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    The Effects of Changing Packaging

    from Plastic to Paper Bag Materials on Consumers

    in Dasmarinas, Cavite

    A Marketing Research Presented To

    Ms. Zeny J. LontocDirector, GSB, CBAA, DLSU-D

    In Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements

    In Marketing Research I

    Researched By:

    Alfelor, DanaeClemente, Bernadette Grace N.

    Macam, Ma. Fatima M.


    June 2013

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    Title Page i

    Table of Contents ii

    Chapter I. INTRODUCTION 3-4

    A. Review of Related Literature 4-11B. Conceptual Framework 12C. Statement of the Problem/Objective of the Study 12-13D. Hypothesis 13-14E. Significance of the Study 14-15F. Scope and Limitations 1G. Definition of Terms 1


    A. Time and Place of the Study 20B. Sources of Data/Sample Size 20-23C. Research Instrument 23-24D. Research Design 24-26

    III. Results and Discussions 27-40

    IV. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 41-43

    V. References 44

    VI. Appendix 45-46

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    Because of plastic bags we experience incessant flooding due to clogged

    waterways, drainage and esteros and its impact on majority of poor Filipinos. As these

    bags decay for hundred years, they accumulate landfills that become source of sickness

    and pollution. But consumers, regarding their shopping and factories, regarding their

    production favour plastic bags as they are durable, flexible and cheap.

    Now that the implementation of Plastic Ban in the Philippines is present, this

    research studies what are the effects of shifting from plastic bags to paper bags and other

    eco-friendly materials as packaging of products. On August 3, 2011, the House of

    Representatives approved HB 4840 or the Plastic Regulation Act of 2011. This

    legislation would require the phase out of non-biodegradable plastic bags within three

    years and the placement of a plastic bag recovery bin at each store or cluster of stores.

    The research aims to solve the issue of which the consumers favour and what are

    the factors that affect their behaviour specifically.

    The group gathered data from the municipalities of Cavite to know the usage rate

    of plastics or waste materials of each municipality. The group also made use of internet,

    articles and books for secondary data. For primary data, the researchers will conduct

    Survey and Focus Group Discussion among students of De La Salle University

    Dasmarinas to have feedbacks accessible for the researchers.

    The sampling method to be used is cluster sampling. The research design will be

    descriptive and the results will be analysed using statistical method.

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    The group hypothesized that the result will be accurate enough as the scope and

    limitation bound the research according to the need of the study and that it predicted, as

    evidence suggest, that consumers favour using eco-friendly materials rather than plastic

    because of its benefits to the majority of the people.

    A. Review of Related Literature

    Change is the only thing that is constant. That is why every company should be

    ready and prepared for innovation when time for changes arises. One of the revolutions

    that are starting is the appreciation on the value of becoming an environmentalist not only

    as a manufacturer but also as a consumer. Going green is not a fresh idea it has been

    implemented before according to Wikipedia Encyclopedia

    ( The term Green Marketing came into

    prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Now that its the 21st century the society

    has been once again realized that our environment is everyone business.

    Plastic Production

    To produce 1kg plastic we need 2kg oil equivalent for material and energy use

    during production. Global plastic production in year 2006 is about 245 million tonnes.

    (Plastic Europe Market Research Group, 2007) Only five percent of oil consumption

    Most plastic bags are made of polyethylene. Plastic recycling in city/ urban areas has

    proven to be difficult. Different than glass, paper and metals, which are easier to process,

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    mechanically, it is often labor intensive and cost intensive (not cost effective) to sort

    plastic waste.

    According to Integrated Waste Management Authority. (2012). Impact of Plastic.

    Retrieved from Plastic. html.

    The number of disposable bags used in Calif. exceeds 14 billion annually. A study in

    1997 showed 58% of Americans prefer paper to plastic, yet a report from Film and Bag

    Federation found that 4 out of 5 grocery bags used are plastic. Almost no plastic grocery

    bags have any recycled content. In contrast, paper bags typically have 25-40% or even

    60% recovered paper fiber.

    Californians use over 19 billion plastic grocery bags and merchandise bags each

    year, roughly 552 bags per person, generating 147,038 tons of unnecessary waste, enough

    to stretch around the globe over 250 times.

    Environmental Effects

    Mason, K. (2009, June17). Effects Of Plastic On The Environment Revealed.

    University News Centre. Retrieved from The Society continues to

    profit on numerous benefits plastic products have brought such as applications in

    medicine, electronics and energy saving parts in cars and aeroplanes. Though, the main

    use of plastics is for disposable items of packaging which are typically discarded within a

    year of production. As a consequence of the durability of plastics and their disposable

    usage, plastic waste is rapidly accumulating landfill. Papers in the volume show that

    natural habitats from the poles to the equator have also become contaminated with large,

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    the increased energy that is required to make paper bags will also have a negative

    environmental effect.

    Advantages of using Plastic bags

    Supermarkets push plastic bags, because they cost them about half of what a

    paper bag costs and because they are so light they are cheaper to transport. Grocery bags

    are at the top of their operating expenses so they have jumped at the chance to cut costs

    there and push use of plastic over paper.

    This have proven that the mentality of the manufacturer is whatever the cost on

    the environment as long as they will gain much more profit the use of plastics will be


    According to Roach, J (2003). National Geographic News. Are Plastic Grocery Bags

    Sacking the Environment?, The "paper or plastic" challenge that vexed earnest shoppers

    throughout the 1980s and 90s is largely moot today. Most grocery store baggers don't

    bother to ask anymore. They drop the bananas in one plastic bag as they reach for another

    to hold the six-pack of soda. The pasta sauce and noodles will get one too, as will the dish


    Plastic bags are so cheap to produce, sturdy, plentiful, easy to carry and store that

    they have captured at least 80% of the grocery and convenience store market since they

    were introduced a quarter century ago, according to the Arlington, Virginia-based

    American Plastics

    Although there are considerable benefits on using plastics for the manufacturer there are

    still substantial negative implications on the environment because of it. . Plastics are

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    generally lighter than paper, thus easier and less costly to transport after production,

    means less fuel.

    Disadvantages of using Plastic Bags

    There are estimated 300 million plastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean and this

    is a big dilemma. These bags are very dangerous for sea life, especially those of the

    mammal variety. It is dangerous for a hunting animal to eat a piece of plastic. Needless

    deaths from plastic bags are increasing every year.

    Porpoises are the most common victim. Because they eat sea nettles and jelly fish

    they are the most likely to mistake the plastic bag for food. If they survive the swallowing

    of the bag, it is unlikely that they are able to continue with normal digestion and thus

    eventually die a slow and painful death from toxicity or intestinal blockage. As one

    species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the waterway

    is impacted. There are either too many or too few and changes within the environment

    continue to kill off yet more organisms.

    Because it also takes hundred years for the average plastic bags to decay, every

    bag that ends up in the woodlands of the country threatens the natural progression of

    wildlife. Because the break down rate is so slow the chances that the bag will harmlessly

    go away are extremely lean. These plastic bags are responsible for suffocation deaths of

    woodland animals as well as inhibiting soil nutrients.

    The huge litter in the land that is made up of plastic bags has likely to kill over

    and over again. It has been estimated that one bag has the potential to unintentionally kill

    one animal per every three months due to unintentional digestion or inhalation. If you

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    consider the number of littered plastic bags ranges from 1.5 million to 3 million

    depending on location, this equals a lot of ecosystem sustaining lives lost.

    Substitutes for Plastic Bags

    Reusable plastic bags are being introduced to regions that want to outlaw the

    plastic bag altogether. These are stronger and more durable and can be used for three to

    five trips to the store.

    Evidently, the reusable cloth bag is fast becoming a favorite among environmental

    supporters. While thus far no bag is without its issues these are the bags that are currently

    advised and recommended for use to help protect environmental security and concerns.

    Because of many concerns there are many manufacturers that now prefer the use

    paper bags instead of plastic bags. According to Croswell, J. (2010), from article

    Advantages of Using Paper Bags Instead of Plastic Bags, paper bags are made of natural

    resources, which allow them to be broken down by the elements notwithstanding over a

    long time. Plastic bags are not biodegradable and can fill up landfills, costing cities as

    much as 17 cents per disposal of each bag, according to Money Central. Recycling plastic

    bags is an alternative, but the costs can be unreasonable. As of 2010, it can cost $4,000 to

    recycle one ton of plastic bags, which is resold to stores for $32, according to Squawk


    Of course each product is promoting its own benefits and goodness. There are

    always advantages and disadvantages of each product.

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    Paper Production

    Paper production is one of the most polluting industries since it involves lots of

    chemicals and uses relatively a lot of water and energy. Recycling paper needs also a lot

    of energy and chemicals because old papers have to be cleaned, de-ink, etc. Recycled

    papers need usually 60-80% paper waste, and the rest would be new materials. New

    materials in this case are often virgin pulp, originally from three. According to Bekaze.

    (2011). Are We Saving Earth by Banning Plastic Bag. Hubpages. Retrieved from

    Plastic Ban in the Philippines

    With Filipinos facing dilemmas on how to live a plastic free live. The government

    have implemented on some cities plastic ban campaign. The first local government unit to

    ban plastics in Metro Manila, Muntinlupa City has been plastic free since January 1,

    2011. According to its Ordinance 10-109, it prohibits all business establishments from

    using, offering, and selling plastic bags as primary or secondary packing materials for dry

    and wet goods. This ordinance also includes polystyrene foams usually used as containers

    in fast food chains.

    The city follows a no-plastic policy. Since its implementation, 1,400

    establishments have been issued tickets and seven have committed violations at least four

    times, facing closure of their businesses. Violators are fined P500, P1,000, and P2,500 for

    the first, second, and third offense respectively. Imprisonment and suspension or

    cancellation of business permits are upon the discretion of the court.

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    Government officials are currently studying how to further improve this ordinance

    by adding more fines or incentives for a higher compliance rate. Being the first city to

    impose a plastic ban in Metro Manila, it has triggered a domino effect on other LGU's.

    Aside from Muntinlupa City, the local government unit of Las Pias, Pasig, Quezon City,

    Pasay and Other Metro Manila Cities are also implementing plastic ban in their respected

    areas. Dezalyx. (2012). List of Metro Manila Cities Where Plastic Ban is implemented.

    Hubpages. Retrieved from


    There is also a department in Philippines that is designated in the packaging society

    the PIP stands for the Packaging Institute of the Philippines. It is a national association of

    users, manufacturers, and suppliers of packaging materials and services. PIP was founded

    by 31 charter members in March 1967 and was registered in March 20, 1975 with the

    Securities and Exchange Commission as a non-stock, non-profit corporation. Their

    objective is to promote the recognition of Packaging as a science and as a profession and

    to stimulate good packaging consciousness in the industry and among consumers; To

    undertake the promotion of research and development of packaging and package design.

    To promote the establishment acceptable basic standards for the packaging industry.

    Packaging Institute of the Philippines. (2011). Retrieved from

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    What is the preferred packaging, Plastic or Paper bag (any eco-friendly materials)of the students from De La Salle UniversityDasmarias?

    Are the students aware for the implemented law regarding the usage of plastic andpaper bag in their city/town? And when does the need for shift from plastic to

    paper bag exist?

    What are the effects of the change of packaging of most products from plastic toeco-friendly materials? The group also formulated sub-questions such as: What

    are the advantages and disadvantages of using eco-friendly materials? Which will

    they be in favour of and why? What are the factors they consider in preferring

    packages of products? How often do they use plastic and/or paper bags?

    Do the students consider buying eco-friendly bags or bring their own bag whenpurchasing?

    When the students do wants to use Plastic and Paper packaging in differentplaces?

    Objective of the Study

    The researchers aim to get the insights and point of view of the students regardingto their usage of Plastic and Paper bag or any eco material product for packaging.

    And theyre preferably to use in day to day activity.

    To know if the students are aware enough and concern for the environmentalproblem that cause different phenomena. That related to the governments

    implemented laws.

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    To recognize the causes why the students from De La Salle University Dasmarias preferred a particular packaging and to consider the disadvantages of

    each bags.

    The students target to discern if considering buying an eco-friendly bags or bringtheir own bag when purchasing is their option.

    To identify the usage rate of Plastic and Paper bag in different places and indifferent instances.

    D. Hypotheses

    There is a big significance to know and identify the preferred use of Plastic bags

    and Paper bags in the environment. It is predicted that the consumers will be very much

    affected by the shift from plastic bags to eco-friendly bags as packaging of their

    purchased products. Most of them will be treat this change as advantageous as it is more

    helpful to the environment. For them, it will be hassle to use not durable and expensive

    bags like paper bags and plastic cases or boxes for shopping but the benefit of saving the

    future generations lives is what will matter. They will become fully aware of the fact that

    plastics will decay in hundreds of years and are not good for their health.

    It is also hypothesized that the production of plastic bags will be lessen and soon

    will be out in production industry as regulated by the government. There will be cleaner

    society for the citizens of Cavite and in other places as the pollution will be lessen.

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    Sickness and other hazard that threatens mans life due to chemicals produce by plastics

    will also decrease resulting a harmonious living to human.

    The participants will be most likely to respond positively with the questions that

    will be asked to them as they are fully aware and in current experience of the problem.

    There will be lists of substantial emotions coming from them regarding their feelings or

    problems they have regarding the topic.

    Our study indicates that the above hypotheses are more likely occur as the

    researchers consider factors that involves regarding the topic and may affect every

    valuable response of the participants.

    E. Significance of the StudyThe research is significant to the researchers as it suggest ways of promoting

    importance to human life, especially knowing the illnesses that may come from the

    chemical contents of plastic bags and the pollution they create. It conceives awareness of

    every individual.

    De La Salle University - Dasmarinas will benefit in this study because the

    institution may come up with ways how to help the environment more as DLSUD is the

    university has been heralded Regional Champion in the Search for the Sustainable and

    Eco-friendly Schools 2009 by the Department of Education, Department of Environment

    and Natural Resources (DENR), Environmental Management Bureau, Commission on

    Higher Education and Smart Communications. And in fact, DLSUD is the greenest

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    school in the Philippines. It may regulate more efficiently the no plasticcampaign in

    the school premises with the use of this study as it tackles factors and effects to DLSUD

    students who are also consumers.

    This research is of significance to the realms of business industry especially to

    the plastic-producing-companies, to the community of Cavite and to the consumers

    residing in. The research may state that changing of plastics to eco-friendly products is a

    big help to the community, consumers and especially on the environment as to the

    benefits and advantages stated in the study.

    It will help the consumers to fully understand what the benefits of this change are

    so that they will not focus just on the negative side of having paper bags and a like that

    are not as durable and cheap as plastic bags.

    This may be a reference for future studies on topics about environment,

    packaging, and consumer behaviour.

    F. Scope and Limitations

    The study will discuss the current situation of plastic usage rate in Cavite as it is

    where the study focuses, specifically students of De La Salle University - Dasmarinas. It

    will cover the effects of the change from plastic bags to eco-friendly bags whether it is

    beneficial or not, more costly or cheaper and other feedback from them. The researchers

    will make use of the laws and regulations of the Philippine government regarding the

    topic to know the symptoms and causes of it. The basis of the study is restricted because

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    the information regarding the implementation of the no plastic campaign is new to the

    country and only few studies are obtainable as sources.

    The research will be bounded to the desired number of participants as the

    generalization of members belonging to Cavite. The research will be limited to the extent

    of the response of the participants as students that will be involved in the study and also

    to the data currently available in the articles, internet, and books as the authors have

    studied. It is bound to the accuracy of numbers present in the sources and the accuracy of

    answers of the respondents in any way they are asked. The research will be more of the

    qualitative analysis of the data gathered rather than the quantitative because the group is

    looking at the effects to every consumers of Cavite in a narrative way or in according to

    their experience of using plastic bags.

    The researchers used the English language and considered Filipino in doing this

    research since this language is universal and now commonly used as a means of

    communication even it is oral or in written form.

    G. Definition of TermsBacteri al Decayis the decomposition of organic matter.

    Ban(law) is a decree that prohibits something, sometimes a form of censorship.

    Chemical Substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical

    composition and characteristic properties. It cannot be separated into components by

    physical separation methods, i.e. without breaking chemical bonds. It can be solid, liquid,

    gas, or plasma.

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    Consumeris a person or group of people who are the final users of products and

    or services generated within a social system. A consumer may be a person or group, such

    as a household. The concept of a consumer may vary significantly by context, although a

    common definition is an individual who buys products or services for personal use and

    not for manufacture or resale.

    Costis the value of money that has been used up to produce something, and hence

    is not available for use anymore. In business, the cost may be one of acquisition, in which

    case the amount of money expended to acquire it is counted as cost. In this case, money

    is the input that is gone in order to acquire the thing. This acquisition cost may be the

    sum of the cost of production as incurred by the original producer, and further costs of

    transaction as incurred by the acquirer over and above the price paid to the producer.

    Disposable(also called disposable product) is a product designed for a single use

    after which it is recycled or is disposed as solid waste. The term often implies cheapness

    and short-term convenience rather than medium to long-term durability. The term is also

    sometimes used for products that may last several months (ex. disposable air filters) to

    distinguish from similar products that last indefinitely (ex. washable air filters).

    Eco-friendly/enviromentally-friendly (also nature friendly, and green) are

    ambiguous terms used to refer to goods and services, laws, guidelines and policies

    claimed to inflict reduced, minimal, or no harm at all, upon ecosystems or the

    environment. Companies sometimes use these terms to make environmental marketing

    claims when promoting goods and services, for example with eco-labels. Doing so is

    sometimes referred to as green washing.

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    Ecosystemis a community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in

    conjunction with the non-living components of their environment (things like air, water

    and mineral soil), interacting as a system. These biotic and abiotic components are

    regarded as linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows. As ecosystems are

    defined by the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms and

    their environment, they can come in any size but usually encompass specific, limited

    spaces (although some scientists say that the entire planet is an ecosystem).

    Green Marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be

    environmentally safe. Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities,

    including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as

    well as modifying advertising. Yet defining green marketing is not a simple task where

    several meanings intersect and contradict each other; an example of this will be the

    existence of varying social, environmental and retail definitions attached to this term.

    Packagingis the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products

    for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design,

    evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated

    system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use.

    Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.

    Plasticis any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids that are

    mouldable. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often

    contain other substances. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from

    petrochemicals, but many are partially natural.

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    A. Time and Place of the Study

    The researchers conducted the study at De La Salle University-Dasmarias and

    gathered sources at the library. The questionnaires prepared will be equally distributed to

    different colleges during vacant time. Every week, the group makes sure to meet up and

    make a conversation about the research. With the use of high technology like Facebook,

    the researchers maintained their discussion and have monitored each member regarding

    the tasks assigned to them to fully achieve the development of the information that they


    B. Sources of Data/Sample Size

    Calculating the Sample Size

    The sample size, in this case, refers to the number of students to be included in the


    Step 1: Base Sample-size Calculation

    The appropriate sample size for a population-based survey is determined largely by

    three factors: (i) the estimated prevalence of the variable of interestusers of plastic

    bags, (ii) the desired level of confidence and (iii) the acceptable margin of error.

    For a survey design based on a simple random sample, the sample size required can be

    calculated according to the following formula.

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    n= t x p(1-p)



    n = required sample size

    t = confidence level at 95% (standard value of 1.96)

    p = estimated prevalence of number of students

    m = margin of error at 5% (standard value of 0.05)


    n= 1.96 x .9(1-.9).05

    n = 3.8416 x .09.0025

    n = .345744.0025

    n = 138.2976 ~ 139

    To further estimate, the group will survey 140 students.

    Step 2: Design Effect

    The anthropometric survey is designed as a cluster sample (a representative selection

    of villages), not a simple random sample. To correct for the difference in design, the

    sample size is multiplied by the design effect (D).

    The design effect is generally assumed to be 7 surveys using cluster-sampling


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    n D = 140 7 = 20

    Step 3: Contingency

    The sample is further increased by 5% to account for contingencies such as non-

    response or recording error.


    n + 5% = 20 x 1.05 = 21

    Step 4: Distribution of Observations

    Finally, the calculation result is rounded down to the number that matches well with

    the number of clusters (7 colleges) to be surveyed.

    Final Sample Size: N = 20 students per college total of 170.

    The researcher used primary and secondary data. They formulate a survey-

    questionnaire regarding the effects of changing packaging from plastic to eco-friendly

    materials to consumers. Through the use of survey, researchers able to know the insights

    of the 140 students that will be examine on the study. With the 7 colleges of De La Salle

    University-Dasmarias, each of it will have 10 participants. For the secondary data, the

    group used articles, magazines and websites in the internet as their reference to collect

    some information that helps the research paper to be more accurate and reliable. The

    researchers also gathered data from the municipalities of Cavite to know the current

    plastic usage rate of each community, especially in Dasmarinas

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    To illustrate the results of the data that could collect the researchers used figure

    such as charts and tables. This tool is used to evaluate and easily see the results that are

    gathered. A figure is a visual form of representing data. It displays sizes of numerical


    In addition, the researchers were able to conduct a Focus Group Discussion to the

    student about their point of view on changing of packaging that contributes to success of

    knowing the effects to them.

    They decided to have a 7 participant to have a discussion with 10 questions

    regarding the effects of changing packaging from plastic to eco-friendly materials to

    consumers. Researchers will randomly select to represent their college.

    C. Research Instrument

    The researchers select the appropriate and simple to understand questionnaire for

    the student to easy determine the effects of changing packaging from plastic to eco-

    friendly materials to consumers. With all of these questions, the researchers can able to

    recognizing the alternative solutions, deciding the best solution, implementation of the

    solution and make a review and feedback.

    The survey questionnaire is use as the main data-gathering instrument for this

    study (See Appendix). The questionnaire is containing more on personal experience

    regarding to the changing of packaging on their daily activity like purchasing a product

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    on a mall, department store, convenient store and many. It composes of socio-

    demographic characteristics of the respondents such as age and gender. The questionnaire

    proper section also contains questions that identify the advantages and disadvantages of

    using plastic bag and eco-friendly bag. The questions were structure with 2 sets of

    question. First is more on personal use of Plastic bag and Eco-friendly bag by putting a

    check on the following and corresponding questions. While the second part the

    respondent will able to categorize his/her preferred bag by putting PLB for plastic bag

    and PAB for paper bag in different instances of using the said bag.

    In addition, this research instrument allowed them to carry out the quantitative

    approach effectively with the use of statistics for data interpretation.

    D. Research Design

    The examiners use Descriptive Research Design and Causal Comparative orEx

    Post Facto Research Design where both attempts to describe and explain conditions of

    the present by using 2 subjects (plastic and paper bag) and questionnaires to fully

    describe a phenomenon, to describe answers to questions of who, what, where, when, and


    The research design tries to explore cause and affect relationships where causes already

    exist and cannot be manipulated. It uses what already exists and looks backward to

    explain why then later on used the Inferential Statistics by generalizing about the body of

    data (Students who used both plastic and paper bags) gathered whereas only a part (140

    students) of it was examined that may lead to predictions about the entire research.

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    The methods used for data collection are Direct or Interview Method and the

    Indirect or Survey Method.

    Analysing survey data include frequency distributions and descriptive statistics.

    Frequency distributions tell you how many people answered a survey question a certain

    way. Descriptive statistics help describe a set of data through descriptive measures, such

    as means and standard deviations.

    To develop a result, they choose to have probability samples such as simple

    random sampling and cluster sampling. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely

    by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any

    stage during the sampling process. The motivation for cluster sampling is to reduce the

    total number of interviews and costs given the desired accuracy.

    The methods used for data presentation are textual and graphical. There is

    narrative description of data gathered same with illustrations (Pie Charts - total quantity

    of 140 students are distributed among a group of categories) to show the data gathered in

    the most understandable way.

    The frequency distributions of the data gathered are grouped according to some

    numerical characteristics in order to get the most accurate results leading to successful


    To be able to know the most common result of the research, the researchers used

    measures of central tendency determine the mean and mode of the observations referring

    to the average and most frequent value that occurred in the study.

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    The analysis method to be used is the statistical method computing the

    percentages of the result. The interpretation of the data was narrative as well as the

    generalization till the researchers come up with a formal write-up of conclusions and


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    After collecting all the results of the questionnaires, through the use of survey,

    researchers now able to discuss the insights of the 140 students from De La Salle

    University-Dasmarias, each of it will have 20 participants. From the College of Business

    Administration and Accountancy, College of Engineering, Architecture, & Technology,

    College of Science and Computer Studies, College of Tourism and Hospitality

    Management, College of Criminal Justice Education, College of Liberal Arts and

    Communication, and College of Education.

    The researchers also conducted Focus Group Discussion to the student about their

    point of view on changing of packaging that contributes to success of knowing the effects

    to them. 1 representative per (7)college, for a total of 7 participants to have a discussion

    with continuous discussion and concerns regarding the effects of changing packaging

    from plastic to eco-friendly materials to consumers.

    Q1: As a consumer, which do you prefer to use? Plastic bag Paper bag

    CBAA 9 11

    CEAT 1 19

    CSCS 3 17

    CTHM 13 7

    CCJE 4 16

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    CLAC 11 9

    COED 12 8

    TOTAL 53 87

    The table above shows the collected data gathered from 7 colleges. That answered

    the question, As a consumer, which do you prefer to use?

    And pie chart illustrates the total percentage of students in each desired packaging

    such as Plastic bag and Paper bag. There are a total of 140 respondents from De La Salle

    University - Dasmarias, it figures that 38% of the students preferred to use Plastic bag.

    While the rest of them answered, 62% Paper bag. It revealed that using Paper bag is their

    top choice when it comes to packaging.

    Figure 1

    Plastic bag

    Paper bag

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    In figure 1.1, it proves that the total percentage of students who answered either

    YES or NO in reusing Plastic bag/Paper bag. Many of the students answered YES with

    70%. And few of them replied NO with 30%. It discovered that it is economical to reuse

    their preferred bag than to purchase another one.

    Heres the supported data why students wants to reuse plastic/paper bags:

    COLLEGE Less Waste Cleaner


    Save Money Conserve


    CBAA 7 3 4 4

    CEAT 14 16 16 18

    CSCS 10 10 4 11

    CTHM 8 10 9 12

    CCJE 5 4 8 1

    CLAC 10 11 5 8

    COED 6 8 3 5

    TOTAL 60 62 49 59

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    As the total percentage shows the results are all nearly equal, such as the Cleaner

    Environment is their common reason to reuse bags with 27%, next is to Less Waste and

    Conserve Resources who got both 26% and the least is Save Money with 21%. It expose

    that the students are more concern with Cleaner Environment when it comes to

    considering a usage of particular packaging in buying.

    Q2: Are you aware of the Plastic ban law? YES NO

    CBAA 13 7

    CEAT 20 0

    CSCS 20 0

    CTHM 17 3

    CCJE 15 5

    CLAC 16 4

    COED 14 6

    Figure 1.2

    Less waste

    Cleaner environment

    Save money

    Conserve resources

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    TOTAL 115 25

    The table above shows the collected data gathered from 7 colleges. That answered

    the question, Are you aware of the Plastic ban law?

    In figure 2, it demonstrates that the total percentage of students who answered

    either YES or NO regarding their awareness for the Plastic Ban law. Most of the

    students answered YES with 82%. And few of them replied NO with 18%. It shows that

    majority of them are aware of the law being implemented in certain town and cities.

    Q3: Is the plastic ban campaign implemented

    in your city/town?

    YES NO

    CBAA 9 11

    CEAT 12 8

    Figure 2



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    CSCS 16 4

    CTHM 9 11

    CCJE 12 8

    CLAC 10 10

    COED 7 13

    TOTAL 75 65

    The table above shows the collected data gathered from 7 colleges. That answered

    the question, Is the plastic ban campaign implemented in your city/town?

    In figure 3, it determines that the total percentage of students who answered either

    YES or NO on the subject of the implementation of Plastic Ban law in the respondents

    city/town. Some of the students answered YES with 54%. And the rest of them replied

    NO with 46%. It illustrates that the Plastic Ban law is being implemented in some of the

    Figure 3



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    town and cities like Pasay city, Las Pias, Muntinlupa city and also were some of the

    students reside, primarily in Dasmarias City were the majority of the student resides.

    4. What do you think are the disadvantages of using Plastic bag?

    COLLEGE Pollutes the


    Flood Destruction of

    Natural Resources

    Low Durability

    CBAA 11 5 4 2

    CEAT 20 20 20 11

    CSCS 20 20 16 12

    CTHM 18 11 9 12

    CCJE 13 8 7 6

    CLAC 16 9 10 8

    COED 15 12 9 6

    TOTAL 113 85 75 57

    Figure 4

    Pollutes the Environment


    Destruction of Natural


    Low Durability

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    The table above shows the collected data gathered from 7 colleges. That answered

    the question, What do you think are the disadvantages of using Paper bag?

    In figure 5, illustrates the total percentage of the student awareness regarding to

    the disadvantages of using Paper bag and how does it harm the environment. There are a

    total of 140 respondents from De La Salle UniversityDasmarias, it shows that 39%

    are concern in the cutting of trees, 38% believed that paper bags is get rip easily, and

    23% answered it is flammable. It explained that the usage of Paper has its own different

    effect most especially to the environment.

    Q6: Are you willing to bring your own

    shopping bag for storing your purchase? YES NO

    CBAA 8 12

    CEAT 20 0

    Figure 5

    Cutting of Trees

    Get Rip Easily


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    some of them replied NO with 45%. It is discovered that it is more convenient for some

    students to bring their own bags when shopping.

    Q7: Do you purchase an eco-friendly bag

    when you shop? YES NO

    CBAA 10 10

    CEAT 9 11

    CSCS 11 9

    CTHM 7 13

    CCJE 12 8

    CLAC 8 12

    COED 7 13

    TOTAL 64 76

    The table above shows the collected data gathered from 7 colleges. That answered

    the question, Do you purchase an eco-friendly bag when you shop?

    Figure 7



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    In figure 7, it denotes the total percentage of students who are willing to purchase

    their own eco-friendly bags for storing when they shop. Almost half of the students

    answered YES that they are willing to buy eco-friendly bag with a percentage of 46%.

    And the rest of them replied NO they would rather use what the store will provide for

    their packaging with 54%. It is learned that only half of the students are willing to spend

    extra money for an eco-friendly bag when shopping.

    What do you prefer to use when you are in the following places:

    (put PLB for plastic bag and PAB for paper bag)


    Shopping malls 63 77

    Convenience store 66 74

    Wet market 90 50

    Dry market 30 110

    School 73 67

    Based on the table given, it demonstrates the comparison of the student preference

    based from the changes from plastic to paper packaging materials they usually use. In a

    particular place such as shopping malls, convenience store, wet markets, dry markets and

    schools. In shopping malls 45% of the students preferred to use plastic bags compared

    to 55% of students who are in favour of using paper bags. In convenience store 47% of

    the students preferred to use plastic bags compared to 53% of students who are in favour

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    of using paper bags. In wet markets 64% of the students preferred to use plastic bags

    compared to 36% of students who are in favour of using paper bags. In dry market 21%

    of the students preferred to use plastic bags compared to 79% of students who are in

    favour of using paper bags. In schools 52% of the students preferred to use plastic bags

    compared to 48% of students who are in favour of using paper bags.

    In general, most of the students preferred to use paper bag with a total of54%

    compared to plastic bags with a total of46% in different situation and places.

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    Now that the implementation of Plastic Ban in the Philippines is present, this

    research studies what are the effects of shifting from plastic bags to paper bags and other

    eco-friendly materials as packaging of products. As the result, there are a total of 140

    respondents from De La Salle University - Dasmarias that figures that 38% of the

    students preferred to use Plastic bag. While the rest of them answered, 62% Paper bag. It

    revealed that using Paper bag is their top choice when it comes to packaging.


    The purpose of The Effects of Changing Packaging from Plastic to Eco-friendly

    Materials on Consumers in Dasmarinas, Cavite is identified the insights, awareness,

    preferences, disadvantages and possible outcome of their continuous usage of Plastic and

    Paper bags.

    The outcome of the survey explored the perception of the respondents regarding

    the environment effects. Most of the students preferred to use Paper bags, because of

    packaging content that is easy to decay and does not fully harm the natural resources.

    Now a days, students are becoming more aware to the laws implemented by the

    government especially laws that concerns the environment. Also the execution of Plastic

    Ban law is now implemented in many different areas, not just locally but also


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    Plastic bags and Paper bags disadvantages are mostly involve about the different

    effects that might happen to the environment, such as creating Pollution in land, air and

    water because of improper disposal of Plastic bags and Cutting of trees in making Paper

    bags for packaging groceries and etc.

    According to the result the respondents attitude depends upon the location and the usage

    of the plastic bag or the paper bag. In places such as shopping malls, convenience store,

    dry market and school the respondents preferred to use paper bags for their purchases.

    But in special cases where the items to be stored are cold, fresh perishable goods the

    respondents preferred to use plastic bag for its durability.


    The research aims to solve the issue of which the consumers favour and what are

    the factors that affect their behaviour specifically. The government must give its fully

    support regarding to the implementation of the Plastic Ban law and providing

    corresponding punishment to those people and establishments who will not abide the said


    There should be limitations for plastic and paper bags production to avoid

    destruction of the environment and scarcity of resources. It has to utilize the cutting of

    trees and usage of oil.

    Universities should release campaigns promoting green living to students teaching

    them the importance on conserving the limited resource in the Philippines. They should

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    also ban the usage of plastic bag in the university to instil to the students the required

    discipline needed to change the society.

    . To the future researchers, the current group recommends to carefully analyze the

    target sample area of the study as it brings large contribution to the respondents response

    and information

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    Enterprise with Plymouth University. Effects of Plastic on the Environment.

    Retrieved from

    Impact of Plastic. Retrieved from


    Sourced from Roach, J (2003). National Geographic News. Are Plastic Grocery

    Bags Sacking the Environment?

    Wagner, J. Health Guidance. The Effect of Plastic Bags on Environment.

    Retrieved from


    Bekaze (2011). Are We Saving Earth by Banning Plastic Bag. Retrieved from\

    Sourced from FAO. 1990. Conducting small-scale nutrition surveys: A field

    manual, Rome.

    Sourced from Magnani, Robert. 1997. Sampling guide. IMPACT Food Security

    and Nutrition Monitoring Project, Arlington, Va.

  • 7/28/2019 final.MRI.docx



    Sourced from UNICEF. 1995. Monitoring progress toward the goals of the World

    Food Summit for Children: A practical handbook for multiple indicator surveys. New



    Name (optional): _____________________________

    *College: _________

    Objective: To attain the information needed in order to know the effects on the changes

    of packaging from plastic to eco-friendly bag to consumers.

    Direction: Please complete the following questions by pitting a check to choose the

    best answer.

    1. As a consumer, which do you prefer to use?___Plastic bag ___Paper bag

    Do you reuse (respond based on your answer in number 1) Plastic bag/Paper bag?


    If yes, what are the reasons you recycle? (you can choose one or more)

    ___ Less waste

    ___ Cleaner environment

    ___ Save money

    ___Conserve resources

    ___ Others ________


    2. Are you aware of the Plastic ban law?___Yes ___No

    3. Is the plastic ban campaign implemented in your city/town?___Yes, where do you reside? ________________


    4. What do you think are the disadvantages of using Plastic bag?(you can choose one or more)

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    ___ Pollutes the environment

    ___ Flood

    ___ Destruction of natural resources

    ___ Low durability

    ___ Others _______

    5. What do you think are the disadvantages of using Paper bag?(you can choose one or more)

    ___ More trees will be cut

    ___ Get rip easily


    ___ Others _______


    Are you willing to bring your own shopping bag for storing your purchase?___Yes ___No

    7. Do you purchase an eco-friendly bag when you shop?___Yes ___No

    What do you prefer to use when you are in the following places:

    (put PLB for plastic bag and PAB for paper bag)

    Shopping malls

    Convenience store

    Wet market

    Dry market



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