february 2021 the fountain

Post on 02-Oct-2021






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February 2021

THE FOUNTAIN The Parish Magazine serving the communities of the Fountains Group, Aldfield

Sawley & Winksley (Fountains Parish), Azerley, Dallowgill, Galphay, Grantley,

Grewelthorpe, Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton, Mickley & Studley


The Rectory Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon HG4 3SL Dear Friends “What are you giving up for Lent?” It’s such a routine question within our churches, yet this year it may feel as if we’ve already given up more than we can cope with. Lent begins on Wednesday 17th: that’s nearly eleven months since the first lockdown started. Perhaps you’re struggling with all the things we cannot do or have at the moment. The good news, of course, is that we don’t have to give anything up. It’s not as if we have to (or can) squeeze ourselves into God’s good books by having a miserable time. He understands what we’re going through and what we’re feeling. This year perhaps some of us could more helpfully mark Lent by deliberately doing one thing each day which will really give us a boost instead. All that needs giving up has already been done, by Jesus. There’s a beautiful Christmas hymn which begins: Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour all for love’s sake becamest poor.


Jesus gave up heaven’s glory out of love for us, to live a human life and die a human death. And of course the story doesn’t finish there – but that comes at the end of Lent. Some of us will still find giving something up this year a helpful discipline. If not, maybe we can give something ‘upwards’: making a renewed effort to give thanks and praise to God for all he has done for us, through his Son, who gave everything. Ian Kitchen Verses to think about Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2 (New International Version) If you’re reading this copy of the Fountain online, why not check with your less internet-based neighbours if they would like to see it or have it printed for them? Revd Kathy Couchman We are delighted to confirm that Kathy has been appointed as our new ‘house for duty’ Associate Minister, and will be moving to Grewelthorpe in due course. Kathy will be working two days a week plus Sundays: we’ll be more specific about which days once she has had a chance to settle into the role. Welcome, Kathy! Kathy will be licensed in a Zoom service on the evening of Wednesday 10th February. The bishop has asked that participants be kept to a minimum. We will have a proper welcoming service for Kathy when circumstances allow.

Church of England Services in Fountains Benefice February 2021

We will be holding short services of Holy Communion (sharing the bread only) on the following dates. This month there are no Wednesday services. By using only our two largest churches, we are confident that we can keep sufficiently distanced and safe.


We hope you can join us: Face coverings are currently obligatory at services Sunday 7 Feb 11.15 am Kirkby Malzeard Church Sunday 14 Feb 11.15 am Winksley Church Sunday 21 Feb 11.15 am Kirkby Malzeard Church Sunday 28 Feb 11.15 am Winksley Church We also continue our Sunday morning Zoom services (and other services at home) at 10 am – please contact Revd. Ian Kitchen on 01765 650369 if you would like to join us, or email ian.kitchen@leeds.anglican.org There will also be a Zoom service on the evening of Ash Wednesday, 17th Feb. Holy Communion at home is available for those who have an urgent need. If you have any questions about the services please contact Ian Kitchen. A slice of hope The pandemic continues and the weather is just what February offers. We all need our spirits picking up once in a while. If you feel a free slice of tray bake and a card with a Christian blessing or prayer on would help you through a day, just email ian.kitchen@leeds.anglican.org or phone 01765 650369 and say ‘I’d like a slice of hope’, with your name and address. We’ll get it to you as soon as we can – we’ll aim for the same day although occasionally it may have to be the next day. Feel free to ask for more than one slice if the family need cheering up. It’s likely to be chocolate brownie, flapjack or a coffee slice (tell us about preferences or allergies). Unfortunately we can’t manage gluten-free or diabetic-friendly at the moment – but we’ll happily bring the card without cake to cheer you up anyway. Prayer requests It’s important that we keep praying for each other at all times, but perhaps


even more so in this time when so many are isolated. If you have something, however big or small, which you would like to ask for prayer about, please email our licensed reader, Adrian Roberts, at aproberts1961@gmail.com These requests will be shared with the ministry team so that they can pray together, but with no one else. Alternatively, please phone Adrian on 01765 650275, Ian Kitchen 01765 650369 or Liz Jarvis 01765 620508. Worship with us We are still sharing in a service of Morning Worship each week at 10.00 am, using the video-conferencing tool Zoom. If you'd like to join us, please contact Rev Ian Kitchen for more information (ian.kitchen@leeds.anglican.org). Even if you haven't used Zoom before, it isn't difficult and Ian will be able to help you sort it out. If you are not computer-savvy or you'd rather follow a service on your own we can let you have it via email or by paper through your letter box. A healthy number of people are doing this at 10 am each week to build the sense that we are all worshipping together. Email or telephone Ian for more details: 01765 650369. Bible study We are running a Bible study group by Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7.30. If you’d like to join us, or would be interested in a similar study at another time, let Ian know. Facebook For a number of reasons we have had to change our Facebook arrangements for the benefice. In place of the existing page we have set up a group, which anyone can join. You’ll find it at https://www.facebook.com/groups/767942577145762. That’s a bit of a mouthful but once you’ve entered it once and joined the group it should be easy to find again. You’ll be able to see our daily Bible reflections and other news about our churches and benefice. Our benefice website, which also shows these things, also continues to function beautifully at https://fountainsgroupofchurches.co.uk/


A listening ear from the hospice With the new year bringing a new lockdown, many of us may be feeling low, isolated or anxious about the days and weeks to come. We want to let you know that our Just ‘B’ Hear to Help community line is here for you, seven days a week, from 8am in the morning to 8pm, with a team of experienced, caring volunteers ready to listen and support. Call us on 01423 856799. We’re all in this together and no concern is too small. The helpline is available for children, young people and adults across Yorkshire. The Just ‘B’ Hear to Help line is one of the services provided by North Yorkshire Hospice Care, a registered charity in England and Wales (518905) with a family of services operating as Herriot Hospice Homecare, Just ‘B’, Saint Michael’s Hospice and Talking Spaces. Funerals

John Iseley – burial of ashes 12th December, Sawley. Ian Kitchen took the service Robert Todd – funeral 8th December, Sawley. Liz Jarvis took the service Ada Fawcett – funeral 22nd December, Sawley. Ian Kitchen took the service Joan Kirk – burial of ashes, 16th December, Kirkby Malzeard. Ian Kitchen took the service Joyce Brittain, funeral 20th December, Sawley. Ian Kitchen took the service Marion Metcalfe, funeral 23rd December, Kirkby Malzeard. Ian Kitchen took the service. John Thackray, funeral 7th January, Mickley. Ian Kitchen took the service Colin Clark, funeral 15th January, Kirkby Malzeard. Ian Kitchen took the service Marjorie Glasper, funeral 18th January, Kirkby Malzeard. Ian Kitchen took the service


Alf Jeff, funeral 2nd February, Grewelthorpe. Ian Kitchen will take the service.

The Benefice Book Group We had a choice of three books last month but most of my emails were comments on "Lanterns Across the Snow '' by Susan Hill. I think that was probably because it is such a lovely Christmas read. The narrator is an old woman remembering her long ago childhood in the Rectory of a county parish. It has humour and sadness and almost lyrical descriptions of the countryside and of the events she remembers. I think we were swept along by the pleasure of the story because on reflection it seemed that some of the memories must have been exaggerated or even wrongly remembered, which is often the way of memories of long ago. Nevertheless, put it on your Christmas list now with a view to reading it at Christmas 2021, by which time I hope that we will find ourselves in a more relaxed world than that in which we celebrated Christmas 2020. Next month we are going to read "Sweet Sorrow" by David Nichols, and who knows, we may be able to discuss it face to face, suitably socially distanced, of course! Anne Carrick A Thank You Thank you all for the lovely gifts which arrived at my door last month to mark my retirement from the office of Reader. They were obviously chosen by someone who knows my tastes. My three favourite things - Chocolate cake, flowers and books. I need hardly say that the cake has long since disappeared despite my putting most of it in the freezer with the intention of saving it for later, the flowers are still too lovely to go into the compost and the Book Token has turned into "A History of Scottish Art" by Lachlan Gaudie which I have yearned after ever since it was published last year. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of the Ministry Team in Fountains Benefice, and it will continue to be a pleasure and a privilege to continue to be part of the congregation.


Thank you most of all for your friendship and for your many kindnesses to me for more years than I care to remember. I hope and pray that the Benefice of Fountains and all its people may continue to flourish. Anne Carrick The pandemic continues to affect the way churches operate, including, of course, St

Lawrence’s. It remains open for private prayer and the grounds, too, continue to

attract people who wish to visit the graves of their loved ones or to enjoy the peace

and the views.

Socially distanced Communion Services have continued and are appreciated by

those attending. This includes the 10.00pm Christmas Eve Communion which was

well-attended. David played the organ before and after the Service as he has been

doing at other communion Services.

Work continues in the Church Yard to ensure it is well-maintained. The church was

inspected by the architect some months ago and some work completed as a result

of the advice in the resulting quinquennial document. There is more work which

needs to be carried out. David, (organist and treasurer) and I have been working

through the advice and prioritising the work needing to be done as funds become

available. Unfortunately, along with other churches and charities, the fact of not

being able to fund-raise is having a huge impact in this respect. We welcomed the

charity stall at Aldfield before Christmas, one of three in the parish, where monies

were raised for the general parish fund and for St Michael’s Hospice. It was a

success and thanks are due to Valerie Leeming who manned the stall along with

other volunteers.

Thanks to all who in any way have contributed to St Lawrence’s either by attending

services, volunteering with practical help or by making monetary contributions.

This is all very much appreciated.

Bernice Ferguson



GREWELTHORPE VILLAGE HALL Due to the current Covid restrictions the hall and cafe are currently closed but please have a look at our new web site for details about the facilities and the activities we hope to be able to resume in the near future. www.grewelthorpevillagehall.co.uk Also, should you wish to make a provisional booking (subject to the Covid restrictions being lifted to allow the event to take place); please do so through the new online booking provision. You will not be charged should it be necessary to cancel the event/meeting due to Covid restrictions.

THE HACKFALL CAFÉ – ‘BAKING TO ORDER’ SERVICE The Village Hall Café once again had to close its doors in November, and with the present COVID-19 crisis it is difficult to predict when it will be possible to re-open. We have recently been selling off the stock of cakes in the freezer at less than previous Village Hall Café prices, and still have a few items left.

We are also offering ‘a ‘baking to order’ service to Grewelthorpe residents, with home delivery. If you would like more information or would like a price list of cakes - either present stock, or made to order, please contact: Judith O’Shaughnessy on Tel 01765 658728 / e mail judyosh@hotmail.com

Community Lunch Tuesday 9th February; a homemade 2 course hot dinner and pudding. DELIVERED to you by our friendly Hackfall Cafe volunteers. £5 per person. Extra portions for freezing can be ordered in advance. Call Susan Rizos on 01765 658200 to order your meal. Please state any dietary requirements. WHAT’S ON IN GREWELTHORPE If you would like to be kept up to date you can subscribe to this e-newsletter by request at whatsongrewelthorpe@gmail.com



St James’ Church and the Methodist Church

Epiphany Party

Under normal circumstances we would have been celebrating our 15th Epiphany Party in Church on the 6th January. This year was

very different for obvious reasons but against all odds our

Epiphany Party went ahead by being shown on Youtube! This

couldn’t have happened without a small group of people and to

some clever technical wizardry. A special thank you to Julie,

Richard, Liz and Susan for all their help. The performances were

brilliant and we were extremely grateful to individuals in supporting this alternative Epiphany event!

We would like also to say a huge THANK YOU to those of you that

sent donations in respect of this. As with all Churches, our usual

fundraising events have been diminished, so any contribution was

gratefully received.

Should you like to watch our Epiphany Party online, then please

contact Susan Rizos by email susan.rizos@btinternet.com and she

will let you have the link.

Village Christmas Card

The Church would like to thank the pupils of Grewelthorpe School for their participation in a Village Christmas Card competition. The

children were asked to design a card that could be distributed to

the residents of the village. The standard was extremely high and

after a lot of deliberation the overall winner was Erin Smith of Yr3.

Well done!

Grewelthorpe CE School

In December the children at Grewelthorpe school year 5/6 class

studied the impact the human need for resources is having on the

environment. We made posters persuading people to think about

their actions and purchases, in particular products which contain


palm oil. The children looked at scenes of deforestation and then

tried to give the animals a voice through poetry, focusing on

figurative language. They also produced water colours to go with

their art.

Finally, we wrote persuasive speeches and read them aloud to the rest of the school to vote on adopting a WWF animal. The

successful animal was the amur leopard.

Here are some examples of the excellent artwork and poems

written by pupils:


Stretched across the barren, desolate landscape.

A beaten army of wood lay groaning in pain.

Nothing but a vast empty wasteland left.

Gone! All that’s left is a pit of despair.

Smothered with smoke, the abandoned forest crumbles with fear.

Cloaked with sorrow the innocent, vulnerable terrain was engulfed with

the licking flames of fire. Swallowed, nothing left from this carnage.

Lifeless. Devastated. Vacant of all life.


Do you want to live in a world of misery?

Layer on layer of intentional destruction.

Bulldozers plough through the precious rainforest.

Deathly silence. How can you let this happen?

By Thomas, aged 10


Devouring everything in its path; the forest shivers with fear. Waiting for the carnage to begin.

A tornado of devastation tore through the helpless trees.

Flooded with tears, the forest lay destroyed.

An eerie wave of silence engulfed the forest floor.

A sea of horror bulldozed through the endless trees.


Trees falling to the floor in agony like a beaten army.

Never to return.


By Saskia, aged 9



The fight is over, wooden bodies groaning in pain.


Completed. Everything wiped out.

Our evil ways can’t be twisted back around.

An unbeatable battle against humanity.

Everything has fallen into an avalanche of misery.

We have annihilated all living things. Anxiety crept through the delicate forest.

Terror was slithering,

Waiting to pounce again then…

Bang! Gone!

Everything’s been choked to death once again.

Bulldozers towering over the lifeless trees.

A mountain of despair collapsed and found its way to slide into them. Everything was motionless.

Sorrow devoured all hope.

Silence crept through,

Passing all the dying trees in pure pain and agony. There was not a living thing in sight in this vast wasteland.

The forest was stripped bare.

A wave of pain engulfed the barren terrain.


Void of all hope. Lifeless.

We’ve abandoned all living things.

How can we let these despicable things happen?

By Joseph, aged 10


Update on ‘Save the Henry Jenkins!’ – January 2012 In an eNewsletter sent out to our membership just before Christmas, our festive greetings were followed by a ‘sting in the tale’ (!) – the Planning Inspector’s Appeal Decision allowing Justin Claybourne permission to develop the ‘eastern-annexe’ into a domestic dwelling. You may have seen a similar message on posters we placed round the village, though many of them were mysteriously ripped down soon afterwards (?) This unexpected decision, is certainly a setback to the ‘Save the Henry Jenkins’ campaign although it does not bring David Fielder any closer to his ambition of demolishing the pub altogether. Both the Planning Inspector and the Planning Officer who represented Harrogate Borough Council accepted that the Henry Jenkins site should still be regarded as a Social Facility, and this can only be a pub - as research by KM PC has failed to find any suitable alternative uses. But the Inspector ‘granted’ the appeal as she considered that the remaining Western Section, retained as a Public House, was sufficient to satisfy the Local Development Plan. The HJCP are now considering what can be done about this decision and planning the future steps of the campaign. Kirkby is a growing village, as

Kirkby Malzeard


demonstrated by the proposed Mulberry Homes Development off Sugar Hill/Back Lane South and really does deserve more facilities – not less. A smaller site restricts our ability to provide many of the services that local residents should enjoy. But a complete loss of the site, with new houses built in the very heart of our village, would be a complete disaster! And we will not stand for that! Covid-19 affects everyone, and may for many years, but it has shown how much we need the company of relations, friends and neighbours to help us all get through. The current fantastic vaccine roll-out is the key to defeating this terrible disease and we can see some sort of normality on our horizon. When we can all go out and about again, - grandparents, mums and dads and the kids - we want a warm and comfortable Henry Jenkins to be there, inviting you through that welcoming door! So please continue to support our campaign – as we continue to support our lovely village. Be careful and stay safe! David Robinson Chairman, Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd 01765 658 123 HJCPLtd@gmail.com

Markers of the passing of time have changed during this pandemic

year. We have difficulty deciding what day of the week it is, which

month we are in, and even which is the current year? Christmas

and New Year are usually powerful reminders of the transition from

the old to the new. Last year it was different, it couldn’t have been




In the lead up to Christmas we tried to make Advent special with

“Warm Wednesdays”, when the church was heated from 9-3, the

advent candles were lit and recorded music provided a musical

backdrop in a space for reflection and prayer.

On Christmas Day, Ian gave us the opportunity to come together

(socially distanced) in our festively decorated church for a modified

service of Eucharist, but the singing of carols, and congregational

mingling was out of the question. Very counter-intuitive – think

how the shepherds must have mingled joyfully on that first Christmas morning.

The New Year brought sadness to the village with the funeral and

burial of John Thackray, which took place in Mickley on January


Church plans for 2021 are on hold until we have a clearer picture of the year ahead with regard to future Covid 19 restrictions. In

normal times we would be planning our biennial July open gardens.

Meanwhile, Zoom reigns and we ponder the wisdom and safety of

worship in church whilst Covid infection rates are so high. This is a

shame as the Sunday service in a different church each week is a wonderful opportunity for cross benefice worship.

In the year ahead we are still looking for someone to come up with

a magic remedy for cluster flies, the church roof needs attention

and improving access to the church for disabled parishioners and

visitors is under consideration. In the churchyard we are continuing to reinstate previously unsafe gravestones and are

grateful to Paul Alderson for catching the mole, which has done its

best to make the churchyard into one large molehill.

Roger Higson and Frances Cole, Churchwardens

100 Club


As everyone knows, it has been a difficult time to raise money for

causes that we hold dear but members of the 100 Club have been

amazingly generous both in the Christmas Raffle,, raising £342,

and the Christmas Card Appeal for the Salvation Army which raised

a record £315.

We have planned a “Virtual Burns Night Supper” this year –

encouraging folk to recite a wee poem or do a turn via Zoom, along

with a quiz – so we are determined not to be beaten.

Looking further ahead – we await inspiration – and hope for the

lifting of restrictions, but meanwhile, if anyone has any great ideas for safe distanced community fun, do get in touch.

The February draw will take place on Friday 26th. Stay safe.

Louise, Peter, Dot, Reg, Andrea and Adrian – the 100 Club






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and by appointment.

To make an appointment to look around the

shop please ‘phone 01765 658201.

We also welcome enquiries if you have

quality antique & vintage items for sale.

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TELEPHONE DIRECTORY (01765 if no code given)

APEX PRIVATE HIRE, (Trevor Kempster, Kirkby Malzeard) local /long distance airport /courier, mobile 07970 308823 650491 BLAKEY TREE SURGERY, Felling,pruning,thinning,logs,chippings,free quote 658029 BOGS HALL STABLES, Livery, tuition, BHS approved, rug cleaning. 658184 BULL GRAPHIC DESIGN, Logo design, websites, brochures, packaging 658022 CATERERS & CROCKERY HIRE, L Atkinson 620618 or 658545 CREATIVE NAILS BY CAROL, for all your nail requirements, 07736 544 446 or 609293 CURTAIN & BLIND MAKING SERVICE & ALTERATIONS, contact Carol Ayres 658898 DOG HOME BOARDING, the kinder alternative to kennels. Experienced carer, fully insured & HBC approved. Early booking advised. 650438 GARY CARSON, Painter & Decorator, call for a free estimate, 07737 322335 or 658761 HIGHSIDE BUTCHERS, Local lamb, beef and pork 658423 T & M.E JACKSON, Approved electrical contractors 658517 KIRKBY MALZEARD PRE-SCHOOL & TODDLER GROUP 658080 KIRKBY STORES, Open Mon-Sat 6am - 6.30pm Sun 7.00-10.30am 658305 J B LAMBERT & SON, Painter & Decorator 603928 LINDRICK LOGS, Local quality seasoned hardwood, prompt delivery 605248 LYNX FUELS, Domestic heating oil & agricultural fuels. Ring Andrew Storey 07970 249978 MOBILE FOOT CLINIC, Anna Smith, Kirkby Malzeard & Grewelthorpe 690830 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Call Vanessa, all aspects of hairdressing,07861 734226 606417 N C R PLUMBING & HEATING, OFTEC, NAPIT, Trust Mark registered, plumbing, bathrooms, central heating, oil boilers, tanks, electricals 650410 RIPON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, Various times Monday – Friday by appointment only. If you’re suffering from headaches, sciatica, back, leg, shoulder or arm pain or pins and needles, contact 609494 ROSELEA TEAROOM , Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10.00am – 3.30pm SIMON MERRIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, mobile 07711 343083 or 658640 SEA DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS SERVICE, for washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, & electric cookers mobile 07801 079911 or 689793 TILLY’S TAILS, Dog walking, pet sitting, tailored to meet your needs mob 07887 617294 TRACY JOHNSON, Mole control,gardens,paddocks,farmland,traditional method 620651 TOM WATSON JOINERY, All aspects of joinery. Good service guaranteed 07920 005140 J WEATHERHEAD & SON, Fencing contractor, all types of fencing supplied & erected, hedge planting undertaken 658508

Advertising enquiries please to Stuart Wakefield Tel 605697. e-mail sjwakefield@live.co.uk



The next issue of The Fountain will be an on-line March edition. Material for this should be sent to the editor by 21st February, 2021 please:-

Mrs Sharon Wood, West Farm, Galphay, Ripon HG4 3NJ Tel: 01765 658220, e-mail Sharonjwood1@gmail.com

The Fountains Benefice Ministry Team

Priest in Charge Revd Ian Kitchen The Rectory, Ringbeck Road, Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3SL 01765 650369 ian.kitchen@leeds.anglican.org (Day off usually Friday)

Readers Miss Anne Carrick 01765 601167

Mrs Liz Jarvis 01765 620508

Mr Adrian Roberts 01765 650275

Administrator Isabelle Munyard

Please note new hours: Thurs 9.30 am - 3.30 pm

e-mail parishfountains@gmail.com

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