film: be happy

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Film: Be Happy

Plot: A student of economics advocates for consumer rights thus amid difficulties wins PhD degree and true love.


In college canteen, Simon and Sculman are taking tea. Perfect competition is not possible in real market. It is all because of expertise of one company over others, Simon says. Then what is the role of government, Sculman asks. Government should ensure competitive environment and set high standards for companies to protect the consumers, Simon replies. Will you work for private sector or government, Sculman inquires while taking sip of tea. I would prefer private sector to make career. Now finish your tea and take your notebook. We have to attend next class of economics, Simon says.

Daytime Lahore

Simon Sculman



Characters Definition

Simon and Sculman are on a bike going home. Simon is driving the bike whereas Sculman at the back seat. How is your love affair with Joycline, Sculman asks. He coughs and replies, she is in good stead. Excuse me, Sculman asks. We have perfect chemistry and you should better understand principles of market. They remain silent for a while. Sculman laughingly says, now your home has come. I will see Joycline in the evening. Simon stops the bike. Do not forget to come to sports stadium in the evening, Simon says. Good bye, Sculman replies.

Daytime Lahore




Characters Definition

In Saddar, Simon stops at a pharmacy and asks for a cough syrup. It is a new product and inexpensive, shop keeper smilingly replies. Simon opens the bottle and drinks one teaspoon of the syrup in the shop. It’s soothing, he says. Take one teaspoon before going to bed, shop keeper advises. Simon pays and leaves the pharmacy.





Key Cause Occurrence

Simon puts aside the helmet and bag at the table. His mother asks, when did you arrive? Five minutes back, Simon replies. Lunch is ready, she says. You are the sweetest mother in the world, Simon says. I have prepared your favorite dish. Guess what, she asks. White Beans with Spinach. While taking the lunch, Simon again coughs. You should go to dispensary for check up, she advises. Dear mother, I have already bought the syrup. That’s very good, his mother replies.

Daytime IndoorLahore




Character Definition Effect of Cause

Simon’s Mother

In bed room, while reading the Samuelson's book on economics, Simon feels fainted and after five minutes dies. After one hour, his mother enters into the room with two tea cups. She thinks that Simon is sleeping. She touches his cold hand but finds no response. She says, O God! Thou has taken my sole sweet son. She sits beside the dead body of Simon and weeps. Tears roll down from her eyes.


Simon & Mother




Tragic Occurrence

Sculman meets with mother of Simon. He was perfectly well in college except signs of light cough, Sculman says. Zarina shows the cough syrup. It has taken the life of Simon. Let me show the bottle, Sculman says. Oh, it is without PS Mark. Zarina inquires, what is the PS Mark. Pakistan Standards, Sculman replies. Dear Aunti! After the funeral, we will file case in the competent court of law. You don’t worry and think me as Simon.





Heroic Insurgence Character Definition


Sculman is sitting alone in a park thinking about his best late friend, Simon. I remember when we used to sit in the government yard in Trenchtown, he sings song. Tears roll down from his eyes and all of a sudden he unconsciously sings another song, Don’t worry be happy. Don’t worry be happy. While coming towards home, he decides to file a case in the court to keep his promise.





Heroic Pathos

Next day, Sculman meets with Zarina in the house of Simon. We should put blame on company for not distinctively printing PS Mark on bottle and demand for compensation, Zarina suggests. You are right but it would be difficult to get money from the pharmaceutical company, Sculman asserts. You are a man and you must convince the advocate to prepare case with research, Zarina says. Simon’s mother enters into the room with three tea cups and cookies. Thank you, Aunti, Sculman says. I don’t want to file case. Both of you are good. Concentrate on your studies, Simon’s mother advises. Aunti! We have to file the case against all concerned.





Heroic Insurgence Character Definition

Sculman meets with advocate John and informs him about the case. Advocate says, come to my chamber in the evening to see the draft petition. Sculman thanks and leaves his office.






Heroic EndeavorCharacter Definition

In bed room, Sculman is studying economics and draws indifference curves. He finds economics concepts more interesting after death of his friend.





Heroic Character Definition

In college, Zarina is in library. She looks for some laws regarding packaging and consumer rights. She notes down that petition should be against two parties; the pharma company and drug enforcement department. She says to herself, what a pity. No one cares about lives of people in the country. She draws photo of late Simon. Her friend appears and taps on her shoulder. Let’s go to canteen for tea, she suggests.


Zarina & her friend




Tragic InvestigationHeroic Pathos

Sculman meets with advocate John in his chamber. Assistant of John shows him the draft petition. The petition is against three parties; pharma company, drug registration department and APNS. He reads out the last point of prayer. Compensation of Rs.1 million may be granted to family of plaintiff. Sculman says, it is professionally prepared. It is a civil case and not a criminal one. Please, take this copy and get it signed by the parents of Simon, Junior advocate says. Sculman takes the draft and leaves the chamber.





Tragic Investigation

While going home, Sculman calls Joycline and asks her to meet in house of Simon after college time.





Character Catharsis

Sculman meets with Zarina in house of Simon. He gives her draft petition and asks her to make it understand to Simon’s mother. Zarina reads and objects that advocates should give more weightage to the criminal side. Lives of innocent citizens are involved. Drug inspector of Lahore Saddar must also be made fourth party as defendant. Sculman writes points in his mobile. Is Simon’s mother ready to sign the petition, he inquires. She is convinced and ready to file the suit, Zarina says. I should leave now to see the lawyers. Sculman says good bye and leaves without taking tea.





Heroic Endeavors Tragic Investigation

Sculman meets with advocates at Saddar. He communicates the points to the junior advocate. Please you enjoy tea we will make changes in the draft. Sculman picks up a magazine to read. After five minutes, advocate enters and says, please come tomorrow as we have to discuss the matter with senior advocate. Sculman leaves the law chamber.





Heroic Endeavor

Sculman is attending class of economics. Lecturer is giving lecture on Monopolistic Competition. In real life, we come across monopolistic competition instead of perfect competition. Human element is very important that creates innovation and difference in market. Corporations and entrepreneurs remain busy for cutting edge applications or consumer values. Better companies and brands survive. Advertising and media companies are catalyst for change. No one can beat Daily 10 Minutes, 1st e-paper of Pakistan with balance sheet. We have thoroughly discussed demand and supply sides of markets and tomorrow there will be an open book test. Please make sure your attendance tomorrow. Any question, teacher asks. Class say, no sir. Very well, see you tomorrow. Good bye. Boys leave the class room.


Sculman & classmates




Tragic Definition

Advocate John is advocating the case in the court room. It is sheer negligence on part of company for not distinctively printing the PS Mark on the bottles. Without verification, the company launched the product. There was no advertising campaign. Court is prayed to make it mandatory for pharma company to advertise the syrup and grant Rs.1 million compensation to brilliant student Simon who died. Judge states that the case is very serious and cannot be delayed. This court issues summons to defendants to appear in the court on next Friday. Court is adjourned now. Advocate John congratulates Sculman and asks him to meet tomorrow in his office and leaves the court room. Junior advocate advises Sculman not to mention this case to media.






Tragic Definition Success of Truth

Sculman meets with Zarina in Simon’s home. He informs them about court proceedings and congratulates them. Please do not mention the case with any journalist or television until the final decision. We will be able to get Rs.1 million as compensation. Simon’s mother says, I am very happy. I want both of you to marry and expenses I will bear. Dear Aunti! I will consider your sincere wish, Zarina says. Do you agree Sculman, she asks. Yes, dear mother. Let me bring tea for you and she leaves the room.





Heroic Success

Advocate John is pleading the case in the court room. Defendants could not give appropriate answers to Advocate John. Drug inspector asks forgiveness in the box. Pharma company chief executive consents to print PS Mark and pay compensation cheque of Rs.2 million to mother of Simon. APNS President also solicits forgiveness in writing. Judge states that PS Mark must be printed on every product, be it medicine or chocolate. It is mandatory for every new company to advertise their products or services. Media should give proper coverage to essential goods. The court orders PSQRA to run effective media campaign for knowledge of consumers. This court appreciates Senior Advocate John for pleading the case systematically and with professional honesty. Court is adjourned. Advocate John congratulates Sculman and Zarina.


Sculman, Simon’s Mother, Advocate John, President APNS & Judge




Heroic Success

In New York, President Cornell University reads heroic story of Sculman in a magazine and awards PhD degree to Sculman.

DaytimeIndoorNew York





Recognition of Success

After three months in Lahore, Simon’s mother arranges marriage of Zarina with Sculman in a befitting manner. Song of Bob Marley, Don’t worry be happy, is being played in back ground. In the garden while dancing Zarina says, I love you. Thank you, Sculman replies. Daytime


Sculman, Simon’s Mother, Zarina & guests




Self Actualization of Heroes


Sajid Imtiaz: Communications Expert CDKN, Member Pakistan Society of Criminology

Visuals: Google Feedback:

Note: Writer is committed to donate 5% income from produced-film for establishment of Takschschilla University.

Key Credits

Simon: College Student (GC Lahore)

Sculman: College Student (GC Lahore)

Simon’s Mother: Teacher

Zarina: College Student, lover of Simon

John: Advocate Lahore High Court

Proposed cast especially Ali Zafar is requested to produce the film in Pakistan.

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