fiestas hispanas y ca 2

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Controlled Assessment: Fiestas Hispánicas

OBJECTIVE: To think about different international cultural events to research for your controlled assessment. HW =look in more detail at some interesting festivals that happen in Spain / Latin America

Can you name any of these festivals? Look at the photos and try to work out with a partner what happens.

Festivals in Spanish Speaking Countries: There are many interesting festivals that take place, the next few slides will introduce some of these – your job is to choose a traditional celebration to 1=describe it.2 =compare it with similar celebrations in your country. 3= Analyse the info and bring some insights after your research. 4= Also prepare a description of an image from that celebration. This is in preparation for it for your controlled assessment/and final oral.

El día de los muertos - Mexico

La batalla del vino

Haro Wine Festival is a festival in the town of Haro in northern Spain. It is held every year in the _______ and involves wine drinking competitions and contests and a ‘Batalla de Vino ‘where wines are poured at each other from buckets.


El Colacho – Salto sobre bebes

2. The small Spanish town of Castrill de Murcia could be the most ________ place for an infant to be on Sunday. In the local El Colacho festival, a man dressed as the devil jumped over a mat full of babies in order to cleanse them from evil spirits.


Castells de Tarragona

3. Each September, men and women climb on top of each other’s shoulders and reach for the sky as part of the “Concurs de Castells,” _____ towers competition, in Tarragona, Spain during the Santa Tecla Festival.


El Noche de Rábanos

4. Oaxaca, Mexico has celebrated the Night of Radishes each December 23rd since 1897. This cultural food event puts elaborate radish sculptures on ______ for thousands of onlookers.


San Juan - Spain

5. June 24th has the shortest night of the year, and bonfires are the theme. Men, women and children, all spend time to build these bonfires. According to tradition, if people jump over a bonfire three times on San Juan's night, they will be cleansed and purified, and their _______ burned away.problem


El encierro deToros – Pamplona (Spain)

6. The Running of the Bulls is a practice that involves running in front of a small group (typically a dozen) of bulls that have been let loose, on a course of a sectioned-off subset of a town's streets. The most ______ one being in Pamplona, Spain.


El cierro de desnudos

7. This festival was organised in 2002 to rally against the cruelty bulls experience during the Running of the Bulls and bullfighting in Pamplona. The run happens two days before the actual Running of the Bulls with the slogan, “Out with the old, in with the _____!”.NUDE

El día de los inocentes - Ecuador

8. 6th of January - This day is a mix between ________and April Fool’s Day in the sense that you dress up like at _______ but you play jokes like on April Fool’s Day. It is meant to close the holiday season and unwind before exams.



9. The Carnival of the Devil in Riosucio, Caldas, Colombia, is has been given official status as part of the nation's cultural heritage. At this unusual festival, a “______" devil is worshipped and celebrated with song and dance.

Carnaval del Diablo - Riosucio - Colombia


La Tomatina: fiesta del tomate en España

Las reglas de la TomatinaPara mantener el orden y evitar accidentes, se han establecido algunas reglas que todos deben seguir. Son fáciles de aprender:

• No está permitido ingresar con botellas de ningún tipo o con objetos que puedan producir accidentes.

• No está permitido romper camisetas.

• Los tomates deben ser aplastados antes de ser lanzados para que no dañen a nadie.

• Es muy importante estar atento al paso de los camiones.

• Al segundo disparo se debe dejar de lanzar tomates.

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