final englsih press

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Local issue: Publio’s Kidanpper

World issues: UK,USA…

Too old to

Passtimes:sudoku, crosswords…

TV guide

The best weather forecast

Lifestyle:Too much TV?

Horoscopes of the week

Cinema reviewTop 40’s awards

What makes a good school?




Fernando Silva Sande who was the military boss of the “ GRAPO” , is going to be voluntarily subjected to P-300, known as the “ truth test “,. They are doing this in order to look for clues of Publio Cordón , who was kidnapped and murdered/assassinated in 1995.

The first theory, explained by the terrorist, was that Publio was buried in Mont Ventoux in France.

Silva Sande is sentenced to 28 years of prison because of lots of attacks committed during his belonging to the “GRAPO”.

He was expelled from the band after having a discussion with the head of the band. He is repentant of his past



At the end of 2008 he sent a letter to the “ NATIONAL AUDIENCE”.

He revealed the version that Cordon was buried after he was assassinated and he was handy to collaborate even if he had to give away his partners.

Grapo´s theory was that if his family had paid the ransom, he would have been liberated.

Silva Sande who had collaborated with Civil Guard was released temporarily to be subdued to the “TRUTH TEST”.


Silva Sande was freed from the prison on May 2013 in order to go to the place where Cordon was buried.

Cordon died when he tried to escape from the window where he was locked up.

Although Cordon was dead , the terrorists asked the family for 400 million of pesetas.

The Civil Guard was searching in Mount Ventoux (France) trying to find Cordon´s corpse.



A German doctor called Schaefer has cured a patient who strange symptoms thanks to the Doctor House. The German doctor remembered a similar case of the popular series “Doctor House”.

The patient is 55 years old and he had an illness with very strange symptoms, such as: cardiac insufficiency, fever, sight and ear loss.

The patient visited a lot of different doctors, but none of them could tell him what happened .Until he visited Dr. Juergen Schaefer. This doctor is a fan of the series “Doctor House “, and he saw a similar operation in one chapter and he found the solution to that patient’s illness.

In the series House diagnosed that a patient was poisoned with cobalto , because of the prosthesis of the hip. Casually this patient has the same prosthesis in the hip.

The Doctor did some medical tests to his patient and he confirmed that he had rests of cobalto because of the operation which he had undergone before. The cobalto had filtered to his blood.

After the treatment, any trace of the cobalto in his blood disappeared.





USA reinforce the security because of the calls of terrorist organization . The national security secretary Jeh Johnson has already pointed out to the violent acts against the installations of the Canadian Government in allusion to the attacks of Ottawa and Quebec.


Great Britain promise that they will be right in the prediction of the weather.

The British meteorological agency has announced that they will buy a computer which will cost 97 million pounds. That computer calculates the temperature for the next 24 hours with a

precision of 90%.This system will permit to do more pinpoint predictions and alert before a possibility of floods.The system that they had before can predict the weather only 4 days before and the system nowadays will be able to predict it 6 days in advance. The MET tells that there will be socioeconomics improvement..


Al least three people dead in a shooting in Berna.

The police in Berna has cordoned the area for the children not to pass. The shooting was on Monday and there were 3 people dead in Berne canton. The accident occurred near the Wilderswil

school. The regional police of the Berne canton has communicated that the shooting happened at 7 o’clock in the morning and has opened an investigation.


A 16-year old teenager at Leeds killed his Spanish teacher.


A 16-year-old teenager has killed his teacher by treachery in a high school of Leeds in the north of England. He has been sentenced for 20 years in prison.Last 28th of April, the pupil Will Cornick, f 15 years old, killed his Spanish teacher Anne Maguire by treachery. The pupil studies at Corpus Christi Catholic College. The teacher was 61 years old and was attacked on the neck and on the back.


The mayor of Iguala and his wife are under arrest for being connected with the disappearance of 43 pupils.

Jose Luis Abarca and his wife Maria de los Angeles Pineda have been arrested in a house of Iztapalapa because of the disappearance of 43 pupils. The State police of Mexico caught them. They have also been accused for being the killers of other 6 people .In the legal case there are more people implicated in the case such as: some people from the police of Iguala and Cocula, a criminal band and their leader Sidronio Casarrubias .

The Top 40 awards


The “40 PRINCIPALES” awards are going to be celebrated on the 12th of December in the Barclaycard Center in Madrid.In that celebration there are going to be a lot of celebrities of the world ( Latin America, Europe…). These awards are very important for the artists ????.

Nominated people from Spain for the best album, singer or group are: Leiva, Antonio Orozco, David Bisbal, Malú and Enrique Iglesias.Nominated people from Spain for the best revelation singer or group are: Dvicio, Mr Kilombo,Sweet California, Lucy Paradise, Maria Sagana, Maldita Nerea, Dani Martin, Auryn and Enrique Iglesias.Nominated for the best musical video clip: " Mira dentro "(Maldita Nerea), "Emocional"( Dani Martin), " Bailando "( Enrique Iglesias ), " Paraiso"(Dvicio) and "Puppeteer"(Auryn).Nominated for the best album: " Tú y yo" David Bisbal, " Sex and love " Enrique Iglesias, " Polvora " Leiva, " Si " Malú and " Dos orillas " Antonio Orozco.

There are going to be many more awards in the festival but we aren't going to talk about all of them. We have a lot of Spanish singers in the festival, so that means that we have the best singers all over the world.We wish you to enjoy the festival, it is going to be very interesting.



How important is television in your life?

Nowadays people can`t live without the TV. The TV has created an addiction, if by any means there is an electricity failure and all the electrical systems are ruined, people won't know what to do and they'll get really annoyed.

How would you feel if you were restricted to an hour's TV a day? What sort of programme would you give up?

We have been asking our classmates

● Andrew: I cannot live without the TV. The TV is my life and I always watch comedy programmes ( “Los Viernes al Show”).

● John: I hardly ever watch the TV, my brother is always watching the TV and playing games, but I prefer to read or to go for a stroll. In my spare time I meet friends, read a lot and if I can I travel.

● Melany: I only watch the TV when I am having a tea at 5 o’clock.

How would you feel if you were restricted to an hour's TV a day?

We have been asking some teenagers at the street:

Samantha: Well I would feel very bad, I need to watch the TV, for example I watch some documentaries or comedy programmes. So if my parents take off my watching TV I would get angry.

What sort of programme would you give up?

Today people like comedy programmes, they like it because they are funny, they make you spend a good time and get away from the world.

Do you like TV adverts?


People usually don’t like them, because they are boring. They make you not want to watch the TV. Sometimes they are good because they inform you about important things, but others are bad because they make you buy the products.

Is there too much violence and bad language on TV?

Sometimes too many violence scenes appear, usually some programmes use a bad language or violent scenes. Also at the bottom of the page there is a number that tells you the age you have to be to be able to watch those programmes.In some programmes they use bad language referring to the people.

Do you think people will watch more or less TV in the future?

People will watch more TV to get informed, to spend a good time or to laugh and to evade from the reality. The TV will be more dangerous for the young people because they will be more obsessed with it.



We think that some mothers that are in their 50s and 60s are suitable to have a baby. Those mothers who want to have a baby are those ones that know they can look after them.

The mothers who want to have a baby in their 60s don´t think the outlay that it is to the government to do this. If the mother is too ill to have the baby or not too suitable to look after it, it`s better not to have it.

Probably young mothers want to go to parties and they will phone their parents to look after the child. Because of that, they are going to lose her child´s childhood.

Before the child is born if the mother consumes drugs the child will probably be born with an illness.

The mothers or fathers in their 50s or 60s could have more deposits in the bank than a mother or a father at eighteen or sixteen.

Some mothers at the age of 15-16 left the school or the high school because they didn’t want to continue studying and decided to drop out of the school / OR “decided to leave the studies”. Sometimes they do that because they have already had sexual relations and they got pregnant. A lot of times they ask their parents to look after their children while they

are living their life, but the question is: What will the future of that baby be? The baby probably cannot have a good education. We think that it is a very bad decision to drop out their studies.

The scientists are investigating how to choose the sex of the baby before it born. But we think that that thing is very dangerous for the humanity because if we choose the sex one of it can wipe out and the humanity will probably disappear. In China that is very common because they can only have a baby in their lives and they usually choose to be a boy because is cheaper than to have a girl.



-Portugalete Town Hall has banned the drinking of alcohol in public places like market squares and parks. Is that a good idea? Why/Why not?

In our opinion we will say that the only thing which the alcohol does is damage to people, cities, towns…, because nowadays a lot of teenagers think that alcohol is the only way to be happy, that is why they do drinking sessions in public places, like parks. After it, some teens get drunk and in many cases no one wants to take charge of the drunk teenager. Usually citizens care about that teen and call the ambulance, if no one does this and the teen is very drunk he/she could die of ethyl alcohol. This and more situations about this matter makes the Town Hall be worried and to create solutions.

-When is it acceptable/unacceptable to drink?

We think that people who are less than 18 shouldn’t drink alcohol without permission. Alcohol is a very dangerous thing that we have to control carefully no matter which age we are.

-Should people be allowed to drink alcohol before they drive a car?on television? at football matches? at school? in restaurants?

In this case they have to be more careful because they aren’t putting at risk only their health but they are risking other people's lives .If they are drunk they could produce a traffic accident. In the football match case the supporters of each team could start fighting and insult each other. At school they can produce a terrible problem such as, all the class going against one pupil. On television they can produce social scandal. In restaurants the clients can start fighting such as, a food war or insulting other people...

-What effect does alcohol have? Is it something that helps people relax and enjoy themselves, or is it a dangerous thing that causes anti-social behaviour?

The alcohol can produce serious mental troubles or social problems. We think that the alcohol isn’t a thing that is for playing, it can produce many dangerous things in ourselves, or anti-social problems, so it has to be controlled.



A good size for a class could be 25 pupils because they are not too much and not a few.

There won’t be uniform, because no one has to tell the children how to get dressed, that is why they won’t have personality.

It is going to be a mixed class. In our opinion to separate boys from girls or girls from boys isn’t a good idea, because some boys related better with girls.

The subjects that are going to be taught are: mathematics, Basque, history, geography, P.E, English, Spanish, science, technology, arts, French, music and German.

The people who will study science: Bio, chemistry and technology. The people who will study humanistic subjects: Latin and music.

There is going to be time to have fun in some classes because it is very important to enjoy them, but in some subjects they have to be concentrated to be able to learn important things.

Classes will start at 9 o’clock and finish at half past three.

There will be six lessons per day. Each lesson will take one hour.

Break will be from 12:00 to 12:30. In the break the students that are in the 3rd

of E.S.O. or more are allowed to go away from the school for 30 minutes.

There are going to be some RULES:

1. Students have to be on time.2. Students can’t skip school.3. Students can’t run in the corridors.4. Students have to respect each other.5. Students can’t bring personal things (mobile phone, tablets ...).6. If the students do something inappropriate, they will be immediately expelled.

-Name of the film: “8 apellidos vascos”.

-Genre: it is a comedy.



-Director: The beautiful shot is directed by Emilio Martínez-Lázaro.

-Country: Spain.

-Year: 2014

-Duration: 98 min.

-Language: Spanish.

-Film producer: Is produced by Lazona films / Kowalski Films / Telecinco Cinema.

-Budget: 3 million euros.

-Earnings: 77,460,837 dollars.

-Lead actors / actresses and characters they play: The film stars are Amaia and Rafa. Amaia Zabala is interpreted by Clara Lago.Rafael Quirós is played by Daniel Rovira.Merche is performed by Carmen Machi.Koldo Zabala is interpreted by Karra Elejalde.Joaquín is Alberto Lopez.Borroka is interpreted by Lander Otaola.

-Relationships: Rafael is going to have a very funny and also difficult relationship with Amaia. They met in Seville concretely in bar where was a “Tablao flamenco”. Merche and Koldo also are going to have a crazy relationship which is influenced by the other’s.

-Plot: Rafa and Amaia met in Seville, she got annoyed because of a joke which Rafa did.Rafa went to the town where Amaia lived and there he met a woman who was from Caceres. He told

Merche to farce about the relationship of him and Amalia's because she asked about help to solve her troubles. Finally the adventure there in the town is a complete comedy. The scenery isn’t stunning because it happened in a small town called Argoitia (Gipuzcoa).The village isn’t very spectacular but it has beautiful street and friendly people.

-What you liked: the comedy is really good in all the film. The wedding is the best scene in the hole movie because it makes me laugh a lot and the situation is really embarrassing for Amaia and Rafa.Another good scene is when the protest began, the people at the bar involved Rafa to a hard protest and the situation turned from bad to worse.

-Recommendation: We recommended without a doubt whatsoever to every people of all the ages. The film is a good laugh for everybody, nor children nor adults can’t stop laughing. The humor of the film is about a typical Basque person, so the people who will go to watch it will die of laughing.


Our satellite channel’s name is TIN TIVI that means teen television. We have chose this name because it is a TV channel for teenagers. In this channel we offer a lot of different shows such as, soap opera, comedy, entertainment, game shows, news related to teens…


Breaking news From 18.00 pm

to 18:30pm

This news is going to be reported by teenagers between 15 and 18 years.


From 18:30 pm

to 20:30 pm

The film is going to be a comedy.

Video game show From 20:30 pm

to 21:30 pm

In this programme the teenagers are going to show the videos that they have done and the winner can win a trip around the country.

Sports News From 21:30 pm

to 22:00 pm

This news is going to be about sports that teenagers teams have done.

Soap opera From 22:00 pm

to 00:00 am

It is about some teens that have an adventure in the jungle.


DECEMBER)Work and money: Your boss will be impressed by your work. You will receive an unexpected reward.

Health: you will need to eat less quantity of fast food. If you don’t do that you will have some illnesses about that.

Love: Your boyfriend or girlfriend will give you a great surprise. Your will have a good week in love and the best day for this

This Week Horoscope


Work and money: This week won’t be good for you in work, because something bad will interrupt your concentration.

Health: You are good in health so you can take some yen like cake or hamburger but don’t abuse of this be careful.

Love: This week you will need to control your emotions, your partner will put you very nervous.


Work and money: You will lose a big quantity of money if you aren’t careful. Be warning with work because you would make a bet that will take you to the overdraft.

Health: The luck you haven’t had in work and money you will have it in health. You might live until 90 years.

Love: Depending on the once you hang out with you will be fortunate.


Work and money: You will win a big quantity of money at the bingo. But you have to be careful with the bets.

Health: you are going to go to the doctor and he will diagnosticated you and illness.

Love: You will break with your girlfriend or boyfriend if you pay the attention does he or she need.



Work and money: you will have an increment at work. Your good work at your job will be recompensed.

Health: you are going to have a good health for a long time, so you will cause trouble for a long.

Love: the luck you’ll have in health, you won’t have it at love, because your boyfriend or girlfriend will be annoyed with you.

LEO (24TH JULY-23RD AUGUST )Work and money: you are going to spend a lot of money in debts.

Health: you have to reduce your amount of cholesterol.

Love: you will find your half orange, at a friend’s party. You will go to live with her/him and be happy for a long time.


Work and money: you will lose a lot of money because of your wife.

Health: the doctor will tell you a good new about your health.

Love: you will get divorced and you will be happier than before.


Work and money: your boss will give up and you will take his place.

Health: you are fine but you have to eat less chocolate, because the doctor will detect you have diabetes.

Love: you will be daddy.



Work and money: you will find a job and carry money to home.

Health: you will be stressed because of the work, but you will get used to it.

Love: you won’t have any love but you’ll be happy.


Work and money: you will become millionaire and buy a lot of things.

Health: you will live a lot and be very healthy.

Love: you will fall in love will a person who has been always with you.


Work and money: you will finish your mortgage and you will do a party.

Health: you will be cured of your illness.

Love: you are going to be happy with your wife and you children.


Work and money: your parents will give you some money to buy your own house.

Health: you will be fine for more years but suddenly the doctor will detect you an illness.

Love: you will get divorced from your wife and you will find another person than loves you more than the other.


The sun will be up today and strong in all the country.

Biscay: There will be bright and brilliant sun in all the province , also with some high clouds. The temperatures are going to be warm from 16 degrees to 20.In the capital city of the province the temperatures will be colder than at the coast, from 13 degrees to 15.

Gipuzcoa: It will be cloudy, but the sun will eventually break through the clouds. The temperatures will be

from 10 degrees to 17 in the capital city of it. In the interior of the province the temperatures will be colder than at the edge of the coast.

Alava: The wintry sun will already be low in the sky. The temperatures are going to be colder than in the other two provinces with temperatures from 5 degrees to 10 in the hottest part in the day. At the morning the fog will clear.


Biscay: the rain will be heavy and constant. The temperaturea will be colder than the previous day from 10 degrees to 13.The temperatures at the coast might be warmer than at the interior.

Gipuzcoa: It will be rain cats and dogs all the day.The alert of the heavy

rain will take up in all the province.The temperatures will be again colder than the day before, from 12 degrees to 14.

Alava: The rain will be constant but the sun will break in the cities.The temperatures will be warmer than yesterday ones from 12 degrees to 15.


In a few days this product would be at the markets. This has a variety of tastes which you will like.

IF you drink this product you will be cool for all the day …

This product is for both for women and men. Some drinks are advertised for only men with the slogan of a women, but this product is for both.The point is to advertise this extraordinary product for everyone. You can drink it everywhere. It won’t be very expensive, it will be 1€ in all the countries.


You drink and it






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