feedbackservice - from simple to very simple

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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FeedBackServiceFrom simple to very simple +380 67 468 6351

FeedBackService (FBS) is a cloud service to optimize your employees' assessment processes

We use hosting from Microsoft Azure. You do not need to worry about security and data storage.

You save money because you pay for the number of users and the required period.

What is our goal?

We are trying to improve the level of objectivity of the staff appraisal by:

Automation of processes

Security and Privacy

Motivation in the evaluation process

Functionality of our service

• Evaluation of staff 90 - 360

• Polls

• User roles and data access system

• The notification system via e-mail

• Planning staff assessment tasks

• Analysis and processing results of personnel evaluation using the report module

• Gamification staff evaluation process

• Library of competencies

Evaluation of staff 90 - 360

You can create and assign

object evaluation 10 times faster

- You can instantly create an object assessment for the whole

department or the whole company.

- Users can leave comment on each question

- Assessment of the object creates a head of a division, not only

the personnel manager.

- The process has a number of states, which tracks the initiator.


Ask employees without

straining them

- Two types of questions: single choice, multiple choice

- Customize your scales for questions.

- It is possible to leave a comment on the results of each question

and of the whole poll

- You can monitor answers in real time.

User roles and data access system

a flexible mechanism of role

management and user access

- 4 roles are available in the service: administrator; manager of

staff; manager; employee

- Each employee can see only their own activity

- The head can see their own activity as well as their subordinate


- It is possible to maintain the anonymity of the responses

The notification system via e-mail

You can configure your

SMTP and view all sent notifications

- You can set the option to receive a notification e-mail.

- If an employee does not have e-mail, all notices he can see all

notices when he logged in system.

- HTML-editor text of notification

Planning staff assessment tasks

- Head of division creates evaluations and plans the date of their

launch. Nothing else needs to be done. The assessment will be

started and completed during this period. You just have to

monitor the process.

- Excellent visual table to track the status and plans of staff


Analysis and processing results of personnel evaluation using the report module

Export reports in PDF and

MS Excel

- Report №1: displays the total average score 90-540 degrees for

the company or individual departments

- Report №2: the report shows who has completed an assessment

or poll and who has not

- Report №3: visualization of the results of evaluation of 90-540

degrees in the form of a chart or radar chart (spiderweb)

- Report №4: displays the selected answers in the poll, as well as

the number of selected answers

Gamification of staff evaluation process

motivate and

reward employees for their activity

- Completing of assessment, active discussion, feedback - users

receive feeds (internal currency)

- Feeds of users are accumulated on the balance of the company.

- How to use the feeds? You can expand the number of users. You

can pay part of future subscription. You can exchange them for a

new competency model in our library.

Library of competencies

Now the lack of competence

models is not a barrier for assessment

- We formed more than 15 sets of questions that companies can

use for staff assessment

- All models of competencies are free and are available at purchase

of a subscription

- The competencies models are created by our partners - the

psychologists and HR professionals

- Example: satisfaction from payment, satisfaction from the

recognition in the company, satisfaction from working conditions

and etc.

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