feedback - massillon · hamfests this month are findlay...

Post on 12-Oct-2020






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MRN NET Sundays 8:00 PM 3599.5 KHZ


Fridays 8:00 PM 147.18 MHZ (Except 1st Fri of month)

CONTENTS Secretary Report —————-2 N8ATZ Column —————-4 Program announcement ——-5 Faraday Cage W8KXR ——-6 Faraday Cage W8KXR ——-7 ARRL News ——————8 Calendar by K8INN ———-9 MARC Back page ————10


The meeting for the month of Oc-tober will be held on October 9th 2015 at the Massillon Senior Center at 8:00 PM. Doors open at 7 for that “eyeball QSO” ! This meeting was moved 1 week to accom-modate the members who are working down at the Swiss Festival parking lots fund raiser for the club and would not have a chance to make the meeting. Boy October already ! That means October is Hamfest month ! The MARC Hamfest is on October 25th this year. We will again have set up on Saturday October 24th beginning around 9:00 AM at the Massillon Boys & Girls Club, 730 Duncan St SW. ( Route 21 to Walnut street, cross tracks & up the hill, to Duncan ST (traffic light turn left !) ; Club is on the left; big blue building , ya can’t miss it ! ). Set up consists of setting up tables & chairs stringing power chords for electric to the tables and hanging signs & getting the Club table ready . As in the past if we get all the help we need we should be finished in just a couple of hours . On Sunday, volunteers should be-gin to show up at 5:30 AM to let the ven-dors in to set up their wares, and for us to finish up our set up. VE volunteers need to show up by 8:00 AM to help with paper work. Ticket sales people also need to be there by 8:00 AM as well to begin selling tickets and be there for general opening! We will go over all of this at the October meeting. So plan on attending and be sure to volunteer for the position you want ! SEE you at the meeting !

OCTOBER PROGRAM The program planned for the month of October will be a presentation by Mr. Tom Hammond from the Univer-sity of Akron—Wayne College, who will present and demonstrate the 3D printer. He will have one to demonstrate for us at the meeting . Please see page 5 for more infor-mation—and pictures !

TIME FOR A CHANGE? It now has been several years since I set up the MARC Feedback front page to what is is now. So therefore I am going to solicit ANY ideas to change the looks of the front page and/ or beyond. In order to keep up the interest in things, change is always needed to perk one’s interest. This in no different. If you have noticed other newsletters , they have nearly a “professional” looking front page. I have never had any formal training in publishing. I have learned from the “on the job” training . So I need help in setting up a really nice looking front page. Please submit your ideas in the form of a finished front page or verbal ideas. Keeping in mind I use Microsoft Publisher program to do the newsletter. I can import pictures and text so an e- mailed version will also be accepted. I would like to incorporate more color and use different fonts. The hard part of doing the newsletter is finding articles making everything fit! Thanks de Gary WC8W Editor !

MARC Minutes September 4, 2015 Due to both president Ralph K8HSQ and Vice-president Terry N8ATZ being away, the meeting was conducted by Wade WD8MIU as acting president and Don W8DEA as vice president. The meeting began at 8:000 PM and after the Pledge of Allegiance, there was a role call, with 25 persons present. Motion to accept last month’s minutes: Wade asked if there were any corrections or additions to the August Secretary’s report that was sent to all members via e-mail. No corrections being needed, Wade then asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion by Don W8DEF, second by Dan N8DZM. Motion passed. Treasurers Report: Gary WC8W then gave a detailed financial report for the club. Gary mentioned that this was a light month, with only two transac-tions needed. Motion to accept by Steve KD8ACF, second by Ken KF9WB. Motion passed. Announcements: John KD8MQ mentioned that Ohio State Parks on the Air will be held first Saturday after Labor Day, (Sept. 12) and encouraged people to participate. Wade followed with some additional info about the upcoming Swiss Festival, and mentioned that while sign-up has been fairly good, we need MANY volunteers to guarantee that we do an outstanding job of managing this event. A sign-up sheet was passed around, with people indicating their availability times etc. When complete, Wade and Mike WA8MKH will formulate a schedule for the volunteers. Mike mentioned that there will be a pamphlet e-mailed to volunteers with a checklist for items to being along. VP Report by Don, W8DEA Don reminded everyone that we will meet on October 9th, instead of the normal October 2nd, due to scheduling conflicts. Don men-tioned that we received two newsletters this month, from the Lake Erie ARA and the Dayton ARA, and they are on the table for peo-ple to read. Hamfests this month are Findlay on Sept. 13 and Cleveland on Sept. 26. Details are on the club website. The Summit County ARES is also looking for volunteers for the Akron marathon which is also held on the 26th. Birthdays this month are Ed AE5ES, Charles KB8STV, Mike KG6IT, Anne N8GAF, John W0OZZ and Dan Fouts (NC). Happy Birthday to all! The prizes for our hamfest have been set, and will be the same as last year, and Robert AC8GE and his wife have volunteered to take care of the printing and mailing of the announcements. Thank you Robert and Roberts XYL. Don mentioned that on Sunday Sept. 6th, the Noble County ARC, NC8OH will host a special event station will be commemorating the 90th anniversary of the crash of the USS Shenandoah airship. Look for them around 7.225 or 14.255, depending on propagation. The QCWA also recognized Charlie Hellman, W2RP for being the longest licensed ham for 90 years. Charlie is 105 years old! The FCC has proposed an $8000 fine to Dan Hicks, KB8UYZ for “willful and malicious” interference. Most of us have heard char-acters on the air that sully the reputation and spirit of Amateur Radio, and it is gratifying when the FCC shuts them down. Committee Reports: Jim WA8GXM was not present to give a repeater report, but one of the members mentioned that the 440 repeater seems to be back to full strength, even though nothing has been changed with it. Speculation is that it might have simply been a propagation phenome-non. Old Business: Gary WC8W mentioned that the Senior Center has made quite a few changed to the fee structure for using the facility. Some of these will have impact on our budget, especially if we want to have mentoring sessions, banquets, etc. If you are interested in the details, contact Gary. These changes were only formalized recently, and the club now owes fees in arrears for 6 months. A motion was made by Carol KB8IMH and seconded by Mike WA8MKH to make payment. Motion passed. The club is continuing to investigate possible new sites for Field Day. As always, a good bit of discussion followed about alternate sites but the matter was tabled for now. Chris KD8TNF added that changes to the QRZ.COM website are complete now. In the future, the site may be integrated with LOTW so people can access logging entries. Thanks for your work on this Chris. New Business: No new business was introduced. 50:50 Raffle: The 50-50 was won by Chris KD8TNF.

With business concluded, Wade asked for a motion to adjourn. First Chris KD8TNF, second Rex NX8G. Motion passed.

After the meeting, it was time for show and tell, coffee and goodies. Shirley provided delicious root-beer flavored cupcakes. Thanks to all who provided or helped with the refreshments.

Submitted by Fred KD8SMO

Your Club is like making Bread the old fash-ioned way. All the parts are needed and if one is left out-No bread! A lot of us are quiet--like flour or milk. it takes lot of the quiet ones to make a good club or a loaf of bread, but that's not all. Some of us are saltier than others. A little salt is required. A lot of salt can ruin the whole thing. Then there are those of us who are really sweet - our YLs?? This too is an essential ingredient. You mix them together what happens? Nothing! You have a lump that just sits there. What is missing?? The yeast, when you mix the yeast into the lump, the lump wants to sit there lumpishly but the yeast has that enthusiasm. "Rise, Get up, get up" the yeast cries out kicking and holler-ing. Very reluctantly, the lump starts to rise. Then it gets punched down, but the yeast won't quit. Spurred on by the sugar, the yeast multiplies, and soon the loaf rises. Into the oven it goes and shortly thereafter and the people are fed. It doesn't mattter which part you play as long as you play a part. Just lookout, the yeast will get you! Come on up, UP!!!!! Let's all pitch in 2015 and we will make the best bread/club in the county. 73, Cam KI6WK Originally printed in WCARC newsletter in 2011


"hi hi" is the Morse equivalent of a laugh as in Morse it sounds like someone chuckling ("hehhehhehheh hehheh"). That is ditditditdit dit dit --- or dot dot dot dot dot dot. You really have to listen to it sent in Morse to appreciate its laugh like sound. It is most commonly used in CW (Morse Code), but has carried over to voice as well. Many CW expressions have carried over to voice -- such as 73 (Best Regards) and 88 (love and Kisses), etc. The origin probably dates back before radio to the telegraph days. And since Hams used Morse long before voice became practical-- the sound of the Morse characters HI HI was used to resemble a laugh sound. In some sense it is equiva-lent of a smiley. It's onomatopoeic -- that is the nam-ing of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss) The definitive answer might be found in the "Dodge's The Tele-graph Instructor Manual" circa 1850 to 1900. How-ever, I have never been able to find a copy of this document. Wish I could as it would help to see the transitions from telegraph to radio usage.So that is my best guess -- based on what old time telegraphers have told me. Ed Note: Another use of HI HI is sending a greeting to a fellow Ham when vehicles pass -- four short horn beeps followed by two short horn beeps. Since many Hams have Ham License plates -- a fellow Ham is easily spotted as well as the seeing the mobile anten-nas. Thanks to Western Reserve ARC newsletter for these two articles. Jane Avnet K8JAA Editor.



H amfest details are in full swing. At this months meeting we need to fill all the normal hamfest positions - table reservations; ticket sales;

prizes; security; club table; auction; mo-bile checkins; etc. These are important jobs that are important to a successful hamfest. This is a total club participation event, we need everyone's help, not just a few volunteers. If not, it's time to get out of the hamfest business ! Our main mailing will be similar this year as we will be mailing post cards out and not full size flyers as in the past. This will cut costs for us. The October issue of QST has the club hamfest notification and I expect table reservations to begin filling up soon.. Also the League has once again donated four very nice gift certificates to use as main / door prizes. Main prizes should be on order and maybe we will get a few donated door prizes as well that's to Universal Radio ! As always, we need volunteers to help with table setup on Saturday, October 24th around 9:00 - 9:30 AM. Final details will be worked out at the Oc-tober club meeting. Please join us for both the meeting and of course we hope to see you all on Hamfest Sunday !

… FALL IS HERE ! … As I work on my column for this month, I realize that it's almost Autumn. The day's are shorter and the nights longer. The weather is cooler and the trees are chang-ing already. So what does all this mean to radio opera-tors? For me, it means more time to devote to our hobby. It also means more time for my other favorite activity, project build-ing. And lets not forget about antennas. No matter what they say, I prefer to work on my antennas in nice weather. I had some tree trimming done around the house that was way overdue. That's the good news. My G5RV is broken again and now I don't have any low hanging branches to hold it back up again, that's the bad news!. I hope to try a different type of wire antenna more con-ducive to my new tree configuration. Maybe an end fed type ? I'm also planning on put-ting up a HF vertical for the winter oper-ating.

Regarding projects, I have a few ideas on some digital interfaces that I hope to start on once things settle down, this is still my favorite mode of operating and works well for my low profile station. I'm also about a year behind in the various ham magazines that I would like to catch up on. So while I'm not looking forward to a long snowy winter, I am looking forward to some fun radio time.

… Pillars of Amateur Radio … I attended the Findlay Hamfest on Sept 15th with fellow club member Don, W8DEF and had a fine time. The weather was just right and the hamfest was a good one as well. I took out some time to attend the ARRL Fo-rum with special guest speaker ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ. Dave noted several items on the League's agenda, current business before the board and the current state of Amateur Radio. You will be happy to know that our hobby is thriving despite many special interest groups ef-forts to steal our precious bandwidth. Dave also reminded us that the ARRL is the largest organization of radio amateurs in the world. Their mission is based on five basic pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology and Membership. These five principles are what guide the League and have helped make it the successful or-ganization it is today. Thinking about that ideal, I believe those pillars could apply to any amateur radio club, especially ours. Space limits my com-ments on this topic but look for a detailed discussion on the club website in the com-ing weeks. That’s it for this month. See you at the meeting and especially our Hamfest !

73’s Terry – N8ATZ








Suggested items for populating a “Faraday Cage”

The following is a 'suggested' list only, with comments, of inventory items perhaps useful in the aftermath of a CME and/or an EMP. These items are to be placed in a Faraday Cage, for protection against destructive radio and magnetic energy from Coronal Mass Ejection/Electromagnetic Pulses. The Cage:

1. New galvanized garbage can with tight fitting lid . . . tight, meaning with respect to electrical connection of the lid to the body of the can. Some cans, usually smaller, might be found with a locking type cover. The main issue is no electrical in-sulation between lid and can, with NO gaps. Some are suggesting sealing with conductive Aluminum builders tape.

2. Items to be placed in the Faraday Cage container must be insulated from touching the inside surface of the container, sup-

ported from the bottom of the container and not touching the top lid.

3. Current thinking is all items should be wrapped in heavy gauge Aluminum foil to provide additional Faraday effect protec-tion . . . some are advising double wrapping with attention to NO holes or slits that, at microwave frequencies, act like port-holes for damaging high frequency pulse energy . . .

4. Note, some ask if the 'Cage' should be ground to the earth with wire or strap. The answer is, NO . . . any such connection

can act as an antenna at frequencies generated in an EMP event and lead destructive energy directly to the cage . . . Suggested Items:

1. Calculators, with batteries . .

2. Slide Rules . . yes, mechanical slide rules . . just in case (don't have one? Get one. Don't know how to use one? Learn to.) Pack with electronic calculators, so available without panic when SHTF event occurs.

3. Electrical Inverter . . used to produce 120VAC from 12 VDC automotive/garden tractor storage batteries. Pay attention to

power ratings in continuous watts, and peak load watts. There is no guarantee, even simple garden tractor type power sources, with magneto's would survive a magnetic pulse event.

4. Circuit testing device for AC and DC voltages . . . with extra batteries. . .

5. Computer external hard drives and thumb drives that contain personal irreplaceable data. . .

6. Watches/clock, if not mechanical . . . consider spare batteries in the proper format . . .

7. Laptop computer . . . to read stored external hard drives, thumb drives and CD/DVDs, when others are destroyed. . .(store

with power cord and AC to PC power block.). Of course, critical data, personal information, financial records, and so on, should be stored on hard copy and protected from fire and water . . . yes, it's hard to believe, for some . . . but paper media does not recognize magnetic pulse, voltage/current surges.

8. Paper and wooden pencils . . . very durable/convenient in case of total emergency need to communicate (messenger con-

cept) . . not subject to EMP damage, but immediately available in a crisis where panic and dispair may be in play.

9. Batteries . . . consider redundancy and advertised shelf life . . . dated . . . labeled . . . an assortment as needed to cover all electronic devices in the 'Cage' . . (Remember, do not store electrical instruments with batteries in the devices; remove, package, label and date batteries for the specific instrument. . .

10. Charging devices for stored electronic devices; usable if power 'might' be available for a short time from storage batteries/

Inverters . . .

11. Electronic cameras with batteries, charging devices, auto-focus lenses, (trivial items, but demonstrates the cascade thinking process of how to evaluate ones' electronics) . . .

12. Camera video memory chips . . . label and date . . .

13. Shortwave radio receiver . . redundant battery powered . . . capable of overseas shortwave broadcast reception. Foreign

radio broadcasts may not be involved in a localized EMP/CME, and might be the only information sources for what may have happened out in the world. . .

14. Hand held radios e.g., FRS type, for possible local/personal communications . . Include their batteries and charging equip-

ment. . .

15. Small ear-bud type head phones for SW radios/handhelds (HTs) . . (uses far less power than main speaker for extended bat-tery life) . . .

16. Calendar, extended type for as many years ahead as available . . in the Cage . . dedicated to tracking battery refresh dates

and other periodic maintenance items. Remember, no electrical time keeping instruments after an event.

17. Light bulbs: the old fashion ones might survive. Modern 'curly bulbs' and such, contain vulnerable circuitry with high prob-ability of being internally destroyed.

18. Pocket 'multi-tool' . . not because it will be damaged, but in case the SHTF, searching for even simple tools may not be pro-


19. Lanterns . . .both battery powered, and chargeable, with charge devices and Inverter, if available. Short term use . . . ulti-mately, without charging power source any such device will be useless in the long term.

20. Head Lamps, camper style. These use LEDs and are by nature vulnerable to high current/voltage pulses. Store lamps with

batteries removed. Wrap each separately in Aluminum foil. Remember to label everything . . . hugely useful when the lights go out, perhaps not to return in any near term scenario. . .

21. For those with electronic skills, inclusion of some generic electronics parts . . . e.g., Silicon diodes, LEDS, and other parts

that might be damaged and replaceable if you have critical items to repair. This might be a separate list, if anyone has spe-cific ideas . . .

22. Soldering tools, wattage's consistent with Inverters . . . usually, small twenty-five to forty watt pencil type equipment is ade-

quate for smaller electrical devices where soldering is required. 23. ? Remember: any device depending on batteries, charging batteries, and electrical power in general, will be of 'short term' value, even if it survives in a Cage. The reality, of weeks and many months/years of no electrical power is a stark exercise in 'what if' reality. Most are not prepared to accept our absolute dependence on electrical power to themselves, family, including pets and community in general, and 'what if' there is no power analysis of their survival. Note also, much of the references providing some level of hard data was performed years ago during our Pacific nuclear tests and by the Russians in the late forties and early fifties. With the probable development of ever larger and more focused technology, no one seems to know just what an effective Faraday Cage might look like at enhanced power levels, especially with respect to an amateur effort to produce an effective Cage . . . This is an open list intended as a starting point for ideas and experiment. The items are not listed with respect to priority. Additions are welcome, if deemed feasible/practical by applying a cascading analysis to worst case . . . G. Beckwith 24/Sep/15 Rev 06


Phishing Scheme Targeting ARRL E-Mail Forwarding Service Participants 09/25/2015

A phishing scheme currently afoot has been targeting ARRL members who have signed up for the ARRL E-Mail Forwarding Service and have an e-mail alias. An e-mail from “Arrl Webmail Admin” with the subject line “ACCOUNT UP-GRADE” was received September 25 by an unknown number of members who use e-mail aliases. The e-mail, which requests that recipients reply by providing their usernames and passwords, did not come from the ARRL, and anyone receiving this sort of message should delete it and not reply. The ARRL would never distribute an e-mail requesting personal information.

“ARRL is aware of this phishing scheme and is working to block the sender’s e-mail address at our upstream provider,” said Andy Shefrin, KB1YHB, ARRL’s IT Infrastructure & Operations Man-ager. “As with any e-mails of unknown origin, do not open or reply.” Simply replying to this e-mail alerts the sender that your e-mail address is valid.

The bogus message indicates that access to account holders is being “removed” and accounts “upgraded to a new enhanced web mail user interface provided by” Recipi-ents are being asked to provide usernames and passwords “to ensure your e-mail address book is saved in our database.” This is clearly an effort to harvest subscriber information and valid e-mail addresses.

Ignore any message of this sort that seeks to have recipients pro-vide any sensitive information, such as usernames, account num-bers, and passwords. If you experience any problem with e-mail forwarding, send details to the ARRL IT Department.

October 2015W8NP Monthly Planner

Please contact K8INN for updates, changes, or additions.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes day Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

Swiss Festival Fundraiser, HELP NEEDED for October 2nd and 3rd!

West Stark Info

Net - 147.180

at 2000


Swiss Festival

Fundraiser, HELP NEEDED for October

2nd and 3rd!

VE Test Session, Portage County ARS, 1000, Ctc.: Robert 330-607-3833



Massillon Radio

Net - 3599.5 kHz,


5 6

Stark County

ARES Net on

147.12 at 7:00 PM

7 8 9


Massillon Amateur

Radio Club

Meeting. Senior

Center, Massillon,

2000 (Moved due

to Swiss Festival





County Hamfest,

Ctc Kenneth


Mineral Wells,



Massillon Radio

Net - 3599.5 kHz,



Columbus Day



Stark County

ARES Net on

147.12 at 7:00 PM

14 15



West Stark Info

Net - 147.180

at 2000


182014 Conneaut ARC Hamfest, CTC J. Michael, 814-440-6679, Conneaut, OH

Kalamazoo HamFest, CTC Jeff 269-205-3560, Kalamazoo, MI

Massillon Radio Net - 3599.5 kHz, 2000

19 20

Stark County ARES Net on 147.12 at 7:00 PM

VE Test Session, Pioneer AR Fellowship, 1830, Ctc: Leonard, 330-608-2267, Akron Baptist Temple

21 22 23

West Stark Info

Net - 147.180

at 2000


MARC Hamfest Setup, 0900 at the Massillon Boys & Girls Club

25MARC HAMFEST! Doors Open 8:00 AM ,

VE Test Session, 0900,

Ctc.: Terry, 330-837-3091,

Massillon Boys & Girls Club

Massillon Radio Net - 3599.5 kHz, 2000

26 27

Stark County

ARES Net on

147.12 at 7:00 PM

28 29 30

West Stark Info

Net - 147.180

at 2000



Sep 2015


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

Nov 2015


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

Upcoming Events:

11/1 WACOM Hamfest

11/7 Grant ARC Hamfest, Georgetown, OH

11/14 - 11/15 Fort Wayne Hamfest and Computer Exp

11/21 Massillon Holiday Parade



President Ralph Bugg K8HSQ Vice President Terry Russ N8ATZ Secretary Fred Reed KD8SMO Treasurer Gary Kline WC8W Editor Gary Kline WC8W Trustees Wade Huthmacher WD8MIU Don Wade W8DEA Jim Farriss WA8GXM W8NP Trustee Perry Ballinger W8AU W8NP Webmaster Terry Russ N8ATZ

Published by the Massillon Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 73, Massillon Ohio 44648. The Club meetings are the first Friday of every month (except January) at 8:00 PM at the Massillon Senior Citizens Building at 39 Lincoln Way West, Massillon, Ohio

VISIT US ON THE WEB AT; 85 Years in existence 1927-2012

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