figurative language translation of indonesian...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One










Irfan Hardiyatna, Figurative Language Translation of Indonesian-English

Poems by John H. McGlynn. A Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of

Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,


The purpose of this research is to analyze the kinds of figurative language

and the strategy applied in the poems translation. The method of this research is

descriptive qualitative and the data are taken from the three poems of Sapardi

Djoko Damono’s Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan

Anak-anak which translated into English by John H. McGlynn. The researcher

finds that there are ten kinds of figurative language of the fifteen data collected

that used in the three poems. The poems have an irony, three personifications, a

metaphor, a paradox, a synecdoche, a metonymy, two symbols, two allegories,

two allusions and a hyperbole. The strategy of this translation is predominantly

applied literal translation. This strategy implemented by retaining the terms, the

grammatical system and the figurative language of the source language to be used

in the target language. There are twelve data that apply literal translation while the

rest, which presumed not to be appropriate in target language, use another strategy

such as a replacement of vehicle with a different vehicle, a reduction of the

figurative language and a replacement of vehicle with a gloss. This research

concludes that the translator transfers the figurative language of the poems by

thoroughly relate to the shape and the intention of the source poems. The way

how the translator delivered the aim of the source text is by imitating the terms,

the shape of the sentence and the meaning of the source language.

Keywords: Translation, Figurative Language, Poetry, Poetry Translation,

Translation Strategy, and Translation Style.









All praise belongs to Allah, the Almighty, for every grace given to me

during the research. Blessing be upon beloved Prophet and Master of Messengers,

as-Siraj al-Munir, Muhammad, upon his family and chosen companions, and upon

those who follow him well until the Day of Judgment.

This thesis is presented to English Letters Department of Adab and

Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a

partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of strata one. It is completed

properly due to the support of people around me. Therefore, I would like to

express my deepest gratitude for my beloved mother; Siti Fatimah, sisters; Sri

Hidayanti and Teti Haryati, brothers; Tedi Haryadi and Irwan Hardiansyah, and

all of the entirely family members who were always giving their best moral and

emotional support to me.

I also would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Moh Supardi, as the

advisor, for his suggestions and corrections regarding the process of the research.

I either would like to present my thankfulness to those who had involved in

finishing this thesis, particularly to:

1. Saiful Umam, Ph.D., the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

2. Dr. Ida Farida, M.LIS., the vice-Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty.

3. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Department.


4. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Letters Department.

5. M. Agus Suriadi, M.Hum. and Danti Pudjiati, S.Pd., M.M., M.Hum., as

the examiners of the research.

6. All of the lecturers of English Letters Department who had taught and

educated me during my study at State Islamic University of Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta.

7. To all members of Kelas Be, Translation Class ’14, and all friends of

English Letters Department who had given ideas, information, and


8. Special thanks to Mels, Seth and Nopi, my very best friends that I have

ever had, for their motivation support for me to finish this research


9. To all of mbak and abang fotokopian/warnet who had helped me in

printing and copying this thesis research.

May Allah bless us all in any of our prayers and good deeds.

Finally, I am sure that this paper is far from being unblemished. So that, I

drink in any suggestions or criticisms that can ameliorate this paper more


Jakarta, May 2019

Irfan Hardiyatna



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ii

APPROVEMENT ................................................................................................ iii

LEGALIZATION ................................................................................................ iv

DECLARATION ................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x

ABBREVIATION ................................................................................................ xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research .................................................... 1

B. Focus of the Research ............................................................... 5

C. Research Question .................................................................... 5

D. Significance of the Research .................................................... 5

E. Research Methodology ............................................................. 6

1. Objectives of the Research ..................................................... 6

2. Method of the Research ......................................................... 6

3. Instrument of the Research .................................................... 6

4. Unit of Analysis ..................................................................... 7

5. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 9

A. Previous Research ..................................................................... 9

B. Literature Review ................................................................... 11

1. Translation ........................................................................... 11

2. Poetry ................................................................................... 11

3. Figurative Language ............................................................ 12


4. Poetry Translation ................................................................ 20

5. Translation Strategy of Figurative Language....................... 21

CHAPTER III ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 26

A. Data Description ..................................................................... 26

B. Data Analysis ........................................................................... 28

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION..................................... 44

A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 44

B. Suggestion ................................................................................ 45

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 46

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 49



Table 1. Kuhentikan Hujan and I Stopped the Rain ....................................... 26

Table 2. Saat Sebelum Berangkat and The Moment Before Departure ........ 27

Table 3. Di Tangan Anak-anak and In the Hands of Children ...................... 27



Abbreviation Explanation




et al.









for example

et cetera

and others

that is

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Source Language

Source Text

Target Language

Target Text




A. Background of the Research

This research is about translation analysis of figurative language and

translation strategy used by John McGlynn in translating poems from Bahasa

Indonesia into English. The poems in this research are Kuhentikan Hujan (1980),

Saat Sebelum Berangkat (1967), and Di Tangan Anak-anak (1981) written by

Sapardi Djoko Damono that translated to I Stopped the Rain, The Moment Before

Departure and In the Hands of Children. The poems are taken from an anthology

of poetry “Hujan Bulan Juni” that published in 2013 while the translated poems

taken from an anthology of poetry “Before Dawn” published in 2002.

Since English and Bahasa Indonesia have different form and culture,

translation work has to be handled by the one who comprehends both English and

Bahasa Indonesian. In order that, the messages and ideas from the source

language will be delivered thoroughly and correctly to the target language. In

other word, a text can be successfully translated depends on how the translator

chooses the orientation to translate the text correctly.

In translating a language to another language, a translator has to have a lot

of knowledge about the usage of words, phrases and sentences of both the source

language and the target language. It is due to the fact that translation is a medium

to connect the aims of source language towards the target language. As Bassnett

states that translation involves the rendering of the source language into the target


language so as to ensure that the surface meaning of the two will be

approximately and the structure of the source will be preserved as closely as

possible, but no so closely that the source language structure will be seriously

distorted (12). Thus, in its submission, the result in the target language may alter

the form and the structure of the source language. This case is frequently

encountered in the process of translation, especially in literary works. Literary

works often create difficulties in the process of translation. It is because of literary

works have unusual forms of language that is different with non-literary works.

Poetry is one of literary works that difficult to be understood. In several

cases, it is not following linguistics principle, also using words or sentences that

have advanced meaning which often makes the messages fail to be conveyed. For

this reason, translating poetry requires hard effort and when stringing the words or

stringing the sentences of poetry also require sensitivity of poetic language in

writing (Venuti 17). Moreover, poetry translation is considered more complicated

rather than another literary work such as novel, short story, or drama since

translation is not just about transferring words from one language to another but

also still have to pay attention in the aesthetic of the form. Therefore, the role of a

superior translator is needed. As Newmark states that translation is most clearly

art, when a poem is sensitively translated into a poem (38).

The aesthetic of poetry depends on the applying of figurative language

besides the other aspect such as imagery, rhythm, topography, etc. The use of

figurative language makes the sentences in literary works feel difference from

common sentences in literal meaning. It is to avoid mentioning something directly


in order to emphasize the meaning of it. Differently with a non-figurative text that

uses literal language which is simply stating the fact as they are. As Morner and

Rausch state that figurative language is a language that uses words or expressions

with a meaning that is different from literal interpretation (83).

Even though translating figurative language is presumed as a demanding

task for the translator. There are strategies to contribute in the translation process.

The translation strategies can lead the translator to choose the right way in

rendering the aim of the source language since a translation result can be

considered successful if the overall messages, thoughts, ideas and concepts in the

source language can be delivered into the target language.

The main task of a translator is to leave the same impression on the target

text as the original author did on the source text. Therefore, the translator must be

able to determine the orientation in choosing the point of view of a translation

work. The way the translator translates a text known as style. Wales defines style

as the perceived distinctive manner of expression in writing or speaking (371).

Style in poetry translation refers to how the translator to understand the object to

transferring the aims of the original poetry. Further, the aim of style is to explain

the relation between language and artistic function (Leech and Short 13). How the

translator chooses the way to translate the text belongs to the translator itself. The

translator can bring the style of the source text into target language or the

translator creates translation style based on target language orientation. As Mona

Baker states that source text style is the result of choices by the author while the


target text style is the translator’s choices in response to the source text (Huang


Figurative language translation is substantial to be studied since the

figurative language itself is typical description of the contents of the mind in a

literary works, in this case in poetry. Poetry itself is a literary work that often uses

figurative language to deepen the meaning the author trying to explain. It also

typically uses elusive expressions to embellish the aesthetic of the poetry itself.

These matters may lead to misperception on the readers. Thus, by concern to the

meaning of the figurative language and the translation strategy, this will maintain

the soul and the content of a poem. So, the message of the source language text

can be conveyed well to the target language.

In Indonesia, there are many great poets that their works have been

translated into English. The famous one is Sapardi Djoko Damono, one of the

most productive and popular poets in Indonesia. He began writing his poetry as a

high school student in the mid-1950. Most of his works have been translated into

English. One of the translators of Sapardi’s poetry is John H. McGlynn, originally

from USA. He is a long-term resident of Indonesia and having lived in Jakarta

almost continually since 1976. He has translated so many literary works,

including Sapardi’s Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan



B. Focus of the Research

Based on background of the research, the analysis of this research focuses

on the translation of the figurative language in the poems; Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat

Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan Anak-anak into the English version; I Stopped

the Rain, The Moment Before Departure and In the Hands of Children.

C. Research Question

1. What kinds of figurative language does the translator use in the poems I

Stopped the Rain, The Moment Before Departure and In the Hands of

Children as the substitute of the original poems?

2. How are the translation strategies applied by John H. McGlynn in

Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan Anak-anak

which represent the translation style of the target poems?

D. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give many advantages for the translation and

literature studies. Theoretically, this research is expected to give further

information about translation in literary work. In practical, this research can

contribute to the development of translation studies and to be used as a reference

in study of Indonesian into English poetry translation, particularly for English

Letters Department students in State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah



E. Research Methodology

1. Objectives of the Research

The intentions of this research are to identify the kinds of figurative

language that found in the poems Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat Sebelum Berangkat,

and Di Tangan Anak-anak written by Sapardi Djoko Damono and to find out the

meaning of figurative language in the translation of the poems. Other than that,

the aim of this research is also to analyze the strategies to translate the poems

which represent to the translation of style used by the translator.

2. Method of the Research

This research uses descriptive qualitative method. By using descriptive

qualitative method, the researcher intends to explain and conclude on the data that

is already obtained supported by the relevant theories. This method aims to

expose the kinds of figurative language found in the poems. It also to determine

the translation strategies used by the translator which influence the style of the


3. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is the researcher himself. In doing this

research, the researcher organizes, reads, marks, classifies, understands and

analyzes the data from the object of the research. Then, the researcher gives

information or additional support based on the results of the research that is

conducted in the process of analysis.


4. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research are three poems by Sapardi Djoko

Damono; Kuhentikan Hujan (1980), Saat Sebelum Berangkat (1967), and Di

Tangan Anak-anak (1981) taken from an anthology of poetry entitled “Hujan

Bulan Juni” published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2013 and the English

translation by John H. McGlynn; I Stopped the Rain, The Moment Before

Departure and In the Hands of Children taken from an anthology of poetry

“Before Dawn” that published by Lontar Foundation in 2002.

The three poems along with the translation version have the intentions that

related to human life in general. The poems also apply various kinds of figurative

language such as irony, personification, metaphor, paradox, synecdoche,

metonymy, symbol, allegory, allusion and hyperbole which needed to be reviewed

more deeply to get the message that the author trying to convey.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

This research uses descriptive analysis technique through textual approach

which supported by relevant theories. The researcher analyses the data based on

the theory by Laurence Perrine to find out the kinds of figurative language used in

the original and the translated poems. Then, the researcher analyses the strategy of

figurative language used to translate the poems refers to the theory by Patrizia


In collecting the data of the analysis, the researcher does several measures.

To begin, the researcher reads the poems and marks the sentences that contain

figurative language in both of the original poems and the translation poems. These


sentences are then compared by the meaning of the figurative language between

the source language and the target language. Subsequently, the researcher

classifies the translation strategy of figurative language used by the translator of

the poems. Following this, the researcher determines the translation style used by

the translator. Finally, the researcher explains and gives conclusion about the

translation of figurative language of the poems.




A. Previous Research

In this research, the researcher intends to develop the study of figurative

language translation. In order to develop the research, there are two previous

studies used in this research as consideration and comparison related to the

translation of figurative language.

The first study comes from an article paper that has been written by

Teilanyo (2007). This study focuses on the translation of figurative language in a

folklore entitled The Ozidi Saga translated by J.P. Clark. The study underlined the

fact that figurative language is important in literary translation because literary

texts often derive their distinctiveness from the creative (figurative) use of

language. It found several cases that the translator made some improvement with

the translation in way changing the figurative language against the source

language, such as replacement of figurative expression with literal expression,

removal of figurative expression, and substitution of figurative expression for

another figurative expression.

In translating figurative language literally, the translator curbs his creativity

impulse directed at his ego; he employs it merely to identify and assimilate the

figurative texture or import in the source text expression and reflect it faithfully,

literally on to target text. The study propose that the literary translator should do

his utmost to retain the figurative of the source text language in the target


language, even if this involves literalism and some other violation of the basic

code of the target language while annotations and glossaries may be freely


Another study is from a thesis research by Rendy (2013). The research

focuses in analyzing the translation of figurative language in a novel translation.

The novel in the research is written by Ernest Hemingway with title The Old Man

and the Sea which is translated into Bahasa Indonesia by Sapardi Djoko Damono

become Lelaki Tua dan Laut. The analysis refers to Newmark translation method

to translate the figurative language. This study aimed at find the most dominant

figurative language in the novel and to identify the translation method used by the

author to translate the figurative language.

The result shows personification is the most dominant figurative used in this

novel. Translator uses more literal translation method because the translator tends

to translate the text lexically to make it acceptable in the structure of target

language without trying to make the translation beautifully since it might create


Compared with the two previous studies above, this research has similar

aspect in discussing figurative language in literary work translation. The

difference is that this research intends to develop on analysis of the figurative

language translation of the poems and the translation strategy to keep the meaning

from the original poems delivered to target language the reader, it also to show

how the translator puts his choices of orientation of the translation in the poems.


B. Literature Review

1. Translation

Translation in general defined as the process of converting text from one

language to another language. Newmark (5) defines translation as rendering the

meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the

text. Also Venuti describes that translation is a process by which the chain of

signifiers that constitutes the source language text is replaced by a chain of

signifiers in the target language text which the translator provides on the strength

of an interpretation (17). Another view comes from Nida and Taber which explain

that translation consist in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural

equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and second

in term of style (12).

From the several definitions above, it can be inferred that translation not

only concerns in equivalence, but also in transformation process which involves

operational matters for transferring message from one language to another. In

other words, translation is the process of transferring messages appropriately from

one language into another language.

2. Poetry

Poetry is commonly known as words that arranged in respected sequence

which has elusive meaning. As Tomlinson state that poetry is the expression of

ideas and feelings through a rhythmical composition of imaginative and beautiful

words selected for their sonorous effects (38). It also considered as an expression

of feelings of a person. As Newmark states that poetry is the most personal where,


as a unit, the word is the first unit of meaning and has greater importance than is

any other type of text (163).

Throughout the era, poetry always experienced changes and developments.

This is because the essence as works of art that always happen the tension

between convention and innovation. Poetry is always changing, according to the

evolution of taste and aesthetic concept of change (Pradopo 3).

3. Figurative Language

Figurative language is a form of language use in which the writers and

speakers mean something other than the literal meaning of their words. It is any

way of saying something other than the ordinary way (Perrine and Arp 61).

Through figurative language, writers often use specific phrase or words to express

something beyond the literal meaning. It is not only used to embellish the

language, but also to enhance the reading experience of the readers and it allows

them to feel the same situation that the writers expressed in the pieces of the

writing. It could give special effect toward the readers. The applying of figurative

language can also strengthen the creative expression and description of poetry.

There are several kinds of figurative language that typically used in literary

works, especially in poetry:

a. Simile

A simile involves a comparison which develops a similarity between two

different kinds of ideas or objects. The comparison is made explicit by the uses of

some words or phrase as “like”, “as”, “than”, “similar to” or “seems” (Perrine and


Arp 61). Also, Pickering and Hoeper state that simile is comparison which

develops a similarity between two things using equivalent construction (143).


“I wandered lonely as a cloud

that floats on high o’er vales and hills”

- The Daffodils (By William Wordsworth)

In this poem, the speaker uses the word “as” to liken loneliness with a

cloud, floats alone in the sky.

b. Metaphor

Metaphor asserts the identity, without a connective such as “like” or a verb

such as “appear” of a term that are literally incompatible (Barnet et al. 63).

Someway metaphor is like a simile in that it to create a comparison, as Croft and

Cross state that the metaphor actually describes the subject being the thing to

which it is compared (56). In other words, metaphor is comparing two unlike

objects or things, which may have some common qualities.


“... and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you ...”

- I Carry Your Heart with Me (By E. E. Cummings)

The poem shows that the speaker compared his beloved to the moon, as well

as to the sun.


c. Personification

Personification is a representation of inanimate objects or abstract ideas as

living beings which distinct human qualities, e.g., emotions, feelings, thoughts,

etc. Perrine and Arp define that personification consists in giving the attribute of

human being to an animal, an object or a concept (64). It is used in the poetry to

affect the way a reader imagines each thing.


“Loveliest of trees, the cherry now

is hung with bloom along the bough,

and stands about the woodland ride

wearing white for Eastertide”

- Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now (By A. H. Houseman)

In the poem above, the speaker sees a cherry tree covered with beautiful

white flowers in the forest, and says that the cherry tree wears clothes to celebrate

Easter. The speaker gives human attributes to a tree in order to describe it in

human terms.

d. Symbol

Symbol is something that could be an object, a situation or an action which

stands for something else. It is the use of word that has totally different meaning

than its actual meaning. As Perrine and Arp state that symbol may be defined as

something that means more than what it is (64).



“Ah Sun-flower!, weary of time,

who countest the steps of the sun;

seeking after that sweet golden clime

where the traveler’s journey is done”

- Ah! Sun-flower (By William Blake)

The speaker uses “sun-flower” as a symbol for human beings, and “the sun”

symbolizes life. Therefore, these lines symbolically refer to their life cycle and

their yearning for a never-ending life.

e. Metonymy

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, metonymy is a figure of speech

consisting of the use of the name of one thing for that of another of which it is an

attribute or with which it is associated. In other words, metonymy used to describe

a thing is closely linked to that particular thing, but is not necessarily a part of it.


“As he swung toward them holding up the hand

half in appeal, but half as if to keep

the life from spilling”

- Out, Out (By Robert Frost)

The expression “the life from spilling” refers to the spilling of blood. It

develops a link between life and blood. The loss of too much blood means loss of



f. Allegory

Allegory is a narration or description that has a second meaning beneath the

surface. According to Porter, an allegory is a word or phrase that occurs in another

text and which carries with it the meaning and emotional freight which it has in

that text (194).


“All animals are equal but a few are more equal than others.”

- Animal Farm (By George Orwell)

The animals are used to expose the greed and corruption of the revolution. It

also describes how powerful people can change the ideology of a society.

g. Paradox

According to Perrine, paradox is a statement that is true in some sense, even

though at first it appears self-contradictory and absurd (80). It is often used to

make a reader think over an idea in innovative way.


“My heart leaps up when I behold

a rainbow in the sky:

so was it when my life began;

so is it when I shall grow old,

or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man;

and I could wish my days to be


bound each to each by natural piety.”

- My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold (B William Wordsworth)

In the line “the Child is father of the Man”, the speaker is saying that the

childhood experiences become the basis for all adult occurrences. The childhood

of a person shapes his life, and consequently creates the grown-up adult.

h. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation. Roberts

defines hyperbole as an intentional exaggeration for emphasis effect (143). By

using a hyperbole in poetry, it makes common human feeling remarkable and

intense to such an extent that they do not remain ordinary.


“As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

so deep in luve am I;

and I will love thee still, my dear,

till a’ the seas gang dry.

Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,

and the rocks melt wi’ the sun:

O I will love thee still, my dear,

while the sands o’ life shall run.”

- A Red, Red Rose (By Robert Burns)

In this poem the speaker says that he would love his beloved until the seas

are dried up, and the rocks are melted.


i. Irony

Irony refers to a contrast between appearance and reality (Pickering and

Hoeper 150). According to Roberts, irony is a mode of ambiguous or indirect

expression; it is natural to human beings who are aware of possibilities in life



“Water, water, everywhere,

and all the boards did shrink;

water, water everywhere,

nor any drop to drink”

- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (By Samuel Coleridge)

The poem tells about the ship that blown by the south wind and stranded in

the uncharted sea. Ironically, there is water everywhere, but they do not have a

single drop of drinkable water.

j. Synecdoche

Synecdoche refers to the whole of a thing by the name of any one of its

parts. In other words, synecdoche is using part of something to signify the whole

detail (Perrine 64).


“Prepar’d to scrub the entry and the stairs.

The youth with broomy stumps began to trace.”

- The Description of the Morning (By Jonathan Swift)


In the lines above, the phrase “broomy stumps” refers to the whole broom

not only to the stumps of the broom.

k. Apostrophe

Apostrophe used to speak directly to someone who is not present, or speak

to an inanimate object. As Perrine and Arp state that apostrophe consist in

addressing someone absent or something nonhuman as if that person or thing were

present and could reply to what is being said (31-32). It is used to produce

dramatic effect and to show the importance of the object or idea.


“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

how I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

like a diamond in the sky.”

- The Star (By Jane Taylor)

The poem shows that the speaker speaks to a star, is an inanimate object, as

if it is capable to answer the question.

l. Allusion

Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of

historical, culture, literary or political significance. Allusion often refers to past

events or figures, but sometimes it refers to current famous people. In simple

words, allusion means using of word or phrase designed to call something to

mind, without mentioning that thing explicitly.



“Narcissus so himself himself forsook

and died to kiss his shadow in the brook.”

- Venus and Adonis (by William Shakespeare)

The word Narcissus is used as an allusion, taken from the classical

mythology where a handsome man falls in love with his own body and keeps

looking at himself in the water.

4. Poetry Translation

Translating a poetic text perhaps more difficult than translating other types

of text because poetic works have imaginative powers of expression and specific

values called aesthetic and expressive values. As Nair states that poetry is an

imaginative expression of a poet's feelings and experiences (93). So that, a poetry

translator should, strive for accuracy and this makes the translator's fluency of

expression indispensably difficult.

The translation of poetry does not rely as much on an accepted definition of

words or sentences as it does on the characteristic features of poetry that can

mimic until a recognizable analogous form is reached. The translation of poetry

involves both the content and the form, since in translation there is both an

orientation backwards to the message of the source text and an orientation

forwards towards how similar texts are written in the target language (House 7).

Thus, the aesthetics of target language can feel the same with what is presented in


the source text. As Lefevere states that translation text is best nearest to create the

audience the same impression as was made by the original (103).

5. Translation Strategy of Figurative Language

The translation of figurative language in poetry not only involve an

examination of the intended meaning of the author and the formal devices used in

the source language, but also a consideration of the poetic forms and the figurative

devices available in the target language. There are six potential strategies by

Patrizia Pierini to translate figurative language in particular:

a. Literal Translation

Literal translation means translating text word by word from source

language into target language. It is a method of translating poetry on word-for-

word translation of the original (Bassnett 87). This strategy is employed by

considering the same cultural and grammatical system of SL and TL. Pierini

points this strategy as the retention of the same vehicle, thus the intention of literal

translation in term of figurative language is to translate the text by retaining the

vehicle of the source text (31).


SL: Hujan mengenal baik pohon, jalan,

TL: Rain knows well the tree, the road,

- Sihir Hujan (by Sapardi Djoko Damono), translated into Rain Spell (by

John H. McGlynn)


This translation retains the same vehicle as the source language. It conveys

the meaning of the source language by transfer the expression of the source

language equally into the target language. Even though the translator translates it

word-by-word, the text still can be directly understood because of both the source

language and the target language in these sentences have the same grammatical


b. Replacement of the vehicle with a different vehicle

In several case of translation process, the two cultures have different vehicle

to express the same meaning (Pierini 33). This strategy is often employed when in

the process of delivering the message, the cultural word of the source language is

deemed unsuitable with the source language. Thus, this strategy used to convey

the message of the source text by adjusting the cultural terms of target language.


SL: Gamelan perkawinan itu

TL: Marriage rhythm

- Ranjang Pengantin, Kopenhagen (by Goenawan Mohamad), translated

into Bridal Bed, Copenhagen (by Harry Aveling)

This translation replaces the word gamelan into rhythm. Gamelan is a

traditional music instrument from Indonesia which has typical rhythm and often

played in a wedding ceremony. This matter is not common in general, so that the

translator replaces the vehicle gamelan into rhythm as a familiar term. In this case,


the word rhythm represents the sound of the gamelan to illustrate the situation that

the author trying to explain.

c. Reduction of the figurative language

This strategy can be used when the equivalent terms of source language text

cannot be found in the target language. This strategy commonly used for

idiomatic expression which is culturally bounded. Pierini states that translation

problems can also be posed by divergences between the two language systems,

thus the figurative language in source text might be translated into literal

expression by reducing the sense of it (35).


SL: Bulan pun lamban dalam angin, abai dalam waktu

TL: The moon is covered by the wind, time ignores it

- Asmaradana (by Goenawan Mohamad), translated into Asmaradana (by

Harry Aveling)

The expression lamban in the source language, which possibly translated

into slow, does not exist in the target language. It is reduced to assert that there is

the wind that giving impact to the moon. The reduction in this translation used to

maintain the aesthetic of the poem and make it easier to be understood by the


d. Retention of the same vehicle plus explication of similarity feature

This strategy is used when the result of literal translation gives rise to

different perceptions or causes ambiguity. By adding explicit words as additional


information when the vehicle is unfamiliar in the target language, it might help the

reader of the target language in interpreting the intention of the text (Pierini 35).


SL: Ada seribu kereta api menjemputmu pada batas

TL: A thousand trains stand ready to meet you at the border

- Z (by Goenawan Mohamad), translated into Z (by Harry Aveling)

The sentence above shows that the translator adds stand ready as the

explicit words. It is to explain that the trains are ready to be chosen to be used

even not all of them will be used. The translator adds the explicit words because

the source language sentence seems leading the readers to perception that the

trains could go anywhere while in fact they need railroad to be operated.

e. Replacement of the vehicle with a gloss

The choice of strategy can depend on the status of the source text (Pierini

35). Hence, when the term in the source text seems too way unfamiliar if it used in

the target language the translator might use this strategy to make it clearer. It is to

replace the vehicle with adding a gloss in the sentence.


SL: Kau yang panas di kening, kau yang panas di kenang

TL: You are the fever in my mind, you are the frost in my memory

- Tidak Ada New York Hari Ini (by Aan Mansyur), translated into There

is No New York Today (by John H. McGlynn)


This translation replaces the expression panas into fever. The translated text

is considered as equal and can convey the same message with the source

language. It is because of the word panas in source language does not actually

refer to hot, which is a relatively high temperature in general, but specifically

refers to a rise of body temperature above the normal.

f. Omission of the figure of speech

This strategy used when the source text consisting of complex figurative

structure. By removing the figurative language, it might retain the information

that contained in the source text. Hence, this strategy results non-figurative

language in the target text.


SL: Kami rakyat jelata, peras keringat untuk makan.

TL: We the common people, sweat to make a living.

- Pasung Jiwa (by Okky Madasari), translated into Bound (by Nurhayat

Indriyatno Mohmed and Makna Sinatria)

The translation of this poem omitted the play of an idiom peras keringat

which has the meaning of working hard. Whereas the English version only

mention it as sweat which has occurred in reasons, such as heat, fear, or tire. This

strategy retains the information of the source language that lead to different

perspective upon the readers.




A. Data Description

Here are the data selected from three poems; Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat

Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan Anak-anak along with the translation version

by John H. McGlynn; I Stopped the Rain, The Moment Before Departure and In

the Hands of Children. The data descriptions are tabulated based on the kinds of

figurative language and translation strategy used in the poems. The selected data

are demonstrated as follows:

Table 1.

Kuhentikan Hujan and I Stopped the Rain

No ST / Stanza / Line TT / Stanza / Line Figurative




1 Kuhentikan hujan / 1 /


I stopped the rain / 1 /

1 Irony




Kini matahari

merindukanku / 1 /


Now the Sun in

longing for me / 1 /


Personification Literal



ada yang berdenyut

dalam diriku:

menembus tanah

basah / 1 / 3,4,5

something beats

inside myself:

piercing the wet earth

/ 1 / 3,4,5

Metaphor Literal



dendam yang

dihamilkan hujan dan

cahaya matahari / 1 /


a longing made

pregnant by rain and

sunlight / 1 / 6,7 Personification


of vehicle

with a




Tak bisa kutolak

matahari memaksaku

menciptakan bunga-

bunga / 2 / 1,2

I could not stop the

sun from forcing me

to create flowers / 2 /


Personification Literal


6 menciptakan bunga-

bunga / 2 / 2

to create flowers / 2 /

2 Paradox




Table 2.

Saat Sebelum Berangkat and The Moment Before Departure

No ST / Stanza / Line TT / Stanza / Line Figurative




7 mengapa kita masih

juga bercakap / 1 / 1

why do we still speak

/ 1 / 1 Synecdoche



8 hari hampir gelap / 1 /


the day, now almost

dark / 1 / 2 Metonymy




menyekap beribu kata

diantara karangan

bunga / 1 / 3

conceals a thousand

words among the

flowers / 1 / 3

Symbol Literal



di ruang semakin

maya, dunia purnama

/ 1 / 4

in the ever more

illusory space, a

perfect earth / 1 / 4


Reduction of

the figurative


11 mengapa musim tiba-

tiba reda / 2 / 2

why the season so

suddenly faded / 2 / 2 Allegory




di luar para pengiring

jenazah menanti / 2 /


while outside the

funeral procession

waits / 2 / 4



of vehicle

with a gloss

Table 3.

Di Tangan Anak-anak and In the Hands of Children

No ST / Stanza / Line TT / Stanza / Line Figurative





Di tangan anak-anak,

kertas menjelma

perahu Sinbad / 1 / 1

In the hands of

children, paper

becomes Sinbad’s

ship / 1 / 1

Allusion Literal



yang jeritnya



bunga di hutan / 1 / 3

whose cries open

flower blooms in the

forest / 1 / 3 Hyperbole




di mulut anak-anak,

kata menjelma Kitab

Suci / 1 / 4

in the mouths of

children, words

become the Holy

Book / 1 / 4

Allusion Literal



B. Data Analysis

The researcher identifies the kinds of figurative language that have been

found as mentioned in data description. It is by comparing between the original

text and the translation text. Also, the researcher determines the translation

strategies used by John H. McGlynn as the translator based on relevant theories to

indicate the translation style used in the poems.

Data 1. Irony

SL: Kuhentikan hujan.

TL: I stopped the rain.

Both the source language and the target language are using the same kind of

figurative language. The sentence kuhentikan hujan describes that the speaker as

though has capability of stopping the rain. In fact, as a human being, the speaker

cannot really stop the rain because the rain is stop by itself. The sentence is

translated literally into I stopped the rain which also describes that the speaker

pretends to stop the rain, while it is not really happened. Hence, the expression of

the sentence kuhentikan hujan and I stopped the rain considered as a contrast

between appearance and reality.

Accordingly, the translation strategy of kuhentikan hujan into I stopped the

rain is considered as literal translation. As Pierini states that literal translation in

term of translating figurative language is by retaining the vehicle belonging to the

source text. In this translation, each word contained in the source text is translated

literally into the target text. It also has the same grammatical system. Therefore,


according to Boase-Beier this translation is determined as a source-type oriented

style since the translator intends to retain the point and the aesthetics of the source

text as an expression of the author’s choices (5). It is by using the same

grammatical and figurative language as in the source language.

Data 2. Personification

SL: Kini matahari merindukanku,

TL: Now the Sun in longing for me,

The figurative language of both the source language and the target language

are classified as personification. The sentence Kini matahari merinduanku

describes that the speaker trying to explain how the Sun missing the speaker

himself. As well as the English version of the sentence, the Sun in longing for me

also expresses that the Sun has the feeling of a strong desire to meet the speaker.

It is clear that in both of the source language and the target language the speaker

giving the attribute of human being to the Sun.

According to the use of the same figurative language between the target

language and the source language, the strategy to translate kini matahari

merinduanku into now the Sun in longing for me is determined as literal

translation where the translator retains the vehicle belonging to the source

language. So, the aim of the meaning in the original sentence translated equally to

the target language. It indicates that the translator tries to deliver the message in

the target language as similar as the original text. In that case, this can be stated


that this translation is oriented to the source-type style where the translator hands

on the original sentence to convey it to the target language.

Data 3. Metaphor

SL: ada yang berdenyut dalam diriku: menembus tanah basah,

TL: something beats inside myself: piercing the wet earth

Both the source language and the target language are using the same

figurative language. From the sentence ada yang berdenyut dalam diriku which is

translated into something beats inside myself, the speaker explains that there is

something pulses inside the speaker himself. Then both the source text and the

target text are using punctuation mark i.e. “:” (colon) which stands for replacing

the word “as” to mention menembus tanah basah and piercing the wet earth. In

brief, the sentences express that the sensation of beats that the speaker felt inside

himself feels the same as something is going through inside the earth. Thus, the

sentences ada yang berdenyut dalam diriku: menembus tanah basah and

something beats inside myself: piercing the wet earth both are considered that the

speaker likens himself with the earth that something doing pierce inside. In other

words, both the source sentence and the target sentence are about to describe the

expression of comparing two unlike objects, which have a common quality.

Since the translator using figurative language of the target text the same as

the source text, the strategy of this translation is indicated as literal translation.

Each word in the source language is translated equally to the target language. As

Pierini defines literal translation in term of figurative language is by retaining the


vehicle belonging to the source considering the cultural and grammatical system.

Hence, this translation is determined as a source-type oriented style where the

figurative language of the source language used as reference for the target

language. The translator transfers the message of the source language as close as it

is intended into the target language.

Data 4. Personification

SL: dendam yang dihamilkan hujan dan cahaya matahari

TL: a longing made pregnant by rain and sunlight

The sentence dendam yang dihamilkan hujan dan cahaya matahari

expresses that the rain and the sunlight made pregnant the dendam, which

“dendam” in KBBI refers to the desire of getting revenge. The sentence illustrates

that dendam has an ability to get pregnant. Thus, it considered that the speaker

gives human beings attribute to the word dendam. The translation version of the

sentence uses the same figurative language which also stands as a representation

of inanimate object as living beings to distinct human qualities. But there is a

different vehicle in it. To translate the sentence dendam yang dihamilkan hujan

dan cahaya matahari into a longing made pregnant by rain and sunlight the

translator chooses to replace the word dendam with the word longing rather than

transfer it into revenge, as in Kamus Lengkap Indonesia-Inggris that dendam

equal with revenge. Nevertheless, since the word dendam has negative

connotation but the idea of the word refers to the feeling of longing, this

translation of the sentence still convey the purpose of the source language.


Moreover, the translator decided to use the word longing as the equivalent of

dendam to make the aim of the message clearer in the target language.

Accordingly, the translation strategy to translate dendam yang dihamilkan

hujan dan cahaya matahari into a longing made pregnant by rain and sunlight is

considered as the replacement of the vehicle with a different vehicle. The

translator chooses to use this strategy in order to adjust the vehicle with the norms

of the target language. It is to avoid misleading perception of the readers from

positive to negative. It also to make the message of the source text to be easier

understood in the target language. Therefore, the style of this translation

determined as target-type oriented translation turned to translator’s choice in

delivering the message of the sentence.

Data 5. Personification

SL: Tak bisa kutolak matahari memaksaku menciptakan bunga-bunga

TL: I could not stop the sun from forcing me to create flowers

The type of figurative language in the sentence tak bisa kutolak matahari

memaksaku menciptakan bunga-bunga which is translated into I could not stop

the sun from forcing me to create flowers classified as personification. In the

sentence of the source language the speaker mentions matahari memaksaku,

which means that the speaker being forced by the sun. It is clearly indicated that

the speaker gives human attribute to the sun. As well as the translation version, it

also uses personification as the figurative language with the phrase forcing me

which refers to the act of the sun in forcing the speaker to create flowers.


Since the target language using the same figurative language as the source

text, the translation of tak bisa kutolak matahari memaksaku menciptakan bunga-

bunga into could not stop the sun from forcing me to create flowers is categorized

as literal translation strategy. The translation renders the aesthetic of the poem by

retaining the vehicle of the source text. Thus, this translation is determined as

source-type oriented style where the translator relates to the source language to

deliver the feeling of it.

Data 6. Paradox

SL: menciptakan bunga-bunga

TL: to create flowers

The sentence menciptakan bunga-bunga refers to the speaker that forced by

the sun to create flowers. At first, it appears illogical. How can a human create

flowers? It seems impossible. But then, in another sense this condition possibly

happens. That is by way of planting those flowers. Thus, the figurative language

of the sentence is classified as paradox since the statement is true in some sense

even though at first it appears self-contradictory. The translation version of the

sentence is also using paradox as the figurative language which describes the

same meaning.

Accordingly, the translation strategy of menciptakan bunga-bunga into to

create flowers is categorized as literal translation where the translator decided to

retain the same vehicle of source language. The target language also applies the

same cultural and grammatical system as the source language. Thus, this


translation is determined as a source-type oriented style considering that the

translator conveys the message in the sentence of the target language the same

way as it is mentioned in the source language. The style of this translation refers

to the source text as the expression of the author’s choices.

Data 7. Synecdoche

SL: mengapa kita masih juga bercakap

TL: why do we still speak

The figurative language in the sentence mengapa kita masih juga bercakap

is considered as synecdoche where there is the word bercakap which is a part of

activities in human life. The aim of the sentence is to describe why do people still

living their life mundanely without remembering that there is a death waiting.

Thus, the word bercakap stands to represent the whole activities of human beings,

not only an act of speak. For this reason, the sentence is indicated as the using of

part of something to signify the whole.

The translation sentence is also using synecdoche as the figurative language.

In the sentence why do we still speak the translator transforms the word bercakap

become speak. The aim of the word speak in target language is also referring to

the entirely of human activities, not only one lively action. Thus, the strategy to

translate mengapa kita masih juga bercakap into why do we still speak is

categorized as literal translation where the translator retains the figurative

language and the structure of the source text. It means that the translator equalizes

the vehicle and the grammatical system between the source language and the


target language. The style in this translation is determined as source-type oriented

which means that the result of the translation refers to the source language as the

expression of the author of the original poem.

Data 8. Metonymy

SL: hari hampir gelap

TL: the day, now almost dark

The figurative language in the sentence hari hampir gelap is classified as

metonymy. The speaker describes that the day becomes darker. As widely known,

when the day seems darker it means that the night is coming. Rather than saying

that the night is coming, the speaker chooses to illustrate the situation of it. It

indicates that the expression of the word gelap closely linked with night. That is

to say, the sentence describes a thing is closely linked to that particular thing, but

is not necessarily a part of it.

The translation version of the sentence retains the same kind of figurative

language as the source language. The word dark in the sentence the day, now

almost dark also represents the dusk time when the night is coming over. For that

reason, this translation sentence categorized as a figurative language consisting of

the use of the name of one thing for another attribute which it is associated. It is

to explain that the speaker trying to bring the reader to the time before night.

Since the target language sentence uses the same figurative language with

the source language sentence, the translation strategy to translate hari hampir

gelap into the day, now almost dark is determined as literal translation. This


translation strategy is applied by retaining the vehicle of the source language into

the target language. In this manner, it can be said that the translation of this data is

a source-type oriented style where the translator refers to the style of the source


Data 9.Symbol

SL: menyekap beribu kata diantara karangan bunga

TL: conceals a thousand words among the flowers

The sentences menyekap beribu kata diantara karangan bunga and conceals

a thousand words among the flowers are using “flower” as a symbolic expression.

Flower is often associated with romance but also can be related to death. It is

frequently used to congratulate or even to express sorrow. In the context of this

poem, the flowers leading to funeral flower arrangements since the theme of this

poem is about contemplation of death. In brief, both the sentences of the source

language and the target language describe about the situation where even the

words of condolences that symbolized by flower are not able to change the

condition for the better. In other words, the word bunga in the source language

and the word flowers in the target language both symbolize condolences.

Accordingly, both the source language and the target language use the same

figurative language. Thus, the translation strategy of menyekap beribu kata

diantara karangan bunga into conceals a thousand words among the flowers is

indicated as literal translation. The target text uses the same vehicle as the source


text to get the same effect of the sentence. It also retains the same cultural and

grammatical structure as the source text.

This translation is determined as source-type oriented style since the

translator retains the expression of the source language to be used in the target

language. That way, the meaning of the original text did not distorted when it

delivered in the target text. It results the reader of the translation version gets the

same senses and feelings as the reader of the source text.

Data 10. Symbol

SL: di ruang semakin maya, dunia purnama

TL: in the ever more illusory space, a perfect earth

The sentence di ruang semakin maya, dunia purnama uses symbol as the

figurative language. There is the word purnama which in common opinion

claimed as the time when moon perfectly bright. For that, the sentence considered

to symbolize the world as a perfect place. Conversely, the translation of the

sentence does not use figurative language. It only mentions the aim of the

figurative language in the source language. Instead of transfer the word purnama

into full moon, as purnama in Kamus Lengkap Indonesia-Inggris means full

moon, the translator uses another equivalent of it. Due to the full moon generally

known as the condition of the moon in perfect whole disc illuminated which

KBBI also explain that purnama is a condition when the moon is in a perfect

round, the translator illustrates that purnama is a perfect condition. Therefore, the

translator points dunia purnama as a perfect earth in the target language.


Accordingly, the strategy used to translate di ruang semakin maya, dunia

purnama into in the ever more illusory space, a perfect earth is determined as the

reduction of the figurative language. The translator decided not to use figurative

language in the target text and prefer to replace the symbol in the source text with

the meaning of it. Hence, the style of this translation is oriented to target-type

style where the translator did an adjustment of term. It is to make the aim of the

source text to be clearer in the target language.

Data 11. Allegory

SL: mengapa musim tiba-tiba reda

TL: why the season so suddenly faded

The sentences mengapa musim tiba-tiba reda and why the season so

suddenly faded are using the same kind of figurative language. The sentences

express that the season suddenly faded which means that time passes so quickly.

On the other side, the words musim and the season stand as the time of human life

which means that the existent of a person in this earth is not forever, there must be

an end. Thus, the figurative language used in both of the source language and the

target language is classified as allegory where the sentence has a second meaning

beneath the surface.

The translation strategy of mengapa musim tiba-tiba red into why the season

so suddenly faded is determined as literal translation. The target text is using the

same figurative language with the source text. It also retains the grammatical

system of the source language. Therefore, the style of this translation is


determined as source-type oriented. It is to preserve the aesthetics of the source


Data 12. Allegory

SL: di luar para pengiring jenazah menanti

TL: while outside the funeral procession waits

The sentence para pengiring jenazah menanti is classified as allegory as the

figurative language. It explains that people outside are waiting to take involve in

taking care of someone who died. As an allegory, the expression not only

expresses that there are people who waiting for someone’s funeral procession but

also describes that the people are also waiting for their own funeral procession

which means their own death. Thus, the sentence is determined as a description

that has a second meaning beneath the surface.

The translation version of the sentence uses different expression with the

source language. It mentions the funeral procession as a substitution of para

pengiring jenazah. The phrase para pengiring jenazah refers to the people who

take care of a person to the funeral while the translator prefers to convey it with

the activity of it, which is the funeral procession. Funeral in OALD is explained

as a ceremony for burying a dead person. Hence, rather than mention the

attendants of the funeral, the translator expresses it with the procession of it to

generalize the aim of the sentence. Thus, this translation leads to the perception

that the expression of the sentence refers to people in general not only to one

person. Therefore, the translation strategy of di luar para pengiring jenazah


menanti into while outside the funeral procession waits is determined as the

replacement of vehicle with gloss. The translator decided to replace vehicle with

the information of it.

Accordingly, the style of this translation is categorized as target-type

oriented style. The translator substitutes the term in the source language with the

term that more familiar in the target language. It is to make the message delivered

well in the target language, also to maintain the feelings and the aesthetics of the


Data 13. Allusion

SL: Di tangan anak-anak, kertas menjelma perahu Sinbad

TL: In the hands of children, paper becomes Sinbad’s ship

The word Sinbad in di tangan anak-anak, kertas menjelma perahu Sinbad

used in the sentence as an allusion. Sinbad is a fictional mariner and the hero of

Middle Eastern literature. In the tales of his seven voyages, Sinbad battled

incredible monsters, visited amazing lands and met with supernatural forces as he

sailed Indian Ocean’s fabled trade routes (Szczepanski). And for that, the ship that

used by Sinbad to go on his voyages is sturdy in encountering any obstacle

throughout the seas. Thus, the allusion of di tangan anak-anak, kertas menjelma

perahu Sinbad refer to the use of the term “perahu Sinbad” to illustrate how

strong the ship when it is made by children, even though it is made of paper. It is

to imply that any act of children may always give a major impact.


The target language sentence in the hands of children, paper becomes

Sinbad’s ship is using the same figurative language as the source language. The

sentence describes how much the impact that children can make on what they

have done. It is by mentioning Sinbad’s ship to liken how strong the impact is. It

is also using the same grammatical as the source text. For this reason, the

translation strategy of di tangan anak-anak, kertas menjelma perahu Sinbad into

in the hands of children, paper becomes Sinbad’s ship is classified as literal

translation. The translator transfers the text by retaining the vehicle of the source

text. It also applies the same cultural and grammatical system. Therefore, this

translation is determined as a source-type oriented style. The translator preserves

the feeling of the expression of the source language.

Data 14. Hyperbole

SL: yang jeritnya membukakan kelopak-kelopak bunga di hutan,

TL: whose cries open flower blooms in the forest;

The figurative language of both the source language and target language are

classified as hyperbole. The word jeritnya which is translated into whose cries

refers to the sound of bird in the previous line of this poem. The sentence yang

jeritnya membukakan kelopak-kelopak bunga di hutan expresses the situation

where the sound of the bird is so loud to the extent that it inflicts the flowers to

bloom their petals. The target language of the text also describes about the impact

of the loud noise of the bird that bring about the flowers to disclose their petals.

Thus, the sentences yang jeritnya membukakan kelopak-kelopak bunga di hutan


and whose cries open flower blooms in the forest are considered as the expression

that is exaggerating the real situation.

Since the translation text uses the same figurative language as the source

text, the strategy of this translation is categorized as literal translation which

means that the translation text retaining the vehicle of the source text. The

translation text is also using the same grammatical system as the source language.

Hence, the style of this translation uses source-type orientation to make the

aesthetics of the source text remains the same in the target text.

Data 15. Allusion

SL: di mulut anak-anak, kata menjelma Kitab Suci.

TL: in the mouths of children, words become the Holy Book

The sentence di mulut anak-anak, kata menjelma Kitab Suci is classified as

allusion. It uses The phrase Kitab Suci alludes the words that come out from

children will always be trusted the same as what said in it which is considered as

true affirmations. It means that the sentence is using a word or object to calling for

something else. The translation version of the sentence is using the same kind of

figurative language. Holy Book in the sentence in the mouths of children, words

become the Holy Book stands to represent that the words of children is considered

to be true.

Accordingly, the strategy to translate di mulut anak-anak, kata menjelma

Kitab Suci into in the mouths of children, words become the Holy Book is


determined as literal translation. The translator retains the vehicle and

grammatical system of the source language to be used in the target language.

The style in this translation is oriented to source-type considering that the

result of the translation refers to the original poem as the expression of author’s

choices. Thus, the meaning and the feeling of the target language can feel the

same way as it is expressed in the source language.




A. Conclusion

Based on the previous discussion, the poems written by Sapardi Djoko

Damono entitled Kuhentikan Hujan, Saat Sebelum Berangkat, and Di Tangan

Anak-anak along with the English version I Stopped the Rain, The Moment Before

Departure and In the Hands of Children translated by John H. McGlynn are used

as the data to analyze the translation of figurative language.

The researcher concludes that the poems use various kinds of figurative

language. There are ten kinds of figurative language found thru the fifteen data

collected from the three poems. The kinds of figurative language used in the

poems are an irony, three personifications, a metaphor, a paradox, a synecdoche, a

metonymy, two symbols, two allegories, two allusions and a hyperbole.

The poems are predominantly applying literal translation. There are twelve

translations out of fifteen data that use this strategy. The strategy applied by

retaining the terms, the grammatical system and the figurative language of the

source language to be used in the target language. It is to maintain the intended

meanings and senses of the source poems. But in some parts of terms which

presumed not to be appropriate in target language, the translator also committed to

alter several terms to adjust with the target language by using another strategy

such as a replacement of vehicle with a different vehicle, a reduction of the

figurative language and a replacement of vehicle with a gloss.


B. Suggestion

Poetry is a literary work that more difficult to be understood rather than the

other literary works. To get a good understanding about a poem, the readers have

to read the text repeatedly, because poetry is a kind of multi interpreting language.

Poetry, which is sequence of words used to communicate experience, expresses

feelings, senses, emotions, and imaginations through unordinary ways and often

uses figurative language that is not simply explaining the message of it. Therefore,

to understand poem more deeply, the readers of the poem have to do analysis of

the meaning of each expression in the poem itself. By analyzing it, the reader will

be able to get the feelings and the aims of the poems.

Moreover, the researcher suggests the translators and the students of English

literature, especially those who want to translate Indonesian poems into English,

to master the literary aspects of the poem. Also, it is needed to comprehend the

strategy of poetry translation. Through preferable concern of the translation

strategy, the purpose of the source text would be delivered well to the source


For the next researcher who wants to discuss about figurative language as

the subject of the study may amplify the discussion of it and may explain wider

scope about the figurative language translation also to describe it referring another

theories. By giving different theories conducting the kinds of figurative language

or translation strategies, it can give extensive study about literary translation.



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Poem 1 of SL

Poem 1 of TL

Poem 2 of SL

Poem 2 of TL

Poem 3 of SL

Poem 3 of TL

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