flue gas temperature

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  • 7/26/2019 Flue Gas Temperature


    56 National Thermal Power Corporation

    Opmizaon of Flue Gas Exit Temperature at

    Air Pre Heater outlet in a 500 MW Unit BHEL Boiler

    AVS Rao, Sheik Zaheer Ahamad, M Prasad & ISS Reddy

    KEYWORDS: Flue Gas Exit Temperature, Air Pre Heater (APH), DMAIC, CTQ,

    Multiple Regression, Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR), Design

    of Experiment (DOE), Fractional Factorial, Variance Influence Factor

    (VIF), Multi Collinearity.

    1.0 Introduction

    One of the units in NTPC, Ramagundam had been experiencing a high FlueGas Exit Temperatures at Air Pre Heater (APH) outlet. It was observed that

    the Average Flue Gas Temperature in the last six months was more than 145

    deg C, while the Design Flue Gas Exit Temperature at APH outlet is 125 deg

    C at rated parameters.

    DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control) methodology of

    Six Sigma Quality Management was adopted as a Performance Improvement

    Strategy to determine the root cause of the problem and implement the

    solution thereof. The purpose of this report is to present the results of the

    teams problem-solving efforts and explain the solutions adopted.

    In order to improve / reduce Exit Flue Gas Temperature at the APHsoutlet, eighteen parameters were considered and Regression and Partial

    Least Square Regression Analysis was done and then a Fractional Factorial

    Design of Experiments (DOE) was conducted.

    Following the DMAIC Performance Improvement Problem-Solving

    strategy of Six Sigma Quality Management, it was observed that four factors,

    viz. Average Mill Outlet Temperature, Total Primary Air Flow, Total Secondary

    Air Flow and Burner Tilt contributed significantly to the high Flue Gas Exit

    Temperature at APHs outlet. In addition to this, it was also observed through

    the Statistical Analysis that variation in Fuel Air Dampers, SAPH-A and B

    Outlet Dampers and Wind Box DP were having a Statistically significantinteraction effect on the Exit Flue Gas Temperature.

    This report presents a detailed explanation of the steps we followed using

    the Performance Improvement Problem-Solving strategy Define, Measure,

    Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) of Six Sigma to determine how we

    can achieve minimum Flue Gas Exit temperature by just changing operational

    practices without any modification and/or without any investment.

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    Optimization of Flue Gas Exit Temperature at Air Pre Heater outlet in a 500 MW Unit BHEL Boiler 57

    2.0 Improvement Opportunity

    It was observed that an average gap in the Exit Flue Gas Temperature at

    APHs outlet from the Design Temperature was around 20.0 deg C during

    January, 2011. So it was thought that if this gap could be reduced even by

    half, i.e. say reduced to 11 deg C, then an improvement in Heat Rate to the

    tune of roughly 11Kcal was possible.

    3.0 Current Performance

    Current Performance Level: The average APHs outlet Flue Gas

    Temperature during the month of January, 2011 was observed as 147.5

    deg C. The maximum average reached (in one of the 15 minute blocks)

    during the month was 172 deg C; please see Drawing (1) below.

    Data Collection: Every fifteen minute cumulative data was collected on

    the following 18 Key Performance Input Variables (KPIVs) and 8 Key

    Performance Output Variables (KPOVs) during the month of January,

    2011 for analysis purpose.


    Process Data

    LB 120

    Target *

    USL 135

    Sample Mean 147.759

    Sample N 2761

    StDev (within) 0.631459StDev (overall) 9.69413

    Observed performance

    PPM < LB 0.00

    PPM > USL 886997.46

    PPM Total 886997.46

    Exp. within performance

    PPM < LB *

    PPM > USL 1000000.00

    PPM Total 1000000.00

    Exp. within performance

    PPM < LB *

    PPM > USL 905944.62

    PPM Total 905944.62

    Potential (within) capability

    Cp *

    CPL *

    CPU 6.74Cpk 6.74

    Overall capability

    Pp *

    PPL *

    PPU 0.44

    Ppk 0.44

    Cpm *

    l l l l l l l l

    120.0 127.5 135.0 142.5 150.0 157.5 165.0 172.5



    LB USL

    Unit-7 Capability Analysis-Jan 2011

    Drawing (1)

    The Key Performance Input Variables (KPIVs) considered were:

    Coal Flow1.

    Primary Air Flow2.

    Secondary Air Flow3.

    Burner Tilt Position Cornerwise (Give Corner Numbers)4.

    Each Mill Outlet Temp (which are in service)5.

    Wind Box DP6.

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    58 National Thermal Power Corporation

    APH Soot Blowing Timings7.

    Air Pre Heater Air Inlet Temp (APH-wise)8.

    Air Pre Heater Outlet Damper Position (APH-wise)9.

    Super Heater Spray (tph)10.

    Steam Flow11.

    Re-Heater Spray (tph)12.FAD Position13.

    OFD Position14.

    Wall Blowing Status (timings and no. of Blowers Operated)15.

    LRSB Operation Details (timings, date, number of Blowers16.


    Mill Combination Details (which mill, feeding rate each mill (tph))17.

    Load in MW18.

    The following parameters were not considered for selection as Input

    Variables as they, were beyond the control of Normal Operators.Mill Combination Depending upon the availability

    Wear Out of Combustion Components

    APH Internal Condition

    The Key Performance Output Variables (KPOVs) considered were:

    1. Flue Gas Outlet Temperature at PAPH-A

    2. Flue Gas Outlet Temperature at PAPH-B

    3. Flue Gas Outlet Temperature at SAPH-A

    4. Flue Gas Outlet Temperature at SAPH-B

    Measurement System Analysis: As the data tags used were sourced from

    PI Server (Process Information Server), they were considered most

    reliable and stable and as such Measurement System Analysis (MSA) was

    not required.

    Target Performance Level: The required target APH outlet Flue Gas

    Temperature was 132 deg C with allowable 5 deg C deviation from upper


    Normality Test results showed that APH Exit Flue Gas Temperature was

    responsive to some Input Variables and therefore Statistical Tools can be

    used to analyze the data.

    4.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation

    The 15 minute average data collected around 18 input variables and

    8 output variables during January, 2011 was analyzed using Minitab-

    Statistical Analysis Software for understanding the Process Capability,

    Correlation of Input Variables with Output Variables etc. During Regression

    Analysis it was found that there was Multi-Collinearity among the Input


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    Optimization of Flue Gas Exit Temperature at Air Pre Heater outlet in a 500 MW Unit BHEL Boiler 59

    Regression Analysis

    Predictor Coefcient Se Coefcient T P Vif

    Constant -188.5 203.1 -0.93 0.354

    Fw Temp At Eco Inlet -0.02803 0.01308 -2.14 0.032 9.913

    Fw Temp At Eco Ol Lhs 1.28405 0.08315 15.44 0.000 23.671

    Fw Temp At Eco Ol Rhs 0.32995 0.08727 3.78 0.000 32.563

    Ms Temp Lhs -0.00972 0.01823 -0.53 0.594 1.427

    Ms Temp Rhs -0.08661 0.01433 -6.05 0.000 3.258

    Pah-A Fg Ol Dmaper -0.28817 0.09190 -3.14 0.002 40.607

    Sah-A Fg Ol Damper -1.3339 0.9318 -1.43 0.153 19.199

    Sah-A Ol Damper2 0.5145 0.2261 2.28 0.023 39.740

    Pah-B Fg Ol Damper 0.05151 0.08334 0.62 0.537 38.787

    Sah-B Fg Ol Damper 1.540 2.610 0.59 0.555 23.743

    Bli 0.033857 0.003968 8.53 0.000 70.241

    Fw Flow -0.003565 0.002560 -1.39 0.164 36.367

    Total Air -0.033538 0.003330 -10.07 0.000 34.286

    Total Fuel -0.04104 0.01088 -3.77 0.000 26.289

    Bt Corner-1 Fdbk 0.04183 0.01610 2.60 0.009 2.135

    Bt Corner-2 Fdbk 0.23895 0.02453 9.74 0.000 13.552

    Bt Corner-3 Fdbk -0.23302 0.04414 -5.28 0.000 31.201

    Bt Corner-4 Fdbk 0.08246 0.05716 1.44 0.149 31.829

    Furn Wb Dp-1 -0.04787 0.06216 -0.77 0.441 18.490

    Furn Wb Dp Lhs 0.21911 0.06130 3.57 0.000 19.710

    Aux Air Damper Control 0.06351 0.02296 2.77 0.006 7.403

    U Ofa Position 0.0733 0.1084 0.68 0.499 276.472


    Unit-7 APHs Outlet FGTNormal

    Mean 147.8StDev 9.693

    N 2761

    AD 24.097


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    60 National Thermal Power Corporation

    Lower Ofa Position 0.0020 0.1090 0.02 0.986 276.872

    Fad -A 0.13286 0.02731 4.87 0.000 4.784

    Fad -B -0.05300 0.01928 -2.75 0.006 5.356

    Fad -C 0.1934 0.1110 1.74 0.082 2.583

    Fad -D 0.07092 0.02895 2.45 0.014 4.707

    Fad -E 0.07978 0.02862 2.79 0.005 3.544Fad -F -0.03438 0.01569 -2.19 0.029 3.773

    Fad -G 0.00635 0.04108 0.15 0.877 9.274

    Fad H -0.020400 0.009823 -2.08 0.038 2.924

    Fad -J 0.00542 0.01177 0.46 0.645 5.914

    Fad -K 0.014036 0.009818 1.43 0.153 5.378

    Mill A (Tph) 0.02146 0.02064 1.04 0.299 6.946

    Mill B(Tph) 0.04156 0.01401 2.97 0.003 9.494

    Mill C (Tph) -0.04593 0.02313 -1.99 0.047 1.816

    Mill D (Tph) -0.03589 0.01568 -2.29 0.022 10.143

    Mill E (Tph) 0.06877 0.02553 2.69 0.007 1.832

    Mill F (Tph) -0.03352 0.01438 -2.33 0.020 9.412

    Mill G (Tph) 0.04066 0.03197 1.27 0.204 10.529

    Mill H (Tph) 0.01426 0.01179 1.21 0.227 9.675

    Mill J (Tph) 0.02730 0.01337 2.04 0.041 18.297

    Mill K (Tph) 0.00993 0.01341 0.74 0.459 24.144

    Sec Air Flow (Tph) 0.012923 0.003175 4.07 0.000 11.781

    Sh Spray L(Tph) -0.04677 0.01461 -3.20 0.001 7.407

    Sh Spray R(Tph) -0.19350 0.01907 -10.15 0.000 4.608

    Rh Spray L(Tph) 0.06820 0.02577 2.65 0.008 2.923

    Rh Spray R(Tph) -0.02590 0.01838 -1.41 0.159 4.001

    S = 2.18163, R-Sq = 93.5%, R-Sq (adj) = 93.2%.

    This means 93.2 % of the variation is explained by the Predictors.

    Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

    Source DF SS MS F P

    Regression 48 79204.2 1650.1 346.69 0.000

    Residual Error 1159 5516.3 4.8

    Total 1207 84720.5

    As the variance factor of most of the parameters was exceeding 5, it

    indicates the existence of Multi Collinearity. That means the parameters are

    inter-related and that limits the application of Multiple Linear Regression

    for our purpose.

    The objective was to identify the Independent Factors which could

    explain the variation in the Dependent Variable. Hence, Partial Least

    Square (PLS) Regression was used to filter out the Least Impacting Input

    Variables. After three trials of PLS Regression, it was found that the following

    eight variables were impacting the most to the extent of 94.5%.

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    Optimization of Flue Gas Exit Temperature at Air Pre Heater outlet in a 500 MW Unit BHEL Boiler 61

    The larger the bar represents the larger the effect and the + & - signs

    show their impact being positive or negative on the required end result (i.e.,

    Exit Flue Gas Temperature in this case).

    The variables found to be affecting the Flue Gas Temperatures are:

    Average Mill Outlet Temperature1.

    Total Primary Air2.

    Total Secondary air3.

    Burner Tilt4.

    Wind Box DP5.

    SAPH-A Gas Damper Position6.

    SAPH-B Gas Damper Position7.

    FAD-D, E, F Position8.

    A Design of Experiment (DOE) Plan was prepared for a Two LevelFractional Randomized Plan for Unit-7 (with Resolution-IV) and was

    conducted on 10th and 11th August, 2011. Average data was collected at

    5 minutes interval for 15 minutes after each setting and after waiting for

    10 minutes for stabilization for 36 Hrs. and collected data for 16 Hrs. with

    required settings. In the Process, minimum average temperature of APHs

    outlet Flue Gas Temperature achieved was 133.5 deg C and the maximum

    average temperature achieved was 170 deg C.


    PLS Coefcient Plot(response is AV. Fg Temp BEF PAH-A (DEG C))

    10 components








    l l l l l l l l l l

    1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

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    62 National Thermal Power Corporation

    Coefcients Term Coefcients SE Coefcients T P VIF

    Constant 367.991 33.1322 11.1068 0.000

    Coal Flow -0.646 0.1002 -6.4480 0.000 2.83463

    P. Air Flow 0.101 0.0145 6.9696 0.000 2.88370

    S. Air Flow 0.058 0.0072 8.0254 0.000 1.42337

    F. WB DP 0.003 0.0293 0.0981 0.922 1.09665

    Burner Tilt % (calculated) -0.379 0.0690 -5.4849 0.000 1.18030

    Av. Mill O/L temp -1.307 0.0557 -23.4625 0.000 1.07640

    SAPH_A GD POS 0.000 0.0240 0.0180 0.986 1.05573

    SAPH_B GD POS 0.020 0.0235 0.8333 0.410 1.01454

    FAD-D 0.016 0.0283 0.5749 0.569 1.07696

    Summary of Model:

    S = 2.83424, R-Sq = 95.54%, R-Sq (adj) = 94.49%

    PRESS = 476.167, R-Sq (Pred) = 93.05%.

    Using Statistical tools, the Main Effects and Interaction Effects of the

    Input Variables on the average Flue Gas Exit Temperature at the APHs outlet

    were studied and it was found that the following four parameters are having

    the maximum influence.

    Average Mill Outlet Temperature1.

    Total Secondary Air Flow2.

    Total Primary Air Flow3.

    Burner Tilt4.

    DOE-Randomized two level Plan for Unit-7-Rdm (Resolution-IV)

    Run Order










    Burner Tilt


    Wind Box

    DP L&R









    Position1 700 1225 90 20 70 65 90 15

    2 700 1150 90 40 70 90 65 15

    3 610 1150 90 20 100 90 90 15

    4 610 1225 75 40 70 90 90 15

    5 610 1225 90 40 100 65 65 15

    6 610 1150 75 20 70 65 65 15

    7 700 1150 75 40 100 65 90 15

    8 610 1225 90 20 70 90 65 30

    9 700 1225 75 40 70 65 65 30

    10 700 1225 90 40 100 90 90 30

    11 610 1150 75 40 100 90 65 30

    12 700 1150 75 20 70 90 90 30

    13 610 1225 75 20 100 65 90 30

    14 610 1150 90 40 70 65 90 30

    15 700 1225 75 20 100 90 65 15

    16 700 1150 90 20 100 65 65 30

  • 7/26/2019 Flue Gas Temperature


    Optimization of Flue Gas Exit Temperature at Air Pre Heater outlet in a 500 MW Unit BHEL Boiler 63

    The Main Effects of Wind Box DP, SAPH A & B Gas Damper Positions

    and FAD-D Position on FGT are not very significant but their interactions

    are Statistically significant.

    Since contribution

    to sum of squares

    is negligible,

    factors 3,6,7,8 are

    removed from the

    ANOVA table

    Analysis: Result of DOE

    Sl No. Model term Sum of Squares % Contribution

    1 PA Flow 66.898 2.94

    2 SA fow 105.164 4.62

    3 WB DP 0.07123 0.01

    4 Burner tilt 34.0668 1.50

    5 Mill outlet temp 1844.91 80.95

    6 SAPH-A 12.9722 0.57

    7 SAPH-B 1.32397 0.06

    8 FAD-D 0.42901 0.02

    1x5 52.6667 2.32

    1x8 89.1388 3.92

    Error 71.67929 3.15

    SS total 2279.32 100.06

    Variables influencing most:

    Average Mill Outlet Temperature

    Total Secondary Air Flow

    Total Primary Air Flow

    Coal Flow

    Variables Showing Interaction Effects:

    Wind Box Dp

    Saph-A Gas Damper Position

    Saph-B Gas Damper Position

    Fad-D,E,F Position

    Burner Tilt

    5.0 Recommendation(s)

    Based on the analysis of DOE data, it was recommended to run Unit - 7 with

    the following settings to achieve minimum FGT at APHs outlet:

    a. Maintain the Average Mill Outlet Temperature at around 90 deg C

    b. Maintain the Total Secondary Air at around 1100 TPH

    c. Maintain the Total Primary Air at around 660 TPH

    d. Maintain Burner Tilt at 45 % (slightly above horizontal)

    Since the effect of Wind Box DP, SAPH A & B Gas Damper Positions and

    FAD-D Position are not very significant but their interactions are Statistically

    significant, the following was recommended:

  • 7/26/2019 Flue Gas Temperature


    64 National Thermal Power Corporation

    a. Keep Wind Box DP at practical minimum between 70 and 100


    b. Keep SAPH A & B Gas Dampers at practical maximum between 65%

    to 100%

    c. Keep FAD-D at practical maximum position between 15 and 40 %.

    6.0 Verification of Results

    The unit was run with the recommended settings from 2nd November, 2011

    and continuing till date. For a period of one month, i.e. in November 2011,

    it was observed that the Flue Gas Temp at APHs outlet came down from

    an average of 141.8 to 133.3. However, if only the data collected with the

    desired setting (285 Hrs.) was considered in the month of November 2011,

    the average APH Exit Flue Gas Temperature was found to be 129.2 Deg Cent.

    Hence for all practical purposes a reduction of 8.5 deg C has been achieved

    resulting in Heat Rate reduction of 9.7 Kcal/KWH.


    Unit-7 APHs FGT Capability after Implementation Nov-11(using 95.0% condence)

    Process Data

    LSL 120

    Target 130

    USL 135Sample Mean 128.742

    Sample N 1529

    StDev (within) 0.466578

    StDev (overall) 6.53012

    Observed performance

    PPM < LSL 102681.49PPM > USL 162851.54

    PPM Total 265533.03

    Exp. within performance

    PPM < LSL 0.00PPM > USL 0.00

    PPM Total 0.00

    Exp. overall performance

    PPM < LSL 90336.40PPM > USL 168939.85

    PPM Total 259276.26

    l l l l l l l l l l l l l

    115 120 125 130 135 140 145

    LSL Target USL

    Potential (within) capability

    Z.Bench *

    Z.LSL 18.74

    Z.USL 13.41

    Cpk 4.47

    Upper CL 4.60

    Overall capability

    Z.Bench 0.65

    Z.LSL 1.34

    Z.USL 0.96

    Ppk 0.32

    Upper CL 0.34

    Cpm 0.25



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    Optimization of Flue Gas Exit Temperature at Air Pre Heater outlet in a 500 MW Unit BHEL Boiler 65


    Capability analysis Unit 7(Comparison before and after)

    l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

    120.0 127.5 135.0 142.5 150.0 157.5 165.0 172.5

    LB USL

    Single Sample Verification: One time sample was taken again on 4th

    December, 2011 for final verification of the results where an improvement

    of 12.8 Deg C was observed as follows:

    Ad-Hoc Trend

    12/4/2011 6:45 PM 4:00 hours 12/4/2011 10:45:00 PM

    l 7HHL100F903 Sec Air

    Flow 1095 .96851 Tonnes/hr

    O Avg Exit Flue Gas Temp Value


    u 7 Total PA Out 663.60 Primary Air

    Flow lph

    O G7 MW 518.67651 Generation


    n AVG Mill Outlet Temp Value


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    66 National Thermal Power Corporation

    7.0 Limitations

    Burner Tilt could not be maintained at 3 Deg Up instead of 20 Deg Up as

    it was equally important to maintain rated Steam Parameters. Therefore,

    the effect of Burner Tilt was not considered.

    It was observed that sometimes Fire in Mill Rejects increased a little; may

    be because of high Mill Outlet Temperatures.

    Maintaining Primary Air Flow and Secondary Air Flows as defined,

    becomes difficult at times because of various reasons, like Coal Quality,

    Mills and other combustion parameters.

    APH washing was carried out in the month of October and effect

    of washing was also found significant as was deduced from overall


    In the process of observing APH Exit Flue Gas Temperatures in the past

    years, the following variables were also found to have reasonable impact

    on Exit Gas Temperature:

    Mills Healthiness (Fineness, PF Velocity in Coal Pipes,PF Distribution depending upon Orifice Wear Velocities,


    Coal Quality Better the quality, higher the temperatures.

    8.0 Conclusion

    Based on the analysis of DOE data, it can be concluded that by just changing

    settings of four parameters, namely Mill Average Outlet Temperature,

    Total Secondary & Primary Air and Burner Tilt, it was possible to obtain a

    minimum FGT of 129.2 deg C at APHs outlet without any modification and/or investment. That is just by changing operating practices; it is possible to

    achieve a reduction of 10.8 deg C in FGT at APHs outlet.

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