free info pack ebook

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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For all the information about What Profiling is, Who is its for and When to get Profiled, check out this Free Info Pack.


“Each of us has a path based on our natural habits

and talents - the ones we were born with.

When we follow our path, and only when we follow

our path do we give ourselves the

opportunity to achieve our true potential


1/ Cover

2/ Quote

3/ Contents

4/ Profiling

5/ Quote

6/ Why Get Profiled

7/ Profiling Is Ideal For

8/ Other Areas Profiling Benefits

9/ FAQs

10/ FAQs

11/ FAQs

12/ Profiling Services Offered

13/ Booking Information

14/ Meet Tani 3

Profiling / We each have a way to do things that feels natural, fun and exciting. When we experience this, we are operating out of our natural Profile. When we do things that feel boring, hard or frustrating, these tasks are generally outside of our Profile, which can be referred to as ‘out of our Flow’.

The Profiling system used tests to find what your natural talent Profile is - the one you are born with. There are eight Profiles all together. Each Profile is distinctly different from the Profile next to them. Each Profile has a strategy for success that is worlds apart from the Profile opposite them.

Profiling is fundamentally an awesome formula for creating success, happiness and fulfillment in your life! 4

“ Flow is the natural path of least resistance to

success and happiness. When we tune into our natural profile, we begin to attract the right opportunities,

resources and people, as if by luck 5

Why Get Profiled / The reason you would choose to get Profiled is to find out exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are so you can follow the strategy that is aligned with your talent Profile.

If you feel you are already clear on what your strengths and weaknesses are, do you know exactly what to do with these attributes of yours?

There are so many depths and layers to the Profiling system, that there is always something to learn about ourselves in a Profiling session. You wouldn’t take a Profiling session to find out what you already know about yourself, you book a Profiling session to find out all the things you don’t yet know about creating success with your particular Profile. 6

Profiling Is Ideal For / People who will benefit in the greatest way from Profiling, come in the following two categories; job and business. You will either be looking for something new and need to know you are on the right track before you make a decision. Or you will already have a job or business that you feel needs to be overhauled before you throw in the towel...

If you find yourself in any one of the following situations, you will benefit greatly from a Profiling session and the strategies it will offer.

Which of these four situations is you, right now?

1/ I want to find a new role doing a job I will love & am naturally talented at

2/ My job that I used to love that made me feel good, no longer makes me happy. I want to know why my role changed from good to bad and what I can do to make it better, before I decide to quit.

3/ I want to start a new business that will fulfill my dreams and life Goals

4/ I want to create a solid team of Profiles in my current business that will support me staying true to my Profile and in my Flow 7

Learning your Profile will also benefit the these areas of your life:

/ Your marriage / Social situations / Travel / Your children / Fitness / Down time / All other relationships / Lifestyle / Finances / Decision making / Shopping / Chores 8

FAQsIs the Profiling just for individuals?

Although the first step of Profiling is designed for individuals, as each person needs to take your Profile Test to distinguish their Profile, the Profiling is an ideal tool to implement with Teams.

How does Profiling benefit Teams?

This Profiling work will benefit Teams in small businesses, large companies or global corporations that need a solid team to excel their results.

The best place to start using the Profiling is when you are looking at placing new team members in roles. All potential team Members can be Profiled to be sure they are the best candidate for the role. Firstly you want to make sure they have the natural talents you need in the role and secondly, you want to make sure the team member is going to enjoy the work and stay for a long time. If you choose the wrong team member who’s Profile doesn’t suit the role, they may produce results and be happy in the short term. Long term, however, they will start to become unhappy in the role, produce less favourable results and will at some point quit due to lack of job satisfaction. 9

FAQsHow does Profiling benefit starting a new project?

The Profiling Tool is fundamental to starting any new project. There is a specific cycle to follow to get the most sustainable results in the quickest way.

What is the purpose of Profiling?The main purpose for the Profiling is to get to know your Flow. This allows you to follow the aligned strategies so you get results the quickest, in the most sustainable way, while you're lovin' the process! Results can be in business, career, personal life and relationships.

Does the Profiling determine which industry I should work in?

No, the industry you choose to work in will mostly be up to your past conditioning or your personal passions. For example, you will have been influenced by your family, friends or places you have worked that will determine which industry you prefer. You will most likely already have an industry you are personally passionate about before you are Profiled. 10

FAQsAre there Profiles that are best suited to differed Industries?Not necessarily. Every business requires someone of each Profile to make it abundantly successful.

Does the Profiling determine which role at work I will be best at?

Yes. Once you have completed the Profile Test, you will be given guidelines for what the best role and tasks for you are, based on your Profile. These will be roles and tasks that you will enjoy and excel at in your chosen industry.

When is a good time to get Profiled?

The short answer is, now. There is no time like the present to be clear of what your strategy is to create success, abundance and fulfillment in your life.

What Profiling Services do you offer? You can find an answer to this question on the next page. 11

SERVICES OFFERED The recommended service offered as a starting point for new clients, is a Profile Test and a Strategy Session. This is simply referred to this service as a Profiling Session.

Included in a Profiling Session:

Profile Test / 20-30 minutes / 25 multiple choice questions about your natural tendencies / Your natural Profile will be revealed to you (one of eight) / Receive a detailed Profile Report / Included is a customised graph, based on your test answers

Strategy Session / 60-90 minutes / Thorough explanation of the Profiling tool / Opportunity to know your natural Profile / Formula for building a team to help you stay in your Profile / Custom strategic plan based on your Goals

Following a Profiling Session, it is highly recommend you continue with an Integration Program or Implementation Coaching. This allows you to be mentored through the process of fully harnessing your Profile to create sustainable success.

“ To know and not to do is not yet to know ”- Zen saying 12

READY TO BOOK ?Follow these steps:

STEP 1 / Fill in the Application Form on the website:

STEP 2 / We will book a Discovery Call with you to discuss your Application Form. Together we will find out if the Profiling is going to be for you.

STEP 3 / If Profiling is suitable for you right now, we will discuss the best package for you and book a date to get you started.

Still have questions?We recommend you fill in the Application Form anyway. We will arrange a Discovery Call, so you have a chance to have any further questions or concerns addressed. Once we have had a chance to get to know each other a little better, you can then choose freely what you would like to do. We only take on clients who are asking for and want the help. You will not be pushed into anything. 13

MEET TANIShe will be your Profiler, Strategist & Implementation Coach

With many years of business; most of them Created, implemented and then failed, not knowing her Profile, Tani found her natural talents to be both a blessing and a burden. Constantly changing direction and feeling judged by those close to her for always being distracted by the ‘next shiny thing’, it was not until Tani took her Profile Test back in 2010 and could see her natural talents for what they were, that she really embraced her identity and life purpose. Tani began to position a team of Profiles around her, to support her with staying in her own Flow.

These days Tani finds her Flow by strategising, creating and then systemising her creations until completion and then handing them off to others to fulfill on the delivery. She also lives in Flow by Profiling her clients. She gives them valuable insight into what their natural Profile is, what other Profiles they need to team up with so they can stay in Flow and also guidance on how to make this all happen. 14

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