freshwater actinopterygians of the los rastros formation ... · group, only the los rastros...

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Freshwater actinopterygians of the Los Rastros Formation (Triassic),Bermejo Basin, Argentina

Adriana Lopez-Arbarello*, 1, Raymond Rogers2, & Pablo Puerta3

1 Bayerische Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und Geologie, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, D-80333 Munchen, Germany2 Geology Department, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul MN 55105, U.S.A.3 Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, Fontana 140, 9100 Trelew, Argentina

Received 5 February 2006, accepted 12 March 2006Published online 17 July 2006

With 12 figures

Key words: Actinopterygii, Acrolepidae, Triassic, South America, Argentina.


The present paper includes detailed descriptions of all fossil fishes known from the Los Rastros Formation (Ladinian; BermejoBasin, Argentina). Four taxa are identified: Gualolepis carinaesquamosa n. gen. n. sp., Rastrolepis n. gen. with two speciesR. riojaensis n. sp. and R. latipinnata n. sp., and Challaia elongata n. comb. Gualolepis n. gen. and Rastrolepis n. gen. are incer-tae sedis actinopterygians. The opercular bones of Gualolepis resemble those in peipiaosteid acipenseriforms and the fishmight be related with the Chondrostei. The most distinctive features of Rastrolepis are the narrow opercular region and thepresence of a very large plate-like branchiostegal bone resembling the condition in the Redfieldiiformes. Challaia elongata,originally described in the Australian genus Myriolepis, is here refered to the genus Challaia, previously known from thenearby Cuyo Basin and representing the first fish taxon common to both continental sequences. Furthermore, Challaia isshown to be a member of the Acrolepidae and represents the youngest record of the family in Gondwana.

Schlusselworter: Actinopterygii, Acrolepidae, Trias, Sudamerika, Argentinien.


Alle fossilen Fische, die bisher von der Los Rastros Formation (Ladin; Bermejo-Becken, Argentinien) bekannt sind, werdenim Detail beschrieben. Vier Taxa konnen identifiziert werden: Gualolepis carinaesquamosa n. gen. n. sp., Rastrolepis n. gen.,mit zwei Arten, R. riojaensis n. sp. und R. latipinnata n. sp., und Challaia elongata comb. nov. Gualolepis n. gen. und Rastrole-pis n. gen. Actynopterygier unsicherer systematischer Stellung. Die Operkular-Knochen von Gualolepis ahneln jenen der pei-piaosteiden Acipenseriformen und das Taxon mag mit den Chondrostei verwandt sein. Die auffalligsten Merkmale von Ras-trolepis sind die sehr schmale Operkularregion und das Vorhandensein eines sehr großen, plattigen Branchiostegale, das demZustand in Redfieldiiformen ahnelt. Challaia elongata, ursprunglich zu der australischen Gattung Myriolepis gestellt, wird hierder Gattung Challaia zugeordnet, die bisher nur aus dem nahegelegenen Cuyo-Becken bekannt war und reprasentiert somitdas erste Fisch-Taxon, das in beiden Sequenzen vorkommt. Zudem kann gezeigt werden, dass Challaia zu den Acrolepidaegehort und somit den jungsten Nachweis dieser Gruppe in Gondwana darstellt.

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


The Triassic saw important changes in the com-position of fish faunas, with the radiation and ex-

tinction of several groups of basal actinoptery-gians and the appearance of the first teleosts.Although the Triassic is thus an important stagein fish evolution, in comparison with younger

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006), 238–258 / DOI 10.1002/mmng.200600011

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

* Corresponding author: e-mail:

Mesozoic ichthyofaunas, the Triassic fish faunasare still relatively poorly known. This is espe-cially true for the Southern Hemisphere.

From South America, continental Triassicfishes are known only from three different geolo-gical units: the Santa Marıa Formation of south-ern Brazil and units in the Cuyo and Bermejo(= Ischigualasto-Villa Union, see Stipanicic 1983,2002; Stipanicic & Bonaparte 1979) basins ofnorthwestern Argentina. Whereas the SantaMarıa Formation has only yielded some frag-mentary and as yet undescribed remains, a richfish fauna was described from the Cuyo Basin

(Lopez-Arbarello 2004). Unfortunately, most ofthese fishes were only very poorly described injournals with very low circulation outside ofArgentina and thus, to this day they remainlargely unknown. Although the described materialis often poorly preserved, a diversity of fishes isevidently present in several formations withinthe Cuyo Basin and a detailed taxonomic revisionof these faunas is currently being undertaken bythe senior author.

The Bermejo Basin is famous for its diverseand important tetrapod fauna (e.g., Bonaparte1997), but fossil fishes are very rare in the Trias-

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 239

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the fish locality: A – Simplified map of southern South America (upper right corner) and cen-tral Argentina, indicating the location of the Bermejo Basin (dotted area) and the fish locality (black square); B – map of theGualo river system indicating the location of the fish locality at Canon del Gualo (modified from Rogers et al. 2001); C –photograph of the fish locality showing the 5th lacustrine hemicycle of the Los Rastros Formation and the fish bearing horizon,with the fishes in plaster jackets (photo courtesy C. May).

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sic sediments of this basin. Apart from isolatedscales, articulated fish remains have so far onlybeen reported from the Los Rastros Formation.Prior to our work, only one fish taxon had beendescribed from this formation, Myriolepis elongataCabrera, 1944, based on the remains of a largebasal actinopterygian found in the exposures ofAgua de La Pena Creek, San Juan Province,Argentina. In 1995, a joint American/Argen-tinean expedition recovered more fishes fromsandstone concretions within the Los RastrosFormation, though from a different locality thanthe holotype specimen of M. elongata. Amongthe fishes collected from this new locality (hereinreferred to as the Canon del Gualo locality), wefound high diversity including four different spe-cies of basal actinopterygian fishes representedin only five concretions.

Geological and paleontological settings

The continental Bermejo Basin is one of severalextensional basins that formed along the westernmargin of South America during the initial stagesof the breakup of Pangea (Uliana & Biddle 1988;Ramos & Kay 1991; Stipanicic 2002). The basin issubdivided into two groups separated by a regio-nal unconformity (Fig. 1). The Scythian to AnisianPaganzo III Group consists of the alluvial depositsof the Talampaya and Tarjados formations. Theoverlying Ladinian to Norian Agua de la PenaGroup includes five formations that represent var-ious terrestrial paleoenvironments, which inascending order include: Chanares, Ischichuca,Los Rastros, Ischigualasto and Los Colorados for-mations (de la Mota 1946; Bossi 1971; Stipanicic1983, 2002; Milana & Alcober 1994; Rogers et al.

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Fig. 2. Graphic stratigraphic logs of the Tarjados, Chanares, and Los Rastros formations: Composite section measured in thevicinity of Canon del Gualo indicating the stratigraphic position of the fish bed. Horizontal arrows indicate the bases of thesix lacustrine hemicycles in the Los Rastros Formation (modified from Rogers et al. 2001).

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

2001). Among the units of the Agua de la PenaGroup, only the Los Rastros Formation is knownto preserve fossil fishes.

Although isolated fish remains (scales, bonefragments, fin rays, etc.) are common throughoutthe stacked lacustrine cycles that comprise theLos Rastros Formation (Fig. 2), articulated fishremains are only known from a layer of concre-tions in the upper part of the formation (Rogerset al. 2001, Mancuso 2003). A radiometric age of228 m.y. (40Ar/39Ar; Rogers et al. 1993) from thelower part of the overlying Ischigualasto For-mation suggests a Ladinian age for the Los Ras-tros Formation (Rogers et al. 2001). Biostrati-graphic correlations are suggestive of a slightlyyounger, Carnian age for this formation (Stipa-nicic & Bossi 2002). Apart from archosaur tracksidentified as Rigalites ischigualastianus Huene,1931, and remains of an undescribed temnospon-dyl (Contreras et al. 1997), fishes are the onlyvertebrate remains known from the Los RastrosFormation. Other fossils known from this forma-tion include a rich palyno and megaflora, con-chostracans, and insects (Gallego 1997; Stipanicic& Bossi 2002, Mancuso 2003).

Material and Methods

The studied material belongs to the following institutions:MCNAM, Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropologicas“Juan Cornelio Moyano” Mendoza, Argentina; MLP, Museode La Plata, La Plata, Argentina; PULR, Paleontological col-lection of the Universidad Nacional de La Rioja, La Rioja,Argentina.

Except for the holotype of Challaia elongata, all the otherfishes described here from the Los Rastros Formation werepreserved in well-indurated sandstone concretions. At thetime of collection, the fishes were partially exposed due toweathering. After collection, the specimens were stored inplaster jackets for approximately five years. Minor disarticu-lation of poorly preserved scales occurred during storage.Once the jackets were opened, the fishes were mechanicallyprepared.

The holotype of Challaia elongata is preserved in a darkgray siltstone. For exhibition purposes the fossil had beenpainted with a thick lacquer, which was chemically removedto allow its study. Afterwards, further details of the fish wereexposed by mechanical preparation.

According to the current use in Phylogenetic Systematics,we follow an unranked systematic hierarchy. Skull bones arenamed according to Jollie (1962), Schultze & Arsenault(1985), Schultze (1993), and Arratia & Cloutier (1996). Thenomenclature used for the caudal skeleton is according toHilton (2004). The relative position of the fins and the scalecounts is expressed in a pterygial formula where D, P, A, andC indicate the number of scale rows between the first com-plete row behind the pectoral girdle and the insertion of thedorsal, pelvic, anal, and caudal fins respectively, and T is thetotal number of scale rows between the pectoral girdle andthe caudal inversion (Westoll 1944).

Systematic Paleontology

Osteichthyes Huxley, 1880Actinopterygii Cope, 1887Actinopterygii incertae sedis

Gualolepis n. gen.

D e r i v a t i o n o f n a m e. After the type locality “Canon delGualo”, and “lepis” (Greek), a scale.

Ty p e s p e c i e s. Gualolepis carinaesquamosa n. sp.

D i a g n o s i s. As for the type and only known species.

Gualolepis carinaesquamosa n. sp.Figs 3A–C

D e r i v a t i o n o f n a m e. For “carina” (Latin), a keel, and“squama” (Latin), a scale, in reference to the peculiar orna-mentation of the scales.

S y n t y p e s. PULR 106 and 107. Only specimens.

Ty p e l o c a l i t y. Vicinity of Canon del Gualo (S:29�53038.300, W: 67�46021.200), La Rioja province, Argentina(Fig. 1).

Fo r m a t i o n a n d a g e. Los Rastros Formation (Ladinian),Bermejo Basin, fifth lacustrine hemicycle (see Rogers et al.2001) (Fig. 2).

D i a g n o s i s. The following diagnosis is based on a uniquecombination of characters. Operclulum as deep as wide andreduced, less than half the size of suboperculum; subopercu-lum 1.15 times wider than deep, narrowing slightly dorsally;large supracleithrum, about 5 times deeper than wide, about1.15 times deeper than suboperculum; flank scales ornamen-ted with vertical median ridges, which are aligned alongtransverse row of scales.

D e s c r i p t i o n. PULR 106 includes the anteriorportion of the body without fins, with some skullbones and partially preserved elements of thepectoral girdle. PULR 107 includes imprints ofthe skull and anterior portion of the trunk. Scalefeatures are somewhat better preserved in thisspecimen.

The lower jaw seems to have been very shal-low, tapers anteriorly and is shorter than theupper jaw. PULR 106 preserves the operculum,suboperculum, some branchiostegal elements,supracleithrum and part of the cleithrum in mesialview (Fig. 3A, B). The operculum is very reducedand somewhat rounded. It is as wide as deep,les than half the depth and about half the widthof the suboperculum. The suboperculum is1.15 times wider than deep, narrowing slightlydorsally and with gently rounded borders. Onlya few branchiostegals are preserved, but theyseem to have been numerous. The supraclei-thrum is large, about 5 times deeper than wide,and deeper than the suboperculum. Its outline is

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 241

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approximately rectangular with a slightly ex-panded dorsal portion. Very little of the clei-thrum is preserved. It apparently reached thelower jaw anteriorly and is relatively slender.

The internal view of the anteriormost flankscales is poorly preserved in PULR 106. Theyare about 2.5 times deeper than long. They pre-

sent peg and socket articulations, with a nar-rowly based, conical and shallow peg. PULR 107preserves the external mold of the scales show-ing that they turned quadrangular posteriorlyand that they were ornamented. The ornamenta-tion consists of an approximately median ridgeparallel to the posterior border of the scale

Lopez-Arbarello, A., Freshwater actinopterygians from Argentina242

Fig. 3. Gualolepis carinaesquamosa n. gen. n. sp. A – left lateral view of PULR 106 (syntype); B – outline drawing of the pre-served elements in the skull of PULR 106 (syntype); C – detail of the external mould of the anterior flank scales inPULR 107 showing the peculiar ornamentation with a median vertical ridge; arrow points anteriad. Abbreviations: br – bran-chiostegal bones; cl – cleithrum; d – dentalosplenial; op – operculum; pcl? – postcleithrum?; scl – supracleithrum; sop – subo-perculum.

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

(Fig. 3C). The ridges of individual scales seem tohave been aligned in a continuous line followingeach transverse row of scales. The preservationis not good enough to decide about the presenceof gaonine on the scales or the skull bones.

D i s c u s s i o n. Gualolepis carinaesquamosa clo-sely resembles peipiaosteid acipenseriforms (e.g.Stichopterus and Peipiaosteus; Grande & Bemis1996) in the characteristics of the opercularbones, with rounded elements and very reducedoperculum. In most basal actinopterygians theoperculum is larger than the suboperculum andthis is considered the primitive condition in thegroup (Lund et al. 1995; Lund 2000; Cloutier &Arratia 2004). The suboperculum is slightly lar-ger than the operculum in perleidiforms (Gardi-ner & Schaeffer 1989; Tintori & Sassi 1992), butan operculum considerably smaller than the sub-operculum is considered a synapomorphy ofChondrostei (Bemis et al. 1997). Consequently,G. carinaesquamosa probably represents a primi-tive Chondrostei (sensu Patterson 1982), but solittle is known about this fish that its referral toany major group of actinopterygians cannot beconfidently established and thus, it should bekept as Actinopterygii incertae sedis.

Rastrolepis n. gen.

D e r i v a t i o n o f n a m e. For the Los Rastros Formation, thegeological unit from which this fish was recovered, and theGreek “lepis”, a scale.

Ty p e s p e c i e s. Rastrolepis riojaensis n. sp.

O t h e r s p e c i e s. R. latipinnata n. sp.

D i a g n o s i s. The following diagnosis is based on a uniquecombination of characters. Large actinopterygians with fusi-form bodies; narrow opercular series; large branchiostegalplate, of about the same size of suboperculum and as deep asthe lower jaw; large supracleithrum; pectoral fin insertionvery low; dorsal fin opposite to anal fin; both dorsal and analfin-rays evenly segmented starting at their bases, bifurcateddistally, and ornamented with a median ridge parallel to theaxis of the ray; caudal fin hemiheterocercal; rounded distalend of scaly lobe; very small basal fulcra preceding dorsaland anal fins; small and numerous fringing fulcra on all fins.

D i s c u s s i o n. A very peculiar condition in Ras-trolepis is the presence of a very large branchios-tegal plate. The first branchiostegal ray is alwaysthe largest in basal actinopterygians, but it is no-tably smaller than the suboperculum in mostcases. Enlarged branchiostegal elements reducedto one or two platelike bones are considered tobe a synapomorphy of the Redfieldiiformes bySchaeffer (1984). The first or single branchioste-gal plate in redfieldiiforms, although usually no-tably smaller than the suboperculum, approxi-

mately equals the depth of the lower jaw insome genera (Dictyopyge, Molybdichthys, Schi-zurichthys; Hutchinson 1973, Schaeffer &Mc Donald 1978, Schaeffer 1984). The reduction inthe number of branchiostegal rays also occurredin haplolepids, aeduellids, and polyodontids (ex-cept Protopsephurus). However, the very specia-lized haplolepids clearly differ from Rastrolepisin many features such as the small number ofscale rows, the rather vertical suspensorium, thestructure of the fins in which the rays are few,stout and not bifurcated (Westoll 1944; Poplin1997). Similarly, aeduellids differ from Rastrole-pis in features such as the vertical suspensoriumand the strongly heterocercal tail (Heyler 1969;Poplin 2001). Polyodontids are very specializedfishes within a very primitive lineage, the Chon-drostei (sensu Patterson 1982), with heterocercaltails and very reduced squamation among manydistinctive features. Furthermore, although thebranchiostegal rays are reduced in these threegroups, the condition displayed by them (formore details see Westoll 1944; Heyler 1969;Grande & Bemis 1996) is clearly different fromthat in Rastrolepis and most redfieldiiforms inwhich the first or single branchiostegal element isrepresented by a comparatively very large plate-like bone, frequently as deep as the lower jaw.The total number of branchiostegal rays is un-known in Rastrolepis and most redfieldiiformsynapomorphies are in the snout region, which isnot preserved in any of the specimens of the newgenus. No other feature in Rastrolepis allows anyhypothesis of relationships among basal actinop-terygians. Therefore, due to incomplete preserva-tion, Rastrolepis cannot be referred to Redfieldii-formes or any other actinopterygian group.

Two species are recognized in Rastrolepis. Theskull is incompletely known in both species.However, R. riojaensis and R. latipinnata clearlydiffer in the shape and proportions of the supra-cleithrum, the number of basal fulcra precedingthe dorsal fin (5 vs. 1), and the number of fin-rays in the anal (26 vs. 41) and caudal (40 vs. 60)fins (see below).

Rastrolepis riojaensis n. sp.Figs 4–6

D e r i v a t i o n o f n a m e. For the province of La Rioja,where this fish was found.

H o l o t y p e. PULR 103A and 103B. Only specimen.

Ty p e l o c a l i t y. Vicinity of Canon del Gualo (S:29�53038.300, W: 67�46021.200), La Rioja province, Argentina(Fig. 1).

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Fo r m a t i o n a n d a g e. Los Rastros Formation (Ladinian),Bermejo Basin, fifth lacustrine hemicycle (see Rogers et al.2001) (Fig. 2).

D i a g n o s i s. The following diagnosis is based on a uniquecombination of characters. Preoperculum narrow, with no dis-tinct anterior and ventral arms; postorbital plate of the max-illa large, high, and elongated; branchiostegal plate about0.8 times the depth and width of suboperculum; approxi-mately triangular supracleithrum about 2.8 times deeper thanwide, approximately as wide as, but 1.3 times deeper thansuboperculum; pectoral fin with 13 distally segmented and bi-furcated rays; dorsal fin opposite to anal fin; dorsal and analfins of comparable size, the length of their bases being 13%of the distance between cleithrum and end of scaly lobe; dor-sal with 20 rays, anal with about 26 rays; dorsal fin precededby 5 slender basal fulcra; caudal fin hemiheterocercal withabout 40 rays; small dorsal and ventral scutes preceding cau-dal fin; ventral flank scales very shallow; pterygial formula:

D41P17 A34 C57


D e s c r i p t i o n. The holotype and only specimenis a fusiform elongated fish more than 390 mmin length (total length of the fossil; Fig. 3). Thereal proportions of the head and tail areunknown, but the total length of the fish mighthave been around 450 mm or more. The lengthfrom the posterior border of the cleithrum tothe end of the scaly lobe of the tail (CT length)is 290 mm. The maximum height of the body,about the level of the pelvic fin origin, is88 mm, which is about 20% of the estimatedtotal length. The height of the body at the ori-gins of the dorsal and anal fins is 62 mm. Thebones of the dermal-skull and pectoral girdleare ornamented (see below). There is no signof a lateral line. The body is covered withganoid scales, which vary in size and shape indifferent parts of the body. Small and numerousfringing fulcra are clearly preserved in all fins

with the exception of the dorsal edge of the cau-dal fin, in which it is not possible to establishwhether they were present or not. Due to theimperfect preservation, the presence of ganoinecannot be established.

Skull – Only the left and right external moldsof the posterior part of the skull are preserved(Fig. 4). The sensory canals, except for the preo-percular canal, cannot be distinguished, the out-line of various bones is not complete, and mostelements are somewhat displaced. Therefore, acomplete reconstruction of the skull was not pos-sible and the present interpretation of the skullmight be modified when more material becomesavailable.

The preoperculum is very inclined. It has noclearly distinct anterior and ventral arms, its ven-tral portion is very narrow and it expands gradu-ally anterodorsally. Only the large postorbitalplate of the maxilla is preserved, which is high andelongated (Fig. 5A, B). In PULR 103B, there aretwo bony elements anterodorsal to the maxillaand anterior to the preoperculum (Fig. 5C, D).The posterior element, which is partially over-lapped by the displaced preoperculum, might re-present a suborbital. The anterior element is frag-mented and might represent the posterior portionof the last infraorbital bone. Dorsal to these ele-ments, a partially preserved bone might representa relatively large dermosphenotic. In PULR103A, a quadratojugal is apparently present at thebase of the preoperculum (Fig. 5A, B). The angu-lar is elongated and narrow, forming the wholeposteroventral angle of the lower jaw. The denta-losplenial is large and deep; its posterior portionbeing as deep as the posterior portion of the max-

Lopez-Arbarello, A., Freshwater actinopterygians from Argentina244

Fig. 4. Rastrolepis riojaensis n. gen. n. sp. Right lateral view of PULR 103A (holotype).

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

illa. There is no coronoid process. Very large con-ical marginal teeth are preserved on the dentalos-plenial and the maxilla.

The opercular series is remarkably narrow.The operculum and suboperculum are about thesame size, the first being slightly deeper, but nar-rower than the second. The exact shape of theoperculum is unknown, but it seems to have nar-rowed dorsally and ventrally in anterodorsal andposteroventral directions. The posterodorsal bor-der of the suboperculum is broken. However, itsoutline can be approximated; it is subrectangular,and 1.7 times deeper than wide. The subopercu-

lum articulates ventrally with a large, platelikebranchiostegal element, at the level of the dorsalborder of the angular. The branchiostegal plateis almost as large as the suboperculum, subrec-tangular, about two times deeper than wide, withslightly rounded posteroventral contour. No re-mains or traces of other branchiostegal elementsare preserved and thus, this branchiostegal platewas probably single.

The ornamentation of the skull bones is notwell preserved, but it apparently consisted oftubercles, which were more abundant and smalleron the preoperculum, operculum, suboperculum,

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 245

Fig. 5. Rastrolepis riojaensis n. gen. n. sp. Skull: A – photograph of the skull in right lateral view (PULR 103A); B – outlinedrawing of the skull in PULR 103A; C – photograph of the skull in left lateral view (PULR 103B); D – outline drawing of theskull in PULR 103B. Abbreviations: ang – angular; br – branchiostegal bone; cl – cleithrum; clav – clavicle; d – dentalosple-nial; io? – infraorbital bone?; m – maxilla; op – operculum; pcl – postcleithrum; pcl? – postcleithrum?; pop – preoperculum;pop.c – preopercular canal; qj? – quadratojugal?; scl – supracleithrum; sob? – suborbital bone?; sop – suboperculum.

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

and branchiostegal plate, than on the maxillaand dentalosplenial. Ventrally and posteriorly,the dentalosplenial is apparently ornamentedwith rugae, as is the angular.

Pectoral girdle – The dermal bones of the pec-toral girdle are displaced. They are ornamentedwith thin irregular rugae (Fig. 5A, B). The supra-cleithrum is large, about 2.8 times deeper thanlong and approximately as long as, but 1.3 timesdeeper than the suboperculum. It widened dor-sally, and although the dorsal border is brokenoff, it seems to have narrowed again in an ante-rodorsal direction. There is at least one largepostcleithrum preserved. It is subrectangular,narrowing dorsally, with a distinct dorsal articu-lar portion. Ventral to this postcleithrum is afragmented bone indicating the possibility of asecond postcleithrum, but there is no certain evi-dence for this bone. The cleithrum is a generallyslender, elongate, anteriorly curved and dorsallypointed bone. Its anteroventral portion is notonly wider than its dorsal part, but apparentlymore robust as well. A posteroventral cleithralprocess is probably present. The clavicle is largeand approximately oval-shaped.

Paired fins – The pectoral fins are large, form-ing a wide web, and their length is about 77% ofthe maximum height of the body, and about23% of the CT length (Fig. 4). There are at least13 wide, only distally segmented and bifurcatedrays. The leading edge is bordered by more than80 slender fringing fulcra. The fringing fulcra aresupported by the first four rays, but are not in-terspersed by their terminal joints.

The pelvic fins are approximately midway be-tween the pectoral and the anal fins, only slightlycloser to the anal (Fig. 3). Only the left pelvic finis partially preserved and its origin is at about34% of the CT length. The fin web is verypoorly preserved, but numerous small and slen-der fringing fulcra are clearly visible on the pre-served portion of the leading edge. The rays areevenly segmented starting at their bases and or-namented with a single median ridge.

Unpaired fins – The single dorsal fin originatesat about 64% of the CT length, at the same levelof the origin of the anal fin (Fig. 4). The distalends of the dorsal and anal fin rays are not pre-served, but both fins are approximately triangularand of similar size, being both deeper than longand relatively small. Their bases are about 45% ofthe maximum height of the body and about 13%of the CT length. Both dorsal and anal fin rays areornamented with a median longitudinal ridge, par-allel to the axis of the ray.

The dorsal fin (Fig. 6A) is preceded by threesmall and slender basal fulcra, the first of whichis very short. They are followed by approxi-mately 20 lepidotrichia (the posteriormost raysare not well preserved). All of the preservedrays are evenly segmented starting at their basesand except for the anteriormost ones they arealso distally branched. The anteriormost fourrays are not branched and their length abruptlyincreases backwards, participating in the leadingedge of the fin. They bear fringing fulcra ontheir distal portions. The following ray also parti-cipate in the leading edge of the fin, but it bifur-cates once, bearing fringing fulcra on the distalportion of each branch. The distal ends of theseleading rays intercalate in between the fringingfulcra.

The leading edge of the anal fin (Fig. 6B) isonly preserved distally, where fringing fulcra arepresent on the distal end of two apparently un-branched rays. In this case, and differing fromthe dorsal fin, the distal end of the bearing raydoes not intercalate in between the fringing ful-cra. About 26 lepidotrichia are preserved, whichmight be close to the total number of rays sinceonly the anteriormost ones are missing. All ofthem are evenly segmented starting at theirbases and, except for those that participate inthe leading edge, they are distally bifurcated.The origin of the fin is not preserved and it isthus not possible to know whether basal fulcrawere present or not.

The caudal fin is hemiheterocercal, with a welldeveloped, posteriorly rounded scaly lobe(Fig. 6C). Only the bases of the caudal fin raysare preserved and thus the shape of the fin is un-known. There are about 43 rays. According tothe orientation of the scales on the scaly lobe,about 5–6 of these rays are in epaxial position.The fin is preceded by a series of relatively smalldorsal and ventral median scutes, not much lar-ger than the normal caudal scales, the total num-ber of which cannot be determined. There areabout four very slender dorsal basal fulcra, butno ventral basal fulcrum is preserved. The ven-tral border of the fin is poorly preserved, butsome small fringing fulcra are visible at the ven-tral edge. The caudal fin rays are ornamentedwith several longitudinal ridges.

Squamation – The scales are not well pre-served. No ornamentation of the scales is visible,but this might be due to the poor preservation.Similarly, the borders of the scales are alwaysbroken so it is not possible to know if they weresmooth or not, and the presence of peg and

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Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 247

Fig. 6. Rastrolepis riojaensis n. gen. n. sp. Unpaired fins (holotype, PULR 103A): A – dorsal fin; B – anal fin; C – caudal fin.Abbreviations: b.fu – basal fulcra; d.b.fu – dorsal basal fulcra; – dorsal scutes; e.r – epaxial caudal fin rays; fr.fu – fringingfulcra; – ventral scutes.

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socket articulations cannot be evaluated. Theflank scales are rectangular in shape, about30% longer than deep. They became quadrangu-lar up to slightly deeper than longer dorsally, butmuch shallower ventrally (e.g. 75% longer thandeeper). Indeed, very shallow scales distinctivelycover the ventral region especially in front of thepelvic fins. The scales became rhomboidal on thecaudal peduncle and especially on the scaly lobe.A hinge line is apparently present at the level ofthe anteriormost dorsal median scute of the cau-dal peduncle (Fig. 6C). The scales on the scalylobe are generally oriented with their long axisin a posterodorsal direction, except for those thatbordered the posteroventral edge. These scalesare more slender and oriented with their longaxes following the axes of the rays with whichthey are associated.

Rastrolepis latipinnata n. sp.Figs 7–8

D e r i v a t i o n o f n a m e. For “latus” (Latin), broad, and“pinna” (Latin), a fin, referring to the characteristics of theunpaired fins, much broader in this species than in R. riojaen-sis.

H o l o t y p e. PULR 105A, 105B and 105C. Only specimen.

Ty p e l o c a l i t y. Vicinity of Canon del Gualo (S: 29�53038.300,W: 67�46021.200), La Rioja province, Argentina (Fig. 1).

Fo r m a t i o n a n d a g e. Los Rastros Formation (Ladinian),Bermejo Basin, fifth lacustrine hemicycle (see Rogers et al.2001) (Fig. 2).

D i a g n o s i s. The following diagnosis is based on a uniquecombination of characters. Almost vertical suspensorium;large pterygoid with a series of anteroventrally convergingridges; lower jaw relatively very large and semilunar inshape; branchiostegal plate about 0.75 times the depth ofsuboperculum, and of comparable width; suboperculum tear-shaped; rectangular supracleithrum about 4 times deeperthan wide, about 1.3 times the depth, but 0.6 times the widthof the suboperculum; dorsal fin slightly anterior to anal fin;anal fin with about 41 rays, the length of its base being16% of the distance between cleithrum and end of scaly lobe;caudal fin hemiheterocercal with about 60 rays; pterygial for-mula:

D42P19 A38 C60


D e s c r i p t i o n. Rastrolepis latipinnata is a fusi-form elongated fish of more than 540 mm length(total length of the fossil). The total length ofthe fish might have been more than 570 mm.The length from the posterior border of the clei-thrum to the end of the scaly lobe of the tail(CT length) is 385 mm. The estimated headlength is about 100 mm, which is about 18% ofthe estimated total length. The maximum height

of the fossil, between the pectoral and pelvicfins, is about 140 mm, which is around 36% ofthe estimated total length. The height of thebody at the origin of dorsal and anal fins isabout 90 mm. The passage of the lateral line can-not be discerned. The body is covered withrhombic scales, which vary in size and shape, notonly in longitudinal, but also in vertical direc-tions. Small and numerous fringing fulcra areclearly visible in all fins with the exception ofthe pectorals and the ventral edge of the caudal,which are not preserved. The imperfect preserva-tion of the specimen does not allow to decideabout the presence of ganoine in any part of thebody.

Skull – The head is incompletely preserved.Only parts of the skull roof, neurocranium, thelower jaw, and two opercular elements are pre-sent (Fig. 7). The anterior part of the skull is dis-placed posteriorly and thus, the posterior ele-ments are not preserved or indistinguishablebelow the anterior ones. The left parietal (= fron-tal) is preserved. It is longitudinally elongated,anteriorly expanded and with a supraorbital con-striction. There is a longitudinal groove, probablyfor the supraorbital sensory canal, along the par-ietal, apparently closer to the median suture be-tween the parietals than to the lateral border ofthis bone. Size and shape of the postparietal(= parietal) are unknown; the postparietal alsohas a groove so that the supraorbital sensory ca-nal enters the postparietal. A large left posttem-poral is partially preserved posteriorly. Ventralto the temporal region, a handle-like bone prob-ably represents the dorsal portion of the lefthyomandibula. The right quadrate, or quadrateportion of the right palatoquadrate, is partiallypreserved in articulation with the lower jaw. Theorientation of the hyomandibula and quadrateindicate an almost vertical suspensorium. A largeirregularly shaped bone attached to the left pala-toquadrate anteriorly probably represents amodified pterygoid. It is longitudinally elongatedand presents a series of posterodorsally directedridges, which converge anteriorly. Anterior tothis pterygoid, a bone with an anteromedially di-rected handle-like process probably representsthe autopalatine portion of the palatoquadrate.Dorsal to this latter bone, a median element withtwo lateral articulatory surfaces probably repre-sents a median vomer or an ethmoidal ossifica-tion.

The relatively very large right lower jaw ispreserved in medial view. Individual elementscannot be distinguished. Along the anteroventral

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border of the medial surface, a very thin andelongated ossification probably represents theMeckelian bone. The general shape of the lowerjaw is semilunar, with a slightly concave medialsurface. Its maximum depth is about 0.3 of itslength. There is no coronoid process. No teeth ortooth sockets are preserved.

Two bones are preserved in the opercular re-gion. The most ventral of these bones articulatesdirectly at the level of the lower jaw and pre-sents an anteroventral process running antero-ventrally to the lower jaw, so it is interpreted asa large, plate-like branchiostegal bone. Otherbranchiostegal elements are not preserved. Thebranchiostegal plate is quadrangular, about1.25 times deeper than wide. The bone dorsal toit is interpreted as a suboperculum. It is about1.35 times deeper than the branchiostegal plate,but both elements have approximately the samewidth. The suboperculum is somewhat tear-shaped, with rounded ventral borders narrowingdorsally. Its maximum width is about 0.5 of itsdepth.

Pectoral girdle – Only the left and right supra-cleithra of the pectoral girdle are well preserved.Each supracleithrum is approximately rectangu-lar, about 4 times deeper than long, 1.3 timesdeeper than the suboperculum, but 0.6 times thelength of that bone. The cleithrum, or cleithrumand clavicle, form a narrow, deeply curved archat the posteroventral corner of the head. Post-cleithral bones are apparently absent. No orna-mentation is preserved.

Paired fins – The pectoral fins are very poorlypreserved. At least some pectoral fin-rays carrythree parallel longitudinal ridges.

The pelvic fins are slightly closer to the analthan to the pectoral fins, originating at about35% of the CT length. The pelvic fin is incomple-tely preserved and the total number of fin rays isunknown. However, the anterior portion of thefin is well preserved. There are three small basalfulcra and numerous small fringing fulcra on atleast the first four rays, which are unbranchedand with their distal segments intercalating in be-tween the fringing fulcra. All preserved rays areevenly segmented from their bases, and exceptfor the ones participating on the leading edge ofthe fin, they are also distally bifurcated.

Unpaired fins – The single dorsal fin at about60% of the CT length, slightly anterior to theorigin of the anal fin. Both dorsal and anal finrays carry a median longitudinal ridge parallel tothe axis of the ray.

Ten lepidotrichia are preserved in the dorsalfin, but the total number of rays was certainlylarger as indicated by a posterior dorsal fin rayseparated by a gap from the others. Except forthe anteriormost rays, the rays are evenly seg-mented starting at their bases and distallybranched. At least nine lepidotrichia participateon the leading edge of the fin bearing small andslender fringing fulcra. There are two very small,unpaired basal fulcra at the base of the dorsalfin. They are followed by one very short first un-branched ray, that apparently bears no fringing

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 249

Fig. 7. Rastrolepis latipinnata n. gen. n. sp. Left lateral view of the skull in PULR 105A (holotype): A – photograph; B – out-line drawing. Abbreviations: ap? – autopalatine portion of palatoquadrate?; ang – angular; br – branchiostegal bone; cl – clei-thrum; d – dentalosplenial; eo? – ethmoidal ossification?; hy? – hyomandibula?; mo – Meckelian ossification; na? – nasal?;pa – parietal; ppa – postparietal; pt – pterygoid; ptt – postemporal; q – quadrate portion of palatoquadrate; scl – supraclei-thrum; sop – suboperculum.

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

fulcrum. The second to fourth rays are also un-branched and still short, their height increasingslowly posteriorly, and bear one fringing fulcrumeach. The fifth ray is unbranched, and bearsthree fringing fulcra. The following four rays alsoparticipate in the leading edge of the fin, butthey bifurcate, bearing fringing fulcra on the dis-tal end of each branch. The distal ends of thesemarginal rays intercalate in between the fringingfulcra.

The anal fin is almost completely preserved.The base of the anal fin is about 16% of theCT length. The fin web consists of 41 lepidotri-chia and two most anterior elements that are notwell enough preserved to decide whether theyrepresent basal fulcra or fin rays. The lepidotri-chia are evenly segmented starting at their basesand, except for the most anterior rays, they weredistally bifurcated. At least five rays participatein the leading edge of the fin, which is not pre-served distally. The first three rays are segmen-ted but unbranched, and it cannot be decidedwhether they bear fringing fulcra. The fourth raybifurcates once and all rays bifurcate more thanonce from the fifth ray backwards. As is the casein the dorsal fin, the distal segments of the leadingrays intercalate in between the fringing fulcra.

The caudal fin, as indicated by a hinge line, ishemiheterocercal with a short and rounded scalylobe (Fig. 8A). A few slender, posterodorsally ori-ented bones in the tail of PULR 105B, might re-present endoskeletal elements of support or themost basal portion of the fin-rays, which wouldhave been covered with soft tissues and scales inthe living fish (Fig. 8B). The shape of the fin webis unknown, but includes approximately 60 seg-mented rays. In this fin, the basal segment is twoor three times longer than the following ones.The basal segment of one ray is Y shaped, givingoff two very early branches of the ray. There is avery small, unpaired basal fulcrum at the dorsalbase of the caudal fin (Fig. 8B). Immediately be-hind, the first ray is very short, unbranched,bears two small and slender fringing fulcra. Thefollowing two rays are also unbranched and bearfringing fulcra (Fig. 8A, B). The fourth raybranches once, and the fifth twice and bear fring-ing fulcra on each branch. The sixth ray branchesthree times symmetrically and bears fringing ful-cra at least on the most marginal branch (thedistal end of this ray is not preserved). The ven-tral border of the fin is not preserved, so thatthe presence of ventral basal or fringing fulcracannot be established. Each of the caudal fin-rays carries a single longitudinal ridge (Fig. 8B).

Squamation – The scales are poorly preservedand ganoine is not preserved, but it was prob-ably present. There are about 63 vertical rows ofscales. The scales are rectangular, with smoothposterior border. The scales are regularly twotimes longer than deep on the flank, includingthe scales immediately behind the pectoral gir-dle, and in the caudal peduncle. A series of smalldorsal ridge scales garnishes the dorsal midlinebetween the skull and the dorsal fin, and imme-diately before the caudal fin (Fig. 8A). There is ahinge line at the base of the scaly lobe of thetail, where the scales are smaller, quadrangularor even slightly deeper than long.

Acrolepidae Aldinger, 1937

Challaia Rusconi, 1946

Challaia elongata (Cabrera, 1944) n. comb.Figs 9–12

1944 Myriolepis elongatus [sic] Cabrera: 574, fig. 4 (originaldescription).

H o l o t y p e. MLP 44-VII-16-3.

Ty p e l o c a l i t y. Agua de La Pena Creek, San Juan pro-vince, Argentina.

Fo r m a t i o n a n d a g e. Los Rastros Formation (Ladinian),Bermejo Basin.

D i a g n o s i s. The following diagnosis is based on a uniquecombination of characters. Large actinopterygian with fusi-form body attaining an estimated total length of 700–800 mm;maxilla with large, trapezoidal postorbital plate with subtrian-gular posteroventral expansion overlapping lower jaw; preo-perculum very inclined and narrow with short anterodorsallydirected process; one elongated dermohyal; 3 anteopercularbones; operculum narrowing upwards, 2 times deeper and0.9 times narrower than suboperculum; suboperculum as wideas first branchiostegal plate; long and narrow supracleithrum,4 times deeper than wide, about 1.5 times deeper and 0.5 nar-rower than operculum; lower jaw relatively shallow, slender,tapering anteriorly; two types of conical teeth, one large andsharp, the other small and rounded; pectoral fin lepidotrichiawith proximal segments 4 times longer than following segment,which is 1.5 times longer than remaining segments; pelvic finrays evenly segmented starting at their bases and ornamentedwith oblique ganoine ridges; numerous, slender fringing fulcraon pelvic fin; anterior flank scales rectangular, 38% deeperthan long, quadrangular posteriorly, longer than deep dorsallyand ventrally, ornamented with 10–16 posteroventrally direc-ted ganoine ridges irregularly anastomosing posteriorly, notreaching posterior margin of scale; approximate pterygial for-mula:

D78P37 A? C?

T > 100

R e f e r r e d s p e c i m e n. PULR 104, from the fifth lacustrinehemicycle of Los Rastros Formation in the vicinity of Canondel Gualo (29�53038.300 S, 67�46021.200 W), La Rioja province,Argentina.

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D e s c r i p t i o n. In the holotype (MLP 44-VII-16-3),only the anterior portion of the fish, without cau-dal peduncle and tail, is preserved. The anteriorpart of the head is missing as well as most of thepectoral and dorsal fins. The pelvic fins are par-tially preserved. Only the origin of the dorsal fin

is preserved and there are no remains of theanal and caudal fins. Although the preservationof the scales is rather poor, their shape and orna-mentation, and the squamation pattern can beinferred. The referred specimen (PULR 104)consists of a very poorly preserved skull and

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 251

Fig. 8. Rastrolepis latipinnata n. gen. n. sp. Caudal fin: A – PULR 105B (holotype); B – detail showing the exposed basalmostfin-ray segments or endosqueletal supports in PULR 105C (holotype). Abbreviations: b.fu – basal fulcrum; fr.fu – fringing ful-cra; r.s – ridge scales.

Fig. 9. Challaia elongata (Cabrera, 1944) n. comb. Left lateral view of MLP 44-VII-16-3 (holotype).

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

anterior part of the body without fins, but it pre-serves much better the characteristic ornamenta-tion of the scales.

The fish is more than 480 mm length (totallength of the holotype). The real proportions ofthe head and tail are unknown, but the totallength of the fish might have been around 700–800 mm. The general body form is fusiform andelongated (Fig. 9). The preserved portion of thetrunk seems to be slightly compressed dorsoven-trally, but the body is apparently as deep as thehead, which would have been about 20% of theminimal estimated total length. The bones of thedermal-skull and pectoral girdle are ornamented,but ganoine is not preserved. The body is cov-ered with numerous, relatively small ganoidscales, which vary in size and shape, not only inlongitudinal, but also in vertical directions.

Skull – The skull is only partially preserved inboth specimens so that the complete anatomy ofthe skull cannot be reconstructed.

Only the large postorbital plate of the maxillais preserved in the holotype. It is deep and sub-rectangular, approximately 2 times longer thandeep (Fig. 10B). There is a somewhat triangularposteroventral expansion of the maxilla overlap-ping the lower jaw. PULR 104 shows poorly pre-served remains of the suborbital portion of themaxilla, which is apparently very narrow. Thelower jaw is almost completely preserved inPULR 104. It is slender, tapering anteriorly, ex-tending probably beyond the anterior tip of the

maxilla. Its maximum depth is about 20% of itslength. There is no coronoid process. The denti-tion is partially preserved in both specimens.Both maxilla and dentalosplenial carry two kindsof marginal teeth, probably arranged in tworows. There are remains of very large, sharp andpowerful conical teeth, accompanied with smal-ler, also conical ones (Fig. 11).

The preoperculum is very inclined indicating avery oblique suspensorium (Fig. 10). Although itis very narrow, it is possible to distinguish ananterior and a ventral arm. The maximum depthof the bone, at its anterior end, is about 0.5 timesthe depth of the postorbital plate of the maxilla.The depth of the anterior arm decreases poster-oventrally until it bends slightly into the ventralarm, which is ventrally widening. There is a shortanterodorsally directed process at the anterodor-sal corner of the preoperculum.

Three bones are preserved posterior to thepreoperculum and dorsal to the operculum(Fig. 10). The anteriormost of these bones is inter-preted as a dermohyal. It is dorsoventrally elon-gated, with a rounded dorsal border and ven-trally tapering. The dermohyal articulates withabout 60% of the posterior border of the dorsalarm of the preoperculum anteriorly, with thesupratemporal dorsally, and with the anterioranteoperculum and operculum posteriorly. Thetwo bones posterior to the dermohyal and dorsalto the operculum are interpreted as anterior andposterior anteoperculae. Together they occupy a

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Fig. 10. Challaia elongata (Cabrera, 1944) n. comb. Left lateral view of the skull in MLP 44-VII-16-3 (holotype): A – photo-graph; B – outline drawing. Abbreviations: aop – anteoperculars; br – branchiostegal rays; cl – cleithrum; d – dentalosplenial;dhy – dermohyal; m – maxilla; op – operculum; pop – preoperculum; ptt? – postemporal?; scl – supracleithrum; sop – sub-operculum; st – supratemporal.

# 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

triangular area and articulate with the dermohyalanteriorly, the supratemporal dorsally and theoperculum posteroventrally. The anterior anteo-perculum is the largest and trapezoidal in shape,and the posterior anteoperculum is small and tri-angular.

The operculum is relatively narrow, trapezoi-dal, and narrowed upwards (Fig. 10). Its ventralportion overlaps the suboperculum. It is twotimes deeper than wide, with a maximum widthabout 0.9 times the width of the suboperculumand slightly less than the maximum depth of thepostorbital plate of the maxilla. The subopercu-lum is also approximately trapezoidal. The maxi-mum depth of its exposed portion is about halfthe depth of the operculum, and as wide as thefirst and widest branchiostegal ray. Only ninebranchiostegal rays are represented in the holo-type, ventral to the suboperculum and posteriorto the jaws. The specimen PULR 104 showseight branchiostetgal rays ventral to the lowerjaw and the total number of branchiostegal rayswas probably around 17.

The ornamentation of the skull bones is pre-served in the holotype as an imprint and thus, itcan be inferred. The operculum is ornamentedwith numerous, short, thin, and anastomosing ir-regular rugae distributed all over the lateral sur-face of the bone, without following any particu-lar pattern. The suboperculum is ornamented ina very similar way, with the same kind of rugaeover most of its lateral surface, but the rugae aregradually smaller towards the anteroventral cor-ner where densely placed, small tubercles arepresent. The branchiostegal rays are densely or-namented with small tubercles, similar to thoseon the suboperculum. The preoperculum is orna-mented with similar kind or rugae and tubercles,irregularly and densely distributed over thewhole lateral surface of the bone. The ornamen-tation of the dermohyal and anteoperculum can-not be inferred with certainty, but it seems tohave been similar to that of the preoperculum.As far as known from the preserved portions ofthese bones, the ornamentation of the maxillaand dentalosplenial consists of very small tuber-cles, regularly and very densely distributed overthe whole lateral surface.

Pectoral girdle – The dermal bones of the pec-toral girdle were certainly ornamented, but inthis case the ornamentation pattern cannot beestablished clearly. At least the posttemporalseems to have been ornamented with delicate,very densely placed, approximately parallel ru-gae covering its lateral surface completely.

The posttemporal is incompletely preserved,but it is apparently of triangular shape, with a pos-teriorly projected posteroventral corner (Fig. 10).The supracleithrum is relatively large, long andnarrow. It is about 4 times deeper than wide, and1.5 times the height and half the maximum widthof the operculum. The shape of the bone is ellipti-cally elongated, slightly narrowing dorsally. Thecleithrum is incompletely preserved. No postclei-thrum can be distinguished and these bones wereprobably absent.

Paired fins – The pectoral fins are very poorlypreserved (Fig. 9). Their insertion is very low, atthe ventral margin of the flank. The length ofthe pectoral fin web is about 55% of the esti-mated depth of the head. The left pectoral fin ispartially preserved in the holotype, with imprintsof 26 pectoral fin rays, but the total number ofrays was apparently larger. All preserved raysare segmented and distally bifurcated. The prox-imal segment is about 4 times longer than thefollowing segment, which is about 1.5 times longerthan the remaining ones. No ornamentation ofthe fin rays is preserved. No fringing fulcra ispreserved on this fin, but it is not possible toknow whether they were present or not.

The pelvic fins are relatively small, but longbased (Fig. 9). The origin of the pelvic fin is be-hind the 37th vertical row of scales and its end atabout the 50th vertical row of scales. About35 pelvic fin rays are preserved as imprints in theholotype and this seems to be close to the totalnumber of rays in the fin. The rays are evenlysegmented starting at their bases and ornamen-ted with oblique, parallel ganoine ridges. Numer-ous delicate, small and slender fringing fulcra arepreserved on the leading edge of the pelvic fin,but their total number cannot be established.

Unpaired fins – Among the unpaired fins, onlythe origin of the dorsal fin is poorly preserved,which is placed behind the 78th vertical row ofscales (Fig. 9).

Squamation – The scales are preserved as im-prints in both specimens. They are relativelysmall and numerous; 81 vertical rows of scalesare preserved in the holotype and thus, a total ofmore than 100 vertical rows to the base of thetail is estimated since the whole caudal peduncleor even more is missing. The number of scaleson a single vertical row cannot be preciselydetermined, but there are certainly more than50 scales on the vertical rows of the flank. Thescales on the flank, immediately behind the pec-toral girdle, are rectangular, deeper than long(e.g. 5.5 mm height and 4 mm length in the holo-

Fossil Record 9(2) (2006) 253

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type), but they rapidly become quadrangularposteriorly. Both dorsally and ventrally the scalesare smaller, mainly shallower, but also slightlynarrower so that each transverse row is ante-riorly inclined and some additional, incompletetransverse rows of scales are intercalated in be-tween the complete ones ventrally. The scalesapparently overlapped each other posteriorly.Peg and socket articulations are clearly pre-served on the anterior and ventral regions of theflank in the holotype, but they are not preservedor absent in other parts of the body. Externally,the scales are ornamented with numerous obli-que ganoine ridges, irregularly anastomosingposteriorly and not reaching the posterior mar-gin of the scale (Fig. 12). The ganoine ridges aremore numerous in the anterior portion of theflank (14–16) than in the abdominal region(6–8). The dorsal and ventral midlines of the

body are not well preserved in any specimen.However, a dorsal raw of small ridge scales ispartially preserved in both specimens. Theseridge scales are of comparable size with those inthe flank, and this row seems to have been com-plete between the skull and the dorsal fin.

D i s c u s s i o n. Challaia elongata (Cabrera, 1944)was originally referred to the Australian genusMyriolepis Egerton, 1864. However, the avail-able information on any of the two species ofMyriolepis is very poor, including only featuresthat are also present in other primitive actinop-terygian taxa. Challaia elongata shares with Myr-iolepis an overall similarity in the general bodyform, relative position of the fins, squamation, avery oblique suspensorium, and a large gape andlarge conical teeth. All of these characters canbe found in any acrolepid fish (see below).Furthermore, Ch. elongata differs from Myrio-lepis in several features. In Myriolepis clarkeiEgerton, 1864, the type species of the genus, theoperculum is much smaller than the subopercu-lum, which is of uniform breadth (Woodward1890). Challaia elongata also differs from M. lataWoodward, 1890, in the general body form, the

Lopez-Arbarello, A., Freshwater actinopterygians from Argentina254

Fig. 11. Challaia elongata (Cabrera, 1944) n. comb. A – out-line drawing of the jaws in lateral view in PULR 104; abbre-viations: br – branchiostegal rays; d – dentalosplenial;m – maxilla. B – detailed photograph of the preserved teeth.

Fig. 12. Challaia elongata (Cabrera, 1944) n. comb. Detailedphotograph of the external mould of the anterior flank scalesin PULR 104 showing the peculiar ornamentation with numer-ous oblique ganoine ridges, irregularly anastomosing poster-iorly and not reaching the posterior margin of the scale; ar-row points anteriad.

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relative size and shape of the preoperculum, op-ercular bones and branchiostegal rays, and theornamentation of the jaws (Woodward 1890;Wade 1935). Although poorly known, M. hibernicaTraquair, 1893, and M. pectinata Woodward,1908, also differ from M. elongata. The first ofthis species is a much smaller fish in which thepelvic fins are small and narrow (Traquair 1893);M. pectinata has deepened flank scales, twice asdeep as broad (Woodward, 1908). Therefore, inthe absence of any distinctive feature supportingthe referral of Ch. elongata to Myriolepis, theseSouth American and Australian fishes should bekept as separate taxa.

On the other hand, Challaia elongata closelyresembles the species of Challaia, from theUpper Triassic rocks of the neighbor Cuyo Ba-sin. They share a similar squamation and similarshape and proportions of comparable skullbones. Challaia elongata differs from Ch. striataRusconi, 1946 (MCNAM PV 49), in the orna-mentation of the scales. The scales of Ch. striataare also ornamented with ridges, but these areless numerous and proportionally thicker than inCh. elongata, and they anastomose only seldom.In Ch. magna Rusconi, 1949a (MCNAM PV2790), the lower jaw is more robust than inCh. elongata, the posteroventral expansion ofthe maxilla rounded and the dentition is differ-ent, consisting of very large and stout, tightlypacked conical teeth. The type and only knownspecimen of Ch. multidentata Rusconi, 1949b(MCNAM PV 2792), is unfortunately lost andaccording to the information given by Rusconi itmight be a junior synonym of Ch. elongata.

Among basal actinopterygians, Challaia resem-bles acrolepids (Aldinger 1937) particularly inthe characteristics of the scales, which are deeplysculptured with posteriorly to posteroventrallydirected ganoine ridges that cover the exposedsurface of the scale completely, but do not reachthe posterior margin of the scale and variablyanastomose posteriorly (Agassiz 1833; Aldinger1937). Similarly ornamented scales are alsofound in Howqualepis Long, 1988, PteronisculusWhite, 1933, Turseodus Leidy, 1857, Ment-zichthys Jubb, 1965, Australichthys Gardiner,1969, Aestuarichthys Gardiner, 1969, Willomor-ichthys Gardiner, 1969, Ameghinichthys Arratiaet al., 2004, Colobodontidae Andersson, 1916,and Ptycholepidae Brough, 1939. However, thecombination of characters described above is un-ique to the taxa included by Aldinger in GroupsA and B of the family Acrolepidae (Aldinger1937: 254). Also, the characteristics of the skull

in Challaia clearly differ from colobodontids andptycholepids. In colobodontids the suspensoriumis vertical, the preoperculum has a broad plate-like dorsal portion, the operculum is much largerthan the suboperculum, and the postorbital por-tion of the maxilla is relatively much smallerand triangular than in Challaia (Mutter 2002,2004). In ptycholepids, the suspensorium is alsovertical and the opercular bones are relativelywider, and the postorbital portion of the maxillais relatively smaller than in Challaia (Brough1939; Nielsen 1942; Wenz 1959; pers. obs.).Therefore, Challaia is tentatively referred to theAcrolepidae, pending a thorough revision of thisfamily, which is beyond the scope of the presentpaper.


The presently known fossil ichthyofauna of theLos Rastros Formation includes four differenttaxa (three genera, four species) of basal acti-nopterygians. The relationships of Gualolepisand Rastrolepis are unknown. Challaia elongatais referred to Acrolepidae. Most acrolepids areknown from Paleozoic rocks, but a few membersare represented in the Triassic sediments ofGronland (Acrorhabdus, Boreosomus; Aldinger1937, Nielsen 1842), Europe (Hyllingea; Aldinger1937) and Australia (Leptogenichthys; Long1991; probably also Myriolepis). The Triassic ac-rolepids from Argentina represent the youngestrecord of the family in Gondwana.

Compared with other Triassic ichthyofaunas ofGondwana, the presently known fish fauna ofthe Los Rastros Formation appears relativelydepauperate (Lopez-Arbarello 2004). However,four species were identified among only five col-lected specimens from a single fish-bearing stra-tum in the Canon del Gualo locality. Given thenumber of distinct taxa identified in the limitedsampling of this apparently very productive hori-zon, fish diversity in the lakes of the Los RastrosFormation may have been much greater thanour current collections suggest. Also, the ichthyo-fauna of Los Rastros appears different fromother known Triassic faunas of Gondwana inthe absence of “perleidiforms” (Lopez-Arbarello2004). “Perleidiforms” are generally small fishesand thus, their absence in the described fishassemblage from Los Rastros Formation may bea preservational bias.

Challaia represents the first fish taxon com-mon to both the Cuyo and the Bermejo basins.

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So far, the only other vertebrate taxon commonto both basins is the temnospondyl Pelorocepha-lus (Marsicano et al. 2001). In the Cuyo basin,Challaia is found in the Potrerillos Formationand the overlying Cacheuta Formation. The cor-relation between the Potrerillos and Los Ras-tros formations was already demonstrated onpalynological evidence (Zavattieri & Batten1996; Morel et al. 2002b). The Cacheuta Forma-tion is dated as Carnian-Norian (Morel et al.2002a).

Finally, the fossils described in this report areall representative of large predaceous fishes.Mancuso (2003) interpreted these fishes asallochthonous forms that entered the ancientlake from rivers. An equally plausible hypothesisis that the large predaceous fishes described herewere inhabitants of the ancient Los Rastros lakeenvironment. Regardless of their inferred pre-ferred habitat, which may have included bothrivers and lakes, the fish reported here are defi-nitely of freshwater origin. This is an importantdistinction because most known Triassic fish fau-nas are marine in origin.


We thank H.-P. Schultze (University of Kansas, Lawrence,USA) as well as O. W. M. Rauhut and H. Mayr (BayerischeStaatssammlung fur Palaontologie und Geologie, Munchen,Germany) for enlightening discussions and valuable advice.The reviewers G. Arratia (University of Kansas, Lawrence,USA) and C. Poplin (Museum National d’Histoire naturelle,Paris, France), and the editor, D. Korn (Museum fur Natur-kunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany) areacknowledged for appropriate criticism and suggestions. TheUniversidad Nacional de La Rioja, through A. Arcucci (Uni-versidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina), andthe Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropologicas “JuanCornelio Moyano” Mendoza gave access to the material.The material was mainly prepared by G. Candido andR. Aguero (Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew,Argentina) but also L. Berner (Museum fur Naturkunde derHumboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany) helped with thepreparation of one of the specimens. G. Janssen (BayerischeStaatssammlung fur Palaontologie und Geologie, Munchen,Germany) assisted with the preparation of the photographs.The material was collected in 1995 during fieldwork sup-ported by the National Geographic Society (to C. A. Forster,State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA, andC. L. May, Geological Society of America, Boulder, USA)and the Museo de Ciencias Naturales of the UniversidadNacional de La Rioja. The present study was carried outduring postdoctoral fellowships from the Deutscher Akade-mischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) in Germany, and theConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientıficas y Tecnicas(CONICET) in Argentina to A. Lopez-Arbarello, who iscurrently supported by the DFG (German Research Foun-dation) under project LO 1405/1-1.


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