fluid environment the key to your success? tailor-made...

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Fluid environmentThe key to your success?Tailor-made assistance.

n°2October 2011

Climalife ContactThe European magazine for thermal plant professionals

page 8

w w w . c l i m a l i f e . d e h o n . c o m Price: 2,50 €

Regulations File Processpage 2

Case studies

Engineering and services:the GRV concept

9 December 2011:decree relating to brazing with cadmium

page 5page 3

Waste recycling: the point of view of EPEE

Technical fl uids:recovery, optimisation of the degassing system

Fluid environmentWe are all currently dealing with climate change. . It is a reality for all of us. With long-term performance objectives encouraging continuous growth, Climalife is responding to the environmental challenges.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is an ambitious target for which measures and procedures have already been developed.However, the battle against climate change requires going further than this to meet our commitments.

What company operating in the thermal plant market does not fi nd itself today – regardless of the process – taking measures to ensure that its system is better sealed, more energy ef� cient and more respectful of the environment?

Any procedure to improve the performance of a process is based, above all, on an analy-sis of the existing procedure, change mana-gement and economic, regulatory and safety recommendations. From this point of view, Climalife is responding to these new issues by developing equipment and offering you services adapted to your requirements.

Our experts offer optimum production solu-tions for emission control operations on ther-mal installations aimed at optimising waste management ; for manufacturing systems tailored to your process; for the management of technical � uids, the operation and their control.

A responsible company for a fl uid environ-ment: It’s completely possible!

We hope you enjoy this issue!

Delphine MartinMarketing & Communications Manager - Europe


O n 21 May 2011, European regu-

lation no.494/2011 was published

to amend Appendix XVII (point 23

paragraph 8) of the regulation (CE)

no.1907/2006 (REACH).

This amendment relates to cadmium and its composites and its use in brazing sticks. This new regulation prohibits the use and sale in Europe of fi ller material for heavy brazing which includes more than 0.01% cadmium from 10 December 2011.

By «heavy brazing» we mean: an assembly procedure using alloys at temperatures greater than 450°C.

The defence sector and aerospace applica-tions are exempt.

As a result of this regulation, Climalife will stop marketing brazing material containing cad-mium before the 9th December 2011.

A comprehensive range of cadmium-free bra-zing material is already available with similar melting ranges.

The Climalife sales teams are available


9th December 2011: no more brazing with cadmium

Waste recycling;the European regulations are changing! Interview with Andrea Voigt, Executive Director of EPEE – The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment.

What is the role of EPEE in the recycling of waste in our sector of activity?

Today, EPEE and its members are determined to reduce the impact on the global climate of refrigeration, air conditioning and heating sys-tems by supporting highly energy-effi cient, ecologically and economically viable and safe technologies. To achieve this ambitious target, the association is actively involved in the Euro-pean regulation process in a global way.

The EcoDesign directive and its implementa-tion measures are one of the main priorities today like the F-Gas and its amendment. EPEE is also involved in the European directives lin-ked to energy effi ciency, renewable energy and the treatment and destruction of waste, like for example the DEEE directive, the RoHs direc-tive and many others.

There are currently three key regulations being revised:

- The DEEE, directive 2002/96/CE of 23rd January 2003 aims to ensure recovery and sui-table treatment of the waste from electric and electronic equipment in order to limit the risks to health and the environment.

- The RoHs (Restrictions in the use of certain hazardous substances), directive 2002/95/CE relates to hazardous products contained in the DEEEs and the resources to limit them.

Finally, the so-called F-Gas European regula-tion controls the placing on the market and the use and handling of refrigerant fl uids.

In the light of the redrafting of these regula-tions, what is the position of EPEE and what concrete actions are you taking?


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Publication of the Decree 2011-396 in amendment to the decree 2007-737

- The BSD waste tracking document is now mandatory!

Decree 2011-396 of 13th April 2011 appeared in the offi cial journal of 15 April, it relates to substances depleting the ozone layer and cer-tain fl uorinated greenhouse gases, to biocides and the control of chemical products.

For refrigeration and air conditioning applica-tions, the main change is the removal of the exemption relating to the waste tracking docu-ments (BSD). The BSD is now mandatory for all used refrigerant fl uids (article 3).

It must be «issued by any person who pro-duces the stated waste, any collector of small quantities of this waste, any person who has reconditioned or transformed this waste or any person storing waste, the producer of which is not known and submitting it to a third party».

The BSD Waste Tracking Document form is available from:

www.cerfa.gouv.fr www.ecologie.gouv.fr (espace professionnel/formulaires/déchets dangereux [professional space/forms/hazardous waste])

- Brazing operations

Additionally, article 4 of this decree requires that the installation is now performed by a company with a certifi cate of professional competence. However, it is stated that this operation may be performed by a company certifi ed for heavy brazing, soldering or wel-ding operations on condition that its activity is performed by an operator with the requisite professional competence.

Our industry is monitoring developments rela-ting to revision proposals and changes very carefully. For the purposes of this article, it would be too much to list all our actions and positions. However, what I can say in gene-ral, and which applies to any legislative text, is the importance of ensuring that the terms used in the directives are clear and readable in order that misunderstandings and multiple interpretations through the member countries can be avoided. An example linked to the F-Gas Regulation: when is refrigerant considered as hazardous waste? Is it when it is removed from the installation, or is it only when it is transported in order to be regenerated or to be destroyed?

This may vary from one country to another. Improved clarity would make things easier for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump professionals in Europe. end of interview. →

to help you select a suitable substitute and assist you in this change.

Find out more on:www.climalife.dehon.com

The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) represents the refrigera-tion, air conditioning and heat pump industries on a European level.

Established in 2000 when the F-Gas regula-tions were implemented, EPEE has its head offi ce in Brussels. The EPEE group consists of 40 member companies and national associa-tions who produce a turnover of more than 30 billion euros and employ more than 200,000 people in Europe.

The members are major players in the industry and include air conditioning unit, heat pump and refrigeration system manufacturers, plus producers and distributors of refrigerant, etc.

In its role as an expert, EPEE supports safe, ecological and economically viable technologies with the objective of ensuring better understan-ding of the sector within the European Union and to contribute to the development of effi cient European policies.

Its main priorities for the future are: • promoting energy effi ciency in the refrigera-tion, air conditioning and heat pump sectors by supporting European Union polices designed to encourage the use of more effi cient products (for example, eco-design, energy labelling, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, ecologically-friendly purchasing policies, the promotion of energy from renewable sources, etc.), and leading to a reduction in CO2.

• emissions - the promotion of the most effi -cient and durable refrigerants taking into the account the impact of refrigerants on the envi-ronment, responsible management, an opti-mum energy performance and safety of use.

For more information, visit the site: www.epeeglobal.org

EPEE, who are we?

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File Case study

LDT is outsourcing itsfl uid recovery operationsFor an assignment involving waste and asbestos removal from a working offi ce building, the company LDT called upon Climalife as a service provider for the drainage of air conditioning and heating systems.


LDT - La Démolition Technique based at Montreuil sous bois (93) – performs asbestos removal, waste removal, demolition, decommissioning and

dismantling at sites with major restrictions, particularly sensitive and very urban sites. The offi ce building located at Coudray Monceau (91) has three fl oors containing staff from the local conurbation town council.

Against a background of non-structural de-molition, LDT is responsible for waste and asbestos removal in this working building.

After an in-depth analysis of the on-site waste M. Daniel Nogueira, Project Manger at LDT, entrusted Climalife with R-22 refri-gerant and MEG glycol water (Monoethy-lene Glycol) recovery operations due to its expertise in the area.

«The environmental issues are at the very core of our activities» explains Daniel Nogueira. «Before even starting the work, we list all the waste and put in place a means of disposal and traceability right up to the recycling stage, which means employing the services of autho-rised and certifi ed service providers.»

A two-stage operationThe packaging and equipment required for the operation was supplied that morning and was taken away in the evening, no waste remains at the site. Normal activity continues inside the offi ces while the installation is drained.

Two Climalife technicians manage the site. Draining the glycol water is performed at seve-ral points: on the roof for most of the MEG and on the ground fl oor for each convector fan in

order to ensure all the coolant is recovered. A total volume of 2m3 can easily be recovered using a specifi c high-speed pump connected via a long hose to 1000 litre containers positio-ned outside the building.

At the same time, the refrigeration units located on the fl at roof of the building are drained and most of the R-22 is recovered in the gaseous phase. The installation having been switched off a long time before the operation. 300 kg of refrigerant was recovered in the designated 27 litre bottles.

In compliance with the regulatory require-ments for traceability and non-discharge into the atmosphere, all the fl uid from the system is transported to the site at Bry sur Marne for processing with a BSD (Waste Tracking Docu-ment) by type of recovered fl uid.

The waste and asbestos removal operations were carried out by LTD after this.

Company: LDT - La Démolition TechniqueActivity: Decommissioning - Demolition - Waste removal - Dismantling - Asbestos removalLocation: Montreuil sous bois (93) - FranceDate established: 1993Personnel: 20

Fitting and connection.

Sampling point – Draining ef� ciency check.

Andrea VoigtExecutive Director of EPEE

In addition, our members and a majority of other industrial sectors have invested signifi -cant resources into ensuring that hazardous substances covered by the RoHS directive (lead, cadmium, etc.) are not contained in equipment.

We are therefore making sure that none of the equipment in our sector of activity is not ex-cluded from the lists of equipment concerned by the directives and the market rules are com-plied with in order to achieve the environmental and economic targets.

A third important point is to ensure that the

new regulations are properly implemented. The dilemma today is also the lack of control.

In other words...

How do you incentivise our industry to elimi-nate systems using hazardous substances, tore-use, recycle and recover waste if the autho-rities do not penalise those we do not play the game?

EPEE is therefore trying to make the people in the committee responsible for monitoring the market and the members of the European par-liament aware of the importance of checking

the implementation and the correct applica-tion of the various legislation in order that our industry continues to develop and implement the necessary measures to reduce emissions of CO2.

Refrigerant recovered from thermal plants is considered as hazardous waste, so its storage, pro-cessing, transport and disposal are subject to the following current regulations:

• The owner of the waste is the owner of the installation and not the refrigeration company (2000. XLIII. tv. 3.§ f).

• Only certifi ed companies can recover refrigerant from installations.

• The owner of the waste can store the recovered refrigerant for one year at his site (98/2001.(VI.15.) Korm.rend. 10§ 2.); it must ensure that this waste is eliminated, at latest, one year after its recovery (2000. XLIII. 13§, 32.§(6)).

• Only companies with a licence for transporting hazardous waste have the right to carry recove-red refrigerant (38/2009.(VIII.7) KHEM rend.).

• The disposal of hazardous waste must be carried out by a company with a license for proces-sing this type of waste (EWC code).

• The owner of the waste is legally (2000. XLIII. tv. 13§) obliged to guarantee that the companies involved in the operations have the necessary licences.

• The process is monitored by a waste tracking document („Sz” Kísér jegy) (98/2001.(VI.15. 14§(4) and 164/2003.(X.18) Korm. rend.).

In whatever country we are established, Climalife – in compliance with the regulations in force– offers you a complete solution: from the provision of specially-designed bottles up to the disposal of the waste, from the recovery from installations to the regeneration service.

HungaryRecap of the regulations: procedure for recovering refrigerant

Case study

Optimising the degassing procedure at DuPont in the Netherlands.DuPont Netherlands, owner of one of the largest manufacturing sites in Europe of fl uorine compounds, is perfecting its fi lling process. A successful collaboration between DuPont Netherlands and Climalife resulting in a tailor-made solution, based on effi ciency and safety.

DuPont is a global supplier of che-mical products in the areas of refri-geration and air conditioning. The «Loading & Blending» production

unit - located at Dordrecht- manufactures fl uo-rinated components, packages them in 900 L containers, or 20 m3 Isocontainers and distri-butes these products worldwide.

In order to guarantee the quality of its products placed on the market, the content of non-condensable gases (all the components in air) must be checked, in compliance with the ARI specifi cations.

If the non-condensable gas content is greater than 1.5% after packaging, a degassing ope-ration must be performed rapidly while respec-ting the environment.

Company: DUPONT NetherlandsActivity: Production of refrigerantsLocation: Dordrecht manufacturing site, NetherlandsDate established: 1802Personnel: 58,000 throughout the world

Climalife degassing technology used at DuPont


15 years ago, the Climalife engineering team developed degassing equipment for internal use at its industrial sites, with a refrigerating capacity of 400 W. Over the years, the equipment has been developed and perfected with the aim of minimising losses of the product and reducing the environmental impact.

At the same time, there is increasing market demand for this type of equipment, Climalife has therefore decided to develop units for ex-ternal use, enabling customers to benefi t from optimum service

At the start of 2010, the management of DuPont Netherlands became interested in our technology. After an in-depth study of customer requirements, Douglas Irwin, fl uo-rinated products engineer at DuPont Nether-lands and Chris Van Der Kelen, Engineering Product Manager at Climalife worked together and developed a bespoke degassing solution with a thermal refrigerating capacity of 3000 W to improve the on-site manufacturing packa-ging process.

Three months later, the degassing equip-ment had been installed at the industrial site. With this in mind, ten DuPont personnel were trained by Climalife to use this new tech-nology. After a year’s operation, an assess-ment of the operational performance reveals that the equipment has met all of DuPont’s expectations. Thanks to the introduction of this technology, the packaging process was opti-mised and the investment was rapidly repaid by the time saving resulting from this operation.

As a result of this success, a second project is currently being developed. This involves a degassing unit for fl ammable refrigerants.

Case study

Recovery and regeneration of R-22 for an oil company in Hungary.The company Climalife, based in Budaors on the outskirts of Budapest, offers a complete treatment solution to an oil company in cooperation with Climalife Belgium. Authorisation and knowledge make all the difference.


In March 2010, the largest oil company in Hungary (refi nery) issued a tender for retesting the butane/propane storage tank in Algy and replacing the refrigeration unit

which cooled the storage tank. The customer tendering for the contract contacted Climalife for a proposal for disposing of the R-22 charge which shall be recovered from the system.

Authorised and certifi ed to treat halogen fl uids since the beginning of 2010, Climalife Hungary offers a more comprehensive service. In addi-tion to the recycling of the waste, the solution encompasses the on-site draining/recovery, the provision of specialist materials and contai-ners, the traceability of the fl uid, its regenera-tion and competent staff for implementation.

The oil company accepted this environmental-ly-friendly solution and entrusted the customer to execute the project working jointly with Cli-malife.

The fi rst stage involves taking a fl uid sample from the installation to determine by chromato-graphic analysis if the R-22 was contaminated

or not. Not all recovered fl uid can be regene-rated, everything depends on its composition.

A mixture of more than one refrigerant means regeneration cannot be performed, disposal is necessary and destruction costs are higher, which is an economic issue when the quan-tities are large.

The chromatographic analysis revealed that the fl uid contained in the installation is solely R-22. In July 2010, the operation took place.

To carry out this operation, Climalife called upon its sister company in Belgium to provide a high-speed recovery machine, designed by their engineering department in order to meet the requirements of industrial companies. The quantity of fl uid in the installation is diffi cult to determine accurately on this old system, 10 x 900 litre containers were then supplied to the site plus scales, a pneumatic pump, a mobile air compressor and industrial hoses.

Recovery starts under scorching heat (35°C). The Belgian/Hungarian collaborators - Freddy

de Witte, Sándor Gy ri and László Juhász, re-covered the R-22 refrigerant in the liquid phase using the pneumatic pump. Five containers were fi lled. They then recovered the rest of the product in the gaseous phase by increasing the pressure above the atmospheric pressure using this recovery machine.

Under this heat and despite the high power of the machine, the men from Climalife must also implement a shading and water spraying sys-tem for the containers to prevent an increase in pressure in the packages, which would pre-vent recovery. Two additional fl uid containers were fi lled. Over two and a half days, more than 5 tonnes were recovered and transported by an approved hazardous waste transporter to Climalife’s site in Kakucs.

The traceability of the waste is ensured by the Waste Tracking Document, a copy is sent to the transporter, to Climalife and returned after the fl uid is treated at the oil company in com-pliance with the regulations.

The objective of dismantling the refrigeration installation without R-22 emissions was achie-ved.

The R-22 was regenerated as per good prac-tice then returned to the market under the name R-22T.

A successful cooperation between the various participants who demonstrated their commit-ment to protecting the environment with the implementation of an optimum regeneration solution and without the disposal of the fl uid as scheduled upstream of the project.

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The advantages of Climalife degassing technology:

• Optimum performances: a 3000 W unit canremove non-condensable gases in a 20 m3 ISO container in less than 8 hours.

• Tailor-made.

• Fully automated equipment: stops the degassing operation as per the specifi cations.


Engineering & ServicesFrom the design of the equipment to the implementation of the systems complex maintenance: our experts are here for you!

CONCEPT OF THE GRV (Vacuum Recovery Unit for fl uids)

The issue is to create a vacuum be-low the atmospheric pressure and the-refore limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Tailor-made, the GRV will meet your requi-rements by taking into account your safety constraints, your on-site installation, the regu-lations and your fi nancial constraints.

The GRV enables, in particular: • to recover, without contamination, the reco-vered fl uid, which may be returned to the ins-tallation if its initial quality permits,

• to optimise the manufacturing process for manufacturers/constructors of refrigerating units (repair and recharging of the new unit without removing it from the manufacturing chain),

SKID: A distribution and inversion systemBuilt from customer specifi cations, the SKID is a packaging and gas fi lling machine in the liquid phase, capable of distributing through the network at pressures of between 10 and 40 bar. This may vary according to your requirements.

Distribution is via pumps (one operational and one stand-by) whose output pressure is regulated automatically according to the suction pressure.

The containers are stored on «weighing scales». During the operation, the net weight of each container is displayed so that the remaining capacity can be checked.

Once the operational container is emptied, the PLC automatically switches to the second container without interrupting the liquid phase supply. In the case of installations fi tted with remote monitoring: a new container request signal can be sent.

This highly-effi cient machine is designed for industrial companies and OEMs to optimise the manufacturing process.


• - to prevent the shutdown of the cold chain in the event of a leak from an installation - for example, in a supermarket, a rapid intervention with no loss of foodstuffs.

• to reduce system draining and fi lling time while respecting the environment (e.g.: qualifi cation of refrigerant tanks without any loss of fl uid).

The concept of the Climalife GRV encompasses the design, provision of equipment, hoses, the commissioning and training at our industrial sites.

From the design to the manufacture of special systems, Climalife responds to the issues relating to the recovery of refrigerant fl uids using the GRV.

So, how can refrigerant be recovered in record time whilst optimising your process with a zero leak rate?

The GRV is a vacuum recovery unit, which is ideal for this type of operation

The GRV enables recovery at the liquid and gaseous phase of all liquefi ed gases up to 1 mbar absolute pressure, quickly and effi ciently.

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New range of mass � owmeter charging stationsClimalife has developed a new multi-function charging station for its OEM customers. These new devices enable the operations described below to be performed automatically and suc-cessively from a single connection to the LP and HP outlets on the cold unit.

Sealing tests: pressurise with dry air and/or Nitrogen, Helium up to 80 bar at two setpoints (HP/LP).

Functional tests: bleed the two connection points independently by simulating a program-med leak, if necessary.

Refrigerant charging operation:• create a vacuum up to the setpoint value,

• fi ll automatically with an accuracy of +/-1%,

• automatically drain the charging hoses.

It is possible, as an option, to automatically save all test protocol and fi lling parameters by bar code scanning.

Climalife can adapt its charging stations to any other specifi c requests.

A specialist in refrigerant fl uids for more than a century, Climalife has an engineering and service department whose staff are able to design tailor-made equipment such as reco-very stations, charging stations, inversion skids, etc.

Climalife is also the fi rst-choice partner for complex maintenance work from a technical or logistical view point. Our team offers maintenance solutions to improve the energy effi ciency of your thermal plants.

Whatever the service, we will guarantee you a single contact able to coordinate all of the operations that need to be carried out. Climalife either takes responsibility for the entire service or intervenes when required in conjunction with your team.

Methods adapted to your requirements!


R-422A R-407C PerformaxLT


CapacityEf�ciencyMass �ow




80 %

60 %

40 %


Performax LT:

the best combination to reduce energy consumption and respond to regulatory changes

Against an European political background of reductions in greenhouse gases and energy consumption, Climalife offers you a refrigerant which can achieve these objectives with your installations.

With a GWP of only1824, (R404A= 3922) Performax LT is a new product on the refrigeration market which enables you to reduce your energy bill while reducing your carbon footprint.

Made by R&D Honeywell, this is a HFC fl uid designed for commercial and industrial refrigeration applications.

Performax LT can replace R-404A effectively in new and existing installations. It im-proves the overall effi ciency of the system, therefore enabling a reduction in energy consumption and the overall impact on the environment can be reduced. Essential saving in terms of refrigeration for which the energy consumption represents approxi-mately 50% of the impact on the climate.

Choosing Performax LT means: improved energy effi ciency,

a reduction in operating costs,

a reduced carbon footprint.

«Expert knowledge on the recovery and transfer of refrigerants»The new brochure on recovery and transfer is a genuine tool for refrigeration, air conditioning and heating technicians. It enables, in a blink of an eye, all of our specialised packaging to be displayed. This document facilitates the choice of packaging for each common fl uid and indicates the maximum charge per packaging type depending on the fl uid, therefore avoiding any risk of over-fi lling.

The document also recaps current regulations, the precautions to be taken and the options for regenerating recovered fl uids.

Request our brochure form our Climalife sales representative or by e-mail: contact@climalife.dehon.com

First distributor to develop solutions relating to the recovery of refrigerants, Climalife offers packa-ging specially designed for your requirements.

To meet your requirements, Climalife is continuallyincreasing its stock with more than 10,000 new 12 litre recovery bottles.

Why choose the 12 litre bottle?• cost effective,• small in size,• easy to handle and lighter.

And do not forget, the 12 l bottle satisfi es the requirements of the regulations requiring the reco-very of halogen fl uids from the fi rst gramme.

12 litre bottles: three good reasons to choose them!


The industry event in the refrigeration, air condi-tioning, ventilation and heat pump sector will open its doors on 13th and 14th October 2011 at Brabanthal Louvain. The Climalife team will welcome you at Stand 084 and introduce its latest environmental innovations: Greenway and Performax LT.

22 Y-Refrigeration Symposium

On 2nd November 2011, the refrigeration symposium will take place at Yverdon-les-Bains, organised by the ASF (Swiss Refrige-ration Association, Romandy section). This event enables the protagonists on the Swiss-Romandy market to meet, exchange and discover the latest technical developments. Salle de la Marive - Quai de Nogent 1. 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains.

La Mostra Convegno

Climalife shall be present at this international exhibition dedicated to heating, air conditio-ning and refrigeration professionals. From 27th to 30th March 2012 at Fiera Milano – Stand No. F02 Hall 24.


Climalife Contact is published by the CLIMALIFE, DEHON group.26, av. du Petit Parc - F - 94683 Vincennes Cedex Tél. : + 33 1 43 98 75 00 - Fax : + 33 1 43 98 21 51

• Publishing manager: Pierre-Etienne Dehon • Editor-in-Chief: Delphine Martin / E-mail : contact@climalife.dehon.com • Writers: Emilie Kugener, Anne-Marie Rosset, Enikö Beke• Design, production: Elao

• The subsidiaries: • France: dehon service SA (Mana-gement and services) - contact@climalife.dehon.com • Belgium - Luxembourg: dehon service belgium - dehonservice.be@climalife.dehon.com • The Netherlands: dehon service nederland - dehon.nl@climalife.dehon.com • Germany: dkf -infodkf@climalife.dehon.com • Hungary: Climalife kft - climalife.hu@dehon.com • Spain: friogas - administracion@friogas.es • United kingdom: IDS Refrigeration Ltd - marketing@idsrefrigeration.co.uk • Switzerland: prochimac - secretariat@prochimac.ch

• Italia: dehon service italia - climalife.it@climalife.dehon.com • Scandinavia: dehon nordic service - k.nilsson@dehon.se • Russia: Teknalys- info.ru@climalife.com • Export : galco - info@galco.be

• Photos: Climalife, DuPont, Shutterstock n° 22126294, n° 20738482, n° 24309172, n° 30320290, n° 84481015, 3147259, IStock n° 000012446258, n° 000011797168.

Any partial or full reproduction of an article must state «Source - Climalife Contact» - ISSN 1263-5545.

Hungarian Refrigeration and Air Conditio-ning Association HRACA will organise from 16 to 18th November 2011 a conference at the Hotel Ozon in Matrahaza. Climalife will present the correct procedure to follow for the treatment of waste and the new Performax LT fl uid solution.

Installatie Vakbeurs

Note the dates of the next «Installatie Vak-beurs» sanitary engineering and installation exhibition. This professional exhibition presents the latest developments and new products in the sector, in a relaxed and friendly atmos-phere. Installatie Vakbeurs/Klimaatvak Gorin-chem - 13th, 14th and 15th March 2012..

Climalife will be exhibiting at the ACR SHOW, the industry event for refrigeration, air condi-tioning and heat pump sectors. The exhibi-tion takes place at the NEC in Birmingham from 13th to 15th March 2012.The Climalife team welcomes you to Stand No.F43 Hall 19 to introduce its latest innovations.


«Interclima+elec», the buildings energy effi -ciency exhibition will take place on 7th to 10th February 2012 at Porte de Versailles in Paris.Joint the Climalife team at Hall 7.1 Stand F47.

Cold Chain Forum

Climalife will be involved in the 1st Forum expo dedicated to all those involved in the cold chain which will take place on 19th and 20th October 2011 at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris.

Cold Energies ExhibitionThe next Cold Energies regional exhibitions dedicated to thermodynamics will take place: • in Nantes: on 12th & 13th October 2011• in Toulouse: 23rd & 24th November 2011

Pre-register now and obtain your free pass from: http://www.energiesfroid.com

10th November 201: technical information meeting on «essential preventative measures to prevent the risk of corrosion in hot and cold water systems» at Meerbusch in Rhénanie du Nord Westphalie.





The Netherlands

United Kingdom


Germany International

Dates for your diary!

10 I Climalife contact n°2 Climalife contact n°2 I 11

Registration newsletter available on 004921507073-12 or infodkf@climalife.dehon.com

Meet the Galco Climalife team at: • AHR EXPO/Chicago from 21st to 25th January 2012.• ACREX/India from 23rd to 25th February 2012.

Comparison with R-404AEvaporating -25°C Condensing +40°C Subcooling 5K

European leader S

olutions Provider

Think about waste recycling facilities for your technical fl uids

Regenerating fl uids helps extend the lifecycle of restricted-use fl uid-fi lled equipment. Collecting and treating this waste helps respect regulations in force. Operations on-site by our qualifi ed teams (collection, dosing, dedicated packaging, pumps, etc). Industrial sites throughout Europe authorised and certifi ed for the collection and recycling of waste.

Recycling of used technical fl uids:an economic and environmental benefi t!


Air Conditioning


top related