front cover analysis

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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front cover analysis


FRONT COVER ANALYSIS1. What is the purpose of a front cover?

The front cover functions as a device to entice the reader into buying it.

2. What is a MASTHEAD?

The masthead is the title of the magazine, usually found at the top of the magazine so it’s easy to see. The name, font and style of the masthead is carefully chosen to attract the readers attention.

3. What 3 elements will be carefully considered when producing / designing the masthead?

Colour: bright colours will stand out the most but only if the contrast with the background or main image of the magazine.Font: Style:

4. What can you say about these mastheads?

Good Housekeeping: when I consider only the masthead it does have a good bold font with a bright contrasting colour to the background, the style of the text is easy to read but it looks abit squashed up on the front cover.

PC Advisor: looks boring and unexciting, when someone looks at this magazine the first thing they will read is the tagline or main article underneath the masthead.

Vogue: the style is thin and is difficult for me to read, with the contrasting colours that change within the text, it makes it harder for me to read.


Seen near the masthead, usually informs the reader what the magazine is about

6. Can you think of any examples of taglines for magazines?

Heads will role; OXM issue febuary 2010

7. CENTRAL IMAGE / COVER IMAGE: What are the connotations of this cover image and which coverline does it belong to?

The cover image is of the singer Nicola Roberts. She’s wearing a blue piece of clothing. The picture has been edited because the image of her is flawless. Her pose his a mix of sexiness and mystery.

8. What does ANCHORAGE mean? Look at the verge cover and explain how anchorage is used to help the cover image make meaning.

Anchorage is the meaning to the text, what the text actually means. In this example: “The girl we all want to be”, this make Nicola Roberts seem irresistible.


Secondary images are smaller images usually in the corner or in an unoccupied are of the front cover. These inform readers of another article, which is important, these come with their own anchor line.

10. What is the purpose of a cover-line / sell-line? Examine the cover lines on the Travel magazine and explain how they work to make meaning.

Cover lines are located in numerous locations around the front cover, they give little insights into the other articles in the magazine. There are usually about 6-12 cover lines on a magazine cover.

MODE OF ADDRESS: How the text speaks to the reader11. What is meant by DIRECT MODE OF ADDRESS?

The cover model looking at you or pointing directly at the camera. Using 2nd person pronouns like “you”.

12. What is meant by INDIRECT MODE OF ADDRESS?

Were you don’t talk to the reader, the reader is able to understand what the magazine is saying without it telling you.

13. What are PUFFS and PUGS? Circle examples on the Cosmopolitan and Pugs cover

Puff: this is set against the background and they often offer a freebie, in cosmopolitan it says 100 extra pages and free mineral bronzer.

Pugs: these normally indicate a promotion.

14. What other important pieces of information will you find on a cover?

Barcode, price and edition.

The barcode should not obscure the front cover, best position would be in the corner. The price is usually found near it. Edition informs the user on what week the magazine belongs to this helps if the magazine is released every week, they also tell the user what number it is, e.g: number 554

15. TYPEFACE Give an example of and explain what is meant by a Serif typefaceAnd a Sans Serif typeface

Serif is curly writingSans Serif not curly

16. Colour scheme: Identify the colour scheme for each student magazineUfouria, Canada Student, Drama Student, Honor Student, Nu Life, Verge

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