forgeting the past - 15 th class- spiritist preparatory course feesp

Post on 27-May-2015






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FORGETING THE PAST - 15 th Class- Spiritist Preparatory Course FEESP


15th. AULA:


Spiritist Preparatory Course- FEESP



The beginning of incarnation for man is always surrounded by expectations and doubts. It is a new experience that begins and it’s being presented as a "blank book“, which should write the history of their existence.

Millenarian spirit, having lived many other incarnations, the man is a work in progress, a book that is already filled in most of their pages. Why we can not read it? Because it’s part of the incarnation process forgetting the past. That’s why we are more authentic.

In fact, if today we are

imperfect, in the past we were even more; if today we made so many mistakes, if we are still involved with illusions of the world, if constantly reveal traces of animalism (violence, hate, indifference), we can imagine how we were in the distant past.

If it was alive in our consciousness, it would certainly become

a hindrance to new experiences. If we would remind our mistakes (or those who trespassed against us), we would live tortured by guilt, remorse, desire for revenge... If we have had pleased and comfortable existences, with power, luxury and wealth, pride, selfishness and vanity would be an obstacle to our free will.

Anyway, the disturbances to our social relations would be inevitable, as we could remember what we had done or suffered of our next, especially on who coexists with us.

For this reason, the divine mercy has given us what is necessary and sufficient for the success of the new existence to fulfill, which is the voice of conscience and instinctive propensity, which allow us to identify what we need to do to correct us and progress in the present, surpassing the mountains from our mistakes and imperfections and

continuing in the evolutional process and with greater freedom and confidence that if God threw a veil over our past, that is the most appropriate.


In The Gospel According to Spiritism, Kardec thus interpreted the oblivion of the past: “The Spirit often revives in the same environment in which he lived, and is in a relationship with the same people, in order to repair the damage he has done to them. If he recognize them the same who had hated, perhaps hate would reappear. Anyway, would be humiliated before those who had offended.

"God gave us, to improve us, just what we need and it is sufficient for us: the voice of conscience and instinctive tendencies; and takes away what could harm us.”

"The man brings at birth what he acquired. He was born exactly as it does. Each existence is for him a new starting point. It is not worth to know what he was: if he is being punished, is because he did wrong and his bad tendencies indicate what it is left to correct on himself.That's what he should focus all his attention because there’re no more signs of what have been corrected. The good resolutions that has made are the voice of conscience that warns him of good and evil and gives him the strength to resist evil temptations.”(Cap.V, item 11).

However, the memory of the past is never lost. Often, signs of the past are revealed subtly in our gestures, our actions, in our words. In our relationships, the memories are erased.

However, they are still alive in the deep consciousness records.

The issues that remains open, unresolved problems in the past, remain present in consciousness, though latent, awaiting new resolutions.

What has been overcome, is merged the personality, allowing for a freer and serene move.

Forgetting the past will never be an obstacle to the improvement of the Spirit; rather, it is an inestimable benefit granted to the human creature.

BIBLIOGRAFY:Kardec, Allan – The Gospel According to the SpiritismKardec, Allan – The Book of Spirits

After death, the Spirit regains the memory of the past, so he can make good resolutions regarding his next incarnations.


1 – What is necessary to the Spirit to begin a new existence regarding his memories of the past?

2 – What the man brings, at birth, to his new existence?

3 – The past memories are lost to the man? How do they manifest?


• Curso Preparatório de Espiritismo- Ed. FEESP;• Kardec, Allan - O Evangelho Segundo o

Espiritismo - Ed. FEESP.• Kardec, Allan - O Livro dos Espíritos - Ed. FEESP.

“Birth, death, renew yet and progress always, such is the law.” Allan Kardec

“Spiritists, love each other and instruct them” Author : FEESP

Editing: Thereza Christina Faria LimaEmail :

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