fmp production log 190614

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionGames Design

FMP - Production Log

Name Damion Vize FMP – FTM (Forgetting The Meta)

Date: 04.02.14

Research begins on character models and stances.

Date: 06.02.14

Research continues on the character model. The explanations are also added for why the images were chosen.

Date: 10.02.14

The Drawings I have done have been scanned in and annotated then uploaded to blogger.

Date: 25.02.14

The pitch has been completed and was described as confident and clear with more research being needed into the demographic. The overall idea was changed.

Date: 10.03.14

The production on characters begin with experiments on characters in Photoshop and Illustrator. The masking technique was used with turned down opacity so the original drawing is visible below.

Date: 01.06.14

Progress on the first character begun, image shown displays a week’s work. The brush tool was the only tool used to create this from a template of a character behind it for proportion and colour matching.

Date: 03.06.14

The first character is complete and a backstory is completed using a random name generator names are selected and backstory from the original storyboard is added.

Date: 05.06.14

The torso of the main character is selected and then painted digitally. Tattoos are removed as they don’t fit the characters design.

Date: 09.06.14

The main character is complete with the same methods used as the first character this name was one I thought of from the top of my head and it makes sense as she is from Earth not a foreign Planet.

Date: 11.06.14

This character was done in a single session with the body design of a Lego character and the arms of Mega man; the box head design was because reaching the end of a project I needed a third character done quickly and a face is often the more detailed and difficult part of a character.

Date: 16.06.14

The final design for the comic was screenshots of the characters with different backgrounds and contrast/burn tool used to create shadow.

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