
Post on 26-Jan-2017






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• Filariasis is tropical diseases caused by various thread-like parasitic round worms (nematodes) and their larvae

• The larvae transmit the disease to humans through a mosquito bite.

• Filariasis is characterized by fever, chills, headache, and skin lesions in the early stages

• if untreated, can progress to include gross enlargement of the limbs and genitalia in a condition called elephantiasis

Causes• the disease is caused by the adult

worms actually living in the lymphatic vessels near the lymph nodes where they distort the vessels and cause local inflammation

• In advanced stages, the worms can actually obstruct the vessels, causing the surrounding tissue to become enlarged.

• Repeated inflammation lead to blockages of the lymphatic system, especially in the genitals and legs.

• This causes the affected area to become grossly enlarged, with thickened, coarse skin, leading to a condition called elephantiasis.

SIGNS & SYMPTOMS• In conjunctiva filariasis, the worms'

larvae migrate to the eye

• If untreated, this disease can cause a type of blindness known as onchocerciasis.

`• Symptoms vary, depending on

what type of parasitic worm has caused the infection

• but all infections usually begin with chills, headache,

• fever between three months

• swelling, redness, and pain in the arms, legs, or scrotum

• Areas of pus (abscesses) may appear as a result of dying worms or a secondary bacterial infection

• Symptoms caused by the death of the parasites include fever, headache, muscle pain, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, weakness, dizziness, lethargy, and asthma.


• patient history

• physical examination,

• screening blood specimens for specific proteins produced by the immune system in response to this infection (antibodies

• signs of lymphatic obstruction

• The larvae (microfilariae) can also be found in the blood,

Treatment• albendazole, or

diethylcarbamazine is used to treat a filariasis (infection by eliminating the larvae, impairing the adult worms' ability to reproduce, and by actually killing adult worms).

• The medication is started at low doses to prevent reactions caused by large numbers of dying parasites.

• These side effects can be controlled using antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids

• Other common drug reactions include dizziness, weakness, and nausea.

• No treatment can reverse elephantiasis.

• Surgery may be used to remove surplus tissue and provide a way to drain the fluid around the damaged lymphatic vessels


• to prevent being repeatedly bitten by the mosquitoes

• limit outdoor activities at night, particularly in rural

• wear long sleeves and pants and avoid dark-colored clothing that attracts mosquitoes

• avoid perfumes and cologne

if sleeping in an open area or in a room with poor screens, use a bed net to avoid being bitten while asleep

use air conditioning, the cooler air makes insects less active.

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