foe sale - university of hawaii · new pianos, new organs, new parlor sets, jstew tables. new...

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I b rii A7 smr fl Til KPA ! if1


- 4 TT V business (Ipante.tortiscntents.

Walker & Reiward,. Cymmercial Advertiser

wing Eept Sundays.s. n. castle. J. B. ATHEBTON. Q. P. CASTLE.

Suffar Plant For Sale.LEWIS & CO.,


LmpQxUn, Wholesale and BetillDaalaxs in

Groceries and Provisions.


Shipping and Commission Merchants,60mourn- -per 5 00

relgD...... 6 00

Contractors & BuildersBri.-k- , and Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Jobbiuff Promptly Attended to,76 KINO STREET.


Honolulu, H. I. Greneral Merchaiidise.ALSO, AGENTS FOR

Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423.211 tf

sasiarss tfrfl5- -

House Goods a Specialty181-t- f

d. Mckenzie & co.,

Commission Merchants,SHIP CHANDLERY,

Sfaval Store ami Groceries,Uricks, Lime ami Cement.

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,O. F. Blake's Steam Pump9.

Kobala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co.,

Pala Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.

The Entire Plant of th

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, is offered for sale. The machinery I

In perfect working order, and consists of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Traah-carrte- r.

etc., complete.'One pair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect, 6 aud 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of Clarlners,Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineryusually found lu a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California and Island Mule,Cane Carts and General Plantation Implement.

Delivery will be given after next crop hasbeen harvested, say about July 1. 1&9.

For further particulars apply to

Jolm Hind,Maunder Star Mill.

If Kohala. Hawaii.


H. Attain"

PACIFICHardware Compaoy. II


Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Firs Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The Nsw England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boaton.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

and BlHiik BookBill""


il'p stairs) ltf The New York and Honolulu Packet LineI The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San FiancJsco.

Families and Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. Island orders solicited.

Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479.

No. 26 FORT 8TREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-ship wharf. 216-l- y

iLEXRS 4 COOKE, Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson

SEWI1STG MACHINES..orstoLeeM 4 Dickson)

i nAier iii JLuuiber


B. LEVY & SON,Importers, 'Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


of CulWinR Materials.

sTEEET. Honolulu.


$.;.: to William McCandless.)-- Draleri la-

id Krr( Veal, Mutton, Kt.,rt.e Qaten Street, Fish Market,

e i J4

We have again on hand a few of our exceptionally superior

SXJKF BOATS,In sizes from 18 to 24 feet.

Are just opening a fine line of Baskets.

BASKETS!Picnic, Hand, Butchers', Garden,

Sponge, Flower, Stocking, Biscuit,Indian Linen Buff Hampers,

White Hampers, Barrel Shape.

Basket Tables, Dress StandsWork Baskets, Knife Baskets.

Dutch Baskets, Sand Baskets,Brush and Onib Baskets,

News Stands, Letter Baskets,Carpenters' Baskets, Etc.


tsfCnil early and make selections.

6(-12- 12 lnclflc Ilnrdware Co.

GK "WEST & CO.,So. 103 Fort Street, Honolulu.

New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,jSTEW tables.

New Diningroom Furniture, New Bedroom Furniture,New Picture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc.

c'sMpriag orders careiuiiyaueuueuto vessels at short

L'Twuslrt of all kinds supplied to

"We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

528 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

11. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-6r-a Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


As these boats apeak for tbemselvea, we Invitoinspection. Price as low as auy.

We have also several 70-l-b. Clinker, Copperfastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row-loc- ks

complete, capable of holding three per-sons; just the thing tor an impromptu regatta,spin round the harbor, lake or river. Prioe roru850 to $60.

Also, a light Baggage Express with two shortportable cushioned seats; handy for business ora family out of town; and one strong hand cart.Chetip for cash at

J. A. DOWER'S,Printer's Lane, Punchbowl at.

Mutual Telephone 3:25. P. O. Box 4ti.232--1 m


lorney at Law, We have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer just from the State, who

ltfliL'ervbict Street, Honolulu. tliorougnly understands all ot the latest tasmons in nis une oi woru.

Lambrequins a Specialty.JET VAILLANCOURT ASHFORD,Steam Gaudy Factory

try Solicitor, Ajjent to TnKeEx. " DEUTSCHLAND."l(kuowlelni-uts- , Etc

AND-- iiidpltul BuilJio. adjoining Generalh.fl Office. 27-3- u

We have in oar employ as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did workof this kind here.

:o:Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. Lambrequins

Corniees and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to order.THE;BAKE Y .

National Brewery !


Lapomr and Dealer in

SSUl MERCHANDISE.Ja.S-1- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

e. Honisr,Practical Confectioner. Pastry Cook and Baker.

Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

We have the exclusive Agency for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in thiscountry, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin!


All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan,G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.

71 Hotel Street.Roth Telephone 74.


Jul Commission Agents







Sugar Coolers.IRON TANKS,


Is now one of th Permanently EstablishedIndustries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and theCompany to whose Enterprise its Existence isdue have for the first time solved the problem ofBrewing in this Country a

to fort k Queen 9ta., Honolulu, ltfHEAVE a SALOON,

""tow, Opposite Wilder A Co.'s,Galv. Corrugated IM Pure, Wholesome, PalatableJ EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,


AndiJuvt I.audel.lnCFine Order.Y. P. CLOTH,



U XOLTE, PF.0PBIETOB.lUaciea Served with Tea, CoSee,

Ginger Ale or Milk.Vi From 3 a. m. till 10 i. xu.!Rqul9iteaapeclalty. ltf


fcT TAILOR,md Aiikea St., Honolulu.

53 JE TC. R6. 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by

H. HACKFELD & CO.Barrel Shooks and Heads,

Ax Handles,Pick Handles,

Hoe Handles,Canal Baarows,

Nests Trunks.

Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cat Nails (asst'd)Morse Shoe Nails.

ltr Tor Halo By- -

H. HACKFELD & CO.H. G. CRABBE,216tkge, good workmanahip and

That It possesses these qualiUeln a rerymarked degree, and is a beverage admirablyadapted for consumption in a tropical climate,is admitted by all who have txled it. It was pre-diete- d

at the outset thatltf


Second-han- d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.LTHE STEAM BEER

MUTTON AND VEAL.OF TOEHonolulu,Sausiago Pork. r.ic. - King Street,

bLirnluB sr-ve- J an ihort

Household Sewing Machine, withlatest improvements and attachments.

Hand Sewing: Machines.One Washing- - Machine, New.

5fnslcal Instruments, Ariston, Acorii eons, Guitars. Violins,

Jllgotphonea, a new and comical instru-ment, can be played by anyone.

Guitar and Violin Strings.Velveteen carpets and Bugs.

Ed Hoffschlaeger & Co.


National Brewery Co.32-l- m

"Electric5 Kerosene Oil.Downer's" Oil, Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2 5 gallons in each).Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland'Cement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterna.

Opp. the old Police Station.

saWould soon find favoi in the community

after it had been given a trial.SUN FIRE OFFICE,


Established 1710.' o:k 1. l 10 8D1P bUCk-C- L

Mutd ou the shortestitf

lap Just --Arrived. In the eourse of a few short months the prdlcUon has been amply realized.

Cumberland Coal.Stra Wrapping Paper, SOxSOin., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black.Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, S-p- ly, Ox Bows

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in ca3k9),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

R0YAL SALOON,Insurance effected upon every description ofnUU oil Ilcrchnut lris property at current rates of premium.

Total 8um Insured in 1885 327,333,700

F. Volter. f!!ilmi arranged by the Local Ants, and paid The Reasons Why it Has AchievedSneees Are Not Far to Seek.with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdic-

tion of ths Local Tribunals recognized.t!? 11. VRr!tty Of the bftlt Wl na- -

m4r Clli Lee" draught atHand Carts, Baby Cairiages, Sashea, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top

Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage.

C. BREWER & COG. W. Macfarlane & Co.

lux Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


FLENSBURO STOCK BEER, in quartsand pints.


Joseph Perrier Fils & Co.. in quarts andpints.

Carte d'Argent. Bouzy Mousseanx,Grand Vin Mousseaux.


Carte d'Argent. Carte Rose.


Carte Noir.

Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Co.KING AND BETHEL STREETS.

m : mill. H. TTs Mclntyre & Rra.IMPORTERS AND PEALi:R IN

G-rocerie- s, Provisions and Eeed

THOMAS LINDSAYHas Removed His Manufacturing

Jewelry Establishmen

From Kunanu Street to

Scientific Experience and Practical Skill besanthe work and hae carried It through.

A Cool and Healthy Site was selected for theWorkB.

An Absolutely Pure Water Supply ffas been ob-

tained from an artesian source 670 feet deep.

Tfcs Ingredients used in the manufactureare the best which the MARKETS OF THEWORLD AFFORD.

THE MACHES'ERY is of the most modern andimproved type.


Bell Telephone 6. Mutual Telephone 117,P, O, Bx 5o. 448.

ARCHANT,j "t to

O". O. Thrum)

BINDER1 H.- -H. HACKFELD & CO.,Thomas Block, King Street.Sa Haa J? BUnk Book


New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, fresh Californ'aProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of tbcity free Of charye. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PoattrfSee Box No. 410Telephone 2o. W 0apl7Particular attention paid to repairing. J VT al Que& 8t HoBOlulU

; .



by ourWe do not hold ourselves responsible

statements made, or opinions expressedcorrespondents. 1Fifty-fir- st Day. oceanic steamClose of a ISusy and Useful Life Some

of the Leading Events in Mr. IVilder'sCareer The Funeral. Saturday, July 23.

The House met at 10 o'clock, a. m., the


Th Als: ear

id ALTST Rah,

Irrigation Notice.Office Water Works, )

Honolulu, July 27, 1583.)

Holders of water privileges or those pay-

ing water rates are hereby notified thatthe hours for using water for irrigatingpurposes are from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m.f andfrom 4 to C o'clock p. m.

CHAS. B. WILSON,.. . Supt. Water Works.

Approved :

L. A. Thurston,Minister of the Interior.

54-- tf

Will leave Hour,;.

road on Maui by purchase. There wereat least 3 thousand persons, including alarge number of native Hawaiians, de-

pendent on the employment furnishedby Wilder & Co., the Wilder SteamshipCo., the railroads and other of Mr.Wilder's large concerns. His restlessenterprise was only checked in stillgreater development by the failure, forthe time at least, of his scheme to obtainmoney in the London market for build-ing a railroad from Hilo to Hamakua.This was indeed on the eve of success toevery appearance, when news of the rev-olution of 1887 reached London and in-

timidating capitalists rendered nugatoryall that had been thus far effected.

During the extraordinary session ofthe present Legislature last year, Mr.Wilder again left for London in the hopeof confidence being again restored inHawaiian securities. A strong combin-ation was, however, formed, against thescheme in San Francisco, in whose handsfurther disquieting rumors from Honoluluproved only too effective ammunition.Mr. Wilder again returned with butfailure to report, a large proportion of thecommunity heartily sympathizing withhim in his disappointment. At theopening of the extraordinary session hewas elected President of the Legislature,but after he left for London circum-stances made it advisable to the mem-bers to elect a permanent President forthe balance of the session. Neverthe-less, at the opening of the regular sessionnow running, Mr. Wilder was unani-mously chosen again as the head of theAssembly. He was a practical parlia-mentarian ; just, prompt, and precise inhis rulings; combining rare tact withenergy in the dispatch of business. HisMajesty had conferred upon Mr. Wilderthe distinctions of a Knight Commanderof the Royal Order of Kalakaua, andGrand Officer of the Royal Order Crownof Hawaii.

The funeral of the late Hon. S. G.

Tuesday, JivAt oon.

President, Hon. W. II. Castle, in the chair.Absent: Minister Thurston; Nobles Dow-set- t,

Young, Smith, Wall, Baldwin, Camp-bell, Widemann, Makee, Bertelmann,Dole; Reps. Dowsett, ivalaukoa, Ka'uhi,Kauhane, Paris, Daniels, Nakaleka. Min-

utes read and confirmed.HO S. G. WILDER DEAD.

The President announced the death ofthe Hon. S. G. Wilder, late Noble andPresident of the Assembly. For himself,personally, he expressed" his heart-fel- tsorrow at the event, and alluded briefly tothe estimable qualities of deceased as anable and judicious member of the House,a public spirited and enterprising citizenand an honorable and upright man in allrespects.

Minister Austin moved that the sessionof Wednesday afternoon, August 1st, beset apart for resolutions and eulogisticremarks on the life and character of thelate Honorable President ot the House.

Minister Ashford seconded the motion,and said this is the practice followed bythe United States Congress on similar occa-sions. Less than the. time specified in themotion would be less than the House owesto the memory of the deceased.

The motion was adopted Unanimously.On motion of Minister Austin, the

House then adjourned out of respect tothe memory of the late Hon. Samuel G.Wilder, to Monday morning at 10 o'clock.


Free Schools.Mr. Editor: I have noticed with

some anxiety that the educational billsbefore the Legislature seem to drag,when less important matters have gainedfull attention. I refer especially to theproposed law to make English schoolsfree and to the one reducing the schoolage. I presume that these laws are ofno especial personal interest to the mem-

bers of the Legislature, as most of themeducate their children at private schools ;

they, however, affect a large number oftaxpayers and should not be allowed tofail of passage.

The present school law is outrageous.It was made many years ago, when therewas scarcely any school population ex-cept natives and all the native schoolswere free. Afterward English schoolswere established, which were not free,and the native schools have been gradu-ally dropped. The result is that we nowhave a compulsory education law and atthe same time charge tuition. In otherwords, we compel the parent class to payout money that no other class has to,and thus punish a man for having chil-dren. I am not lawyer enough to saywhether this is unconstitutional or not,but I feel that it is unjust to the poorman. A single man with a dollar a daypays two dollars a year school tax. Hisneighbor who has done his duty to thecountry by raising a family has, say,four children of the school age, and paysin addition fifteen dollars yearly a totalof seventeen dollars, which is a severe


The Honorable Samuel GardnerWilder died Saturday morning, July2Sth, at a quarter past 7 o'clock. Formore than a month the solicitude of thewhole community had centered aroundthe sick bed of one of its most prominentand useful figures, yet when the endcame it had the force of a sudden blow.It was heard to realize that the busyman of public and private affairs, whobut a few weeks ago occupied his seat asPresident of the Legislature, whose pro-

jected enterprises were so great as to bea national concern, had passed away.The sad event immediately cast a palpa-ble gloom over the whole town, the out-

ward manifestations of which were theinterchange of mournful reflectionsamong groups of citizens ; Government,consular, marine and private flags flyingat half-mas- t, and the closing of theplaces of business for the latter half ofthe day. The Legislative Assemblytook appropriate action with regard tothe loss of its distinguished memberwhich is reported elsewhere in theaccount of proceedings.

Samuel G. Wilder has had the careerof "a man of more than ordinary abilityand energy, whose private enterprisesand public services have both, in a

sr or freight or Pass

W-- 0. IRWIN 4 cu

I' " i"EV

Park Beach Hoi

NoticeTo all persons licensed to perform the

Marriage Ceremony.For the purpose of revising the record,

all persons holding a license to performthe Marriage Ceremony in this Kingdomare requested to send to the Interior Office

at their earliest convenience the followinginformation :

1st The date of their license,

2d Is the license for the Kingdom orfor an island or district.

3d Present place of residence of licensee.L. A. THURSTON,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, July 20,

Opposite Ka l'iolani paik M.


Wilder took place from the residence, burden in addition to his having to feedu Cemetery at 5 u family. It looks to me very much likeEskbank, to the Nuuan

Finest Bathing Place on the 1

ElegautKooin.s,gasaudWuterineachExtensive Ground,, Well sUlH

The TahJe ia supplied vwtL tLt

tbe market atforJs.

large degree, been a benefit to thecountry of his adoption. He was bornat Leominster, Massachusetts, June 20th,1831. The family in 1844 joined thegreat stream of emigration trending to-ward the setting sun, settling in Illinoisthen on the frontier of westwardlyadvancing civilization. With freshlykindled aspirations for independent ven-tures after fortune, the subject of thissketch crossed the almost tracklessmountains and plains to California in1852. There he was employed in the

o ciocK on Csunday aiternoon. A largeconcourse of people filled the house andthronged the grounds before the cere-monies began. Religious services wereconducted by the Revs. H. H. Parkerand Dr. Beckwith. The singing wasbeautifully done by a quartet consistingof Mrs. A. F. Judd (also piano accom-panist), Mrs. John H. Paty, Hons. J. T.Water-hous- and H. F. Baldwin. The

Billiard Room and Bowling Alf


vr4s) lite t

making matrimony a crime.I think that the great majority of the peo-

ple want the lower grade English schoolsfree, even if the roads into Waipiovalley and to the top of Punchbowl haveto wait awhile. The reduction of theschool age from fifteen to twelve, to thosewho can pass a creditable examinationin reading, writing and simple arithme-tic, would, I think, be a great boon toour Portuguese population. This nation-ality abounds in large families, and ifwe can arrange our laws so as not tooppress them thev will soon solve the


Full information IMVCIl . ....hymn "Abide with me," was sung; Mr. best routes of travel, for J" u to i

business of the Adams Express Com- - Parker read the 103d Psalm, " Bless the also current rates for horse Lire ai.V ""f6the other islands. SWJtjhaving as an associate therein hispanv, Lord O my Soul," etc. ; Dr. Beckwith

offered prayer in English, and Mr. Par-ker in Hawaiian, and the hymn, "Iwould not live alway," was sung. Thebody was preceded to the grave by along line of employees of the different

riddle of " Hooulu lahui."Those having large families need the

labor of their boys. Every hapaha

Honolulu Tax Assessor's Office.

From and after July 1, 1888, the under-signed, Tax Assessor for the District ofHonolulu, Island of Oahu, will be in hisoffice in the new building called Kapuaiwa,in the rear of Aliiolani Hale, on Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of eachweek, during the month of July, betweenthe hours of 9 and 12 a. m. and 1 and 3

p. m., for the purpose of receiving the re-

turns of all persons liable to taxation inthis district.

ALL PERSONS LIAtJLE TO TAXA-TION are respectfully requested to maketheir returns as full, explicit and completeas possible, giving number of street andarea of land; stating frontage and depthon street, character of structure thereon,cost of same, to whom rented or leased,and length of lease; property sold duringthe year, to whom and for what sum.State if there is any mortgage on the prop-

erty ; give date of mortgage, name of

mortgagee, and for what amount mort-gaged. State property on hand in yourXossession belonging toothers; merchan-dise on hand or consignment July 1, 1883;

Busses and carriages will he icial rates for excursions, liuss SpatJwagoiswill meet ev. rv tean,er s, '1for permanent boarder, aProvided for the use of guestAtCSKf



counts, and it thev are forced to send theWilder interests, and borne thither by boys to school in "one district they move

future Honolulu fellow-citize- n, Mr. R.W.Laine.

Mr. Wilder arrived in Honolulu inthe clipper ship White Swallow in theyear 1857. The same year he marriedhere Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. G.P. Judd, the bridal couple making theirhonej'inoon tour in the White Swallow toNew York, via Baker's Island, whencethe groom had the ship chartered tocarry a cargo of guano, and returnhither from New York.

On returning to the Islands Mr.

native Hawaiians in the same connection to another. Anv bov with reasonableAs the cemetery adjoins the homesteadthe route was taken through the rear ofthe latter without going on the street,and the distance was too short toallow the general public time to form in


application can learn to read, write andcipher in five years, and if the parentsknow that their children can be exemptwhen they know a certain amount, thereasonable application will be forth-coming, even if it has to come in thenature of a guava rod.

C. H. Dickey.Haiku, July 24th.

regular line, ine paii-oeare- rs wereKx - Alameda,"Wilder went into sugar planting at Ma- - the Honorables C. It. Bishop, Justice E Absolutely Pure.Kawao, iuaui, dui mis enterprise was 1'reston, li. A. Widemann, A. $. Uleg

unfortunately terminated in the destruc-tion by fire of the plantation. After-ward in company with Dr. Judd lie



100 Small Bags j


horn, G. W. Macfarlane, J. Mott Smithand W. II. Kice, and Capt. J. A. King,manager of the Wilder Steamship Com-pany. After the chief mourners a largecompany, came Cabinet Ministers andthe Legislative Assembly in a body, fol-lowed by a vast column, spreading atthe rear into a crowd, of the generalpublic. It seemed as if the whole re

The Itoyal School.The forty-eight- h annual examination

of the lloyal School was held on Fridayunder the charge of the Rev. Alex.Mackintosh, the Principal. The exam-inations were conducted in each room

Jb'or quick raising, the Royal Baking Powder issuperior to all other leavening aeents. It is ab-solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fails to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withItoyal Baking Powder may be eaten hot withoutdistressing results to the most delicate digestiveorgans. It will keep in any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. H. A. Mott, U. S. Government Chemist,after examining officially the principal bakingpowders of the coiPntry. reported:

"The Roval Baking Powder is absolutely pure.

l his lot is from a new district ani are adwas being excellent. Also, ispectable portion of the community were

started a plantation at Kuoloa, Oahu,but, owing to the soil being none of thebest, this was abandoned after a fewyears' struggle. He is next heard of inthe auctioneer business with E. P. Adams& Co., and later was engaged in Hon.J. I. Dowsett's lumber business, beingso only about six months until in Aprii,1872, he bought Mr. Dowsett out. Thiscontinued one of his leading branches ofbusiness till the last.

In nothing was Mr. Wilder more iden-tified with the life of this country, prob-ably, than in the remarkable devel- -

in the concourse, which was probably by their respective teachers. There wasSO Kegs Choice


more numerous than attended any fun-eral ever before seen here except ofroyal personages. The family burial lotis clotee to that of the Dicksons, in whichthe venerable mother was interred the

a very large attendance of both parentsand visitors, who were very highlypleased with the result of the boys'training during the past year. Recita-tions, reading and arithmetic were held

ior x nave so louna it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, and the method of its

100-l- b. each.

cash in bank or agents' hands same date,etc. etc.



SPECIAL ATTENTION is herewithdrawn by the undersigned to the fact thatno return is valid in law unless sworn tobefore the Assessor, Notary Public orsome other person authorized to adminis-

ter oaths.Blank forms on which to make returns

can be had daily during the month of

July on application at the office of the un-

dersigned. C. A. BROWN.,Assessor of Taxes for the District of Hono-

lulu, Island of Oahu.Approved: W. L. GREEN,

Minister of Finance.Honolulu, June 29, 1888.

29-d-A- ug 1. 1225-Jul- y 2, 16, 30.

previous aay. unei religious exercisesopment of inter-islan- d steam navigation, were conducted at the fjrave, concluding BE. May & Coiu xioyai rsaEing jr"owaer is un- -in Mr. C. H. White (the assisting prin-- doubtedly the purest and niostTreliahle l.akinaw I opowder offered to the public.

"Dr. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,"5 1221-l- y U. S. Government Chemist.

64-- 1 w

The Kisdon

His career in this regard began with the with the hymn, "Shall we gather at theagency of the Government steamer Ki-- river?"lauea, which he managed with thor- - Mr. Wilder leaves a widow, three sons,ough success during 1871-- 2. In 1877 he two daughters, and four grandchildren,had the steamer Likelike built on the He lost his firstborn son by accident atCoast for the Government, and buying the Kuoloa plantation mentioned above. Rnnlrclnnn Piron IClio iceher afterward that vessel was the first of His son G. P. Wilder was married last Um Mllll j IlgOi Jpnn and Locomotive !

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,FOE SALE.

cipal's) room, aswell as all the othernine rooms. In the principal's room,where were the advanced boys, thestudies embraced reading and physicsby the first and second classes. Thereading was very good, several of thestudents having really attained a veryhigh proficiency in the science of elocu-tion, their articulation for the most partbeing very distinct. The principal wentthrough with the advanced class in athorough analysis of "Gray's Elegy" andthe students evinced a good understand-ing of grammar.

Shortly before noon, the exhibitionwas given. Among those present were

year and one of his daughters is Mrs.C. L. Wight of Kohala. Brothers of thedeparted surviving him, known andesteemed of all in this community, areMessrs. William C. and John K. AVilder.

San Francisco California

Inquire of55tf

FRANK Oahu College.


his later fleet. He next had the Mo-kol- ii

and Lehua built, then bought theiron steamship Kinau, while on thestocks at Cramps' yard, Philadelphia,laid down to the order of Col. Spreckels.The steamers just named, with the Ki-lau- ea

Hou (or new Kilauea), form theinter-islan- d flotilla accrued from the be-ginning mentioned. After the arrival ofthe Kinau in 1883 Mr. Wilder formedthe Wilder Steamship Company, that


Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Builders Steam MachineryOFI'olice Court.

Fkiday, Juby 27.Ah Kung is fined $4 10 for assault and


Furniture !Be Just and fear not:

Let all the ends thou aim'st at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

-- A.T AUCTION".- -

In all its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines 4 Boiltrtf

Iligh Pressure or Coiupound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kiiids built campM-wit-

hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded ben

visable. f

STEAM LAUNCHES. Banjes and Steam Tugs coHJULY 30, 18SS.MONDAY,

battery on Kamakea, and Kamakea thesame amount for assault and battery onAh Kung.


Gonsalves & Co. vs. Bento da Aben.Defendant confesses judgment for $41 77,amount sued for.

Sam Kanea vs. Alex. Lazarus. Dam-ages of $50. Suit withdrawn.

Three cases are continued and onesettled.

Saturday, July 28.

structed with reference totbetniuemthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnige

has since conducted the business underhis Presidency. The corporation haslately acquired the bark J. A. King, em-ploying her in the large lumber busi-ness of Wilder & Co. between here andPuget Sound.

Mr. Wilder's political record is not lessmarked by his vigorous individualitythan his commercial career. As a pub-lic man he had clear and strong convic-tions and great decision of character.He took great interest in the election bythe peoile of a King in 1873, throwinghis active services into the scale in favorof W. C. Lunalilo, the successful candi

draft of water guaranteed.SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making IscliLe?j

Hon. C. K. Bishop, President of theBoard of Education, Mr. A. T. Atkinson,Inspector General of Schools, and Mrs.Atkinson, Hon. and Mrs. A. Roila, Rev.Mr. Kitcat, of Iolani College, Mr C. Pii-anai- a,

and a host of others. The fol-lowing was the programme :

1. Opening Chorus On the Sea School2. Dialogue Three Black Crows. . .ByronA. J. Smithies, D. Miranda, J. Young,

Puoanui, George Kipa,Kelekoina Haui.

3. Recitation The WhiskersSamuel Woodvvorth

Kelekoma Haui.4. Music Canadian Boat Song.. . School5. Recitation A Night's Adventure

Charles Akau.6. Dialogue Murder of Edward II.

On Tuesday, July 31st,At 10 o'clock a. m.,

At the residence of Mrs. A. A. Cottrell. cornerof Kini? and South streets, I will sell atpublic auction, all the HouseholdFurniture, comprising:

Hanging Lamps, Lace Curtains andCornices, Music Box,

Boiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sbt Iron, of wj ,

size, made in suitable lengths for confci i

together, or Sheets rolled, and P

for shipment, ready to be riveted cn -

ground. I


On the opening of the Court therebeing present David Dayton, Police Jus-tice; A. S. Hartwell, A. P. Peterson,Deputy Attornev-Genera- l ; W. AustinWhiting, W. A. Kinney, V. V. Ashford,J. L. Kaulukou, C. L. Hopkins. Deputy

Tipes made by this estaoiibii" , tyofPicture Frames,

Tables ami Chairs,1 Ued Lounge,


The bill to abolish the passport sys-

tem, which was referred to the JudiciaryCommittee, has been unfavorably re-

ported upon by them. The argumentsin favor of doing away with the systemhave been so thoroughly canvassed inboth the Bulletin and Advertiser, thatit is useless to repeat them now. Wethink it was made to appear prettyplainly that the advantages of doingaway with the whole system are decidedlygreater than anything good which cancome of it. The Committee put theirargument for the passports on the basisthat the present law is only a hardshipto eyil doers. Hardship or not, it is a

UJUliklliiU IITCUUg ' I

work being far superior to Laud work.

date. Lunalilo requited his assistanceby appointing Mr. Wilder to the Houseof Nobles. In that position the follow-ing year, when the throne became againvacant by the death of Lunalilo. Mr.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstan'

Winches. Air and Circulating Pu"PClock,Christopher MarloweEdward II. Napela. Light-bor- n

J. Luahiwa. SET !AlusicJ? airy Moonlight SchoolRecitation Mr. Orator PufT

Duke Kahauamoku.Recitation Taxes Svdnev Smith

after the most approved plans.for tbe x fi

SOLE Agents and manufacturersCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pin,Ps.'virXbrtlcity works purroses, built witn otb-- r

Davy Valve Motion, superior 10

ASH BEDROOMSingle Bedsteads, Mattresses,Mosquito Nets,Crockery,



Kitchen Stove pump.

J. N. S. Williamsand Utensils, Oil Stove,Etc., Etc. Honolulu

taVr'3.Spreckel,' Block.Room No. 3, upsJas. !F Morgan, Agent fortbejiawn.41-3- m

Marshal, and other members of the barand officers of the Court the Hon. A. S.Hartwell moved the Court shall adjournwithout the prosecution of business outof respect, and in memory and feelingfor the decease of our fellow-citize- n,

Hon. S. G. Wilder, and for his family;that he was a man well known and re-spected in the community, and whosefamily well deserves the sympathy ofall. Upon which the Court immediatelydeclared all business in this Court sus-pended for the day, and an adjournmentof the Court be had in respect to thememory of a man w ho above all hadworked for the welfare of this commu-nity, and who was intimately connectedfor years past with the magistrate of thisCourt, and in him the community haslost one of its best and most progressivemen. Therefore all cases are continuedto the 30th inst.


nuisance to everybody who has any oc-

casion to leave the country, and an in-

terference with the ease and freedom oftravelling.


Wilder espoused the cause of the lateKing's rival, David Kalakaua, who waselected by the Legislative Assembly.

The present King summoned Mr.Wilder to his Cabinet in 1878, in whichhe was Minister of the Interior untilAugust, 18S0, when he was retired sud-denly at the inception of the Morenofiasco. He had been raised in the mean-time to membership of the Privy Councilof State, continuing a member of theHouse of Nobles, also, until by therevolutionary Constitution of 1887 thatbody was made elective, when Mr.Wilder was returned at the head of thepoll as one of the nine Nobles for theIsland of Oahu this distinction beingthe more marked from the fact that,from a date antecedent to the revolutionto one subsequent to the ejection, he was

j . Kealoha.10. Music Beautiful Rose Tree School11. Recitation Bachelor's Soliloquy..

Job Naukana.12. Dialogue The Barber's Shop

AnonymousOily J. S. Kalakiela. Jones

D. Kamakauahoa.13. Music The Morning Land School14. Recitation The Briefless Barrister

John G. SaxeGeorge Kipa.

15. Recitation Mrs. Caudles on ShirtButtons Douglas JerroldJ. S, Kalakiela.

1G. Music There's Work Enough to DoSchool

17. Recitation What Mr. RobinsonThinks James K. Lowell

George Rosa.18. Dialogue Scene from the Heir-at- -

Filter PressesJust Kecelvec!.

WlRSFEW FILTERA extra heavy frames, audLandlingprovementa for facility

lnSi ., to tfcon aH'Li1'""Prices and reference

VVork.Loco.Agent liisdon Iron &

nt San Franciiv

. 4 1 miv7 hi- -


of this Bterliug periodical for July;Notes.American Sugar Market.The Recent Sugar Deal.With our Reader?.Immigration to Ilawaii.Coffee, Sugar and Slavery in Brazil.The English Walnut.Directory of Sugar Plantations.Grape Culture in Florida, s

Olive Culture in California.Sorghum in Kansas.Points on Horse Breeding.Report of President of Board of Immigration.Notes from Hawaii.Diffusion of Bagasse.Coffee Disease in Brazil.Officers of Planters' Labor and Supply Co.

Spreckels' Block, HonolnlnMilitary Matters.

The second battalion of HawaiianVolunteers have elected the following

Law- - .George ColmanDr. Pangloss J. S. Kalakiela. Dick

Dowlass Geo. Rosa. Waiter-Cha- rlesAkau. LOST- -officers: Sam. Nowlein, Major; H.

Kaaha, Adjutant: L. J. Nahora Hipa.

An objection to the passport systemwhich we have not yet seen urged, isthat it tends to keep deadbeats in thecountry. It is at least an open questionwhether it would not be a wiser plan forthe Government to do something to pro-

mote the departure from the country ofthat class which has such a talent forincurring financial obligations and suchan insuperable distaste for liquidatingthem, rather than keep up an elaborateand inconvenient system for the solepurpose of perpetuating their residencein the Kingdom. In any case, if theLegislature thinks it wiser to keep themhere, a little ingenuity will soon devisefiome other method (such as for instanceby summary process) of accomplishingthe end. As it is, we have a forcibleillustration of the fact that one sinnerdestroyeth much good. . We have faithto believe that the bill will pass, in spite


A GOLD WAtuu Ibe finder wi"e at ut

If. 3r. O. on case.

Quartermaster; G. L. Desha, OrdnanceOfficer; Dr. F. L. Miner, Surgeon.

The Leileiohoku Guards (cavalry)have elected W. S. Wond as Captain ;A. Smith, First Lieutenant; V. Widdi-fiel- d,

Second Lieutenant.

ii..(i nn leaving - i--Hawaiian Hotel.

absent in Lngland trying to float hisgreat project of the Hilo and HamakuaRailroad. Mr. Wildefr's administrationof the Department of the Interior wascharacterized by a well-define- d policyof extensive internal improvements.Besides vigorously pushing forward theconstruction of roads and bridges, withother public conveniences, MinisterWilder initiated and carried out theproject, so beneficial to this port, of aMarine Railway, which was constructedin 18S2, the first vessel being hauled onit on January 1, 1883. Mr. Wilder leasedthe works from the '"Government andoaducted them until February 21, 1885,

when he transferred the lease to Messrs.Sorenson & Lyle, the prssent lessees.

Besides the large enterprises men-tioned above, flourishing at the time ofhis death, Mr. Wilder in 18S1 built theKohala Railroad, running from Mahu-kon- a

to Niulii on the island of Hawaii,and in 1884 acquired the Kahului Rail- -

19. Music All Among the Barley . .SchoolNumbers 3, 5, G, 14 and 17 deserve

special mention. In No. 15 J. S. Kala-kiela won for himself the praise of all forthe very comical manner in which herendere'd it. The house was all astirduring its rendition. In Nos. 12 and 18,Kalakiela again was highly greeted. Heacted so comically that there were suc-cessive bursts of laughter from the aud-ience, indicating their hearty approval.The 1st prize, a medal, was presented toGeo. Rosa by Hon. C. R. Bishop. Theother prize winners were: Chas. Akau,Hy. Kawewehi, Kalakiela, D. Eli, whoeach received books. The prizes forrecitation were awarded to Kaladielaand G. Rosa, .

For Kent or For Sale.Japan is stealing away the green tea

trade from China, as India and Ceylonare taking that in black tea. Indian andCeylon teas are beating those fromChina simply because they are in everyway better better cultivated, better col-lected, better cured, better packed, morehonestly sold and cheaper.


In Perl?"

V. '


inan IIk I

The Planters' Monthly should be in the handsof every person interested in agricultural orhorticultural pursuits, or i- - any way engagedin the sugar industry.

Terms .f 2 50 per year.Foreign subscriptions... 3 00

Address:. . H. M. WHITNEY, .


vsaU lcA few minutes'of the recommendation of --the JudiciaryCommittee.

Apply toUfOO STA



Evdwfisements.Choice Berkshire pig3 are offered by Fr.

Hanvick. Fatality-Mu- ch Sickness and two Not-

able rieatlis.See contents of Planters' Monthly for Marine Meat MarketI oi t St.. oP1. o. s. S. Wharf.

Main and.CI1 from July elsewhere.

FOB 30 BAYS ! I FOB 30 DAYS !IFHie weekly Gazette tor to-morr- will 2dTAt Ilonomu on the 23d inst., a Portu-guese fell into a clarifier and wascontain twelve pages.

Some line shooting was done by the local burned so badly that he died next dav The 10th Annual Inventory SaleP. MILTON.

K'; r frm Molokai.

r.from Koo- -

JA,i-i-hi from hwa- -

and warships marksmen at the clay pigeon He leaves a wife and child.match on Saturday. u Vn, T, n , ,

4 , .At.Proprietor.

9 "vj iiita ueen connecieu witnI Hilo postoffice manv vears. diVd nn thf At - Fishel 's HouseLeading - Miwill be received at the Post Office until 4 20th inst. Hft wM n ineryBeef, Veal, Pork, Mutton,

Fish, Sausage, and Vegetableso'clock this afternoon. L' . a m, . .;' from Kauai.

afMacaulay, "cm . . opecteu uy an. xne rostmaster HadMr. Morgan sells furniture at the resi- - the most unbound p1 rnnfiin Wm.

denceof Mrs. A. Cottrell at 10 o'clock tn- - a? , . . , x .' . pbclKfromlnaleimorrow, as per notice elsewhere.

Also, a supply of

Salt Meats on hand at allways wore a smiling face. Such menare missed. times.11. M. b. Lgena sailed from Auckland,


50 Cents on the Dollar!N.Z.,on June 20 to continue her survevbetween New Zealand and Tonga, on the Shipping and Families supplied at shortestnotice and with best attention.

There has been and still is consider-able sickness in Hilo. The Japanesedoctor has died from typhoid fever. Hewas an able man. There were five Jap-anese in his house sick; in fact, hishouse was a hospital for sick Japanese.Hilo does certainly need a hosnital. and

proposed route of the Pacific cable.A raid on the Chinese Theatre on SuntATl-EUAY-

. July 2.i . M'.re. tor ban

. .j" r

43-t- f OoixLiTienciiiD. McKENZIE, Manager. Today evening resulted in the capture of awhole host tor gaming. Mr. Ng Monwur should have one. Petitions have been MerCUPV Oil YpSpI TWtrmiQ

Sent to the T.emslatnr twW sumrl hvcalls at this office to state that he resignedme management of the theatre at 10o'clock Saturda3r morning. EXT" RememberThis is A CASH SALE and look out for Bargains.

Clias. J. Fisliel,The entertainment under the auspices of MARINEGermicide Paintthe Bl ue Ribbon League on Saturday even

tor Molokai,McGregor,

rnifrwooJ. lor WaialuaLi. 1

a large number of residents, and now itis needed more than ever.

On account of the sickness prevailingat Hilo the water question is again agi-tated. All along the various streamsthat run through the streets women areallowed to wash all sorts of things anddeposit their waste water. Everyonesays it should not be allowed. Yet noone interferes to stop it. Some get their

LEADING MILLINER V was very well attended. The numberson the pre-announc- ed programme were THE

Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.Neihon.for Koolau,

-- 4 s

HE MARINE GERMICIDE PATVT rq AVTexecuted, without exception, with goodellect and were highly appreciated. TheHon. H. Waterhouse's address was pecu

fur Lwa.Wd Kuikahi.' ANTI-FOULIN- E COUlIKHind for IlON' COPPFR..Jj:;;,.ka-a-

i iU.

drinking water from a sprint: a trood disliarly interesting in that the honorable.'..rtfrum Foreign Ports. tance off, while the water which runs

through the streets is just as trood ifgentleman dealt with the excellent re-sults and enthusiastic working of the kept clean. Will ' not the gentlemennative Hawaiian Blue Ribbon organization

w ho represent Hilo attend to this im NEW GOODS ! LOWEST PRICES !portant matter. J. A. M.Memorial Service.

or Wood, au absolute protection against Barna-cles, Coral, Sea Grass, Teredos, and all MarineParasites, and an unfailing preventive) ol ruston iron or steel.

The success of the Germicide Paint, inSan Francisco. New York and the West Indies,has been phenomenal. The U. S. Navy Yard atMare Island is using Germicide exclusively,after testing it against the best paint. Of 45utests in 1SHC, they find that Germicide came outnineteen to one better. It is stated that the Navalauthorities at Washington are about adopting italtogether lor the U. S. Navy. We have numer-ous testimonials to prove its eillciency.

For sale by

Sorenson & Lylo,23-- 1 in Agents for the Hawn. I.

Hilo, July 26th.

, ;:, Kimbtrley. S America.U:,"' Vair, Acupulco.

'f ih Kuurke.Ainenra."'il-IlaiK- l. S S Islands.

Lt-- 5an Franei-e- u.

uvrtborir. SunjfFran."Vviiv, Newcastle.

Newcastle.;:, uuie, Liverpool.

HoudVtte. S. r .

e Biahui, an Francisco.

A memorial service for the late Rev.SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. :o:- -A. O. Forbes was held last Sunday even

ing at Kaumakapili Church. The services were conducted by the Revs. J

W. H. GRAENHALGH,Drink Moxie at the " Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.Fishel's inventory sale this day.Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's)

Waiamau, C. M. Hyde. D. D., S. E.Bishop, E. S. Tiraoteo, H. II. Parker, J.

for GO TO MAX ECKART'SBicknell, and the Hon. A. F. Judd. TheIipKtel from Foreign Ports.'

., Where from. Due..yjri.-'-

e .an Francisco. Aug 4

V sun Francisco. Aug 3' J " ' ... 1 t .... Oil was entirely filled with people (Successor to Thus. t. Thrum)Magazines at Graenhalgh's, 100and the services throughout were very Fort

street. -- FOR YOURimpressive. Judge IV. S. Lyman andLadies' BlackDiamond Dyefamily, Mgtf Chamberlain, F. W. J. Hose at

Sachs' store. Bookseller, Stationer and Newsdealer,Forbes and two Misses Forbes (children

.f Francisco. Aug 31'".i'lcu.-a- n Francisco. Aug 30

Francisco. July 31i''.v' .llremt'ii Nov 27I ...New York . ..Nov 10L ..San Francisco. July 25J'CkekSun Francisco. July 25

Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricatorfor the throat.of the lamented minister) occupied seats

in the front. Special Hymns and Psalms Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's,100 Fort street. Brewer Block, 106 Fort Street, near Hotel, Honolulu,were sung by the choir, and Mr. Wray

Taylor, the. organist, plaved funeral


Where you will find Silver, Gold andDiamonds,

Made up in a neat, artistic fashion.

Children's Parasols, all colors, at Sachs'atore, 104 Fort street.marches at the opening and at the con

C. J. Fishel has just opened a The Lakgest Stock and Lowest Prices in the Kingdom.elusion of the services. The Rev. II. II. fineline of stylish millinery.

.Hreuu-- July 25

L'&M. Liverpool Sept 15I;:: Vw York Sept 30

llonjrkong June 10:.::r. . s America .June 20

s America "America.. .. "

V .Newcastle luly 31sail Francisco. July 1Hongkong ...June 20

Jjiifnci. Newcastle July 31san Francisco. J uly 20 San Francisco. J uly 10

Parker gave a brief history of his associ-ations with the late Mr. Forbes at their Go to C. J. Fishel's and see his new

stock, just received by the Australia. SAN FRANCISCO PRICES !early days, and which, he assured them, Gent's fine straw and Agere hats in end All goods are warranted to be all that isfor them, viz; the very best goods made.were days of intimate friendship. He less varietv at Fishel's.

characterized the deceased as a manHe has also received,

THE NEWS DEPARTMENT : All the Newspapers and Magazines kept onand delivered to any part on arrival of the steamer.

full of vigoi his life was marked by hisgreat perseverance in the work of hisMaster, especially when he was pastor A New Invoice of ClocksWj Kereipt of Produce.

Ei,'sS!igir. Bas rice. Mis. pkgs. of the Kaumakapili Church. :o:Rev. Dr. Hyde gave illustrations ofhow the deceased, in his capacity as

Which are very ornamental as well as useful.Secretary ot the Hawaiian Board of Mis Largest Line of Paper Covered Novels in Town!sions, braved the manv obstacles on his

VM .... 121zxi.. 117 ro ....

101 .... 150741 .... 100

rx ... 3iM ....iAtla I'M iM)

H. y:;s

'J jo::.kwai .... L'."U

path, and was crowned with the crownof glory in the end ; this was accounted SsT Prices all adjusted to suit the times.


Big Bargains in Dress materials and Em-broidered Flounces, at Sachs' store.

Go to Fishel during his inventory saleand buy $1 worth of goods for 50 cts.

Now is your time to buy millinery forfifty cents on the dollar, at Fishel's.

New novels, by the most popular au-thors, at Graenhalgh's, 10G Fort street.

Extra Fine Cream Cakes and Eclairsevery Tuesday and Friday at the Elite.

V. H. Graenhalghhas all the papers andmagazines upon his counters lor sale atSan Francisco prices. ,

It has been proved by unanimous verdictthat the San Jose Lager Beer on draughtat the Royal Saloon is the best.

Irritated throats and annoying coughsare quickly relieved by the genuine ButterScotch, only to be found at the PioneerSteam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plentyof testimonials.

The Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, Bak-ery and Ice Cream Parlor is the only estab

for by his great proficiency in conducting the work laid before him.

Rev. S. E. Bishop gave a brief sketchof the early days of the deceased. Thelate Mr. Forbes was born at a house be

Blank Books, Fancy Goods?

Toys, rt Goods and

Artists' Materials.

longing to the late Chiefess Kapiolani,at Kaawaloa, Kona, Hawaii, in which


BOOK BIISTDER,Paper Ituler and Blank Book


he himself was born ; this fact mak-ing him give due attention to the early


Wishes to notify the public that he has removedto larger quarters,


ani Hawaii, per steamer--yJ Williams, Jos Nawahi,

'.a JTIIodlon, J A Scott, Wi; Madden, Hon''Ji;e, Hon II Kuihelani

' sHL.vv. Mrs A Pilipo, Wilson. II Z Austina til Bailev. Hon J Kich-;.?rn-eII.- H

C Vida, A and WDaniels, ('has Daniels,

fft. Mioses Helen and Evar. E Parker. C L Wright

ftr Kinily Thompson, MrsA trartenberg. C Awai, Mrs

-"--a, and 01 deck passengers.

jM-pe- r steamer Waialeale,"ameTitcomb, A L

UXJ" Call and inspect our Stock and learn our prices.lishment in Honolulu that can afford tosell the best Ice Cream at $2 per gallon, andno others can.

days of the deceased. JMany years after-wards when Mr. Forbes returned fromAmerica, where he had been attendingcollege, he appointed him as his assist-ant at the Lahainaluna Seminary, andduring their life there they were en-deared to each other. Mr. Forbes wasone of the few sons of the first mission-aries who have followed their parents'calling in life, and was the first to severhis earthly connections to enter themansion above.

The Hon. A. F. Judd then made somefitting remarks relating to the career of

No. 13 Kaaliumanu Street,F. Horn, Proprietor.1 beer to call the attention of my friends IPrinting and. Bookbindingand the general public to my fine stock of

1851212!'! Stairs.goods just received. A caretul inspectionwill convince you that better goods in myline have never been offered in this city. ATTENDED TO.PROMPTLYPlease give me an early call.

This CELEBRATED BEERiilAX XCKART.the deceased, his Christian fidelity, and TIio Pnliffirnia fruil cpnonn ij nnw in -- o-'Jf Wr Reamer Mikahala,"W, J NS Williams,

;:7 twotlau ghter s.CGay,the many other traits by which he was The nrst full variety arriVed by the Mari- -

distinguisneu : ana ne iunnermore l)0sa vesterdav. comprising plums, greenwished to see some of the rising Hawaiian traere. nectarines, grapes, apricots, peaches, 106 Fort Street,W. H. Graenlialgh,generation till the vacancy and bear the cherries, I5artiett pears, appies, etc., ere.cross with the same peculiar ability of Call at the California Fruit Market. Mut- -

11,1,1 Wlte- - Misses;; VtP. MisS Hillon, F

t,l,'nra,lt and son- - Kev

u chd.J- - Mrs MS Rice, R,, r,ai-'-

l 1. deck passemrers.the deceased. Udl F"""c -- o-

Comes all the way on ICE fromSt. Louis.

Highest Premium .Awarded Wherever Exhibited.- -

The services lasted till 9 o'clock, and Camarino's bier refrigerator is a grandvvT--t i;Qtrnnl tr hv thp viist. romrreca- - I success. Just arrived bv the Australia

TORE OPEN EVERYfJEVENING AFTER JULY 1st, TILL 8:30 O'CLOCK.S Saturdays till 9 p. m. J4-Jr- ation with the profoundest attention, a (July 24th) in excellent condition, on ice:deep silence reigning, so impressive .and skrso full of sympathy were the remarks of

OV: in tinS! afmls. manv varieties:the sneakers. It seemed as if the whole

I belike, JulvU:$' 'faw. Mrs G H

-- , Ans- - M;lry Adams, Hon.1 ivnT Iun Parke,

; C W Dickev.lathbone, JO,,.


J H K:,l.,a. SKikoo, J Mcanl 4U deck passengers.

IJ';!'tr,,- - Alameda,

sugar pears, isartieit pears, .cviso, a iewcases of prime smoked salmon. Califor-nia Fruit Market. Mutual telephone,378.

audience felt deeply the loss of theirfriend who had given his whole serviceto them during his life, and was alwaysfound true to native Hawaiians, his besttime being spent among them.

. m

Funeral of Mrs. Dickson.The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Dickson

2UljrttSIlU!ttS. City Market.Joseph Tinker, Family Butcher

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Grlobe


'I' IV jr, uev Lrvv,e child,.. 'V'l'.J Aliockwith, NOTICE.ll 1.1 I II I VI A I

.i ii'i,

. u t, , .." '""ni aim

ii ,hJ,.,,vWIMckv. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY ISTHE authorized to collect all of my accounts

. 40,000,0009.07t,000

AssetsN'et Income....Claims Paid.... 112.5Utt,O0Oand receipt lor same in my name.

A. M. HEWETT.54-- 5tJuly 20, 1868.

took place at 4 :30 p. m. on Saturdaylast from the family residence on Bere-tani-a

street. The remains were depos-

ited in Nuuanu Cemetery, beside thoseof her two sons, Major Bates and JoshuaDickson. The pall-beare- rs were Hons.W. C. Parke, W. F. Allen, H. M. Whit-ne- v

and W. G. Irwin, Chief EngineerBu'rnap of the U. S. F. S. Vandalia,Judge Hartwell, Mr. Alex. McKibbinand Captain Staples, lieligious serviceswere conducted by Revs. Dr. Beckwithand the venerable Dr. Lowell Smith.


Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills, Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.11S8 Cm m


TO NOTIFY U13 FRIENDS AND THE1)EGS that he has improved facilities fordeli veeing the Choicest Meats, etc. .and be herebysolicits those families he has not served beforeto give him a trial.

Promptness, dispateli and cleanliness ishis motto, serving the best lieef, Mutton, Veal,Lamb, Pork, etc, the market affords. His CornedBeef and 4

Cambridge Sausages,Fresh daily, and cannot begot at any shop in

town but the City Market.

X2N. B I am prepared to deliver meat with-in a radius of three miles of the city.

Telephone 289. both Companies.

38-3- in CITY MARKET, Nuuanu St.

(':Mtain,r,,a for Tahiti. The Fire-pro- of Brick Building

No. 58 Nuuanu street, with Lot in1 1 T" -

REMOVAL.hit 1Ffai --j .i .

vo. Ma'acargu of sugar rear of same, at present occupied uy jicieau

Bros. For particulars enquire on the premises.47-2- w



of tt

54 hvl i'nJavats 1411Z11, when thei JOHN MCLAINPRACTICAL H0RJSE-SH0E- R,

Cottage to Let.besides

THE FINE COTTAGE ON THEh. Mv,' Opposite Hopper's and two doors from LucasMill, Fort street.

i v tun.. ' vramci.:.. . . ju corner ui xinu .streets. For further particulars

Fruit Depot, Fort St.(Old Shooting Gallery)r

On Sale, ex S. S. Australia. June 20,ON ICE

CHERRIES,Apricots, Peaches, Apples,

Red Currants, Gooseberries,Plums, Olives, Artichokes, Sage


apply at R. MORE & CO.'s, 73 King street. to all orders, and38

Particular attention paidsatisfaction guaranteed.40-- tf

Memorandum from the Hawaiian Tram-way Co., L.'d--Eneinee- r,8 Oftice.

Honolulu, H. I., 27th July, 1888.To Editor Pacific Com. Advertiser:

The term Tramway is older than Rail-way or Railroad. It was first used forhorse railroads to collieries which werethe natural archetypes of railroads. TheBritish preserve the term not merelyfrom respect for its antiquity but fromthe convenience of having a term dis-tinctive of city railroads (whether pro-pelled by horse, steam, cable or elec-tricity).

Band Concert.The Band will play this evening at

Emma Square, commencing at 7:30o'clock. Following is the programme:March Express NethardtOverture Fra Diavolo AuberFinale Tanhauser WagnerMedley Herald Angels Beyer

Hone ae nei. Hole Waimea. Ahea Oe.Selection Pepita LecocqFinale Belisario DonizettiWaltz Vienna Blood StraussMarch Vandalia Berger

Hawaii Ponoi.

DAVIS & WILDER,--LEWIS & CO.Have Just Keceived ex 8. S.

Alameda,"52 FORT STREET.

resiri Sauerkraut,U":i . 111., tli. T IliPORTDEIlSSmoked SalnioiVi Heied i!7

N. Z. Smoked Haddock for sale on draught,-- .S. " 14 auve ofOrocers & Provision Dealers


riC I,? Undon New Zealand Potatoes THE " PANTHEOE3(Mf

43-t- f

Si.:!-'- ?' it t i' lf-- i ' 13 FRESH) GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. "gi


2h&tttrtl$tmtnt$. IMKrfiscinwus.

S, foster & oo.J Australian Mail Service.V BRILLIANT ARRAY

OFImporters and Wholesale Dealer in

WOLFE & CO., KING STEEiHave Just Received an Assortment nf ' j

Groceries, Provisions and vI

HHsuch as


Chft new and fine Al steel ste&mshiyGroceries & .Provisions99

Dupee Hams and Bacon, Kits Pig Pork, Kits 3alKegs Holland Herring, Kegs SauerkrautMettamurets, Smoked Sausages nalMAEIPOSA

New Summer Dress Materials !


Popular Millinery House,104 Fort St-- , Honolulu.


A3D P.,.Vle,Boston Brown Bread, FrenchCheese8

carrels bprouts. Salmon. Oxfordthe Oceanic Steamship Company, will be duev;,r guineaTable and Pie Fruits,


at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland ""

on or about

Aug. 26th, 1888, xran, Corn vi l. ?

Fresh Grapes, picked every clay and sold torNSgTeave Your Ortlers, or Ring np 194 or 3" Ct$SAN FBANCISCO.and 2S California St.,

ISTew Goods arid 3STew Bargains!An 4 will leave for the abeve port with mail andpassengers oa or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORAUCOililODATIONS, apply to

SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to Selecting andracking uooda on foreign Orders. Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,


EXZTTO THE LADIES Before making your purchases, take a look at theimmense assortment of new Dress Materials, and combination Suits, that we arenow displaying and offering at Extremely Low Prices. A full line of

New Fancy Figured and Dotted Muslins.rTP. pufnl KUntlnn rrl rran In all Pvimrntiglnni

--ATand Satisfaction Ouarantsed BuTH IN PRICE QJ SV(llieY dllli AUCkIail(I.AND QUALITY. lfci-l- v lftjS-l- T I B. F. E HLERS &Summer Silks and Combination Suits. A ne,v line of Embroidery Flounces. O0.FOR THE NEXT Tt?0 WKKirsLOVE'S BAKERY,

No. 73 Nonaua Street.

MBS. BOBT. LOVE, - - - Proprietress,

Tfc new and flue Al steel BteaznsnJp

"ZEALANDIA "Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

--doe at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

ETery Description of Plain and Faaoy


French Silks and LaceJBlk. Bliadames reduced from 82.50 toSlI

Black Gros Grain reduced from $1.75 to $1 95 tv 1

Flouncing reduced from $3,00 to $2.00 mi Is

Other Black SHks and Laces ReduJ

Bread and Crackers, Augnst 2? 1888

SKIET AND HOLUKU LENGTHSIn White, Cream, Pink. Liht Blue and Mixed Colors. New Lace Flounc-Ing- s,

in Black, Cream, and Ecru. Embroidered Scan Shawls,in Cream, Light Blue, Pink, and Tan Shades.

CEEAM JEESEYS,And New Kid Gloves, in all the new Tan Shades.

Children's Fancy Parasols,A complete assmt. of Silk Mits and Silk Gloves,

in all colors, and all the new evening tints inJerseys anJ open work.



FRESHAnd will have prompt dtepatcn with malis anassengers for the above ports.Soda Crackers

A N D- -

For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- -

CO oUUODATIONS, apply to

Saloon Bread Win. GL Irwin & Co.,AGENTS GrreatAlways on Hand. j 33argains !


Inland Orders Promptly At tended, to.172- - 9m

Commencing on the 1st Day of jFOR LADIES and CHILDREN. 12113 Nuuana Street, opposite Emma Hall


roi- -

Sanders'JEWELRY ! JEWELRY ! Chinese & Japanese Goods, METE0P0LITA1S1 For the next SIXTY DAYS, Goo Kim will se!l

T-nr- r "!. --v 3 nrnBaggage Express Co.Fire Crackers. New Designs In Cnps and

aucees. Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of Fancy is.Uoods (Successors to Sanders' Express and BurgessExpress).

At Greatly Reduced Price. ClrvrhNEW GOODS AND DESIGNS. Office:84 King Street.F. I. Cutter, "OP8- -

Meat Company,Regular shipments by every steamer. Bv the consolidation of the above-mentione- d

business. Improved facilities are obtained tosatisfy the wants of the public in the conducing of a

&7 111 rie

Laces, Etc,, ftAND ALL KINDS OF

HOUSE FURNISHING GOOAt GREATLY REDUCED RATES, Jon account of rerconNuuanu Street, Paiko Block. i

POST OFFICE BOX NO. 255. General Draying & Express Business."Wagons are present at arrival of each foreign

1 KI!fO STREET,and island steamer.Full charge taken of all baggage and parcelsBUHACH !

at;ches,Gold Chains, Lockets, Pins,

Diamonds, Plated Ware.

Kakui and Shell Jewelry.

The Store and Fixtures for lease orO. J. WALLER,THE GREAT CALIFORNIA INSECTICIDE.

of travelers and the same checked through,when necessary, to all points.

Special attention given to the removal ofPianos and Furniture, to and from all pointsin the city and suburbs.

Reasonable rates for general draying andall business properly attended to.

3" Telephone No. 86. Give us a call.N. B. The collecting of rubbish, formerly

carried on by Mr. N. F. Burgess, will be carriedon as usual and orders may be left as above.

15-3- m


Which are being put upon the market. OO KIM.29-t- f





WENNER & CO.,98 Fort Street. 109 tf





Best Roller Flour BUTCHERSSole Agents In the


FOR THE Meals Superior to all Others

Buhack Producing. and Mfg. Co.

Gonsalves &. Co.,20 tf Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands, Navy Contractors.

4STOCKTON, CAL.78 augl2tf

H. HACKFELD & CO.Claus Hpreckels Wm. Q. Irwin.

HAVE JUST RECEIVED FEBCLADS SPRECKELS & CO., Stoves, Banges and Housekeeping Goons?Bark Dents chland,

CHU ON & CO,Importers and Dealers in

Chinese fi Japanese Goods


HOKOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron


7. Q. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhonae

BONE MEAL!!The undersigned are now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & OhlandtBaa Francisco:

The following it a report of the compo-nent parts, ai obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18Silioions Matter 4.65 "Lime S1.78Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 85 " "Carbonic Acid 1.89 " 4

Alka Salts 52 "'100.00

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Beoeivsd will have Prom

and Careful Attention,

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands,


To the Public.


From Europe, an asserted cargo of

NEW GOODS,Whloh they offer to the trad

At Lowest Market Eates.209 tf

Draw Exchange on the principal parta of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange btulnesA.

1876. GEO W. LINCOLN.Deposits bearing Interest received in their Savlog Department subject to published rulea andreulatioas. l7ocStf FINE JEWELET !


Have constantly on hand Silk, Satin,Crape. Grass Cloth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold" and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eves and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Niek-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in seta-Ta- bles,

Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Flower Pots, Arti-

ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.New Goods received byeverv steamer.The public are respectfully invited toinspect our goods. ll-3- m

I would respectfully inform in ; friend and thepublic generally, tha am located in


Where I am fully prepared to do all kinds of


(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

No. 6 Queen Street, Flab Market, Ho-nolnl- n,

H. I.

75 and 77 Kino- - Street.I

Jeweh?y WorkThe Pacific Transfer Co., Hll Telephone Mo. 37. Mutu

'-iOfloe with Jfts. L Dowsett, Sr., Queen8treet.

Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand.BOTH TELEPHONES NO 15

In the mo?t satisfactory manner. I havealso secured the services of a

"First-clas- s Wakhraakcr,And will guarantee all work entrusted to me. 1

Lave also Just received a splendid line of


Suitable for the coming holidays, which I offerat extremely low prices, and request you to in-spect the same before purchasing elsewhere.

Thanking you for many years pasf fsvors:and asking for a continuance of the same,

Respectfully, MAX ECKABT.

ZTDon't forget Damon's Block, Bethel Street,Honolulu, B, I. 3-l-m d&w


TAILOR,No. 46 1-- 2 Merchant Street.


Book and Job Printing Establish;Family and Shipping orders Carefully-Attende-d

to.I am fully prepared to do all kinds of dray&ge,

haallnx or raovtns work, all of which I will gnuaate to ecseonte faithfully.

Live Stock Furnished to XasnsU at shortnotice. White and Flannel Pants.

t uiie unu. aiico enirts. andUnderclothes, made cheap.Telephones 3STo. 212 37 lXr.hant Street, Honolulu,



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