fitness tree bodyweight exercise manual · fitness tree office: 56 main street, lambley nottingham...

Post on 08-May-2020






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Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Fitness Tree Bodyweight Exercise


Core Conditioning &

Functional Fitness


Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Fitness Tree Bodyweight Training

Fitness Tree’s Bodyweight exercises manual offers accessible outdoor fitness for all. The exercises can be easily modified to challenge any fitness level due to the Fitness Trees moveable attachment opening up a whole host of exercise alternatives. Adding extra repetitions, performing the exercises faster or super-slow, and perfecting form are other ways to make even the simplest exercise more challenging. Progress is easy to measure, since bodyweight exercises offer endless ways to do a little more in each workout. Bodyweight exercises get results partly because they often involve numerous joints and muscles working together. These compound exercises such as push-ups, lunges and chin-ups have been shown to be extremely effective for strength gains and performance improvements. The results from bodyweight training are amplified even more because of the core strength it also develops.

You should consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. If you choose to follow the Fitness Tree exercises without consulting your Doctor, you are doing so at your own risk. We claim no responsibility for any injuries you

might sustain.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Arm Support Knee Raise

Work the Abdominal muscles. Biceps, Triceps and Shoulders work isometrically

Start Position Pin the attachment midway down the Fitness Tree. Hold the attachment bars at the side of the hips. Lift yourself into position by straightening arms and keeping shoulders pulled back.

Movement Position While keeping the upper body in a stable position lift your knees towards the chest by flexing through the hip and bending at the knees. Lower the knees back to the start position. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Tree Sit Knee Raise

Work the Hip flexors and Lower abdominals. Isometrically work the Quadriceps &


Start Position Set the attachment above the head. With one leg bent at right angles straighten the other leg at the knee resting the heel on the floor with the foot flexed. At the same time place your back against the Fitness Tree and hold on with your hands.

Movement Position Keeping your bent leg in a static position slowly bend and raise the straight leg upwards so that the thigh comes towards the chest. Return back to the ground and repeat on the same side for set number of repetitions before changing and working the other leg.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Wide Grip Pull Up

Work the Lattisimus Dorsi and Biceps

Start Position Set the attachment towards the top of the Fitness Tree. Step up and grasp the attachment bars with a wide overhand grip.

Movement Position Pull the body upward until the chin is above the bar. Slowly lower body until arms and shoulders are fully extended as in the start position. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Overhead Tricep Extension

Work the Triceps

Start Position Set the attachment lower down the Fitness Tree. With an overhand grip hold one arm of the attachment with both hands about hip width apart. Step both feet back so that your body is at about a 60 degree angle with the floor whilst keeping the arms straight. Core is contracted tight to protect the back.

Movement Position Keep your body straight but bend at the elbows and lower your head below the attachment arm. Keep the elbows tucked in throughout the movement phase. Now push the body back up to the start position by using the triceps and straightening the arms out.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Supported Pistol Squat

Work the major muscle groups in the legs to include Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus

Maximus & Calves.

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately hip height. Stand with arms extended out in front holding on to the attachment for support. Balance on one leg with opposite leg extended straight out in front of the body.

Movement Position Squat down as far as possible while keeping elevated leg straight out in front and off the floor. Keep back straight throughout the movement. Raise body back up to original position until knee and hip of supporting leg is straight. Return and repeat. Continue with opposite leg.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Close Grip Pull Up

Work the Lattisimus Dorsi & Biceps

Start Position Set the attachment towards the top of the Fitness Tree. Step up and grasp one side of the attachment with hands placed shoulder width apart with an underhand.

Movement Position Pull body up until the elbows are at the side of the body. Lower body until the arms and shoulders are fully extended as in the start position. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Wide Grip Inverted Row

Work the Lattisimus Dorsi and Biceps

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately hip height from the floor of the Fitness Tree. Lie on your back under attachment. Grasp the bar with a wide overhand grip keeping the legs in a straight position and tightening the core muscles.

Movement Position With the body in a straight position from heel to head throughout the movement, pull the body towards the attachment bar until the elbows are at 90 degrees. Return until arms are extended. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Hanging Leg Raise

Work the Abdominals and lower back

Start Position Set the attachment bar towards the top of the Fitness Tree. Hold the attachment bars and hang with a slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip.

Movement Position With legs straight raise them by flexing at the hips. Keeping the back and legs straight throughout the movement bring the toes in line with hips. Return until hips are extended downward. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Tricep Dips

Work the Triceps and Pectorals

Start Position Set the attachment at around lower chest level on the Fitness Tree. Keeping the arms straight mount the attachment bar with hands positioned just wider than shoulder width apart.

Movement Position Keeping elbows pulled in towards the body throughout the movement lower the body until the arms are 90 degrees at the elbows. Push body up until arms are straight. Repeat

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Pike Shoulder Press

Work Deltoidss & Triceps

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately hip height. Stand between the Fitness Tree attachment and place hands on the floor wider than shoulder width apart. Place feet on the centre of the attachment and straighten arms. At the same time raise the hips and straighten the legs to create a 90 degree angle between the upper and lower body.

Movement Position Lower the head towards the ground by bending at the elbows. Push body back up to original position by extending arms. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Single Leg Lunge

Work Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps and Hamstrings

Start Position Set the attachment low on the Fitness Tree. One leg is extended behind you on the Fitness Tree attachment. Make sure the front foot remains in line with the body with toes pointing directly forward.

Movement Position Lower the body by flexing both knees. Ensure that the knee remains behind the toes on the front foot. Push up through the front foot and extend the knee to bring you back to the start position. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Incline Press Up

Works the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

Start Position Set the attachment according to how difficult you want to make the exercise. The higher the attachment the easier it is. Face the Fitness Tree and place hands on the grips of the attachment bars. Make sure the body and arms are in a straight position.

Movement Position

Keep the body straight throughout the exercise. Lower the chest towards the floor by bending at the elbows. As the chest comes in line with the bar push the body up until arms are extended as in start position. Keep the hips in line with the heels and shoulders by tightening the core muscles. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Straight Bar Dips

Work the Triceps, Pectorals, Deltoids and Abdominals

Start Position Set the attachment bar just above hip height on the Fitness Tree. Place the hands on one bar of the attachment within a few inches width of the hips. Mount the bar and straighten the arms.

Movement Position

Lower the body and lean forward over the bar allowing the legs to come forward to keep the body in balance. Aim to touch the chest to the bar before straightening at the elbows to come back into the start position whilst keeping the elbows as tight to the body as possible. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Supported Tricep Dips

Work the Triceps

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately knee height to the floor on the Fitness Tree. Position hands hip width apart along one of the attachment bars. Extend the legs out in front keeping them straight. Straighten the arms keeping a slight bend at the elbows.

Movement Position

Slowly bend the elbows and lower the body toward the floor until the elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Keep the back close to the attachment bar and the elbows in. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bar to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Decline Press Ups

Work the Pectorals, Shoulders and Triceps

Start Position Set the attachment bar at approximately knee height to the floor on the Fitness Tree. Place the toes against the Fitness Tree attachment. Place the hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart on the floor. Keep the hips in line with the heels and shoulders by tightening the core muscles.

Movement Position

Lower the chest towards the floor by bending at the elbows. As the forehead comes close to the ground push the body up until the arms are extended. Keep the hips in line with the heels and shoulders by tightening the core muscles throughout the movement. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Hanging Hamstring Curl

Work the Hamstring

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately legs length from the floor of the Fitness Tree. Lie flat on your back and hold the attachment bars with both hands. Make sure the shoulders are aligned with the hands. Lift the hips, straighten the legs and dig the heels into the ground.

Movement Position

Tighten the glutes and curl your body with the hamstrings while flexing the knees towards the heels. The shoulders will come forward from the bar as the knees finish at a 90 degree angle. Slowly bring shoulders back in line with the bar whilst straightening the legs.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Muscle Up

Work all major upper body muscles as well as the core muscles

Start Position Set the attachment bar towards the top of the Fitness Tree. Hang from the attachment bar with a false grip (thumbs on top the bar, not around).

Movement Position 1

Pull yourself up bringing the chin towards the bar before rolling your chest over the bar as a transition from a pull-up to a dip position.

Movement Position 2

Press your hands down and drive your body upwards (the dip). Return to start position by slowly bending the elbows and bringing the chin down towards the bar. Loosen your hand grip and straighten the arms to arrive back in the start position.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Behind the Back Bicep Curl

Work Biceps

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately hip height on the Fitness Tree. Hold onto one of the attachment bars with an overhand grip, so the hands are positioned to the sides of the hips behind the back and the arm is at a 90 degree angle at the elbows. Lean forward slightly and find an appropriate body angle to distribute weight through the middle of the foot.

Movement Position

Straighten the arms and lean forwards slowly maintaining a straight position throughout the body. Return to the start position by bending at the elbow and bring the body back towards the attachment bar. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Single Leg Calf Raise

Work Gastrocnemius & Soleus

Start Position Set the attachment as low as possible on the Fitness Tree. Place the toes and balls of one foot on the cross member of the attachment with the arch and heel extended off. Hold on to the Fitness Tree while standing straight.

Movement Position

Raise the heel of the foot on the cross member by extending the ankles high as possible. At this point slowly lower the heel by bending the ankle until the calf is stretched. Repeat on the same leg for set number of repetitions before changing legs.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Close Grip Press Up

Work the Triceps, Pectorals and Deltoids

Start Position Set the attachment as low as possible on the Fitness Tree. Place hands along one bar no wider than shoulder width apart. Place the toes on the floor and assure the body is positioned straight from heel to head.

Movement Position

Lower the body towards the bar until the chest brushes the bar. The elbows should go down and back and not flare out to the sides. Push back up to the starting position before repeating.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Hip Raise

Work the Gluteus Maximus and Hamstrings

Start Position Set the attachment as low as possible on the Fitness Tree. Lie on back with the knees bent and the feet resting on one of the attachment bars. Place arms out to the sides. Brace the core and squeeze the glutes in tightly.

Movement Position

Raise the hips so that the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Pause for 4-5 seconds while continuing to brace the core and squeeze the glutes before lowering the hips back into the starting position. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Single Leg Hip Raise

Work the Gluteus Maximus and Hamstrings

Start Position Set the attachment as low as possible on the Fitness Tree. Lie face up bend the left leg and place it on the bar. Place arms out by the side. Straighten the right leg. Brace the core and squeeze the glutes in tightly throughout the exercise.

Movement Position Push the hips upward keeping the right leg elevated and straight.

Raise the hips so that the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Pause for 4-5 seconds then slowly lower body and leg back to starting position. Repeat on same before swapping legs.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Supported Squat

Work the Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus & Calves.

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately hip height on the Fitness Tree. Hold on to either side of the bar. The feet should be hip width apart and toes pointing forward throughout the movement.

Movement Position

Slowly squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair. By holding on to the attachment you are able to aid the lift phase by pulling yourself up with both the arms and legs. Adjust the amount of work you place on the legs by the depth that you go and the amount of pull you make with the arms.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Arm support Leg Raise

Work the Abdominal muscles. Biceps, Triceps and Deltoids work isometrically

Start Position Pin the attachment midway down the Fitness Tree. Hold the attachment bar at the side of the hips. Lift yourself into position by straightening arms and keeping shoulders pulled back.

Movement Position

With legs straight raise them by flexing at the hips and engaging the core muscles of the stomach. Keep the legs straight throughout the movement and bring the toes in line with hips. Return until hips are extended downward. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Hanging Knee Raise

Work the Abdominal muscles.

Start Position Set the attachment towards the top of the Fitness Tree. Hold the attachment bars and hang with a slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip.

Movement Position With legs straight raise them by flexing at the hips. Keeping the legs straight throughout the movement bring the toes in line with hips. Return until hips are extended downward. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Inverted Bicep Curl

Work the Biceps

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately your leg length from the floor of the Fitness Tree. Lie on back under one arm of the attachment. Hold the bar with close underhand grip keeping the legs in a straight position and tightening the core muscles. Dig heels into the ground.

Movement Position Keeping the body in a straight line from heel to head throughout the movement, bend the elbows and pull the forehead towards the attachment bar whilst keeping the elbows tucked in to the side of the body. Return until arms are extended. Repeat.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Tuck Sit Holds

Work the Abdominal and Hip Flexor muscles. Biceps, Triceps and shoulders work


Guide Set the attachment bar at a low height on the Fitness Tree. Hold the attachment bar at the side of the hips and tuck both legs up to the chest and hold. Brace the core muscles and lift yourself into position by straightening arms and keeping shoulders pulled back. Maintain the position for as long as possible.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

L Seat Holds

Work the core, abdominal and Hip Flexor muscles. Biceps, Triceps and Deltoids work


Guide Set the attachment at approximately you legs length from the floor of the Fitness Tree. Hold the attachment bar at the side of the hips placing your legs straight out in front. Brace the core and lift yourself into position by straightening arms and keeping shoulders pulled back. Keep the legs straight holding them parallel to the ground. Maintain the position for as long as possible.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

L Seat Tucks

Work the core, abdominal muscles. Arms and shoulders work isometrically

Start Position Hold the attachment bar at the side of the hips placing your legs straight out in front. Brace your core muscles and lift yourself into position by straightening arms and keeping the shoulders pulled back.

Movement Position Slowly bring both legs up to the chest to form the tuck position. Hold for 3 seconds before slowly returning the legs into the ‘L’ sit position. Again hold for 3 seconds in this position before repeating.

Innovative Exercise Stations

Tel: 07956 406585 Email: Website:

Fitness Tree Office: 56 Main Street, Lambley Nottingham NG4 4PP

Bent Knee Inverted Row

Work the Lattisimus Dorsi, Biceps and Abdominals

Start Position Set the attachment at approximately your legs length from the floor of the Fitness Tree. Lie on your back under the attachment. Grasp the bar with wide overhand grip. Bend your legs at the knee to create a 90 degree angle and tighten the core muscles.

Movement Position Keeping the hips high throughout the movement, pull the body up towards the attachment bar. Return until arms are extended. Repeat.

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