film analysis on lincoln

Post on 23-May-2017






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Economy and ideology

Beyond lobbying, Lincoln's history showed a strong ideological dissonance. Here, we assert

Marx's theory on the mystification of the monetary value. The south, generally democrats,

believed the use of slavery on the assumption of white man's burden. The moral ascendancy

assumed from the proposition also translate to their leanings against the thirteenth

amendment of the constitution. However, the implications of economic favor reverberated in

the political arena. Since the south is a strong economic player of cotton production, and it was

a period of excessive demand in Europe and the rest of the world, the south had to rationalize

the control they have over souther economy and the benefit of black slavery. While democratic

pov changed later on, their outright support to slavery was a clear economic drive.

The movie Lincoln is a perfect film to be shown right after the documentary about the US

president, Barrack Obama. This movie brings us all back in the past wherein a man like

President Obama does not even have the equal right as what the white people are enjoying at

that time. This movie shows us the historical development and the growth that has happened in

the American society and that the implications of what we saw in the movie “Lincoln” and the

principles and ideologies that the Republicans led by Mr Stevens and President Lincoln are now

affecting the lives of the people. The movie helps us understand more the struggle that the

African Americans had and on how racism and class struggles are not really organic in nature

but only developed because of an oppressive society. It shows to us that hatred, elitism and the

dominating society itself are the cause of evil that if we remove this in our hearts, regardless of

what color our skin has, in the end we will treat each other equally just like what the white

people who fought for the freedom of the slaves did. No matter how many negative attitudes

we have or one person has, we will all go back to what differentiate us from other things, we all

have morals or morality. President Lincoln understood that no matter where you are from or

who you are, all people are equal and should be treated equally though other might say he did

this to save the Union but for me I believe that President Lincoln understood that true meaning

of what it is to be human and that is to respect and love each other just like how you love your

family and yourself. President Lincoln also showed to us that no matter how unpopular our

decisions maybe and no matter how much others criticize us, we should also stand to what we

believe is right and what our ideologies tell us. This movie makes us realize that we should fight

for what we think is right, stand on our principles, fight for it and do not be discourage because

it is not the popular opinion because in the end those people will not be the judge but the

future generations, fight not for today but fight for the future. Another thing this story tries to

teach us is that we are all equal and that the government, who is said to be the representation

of all the people, should be the first to recognize it so that no one will ever be marginalized, no

one will ever be exploited and no one will ever be called slave again.

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