food production, consumption, and distribution global geography 12

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Food Production, consumption, and


Global Geography 12

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

Station 5

Ihla das Flores (Island of Flowers)

• Part 1• Part 2

Station 6

Station 7

Station 8

Station 9

Station 10

• Not every country is able to grow what they need

• Other countries are rich in natural resources and have more than they need

• They are usually the ones who consume the most as well

• Many nations lack capital wealth

• These areas usually make food production the most important part of their economy

• Education in these areas are considered a luxury

• What makes a country rich in natural resources?


• Do we have the potential, on land and on sea, to produce enough food to feed the nearly 6 billion people on the face of the Earth today?

• Nutritionists tell us YES! In fact, they predict we have enough food to feed over 6 billion people

• \

• Land and ocean potential are not the only factors affecting distribution.

• There are many human factors that affect food resources


• A general rule is: Wherever there is war, famine is sure to follow.

• Many farmers cannot plan their crops due to landmines


• These programs usually mean the Least Developed Countries (LDC), are forced to concentrate on improving for the profitability of its exports

• This is at the expense of spending money on domestic priorities such as health, education, and housing programs

• Increased profitability leads to cash crops

• Cash Crop: a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower.

(Compact Oxford English Dictionary)

• Countries begin to depend on cash crops

• This makes less land for subsistence

• Subsistence farming: Generates only enough produce to feed the farmer's family, with little or nothing left over to sell farms.

(Encarta® World English Dictionary)

What countries are considered hungry?

• Angola• Burundi• Chad

• Congo (Dem. Rep.)• Eritrea (The world's 2nd Hungriest Country)

• Ethiopia• Haiti• Niger

• Mozambique• Sierra Leone• Tajikistan• Yemen, Rep• Zambia

Just to name a few....

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