first semester final exam

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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First Semester Final Exam. Study Guide Power Point. What are the five characteristics of civilization?. Record Keeping Specialized Workers Advanced Technology Advanced Cities Complex Institutions. What is the Dynastic Cycle?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


First Semester Final ExamStudy Guide Power Point

What are the five characteristics of civilization?

Record Keeping

Specialized Workers

Advanced Technology

Advanced Cities

Complex Institutions

What is the Dynastic Cycle?

The process of how a dynasty (family of rulers) rises, declines, and is replaced.

What river is known as China’s Sorrow?

Huang He

Ancient Egypt is protected by natural barriers formed by what?

Deserts (Sahara and Arabian)

What does the red and white Egyptian combination crown symbolize?

The Unification of upper and lower Egypt

What was the main purpose of the pyramids?

Tombs for the Pharaohs.

Who is Siddhartha Gautama?

Founder of Buddhism

What are the similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism?

Both believe in reincarnation, but Hindus believe in the caste system and Buddhists in equality

According to the Torah, who led the Hebrews out of Egypt?


How did the Phoenicians contribute to written communication?

They developed a system of writing that used symbols to represent sounds.

What is the name of the Jewish Holy Book?


How did geography influence the Greek civilizations?

Divided them politically and geographically due to Mountainous terrain and individual islands.

What type of government existed in Sparta?

Militaristic Monarcy

Who was the Greek philosopher that was condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens?


What kingdom was Alexander the Great from?


What Middle Eastern power did Alexander the Great defeat?

Persia (modern day Iran, he then married a Persian Princess and created a new culture)

What is the Pax Romana?

A period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire which lasted over 200 years.

Why as Julius Caesar assassinated?

He became too strong and declared himself dictator for l ife?

Which emperor stopped the persecution of Christians and converted to Christianity himself?


What were the Roman channels that brought water to cities and towns around the empire?


What were the Twelve Tables?

Roman code of laws

What was the Jewish Diaspora?

Roman Empire dispersed Jews to all parts of the empire because the Jews rebelled against Rome.

Who made up the Second Triumvirate?

Mark Antony, Octavian and Lepidus

Why did the Romans establish a Republic?

They overthrew a cruel Etruscan King Taquin the Harsh

What are the five Pillars of Islam?

Faith, Prayer, Alms giving, fasting/Ramadan and Pilgrimate to Mecca.

What is the Muslim Holy Book?


Who is Muhammad and what is he known for?

The last messenger of Allah who established Islam as a religion

During the Middle Ages, what was a grant of land from a Lord to a vassal called?


Who established the Carolingian Dynasty?

Charles Martel

What code were knights expected to follow?


What three people did a knight fight for?

Landlord, Lady, Lord

What was a Lord’s estate called?


Which Carolingian leader reunited Western Europe and was crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III?


What is the Muslim word for holy war?


What were two powerful punishments that the Church could use against anyone who went against the church?

Excommunication and interdict

What were the forces holding feudal society together?

Control of land in exchange for loyalty

The design of the Roman aqueducts made significant use of the architectural structure of


After the Romans drove the last Etruscan monarch from power, they established a republic, a government in which

Power rests with citizens who have the right to select their leaders

Roman rulers opposed Christianity because Christians

Would not worship Roman Gods

As a result of 207 years of Pax Romana, the

Experience Peace and prosperity

Under Roman law, all persons had what rights?

The right to receive equal treatment under the law.

The right to be punished only for actions, not thoughts

The right to be considered innocent until proven guilty

Which geographic factor had a major influence on the development of both Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations?

River Valleys

What culture had a belief system that is considered monotheistic?


…If a man has knocked at the teeth of a man of the same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out. If he has knocked out the teeth of a plebeian (commoner), he shall pay 1/3 of a mina of silver.” –Code of Hammurabi

What does this say about the punishments?

Law sometimes distinguishes between social classes.

Which belief system is most closely associated with the terms Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, and Nirvana?


Confucianism had a strong impact on the development of China mainly because this philosophy?

Provided a basis for social order

What belief system is most closely associated with the philosophy of Confucianism?

Filial Piety

The Caste System in India was characterized by

A lack of social mobility

One similarity between ancient civilizations in Egypt and in China is that they developed?

Written forms of communication

How did geography effect the Maurya and Gupta Empires in terms of expansion?

It was very limited due to the Himalayan Mountains in the North and East, as well as the Indian Ocean in the South

What is a democracy?

Citizens are the source of power in government

What ancient civilization is associated with the Twelve Tables, an extensive road system, the diffusion of Christianity, and Julius Caesar?

Roman Empire

What title/description accurately identifies Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?


What society practiced a direct democracy?


What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development?

The mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-states

One contribution of ancient Roman culture was the development of:

A Republican form of government

What leader is most closely associated to with the accomplishment of cultural diffusion in Greece?

Alexander the Great

What language was spread throughout the world by Alexander the Great?


What were the three reasons for European exploration?

Gold, God , and Glory

Who was the first European explorer to circumnavigate the world?

Ferdinand Magellan

Where did Christopher Columbus discover?

An Island in the Caribbean?

What European nation was the first to establish colonies in the New World?


What caused the sharp decline in native Indian populations in the New World?

Small pox

What is the Columbian Exchange?

The global transfer of new ideas, diseases, plans, animals and food.

In what part of the New World did the French and the English establish colonies?

North America

What was the Renaissance?

Revival of Art and Learning

What are the legacies of the Renaissance in regards to art?

1. Paintings and sculptures portrayed individuals and nature in more realistic and life like ways.

2. Artists created works that were secular as well as those that were religious.

3. The arts praised individual achievement

4.. Art drew on techniques that came from Rome/Greece

What are the legacies of the Renaissance in regards to society? 1. Printing changed society by making more

information available and inexpensive enough at large.

2. Published accounts of new discoveries, maps, and charts led to further discoveries in a variety of fields.

3. Published legal proceedings make the laws clear so that people were more likely to understand their rights.

4. People began to question political structures and religious practices.

What term is referred to as a movement of religious reform?


Egyptian form of writing?


Land between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that is very fertile farm land

Fertile Crescent

An exchange of ideas and products from one culture to another

Cultural diffusion

In ancient Rome, a member of the wealthy, privileged upper class


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