from intuitive to data driven and evidence based hr

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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From intuitive to data driven/ evidence based

HRGuest lecture at VU/ HRM & OB

Tom Haak9 September 2015

Content1. My background in HR2. Trends3. Evidence based HR?4. Some final remarks

Part 1: my background in HR

My background in HR

Philips (CE)

Challenge: • Business: heavy competition Japan/ restructuring• HR: How can we attract and retain talent when we are

downsizing dramatically

Interventions: • Global program for high potentials, focusing on

interactions with clients and top


Challenge: • Business: from specialist to broad advisor• HR: How do we select and develop partners with the

right profileInterventions: • Competency grid, fom graduate to partner• Development center for managers


Challenge: • Business: many aquisitions, how do we make 1+1=3? • HR: How can we align leadership and business


Interventions: • Bonus system with joint business as criteria• Worldwide leadership meeting


Challenge: • Business: from Dutch multinational to global company• HR: Feeling part of global company while working locally

Interventions: • Focus on global top 200 key positions• Global Shapers program

HR Trend Institute

• Detecting, following and encouraging trends in the people/ organization domain• Supporting organizations to use the trends in a creative

and innovative way• Sharing insights

Crunchr• An online solution for HR reporting

and people analytics• Consolidates and validates

available data from HR inforamation systems and Excel sheets across all business units and countries

Challenge: Sell!

The HR Agenda

A. What is the strategy of the organization?

A’. What are the current issues?

B. What are the capabilities need to

strengthened?• Leadership• Technical/Functional• Operational

C. What is the required culture, to avoid issues and to be successful?

D. What is the gap with the current


Clever use of

People Analytics

E. What are the priorities?

What is the plan? • Focus! • Preference for high

impact/ low effort initiatives

F. What capabilities and what

organisation are needed in HR to

implement the plan?• Mission/ vision• Roles & responsibilities• External partners • Program/ project mgt• Communication• Measurement

Recruitment/ Selection

Staffing/ Succession Mgt

Training/ Development

Talent Development

Performance Man

Compensation & BenefitsInternal


HR Trend Scan


HR Agenda simplified



Culture Capabilities

HR Interventions

Some possible interventionsRecruitment/


Staffing/ Succession Mgt

Training/ Development

Talent Development

Performance Man

Compensation & Benefits

Internal communicatio



Do nothing! Health & Safety Compliance

Part 2: overview of trends

9 trend areas Short desciption

From hierarchy to network / from closed to open

The invasion of smart tech

Globalisation/ Localisation

From X to Y to Z: more generations in the workforce

Making fun is serious business

Purpose before pecunia

Increasing speed: fast eats slow

From Big Bang change programs to small experiments

From intuitive HR to evidence/ fact based HRVersion 2.0 | copyright HR Trend Institute


Kotter: Accelerate

Enterprise Behavioral Matching

A computer with a roof (“The Edge”)


DKV: Artificial Intelligence in the boardroom


Google NL




The Vitesse example

Part 3: evidence based people operations?

Summary: • Actions often more based on

intuition than facts

• Scientific knowledge very slowly applied

Recruitment & selectionWhat we know ……

• Interview is a poor selection instrument• People overestimate their own capabilities• Halo effect (e.g. nice looking = intelligent)

What we do….

Accenture Sweden: Diversity

Network Analysis


Gamification in recruitment: Wasabi Waiter

RewardWhat we know ……

• People are motivated by more than money• Bonus systems hardly ever have the required effect• Individual preferences waht people find important in

work cary greatly

What we do….

Arcadis Global Shapers Badges

InnovationWhat we know ……

• Innovation is difficult to plan• Is multidisciplinary

What we do….


Zappos HQ in downtown Las Vegas

“Casual Colision”


Adobe Kick Box

LearningWhat we know ……

• People learn most on the job• Reflection is critical for learning• People have different learning styles

What we do….

At AMAZON meetings start with 30 minutes silence

CommunicationWhat we know ……

• One picture tells more than 1000 words• Messages from people close to you whom you trust are

more credible• What people say is not always what they will do

What we do….

Joy & pride

Muse: no survey

Health & SafetyWhat we know ……

• Sitting is unhealthy• Difficult to concentrate longer than 25 minutes

What we do….

Sitting is the new smoking

Visser, Rietveld & Rietveld

Some final remarks

Human nature does not change (so fast)

What are people looking for?• Security• A sense of belonging• Clear goals• Being heard• Challenges• Success• Support from the top• Attention• ……..• ……..

Individualisation• Not: one size fits all• Big Data enables individualisation• HR using marketing techniques

Final: questions?


Twitter: @tomwhaak, @hrtrendinstWebsite:

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