floquet fulde-ferrell-larkin-ovchinnikov superfluids and...

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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 91, 063626 (2015)

Floquet Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superfluids and Majorana fermions in a shakenfermionic optical lattice

Zhen Zheng,1,2,* Chunlei Qu,1,* Xubo Zou,2 and Chuanwei Zhang1,†1Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas 75080, USA

2Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, People’s Republic of China(Received 11 November 2014; revised manuscript received 27 March 2015; published 22 June 2015)

Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superfluids, Cooper pairings with finite momentum, and Majoranafermions (MFs), quasiparticles with non-Abelian exchange statistics, are two topics under intensive investigationin the past several decades, but unambiguous experimental evidence for them has not been found yet. Herewe show that the recent experimentally realized shaken optical lattice provides a pathway to realize FFLOsuperfluids and MFs. By tuning the shaking frequency and amplitude, various couplings between the s and p

orbitals of the lattice (called the pseudospins) can be generated. We show that the combination of the s- andp-band dispersion inversion, the engineered pseudospin coupling, and the on-site attractive interaction naturallyallows the observation of FFLO superfluids as well as MFs in different parameter regions.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.063626 PACS number(s): 03.75.Ss, 03.65.Vf, 74.20.Fg


Optical lattices for ultracold atoms provide a genericplatform for quantum simulation of various condensed-matterphenomena because of their precise control of the systemparameters and the lack of disorder [1]. In a static opticallattice, the Bloch bands are well separated by large energygaps and usually only one orbital band plays a dominaterole in the static and dynamical properties of ultracold atoms[2–10]. Recently, the experimentally realized shaken opticallattices have opened a completely different avenue for studyingthe physics originating from the coupling between differentorbital bands induced by the lattice shaking [11]. It wasshown in experiment that the hybridization of the s-band andp-band of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a shakenlattice can cause a change of the energy dispersion from aparabolic to a double-well structure, yielding a paramagneticto ferromagnetic phase transition [11–13]. More generally,by varying the shaking parameters, various couplings betweendifferent Bloch bands can be engineered to implement artificialgauge fields for cold atoms, yielding exciting exotic physics[14,15] such as the recent experimental observation of thetopological Haldane model and the associated anomalous Halleffect [16].

In this article we investigate superfluid phases emergingfrom the coupling between the lowest two Bloch bands (sand p bands) in a shaken fermionic optical lattice. The s andp orbitals are considered as two pseudospins whose energydispersions are inverted, in contrast to the same dispersion forusual spins. We show that such inverted band dispersions,together with on-site interactions between atoms on the s

and p bands, provide a natural way to realize the long-sought Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superfluids[17,18]. Because of the inverted band dispersion, the FFLOstate becomes the natural ground state of the system with afixed FFLO momentum. Such an inverted-band-induced FFLOpairing mechanism has not been thoroughly explored before

*These authors contributed equally to this work.†chuanwei.zhang@utdallas.edu

and is completely different from the well-known Zeeman field[17–21] or asymmetric band dispersion [22–27] mechanisms,where the FFLO momentum is continuously tunable by theexternal Zeeman field.

When the shaking frequency and amplitude are tuned tocertain regimes, the coupling between the two pseudospinsmay depend on the lattice quasimomentum, analogous to theartificial spin-orbit coupling (SOC) [28–32]. However, be-cause of the inverted-band dispersions of the two pseudospins,such coupling opens a band gap in the energy spectrum,instead of shifting band dispersions of different spins inthe artificial SOC [28–32]. Therefore, the system behaveslike a topological insulator (TI) [33,34] without interactionand supports topological edge states in the band gap. Withmany-body interaction, we show that there is a quantumphase transition from FFLO to BCS superfluids with theincreasing SOC. The BCS superfluid is topological in mostparameter regions and supports Majorana fermions (MFs)that are localized at the lattice boundaries [35,36]. Moreinterestingly, the topological BCS superfluids and MFs mayutilize the conduction or valence bands of such a TI, insteadof the edge states inside the band gap that are commonly usedin previous TI-based schemes for MFs [37].


We first consider a degenerate spinless Fermi gas trappedin a three-dimensional (3D) optical lattice. The shaking of thelattice is along the x direction [11], yielding a periodicallymodulating potential

V = Vx cos2[kLx + f cos(ωt)] +∑i=y,z

Vi cos2(kLri), (1)

where Vi (i = x,y,z) are the lattice depths, kL = π/a, a isthe lattice spacing that is set as the length unit, and f andω are the shaking amplitude and frequency, respectively. Theenergy dispersions of the static Bloch bands can be shifted byn�ω (n is an arbitrary integer) due to the shaking, formingthe new Floquet bands. The shaking also couples two closeFloquet or static bands, leading to gaps in the energy spectrum,

1050-2947/2015/91(6)/063626(9) 063626-1 ©2015 American Physical Society


FIG. 1. (Color online) Single-particle band structure of theshaken lattice with (a) one-photon coupling � = 0.3ts and (b)two-photon coupling α = 1.0ts and Zeeman field h = 0.3ts . Theband dispersions without coupling are shown as thin lines. The colorsrepresent the band compositions of each momentum state. The orangesolid circles denote the preferred Cooper pairings.

as illustrated in Fig. 1. Note that when the frequency �ω isclose to the energy gap between s- and p-orbital bands, thehigher-orbital bands are involved only through a multiphotonprocess, which contributes a very small correction. Therefore,we here focus on the lowest s and p bands. Because the shakingis along the x direction, only the px band can be coupled withthe s band and atoms stay at the s band along the other twodirections. When �ω is tuned close to the band gap �g of thestatic lattices, the s-orbital state can absorb an energy of �ω

and couple with the px-orbital state. Such a one-photon processcoupling strength is denoted by �, which can be approximatedas a constant [38]. If 2�ω ∼ �g , the s-orbital band is shiftedupward by the two-photon energy 2�ω to couple with thepx band. In this two-photon process, by properly tuning thefrequency and amplitude of the shaking, the dominate term isthe coupling between s- and px-orbital states of the nearest-neighbor sites, which simulates a SOC [38].

For a deep shaken lattice, the system can be well de-scribed by an effective two-band model. In the basis of[ψs(k),ψpx

(k)]T , the single-particle Hamiltonian in momen-tum space reads

H0(k) =(

εs(k) + h k

k εp(k) − h


under the tight-binding approximation. Here εs(k) =−ts cos(kxa) − t⊥s [cos(kya) + cos(kza)] − μ and εp(k) =tp cos(kxa) − t⊥s [cos(kya) + cos(kza)] − μ, where ts and tpare the nearest-neighbor tunneling amplitudes for an atomin s-orbital and p-orbital states along the x direction andt⊥s is the tunneling amplitude along the y and z directions.For one-photon-dominated processes, k = � is the k-independent coupling strength between the two orbital states.For two-photon-dominated processes, k = α sin(kxa) is thek-dependent coupling strength that simulates the SOC. Hereμ is the chemical potential and h is the off-resonance detuningdetermined by the difference of the shaking frequency andthe band gap. Figure 1 illustrates the effective band structuresof the one-photon and two-photon processes. With a finitecoupling � or α sin(kxa), two bands are hybridized around thecrossing points and thus yield an energy gap.

We consider the on-site attractive interaction betweenatoms on different orbital bands. The renormalization of the

periodic driving on the on-site interaction is small and thusignored in the following calculations (see Appendix C 2).In the momentum space, the interaction Hamiltonian can bewritten as HI = −U


†s (k1)ψ†


(k3)ψs(k4), wherek1 + k2 = k3 + k4 due to the momentum conservation in thetwo-body scattering processes and U > 0 is the interactionstrength.

As the initial approach for a qualitative understanding of theinteracting Fermi gas in a shaken optical lattice we consider themean-field approximation and assume a single-plane-wave FF-type order parameter, i.e., � = U 〈ψpx

( Q2 − k)ψs(

Q2 + k)〉,

where Q = (Q,0,0) is the FF vector along the x direction.Here Q = 0 corresponds to a conventional BCS superfluid.The dynamics of the system is governed by the Bogliubov–deGennes (BdG) Hamiltonian

HBdG(k) =(H0

( Q2 + k


�∗ −σyH∗0

( Q2 − k



in the Nambu-Gorkov spinor basis [ψs(Q2 + k),ψpx

( Q2 +


( Q2 − k), − ψ

†s ( Q

2 − k)]T . The gap and momentumequations are solved by minimizing the thermodynamicpotential to obtain � and Q, through which we determinedifferent phases (see Appendix A 1). When � �= 0 and Q �= 0,the system is in a FFLO phase. When � �= 0 and Q = 0, thesystem is in a BCS phase. Otherwise, the system is a normalgas or a band insulator.


In Fig. 2 we plot the phase diagrams for resonant one-photon [Fig. 2(a)] and two-photon processes [Fig. 2(b)] withtp = 3ts and t⊥s = ts , respectively. The phase diagram is

FIG. 2. (Color online) Phase diagram of a 3D shaken opticallattice with (a) one-photon coupling � or (b) two-photon coupling α.The other parameters are U = 4.0ts , h = 0.0, tp = 3ts , and t⊥

s = ts .



similar for quasi-2D and quasi-1D systems with t⊥s → 0 (seeAppendix D). The system favors FFLO states in a largeparameter regime with a finite momentum along the shakingdirection Qx = ±π/a. Here the FFLO pairing originates fromthe intrinsic band dispersion inversion between s and px bands,which suppresses the conventional BCS pairing. This canbe further understood through a coordinate transformationk′x → k′

x ± π/a for the px-band dispersion to remove theband inversion. In the system without the band inversion,we expect a conventional BCS superfluid between kx and−kx , leading to k′

x ± π/a = −kx . Therefore, the preferredpairings in the shaken lattice are between two spins withmomenta kx and k′

x = ±π/a − kx and the FFLO momentumis Qx = ±π/a (see Appendix B). The analysis still applies inthe presence of small SOC and Zeeman fields. Note that suchinverted-band-induced FFLO pairing with a fixed Q has notbeen thoroughly explored before and is completely differentfrom the well-known Zeeman field [17–21] or asymmetricband dispersion [22,23] mechanisms.

For larger �, the gap between two hybrid bands is verylarge, thus a band insulator phase appears near half filling. Eachof the hybrid bands polarizes to one spin state for a large �,leading to vanishing Cooper pairing. In the presence of smallSOC ∼ α sin(kxa), the system still favors the FFLO superfluid.However, the SOC leads to different wave functions at kx and−kx , leading to the BCS pairing, as observed in Fig. 2(b) forlarger SOC.


Hereafter we focus on possible topological phases inducedby the SOC in the two-photon process. It is well known thatthere is no topological phases in a 3D system with such1D SOC. To reach the topological phase that may supporttopological excitations such as MFs, we need to consider aquasi-1D system with small or vanishing transverse tunnelingt⊥s . We first present the results for t⊥s = 0 for simplicity andthen discuss how a small t⊥s modifies the phase diagramand the topological phases. In Fig. 3 we plot the phasediagrams in the presence of a Zeeman field h for two differentSOC strengths, where a new phase, topological BCS (TBCS)superfluids that host MFs, emerges in a large parameterregime. The transition from BCS to TBCS superfluids ischaracterized by the bulk quasiparticle excitation spectrumclosing and reopening at kx = 0 (and kx = ±π/a) and canbe understood from the symmetry of the BdG Hamiltonian.The BdG Hamiltonian (3) satisfies the particle-hole symmetry�HBdG(kx)�−1 = −HBdG(−kx), where � = �K, � = σxτz,and K is the complex conjugate operator. For a BCS superfluid(Qx = 0), if tp = ts , it also respects a time-reversal-likesymmetry T HBdG(kx)T −1 = HBdG(−kx), where T = σzτ0K.This topological BCS superfluid belongs to the BDI symmetryclass characterized by a Z invariant and MFs can be found atthe boundary of the superfluids [39–41]. If tp �= ts , it belongsto the more generalized D symmetry class characterized bya Z2 invariant. The topological BCS phase region can bedetermined by the Pfaffian sign of the skew matrix �(kx) =HBdG(kx)�, yielding sgn{Pf[�(0)] × Pf[�(π )]} = −1, which

FIG. 3. (Color online) Phase diagram of the 1D shaken opticallattice with two-photon coupling for (a) α = 0.7ts and (b) α = 1.4ts .The red dashed lines are the boundary between the BCS-insulator andTBCS superfluids. The other parameters are U = 4.0ts , tp = 3ts , and� = 0.0.

has an explicit form

[(t+ − h)2 − �2 − (μ + t−)2]

×[(t+ + h)2 − �2 − (μ − t−)2] < 0, (4)

where t+ = (ts + tp)/2, t− = (ts − tp)/2.Because tp �= ts , the phase diagrams are not symmetric

about h = 0 or μ = 0, as shown in Fig. 3. However, thesystem is symmetric with the transformation h → −h andμ → −μ. This is in stark contrast to conventional systems(with two pseudospins both in s bands), where the phasediagrams are symmetric with respect to either h = 0 or μ = 0and the Zeeman field must be larger than a critical value forthe appearance of the TBCS phase.

From Fig. 3 we see the FFLO superfluid dominates forsmall SOC and the region of TBCS superfluids does notchange much when the strength of SOC is increased. Thereexists an insulator block with � = 0 near μ = 0 surroundedby the superfluid phase in Fig. 3(b). Note that for a 1Dnoninteracting system with t⊥s = 0 and tp = ts , the single-particle Hamiltonian H0 breaks the time-reversal symmetrybut preserves a chiral symmetry σyH0(kx)σy = −H0(kx),which realizes an AIII class TI characterized by aZ topologicalinvariant [39,40]. In the topological phase, there is a pair ofin-gap topological states on the system boundaries [42–44].When tp �= ts , there will be an additional kinetic energy term,which does not change the phase transition and topologicalproperties of the system [45,46]. With the interaction tuned onin Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), the system evolves into a topologicalsuperfluid with finite BCS order parameters. The original edgestates of the topological insulator are now replaced by thezero-energy Majorana boundary states [42] when the chemicalpotential is in the band gap, similar to a previous TI-based MFscheme using edge states [37]. More interestingly, when the



FIG. 4. (Color online) Majorana fermions in a shaken opticallattice. (a) The order parameter � (blue circles) and the lowesttwo quasiparticle excitation energies E1 (red squares) and E2 (cyandiamonds) as a function of Zeeman field h for α = 1.4ts . Unlabeledwhite regions correspond to either the normal gas or insulatorphase. Other parameters are μ = −0.5ts , U = 4.0ts , � = 0.0, andtp = 3ts . (b) The BdG quasiparticle excitation energies for α = 1.4ts ,μ = −0.7ts , and h = 0.8ts . There are three pairs of subgap states, alllocalized on the boundaries.

chemical potential cuts only one of the conduction or valancebands, we find the coexistence of the edge states from thetopological insulator and the zero-energy Majorana edge statesfrom the topological superconductor.

The above momentum space analysis is further confirmedby self-consistently solving the BdG Hamiltonian in the realspace. In Fig. 4(a) we plot the average value of the order pa-rameter � and the lowest two quasiparticle excitation energiesE1 and E2 as a function of the Zeeman field h. Consistentwith the white dashed line in Fig. 3(b), there is a phasetransition from the insulator phase to trivial BEC superfluidsand then to a topological BCS superfluid at h ≈ 0.45ts . Themomentum of FFLO Cooper pairs in real space is either FF orLO type, both having the same ground-state energies as thatin momentum space. In the topological phase, the zero-energyMFs are protected by a finite minigap E2. In Fig. 4(b) weplot the BdG quasiparticle excitation energies for α = 1.4ts .The inset shows the quasiparticle excitation spectrum withzero-energy degenerate MF states and the single-particle bandstructure where the chemical potential cuts a single conductionband. The zero-energy MF modes are localized on the systemboundaries. As mentioned above, for μ �= 0 and when thechemical potential cuts either of the two bands, we may findanother two pairs of subgap edge states with finite energiesthat are induced by the topological insulator and coexistwith the MF edge states from the topological superconductor(see Appendix E for the real-space wave functions of thesecoexisting edge states).

The interaction strength U can be easily tuned in cold-atomexperiments, which provides a way to study the crossover

FIG. 5. (Color online) The BCS-BEC crossover. Color plots ofthe order parameter in the h-U plane are shown for (a) small SOCα = 0.7ts and (b) large SOC α = 1.4ts . The chemical potential istaken as μ = −0.5ts and � = 0.0 and tp = 3ts .

from the BCS superfluids with weak attractive interaction toBose-Einstein condensation of strongly bounded molecules.The BCS-BEC crossover has been widely studied in ultracoldFermi gases in various free-space and optical lattice systems[47,48]. In Fig. 5 we plot the phase diagrams in the h-U planefor a two-photon coupling process with different strengthsof SOC, α = 0.7ts [Fig. 5(a)] and α = 1.4ts [Fig. 5(b)],for a certain value of chemical potential. Consistent withFigs. 3(a) and 3(b), we see that the FFLO superfluid phasedominates for small SOC and small Zeeman field and the BCSphase dominates for large Zeeman field or large SOC. Thetopological phase appears when the strength of the Zeemanfield exceeds a critical value for a medium value of interactionstrength U and tends to disappear at the BEC side. BecauseSOC leads to an energy gap near half filling, the band insulatoroccupies a larger parameter region when the SOC couplingstrength is increased on the BCS side.

More generally, we can consider quasi-1D atom tubesgenerated by optical lattices in a 3D system with weaktunnelings along the transverse directions for the search ofMFs. The weak transverse tunneling can strongly suppressthe quantum fluctuations along the 1D tubes, similar tothat in high-temperature cuprate superconductors. Considera periodic boundary condition along the transverse directions:The weak tunneling simply shifts the chemical potential ofthe 1D gas at most by 4t⊥s in Eq. (4). As long as theshifted chemical potential still stays inside the topologicalBCS region, we expect the MFs to exist along the tubeedges. A similar issue for MFs has been widely discussedin spin-orbit-coupled quantum wires (nanowire or cold-atomtube arrays [49–51]) and our calculations show that the sameconclusion still holds for the shaken optical lattices.




Fermions confined in 3D or quasi-1D optical lattices havebeen realized in experiments and the Hamiltonian (2) can begenerated by shaking [11] or other means [52]. For a spinlessFermi gas, the s-wave scattering interactions between sameorbital states are usually prohibited by the Pauli exclusionprinciple and the interactions between different orbital statesare usually very small. However, the strong on-site attractiveinteractions can be engineered using different methods (seeAppendix C 1), such as the use of the dipole-dipole inter-action between dipolar atoms [53]. Recently, dipolar BECand degenerate dipolar Fermi gases have been observed inexperiments [54–57]. When the dipoles are aligned alongthe 1D direction (i.e., head to head), the dipole interactionbetween atoms (∼1/r3) is attractive. The long-range dipoleinteraction can lead to attractive on-site interaction betweenatoms with different orbital states at the same lattice site,which is much larger than the interaction between atoms atnearest-neighbor sites. The on-site interaction can be tunedby the lattice confinement along the transverse directions. TheFFLO pairing may be observed by sound speed measurement[58] with a fixed pairing momentum. Majorana fermions maybe observed using radio-frequency spectroscopy [59].


The shaking lattice scheme is very different and has manyadvantages over the widely studied Zeeman field or SOCschemes for generating FFLO states [17–23]. Here the FFLOpairing originates from the inversion of two pseudospin banddispersions, leading to a fixed pairing momentum at ±π/a,which is completely different from the Fermi surface mismatchmechanism induced by the Zeeman field or the asymmetricFermi surface mechanism induced by a combination ofSOC and the Zeeman field, where the FFLO momentum isdetermined by the system parameters [17–23]. At a finitetemperature, the thermodynamic fluctuations suppress thesuperfluid phase. However, the FFLO pairing always existsin the superfluid phase for the inverted bands. Furthermore,the external Zeeman field in the SOC system must exceeda nonzero critical value for the topological phase and MFs.The Zeeman field strongly suppresses the order parameter,therefore it is hard to observe FFLO states and the topologicalBCS phase only occurs in a small parameter region in previousSOC schemes. In our shaking lattice scheme, no Zeeman fieldis necessary. The FFLO state is the natural ground state andalmost all BCS phases are topological. Our scheme resemblesthe topological-insulator (which also has band inversion)-based MF scheme, instead of the SOC one. The presenceof the harmonic trap leads to a spatially dependent chemicalpotential, where different superfluid phases may be observedin different radii of the trapped system [60]. Finally, all lasersare far detuned with little heating from lasers, in contrast tothe near-resonant Raman lasers in the SOC scheme.


We thank Yong Xu, Chris Hamner, and Peter Engels forhelpful discussions. C.Q. and C.Z. were supported by ARO(Grant No. W911NF-12-1-0334) and AFOSR (Grants No.

FA9550-11-1-0313 and No. FA9550-13-1-0045). Z.Z. andX.Z. were supported by National Natural Science Founda-tion of China (Grants No. 11074244 and No. 11274295)and National 973 Fundamental Research Program (No.2011cba00200).


1. In the momentum space

Consider the order parameter �(r) = U 〈ψpψs〉 = �ei Q·r ,where Q is the pairing momentum: The thermodynamicalpotential is given by

� = 1



[εs( Q/2 − k) + εp( Q/2 − k)]


�( − Eλ(k))Eλ(k) + |�|2U

, (A1)

where �(x) is the Heaviside function representing the Fermidistribution at zero temperature and Eλ(k) (λ = 1, . . . ,4)are the four eigenvalues of the BdG Hamiltonian HBdG(k).The order parameter � and momentum Q are hence givenby self-consistently solving the saddle equations of thethermodynamical potential �:


∂�= 0,


∂ Q= 0. (A2)

2. In the real space

In the real space the tight-binding Hamiltonian is written as

HTB = H0 + HZ + Hα + Vint, (A3)


H0 =∑〈i,j〉

(−tsc†i cj + tpc

†i cj ) − μ


niσ , (A4)

HZ = −hz


(nis − nip), (A5)

Hα = α



(c†i−1pcis − c†i+1pcis + H.c.), (A6)

Vint = −U∑


nisnip. (A7)

The mean-field order parameters

�i = U 〈cipcis〉. (A8)

We have defined ci and c†i as the particle annihilation and

creation operators on site i, respectively, and the particlenumber operator niσ=s,p = c

†iσ ciσ .

Our numerical calculations are done in both momentumspace and real space and agree very well with each other. InFig. 6 we present the order parameter profiles in various phasesfrom real-space calculations.


To demonstrate why the system favors FFLO pairing witha finite momentum Q = ±π/a along the SOC direction, we



10 20 30 40 50 60-2





10 20 30 40 50 60-2





10 20 30 40 50 60Lattice site





10 20 30 40 50 60Lattice site





(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 6. Self-consistently obtained order parameter in real spacefor (a) � = 0.3ts and μ = 0.5ts , with the system in the FFLO phase;(b) α = 0.3ts and μ = 0.5ts , with the system in the FFLO phase; (c)α = 1.2ts and μ = 1.2ts , with the system in the trivial BCS phase;and (d) α = 1.2ts , μ = 1.2ts , and h = −0.5ts , with the system in thetopological BCS phase where we adopt open boundary conditions forthe appearance of MFs. Other parameters are U = 4.0ts and tp = 3ts .

start with the most simplest case, i.e., with vanishing α, h, andμ, and consider only the 1D system. If we choose the Nambu-Gorkov spinor � = [ψs(kx),ψp(k′


x),ψ†s (kx)]T and in-

troduce a general pairing order parameter � = U 〈ψpψs〉, theBdG Hamiltonian HBdG(kx) is rewritten as

HBdG(kx,k′x) =

(T (kx,k

′x) �

�∗ −σyT (kx,k′x)σy

), (B1)

where T (kx,k′x)=diag[−ts cos(kxa),tp cos(k′

xa)]. When trans-ferred to a new spinor basis � ′ = [ψs(kx),ψp(k′

x − πa



x − πa

),ψ†s (kx)]T through a unitary transformation � =

U� ′ with U = diag(1,eiπx/a,e−iπx/a,1), we get


′†x ) = UHBdG(kx,k

′x)U † (B2)



′x − π



�∗ − σyT(kx,k

′x − π



). (B3)

Here � = 〈ψp(k′x − π/a)ψs(kx)〉. Notice that T (kx,k

′x −


) = diag[−ts cos(kxa), − tp cos(k′xa)] correspond to the con-

ventional bands, which are known to favor a BCS pairing inthis new basis. This leads to kx = −(±π/a + k′

x) and hencekx + k′

x = ±π/a. As a result, the pairing momentum shouldbe fixed at ±π/a.


1. Generation of on-site interactions

For a three-dimensional optical lattice, each well can beexpanded around its center as a harmonic-oscillator potential

V (r) = 12m


xx2 + ω2

yy2 + ω2

zz2), (C1)

where r = (x,y,z). We focus on the on-site interaction of thelowest two orbital states, for instance, s- and px-orbital states,and assume an s-orbital state along both y and z axes. Thewave functions for s- and px-orbital states in this harmonic

potential are given by

ψs(r) =( m



x ω1/4y ω1/4

z e−m(ωxx2+ωyy


ψp(r) =√

2π( m



x ω1/4y ω1/4

z xe−m(ωxx2+ωyy


In the Hartree-Fock approximation, the on-site interaction canbe evaluated as

− U =∫

d3r1d3r2V (r1 − r2)[|ψs(r1)ψp(r2)|2

−ψ∗s (r1)ψ∗


= 2m4



∫d3R d3r V (r)rx(rx/2 − Rx)

× exp

(− m




i + r2i /4

)), (C2)

where we have introduced r = r1 − r2 and R = (r1 + r2)/2.For simplicity, we assume ωy = ωz = ω in following calcula-tions. For the fermionic atomic gas with a dipole moment M,the anisotropic interaction is expressed as

V (r) = μ0|M|24π

[1 − 3(M · r)]2

r3, (C3)

where M = M/|M| and r = r/|r|. Substituting this into theon-site interaction expression (C2), we get

−U = 2(mω


)3/2 μ0|M|24π

× F(ωx


), (C4)





=∫ 2π


∫ π


(ωx/ω)3/2 cos2 θ sin3 φ[1−3(M · r)]2

[(ωx/ω) cos2 θ+ sin2 θ ] sin2 φ+ cos2 φ.

In a real experiment, we can use fermionic atoms of 167Erwith M = 7μB . The optical lattice can be created by laserbeams with the wavelength λ ≈ 600 nm. The recoil energyof such an optical lattice is ER = h2/2mλ = 157 nK. For atypical tunneling energy ts ≈ 0.36ER ≈ 55 nK. The on-siteinteraction U ≈ 224 nK when ωx/ω ≈ 0.3, hence the U ≈ 4tsadopted in our paper can be obtained in real experiments.

2. On-site interactions in the rotating frame

The time-dependent lattice potential induces the couplingsbetween different orbital bands and may also modify thediagonal intraorbital terms to be time dependent. To getthe effective static Hamiltonian, we usually change to arotating frame to eliminate the diagonal time-dependent termsthat may modify the interactions at the same time. In thissection we study the validity of the on-site s-wave interactionapproximation that was adopted in the main text.

Similar to Refs. [13,38], the field operator �(x) for thetime-dependent single-particle Hamiltonian

H0(t) =∫

dx �†(x)H0(t)�(x), (C5)



H0(t) = − �2



∂x2+ V cos2[kLx + f cos(ωt)] (C6)

can be expanded by the Wannier functions �(x) =∑ν,i Wν(x − xi)cνi (ν = s,p) of the static lattice Hamiltonian

Hs = − �2



∂x2+ V

2J0(f ) cos(2kLx). (C7)

Therefore, H0(t) is expressed as

H0(t) =∑ij

(−tsc†νicνj + tpc

†νicνj + H.c.)



ij (t)c†μicνj . (C8)

For the one-photon and two-photon processes, we have


ij (t) = �μν

ij eiωt , �μν

ij = (−1)lJ2l−1(f )V


∫dx W ∗

μ(x − xi) sin(2kLx)Wν(x − xj ), (C9)


ij (t) = αμν

ij ei2ωt , αμν

ij = (−1)lJ2l(f ) × V


∫dx W ∗

μ(x − xi) cos(2kLx)Wν(x − xj ), (C10)

respectively. Here l = 1,2, . . . and Jl(x) is the lth-order Besselfunction. We focus on couplings between two atoms in thesame site or between two nearest-neighbor sites. Due tothe parity of Wannier functions and trigonometric functions,we know �ss

ii = �pp

ii = 0 and αsp

ii = αps

ii = 0. Therefore, forthe one-photon process, there is no rotation-frame modificationto the on-site interaction, while for the two-photon process weneed to consider it.

In the rotating transformation under

U (t) = exp


∫ t

0dt ′i2ωt ′





= exp

(ei2ωt − 1






we can obtain the effective single-particle Hamiltonianin the main text. The on-site atom-atom interaction

FIG. 7. (Color online) Phase diagram of the 2D shaken opticallattice with (a) one-photon coupling � and (b) two-photon couplingα. The color describes the magnitude of the order parameter � in unitof ts . Other parameters are U = 4.0ts , h = 0.0, tp = 3ts , and t⊥

s = ts .

HI = −U∑

n c†snc

†pncpncsn = −U

∑n nsnnpn is expressed as

H ′I = U (t)HIU

−1(t) = HI + H(1)I + O



), (C12)

H(1)I = −g

ei2ωt − 1





+ αppmnnsnc


) −∑ν,n


). (C13)

Items with m = n in the first-order correction H(1)I vanish

and hence have no influence on the interactions. Items withm = n ± 1 in H

(1)I modify the interactions to some kind of

tunnelings terms, which should be small. Considering that1/ω is also small, in our calculations, it is therefore a goodapproximation to assume that the interactions have the sameform as that in a time-independent system.




20 40 60 80


U↑ U↓ V↑ V↓




20 40 60 80





20 40 60 80Lattice site


FIG. 8. (Color online) Wave functions of three pairs of edgestates in real space. (a)–(c) Wave functions of the three pairs ofsubgap edge states as shown in Fig. 4 for energy level En wheren = 80,160,240. Shown are (a) and (c) the wave functions closelyrelated to the topological insulator when there are no interactionsand (b) the wave functions of zero-energy Majorana fermions. Otherparameters are α = 1.4ts , μ = −1.0ts , h = 0.8ts , and U = 4.0ts .




The FFLO superfluids induced by the shaken opticallattice also exist in the 2D case. For simplicity, we con-sider the one-photon coupling � between the lowest twoorbital states and assume the Cooper pairing can only havea nonzero momentum along the x direction. In the basisof [ψpx

(k1),ψs(k1),ψ†s (k2), − ψ


(k2)]T with k1 = (Q/2 +kx,ky) and k2 = (Q/2 − kx, − ky), the Hamiltonian reads

H =


εpx(k1) � � 0� εs(k1) 0 �

� 0 −εs(k2) �

0 � � −εpx(k2)

⎞⎟⎠, (D1)

where εpx(k) = −tp cos(kxa) + t⊥s cos(kya) − μ and εs(k) =

ts cos(kxa) + t⊥s cos(kya) − μ. The phase diagram is shown inFig. 7.


Without interaction, the system supports gap states that arelocalized on the system boundaries. When the interaction isturned on and the chemical potential cuts either the conductionor valance band, the system may support multiple edge states asshown in Fig. 8. The coexistence of the reminiscent edge statesfrom the topological insulator and the MF edge states fromthe topological superconductor may lead to many interestingtransport properties in this system.

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