first united methodist church of ontario may 2018

Post on 05-Jun-2022






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I S S U E :

From the Pastor 1

Mark Your Calendar

Dates of Interest 2



Camp Wrightwood 4


New Hope

All in the Family



Worship Leaders /

Calendar - Insert

First United Methodist Church of Ontario MAY 918 N. Euclid Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 2018

Dear Church,

I have to make a confession. I really like Christmas and Easter, but neither of

these days is my favorite holiday in the church. My favorite church holiday is…

PENTECOST! While I grew up wearing red to church on Pentecost Sunday with the

occasional balloon, Pentecost didn’t really become a big deal for me until I became a

leader in the church. Because Pentecost was the day God empowered us to do God’s

work in the world. My work as a minister of the Gospel, and our work together in the

priesthood of all believers, would be moot without the events of Pentecost.

While the story of the rushing wind, speaking in tongues, and wild flames is

memorable, we lose something when we stop reading before Peter starts talking. The

flames and wind are evidence of God’s work, but Peter’s sermon and the actions of the

new church immediately after are the examples of what it means to be God’s people,

empowered by the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2:14-40 Peter preaches the story of God’s

salvation, responding to chaos and confusion with words of hope. How many of us are

prepared to “speak to the hope that is within” us (1 Peter 3:15)? That is why we have

been reviewing the basics of our faith in this Easter season. So that when the day of

Pentecost arrives, we are ALL able to speak confidently of our faith.

Then something even more amazing happens. Three thousand people are led to

baptism. For context, last year we had two baptisms in our congregation, 160 baptisms in

the East District, and 887 baptisms across the entire Cal-Pac Conference. At that rate it

would take us nearly 4 years as a conference to grow the church as much as Peter did in

one day. And it’s NOT because most people in Southern California and Hawaii are

already baptized. It’s because we are not proclaiming the hope that is within us. We are

not inviting people into new life in Christ. We are not using the gift of the Holy Spirit

God bestowed upon us on the day of Pentecost. We have a lot of work to do, friends.

Of the whole story, my favorite part comes in verses 42-47, because in six

verses, we are able to see the best model for the life of the church: learning, community,

shared meals, prayer, joyful worship, humility, and charity. When we began Open Space

Bible Study, the small group portion of our young adult ministry, we read this passage at

the beginning of each meeting, to remind ourselves of the community we were trying to

become. And I am proud to report that community is growing. We will receive new

members into this congregation because of the commitment of Open Space to this image

of the church. This image of the church is not about politics, curriculum, or doctrine.

It’s about being human together, sharing in God’s grace, and giving of ourselves so that

others may live. And that has proven attractive to the young people in the Ontario

Community. It’s so attractive we are preparing to share the model with three other

churches in the Inland Empire and Los Angeles! What would our world look like if

every church modeled their behavior on Acts 2:43-47?

That’s the invitation of Pentecost. That’s the celebration of Pentecost. And that’s

why it’s my favorite church holiday. Because more than any other holy day, Pentecost is

a celebration that we are partners in God’s work, empowered by God’s Spirit, capable of

changing lives and transforming the world, if we would only say yes to the invitation.

Happy Pentecost,

-Pastor Blair

The Holy Spirit

Comes at Pentecost

When the day

of Pentecost came,

they were all together

in one place. Suddenly a sound

like the blowing of a

violent wind

came from heaven

and filled the

whole house where they

were sitting.

They saw what seemed

to be tongues of fire

that separated

and came to rest on

each of them. All of them were filled

with the Holy Spirit

and began to speak in

other tongues as

the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)


Music Note

Hello First United Methodist of Ontario!

We are in the season of Easter and we couldn't be more excited to

celebrate our Lord's resurrection through music. We've got some exciting

anthems coming your way, including a wonderful spiritual called "Ain't Got

Time to Die" by notable composer, Hal Johnson. Another anthem in May will feature a piece by French

composer Charles Gounod titled "Holy, Holy, Holy" on May 20th in celebration of Pentecost Sunday.

We are looking for more singers for our Pentecost Party! If you'd like to perform a song or two for

our event, please email me as soon as possible at Join us for an afternoon of

singing, worship, and fun!

We are always looking for new choir members to join the music ministry. We've welcomed new

members and guest singers, however, we need YOU to join us! Our congregation values music and we as

the choir are leaders in worship. We meet every Tuesday evening from 7-8:30pm and Sunday morning from

9:45-10:15am in the Choir Room. Come join the experience and learn a new skill: singing!


Church Town Hall Meeting May 6th Following Worship

The Governance Board would like to invite all members of the church

community to a Town Hall Meeting on May 6th to hear about the present

reality of our congregation. After the "Looking Around" meeting of the Board

on April 14th, we realized a need to inform the congregation about our present

reality and begin receiving feedback on our future options.

A taco bar will be served for lunch and all are welcome to attend. The presenta-

tion will begin immediately following worship. If you can not be present on May

6th, we will hold another Town Hall Meeting with the same information on June 3rd. Mark your calendars and

plan to attend these important conversations.

We have been given the honor to

host the reception for

our District Superintendent,

Rev. Jan Wiley.

On May 12th

immediately following the

District Conference.

Rev. Wiley will be retiring

July 1st and celebrating

37 years in ministry.

To be ready to celebrate and for

the meeting we need YOUR help.

There is a job for everyone – from

the parking lot, to welcoming with

a smile, to helping in the kitchen,

setting up tables, cleaning after

everyone leaves to be ready

for Sunday Worship.

I will have a sign up sheet on

Sundays or email me

to let me know you can help.

Kathy Meier

Friday Fun Night Potluck

Dinner and a Movie

Join the fun and fellowship

on Friday, May 18th

at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

(Please bring a dish to share.)

Ontario Heritage


First UMC has been

invited to host a booth at

this year’s Ontario

Heritage Celebration!

The event will take place

on the evening of Wednesday, May 16th from 5-9pm at

the Ontario Town Square. MALO, the Tongan Cultural

group which meets at First UMC, will be featured

performers, along with many other Ontario favorites!

We need volunteers to plan and run our booth to

represent FUMCO’s place in the heritage of the City of


If you are interested, please contact Pastor Blair.


Celebrating our Graduates

We are proud to have two graduates in our congregation this year.

Choir Director Sarah Alonzo will graduate with a

Masters of Music in Choral Conducting from

Azusa Pacific University on May 5th at 9:30am.

Adaeze “Ada” Okeiyi will graduate from

California State University, Los Angeles with a

Bachelor of Science in Biology on May 24th at 8:30am.

We will celebrate both of our graduates on Pentecost Sunday, May 20th, in worship and with a reception after

the service. Congratulations to Sarah and Ada!

Open Space Inland


This shared ministry

with Upland First UMC

continues to grow! We

had over 20 attendees

at our last two monthly

gatherings! We are in

conversations with two

other mission areas to

replicate the model in

new locations.

THANK YOU for your continued prayers and support

for this blossoming ministry. Open Space continues to

have weekly Bible Study at 6:30 on Wednesdays. The

May Monthly Gathering will be May 22nd at 7pm.

The topic will be “Endings and Beginnings”. While

the group is designed for young adults ages 18-35, any

who are craving brave conversations about faith in

modern life are invited to attend.

Let’s Celebrate on Saturday May 26th,, 5:00 pm till dawn. !

Chikezie & Prisca Okeiyi and family cordially invite you

to our daughter, Adaeze Okeiyi’s Graduation Celebration

from California State University, Los Angeles, with a B.Sc. In Biology.

Address: 1015 E. Bermuda Dunes St., Ontario, California 91761.

RSVP: 909-215-8860 (Prisca)

Pentecost Party

On April 23, 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist

Episcopal Church formally joined to create the United Methodist Church. That

means our denomination celebrated its 50th birthday this year! This anniversary

calls for some festivities! We will be hosting a Pentecost Party to honor 50 years

of United Methodism on the day we celebrate the birthday of the first church.

United Methodist congregations in our area have been invited to join us for a

picnic and open air worship on May 20th from 6-8pm. There will be hotdogs,

popcorn, games, music presented from various area choirs, a hymn sing, and a

guest speaker. Let Pastor Blair know if you are willing to help out, and invite

your friends and neighbors to this summer celebration!

Loaves and Fishes Dinner

Friday, April 25th at 6:00 p.m.

Our church family is asked to contribute cookies

and join us in serving the meal.

May 27th

Hymn Sing

We’ll be having two

opportunities to sing

your favorite hymns in

the month of May.

There will be a hymn sing as a part of the

Pentecost Party on May 20th,

and in worship on Sunday May 27th.

Fill out the orange request slips available

in the back of the sanctuary to make sure

your favorite hymn is included!


FUMCO Church Christian Library

The Library is open on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

and during our Church Fellowship from 11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Mrs. Ella E. Lewis-Coker, FUMC Librarian

Memorial Day is Monday, May 28th

The custom of honoring ancestors by cleaning cemeteries and decorating

graves is an ancient and worldwide tradition, but the specific origin of

Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as it was first known, are unclear.

In early rural America, this duty was usually performed in late summer and

was an occasion for family reunions and picnics. After the Civil War,

America’s need for a secular, patriotic ceremony to honor its military dead

became prominent, as monuments to fallen soldiers were erected and

dedicated, and ceremonies centering on the decoration of soldiers’ graves

were held in towns and cities throughout the nation. After World War I, the day expanded to honor those who

have died in all American wars. No less than 25 places have been named in connection with the origin of

Memorial Day, and states observed the holiday on different dates. In 1971, Memorial Day became a national

holiday by an act of Congress; it is now celebrated on the last Monday in May. - The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Annual All-Church Rummage Sale

Friday, June 1st & Saturday, June 2nd

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

We will be setting up the Fellowship Hall on

Tuesday, May 29th, Wednesday, May 30th & Thursday, May 31st,

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Please bring your rummage that week or

call Tungie Lewis-Coker at 951-897-0559 for pick up.

Volunteers are needed to make this happen!! Please let Charlene Guest know if you can help.

Save the Date! Summer Family Festival is Coming!

We will have a weekend-long intergenerational camp experience this sum-

mer with stories and lessons

from the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Our Summer

Festival will take place Friday evening June 29th,

all day Saturday June 30th, and close with a Sunday celebration on July 1st.

Contact the church office to volunteer with planning, or to get on our family ministries mailing list for up-

coming dates on other opportunities for intergenerational faith experiences.

Governance Board Meeting June 9th

Our next quarterly meeting of the Governance Board will be on Saturday,

June 9th from 9am-3pm. These are long but powerful days of prayer,

reflection and planning for the work our congregation. This meeting

will focus on “Looking Forward” as we set our direction for our church

in the next year. All are welcome to attend and bring their input for the

planning sessions of the day. Lunch is planned, so please RSVP to

Pastor Blair if you plan to attend.


Half Scholarships available from the church,

talk to Pastor Blair for more information.

PAGE 6 NEW HOPE PROJECT April 24, 2018

To the Members and Friends of First UMC,

I write to inform you that on April 14, 2018, the Governance Board of First UMC voted to discontinue

providing ministry space for the New Hope Project of Mariposa Community Services. This decision was

made after painstaking reflection over the last two years on the capacity of the Church, limitations of our

congregation, and hope for new growth and vision. In order to grow, an organization must periodically prune

projects, programs, and partnerships that are no longer feasible to support. The Governance Board has

determined that continuing to support the New Hope Project within our facilities is no longer sustainable or

compatible with the future ministry and vision of First UMC.

The New Hope Project moved into the Education Building in February of 2010. They were given

access to nine rooms at the North end of the lower level at no cost and under the Property Insurance Liability

of the Church. New Hope has paid their portion of electrical utilities and a voluntary $200 monthly donation

to the Church. Unfortunately, this voluntary donation has not covered the increased cost of water usage by

New Hope, nor the repairs for wear and tear on the building.

For many years, clients of New Hope were respectful of the property. In the last several years, the

nature of the client population of New Hope and the general population of those sleeping on the

streets in our neighborhood has shifted. Individuals are now more likely to be chronically homeless1 than

they were when the ministry arrived.2 This population is harder to serve, due to the disabling conditions they

experience. While we are known in the community as “the homeless church”, the evaluations of our capacity

over the last several years have not shown the presence of skills that are particularly helpful in serving those

experiencing homelessness. For New Hope to be successful in its mission, it needs more support from our

congregation than we are able to provide.

Our congregation is in a point of transition. We are finding that our budget is insufficient to care for

our building and continue to provide quality spiritual resources to our community. In addition to regular

maintenance which has been deferred, we have been faced with over $15,000 in repairs caused by vandalism

in the last 9 months. While we would like to believe New Hope is not directly related to this increase in

vandalism, we know for certain many clients of New Hope are responsible for some of the damage.

Additionally, our leadership roster is not very large, and the majority of our leaders have skill for working

with children and families. This work can often be in conflict with ministry with the homeless. At this point

in our church’s life together, we need to play to our strengths, not our weaknesses.

The relationship with New Hope will formally end on June 30, 2018. We will continue to host Loaves

and Fishes Dinners in partnership with Mariposa Community Services (the umbrella organization over New

Hope, the dinners, and other ministries). We hope to celebrate the work of New Hope in worship on June 3

and honor their dedicated volunteers for their many years of service. While times of change often bring

moments of grief, we are excited about the future of First UMC Ontario. Feel free to bring any questions

to me or members of the Governance Board as we all process this change.


Rev. Blair Trygstad Stowe

Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Ontario

1Chronically homeless describes an “individual with a disabling condition who has been continuously

homeless for a year or more, or an unaccompanied individual with a disabling condition who has had

at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three year,” according to the U.S. Department of

Housing and Urban Development.

2 A change from 7% of the homeless population identified as chronic in 2011 to 37% of the homeless

population in 2017, as identified by the San Bernardino County Homeless Counts from those years.


May Flowers

5/6 open - please sign up

5/13 in memory of Shirley Odom & Norma Deem by the Deems

5/13 in memory of Norma Milhiser by the Milhiser’s

5/20 in honor of Evan Hall’s birthday by Linda Hall

5/27 open - please sign up

Thank you to Lynn Boshart

and her helpers for the beautiful

arrangements every Sunday!!

If you would like to honor or remember

a special person with flowers

on a Sunday morning,

please let the church office know.

Please Pray for . . .

+ Birth: Congratulations to Alisa Soakai on the birth of her baby Eleni Wheatley Siale Aron Soakai

+ God’s grace and healing: John Baernstein, Liz Bledsoe, Lynn Boshart, Ethel Bremer, Ethel & William

Barcus, Gladys Barton, Katherine Boyce, Sarla & Joseph Chowhan, Connie DeWeese, Shirley & Don

Dragovich and their daughter Deana Regalbuto, Becky & Bill Ewing, Meredith Freeman & her son Michael,

Warren Goode, Barbara & Dick Grossklas, Trish Halacy, Julieta Housley, Gary Knox, Rick Meier, Chikezie

Okeiyi Sr., Phyllis St. John and her son Paul & her sister-in-law Avis Martin, Randy Schlosser, Veiongo

Soakai, Kathy Anderson’s daughter Julia Kane, Karen Britten’s son TSgt Jason Britten, US Air Force

stationed in Qatar, Claudia Cook’s mother Elsie, Becky Ewing’s brother Bill Vance and her nephew’s

father-in-law Jerry Barnett, the Ewing’s friend Becky Hackler Arellano, Aisea Fonua’s brother and family,

aunt and cousin, Atelaite Fonua’s father Tuiemoana Pouli, Christine Fuimaono’s friend Alicia Zavala and

her family, Tabitha Green’s stepfather Dwight Nielsen, Charlene Guest’s nephew Wesley Copple, the

Guest’s neighbor Gloria Lee, Trish Halacy’s sister Ada Boyce, her son Joe & daughter-in-law Julie

Rudinski, the Hill’s grandsons Benjamin & Zander & their son-in-law Ryan Tourtillott, the Kinley’s nephew

Aaron Kinley, Gary Knox’s grandson Nicolas Medina & his family, Kathy Meier’s daughter-in-law Captain

Jennifer Meier, US Army stationed in Virginia, the Schlosser’s friend Dennis Georg, Ronny Taylor’s friends

baby Kennedy Blalock, Those traveling

+ Cancer therapy: Jim Deem, Kathleen Jochimsen, Ed Sutliff, Anne Syrja, Dave VanFleet, the Boshart’s

friends Mark Ivy, Craig Johnston, Denise Wampole & Marcia Lentz’s brother, former member Jim Drown,

Charlene Guest’s cousins MaryAnn Ogden & Nancy Rembac, Ron Hermison’s

sister Rhonda, the Housley’s sister-in-law Kathy & their friends Daniel Aguiar &

Taylor Dockins, Matthew Pankratz-Ruiz’ Godmother Laura Greenwood & his

friend Ethan Helms, the Schlosser’s friend Martin Arambula

+ Mourning: Lisa Leslie on the passing of her grandparents.

The Gehley family on the passing of Larry Gehley.

+ Around the world: Prayers for all the people affected by natural disasters,

tragedy & acts of violence. For those who are hungry. Prayers that we work

together for justice, peace and reconciliation in the world.

Want a T-Shirt? T-shirts will be available after worship in the Fellowship Hall

and orders will be taken for sizes not available.

If special ordered, they can be long sleeve and short sleeve

in men, women and kid sizes. OR,

contact Steve Davis by email to order at

May Birthdays

Cyndi VanFleet - 3

Jack Cunningham - 11

Mindy Fonua - 11

Chikezie Okeiyi Jr. - 14

Evan Hall - 20

If you would like to have your birthday or

anniversary in the Beam

please let the church office know.

First United Methodist Church

of Ontario 918 N. Euclid Ave.,

Ontario, CA 91762-2320


Office Email:

Church Office Hours:

9:00-12:00; 1:00–3:00 p.m.

Monday thru Friday

Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Blair Trygstad Stowe Lead Pastor

Sarah Alonzo Choir Director

Chris Preiksaitis Organist

Cathy Speaks Church Office

Pamela Salgado Wedding Coordinator

Laura Cunningham Wedding Assistant

Keep up to date thru our website

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram

Happy Mother’s Day

May 13th

She is clothed with strength and dignity;

she can laugh at the days to come.

She speaks with wisdom,

and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:25-26

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