fields of feels powerpoint pdf

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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How to hold a feelings meeting with a diverse group of intellectuals

By Tash Al-Rafie

Fields of Feels

• History behind Fields of Feels • Reeling off the feeling • The Leadership Compass • Tally or two • F is for Feelings • Daily Feels • Benefits

Agenda Overview

History behind Fields of Feels

• What is effective emotional intelligence? The appraisal and expression of emotion, the use of

emotion to enhance cognitive processes and decision making, knowledge about emotions, and management of emotions (Jennifer George).

• Why does it matter in FEMA Corps? Diverse groups of people Leadership development Appreciation and Affirmation

Reeling off the feeling

• North – Seeks results first • South – Builds relationships • East – Visionary • West – Process Oriented

The Leadership Compass

The Leadership Compass

• How does this relate? Ask members how they see this effecting

personal relationships on the team Why is this their first instinct? Fight or flight?

The Leadership Compass

• How to use the compass for FEMA Corps Write down what people should know to be

able to work with you better as a (insert direction) Write down what people should know about

your leadership style Have an open discussion around how members

can use this compass to work on team based projects (FEMA, ISP, POC, PT, etc.)

A Tally or Two

• Give each member a piece of paper / pen and ask them to find a corner in the room where they are isolated from other members.

• Read a list of phrases (examples on next slide) and ask members to mark with a tally each statement they agree with

• Ask everyone to share how many tally’s they wrote down

• Discuss how each tally effected them (similar to the diversity training)

• Ask everyone to share one word to express how they feel

A Tally or Two

• I have felt isolated by a member of the team • I have missed home • I have been able to be myself • I have felt disengaged more than engaged • I have contemplated quitting the program • I have ignored a team members idea • I have felt disrespected by someone on the team • I have felt a part of the team • I love the team

A Tally or Two

• Before the meeting Create a list of questions that apply to your

teams needs (examples on next slide / attached to email) Send an invite to all members and explain why

this meeting is happening

F is for Feelings

• Create a safe space Cater to introverts and extroverts Sit in a circle Facilitate a pulse check in the beginning Remind everyone that if one person shares,

everyone shares

F is for Feelings

• Example questions (also in attachment): Define the word critical In the perfect world what would your LAA look

like? • 1st year – 2nd year

What troubles you about the team? What was your highest point in the program?

F is for Feelings

What was your lowest point in the program? Why? How do you want to receive feedback? Do you feel like the team is really a team?

What’s holding us back from being a team? What needs to be done to become a team? Define the work support

F is for Feelings

• Write a thank you email / letter to someone in the corps (staff included) who made an impact on your round

• Create kudos bags for each member and fill the bags by the end of the round

• Ask everyone to bring 5 photos to a team meeting that represents their past and future

Daily Feels

• Have a feelings block at the team meeting Fears and shares Pulse check High low high

• Write daily appreciation post-its • Close the team meeting with something artistic

(poem, painting, photo, song, story etc.)

Daily Feels

• Weekly share Each member teaches the team something new

• Ask everyone to share something they love about the team / something that frustrates them – discuss how to create change

• 52 Lists (attached to email): Each member writes 52 things over the round that circles around positive affiramations

Daily Feels

• Emotional intelligence? • Leadership styles develop • Affirmation without force • More time spent thinking about emotions within the

team • Unapologetic appreciation • Open and effective communication Defines personal communication and frustrations


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