final exam

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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Multiple Choice Quiz Review. Final Exam. 1. Which is not a characteristic of living things? Use energy Made of cells Reproduce Made of crystals. 2. The movement of molecules from high to low concentration? osmosis diffusion movement interphase. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


FINAL EXAMMultiple Choice Quiz Review

1. Which is not a characteristic of living


a. Use energyb. Made of cellsc. Reproduced. Made of crystals

2. The movement of molecules from high to low


a. osmosisb. diffusionc. movementd. interphase

3. During this phase of cell division, the DNA


a. Prophaseb. Metaphasec. Interphased. Cytokinesis

4. The double division that produces 4 sex cells with

½ the chromosomes:

a. Mitosisb. Meiosisc. Cell divisiond. Cytokinesis

5. Active transport requires

a. Energyb. Oxygenc. Proteinsd. Molecules

6. This type of organism does the killing:

a. Preyb. Predatorc. Scavengerd. Decomposer

7. Which kingdom do eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that are

heterotrophs belong?

a. Protistb. Fungic. Plantsd. Bacteria

8. The genotype for females:

a. XMb. XYc. XXd. XZ

9. Gases that organisms exchange with their


a. Nitrogen & CO2

b. CO2 & O2

c. Phosphorous & O2

d. H20 & CO

10. In this phase the cell’s nucleus divides:

a. Prophaseb. Interphasec. Mitosisd. Metaphase

11. If an object has a density greater than 1, it will:

a. Stay in the middleb. Floatc. Sinkd. Bounce

12. The variable that is changed in an experiment:

a. Respondingb. Manipulatedc. Dependentd. Hypothesis

13. An organism that is made of only one cell:

a. Unicellularb. Multicellularc. Onesie celld. Plant

14. An allele that is always shown:

a. Recessiveb. Homozygousc. Dominantd. Heterotroph

15. The physical characteristics of an


a. Genotypeb. Genec. Featured. Phenotype

16. A chart that tracks a trait in a family:

a. Pedigreeb. Genec. Disorderd. Phenotype

17. An organism that has a nucleus:

a. Prokaryoteb. Bacteriac. Virusd. Eukaryote

18. The unit for volume:

a. Literb. Meterc. Gramd. Density

19. An organism’s genetic make-up:

a. Genotypeb. Genec. Featured. Phenotype

20. What is this strand of DNA’s complement, ATGC:


21. A trait that is passed on from parent to offspring:

a. Acquiredb. Mutationc. Inheritedd. Homozygous

22. All living things of a particular species:

a. Communityb. Populationc. Ecosystemd. Species

23. A type of relationship where one benefits and

one is not affected:

a. Predationb. Mutualismc. Commensalismd. Parasitism

24. A type of circulatory system where blood is contained in vessels:

a. Open b. Closedc. Shutd. Wide

25. Parts of the blood that fight infection:

a. Red blood cellsb. Plateletsc. Plasmad. White blood cells

26. The control center of a cell that directs a cell’s


a. Nucleusb. ERc. Ribosomesd. Cytoplasm

27. Organisms that cannot control their body


a. Ectothermicb. Endothermicc. Warm-bloodedd. Scavengers

28. Where photosynthesis takes place:

a. Nucleusb. Ribosomesc. Cytoplasmd. Chloroplasts

29. The scientist that created the theory of


a. Linnaeusb. Darwinc. Hooked. Schwann

30. The organelle that produces proteins:

a. Ribosomesb. Chloroplastsc. Cytoplasmd. Mitochondria

Good luck on your

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