freshnfruity rebirth chapter 9 for lj

Post on 06-Aug-2015



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1. We come into the glorious, much-awaited Chapter 9 as mama Fluticasone is getting in a little mother-son playtime with Elrod in a game of catch. But what's this? They have an audience! Don't worry, that wolf probably just smells Elrod's hot dog from earlier. Right? Right?? Niiiice doggie. . . 2. The next morning it was double-baby bath-time! Fluticasone washed Earline in one third-floor bathroom sink while Jessie(waaay in the background on the left) took care of his boy Wilford in the other. This has got to be one of my favorite things about the baby stage. :-) A-GAAH! Earline burbled as if in agreement. 3. When one is raising twins, quiet moments like this are hard for a sim-parent to come by. Now let's see, Fluticasone pondered, Over, under, around the tree; swing past the knothole- wait that's not right. Hey now just a minute! Aren't they supposed to be doing something today? 4. Oh yeah! Iiiit's a QUADRUPLE birthday party! (2 cakes on the bar, 2 on the dining table) Already?! Jessie started. I'm afraid so, Fluticasone nodded in response. 5. Earline THE BIRTHDAY-GIRL!! Jessie shouted to his baby daughter in their game of peek-a-boo. EEEeee!! She squealed in return, which probably translates to 'What happened?! What is it with all the noise??' 6. Uuuup she goes to her birthday cake! As Jessie blew his horn like little boy blue, and the baby squirmed and wriggled in her mother's arms, Elrod stood by and watched in wonder. I see a baby! He gawped delightedly, That's what a baby looks like!! Well that's what a baby did look like anyway . . . 7. There's something about growing into a toddler where they always belch up confetti. What is that? Is this a digestive tract thing?? Whatever it is, Earline does it joyously. :-) Ugh, it's wet!! Fluticasone exclaimed as the paper bits hit her face. 8. Nooowww it's Wilford's turn! Aww, his first ittow snot-bubboo Jessie cooed as he melted a little over his baby boy's nose-bubbles. Wilford merely giggled cutely as if to say 'That's what you think!' YEEEAAAHH boogers!! Skeeter cheered. EEEwwww, Elrod said quietly, unsure what all the fuss about snot was. 9. Anndd. . KABOOSH! Oh no, this one did it too! Has the nanny been feeding you pinatas?? Is this a genetic disorder?! Jessie began panicking a little, Speak to me my son!! He screamed dramatically, jostling Wilford around as he tried to get it all out. 10. As we progress to Skeeter and Elrod's birthdays, all of the other adults in the house except for Jessie have pooped out. But he's got enough excitement for everyone! MY BOYS ARE BECOMING TEENAGERS!! Jessie whooped it up. No fair! I wanted to GO! Elrod pouted as his brother beat him to the cake. 11. Go Skeeter! It's my birth-day! Elrod cheered, jumping up and down,I wanna party like it's my birth-day! Iiiit's teenager-time!! 12. Rolled: Family Turn-Ons: Unemployment Mechanical Skill Turn-Off: Red Hair Aspiration Lvl(as a child): Child Prodigy! Rolled: Fortune Turn-Ons: Swimwear Blonde Hair Turn-Off: Athletic Aspiration Lvl(as a child): Wonder-Boy! 13. It's a father-and-son potty-training session on several levels! Jessie is training his newly toddler-ized son Wilford(inside), while his teenaged son Skeeter is helping out with his little sister Earline's potty- time(outside)! 14. Wilford got an unintentional anatomy lesson from his father. Way to watch your kid, Jessie! XD 15. Elrod's Lifetime Want is to have six grandchildren, which has no bearing on his job- search(unlike if his LTW was work-related). Therefore he can get any old job that's out there. So he went and got a job as a Law Firm Receptionist. That makes sense, right? His brother Skeeter's Lifetime Want is to own five top-level businesses, also not work-related. They are both now Law-Firm Receptionists. Got any cases going to court? 16. Then we moved on to college scholarships, since that is definitely in the future for a lot of generation two. So Elrod made his call to the college and got rewarded for his good grades with a $1,000 Scholar's Grant. . . 17. Likewise, Skeeter and his sassy little cheekbones called the college, and he also had good enough grades to be rewarded the $1,000 Scholar's Grant! The other scholarships these two get will depend largely on how much they work on their other skills, of course. 18. Later that evening Earline got potty-trained! Come on come onnn kid! I wanna go to sleeee- hey is that mold or is that a spider? Fluticasone asked no one in particular. 19. Then when she realized what had happened. . . Hey alright! Gee, I guess I do do things right sometimes! 20. At around 6:18 the next morning, Grandma Tootie helped Wilford become a big kid! Yep, it's just how I roll, she said casually to herself. But then again she has raised ten of her own kids. . . 21. Well I was going to have Grandma and Grandpa work on walking and talking with the toddlers, but they both went off to work. Phooey. However Fluticasone seems to be doing just fine on her own! Wilford can walk! 22. . . .And then she went inside with her daughter and they did it again! In heels! Earline has learned to walk! 23. Holy crackers that was fast! Skeeter has been promoted to Legal Secretary on his first day, at the top of the Law career track for teens! 24. Well! Elrod got a wild card in which he convinced his boss Mr. Vanderseaux to represent the victim of a repo-man scam. Not only was he rewarded by his boss with $100, he also was promoted to Legal Secretary! 25. On a hunch, Elrod called the college back to discover he'd earned a second scholarship! (for reaching the top of his teen career) The Young Entrepreneurs Award is valued at $750! *Thanks to Blinky's scarf for photo-bombing this moment through the wall. Lol. 26. Of course since Skeeter achieved the same career-level, he also got the same scholarship! Aww! My grandson's using the telephone! Tootie cooed as she walked through the shot. Yeah. . Sorry about that, Skeeter apologized to the college's representative on the other end of the line. 27. Ah so this is where Tootie was headed! This child is a miracle from Bob! She sighed with reverence, But they all grow up so fast! She exclaimed, and began to sob as Earline toddled out of the picture. 28. Just in time for work, Jessie has taught Wilford to talk, and now both toddlers have all three skills! Okay bye, see ya later Jessie. :-) 29. Wilford and Earline got their skills just in time for their birthdays into childhood! Our little princess is up first, yes! Fluticasone cooed at her daughter. Uh, mom, a strange new voice said tentatively from behind her. 30. Uh, mom? Mama? I grew up. Wilford said from behind his mother, tugging on her dress. Whoops! Looks like we cut that one a little too close. Grandpa Loki, not recognizing the child, reacted in an understandably confused way. Who the heck are you kid?? And what are you doing in our house?! he grumped. Oh Grandpa! Don't be a silly! Elrod replied, nudging him. Weren't we doing something before? Oh Yeah. . . *p.s.: Wilford earned the aspiration level(as a toddler) of precocious preschooler! 31. Oh yeah! Earline's birthday! :-) Woot-woot! No more bottles! Woot-woot! No more diapers! Fluticasone cheered, still spinning her party favor. Eh, I think we'll keep her, Skeeter shrugged to somebody out of frame. Earline earned the aspiration level (as a toddler) of Miracle Mite! 32. And we end the nice birthday-evening with some homework catch-up time for the teenagers. Since they lose fun slower if they have help(thus making it where they can go longer and perhaps finish it all) we stuck good ol' mom and dad on the job. But maaaaaa! It's Minoan Linear B! You know how much I hate counting backwards in Minoan! Skeeter whined from the background. You'll do it or you don't get to watch that 'Phillip the Toe' t.v. marathon you've been going on about for centuries, Fluticasone told him. 33. The next morning four Freshnfruity kids are now off to school(one is already on the bus), two of which now require a visit from the Headmaster of the local private school. :-) 34. Surprise! We've added a second crap-tastic junker car. Fluticasone missed the work carpool one day when Jessie was already off at work. Why buy for quality when you can buy for looks, amIrite? 35. One thing Tootie can do on her off days in her golden years is stock the fridge with leftover meals for the family. That sounds nice doesn't it? Of course, to do that they'd need food . . . . 36. Yay! Earline's first A+! Now we know she's family. :-) 37. But a day later it was a different story: Rack-a-frackin' kids trying to ditch school . . * grumble, grumble, mutter *, Fluticasone grumped as she carted her youngest ones off to school herself. Yep, they're off to school at 10:15 a.m. 38. Well what d'ya know? The Headmaster of the local private school is interested in coming for a visit. 39. Alright Mr. Jessie, you're in charge of the house-tour- got it? Yep. But when Andrew Gonzaga arrived, I maybe started to regret my decision. Just a little. This place is a dump! The Headmaster said upon seeing the front yard. Huh. Well you're a jerk! Jessie retorted back. 40. But inside, things changed. You like this room?! Jessie asked incredulously. YEEEAAH!! WOO!! This kicks DONKEY!! He exclaimed, doing his little 'I like it' dance. Kicks donkey. Alrighty. Moving on. . . 41. So they continued the tour. Woo! This third-floor balcony/second-floor roof is totally aesthetically pleasiinnng!! Woo! Andrew cheered again, spotting the bubble-blower, the energizer, and the patchy roofing-job. Well! Play ball then, I suppose. Glad you like it. Let's eat, Jessie responded stiffly, no longer sure whether the enthusiasm was genuine. 42. Anoth-er couple of kids, another-bo-nus! Doo-de-doo! The headmaster sung under his breath as he left for the night. The final score for the evening was 96/90 with 0:52 left on the clock. Whew! That includes coffee (which gives 10 bonus points) AND a pork-chop dinner. That's alright though; Wilford and Earline are going to private school!! 43. Aww. . . Grandpa Loki joined his grandson(Wilford) for a game of chess all on his own! A kid sitting on phonebooks, and an Elder. On the edge of the roof. Yep, totally safe. :-) 44. Skeeter and Elrod's next college scholarship? The Hogan Award for Athletics! Ta-daaa!! 45. Elrod wanted a handheld game and Skeeter wanted new jewelry. Look who Elrod found at the local shopping center! Hello made-over, Rugged Mountain Chili Johnny! Hoo-boy, what Johnny must be thinking after his lesson in appearances. Look at him grimace! Just be polite, Johnny-boy. . . 46. Nope, he just couldn't keep it all together. HAAAA- HAW-HAW- HAW- HAW!! Johnny laughed his geekiest laugh ever. Uuumm. . . can I just get by you for a minute? Elrod responded, unsure how to take this. 47. What a day! Jessie has been promoted to Hostage-Negotiator! 48. Off to college? Bye Skeeter! Don't forget to write! Don't drop the soap! Oh wait that's prison see ya! Elrod waved happily. You're going too you nerd, remember? Skeeter said simply. Hooray, the first twins of generation 2 are headed off to college! They'll also be the first Freshnfruitys of the rebirth to get a higher education! You may all take advantage of this historic photo opportunity now. . . 49. Hello you dear, precious door-handle, Skeeter said as he met the taxi to college. Get in the van kid, Nikki Todd the driver told him. Yep, totally reassuring. 50. Then it was Elrod's turn. C-O-L-L-E-G-E, he said to himself as he typed, Hey! I could have won a million doll- oh wait, yeah, going with Skeeter. 51. Luckily Fluticasone got home from work just in time to see one of her boys going off to college. Bye kiddo! Have fun! *huff, huff, huff, She called out as she ran to catch the taxi before it left. Squishy seats!! My favorite- oh bye, ma! Elrod yelled back as he distractedly got into the taxi. 52. I almost lost track of Fluticasone and Jessie's ages in all of the latest hubub! Time to sneak in at 9:45 at night(game-time) and age them down a bit! 53. That's better isn't it, Fluticasone my dear? *Sailor-man-esque music mysteriously begins to play out of nowhere. 54. Now it's time for Jessie. Your turn, fella! Humph, *snort * okay, he said in a sleepy fog. Poor kid, I got him out of bed to do this. :-) 55. I'm buying a lemonade from MY grandson! Loki said proudly. I dunno if you should, grandpa, Wilford said with his eyes downcast. Come on- come on! Don't be stingy! Loki scolded him, somehow oblivious to the flies. 56. Huh, smells like liquid death, Loki said, sniffing, Oh well! *Chug, chug, slurp * At least Wilford fulfilled a want out of this. . . 57. Ohhh my head! Rotten kid must've spiked my drink! Loki exclaimed woozily. Not my fault!! Wilford called from the lemonade stand. 58. So, no more buying lemonade from the stand out front then grandpa? Nope! Loki said gasping, and then continued to lose his lunch. 59. After seeing how successful Wilford was with his lemonade business-venture, Earline decided to take a whack at it. Bye punch-kins, have fun! Remember not to poison your grandpa! Fluticasone called from the work car. Okay! Earline called back. 60. Little Camryn McGaw was the next one to come along. It's limberger-ade! A stinky cheese-drink with a delightful twist of lemon, Earline told her with a fancy, sales-womanly flourish of one hand. Gee, okay! Camryn said, awed into handing over her simoleons. 61. That was tasty! See ya! Camryn waved and then casually walked away with no ill effects. Earline sulked on her crate. Mischief had not been managed. Did it only work on old sims? What had her brother done differently? 62. Snazzy new duds, daddy-doo! Wilford commented after he greeted his father, who was just home from work. This is not a promotion for Jessie just yet. I just felt like admiring his Hostage Negotiator gear. :-) You need a haircut, Jessie responded, Get your sister. We're going to Spazz-tastic Sham's. 63. The stylist at Sham's at least knew to show off those beautiful ears! There you are Mr. Handsome! Even though he IS Elrod's brother, it doesn't mean he has to look like him. 64. Annndd I've been meaning to make over Earline anyway, to more resemble her namesake, who was a friend I had for a few summers before we lost touch. It's no ponytail, and the bangs aren't combed straight down, but it'll do. It's a shame there's no in-game freckle option, though! 65. What's this? It's not Halloween yet you stupid robed hipster! Why do people keep walking in our house?! Who in great green fudgecakes are you?! Well??! Grandpa Loki grumped. IIIii'm outta here! the nanny said, disappearing quickly out the door. 66. Holy crow, hula girls?! They weren't there a minute ago! Loki started, a little unnerved now.. He was kind of being ambushed on all sides by the most fabulous send-off to the netherworld possible. The hula-dancers just shrugged and continued doing their part to try and coax him along. Death himself even offered Loki a refreshing island drink of some sort. You there! Why can I not feel the floor?? Where the wagon-wheels are my feet?! 67. This is it isn't it? Loki sighed resignedly as he began to fade out, this is where my great stage performance in life switches theaters. Loki was lost in thought for a moment as he actually absorbed the goings-on around him. Well can I at least get a tube of lip-balm on the boat ride to the great wherever? Loki asked. You got it, Death said, and with that they all faded out. Loki's life insurance pay-off brought them into the million-simoleon club! Hokey-smokes!! 68. Grandma Tootifer was understandably displeased by the realization that her Loki was gone. He was the father of her ten fabulous children! He was her bunny-britches! Oh distress! Distraught- well, the sadness was just too much! She thought she might never leave this corner of the dining room. 69. Say Mrs. F, The nanny said, approaching Tootie. What is it Nichole? My husband is a tombstone, what could you possibly need? I wish you to leave me to mourn by this. . . tree and high-chair, Tootie said bitterly. Oh that's no biggie, you've got the bone-phone! Anyway I just wanted to ask you Mrs. F, is it true- but she was cut off. We have what? Tootie asked, coming out of her fog of sadness a bit. You have a Resurrect-O- Nomitron! Didn't you know? That funny novelty phone your one daughter gave to miss Fluticasone? If'n you pay enough, you can get your husband back from the underworld any time you wanted! Show me. Tootie said abruptly. 70. Coincidentally, downstairs Wilford was also quite upset. I KILLED GRAM'PAAAA!! he bawled, wracked with guilt. No, son, you didn't, Jessie explained, he was just old and his simly body was all worn out. It happens to the best of us, Jessie said, looking on, One day I will get old, and one day you will get old. Do you see? Gram'ma's gonna die? Wilford gasped in a horrified whisper as he started to cry again. Jessie just sighed. This family needs another getaway. Good thing there's still one more Limbo-Land house to visit! 71. Pescado Park The Community Pool Fantasy Castle Restaurant Limbo-Schmimbo Shopping Center You'll have 4 mystical, magical, wond'rous sights to see . . . .in Limbo Land! 72. Upon the Freshnfruitys' return to Limbo-Land, they chose to visit the sons' side of the street. Memories immediately flooded their minds of their old family castle, which was gifted to then by the fairies, but also taken away by them. In fact, the Chinese Foo-Dog Statues out front looked oddly familiar. It's probably just a coincidence, they said. 73. Stepping through the front door, the family immediately felt at home, for some reason. There was a large, open room, with a dining area on the left and a den/t.v. area on the right. Staircases flanked the two furnished areas. 74. To the left of the left-hand staircase, there was a short hallway, which gave them access to an alcove where the dishwasher, microwave, and sink were kept. At the far end of the hallway(also accessible from the dining table) was a small kitchen. We'll explore those double-doors in the kitchen from the other side later. 75. To the right of the right-hand staircase, there was. . . another hallway. This one gave the boys access to a special alcove. At the far end of that hallway was the ground floor bathroom. But where do the double doors lead? asked Grandma Tootie from off-camera. Let's find out! 76. It wasn't much of a yard, but every castle needs a courtyard, even if it's only a fruit tree and a lecture podium. The family realized they'd come full circle when they saw the double doors into the kitchen. 77. The visiting Freshnfruitys went back inside from the courtyard and climbed the stairs. On the second-floor landing, they realized they could go a number of different directions. They decided to explore the two rooms at the head of the stairs. 78. To the left(as they faced the 2-story windows), was the second-floor bathroom. Looking out the windows they discovered a fantastic view of the courtyard from above. To the right of the windows was a kind of adult playroom with a piano and chess board. 79. Once done exploring the rear of the castle on the second floor, the visitors moved to the front. The front two rooms each turned out to be bedrooms with their own balconies. The left room(facing towards said balconies) turned out to be Nitroglycerin's room. Oh maybe we'll see Uncle Nitro on this trip, Earline commented innocently. The right-hand room was obviously for Naproxen Sodium and his fiancee. 80. After the bedrooms, the family continued to climb up a second set of stone stairs to the third floor. They all met together in the laboratory(in the center room) to decide where to go next. 81. This time the stairs pointed them towards the front of the castle, so this is where they ventured. They found a grand piano on the front balcony. 82. Turning left from the piano, they peeked into a room at the top of the tower long enough to see that it held a random assortment of objects that would be great for earning skill-points, such as the Senso-Twitch Lie-Finder, and the Books First for Learning bookshelf. Where are my brothers getting all of these different career reward objects again? Fluticasone asked. I'm sure we'll find out at dinner tonight, squishy-britches, Jessie reassured her. Going back across the balcony to the right-hand room(from the piano), they found a small workout space with treadmills. 83. Poking their collective heads into the room to the left of the staircase(as they faced the balcony railing), they found a lone Rock Hammer guitar, another career reward object. It'd be a good place to practice, mostly out of hearing-range of the rest of the castle. The room to the right of the staircase turned out to be the third-floor bathroom, which was surely appreciated after a long run on the treadmill. 84. And so they made their last upwards climb to the fourth floor, which was mostly a flat, usable roof. *Side note: The poker table and bubble-blowing machine were items that the brothers actually rolled wants for; this was my answer as to where to put them, since there was no other place. 85. In the topmost rooms of the castle, they found a drum-set in one and a guitar in the other. Either one would be good as far as having music while a large party was entertaining themselves on the roof! Everyone agreed then that it was time to make the trek back downstairs. They might, they reasoned, even get back down to the bottom in time to meet the brothers for dinner. So down they went. But some of the family had the feeling like they'd missed something. . . 86. They all got back downstairs and realized of course they'd forgotten something! How could they be so silly? The answer was right in front of them! Coming in, they'd walked right past Losartan and Ibuprofen's rooms. Losartan's room was right off the dining-room side of the space. . . 87. . . . while Ibuprofen's room was a few steps away from the den-side of the space. *Side note: Luckily, the boys' paintings that the siblings did of each other while in the Limbo- House, did not glitch as some of the girls' paintings did; I put the paintings in the corresponding sims' inventories upon move-out. However, as you may have noted in the girls' house, upon removal from some inventories, the paintings were simply red and yellow. Disappointment galore! 88. The family gave in to their curiosity about the last four rooms that they had yet to go into, and cramped as it would be to fit them all, took a final look around. They found similarly-sized rooms to the rest of the brothers' spaces, but these had half- baths that they shared with the rest of the house. Hoo-boy, what a tour! It was then time to wait outside for the occupants of the castle to return home. Still, they were puzzled over why many of the furnishings looked so familiar. 89. While everyone waited for dinner to be cooked, Naproxen Sodium did a bit of tidying around the castle and found his niece Earline in the courtyard belching into the podium's microphone. You behaving yourself girlie-pie? Naproxen asked nonchalantly as he passed her. Yes Uncle Naproxen, Earline replied innocently, stopping at once. 90. This branch of the family reunited happily over plates of bass with squash, just caught that day from Pescado Park. So, what're my sons up to now-a-days in Limbo Land? Tootie asked happily. Dreaming of clouds, Losartan responded before anyone else could speak. Did you just say clouds? Tootie asked him, cocking her head curiously. 91. Yep, I was smashing them with a gigantic wooden gavel, Losartan said casually. Oooh how violent! Jessie exclaimed. In the . . . sky?? Tootie asked, seemingly confused. You're being weird again bro, Naproxen commented, his simly brow furrowing. 92. On the other hand, Naproxen said, switching sides, Judges get to smack things with gavels; maybe you should switch to politics so you can be a Judge! he exclaimed. Celebrity Chef to Judge huh, Losartan replied, thinking it over, they're kind of the same things. 93. Just then Naproxen Sodium's fiance Rebecka Mendoza joined them. Sorry I'm late to dinner everyone; I accidentally threw away my plate and had to go make more fish, she explained sheepishly. Oh that totally happens all the time to me, Jessie replied, nodding. Jeebus! She's freakin' gorgeous, Fluticasone breathed, please tell me she knows how to play catch! 94. As dinner was wrapping up Ibuprofen came home from his top-level career in crime. He had just sat down from a very long night when he overheard Rebecka commenting on a recent news story. So did you hear about that statue of Mr. Bun-Buns the celebrity dog that got stolen from the museum today? she asked Losartan. Ibuprofen rolled his eyes casually as he said: Oh you know, I heard it was only a cheap replica of the real statue anyway, and then tried to steer the conversation away from the statue. 95. Finally the evening was winding down to a close. It was nice meeting you dear, but we have to be getting back to Strangetown now; I've got a little project to take care of at home, Grandma Tootie said reluctantly. I understand, Rebecka replied sweetly, it was good to meet you, mama Tootie. Of course there was no way Rebecka could really understand what Tootie's little project was . . 96. In the end Grandma Tootie's little project didn't have anything to do with knitting or even taco shells. But it turned out just fine all the same. We'll see the results of Tootie's endeavors in the next chapter! See y'all then!

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