financial education: living without limits by jane frankland

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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DESCRIPTION You have the power to chase your dreams, to follow your heart and to live without limits so you can reach your full potential. And, it has never been easier to do in business than it is now. In this presentation I share my story of building a 7-figure business within 2 years, of recovering a million dollar business and then discuss why it's vital to get a handle on the relationship you have with money so you don't lose it all. I'll be touching on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the world of technology, especially social networking and spirituality. Come visit me on my website for more useful sales and marketing information for entrepreneurs who are building online businesses.


Living without Limits: Financial Educationhello@jane-frankland.comCopyright Jane Frankland, 2013

Passion Before Paycheck

YOU have the power to change the world. To live without limits…

To follow your heart …

To chase your passion …

AND to experience the rewards!



Share my story so you may learn from my lessons.

Talk to you about following your passion.

Why it’s easier for you to do than ever RIGHT NOW as business changes.

Family Values

“Do what you Love”

Change your Life!

The Trade


Lamb to the Slaughter House

Turning Point

Eish…Hakuna Matata!

The Wake Up Call

The Voice in my Head

Business is Changing

You might have noticed!

There’s an awakening going on.

We’re leading the way; we’re on the cutting edge.

Two things are happening: World driven on purpose instead of money Advancements in technology to support this

The ‘Bling Bling’ World of TodayA world suffering from illness – unable to cope

Money Makes the World Go Round

Every day we’re bombarded with messages that tell us that the good life is obtained through the goods life – MATERIALISATION.

We’ve been conditioned to think that by making lots of money we can spend it on goods that will make us happy, loved and respected.

Commercialization and consumerism reach deep into our psyches encouraging us to strive for higher salaries and own more ‘stuff.’

At What Price?

This comes at a high price of our wellbeing.

Research has shown that the more people value materialistic aspirations and goals the more unhappy they are.

Mental Illness

Drinking Dependency

Eating Disorders

Drug Abuse

Holding these values also affects our social relationships – more people are single and more family units are breaking down.

The more we’re exposed to media the more we prioritize materialistic values.

We Can Heal the WorldA Backlash against Money, Status and Image

A World Driven by Purpose

The Old Way Business seek transactions.

Controlling – my agenda; closed – task driven, selective – focused and selfish.

A job is NOT for life anymore.

There are NO guarantees.

Employees are undervalued and over worked.

Sickness and disease is increasing.

The New Way Business seeks to make a

difference/social consciousness.

Open – relationship driven; random – finding the gaps and it’s supportive – being human.

Employees are saying no to compromise.

They’re choosing lifestyle over money.

They want more control and to live more authentic lives.

They’re seeking new ways and they’re creating opportunities.


Never been greater than it is today, especially amongst women.

Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western Woman.”

So if you’re a woman, this is your time!

This is a time to rise up and contribute.

One Drop in the Ocean

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing

is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”- Mother Teresa

The Enabler is Technology

The Internet has changed everything.

Mobile technology has enabled us to do business globally AND with ease.

We’re connected.

We’re educated- about anything – at any time.

The World of Social

AND the most significant CHANGE that’s affecting business right now is SOCIAL.


We network, we connect, we share, we contribute and we support.

Business is more transparent, agile and AUTHENTIC than EVER.


While technology is the engine in this physical

world, it’s spirituality and moral principles that are the steering wheel that guide them.

Maslow’s Theory Inverted

1943 Abraham Maslow wrote his famous paper on the hierarchy of human needs.


In a world that’s disconnected, we’re seeking to belong and build communities.

So what if: Self-actualization became the most basic need for

not just the individual, but the community? People were to put things like morality and lack of

prejudice first? Would esteem, love, safety, and even food become much easier to obtain?

We promoted intrinsic values instead and built friendships and community?

Love is all you Need

Forward Thinking Brands Get This

They’re living on purpose: Barclay’s Antony Jenkins, “we don’t sell loans, we

grow companies.” He’s motivated to treat customers with ‘respect.’

Avaya, “we don’t sell video conferencing, we protect collaboration.”

Zappos, “we sell happiness.”

This is a shift from transaction to PURPOSE.

Where to StartChanging your Relationship to Money

Let Money Enter your Life

What do you love spending money on?

What do you wildly resent paying for?

What do you consider luxurious?

When, where and how are you cheap?

When, where and how are you generous?

Money: More is More

“You are the economist of what matters to you.” – Danielle LaPorte.

What do you Need Money for?

What you want money for – ‘stuff’ to own or ‘stuff’ to experience?

When you establish your purpose for money you have a rudder to help guide your purchases, investments, donations, savings etc. You also motivate yourself to get what you want.

N.B. You can only establish the purpose of money when you get CLEAR on your DESIRED LIFE. Your desired life is driven by how you want to feel.

Let Money Follow Thinking

My purpose for money was to get a farm. It provided financial stability so I’d be free to do what I loved (design), which would make me happy. That purpose drove my actions – to build a successful company.

Money enables so many of our wants to be manifested. The clearer you are on your wants, the freer you are from the mindsets and social systems that inspire greed and limited thinking.

Let the money follow the thinking.

Get Emotional about Money

How do you feel about: Your debt? Your income? Your savings? Anyone who owes you money? When you pay for experiences and outings? When you pay for groceries? When you shop for gifts? When you shop for clothes? When you shop for art, collectables or home décor?

If negative emotions show up, convert them to positive. e.g. heavy or burdened becomes grateful or opportune.

Chose 1 positive feeling and 1 action for: How you spend your money How you save your money How you give your money How you receive your money How you manage your money

If you want to feel gratitude around money, what can you do when spending money to feel gratitude?

Money: Enough is Plenty

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” – Ayn Rand

What’s the Answer?

What if…

What if I told you things could be different?

What if I told you there were no failures?

What if I told you there were ONLY guarantees of success?

What would you do then?

Live a Life without LimitsJane Frankland

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