share our experience of the Michael Strelo-Smith concert on the night before and the

second for Sunday, March 31, noon at Hop Dogma Brewing Company to discuss other current

stories that broaden our understanding of the issues for LGBTQIA community.

I know I want to grow more deeply in my love of God, self and others. I want to root in the

love that God has for me and for all creation, so that I may live more fully and freely in love and

grace each day of my life. And, I want to be in relationship and community with others who share

this desire with me. It’s why I got involved in this work long ago and continue to want to serve as

your pastor. I don’t want to do it alone! “It takes a village,” and for that, I am ever grateful!!

In humility and Christ, Pastor Dawn Teuthorn

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Congregational Meeting January 6th

At the congregational meeting on January 6th, the

membership of Coastside Lutheran Church voted to

extend a call to Sue Holland to join the CLC pastoral

staff as associate pastor alongside of Senior Pastor

Dawn Teuthorn. Rev. Tita Valeriano represented the

Synod’s office at the meeting. Sue will be ordained

in her home church in North Carolina on Feb 8 and

will be installed here at Coastside Lutheran Church

on Saturday, February 23 at 4pm.

Also at the January 6th gathering, the

congregation voted in the 2019 Council: Leah

Frautschy, Kay Burns, Kathy Young, Bill

Strom, Bill Nelson, and Suzanne Bruce. Our

new council was installed at the 10 o’clock


C L C F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9 p g . 4

The Installation of Susan B. Holland

as Associate Pastor of

Coastside Lutheran Church

Saturday, February 23 at 4pm

Host Pastor

The Rev. Dawn Teuthorn

Senior Pastor, Coastside Lutheran Church

Presiding at the Installation

The Rev. John Kuehner

Dean, San Francisco Peninsula Conference

Preaching the Word

The Rev. Danielle DeNise

Director of Evangelical Mission, NC Synod

with special music by

the Coastside Lutheran Church Choir,

Liesl McPherrin, Director,


David Borac,


Reception to follow

Come and celebrate!

C L C F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9 p g . 5

Renowned tenor Michael Strelo-Smith

and pianist Heather Waid present Queer Liberation Theology.

Strelo-Smith and Waid

explore the hopes,

dreams, struggles and

history of the LGBTQ+

community through

song, prose and


This powerful piece,

created by Strelo-

Smith for his master’s

thesis, speaks to the

heart and informs the


A not-to-be-missed

Coastside event.

Reception follows concert.

This event is free. Donations

enable Michael to continue his

creative work.

In Concert at CLC Saturday, March 9 @ 7pm

Also plan to attend the Living Grace

Discussion Group on Sunday, March

10 from noon-1:30 at Hop Dogma

to share our experience of this

concert. See page 7 for details.

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Book Club

On Thursday, January 24 @ 12 noon, six folks from CLC met at Caffe

Mezzaluna and enjoyed the excellent food and spirited conversation sparked by the

book Love Wins by Rob Bell. We discussed our impressions of the book as well as our

own conceptions of hell and heaven. It was an hour and half of powerful sharing, even

for those who had not finished (or even started) reading the book.

The next book we will be reading together is the classic, The Diaries of Adam

and Eve by Mark Twain. “In this witty, charming work Mark Twain retells the Garden

of Eden story in the first person, presenting the separate perspectives in diary form of

the legendary father and mother of the human race. ...This is a funny and touching re-

telling of the age-old myth, full of Twain's sarcastic humor, incisive intelligence, and

subtle touches of pathos for the foibles of human nature.” (Amazon Review). Plan to

gather at Caffe Mezzaluna (459 Prospect Way, Princeton by the Sea) on Thursday,

March 28 @ 12 noon to discuss or enjoy lunch or both!

New! LIVING GRACE: Discussion Group

We had a great turnout on Thursday, January 31 for our first “Living Grace:

Discussion Group.” The idea behind this group is to provide a venue for people

to come together and discuss recent movies, TV shows and other events that

they have watched on their own ahead of time. On Thursday, a group from Coastside Lutheran

Church gathered at Miramar Beach Restaurant to discuss the recent TV broadcast of the musical

Rent, and the movies, Green Book and On the Basis of Sex about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The next two meetings of Living Grace will be held on Sundays from noon-1:30 at Hop Dogma

Brewing Co. (270 Capistrano Rd. in Half Moon Bay in the Harbor Village.) Bring your lunch from

home or from a local restaurant. On Sunday March 10, we will share our experience of the Strelo-

Smith Concert. On March 31 we continue our discussion on LBGTQ+

issues by reflecting on the documentary, The Bible Tells Me So

(available on iTunes and Prime video); Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette

(Netflix); Ellen DeGeneres’ Relatable (Netflix); and the movie Boy

Erased (iTunes). (Please note that these videos address mature topics

and some contain explicit language so parental discretion is advised.)

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The season of Lent calls us to a life of meditation, reflection, introspection and reconciliation.

Listen to God’s Children Praying: Breaking down barriers by listening to the hopes, dreams and struggles of each other.

Deep listening allows us to see through the eyes of others and to connect at the level of our shared humanity.

This year, we seek opportunities to listen deeply.

All are welcome to take part in any or all of these events as part of your spiritual journey.

Lent at CLC

Ash Wednesday

March 13

Ashes-To-Go 7-9:30am, CLC Parking Lot

Worship 7:30pm, CLC Sanctuary

Centering Prayer Tuesdays

6-6:45pm, CLC Sanctuary


7-9:30am, CLC Sanctuary

Taize Evening Prayer Thursdays

7-7:30pm, CLC Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Worship with Communion

Contemplative: 8:30am

Fellowship: 9:15-9:45am

Worship with Children’s Time and

Nursery: 10am

Peace Pole

Prayer Labyrinth Open every day for

meditation and prayer

during daylight hours



Living Grace Discussion Group

Saturday, March 9, 7pm Michael Strelo-Smith and Heather

Waid in Queer Liberation Theology.

Thursday, March 28, noon-1:30 @Caffe Mezzaluna

Mark Twain’s Diaries of Adam and


These Sundays, noon-1:30 @Hop Dogma March 10: Strelo-Smith Concert

March 31: Hannah Gadsby’s Nannette,

DeGeneres’ Relatable and others.


Easter Sunday, April 21

Palm Sunday, April 14 Maundy Thursday, April 18 Good Friday, April 19

Contemplative Worship: 8:30am

Fellowship: 9:15-9:45am

Worship with Children’s Time and Nursery: 10am

Worship at 7:30pm.

Includes foot washing and Holy Communion.

Ends with stripping of the altar.

Worship @ 7:30pm.

We focus on the 7 last words of Jesus as we

ponder his death and all that it means.

Sunrise Worship


Outside in the


Potluck Brunch


In the West Wing

Festival Choral



In the Sanctuary

Egg Hunt

After Worship

Outside on the lawn

All people are welcome at Coastside Lutheran Church. 900 Cabrillo Hwy, N. in Half Moon Bay, Ca.

Tel:(650) 726-9293 Email: info@coastsidelutheran.org

Visit our website for the most current event information: www.coastsidelutheran.org

CLC is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 5 pm Iglesia del Mar 9 pm Cleaning

2 7:30 am Open AA

4:45-10:30pm Coastside Comm Orchestra, Concert 7pm


3-4 pm Cleaning 5-6:15pm Head Start Parent mtg WW 7 pm Open AA


6 –6:45 pm Centering Prayer in Sanctuary 7pm Chorale, Sanctuary

6 7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW

5-8:30 pm IDM in WW

7 7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW 10 am-2 pm Hope Services Cooking

7:30-9 pm Choir Rehearsal

8 5 pm Iglesia del Mar 9 pm Cleaning (7pm EST Pr. Sue’s Ordination in NC)


7:30 am Open AA

10 8:30 am Worship & HC 9:10 Fellowship in WW 9:30 Choir Rehearsal 10 am Worship w/ HC nursery, children’s time 2 pm Iglesia del Mar

11 3-4 pm Cleaning 7 pm Open AA

12 2-3:30pm Women’s Bible Study, WW 4-5:30pm Head Start Parent mtg, WW 6 –6:45 pm Centering Prayer in Sanctuary 7pm Chorale, Sanctuary


7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW

5-8:30 pm IDM in WW

14 7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW 10 am-2 pm Hope Services Cooking

7:30-9 pm Choir Rehearsal

15 5 pm Iglesia del Mar 9 pm Cleaning IDM Youth Prayer Vigil until 2AM


7:30 am Open AA 11:30am Mike McClellan Memorial


8:30 am Worship & HC 9:10 Fellowship in WW 9:30 Choir Rehearsal 10 am Worship w/ HC nursery, children’s time 2 pm Iglesia del Mar


3-4 pm Cleaning 7 pm Open AA


4-5:30pm Head Start Parent mtg, WW

6 –6:45 pm Centering Prayer in Sanctuary 7pm Chorale, Sanctuary


7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW

5-8:30 pm IDM in WW

21 7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW

10 am-2 pm Hope Services Cooking

7:30-9 pm Choir Rehearsal

22 5 pm Iglesia del Mar 9 pm Cleaning


7:30 am Open AA

4pm Pr. Sue’s Installation, reception follows

24 8:30 am Worship & HC 9:10 Fellowship in WW 9:30 Choir Rehearsal 10 am Worship w/ HC nursery, children’s time 2 pm Iglesia del Mar

25 3-4 pm Cleaning 7 pm Open AA

26 9-noon Piano tuner in Sanctuary 4-5:30pm Head Start Parent mtg, WW 6 –6:45 pm Centering Prayer in Sanctuary 7pm Chorale, Sanctuary


7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW

5-8:30 pm IDM in WW

7 pm Council in Conference Rm


7-9 am Community Breakfast in WW 10 am-2 pm Hope Services Cooking

7:30-9 pm Choir Rehearsal

C L C F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9 p g . 9

February 2019

3 8:55 am Choir

9:30 One Worship w/ HC followed by Annual Congrega-tional Meeting 2 pm Iglesia del Mar PD in NC

February 2019 Newsletter


Coastside Lutheran Church is a spiritual harbor where all, without exception, are welcome

and accepted with open arms. We are fed and we grow by sharing in the grace of God

through Jesus Christ, so we can go out to serve the community, inspired by the Holy Spirit


8:30 am Meditative Worship with Holy Communion

9:10 am Fellowship for All

10:00 am Worship with Holy Communion, Children’s Time, Nursery



Website: coastsidelutheran.org Phone: 650.726.9293 Email: info@coastsidelutheran.org

Coastside Lutheran Church is proud to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation and a member of the ELCA.

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