friendly chatter

Post on 14-Mar-2022






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May 2020

The picture above was painted and donated to our facility for our resident’s.

There have been so many acts of kindness during this challenging time.

THANK YOU TO ALL…………………For Your Wonderful Acts of KINDNESS

Celebrating Easter!

Resident of the Month

Ellen Tidstrom

Ellen Anne was born July 1, 1929 in Ashland, WI her mother Meta was a nurse in town. As a child they lived

one block from the shore of Lake Superior near the base of the Soo Line ore dock. After high school she

started out at Northland College in Ashland and then on to the University of Wisconsin at Madison where she

graduated with degrees in education and speech pathology.

Ellen taught speech pathology in Greenville South Carolina prior to getting married in Ashland in 1954 to her

husband of 64 years - Fred Tidstrom who passed away in 2018. They had their first of 5 children in Tennessee

while Fred was stationed at Memphis Naval Airbase. They returned to Ashland in 1957 where they raised their

family and worked together tirelessly to make Ashland a better place to to live. During her time they helped

get a new high school and a new regional medical center built in town.

Ellen has 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren with number six due this month. She always had a big

labrador by her side. Ellen loved to cook and entertain along with sewing, gardening, feeding the birds and

every other wild animal that showed up in her yard. In her spare time she traveled to her kids and grandkids

sporting events all over the midwest.

Char’s Corner


For some of us the month of April felt like we were in jail for a crime we didn’t commit. For many on the “front

lines” it felt like the month would never end. An April we’ll never forget. But the promise of May with trees

budding and leafing, grass turning green, birds, we haven’t seen since October, serenading us, and flowers

blooming, turns us into grateful people. Life coming alive again. Neighbors come out to greet us (like ants out

of woodwork). Children once again playing ball, hopscotch, hide n seek, tag until the sun sets. We can sit

outdoors and feel the sun and watch live little creatures coming out of the ground for they know spring is

around. We see people driving by in convertibles with their tops down. We’ll just sit there soaking it all in.

Welcome back May! And April is just a memory. Submitted by Char Jorgensen

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Shakopee Friendship Manor Healthcare Center

Comforting Scripture:

Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Roman 8:39

We wish to express our deepest sympathy to the Family and Friends of the following Residents who have passed away.

Dorothy A. Jean D. Colleen C.

Birthdays Residents Staff

Lois H. – May 11th David L. – May 4th

Gerald S. – May 14th Laura G. – May 7th

Caela H. – May 7th

Leah W. – May 13th

Daniel M. – May 17th

Madeline D. – May 18th

Mary M. – May 24th


What is the fifth month of the year? MAY

What is the fifth day of the week? THURSDAY

What is traditionally given for a fifth wedding anniversary? WOOD

What is a figure with five sides and five angles called? PENTAGON

Name the letter that there are five way to pronounce in Icelandic. F

Name the marine invertebrate that has five legs. STARFISH OR SEA STAR

Name the five sense. HEARING, SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH

What did Jack have five of in the story “Jack and the Beanstalk”? MAGIC BEANS

What is given on the fifth day of Christmas in The Twelve Days of Christmas song? GOLDEN RINGS

What are the five Great Lakes of North America? ERIE, HURON, MICHIGAN, ONTARIO, SUPERIOR

Complete this old saying, “Spring has arrived when you can cover ______ with your______.” DAISIES,


What is the name of the building that is the home of the Department of Defense in Arlington, VA? THE


This is the old-fashioned term for a store that sells a lot of inexpensive merchandise. FIVE –AND-TEN-


This is the phrase for the slight growth of facial hair that is visible at the end of the day? FIVE O’CLOCK


What are the five boroughs of New York City? BROOKLYN, MANHATTAN, QUEENS, STATEN ISLAND,


Name five books of the Old Testament, also called the Law of Moses. GENESIS, EXODUS, LEVITICUS,


Name five Ws of journalism? WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY

Name the members of The Jackson Five, musical group. MICHAEL, TITO, JERMAINE, JACKIE, MARLON 1968-

1975 (Randy replaced Jermaine in 1976, and the group became known as THE JACKSONS.)

“M” Word Game What is the second day of the week? MONDAY

What is the offspring of a donkey and horse called? MULE

Name the spiral galaxy that contains our sun. MILKY WAY

What is another name for carousel? MERRY-GO-ROUND

Name the months of the year that begin with the letter M. MARCH, MAY

Name the animal that is the largest member of the deer family? MOOSE

What is the word for 12:00 at night of middle of the night? MIDNIGHT

Name this running event that covers 26 miles and 385 yards? MARATHON

What is the name of the traditional spring festival celebrated on May 1? MAY DAY

Name two widely celebrated holidays that are in May. MOTHER’S DAY AND MEMORIAL DAY

What is the name of a soft, white Italian cheese with a mild flavor? Hint. It is often used on pizza. MOZZARELLA

What is the name of the bed that swings up or folds into a closet or cabinet when not in use? MURPHY BED

What is the name of an imaginary sea creature that has the head and upper body of a woman and tail of a fish?


Name the creamy salad dressing or sauce made by beating together eggs yolks, oil, vinegar or lemon juice, and

seasonings. MAYONNAISE

What is the common name of the program in which meals are delivered to the homes of disabled people or


What is the name of the infectious disease that is characterized by small, red spots on the skin, high fever, and

respiratory difficulties? MEASLES

Name the cartoon character who was originally named Mortimer? MICKEY MOUSE (Walt Disney’s wife thought

the name sounded too pompous and convinced him to change it.)

What is the name of the highest U.S. military decoration awarded by Congress for gallantry at the risk of life

above and beyond the call of duty? MEDAL OF HONOR (It was established in 1862.)

This test was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at Harvard University. Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without making a mistake. The average person over 50 years of age cannot do it. 1. This is this cat. 2. This is is cat. 3. This is how cat. 4. This is to cat. 5. This is keep cat. 6. This is an cat. 7. This is old cat. 8. This is person cat. 9. This is busy cat. 10. This is for cat. 11. This is forty cat. 12. This is seconds cat. Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down.

Painting Owls……………. hoo-h'HOO-hoo-hoo

To decode the secret message, write the unused letters in the order in which they appear in the puzzle.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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