februarynewsletter2013 - the greatest love story ever told

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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This Christian journey is not about how much you love him, but about how much HE loved you!


ISSUE 2 2013


STORY EVER TOLD .........1



INSPIRING TEEN ..............2


TEXAS .......................3

This Christian journey is not about how much you love him, but about

how much HE loved you!

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told By: Minister Leroy Hargrove The Passion of the Christ was one of the

most controversial movies for the religious

community in many years. Many sneered

and complained that it was to graphic and

violent. Some arguments even brought up

the point that it was a direct attack against

the Jewish community, depicting that they

killed Christ.

Regardless of your position on the movie,

it’s graphic nature or the thought of who

killed our Lord, it is one that must be

viewed by every Christian. When we read

the words written in the bible about his

love for us, it’s hard to grasp without an

attachment. The words on the page tell us

that he was marred more than any man.

They tell us that he was bruised for our

transgressions. When we read these words

we can easily pass over them without feel-

ing. But the visual images, screams and

sounds captured in the movie is one of the

most realist attachments we will probably

ever experience. It is one that captures the

depths of what our Lord and Savior went

through in order to purchase us, that we

may be saved. So, experience the greatest

love story ever told for yourself by except-

ing Christ into your life.

STAR STUDENT Congratulations to Zyonne Hargrove. Zyonne has earned the designation of “Star Student” for

Elgin Middle School. Every six week period, a handful of students are chosen based upon

academic achievement, attendance and character. Zyonne was one of less than 30 students out

of approximately 480 chosen for this award.

Way to go Zyonne!!!

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told!

An inspiring poem by an inspiring Teen. Regan Smith

Horizon Worship Center Youth


What causes me?

The thugs and drugs

That everybody does

The gangs who hurt me.

What am I?

Who am I?

I am violence.

I am violence because

Of things of this world

Bullying, Peer pressure,

And Anger I was just a girl.

What am I?

Who am I?

I am violence.

Save me in time

Before I hurt

Children like Columbine,

Save me in time

Before I blow my mind.

What am I?

Who am I?

I am non-existent

All is safe and well

But somewhere else I dwell.

I know not what I do next

But you better believe it

Will be my best

What am I?

Who am I?

I am a disease

You thought you could stop me

Well that’s where you’re wrong

You can solve me and win,

I’ll show up again.

What am I?

Who am I?

I am an annoyance

I am violence

I do as I please

So fill your mind

With pretend ease.

What am I?

Who am I?

I am a nightmare.

Will you ever get rid of me?

Will be gone?

I believe

That you may be wrong.

What am I?

Who am I?

I am violence.

AUSTIN: We’re Growing


According to Forbes magazine, Austin is the #1 fastest grow-ing city in the coun-try. Businesswise,

that means big bucks and opportunity. For us, it means we have more opportunity to witness to someone

about the Lord! Don’t miss your op-


Congratulations! Brian “Moody” Hicks! Moody’s team, Austin Can Academy, was crowned the district

champs. With a record of 16-3, they competed for the State Championship. Horizon Worship

Center is proud to have a rising superstar who is also purposed to serve the Lord.

Congratulation Moody!!!!

T.A.G: Busting at the seam! What is T.A.G? It is the Horizon Worship Center’s TEEN MINISTRY and it stands for

Transforming A Generation. The TAG ministry is one of the fastest growing ministries

at Horizon Worship Center. Pastor Larry Williams and his assistants Minister Zonerphia

Williams (his wife) and Kanisha Cobbs definitely have their hands full with the grow-

ing number of future leaders. On Wednesday nights, the ministry ministers to 20+ teen-


Currently, the teens are soliciting donations for a ministry trip, which is well deserved.

You can participate and support this awesome ministry by donating.

See a TAG member TODAY!


Do you have a small business

that you would like to let us

know about?

It is important that we sup-

port in-house and local Chris-

tian businesses so that the

Kingdom and your local

church may prosper.

Let us know about your busi-

ness so that we can spend our

Kingdom Dollar with you!

Elder Marnaria’s Music Ministry Debut

Produced by Minister Levester White, along with the musical talents of Minister Trent Mitchell,

the single was recorded with the help of a few members of the Horizon Worship Praise team as

well as participants from outside ministries. The single will be available soon at

www.cdbaby.com and other participating outlets.

Visit www.marnariabrown.com to get the latest on Elder Marnaria’s music ministry and become

a fan!

Servanthood Ministry—Computers for sale!

The Servanthood Ministry still have a few computers left for sale.

These computers were donated to the ministry in support of a

fundraiser. The funds will be used to help purchase uniforms and

other items for members of the ministry. Please note that these

computers DO NOT have hard drives. However, they do come

with the Operating System disc, as well as the Utility disc. Please

see Elder Karen Darby for more details.

Our Vision

That people from all ethnic groups and diverse backgrounds, come together in one place to form a grater union. This unity operating in

love and mutual respect reflects the unconditional love of God.

Our Purpose

We are a ministry of transformation, called by God to make a radical change in people’s lives.

Our Mission

To lead people from all walks of life, into a growing and transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. We accomplish our mission by

creating environments, in which people can come and grow in their intimacy with Jesus Christ, build rela-

tionships and reach out to others.

Horizon Worship Center

1006 E. Yager Lane, Ste., 115-A

Austin, Texas 78753

(512) 391-0560

Email: info@hwcaustin.com

Web: www.hwcaustin.com

Social Media: We’re connected, so check us out!!! Senior Pastor B.W. Hines

If you have anything that you would like submitted to the HWC Newsletter, please

see Minister Leroy Hargrove, or email at: horizonworshipcenter@gmail.com

Elder Marnaria Brown is proud to announce the release of her first single entitled, You Reign.

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