finals - harry potter quiz 2017, mit, manipal

Post on 21-Jan-2018



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The Official Literary, Debating and Quizzing Club Of MIT

Brings you

“You Know What”

The Annual Harry Potter Quiz, 2017 edition

The Quizengamot

Dries 1

What’s wrong in these covers?

True Potterheads love books more than they love movies. This is probably

because of the fact that movies are less detailed, with lesser character development and even lesser accuracy of the events that happen.

Now, twice has it happened, that Harry has received some form of help from X in

the books but has been misrepresented in the movies as Y.

One of these incidents occurs in Harry’s fourth year and the second of them

occurs in the fifth year.

ID X and Y.

X: Dobby, Y: Neville(Gillyweed and the Room of Requirement)

X is valuable. An excellent remedy for more stubborn forms of acne.

According to madam sprout "should stop students resorting to desperate

measures to rid themselves of pimples"

Like poor Eloise Midgen.

What is X?

Bubotuber Pus

X, as claimed by Y speaks over 150 languages. But Z corrects the statement,

saying that X speaks over two hundred languages including Mermish, Gobbledegook, and _______

To which K mentions dismissively,

"Anyone can speak _______, all you have to do is point and grunt.

ID X, Y and FITB

X: Crouch, Y: Percy Weasley, Troll

“He forced Hermione to show Snape her teeth - she was doing her best to hide

them with her hands, though this was difficult as they had now grown down

past her collar. Pansy Parkinson and the other Slytherin girls were doubled up with silent giggles, pointing at Hermione from behind Snape’s back.

Snape looked coldly at Hermione, then said, “I see no difference.”

Hermione let out a whimper; her eyes filled with tears, she turned on her heel

and ran, ran all the way up the corridor and out of sight.”

What spell was used? Why did it prove beneficial for Hermione later?

DensaugeoShe stopped having buckteeth

Scarab Beetles

Ginger roots

Armadillo bile

While this brew was being made in the Potions classroom, something sudden

and unexpected happen, due to which one of the cauldrons fell, spilling the

ingredients. Due to his 'I loved your Mom, you little constant reminder of that fact’ attitude, Snape made Harry clean up the Armadillo bile after class.

What incident happened?

Karkaroff showed Snape his Dark Mark

Stubby Boardman was the lead singer of a musical group called The

Hobgoblins, who retired in 1980 after having a turnip thrown at his ear during a

concert in Little Norton at the Church Hall. He appears to be in a relationship

with one Doris Purkiss based on the romantic candlelit dinner they are said to

have together.

If, in 1996, he was claimed to be famous witch Mina Lima by a famous publication of the wizarding world, who was he claimed to be in 1995?

Sirius Black

On a real Galleon, there are numbers on the rim of the coin which refer to the

identification code of Goblins.

Now the fake Galleons were created using Y charm and were used for a

specific purpose, inspired by Z.

What purpose? ID Y,Z

Protean Charm, Dark Mark

X in Leather Pants is the phenomenon in which a fandom takes a controversial

or downright villainous character and downplays his/her flaws, often turning

him/her into an object of desire and/or a victim in the process. Y the Death

Eater, on the other hand, is the opposite in which the fandom takes a

canonically good character and villainizes him. They are named after

characters in HP which are known to be victims of these tropes in fandom.

ID X and Y?

X: DracoY: Ron

Half Blood Prince, if examined properly, has callbacks to two incidents in

Philosopher’s Stone.

The first pair (callback and original) occur at the beginning of their respective

books and involve Draco Malfoy and Hagrid.

The second pair occurs at the ends of their respective books and involve The

Golden Trio and Harry's 'hero complex‘

ID both pairs.

Incident 1: Meeting Draco at Madam Malkin’s while escorted by Hagrid

Incident 2: Harry tells his friends not to accompany him when fighting Voldemort.

Jesus, quoted in both Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34

St Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:26

How do these Bible quotes connect to HP?

Inscriptions on the Potter and Dumbledore graves

The Polish translation of Deathly Hallows makes the parallels between

Voldemort's government and Nazi Germany explicit by using translating X to

'szmalcownicy'. This Polish word comes from szmalec, meaning money,

emphasizing money as the most important reason behind what these groups of

people did

What is X?


In his 6th year when Harry is taking private lessons with Dumbledore, he sees Tom asking for a job at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore obviously refuses, saying that he is aware of the Death eaters and his intentions.

To this, Tom tells him furiously that he is "omniscient as ever"

In reply to this

Dumbledore calmly says "Just friendly with the local ______"

The blank here refers to X.


Aberforth Dumbledore

Which Character in the series has the same first and the last quote. And what?


“Harry Potter…”

The X is a relatively modern invention in wizarding society, which sometimes

(though it will rarely admit it) takes ideas from the Muggle world. While some

wizards (mainly pureblood fanatics) announced their intention of boycotting

what was dubbed ‘this Muggle-esque outrage’ in the letters page of the Daily

Prophet, X proved hugely popular with most of the community and remains

busy to this day. It is so named both because it is a homonym of a Muggle

equivalent and also because the first word has the connotation of coming to the

rescue, of protection, and this seemed appropriate for something that is a last



The Knight Bus

We know the names of three members of the family X. The most prominent is

named after a flower and her relatives are named after a god of music and

healing, and an archangel.

What family are we talking about?



• Written round

• +10/0 on each question


Cormac McLaggen

Mundungus Fletcher


A Muggle driving instructor


ID X and the Connect.


Dennis the menace

Malcolm in the middle

The Gordon Ramsay show

Piers Morgan Tonight








Elphias doge






Pear drop

Licorice wand

Fizzing Whizbee

Drooble's best blowing gum

Bertie Botts every flavoured beans

Chocolate frog

Sugar quill


Connect and FITB


-Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks

-A guide to medieval sorcery

-An anthology of 18th century charms

-Dreadful denizens of the deep

-Powers you never knew you had and

what to do with them now you've wised


-Where there's a wand, there's a way

Non exhaustive.



Stewart Ackerley

Malcolm Baddock

Eleanor Branstone

Owen Cauldwell


Emma Dobbs

Laura Madley

Natalie McDonald

Graham Pritchard

Orla Quirke

Kevin Whitby

Connect and FITB

Cormac McLaggen

Mundungus Fletcher


A Muggle driving instructor


ID X and the Connect.

Goblet of Fire; Victims of the Confundus Charm

Dennis the menace

Malcolm in the middle

The Gordon Ramsay show

Piers Morgan Tonight


Dudley's gang. Piers, Malcolm, Gordon, and Dennis






Elphias doge




People who've told Harry that he has his mother's eyes

Quidditch commentators

Pear drop

Licorice wand

Fizzing Whizbee

Drooble's best blowing gum

Bertie Botts every flavoured beans

Chocolate frog

Sugar quill


Connect and FITB

Guesses Harry made for the password, to

enter Dumbledore's office, when he had to tell

him about his dream of wormtail and voldy.

Blank is "cockroach Cluster" which was the


-Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks

-A guide to medieval sorcery

-An anthology of 18th century charms

-Dreadful denizens of the deep

-Powers you never knew you had and

what to do with them now you've wised


-Where there's a wand, there's a way

Non exhaustive.


Books they read in trying to find a way

for Harry to breathe underwater

Stewart Ackerley

Malcolm Baddock

Eleanor Branstone

Owen Cauldwell


Emma Dobbs

Laura Madley

Natalie McDonald

Graham Pritchard

Orla Quirke

Kevin Whitby


People sorted in Harry’s fourth year.

Also, the first sorting we see after

Harry’s own. Blank is Dennis Creevey,

first Gryffindor to be sorted.


+10 for each Correct Answer+20 if answered all correctly

Dries 2

• +10/-5 on the Pounce

• +10/0 on the Bounce

• Anti Clockwise

It is a truth (almost) universally acknowledged that banning a book can actually

increase its popularity. For example, after the Vatican banned Just Love by

Sister Margaret Farley, the book rose from number 142,982 to number 16 on the

Amazon sellers list. While we know that Harry Potter has been banned by a

number of religious organizations without much effect on book sales.

What is an in-universe example of the above mentioned phenomenon?

Umbridge banning the Quibbler because of Harry’s interview

What are the two measures Dumbledore urges Fudge to take at the end of Goblet of Fire to help stop the rise of Voldemort?

Send envoys to the giants, remove dementorsfrom Azkaban

"He played Seeker," said Harry.

"What?" said Hermione vaguely; she was still immersed in Voldemort's press


"He's sitting in the middle of the front row, that's where the Seeker ... Never

mind," said Harry, realizing that nobody was listening.

Who is the 'he’Harry is referring to?

Regulus Black

While the Trio were pretty free with their use of the Imperius Curse during the

Horcrux Hunt, Harry did not truly master the Cruciatus until almost the end of

the war. After he casts it properly for the first time he says “I see what Bellatrix

meant. You need to really mean it".

What provoked Harry so much that he could cast the Cruciatus and ‘mean it’?

Amycus Carrow spitting at McGonagall

Ginny: "You’d think people had better things to gossip about. Three dementor

attacks in a week, and all Romilda Vane does is ask me if it’s true you’ve got a X tattooed across your chest."

Harry: "What did you tell her?"

Ginny: "I told her it’s a Y. Much more macho."

Harry: "Thanks. And what did you tell her Ron’s got?"

Ginny: "A Z, but I didn’t say where.“

X, Y, and Z?

X: HippogriffY: Hungarian HorntailZ: Pygmy Puff

Seconds later, Mrs. Weasley appeared in the bedroom doorway.

“The meeting’s over, you can come down and have dinner now, everyone’s

dying to see you, Harry. And who’s left all those Dungbombs outside the kitchen door?”

“Crookshanks,” said Ginny unblushingly. “He loves playing with them.”

Ginny is obviously lying and Hermione’s poor cat is innocent but the real question is, why was Ginny chucking Dungbombs at the kitchen door?

To check if an imperturbable charm has been cast on it to prevent them from eavesdropping

There are said to be 11 of these, out of which 8 are known of.

Four of which are :





What are the other four known ones?

Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, Ilvermony

X- Physically remove (something) completely

Example:"a substance designed to X impurities from the body”

Y- Extinguish (a fire or light).

Example:"stewards appeared and the fire was Y ed“

X and Y ltd. is a fictional ramshackle store in the HP universe that serves as the gateway from the muggle world to a larger, much more successful entity.

Of course in typical Rowling style, the words X and Y are related to the larger entity, a cool reminder of what this larger entity does.

What entity?

Purge & Dowse, entrance to St. Mungo’s

• Failed to capture Hagrid in the Order of the Phoenix

• Taken out by Dumbledore in the Half blood Prince

• Put into Confundus charm by member of the OoTP in book 7

• Taken out by Neville’s grandmother somewhere around book 7

• Stunned by Dirk Cresswell somewhere around book 7

Who is this ‘Bad Luck Brian’ of the HP universe?


“If you don’t mind dying,” said Snape roughly, “why not let Draco do it?”

“That boy’s soul is not yet so damaged,” said Dumbledore. “I would not have it ripped apart on my account.”

“And my soul, Dumbledore? Mine?”

“You alone know whether it will harm your soul to help an old man avoid pain

and humiliation,” said Dumbledore. “I ask this one great favor of you, Severus,

because death is coming for me as surely as the

______________________________. I confess I should prefer a quick, painless

exit to the protracted and messy affair it will be if, for instance, Greyback is

involved – I hear Voldemort has recruited him? Or dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it.”

Even in a dire situation like this, Dumbledore didn’t refrain from comparing his inevitable death to a memeworthy reference in the wizarding world. What?

Chudley Cannons will finish at the bottom of the league

“Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did

too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went

mental,” said Ron, with a reminiscent gleam in his eyes. “Only time I’ve ever

seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the

same since.”

We all know what it means to be as angry as Molly Weasley.

What did the kids do to deserve Arthur’s rage?

Tried to make Ron swear an Unbreakable Vow

X is a geographical, historical and cultural region in the western part of the

county of Gloucestershire, England. It forms a roughly triangular plateau

bounded by the River Wye to the west and north-west, Herefordshire to the

north, the River Severn to the south, and the City of Gloucester to the east. The

area is characterised by more than 110 square kilometres (42.5 sq mi) of mixed

woodland, one of the surviving ancient woodlands in England.

It is also the area from which Hagrid comes.

Forest of Dean

X is a product of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes that causes constipation in the

unknowing taker. The pills can be mashed up and mixed with food or drink. The

product was advertised in the main window of the shop in the summer of 1996

in yellow writing and on a purple background. Mrs Weasley was less than

impressed with the slogan, fearing that her sons would be "murdered in their

beds" for making fun of the Dark Lord. Ron, however, found the name to be


Harry Potter once noticed that it seemed as if his classmates had overdosed on

X as they practiced trying to cast spells without saying an incantation, as they

were purple in the face and straining as they tried to make magic without



U No Poo

The Harry Potter books are undoubtedly very British and British-centric. The one

exception is Goblet of Fire in which the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard

Tournament feature foreign wizards. Rowling writes their speech with

stereotypical accents.

Prior to Goblet of Fire, there is only one incident in which a non-English dialogue

can be found in the books. The incident is also relevant in quite a few places in

the plot of the books.

What incident are we talking about or who is the speaker?

Boa Constrictor saying ‘Adios Amigo’

For what specific purpose are the following spells used in the books?

Salvio Hexia

Cave inimicum

Protego totalum

Muggo repeltum

Protecting the camp while they’re on the run in Deathly Hallows

Three pairs of characters have made this particular journey. The members

of each pair satisfy a particular criterion.

The first pair is a house elf and the creator of this journey.

The second is the same house elf and his master

The third is a student and his teacher.

What journey?

Getting to the locket in the middle of the lake

Mischief managed

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